1 TOK DATE ON THE ' 1 I.ABEL IS THE ' ^ ii iTr vni-i> I DATE YOl'R PAPER WILL BE STOPPED OX YOUR I'AI'KR AND DO NOT LET YOUR SL'BSCRUTIO^i EXPIRE' }. W. NOELL. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. HOME FIRST v ABROAD NEXT. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE VOL. No. XLIV ROXBORO, NORT H C AROLINA, Wednesday Evening, March 30, 1927. No. 13. Hurdle Mills JSchool Closing lev. P. .Cary Adams Delivers A Potverf ul "Sermon At t losing Exercises BEST YEAR IN HISTORY TTii- thriving little VUla^e and a oaihuUilty ol Hurdle Mills wai very mch alive ou Friday and Saturday 1 last week It wus commencement week with the Hurdle" Mills ."High school and carrlcd with it the usual ' -"viderices of mm fled gaiety' and sad Tn a ? multitude ' ? iTrr-r-rrrr? ;rls such as arc usually listed a? le student body in a hlqh schol you will tind a pretty lair ample, of the -my and varied types of the human ?imilv but we feel safe in saying Vint ydu will find no where a finer el of &oys and girls than -the stu 'eiH body of the Hurdle Mills high chool We have always had a big ?tool in our heart ior these young oBr; and Friday evening' Just as the '*a<u hand pointed to '.h*- hour al ??igjil the curtain 'in 'the auditorium ras drawn back and for a period of <Jjout two hours the vast multitude '?rS mothers. ' fathers. friends nn<l pit* on? who filled .' up the auditorium i?d broke all past records 01 at ?mdcnce, was amused and entcrtain <1 with music, song and mirth. The '?>?hto* program clftsed with -a ven V ^eKy-and impressive operetta- com ?cised of about twenty yoiiric boys . ntnrtrtr. some, of fhoin we fetclsure. id fair to take their places- on- the ?a'"' -e". ol life. sufficiently equipped ?a nw" the islits of life. Saturdny tidar. Teadincs Homing at then-thirty. the eier .opened with "America the -3eautilul" lotlov.ed .by recitations, ladings, etc Thte school m_ one. of yst lortunate few in ? the County to. ave a Bible class trained under the able and efficient leader. Rev. p. _^jxy Adams of Roxboro. - On the' -nal test nolle1 of the, Claris' registered isn>r than ninety, the til roe high est being Misses Ruth Hawkins. Thtl a? t-ong and Nellie Edwbnls.- Miss Uwkins won the gold' fijpdal with a - - erfrc'. paper Thplma ..Long second ?with tini" slight error and Nellie -Awards third" with one , small crroi . This record, "within itself .speaks Well or the efforts ot Mr. Adams in ?rainier these boys and .girls: as a TcUminary test gave an avcrige uii icr lifty Following the reading, of ?: 121st' Psalti:. -Rev. P Cary Adam; ii a '? V- 1 able and eloquent -.vcv *esc}ied the commencement sermon, n (his splendid discourse -two vital ss-iies of life :?ere painted on an .rtittiiinar canvas and we khow. Ui* ? i-etter Title to -these two pictures .than Action* and ? .Inaction," His sermon - ' '-?}[ I'll? a'itlY~l)k.'.aul7 and eloquence. ? ??(it- mil'd enough in ats .simplicity that '? Hi'' A folk- <-H)ld understand ; .. Jliat a* the sermon 'was being clan*] ? -up! ' ?S !?. ??;;lTfi'!'.ejcl made Pis :,p tafiince .and was- Invited . to'' njafce ? *, ' A i > iiiRrU ..id si* ? have never, .t'-i.oi * a m-ir-.i; s-rieech crowded T M - o short ; .' peri.y. The "entire terniif -i- as I >em irrt. the athletic ??tlit- 'the- 'outcome at which" wil) be tven in a. "'parau- article. ,\t eiglit-: clock ;> ;p , live ? :-:ercises \ver?,'r& . svmted "ill < he auditorium and j'or i.Wii. Hours-' br more th? audience w;as ntert;'. n: "i i inqsie " injr ahd com-. ?0.7. The lijial order , i ? \erci.i wa jiIHm*-" ;hs Jiethodfatt Church Sunday.. .