THlj p\TE OV THE LABEL IS.THE DATE VOI R papjsb W1LU.IJE STOPPED watch the label ON YOUR PAPER 1 AND DO NOT LET YOUB SUBSCRIPTION * EXPIRE ' J. W..NOELL. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. ; HOME FIRST. ABROAD hjEXT. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE VOL. No. XLIV ROXBORQjJMORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening, March 16, 1927. No. I I. Many New State? Wide Laws Made By General Assembly ? um miss ion Named To Make 4 Survey. ? Two Constitutional Amendments IM ??posfd; Emergency Judge; Highway; j Child Labor Outstanding. 1 .2 IS ACTS PASSED LAWS Lead School vpMaUxMlcn Xun/'. incrc^s ! to : 1 ? ~ Ernerjre.n?y jucljrship 'act. Vu t ho i;i Ziition of $:|O,J{K>O0O() vfor - :chw.Vv> ar t jnvirjar. state highway ; .mmksion fowri to iout<- roads. ' < " H i Id labor law. limiting \v;rk of . ?iQiheri between. ages of 14 and 10 ? ?'. j cHght hours a day. Chariginir datc"fi>r- issuing aUt?? Tobitc license to January 1, iftaif'-wide game law. Creati<7n of commission to sfcudy ixatlon. Submitting '? Con*titu ? lection i providing f-r clarification f property and fix in g lower t :ix in. ^ tangible*. % t^SFftiiriissfrin creaunt to- rrgukrte .?n*ratiOn of vehicles. Authorizing bridgv 'ovim; Cape X far Kiver at Wilmington to fcfrtt \ ? Authorizing appropriation f :r ". tnd$ to be embraced by Smoky . Jcuntain noti-ml park, Measure >pee<Jii?g up liqUidatiiVn i f \f unci banks. . : ? Larger Confederate nebs ions. Bad t?heelc 1 spur with "teeth/* Orphanage school* to >hare in '?iiU- cquifizatioh fund. JletorVn Tr ?y? tenia of ' county j^ov nmrnt Raiicijrh, March r2.?-A totiil cf ?; '.2QS bills ani 43 resolutions were nacted Vnio law by -the past general ^<vmbly, a grand 'tots>4 of 1 ,~4H laws ? iompar<;d to 1,-43 laws in >f the many taws passed; about 100 -vp of, /vtfdl interest to the state, ?dth piasibly another 5.0 :1p some . *ay applicable to the entire state ? a|r of such h technical nature; us .at to. warrant doseriptton. here. The tmerjrenvy Judge tret; the $30, ?0,000 rbad b:nd law. and the ao ... ynrrpanying -measure g-iving. the ijjhvray ' commission the power to otite highways. the enactment c;itt '%% dfrwn the hoars during; which; ? -hiVcter lu*t,vo<M 14 and 16 n:rty > ;o:.V:i the change .vl. .automobile ct-nsc- date. t<> .January I. the. A tat'' ? -. ':-diR. ira'twe bill and the;.iirn ky Aloun .i;u j ark measure stand pui real .?regressive laws. Tit- cbiii mission > Study tu'\at'ut:i will ?\vobabl.v .do crl< of. nV(?rji' value to the state, thaii : rny' othei: . bti<t>- o! men set "t;? \vcik ?'ii.auh ^er.\.tcpi fat ?* a .new ,ll?\v* 'tiring ' t'ftfs ^^islature iust -pa (ile ? thi pit-sage . f a- law" saltid-g P. ~~~ ? ;??: ? ! fill. ? ? ? ? v^tom. ,-uM^by . the - p^wiiii* ?at- ? t h< " ' ? /i/"' ' ? I. thft. t^irht - ' at-'. a Kwer i;aUV' t ?"! repcrty. .\y}J ign :do\vh as; another fi? stop :tiou ai\ls : ia a I pi ogre'.- 9 in ;:/\e e"o'njt>ni':c . 'admir.ji.tratU.ii' .of." : ?; e? .1 overnment ? of ? this stat.* an.j |>Me ' tiixftt? h. . \v!',v! t' , it ? "?v i 1 1 be, ihe .