WILL PAPER HE -I? WATCH THE LABEL. OX YOUR PAPER AND DO NOT LET YOUR ? SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRE T.W NQELL. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. HOME FIRST. ABROAD NEXT. ^ $1.50 PER VEAR IN ADVANCE VOL. No. XUV ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA. Wednesday Evening, April I 3, 1 926 - No. ! 5 T ornado Raze's T exas Town Many Killed, Or Injured; Cavalry Ordered to Scene J tock Sprincs in Southwestern I I>ai I ul the State is Scene Terrible Storm. Practically , VII Boiltlinu'.' ttein;; Levelled t)TAL -HEAD IS OVER "00 San Antonio, Texas, April *12 One : ?uridred *and tvtenty-six persons v-ere i iiled. by a tornado' at Rbck Springs; i "exas. county seat of Edw&xds coiin- i tonight, according to a telephone i :essa?re received here by Mayor ?Chn Tobin. Dr. W. A. Kin?, city health officer nd Fire Chief J.. O. Sarran were i -nt by Mayor Tobin to. the stricken :t\ with mstriirrinns to . render all I vwiKtaiice possible. ~ ? J- -j The mayor's message fame from i ajnm&bel Rote; hia neice. who lives \ t Rock Springs: So ? jnany -persons . were frilled, in ? ircd or misSingr that it wis impos ,ble to pet an accurate check of the ?asualties. said a message to the San intonlc Express from the Rock c i rinc trlephory, op* rattfr ? vlro -ltfced from a iwlc n mile "from Rock i ^ prints.. ; ' Only five or six buildincjs iii the ?)wn were left standing. the same. . .essa^e ' said. The tornado struck he town about 8:30 p. m ~ A detachment of cavalry from Fort fiark. at Br&ckettVille. was ordered ?; > proceed iQ Rock springs. ' The ^oiiUiern -Pacittt railroad .sent 'rescue. ? -?artv overland 'from Del Rio. "There* :v no railroad into Rock Springs which lis in southwest Texas, about ...3 miles northeast of Del Rlo._ The population of the "Btrteken ^ is . approximately BOO persons. 1 ti ls' in the center of the sheep raisr ,T and cattle country.^ ; ? -o Easter Program At North Roxboro On next Sunday. April 17th. -the Sunbeams of North Roxjxnro Baptist ? JTharch wtll render an Easter pro gram, as follows: son?? Christ . Arose. Prayer by all. 2nd? An Easter Dream, by Nettie Valker. ? 3rd ? Easter Flowers. by Nina 1 Valker. . 4th -Only A Little Sunbeam by ' >eUie" Walker 5th^ The Hindered Christ, by P-achel Dunn. 6t}v No Sunday, by Eunlcc* Bla qck. __ ?"> 7th-- God s property, by Eula . Yar- ? 'voro.-. i 8th ? Tl*fe Prayer1 Jesus Taught, by ? Viracip Dunn. 9 th-- Angels W'Vvr'K . by. Mary bell 'anlel. Coitie" Little Sunbeams and enjoy OVfo program. . Tvli.ss Nettie Walker. Cf. Sec. Notice To Tax Payers There was .enacted at the past T est -lalure an An entitled -Now Count v ^ : .t\ which makes it irnperafivc" hat the Sheriff shall on the first -vlpnday in May furnish the Board of pouirtv Commissioners :> full and - .omplete itemized stateifient ?_>*? aH uncollected taxes lor thr [-.lu^'en? tax ears, and the .' "Count v CMniruss toiler r ? -halt thereupon order saU- of all land or taxes "where the taxv ; 'have not ^een paid. This means .til- ? ? . m .iudinv 1926. This is law We.ju'f ompelled to i*nforo< The CoinmV ?loners have no discretion. r~. law requires them on the flrst Mm :1c n May to order a sale of- 1 i? land oi fill delinquent tax pay/r;, the ;Hile - 'O be had on the first Monday in June. N V. BROOKS. ShertiT. * ? Easier Egg Hunt For Sun-Beams There in-ill be a meeting o( The ?iun Beams Saturday at 3 p. m . in rhe Baptist' chijinh. after which an Ranter EM hunt will be mven lit the :leid back o( ML'--. Susan lirudshrrs lotne Please remember to bring J.'our otfnrtng ? ? ' ' Notice The Woman's Auxiliary Tof^St? ^Mfc> Ohuroh win ? hold"" their - ,.n ??iuaI .m'Jiiiiu Milr .m-t-htirtren s rlof.hei ' ana* rUHuv ;iri|i ? ~ _,mtu ? Marines Will Sail April 20 for East Washington. April l2.jThe third quota, Qf 1.500 American marines t<* sail Trom Sap Diego ? - for ultimate duty in China,' are expected by Secretary Wilbur to depart, about April 20 for Olongapo in the Philippines. The secretary said today that the marines would go fo the Philippine*. station to be held there unless diverted to Chi nese waters by Rear Admiral Williams. cotnmandiDe Amer ican naval forces in the orient. Thr trooyi will-sAil on th* DuL_ lar line stram, President Grant. It was at* first expected that these marines would go. direct to China from California.. ' . "The Spice Of Life" A Peppy Musical Comedy To Be Presented on Thursday Night "The spice Of Life" will be pre-: sented in the graded school audi torium on tombrrow. Thursday night, at 8 p. m. The ca&t is ^composed of 60 local characters, and represents some of the best in the town. It is. giVen under the auspices of the Woman's Missionary. Society of the Edgar Long Memorial' Methodist Church, tinder the direction of Miss Norriia Claire Parkiar, produced by The Daniel Producing Co.. Millen, Ga. - , This promises to be of real interest the costumes alone being worth the price were there no other considera tions but when we remember- -the eause for which it is being given every one .should be impelled to give it their presence. Remember the" date, tomorrow night, Thursday April 14th 8 p. m.. in the graded school auditorium. Debt Fully Paid ? About two months since the/Baraca i Class oi the First Ba]itlst Church entertained the Philathia Class at% a "Brunswick fitew at Happy Oaks. So. hot to be outdone, the Philathia's tendered the Bardca's a dibber last night rrr -the- Kaplon hail. It , was a tour course affair, and was indeed a umbtuoys /spread, covers being lairj ,-1'Or eighty. After -dinner an hour was fciveti. to anubement of various kinds, and every minute ?"va* thor oughly enjoyed. "Two Day To Marry" Tfie- Senior class play. Two. "?>ay To Marry," will be nresented at Bushy Fork High School Thursday April 14. at 8 p. m. Thi$ play prom ises to be. a good one and on? within thW price of all. This is a- part of the Commencement program for this ? year.. Price. . 10 cent$_>foi. fechp}' chil dren and 20 cents' lor adult? Maj. McLendon- To Be At Bushy Fork - Mai. L. P. McLendon will be the speaker at the Commencement exor cises at Bushy Fork , High School , on . May 21st. Maj. McLendon is univer sally popular in this County and will be greeted by a large crowd oh this occasion. ip J)c hO Presbyterian Church Sunday School, 9:45 a. m. Morn ing service at 11 a. m.. sermon by she Castor. Sunday school i ; Mitch ells. Chapel at. J p. m. Preach Uv. j Warrens Grove school at 4 p. m. ! Service at Roxboro nt 7:30 p. m. We wish to thank aU of our friends j thai helped u> entertam the deVTa.es of Presbytery. It wa.-. certainl fine 11! Jyttu. P. CARY 'ADAMS. PutorT .SamnH Oakley . Samuet oaltley. age forty two year? 1 amier^ Uie Ciiub^ Lake ^section . 1 family eertietenr -tpdayr' Mr Oakley .'had.becn ii\ ill health for a period, of abort three yal* ?nd his dnith .came as tw> ^utDH.Xto his wtnas i-nnq wiAtrvW. . ? ? " ? : Feeding Pigs Improved Way Monday Was Busy Day; 70 Feeder 1'iRs t't'oni Virginia ?Sold To Farmers MANY JJLILIUXG FEEDERS General Farm NGtes Lead . Mr. V O. Blalock, Roxboro, route , J, has a new system of brooding baby chicks with hot water pipes that is working line. This i-s composed of several pipes . heated from a coal burning stove by circulating hot j water placed over the baby chicks backs ,about eight -inches above the floor and boxed in with tongue and r roved lumber. Anyone interested ! should see this new system of brood- j