-nornlng. Then Pror ance m fin- wall chosen remarks . W* ? h? ctosinn address The en ire period was lull of interest and ?? feel grateful to ir ich student, srid f 5r ererythin? thai whs done v.nd "Proffessor Pepp" , ^T^e play, ' Professor Pepp.' was if nfen by the High School .students ?;v5t night in the Grammar School tiirlirnriinn hilsI ? *** Lmwri hv u uli hoyse. T )w> characters were urw usually fine, hjicI was weth received. Thc play' was direews by ittss Sthel Erwin. ? who has special talent js this line , Thr proceeds of the jrtay will go awards purchasing a curtain Jor the iatc* at the Hteh Stfhotil auditorium, uad thP splendid receipts will ma frrln. with the imrc*iase. Boy Scout* \ty ill Serve Supper The Boy .Scouts bl Brooksdalo wtjt J vrvr an. oyster supper ln^UUTlmac " TH-IH H ?.!??? l. ll ll _ M?_ cordially Invited. ' " ' ?' * ? ' 3lr Arthui :>???,'?? '^uwikuhI'. j^jtv "TtfE LOST WORIT*' at Pal ?cc Theatre Friday April 1st ___ Earl Carroll Ordered To Surrender New Vork. March farfT Carroll, theatrical producer, to day wa.s ordered to stirrendtr Monday to- begin the sentence of a year and a day in the fed eral penitentiary ? at" Atlanta. Oa* imposed as a result of his famous "bath tub" partv. The producer has been at liberty under $5,000 bail since his conviction t>n a charge of perjury. CarrolPji transfer to Atlanta is expected to .be made early next week, it was said at the federal building. . Clean-up- Week lie Public Spirited: Clean !'p; .Paint Week April lih to 9th i Combat the enemies sloth, indiffcr ( encc, dirt and. neglect, with broom ; and rake, paifrt ' and brush, you can r improve the luuki. uf you hom* and ? brighten the neglected nooks and corners. ?' Pile your thash orderly, in reach of the truck and it", Will be moved free of charge during this week. The trucks will begin to move trash. Tuesday morning at 7-130,. starting .at Brooksdale Crossing. branching. East artel West from Main St; moving Norths t hrough . town to beyond the North-End Pilling Station; . Have ybtir trash rpady. The' last three days < i the . week'" v/ijl./be: '.inspection' ? f days/ ? V It s p.. frght jfor Health,. Happiness and Real Estate values. \Ve want the ? cooperation of every 'true citizen of ROXBORO Civics Dept. -Woman's Club. " Q,. .. . . ' _Studio Opening . ? o? : ^ Tne new Little Studio was opened .nst night at an informal reception tendered to the public . by . the pro prietor. Miss Louise BrOoks. ui the studio above the National Bank op, PdtloCk street The Kpoclouk rooms were attrac-. lively' arranged for the opening, with a profusion of cut flowers. and- Val entine hearts were strung- over the balustrades and around vne .doo. ays. of the ; rooms; ? Punch was Served during the eve 'niny to the puliibcr of persons that called to inspect the. studio. The iCed drink was served, from a serv ing ' wible. . tastily decorated with bamboo and jonquifs. Guests were invited to register an a studio guest L book.; .. . " As souvenirs of Ui<T. occasion: Val- j t ntine ^rBctijies in. red and white ver^, frive.iv - Mi-', the callers These ?v.vf in the nature ol .coupons ex-, ' changeable for 10 per cent, disco unt .t'n ardors for photographs made at ,lhe Mpoio. 1 P: . Assisting -^T^s Brooks in .receiving -.;u? int,. the evenly were v ied Middle. Win PaDic-r"* Annie brooks And Sadie Whitchuis!/ rand ^ Mew Bcrhian. J Still Captured $he.;ifi N. V. Brooks and deputy ? W., it. Gentry went dcrtvn in chV sec-. | : : !? * ? fearly M^nrr- n mho > and began Xt> Iqok" around ? to'" see-, i "hat they could find . in. the line of. ? After searching .around - ffUite \ some time ihev located a fifty gal-l r-n outfit *hal !wd? just . been a j tew ; days ago. the owner1; and op?ra- I tors pfobably intended [ to- use the i fimif' location aciain at an early date | but the timely interference pf Sheriff I Brooks dethroned their expectation ?! 1 The outfit was captured and brought to town. Mxy arrests were ma?*er? ? 