>a.K. burfjensbin'iH : ? Xj^n- e Da Ur~ ( Gauged. The iiUtM>j^c"}jire. I i cense dat*v ^\va.? ".handed \ry thv cr m ' f A I asscnvbly ? om June :J0 ?, December .'II . with f.ei* of* !2/> cents added to. the. <rst of the . t-aj;.. to be issued . t)? i> Grningium. Those half Vear ing* , vi> c*cst exactly half ~tfu> u^ual cost <lu:s the "quarter" and whole year 'J\ ics wHI then be fc^ued in I>ertfm^ er. 1927. -?* ? .Tiul liglit^, n>?nt? be chrritjd on all ? >rayfln?- and .-oth^r ? vahlclm on all .tage highways of the stat*\ The .state is authorized t b.-ue r :i0.000,000 worth of highway" b.mds .r a continuation of the road Inii-d !1K program and part of this money '%? to- be u?ed' to ptiv back curtain , o^atl^s, where the program was .omJ)l??U:d with Ihe cbaaty's own vv> #'and^. A bridge will H>e btTtH^ -ovr*1- nhe v.:&po Fear fiver at WiVmmgt:h at cost of $1,250,06^. To)Ih will be barged and it is believed that these oils . will4 pay for- the b.ord- u"d ii^terpst in iers than tO^"nrv 'The ligh way- com in is ;r Ion* will ccllect "/he : -Ih ? rnt# -tale .. j;. nuxdi-Jt' wjpg t'lt-flir trr ;h> - fOUnTv; ? I 'X , ? V. ' . ? *rr I. ? ;\l.[lliiiT ?.? oi<ii.r. Death of Mr. E. B. Yancey i Sir. K. p.' V ailcey. who. hat) bpe.nT i in dpcHiuhg health for a long timy, ?lied ? list -Saturday f II i ri |JT at Id 'vclock, age i)(S years. . The funeral >.i r vices . wei v held from the Baptist LCliureh,- wjtn his-past r. Rev. \V. F-. West ccnductitvg the services. His Vody was laid to rest' in Btfrchwood .''t mrtilrj.' M ,nr;ay A f tern c on. . t Mr* Yancey had been a- residcrt of | Ro:4boio icr -?iVioiit". &">' $"Var,v and i was vyell knbwYi to all. He joined: | himself, .to."' the Fifit Baptist Church soon after m vilip 'to Rnxboro, and. Was, a consistent and faithful mem ber all through the years He was a member of the b ard of Deacons for -about 2) years- Brides his wife he leaves three daughters. Airs. K. M. Spencer. Mbses Julia and Roxarna, and one son, Mr., John Yancey, all of Ro.vfcaro. ? ~ "A Little Clodhopper" In a letter to Dr, H. M. Beam! J Director cf the General B. Y. P. U. at Rcxhcro, Mr. W. C. Kendrick, 1 leader pf ' the Intermediate B.. Y. P. U., Mebene. has the following. to say ah'ut "A Litifle Clodhopper" as presented by ~^our B. Y. P- IT. tost Friday evejvirg. "1 want to tel> and your B. Y. P.. U- that tVo play given lure way. as &ood as most professional player.-- would have put on. Each one played his pait . wolf and s mebody lis due the credit for gettiilg it -up [und those young rteorle. I am sure you feel -pptfud of them, for they "have made a R"OCd impression here and am sure t'hey' will do the same where ever tne'y g<>." The Senior B. V, P.'U. will pre-cnt it, "A kittle .Cnodhojipei^' Saturday ' evening, March 20th, 192? . in the1 :4chool auddtoi'ium at Jtflong. ^ , | large attendance is. expected , and the play will J>c better. 'Jjlrs. C^afrie Bradsher and Mr. D. R. (Jake) Tay 1 r will render solos. Remember the date and dont forget that "A Little <Todh:ppei" gt*ts better each per-. i -forma n ire. '? , j Not Qur J. T. Hughes In Monday's issue of. the (ireens i'b-pt o JCeys ' appeared an account of ?a difficulty betSvccn*vI. T. Hughes nrtd wife. Ji seems/that Hughes was chocking hif- 'wife, when she grabbed a potato knife and slashed him a - . ? an . arm, .causing- a . oc'.