ing and watch his results. i race lines run on their farms' are I busy trying to get them built between j the dry spells. Most of those p'owed J aiid "d?ug ? up with the V drag have < been rechecked bv the county agent ' to spot "the\ high and the low places yet to .be remedied so that they -.vitl stand any ordinary hard rain Sev eral new V drags have been made lor this wgrk. Mr. J. H. , Shot Well and Mr. T. ri\ Mitchell have spoken to the co mty agent for one of those regis t*>ed sows that Mr,. E, G. Long wants shipped here in, the near future. Wh^ js 'io ing to be the next one? We ? w'ajit >0 subscribed as a starter. Monday ^vas a busy day . at The Winstead Warehouse delivering * 7U feeder, pigs from Petersburg. Va . to the farmers who will try them bill on the self feeders ~for the September, niarket. Those interested and wivy-. have feeder pigs are Messrs. K. C. Wagstaff. J. C. Wagstaff. Jno. E>. Clayton. J. Y. Hu^ajjhries W. \V. Winstead Jr.j E. P. Warren. T. L. -Edicts., C. H Winstedd. "and perhaps others who have their pigs raised on their farm?. K.' C. Wagsiaff. 'J. -G.WaistaffT ? Ll^^fanvsteod and E. P. Warren have already built tlieir 'self feeders. Messrs. e:'H. Winstead. J. Y. Humphries. W. W. Rogers . and T. b. .Clayton will . build theits this week as soon us the county agent can get to their farms. Mr. , V. O. j Blalock will also build a self feeder : this .week to feed out his titter of pigs in the State TOp Utter Contest. Mr. W. C. Hawkins who t^jrecOghized a? being the leadiilg hog farmer -n the Hurdle Mill section will build a self feeder next week. So we are i making some progress along with the 1 other counties. K Monthly Poultry Meeting The fourtYi monthly meetiug of the Person County Poultry Association will be held , at the court house Satv urday at 2:30 p. m. Mr. 1). H. ilall. former Extension Poultry Specialist for south Carolina and a graduate of the N. c. jStjite College under Dr. K-aiipp is expected to . be with us 'to dwell; on the ups and downs of ?k>u1 ?xry raising with special tres.s to be laid on Why do baby chicks die in the shell," Why db they die before they lire five to fifteen days olu,' and how. to prevent the greater .pari of these fosses, All . of the poultry club .. members : hould bv .itt meam be pr53eTj?"~~bt this meeting. Boys and girls, we haven't yet all of the club members that, we need. _ i promised to visit the schools to get more members, but if you will watch the agents schedule, you . will hud that the adults have taken- tttis time in terracing and building those self feeders for those pigs that they are feeding for the September market. I haven't forgotton you. but you Aill have to speak to your parents about Continued on -Pa^e Eight President's tide Col. Blanton Winshjp vfill ? bf military aide to President Coolidge, starting May i, Succeeding: Col. Sherwood A. Cheney, who returns to field duty. J The Meaning Of Good Fridfcy ['?.?Of all the days in' the year when I men's minds should be sober and ! their thoughts .given unto serious | things, hone more so than GoOd Friday, which commemorates die ' -suffering of Ck>d for the sins of, men.. Issac Watts has in a masterful -way 1 expresed what should brtlie ' ieelui ! of each. :? I " Ala\ and did niy Savior- bleed , And did my SOverign die? ? ; Would He. devote that sacred head . i for such a worm as I? Was it for crimes that I had aone i He groan'd upon the tree? Amazing pity! grace unknown'! And I love beyond degree. Well might the sun in darkness hide. And shut his glories in. j. When Ood the mighty Maker died For man. the creature's sin. Thus might I l\ide my blushing ft^ce while. His dear cross appears. Dissolve my- heart in thankfulness. . | And melt mine eyes to tears. But drops of grief can ne'er repay ; The debt of love J owe: i Here. Lord. I give my -self .away. 1 Tis all that I can do. j | Sunday-School 10:00 a. m.. R. I. Wilburn,. Supt. Special, music iur j nished'by the Junior s Baraca Class. Preaching: 11 00 a m.,*" object . 