4 Death of Mr. Ragland Mr.. John B. Ras?land died at Ills ! home in ? Va un the 2 1st. ? -iar ft | March and was buried- the ioHow- j ijiZ. clay in the old, l&ntty._.cerT^tery. j Mr. Raglan# was a brother , of Mrs, j R. A. Alien of -Route Five. Roxboro. and had quite a number, of friends In ?hts county will res ret -to learn of hi? "passing. Notice! Notice! ~~ Thrte will be a dinner Riven by ! tjf?e ladies of Edgar Long Memorial j Church. In the. basement of the ' church. Saturday April 9th. at 12 , -i?*W?ek. Menu;' Brunswick. stew, chicken salad course. ice cream, cake 1 ? Hfli nnfftg "VlKKl - ? - - v. Farmer* of Norih Carolina will ul ?' ? ? ' .-'? "? '? ? 1 1,1 potatoes u>biicco: and pcanuu. -this year ? ? | Ofce Cothran Placed In Jailj w ? ; i I>eput3 Ifradsher Improving ? Nicetv And Will Soon Be on ' Till A i.. SET FOR APRI L Obe Cothran, noted oiotKader. v, ho was painfully ..hot in n gun battle I I nitfi Person County officers last i week and who was later removed to Watts Hospital whsre. It was thought tor several days that Jits . oands miu h* , prove , latai; ? liqs r< guvood Stifllciently to be removed to the Durham county iatl , ..here he will be kept until court, it will be re membered that the lively battle took place in' and around an old tobacco barn near the Cothran farm which had been converted into a regular' liquor factory. Prank Bradsher. one of Hereon^ Counties' young deputies" was pain fully wounded in this battle and ? is raidly recoverins front his musds and will be able to be out and at his puM. ?#ua t.oon, . Blonde Wins Agaii BeHty St; Paul, Minn . $eem* partial in Miss Pearl Cramer, twice wit hi* I ' a year electing Her the city's "mof>t beautiful." this tinn* to i^p ;?Ment her town in Galvc.<tt>n, Tev . ipHng beauty contest, She'.s a Graphic Story of the Savage AttacK On Foreigners By the Chinese Is Told by Refugees Attack Was Under Official Control and Directed Against All Foreigners WILD SCENE AT NANKING Shanghai, March 27? The forefcpa eirs' who suffered the Cantonese at tack at Nanking, in which on^Anier-. jean was. killed -and four injured, be lieve it wa$u ? prcmed'taicd. and Qft g Sneered by persons familiar with the foreign interests in the city. This is the conclusion of a stater ment drafted by "authorized 1 epreson ^tatives of- 67 Americans, mostly mis sionaries. who arrived . at Shanghai today aboard the American destroyer Preston. | "It was . obviously ; under -official control1 and directed against ail for I eigne rs. irrespective of nationality." I the statmeht savs. The Preston brought as casualties Miss Anna E. Moffet, . who was shot twite by Cantonese soldiers.- and E. | T. Hjjbart, manager of he Nanlwjws. branch of the- Standard Oil coni|w|hyT who- .vail c red a broken ankle itv es caping from jSocony Hill under cover of Thursday's' naval Uortbardnie.nl . Both, were removed from the Pres ton to Che hospital. . . . u* Another paSserir^r wa^' r-i&. .J. E. | Williams. . widow of ? . the inurdered | vie? president of Nanking university, i. Dr? Williamiv shot by a looter, was | buried -By Chinese friends in "the "Nan king . foreign cemeWry .jlist before the . last of the Americans ' left. ? "After" "The' .firing-' from the-':;>*:-eVaw warship*} ' Thursday a f ternoojx t he soldiers kept'- oyder, / Foreigners obr I iriined military escort or- were hunted j cut by Chine V' friend .wad assembled if one buildint: of Nanking univer sity.. The. university . students ? pro cured the, protection of this bjffitTiritr . by : the ifiil Italy. 1 . ."However, -not' a few foreigners, had to spend the i light in hiding, and reached the university only when '"huiiit-ed . 