-p flow !' Mood, |rT?ccs -u rating carry i.ny. ?Huirh'f- t ; tlif *hft5.T>ft'aj.. Of c.tiu'sc the no'pie in this- stc ?? t m.'i; w ordered what ' had* v jiie ovf r j'urpm, lor they thought it must". bo im, as. hf. ha^-bietl <>ne of t.he .most .p:;j.giTtVnrt?$ -"n our ? immunity while iryifcl here. Bat ii iv'iic otn .-Coutiiy. Ma?< Vhose ^iyen -4*tti\ic ;,fr j ?nif.? \ uri-'in, ' buV, one " J: tin . lluyho ?rf (ireeiisbcr ? . Mr. Turpin R u^Ln'-s 'ji-mi-'his-. wift> were in- Rax >vhipr. the difficulty happened, ;.n'fi he wants all i f his old friends know it Wan another 'TV Hughes. "Honor Wins" The Helena Hit?}". School piipils . wil! present "lienor .Wins/' a three1 ' act comedy. Friday everting March M,_ :it 7 :30 _i>'cWk, ffhe ?evening \^\ i 1 1 be tilled with -entertainment, and ! laughter. A number of snappy choruse> uill- he given by the Jtigh 1 -.oho l hoys *ahd '?U*ls< There wllL b? one chcruK of mixed voices. The ; frutth and fifth grade pupils vri 11 to ? the ? relight '"of * the ? scrap ion. Admission 15 and $5 cents, Masonic Notice There will he a regular meeting ' of Roxboro Ijc<tge. No. ^ll^ A.. F. & ; An M.. on Tuesday evening; March '22, 1927. Work m th?* third <ieg ice. C. /L harris, w. sr. \ A. C. GKNTRY. &k ? i Rt-Uioke sound; connecting Daretind tCurriittck* counties. . This, .bridge will also be a toll bridge, coating jsr hoot 46tKM00. Dare county will the corift lue.tLn .imiL tolls arc. < xpfegtcd Vo. pay for it; in a' sn^rr ? of : : ? . ... Smoky Mountain' Parte ? -r? < ijiil iwufil' mi Pu l.> j'i < ? ?- - ? " . ? a ? ' ? ' ? ? r- ? ! KOKSVXHE TRIAL IS j SCHEDULED FOR TODAY i-1 t | I | Smjthfield. Miucl^ 15-t? This " j lit Me eastern Carolina ?* low n f j will be the scene tppior.row of; j - one#o& the state's big murder j ' trials, yet Unsolved* and still a j I mystery to ;r larije extent. j I Evelyn Britt, pretty Durhinr ; | %ir\ Robert Sopark and Hob- ? 1 j ert Stephenson. Raleigh men, I i charged. With -killing- l<. G. I j ?? ".Mighty" Fiftsythe last Xov- | ' eniher, will go on trial. In- | \ ? tor est .'here in the ease -today j i mount ed h j gfcer and ? rr-p.icked, a ; j ecKirtrcom is expected. ' j Governor Appoints Two Special Judges Raleigh, March 11.'? N. A. Town* send, of Dunn, and Clayton Moore, Cf Williamston have beer, appointed the two 'special Superior Court judg es, from the east, it was announced no: m ? -rT-ht*y will take office on May 1 and Serve until June !30, 1920. The past Genpral Assembly au-t thrrizeti the governor 1q appoint four special , Superior Court judges, two f rem the east and two from the we?t, tvho are to devote their -who'e tiipe t: the work. ?" ? Store Robbed Some time. during the -night Fri day, robbers forced an entrante In to the store; of Mr. "W. .C. Allen,. of ittie Pusji seefcsHi. through a window and carried off. more than one hun dred ? dollars worth of merchandise. As we have .