'The Eternal Hope. 7:30 p. m, subject : "Fight in? A Good Fight.'*; B. Y. ^.P. U's G:30 p. m. General B.' Y.>p"!-tfr-'7:15 p. ra.. Dr. H. M j Beam, director. Special musical morning and night services. A cordial welcome extended to all. .... .... .. . W... F. WEST. Pa.sto.. Easter Monday Egg' Hunt' ? * We \y.ish to announce to the public', that we are going to have an Eastor Erg hunt. every one is invited to, -come and bring ' .-, basket of eggs. We intend to give away prices to the . one that llnds the most eggs. . Send in your nahie if you wish to. . enter lor a prize? Picks Filling Sta tion. Picks Siding. N. C . Box :i65 Special Meeting r rrhere will be a special meeting of. the Longhurst Council of the "Juriror Order Saturday evening. AprH 16th, at 7:30 o'clock. .All members are re j. guested to be present: O. J. BLUE: R. Sec. ? ---O ? Mr. Daniel improving I The friends of Mr. L. H. Daniel will j be pleased to know that he is very J much improved He was taken sud Idenly^ ill one day last week and his condition was critical for a few days. Field Day, Saturday April 23rd; Everybody invited There Ls to bo a groat day for the 1 boys and girls of Person County April j j lnnnin ? third . Mmu ? of me High Schools have started practice and if I report* are true there will l>e hard \ running and Iteen 'Competition. Every ''lim -_:iiia Miti . '?iiimui inur uw.mimif1 of : the' 'day tii mm j-uhmjl' jib I I j.to meet' tlietr- Jricntte of 'uu?w-?.*lu?j?. I ' - ThT boys ami. gttls -of. gtxth ? and 1 swmh tirade* ?iil I.P^lW.u^ -n ter, Thls_ shbold Hicre.RW titfortsU 1 and vr11J -Rne.Qliva-.Hill a chance to take part. We arc glad' to announce thill it nuMM Will t>* 7 I've n to1 f IV* trirl winning the highest riutib?r of i Individual point... We-*?k the nrin j fcipals .to tirrn uito.'us> by road <>ot l.ver timn April 20th. a conTpt.Tr .ItsT" uf I'jiinr.s. ?? ? ? ^ Xjtta go and make this Uy greatest * 1 (lay tiiflt -PMEwn County has ever , umv.Ti . ? ?? r -Mi ? ^ ~ ? com ' * , M I Growers Of Tobacco Must Meet Changes In Demand Tom Cooper Does Not Comment On Decision Wilmington, April 12? Thorn- I , u-? E. Cooper, former prominent Wilmington banker today re i ^ teived the rurus"pr his failure to *in a ptrole from an eipHt year road term without eomment. Tie was informed by a stockadr ? Sunrd of the governor's derision ear4y in the day, and while vhs *?bly surprised nt the rejection of his plea, made no reference to the matter as he jonrneved to his - daily task nine mUes away. Junior Order Orphan age To Open Soon ?' ?? " * ' ' ~ % ' Lexington. Apnl 12.- The Junior. ' Order Orphanage, located near here. K nflll ? nPMrlncf. rApiplefiripi plans are being made for the formal open- * nlng which' Is to take place in May. With .the completion of the plant and ' the swinging wide of its doors forj the reception of orphan children, the . day Uiat has lone been looked for ward to- by the Juniors throughout the state will have '.tnived. ? A vonterence was' Jield recently by. Thomas H. Walters. _riati<>nal cou n - ?\$ ' ' 1* I'uniso:'., r'V,l!K':ir! Herbert Hunter. Architect and J W. Stout contractor with the members of the local committee regarding the progress of . .the woi'k and the' "ope- ' ninn The plant 'was .lisjx'cirii . : id indications a'l* that It will l>? ready . for. occupancy by the time set for ?the .dedication. The first unit to be placed iii use will b? 