'cut by loreitrn or Chinese friends. .... More than 120 men. women and children were llnally ' assembled at the university a commit tee was formed; and efforts were made to CTet mto contact with the United Suites , consul or the destroyers in t. Yangtse. . j Commendable Work ? In renewing his .subscription F.. J. | ?I.iffrms, ? uu ? el ? Ihf fYmntyS hfftt , colored farmers, stated that when he , began his crop in 1926 he ms SI 800 j indebt. 6W!hf to failure of the 1925 j ifap. When he had sold his last load j this year ho was virtually out of ' debt. und jMw ready for another crop. , Would that every farmer in the eoun fy coulcj say th'e- tMruf thing. . j Making Improvements The Davis Drug Co. is making ex tensive improvements on the . Iniule of his place of busine-v. To accom modate hil> 'laftji ttnd growing trade he will move his fixtures, fartfier .back an(l ; make more room in the .front. hf-inpc nmmiiy linpi ni^Timi.rTiT' THr genera) arroriggmenti A t,-i-> . ? J TT1B 1-OO.Ti WOJO.I* Htklay Uit" Thel Palaec Theatre. Mat - inee and SiRhj. A*pfU Ut? Japanese Destroyer Commander Takes His Own Life * Shanghai, March 29.-rl4eu ' tenant K. Araki. : in command of' the Japanese destroyer HI noki. arriv6d in Shanghai to day from Nanking and went -aboard the flagship of the Japanese forces and reported to the admiral and Ihert ^coni^*" mitted suicide.. .Iraki left a note indicating that his mind had been un hinged by thr; horrors he had seen vat . 'Nanking. ? ; a v'i V" .?'] Lonsfhurst .to Celebrate Fourth Anniversary r ' Lonsjhurst Council 01 ; Junior Order, of Jalong. give's honorable mention t^ two' brothers. J. E, Roberson and l/Muon Oliver, who have brought in" the" greatest number of appircanoTnr ?' or membership dtiririg. the ipast three ijionths. As a reward for their faith ful service, the Council will- place .up on' the 'walls of the council hall a life,, like portrait of each. The couii- ? cli will -celebrate t !}? fourth , anni vex 7 rai-jf ' oii > April. 16th. at ? '-eight o'clock , p. m\; With appropriate, Exercises. We hop(-. 'all member!; will be present. Presbyterian Church Sunday School pt 9;45. CiO well, Supt. Morning service at II 1 r.. m'./.scrrnan -by the pastor . A. con gregational ? n?iet?n^ will be held af- ? f rer services f.or the -purpose ot 'read- ' , ing Lite annual reports that must be r sent to Presbytery. Sunday school ' at. Mitchell . .Chapel at 2 p. ni Preaching :>t Warrens Grow school ? i hotise at 4 p. m. Prehotying at H q1* in a ut 7:30 p.'hv P. CAHV vOAMS Pastor 1' . : ?? tO-: ? ? ; Miles Pharmacy. Mr. M. C Miles of Henderson, has ' bought the furniture and fixtures of ! the Palace Pharamacy and will ! thoroughly renovate and overhaul the place and open up* with a gen eral line of druggists sundries and 1 the accesorieS which go with the j | modern drug store. He will have; ! his opening ip about ten days ot I two WFTte ? and will ? mmouiun ? the ! date later through these columns, 1 We w*lcom* Mr. Miles to our BQOd , town and wish him much success. In Hospital Dr. B. F- Love was carried 10 the hospital last Saturday and under went an operation- for appendicitis The operation was very successful and we are plod, to sav to hts host of friends that he is jetting on nice ly. -j:: Services At St!. Mark's - Pf" m yj a/\w . vUii luMii ?*.. . vices- Sunday. -^Aprtl 2nd. kt 11 A. ' SLI*5j? 7 30 p.. m. at St. Mark s ' FnironnftT I^nrnh at moaning" service All are invited to attend. - - Meeting of Gran ^ ville Presbytery The session of the Granville Pres byter/; wilt meeet with the Presby terian Church at Roxboro April 5th and Cth. There will be. a large n'tnl ber of delegates at H'hn- riteetjng. We j hppe that ' friend* who oa*i en- ' "teirtain . some of these men will let Mrs. Ed Hill , or Mrs. Croivell- know ? how many they can take. The meeting will1 open At 11 a. ] nil. Tuesday morn in :? with a sermon j by Rev Jo-rprh Mack of Hoanoke