-ita ted before , there ..i?, t?o much. of this kicd of business ! gciiig on in* this good County and it ' f as become a puzzling propose* tich as tt just how it is . goin<2^ to be broken up. The County finances are not sufficient to afford, ritual, police pro U'.ctitn and about the . on ly way we know ot Co suggest at the. pTesent is; for every man who is * operating a store in a rural section tp place a fced in the..sT:re and buy a first class shot gun and sle^p with it in easy reach and when you hear a man breaking into your place of business for the pUippse of robbery, give him a little, (ipse '? s o mfeth iii g.*i hivt "? il Ua?t tr^^rT to get he r pleasant as eating ice cream and peftchea,-... .-'/V . First Baptist . Church .Sunday Schol TO a. m.. R. Li,; buVh, Supt. ?? 'Preach in'fr. li a.. m. Subject: "The Paraclete Of Our Faith." 7:30 p. ni. Subj<??t: 'Official Markers Alo'np the (Christian, Highway." ' B. .V! 1J. IT- 15:30 p??-'hv. ..GsnGrtfl 1;. V. * t!i .7 : 1 />? 4>. r.i.. P>; Ji. "XL; Bcajii, diroc-t': c. ... j ' "Tm-. < ;.i\- >vr;t . n. ' that -ye ? lpipfrt j J" : icj ? ' at Jf iiv-- i ? .'hi' Ch : ist. the I Sbh: of ? Goi; v!tv; that believing- ye i iiiisrhf have life through H i> nhnte-'lj .J no, . r A'^r^vTTial welcome i.- extended ? ail. ????:.* ? _ . W. F. WBST. Pastor. 1 Baraca's Entertain Philatheas ? T4jc Baraca class of the Bap tist Church entertained the Philati^r class yesterday afternoon at a Bruns wick stew at Happy Oak^t the coun try home ot' Mr. E. V*. Boatwright. ! There were about 80- guests and a most enjoyable time was spent at j this Uyely country home. , j . Tk<v Getieral ^ Y.P. V. 'of the! First. Baptist Church, Roxbbro. V. ffc ? instructed its Secretary to express to '-Mrv picjc ? Wojxijt-its./ ,re?iVts I for the omias'tCTt of hCs. namn itfr the ? report of "A I. it tie Clodhopper" which appeared in The ?*>urieiT~"jrmi j it*- appreciation for hi? valuable ?*. ) vicL*H?i^hich he rendered. V ;i 1 v?? -w+*h*d to Jji pnk the " hr m of ( 1 rck and Woody for the us- of the furniture which they #o kindly i ? granted fheni.? > : ? r? ? i <^_DANIFL; SecT; See Corinne'GriflUn'.s latest achieve nrrt I UK I.Am IN Kl:.\llNK' -,i j 4 Pfciace Theatre. ami Tues. 1 i.l .iv 1 hp a <vi f i'..- ? ? : r Cot to King lAKt July an oil ft<^d wild-catter. Today worth J 10,000,000 and an Oil King' Such is the story of Kobe rt F. Garjand, 36 years old, native of Ohio, who brought in "Discovery Well," first of the Seminole (Olcla.) -fij-IJ which is already producing 10 1 pjV cent -of th? total output, of crude oil in the United Statea, ac cording to oil joum*Ut_v____ Improvement We. are always dad to notice any. mark of improvement in oar pcod town either in' appearances,' or for. po-vssrtal convenience. . Mr. G. W. Thomas, one of our live merchants has made ccnside ruble improvement in the appearance of hla-store . frbtjlt by havinp.pflt. in un up' to date nr. d-. ern front, which, when completed will compaoi? favorably ?