Rapids. N. C. the retirinV Modera tor. Regular business will We tran sacted in. the afternoon At 7:30, p. m. the Home Missions i Committee will have charge and; Dr. McDautfhton. Supt. ol C oiin t y. Churches in Presbyterian Church . South will deliver the principal ad dress oh the importance of the roun- 1 try church . Wesdnesdav morning at 11 a. m . : there u? n ^gnrm fry Dr.. W. . Mc White pastor . ch First Presbyter Ian Church. Raleigh. The Lords i Supper will be held and Rev. Ken - nlsnn ol West Durham will assist . in ! this service. . Wednesday night at j 7:30 Foreign Mission bommittee will give ' an interesting program on mis - , sions;. Rev. Chester Alexander of : Snuthhel'l X C.. will have charge ol i the meeting; li'j.. ' " ? ' The four popular meetings"* w.fll- toe 1 \ ery\ interesting to all. You and your ? friends are invited to. attend .cr.^h and every one. The business' iriefct;* ; ings ' that are . htfd between t-hpsel f popular-meetings deal with the work of the church, ? They are: natural '..routine work ' but we *!ill. be glad if you will attend these hidings 'oo It will jiive you ldts ol information ? about the church's work. j P. GARY ADAMS. Pastor. Hurdle Mills Boys Win Th< rea&ers - of The Courier, who i : are ' - oa.? bfill enthusiasts. will be pleased to, read the splehdid record made by the Hurdle MilLs high ?chqpl '"boys' ? xi a double-header gsune -la^ed 1 ; .Saturday p. m. The? first game was played between Hurdle Mills and Cedar Orove This , was a very lively game and the victory registered by - Hurdle MiiLs oyer Cedar . 6 rove was I . eleven"-, and-- nine. being fair proof that .these 'boys haw the ability to ; bring .home the bacon Th i- . score i in the second- irame between Hurdle -Mills and Jioxboro registered nine- : k'tcjen against thrc.e m favor of . the.' Hurdle Mills team. . The^- - bo?s _ are ? (jft. -the map to ;K:iv and bid'' :air-:;o-:j ? fur nifih ? the -. .sport; world .some- niter- | i--t;ng y-.-'ading.. i.nattei;. . ^ ? Change In Auto Laws To Become Effective April 1st Will lie Violation To Coa*t I,)own ttjll By Throwing (Jears Into .Neutral HARF) ON DRUNKS Po\ boro and Person County mo torists. ^no several thousand. in iTiimb* r mould' ' t acquainted witli : t . .< itun^Sj-. A .core or. more ol important changes in .the .state automobile law* were enacted- by the last session of the Oeneral Assembly, man? of. v.-hich will work to make driving on North Carolina highways faster, yet: ?more safe according to a summary fl?- new laws. *" 1 Mast of the laws become "effective April 1. although those conorraau; -license plates are not effective until July I After April iv- it will be a violation '-1 'h'- law m'otori.;,r to coa^t down, jjrade by throwing gears into neutral. -Drivers .convicted of r? k les driving are subject to a fine of $25 to $500 or impri&nment of ft**" to ftO cjay. Penalties are to be. doubl ed >or , second violation.. Harder on Drunks The drunk driver .'is to . be sum taarUy dealt with under the* new law Person: comicted of driving while - t mtoxkJated are ;o be pynlshed . by [ irnpi-isoHment for from 30 days to , cri- year, ot a fine.' of/ $100' to $l.oo*i. or bath. S^cynd offenders are pun ^isliaijie by imprisonment Of not ley ' than- 90- aays. . Sjjfee- speed limit n - State: highways ir- increased Irom 35 miles to 45 miles aiV. hQirr. and hand . signals must, b? ?iven lor stopping, starting; or turn - jhq to right <3r leu: The ! law prohi- ' bits signs or stickers .61 any descrip tion bemK -parted oh the windshield, or the side or liear windows of auto mobiles: ' _ | The railroad stop law. was repealed, ;i>ut the State highway commission , was given power to designate certain crossings where i: will still be. in ef ? feci The commission was also gjv- . en power to designate stops at cer taift intersections, ov entrances to tfcu* 1 Highway., .The maximum weight* of vehicles ?was hrhited 40 n$rie tons and * tit* : 'width. of vehicles to 96 . inches and inspectors were given . the right Jfe? inspect truckis or load?c^ aiuomobkk . at any point and- to * order- the un? riQ^dms' of exefchs weight Jlear.. Lights AiV. vehicle are required to rarry ;,;ear lights, although l>qrse drawn Vehicles may carry reflectors which : re approved ' bv 'the State Automo bile department. The Highway cte '}?artment" va- given the right to, test lights oil all' cars 'and ' issue -a. ? r est-> certificate". . ? hich' the t law ? pre - ? ides must be carried at all times. .The . lights hnist not show a glare above- a ? hp'o.ltf Of 42 inches at -7* ?.!vet. , ? . .; ,\ ? . Effective ? July." *1," plates will .be' / issued ' it. i- m.% months and- oh Jan nar. .17 192$, platen : ojd for one year will be issued tor" one 'year'."; thereby' putting the license > stent on , the ' calendar year . basis. 'The new tags vill, follow , the car. instead -of - being - issued to the owner afc at present; 'License fer>. are modified.. placing autonieibllt's 'di 25 horsepower or le$> in .the $12 50 class. At ' present this, class embraces, only, cars oi 24 horse - 4>owef. or ".less. In changing the li cense year ' ^i fee of 25 cents will be ? ' ] chitrged for he six-month license plate to cover Vlw cost The ' laws also - provide that _ reg istration cards be attached to: the instrument board of. each car and that the State shall issue a special . holder for these ikrds, for which a f ee^of Mr cents is charged.' The state gives the motorist the card. - I First Baptist Church ?\ Sunday- 'School- ; 10 R..L'7\Vil burn. Sup!. ' " ? ? Pr?acViin? U -00>. ?nv snbec.t: '??The.'. Fiiimmc Sv.ord.' 7 :-;o" }>.? m'. . subject ? _ ?yrtir* Tragedies . i^idr -'JBlessiiigs of* -if;- i . Tfte ordinance OJ the Lord s- Sijpp<'r ; , will be observed at the close , of the ! morn!Q? service: It. V P- 'If. 6 C> :n. . (LVcnvral - p C P.; XJ. 7-:l?*; o? m;. Or! ' H M Beam, direrto) Special music ;.t the preaching '?? service. ? "T *"*"7" " 7 - . ' .. -A .cordial .'AfU-opie is' extended *t.'? ? all - W. P. -WE^vT. Pastor Does Not Apply To Person County There has- been considerable agita- < ' an fljj to the State -game "law; Mr. Harris says "the fee of $1.00 a.*; re quired in- the State law does not ap ply to those fishing in Lake Lssak Walton, and that any one' may use ; the old fashioned ii&hinv oole with hoofc: There; are no frills about fish ing Lake Isaak! Walton, just follow the instructions as printed. and'ymH are on the safe side. ; "Eyes Of Love" AX Helena High School "Eyes of Love" A comedy-drama in three acts. by Lillian- Mfirtimcr with Ave males and Ave . females. f will be given at Helena High School audi torium on flaturdny evening, April 2nd, at eight o'clock, under the aus pJces of Antioch church. Time, two hours. Everybody- come. Admission. 2 b unp- jiV r'pnlsl^ - ? 7 ' . ?. o ' A tripr up the ^mo7-on to places riQver ? \?l(Tr- c L', ir.ar.' ink. UJf-i 1 WORLD at PoJ.a,ce Theatre 1-Viday April lit. ' . 4 . Back to Old U. S. A. A ? tIts ? ; i aiii' ? Hn ? ? Tuadu p. m., brought the slad news to tlw : a rallies of lanv-rxxl BraUsher and Robot! Baynes "that they had lahdrd safely on American soil. The* two youns men are irom Bush; Township. thLs county and have Ln China for several years engaged in the tobacco business They ' hare a. host of friends wbo will be glad to know that they are sale .home Meeting of Woman's Club The Woman's Club will meet Mon day afternoon.' April 4tTyat 3 c* in'" tfrrMiome A musical proghup has' i^nvriif. ' Va.. riV' .oToist.' bers are urged to be present.

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