_ with the very best. With the exception -"of ' jiist a very few of oar Main , street ; store front*, Roxboro will compare with most any town of its size and many that are much larger. We be I'OYq this is ?ood business judgment Mr. 15 us mess man, ?ive the buvin# public a nice up-t ? date place in ap pearances to do thei^ trading ' in and., tell them through these columrv- the many reasons why they will be wise to patronize , you, and we believj it will more: than repay you for the coat and efforts,. Bethel Hill Wins The Itathcl Hill Hifrh School tvcn ? _bvhsg^reof 49 to 22 in the-' basket ball Va me 'fplaye3~ wit}T "t he Wake Forest CblieRe All tftar team, cn the locflU. court riday_N*i^ht. Many - ob, ev.vera cf the pam-e say the Ye)* >w Jackets" play* d the best ^anu l ad - ever witnessed on tho B. the! ^ouvfT Bailey }od ill the scoring for Beth o 1, making 1 8' points rviftjilc A .'"Wnlk vr and K Wilburn <?ach ?cored 12 points. The All - Stars did their best P^.ajrtn'g in the last quarter. Ccach Geo. "W. Smith, who ha^s charge." of t ' e : t^anf'for the :pa>: :hret? years- is prv:'ud. f r.--'r<t they .have mnde this Reason. The ' team hfts the record .of .beinc ?m Vlefi-ated . by. any hi^h >;h:o* _ played ' during the T020-27 >c-!u-rlulo. Four-' ti'en traijies ave bcor plavrd ' and only one . lo> t. Bethel Hill ' i.a fVOred a total, of -127 points .'while op ponents have scored i Points. "Professor Pepp" "ProfessSr Pepp" is a farce i;om- . Hy with a colloRf flavor, . K.'t'ry person who iovc.i. fun afcd u-ho will' like an evening of delightful -en1 Jcrtainmint must" 'rf thfx play lvhen it is. presented to the public of1 R x boro. A .well, selected cast or fir-" tens who know how to interpret their character parts into rear pp. - pie .will make this .-.ow a success, ' iL-SOll be too (rood to miss; so lo;k , fo; moife . detailed announcements j and Ihe rvart date nf thi? shn.v ir. l noxt week's Courier. . . Teacher* Institute A teachers -institute, conducted by MtVKerr, w?!l be held at the Presby terian Church "here freglHnln^ ."'un- ? 4ay evening at >7:30 o'clock. Ses- ; i'T- will be h eld each ??veping* thru : the W4?ek at 7:30. ' 'All are invited to meetings. '{ Township S. S. Institute There will be held n Tmvr hrp Sunday School Institute at Clements ? Baptist .Church pat .Sunday nr. ?Mai.-h --'Tnr. irr-^Stn U. m "The* i?ih, lie- Is. cordially invited' fif nttend this : HARNETT COW MAN IS TRAPPED IN DEEfMNELl F n^Liquay Springs. , March 15.-^ ilefl \sh worth tonight was su? penfled tw< -thirds of (jie wey d-own a 70 . foot ' well, .ten mile'4 wc*t 'of berfei the rock sides 6f. which hud caved in on him. Nei; ? 'bors Were working to effect his rescue. ? Ashworth had started to the. .icttom <i the well and when ?he . got about 50, feet down the cave- in' ?>cc\ircd. W-oi.k; was at < nee Commenced removing heavy stones and ex cavating to prevent th<> cavinu. in of earth around the rock '. curb. ? .Ashworth was still .alive ai ti oclock taking with the men trying to effect his' rescue. The well is located in HaraeU county. Pretty. Home Wedding - ? ? Occurs At Danville Danville, Y:\.. March 12. ? Miss Alice .Pendleton Boatwright, da^igh 1er of Mi-: and Mr-. H- I... Hi it? wr;ght, wax married at. .Her honic at 0 o'clock this evening, to Walter Harold .Williamson. i:rm.erly. of. >fx>i th Carolina but now . of York city. The wedding while i m-, pie was largely attended wit Ha number of di>tintryiVned ?Ytt\*ts .',;>?'e for the. event. Miss BoatwriglU was giy&n in mart i age . by her .father. Rev. James M. $heiburne. pastor: of the First Baptist church^ officiating. "Miss Maricn Boatwright, sister of the bride, wa* the maid h.oncr ^.pd Mis. Robkrt Sanfc9d, of Evan? ton, 111., a .sister of the Grille, was rHe dame of iciior, serving with Mrs. Henry Page, of Aberdeen, N. Claude Tu*on, of Carthage, was the best man ' ajid Bobbie Boatwripht, , nephew of the bride, and a grand son pi" Senator Carter .'Glass, 'was tho ring hearer. * Mr. Williamsron formerly, lived at* K'ajthrage afrd is a- graduate of the University cf North Carolina, being . identified with the Chase National biink in N'ew York, Miss Boat wrig-ht was. educated in Panvil'.e, N'ew York and Parks. They wiJl I've Lat 'Kew'; ;<kifdcns, T-cng. Island, X. , V. (Mrs. . WiHia^iSon is ;> siste? of) ouv townsman^ Mr, K. Y. IJontwHght, jr.;/ Jihcj is well known. hete. Vavin'p. beeu a frequent visitor 'in hi>, ?"?me 1-^-Ed:) ^'V '. .v" ?' ?- ' Mission Rally The . General, fioitrd cf ? the Bnp t in St uT ? C n\:.(>:vUon. of \vhirh " Dr. rharl'e? K. Aladry. "Kni.ifi-. jrene^il. Seyr?t,Ht>% uniting on <yv - . i ,tl . i < f Mix Rallies t:.,ru . ut the fibite ? d urine March- .'ir: ; April with- view k. intorihiVij* .th? Paptivt plf ahtr'at the* \yoiv; <>!' v .it; ?v*'^?m'injiriio?!aV..:-'j-.roeisim -aii-i." of warming th'^ir Jiearts. for 'm ? : > - sacrificial .-serwiee lop the- SaviogY. . The rally whieh the people C* this section will be rnosl v.ituUy in terested will .be Vke one t" be held In the. Roxbeid First Baptist* Chut ch Thursday, .\tareh 'J 4 fronv lOtfKv to ; 3 p. m. J)r. Samuel H Teni pieman, pa - - tfcr of t-ve First Baptist- Church .M Klizabeth City,- who has led tbis church in a marvellous fot'wnTd movement, will he one of fhe. pfincl pai sipcUke^s at this meeting* Other speakers frcm Baptist Headquar ters at Raleigh will be present. All the pastors and representative men and women fron) each ef the Baptist, (-'.hnrehej of tHs sect inn are _LXp<etid at this meeting. Dinner will be served at the church. . <>??".. ? /? Co. Teacher# Meeting ?A Gounty Teacher's Meeeting t'er tttt ? "f '.hi .elite U'Uvtirr* 'A ill ? hr held in tfce graded achool building ?; Saturday, Mjfrrh 19,' at ten o'clock. All teachers are urged to attend. B " I S ATT ERF 1 Eil.l ) . Services At St. Mark's IteV. 11. DeC. Maz?vek \yill hokl ^-ervifes Sunday, March 'JOth. in Si-. Mark's. Ky>ise>pal Churwh. at 1J ? iv .^.'g 7'."V> m. IV" u ;ii glad W bava-alV those thaEr can. came and worsjup with us.. . JSllGH INTEREST BEING shown mmm I'tTHon County Farmers Awake fiing To Fact Land Must Re Ttrraced TWENTY MEN NEEDED ? ijpTifif'erable- ?. interest; .is beihg"* manifested at the field meeting* in the different forms where terracing ? Cerrt^atrati vbV. a re being sehedu"'^? ? i. p (i Iready orders for Boatrnm.Fttrrr !i vols, -have-; been . placed. Thostf a1>. , t nding the>e meetings are not rn- , , mindful of the fact. .ths\t their soils :ir * Ai . away from t'em. and are amending thev- meetings f:r thrt purpose of learning how to terras* their lands to keep the creeks and ' rivers runn.yig red with the. blood of their washed Away land. There will he several of these: terraces* ' scat tered over the county arid more will' he made ax" soon hsjOPP- rtunitjr ^te> ' fefcnt* itself, vy* neearot Fw than twenty- men with instruments in th.r bounty to take care of the need f >? jt^ is work and in a short . time ther*1; [ wiO be several * meH sufficiently traw . od 10 ' ' their lands and their neighbors. The broad-base graced ? ridge u'r iacer generally known as the Mar uum terrace *is the. best type for AVernse.iftOiU or land with mcdernte ;* ? -sj.opts \ not ? exceeding ' " 1 5 feet, to th huiVcrvd). -trW terrace is. ? a broad bank of earth behind -which the water, flows with :i gently fall and low veHcity to . some, suitable oat I let. Kaoh field' has its own peculiar problem, but the following impor I tii iit* ? feature-' should rec? iye artet: tion whenever this terrace is to-.W ! U<Kvl. . ? ?Terraces . may outlet into natural Wftter c;ui;ses. roadside ditchers r atural draw's, at pi'C per ty lines, fence rows, jrrass-covered pastures : and the edge of timber land. Ifec slope of tht- !hnd beyond the ciit~ Ut shouW bC a way from the ter Contihued On Page Kight Intermediate B. Y. P. U. Program for March 20. 1027. Ab raham: Keith. lircup N 2 on 6ut.v, ^fifcs JlTary Woody, leader. ' S;p?r. My Faith t.ookj Up to.Thw: Vv.iyrr. f!y Rachel: Bra'diher. ?, Ti.- ' S: sweet, to Trust la' I. >us. ' . ' ? ' ' F.u= *: ? Bible Hfhdiiijt, Neva I.unsford. i.udcr> 4ntn ilai t. I . Niiiry \Voody. Sword By Thomas' feowla. .A'bra^hr On the MoK By Vltjrinia Miltb!: . Abraham's Call, fey Edwin Fou j -rher-. ?' - *' . '?*/? Abraham's; St.n, fiv .Mai' Id ? tee PeVkir,^. . ? A'S'-aaiah.'s 'cakh In' d:\s- Premise, Hy* Talme.Rc LinLr. Song,- TW. Ejpnd of th^ ltnad. Prayei . By president. . Very Attractive One f the most attractive s nit inviting ()huo- here l 'j\v is the new \ ife laon 'X opened by the nyxnajCW 8 * of t'hi Royal Cufft on ? Miiln.^Street, r.oxt dcor Vn the Pi>si tff'icc'. . The R yal Cafo ha? been run on Depot ? Street for a number of". years, and -h"ave t f joyi| !tn onusua} btisme?*, - hut to more thorough ace mniodato ; their . eustomers and. be .more eon venier\t to the traveling public, they will nuve to' the new quarter* above / mentiorcd. The Rcyal Hotel wdi r run a.s a rooming Hotel, with . , rrieals served at the Royal Cafe on 1 -SySn. ' ''? '' '? '? Olive Hill Parent- __ . Teacher Association I he Pari-ni-TeacnM? Association of Olive Hill ipiM-meet at the school -Thursday afterftoon, March 17th, at J:30 p. m. Rev. W. F, West partor t Hoxbjao Baptist, Church, will be* ther '.principal weaker ..xil the .aft^r ^ . aaon. A full attendance is iteaired. r-~ O I r^? It :is alright u laugh igtst if the ~lauyh IflftU. . . ? ?' 7., ' J ( - nw (;i itfith' in "THK t-Al>V IN M ;*t- I'alitee Theatre- Man <la>v? 1 Tue*4ay next- week*

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