'the administration building, the South Carolina and Pennsylvania dormitories and the- general lieatuiK system. An electric line' will be ex tended to the" plant t? furnish fisht rthd other conveniences and ar rangements are being made for the erection of l> dairy building in which will be kept a herd of pure Hnlstein cows. A bakery and laundry will also be provided at once When the work is completed, in cluding the r.raimK of the ' grounds the home will be* one. of, the' prettiest lri this section of the state. Within a very short time >uperentehdent and Other officials necessary will se cured to ftprr&w the home Approximately 50.000 Juniors in North Carolina have ? had a part in the erection of the home and when it is opened for the use of .nt! ?>, chil dren hundreds of them siro, expected to be present for the happy occasion. w. t. nixoN o? Local Boys Make Honor Roll At University Mess,' S G. Winstead and C. B. Wood of Roxboro who are students ? at the University pf North Carolina, made , the honor roll in their studies during the winter quarter j>',? rriffacl. The honor students \<y tho?" w|V) make an average tirade -of- ?' B no i;, 95 per cent i or better in' their studies. A tc>tal of - 239 students made t he honor roll during the winter, quart c-'. The list comprises 68 freshmen. 50 sophmores; 65 juniors . 51 seniors. . and 5 special students. Twenty-four of these students made nil ' A s. ail average, of 95 to 100 per cent, which Is the highest mark obtainable.. The list for? the quarter recon. . :? substantial increase over the -a'.-ie ' period last year, Notice, Poultry Asso. Program Person County Poultry Association Saturday April l?ch, 2:30 p. irt.: Miss Bessie Heath Daniel. "How To Wold Losses With Baby Chicks ' Mrs R. T. wtnstead "Feeding Of .la by chicks." \^Jr. J. Y. Humphries, -My' Kxper "lence In Raising Baby Chicks." ? OEO W. SMITH. Chairman Program Com. "Trip To Western North Carolina j Mr. and Mrs. W. R._ J>entry re- (| 'tUtfttd Irom a trip to western Norm Carolina this morning and is hifrh in their praises of the -natural scenery of the mountains of Carolina. Mr. .Gentry states ihftt -he hafc'-Wavaied ii> <|iiiti; '? number d soctirins.. tyit none o t them compa.iv" wlUv what lie saw tip there.- '.-especially' around -Chtntnev Rock, wtii^rwui- only b? appreciated .by personal : observation II. S." Department of Attrical ture Makes Careful Stud* Of Foreign Markets ? ? AMBWCAS GROWKR3- ^ACTE DIFFICULT PROBLEMS Americail tobacco growers arc laced with difficult problems due la rapid ? changes that have taken place in market requirements?- For several j ears there lias. bfeh a tendency/ both, at ? home arid abroad for cigar-tte consumption to outrun the consump tion ol pipe, vhewing, cigar and swii* tobacco This tendency, which fa ei liected to continue, has prod-iced sharp contrasts in the position oC various groups of tobacco nioductn. Orowers of the lighter tctoaceo .-ia?t=* able lor cigarette manufacture: ajw selling their, output at good pri en oh an expanding market. ?MV* ihr growers of dark fired and dart arr cured - types of tobacco seem cnnc pelled to reduce their productton A ~uidv til loreign tobaero maTfraLi. made by ttu United fctate PcT*arv ment of Agriculture .ndleafce* that competition Is increasing strongly in the. production df dark totaict) Moreover, presure Is -stronger in IB* interior than In Che better grade* American growers are . accord! nriv advised to improve the quality of their leal. Attention to the lorekm marke* .tuation is imperative, saja . the department, because more than on?-third ol the tobacco crop of the United States is exported -annual!;. In 1J2B the amount of unmanufac tured tobacco exported totaled 478. 768.738 pound;., or : 1 tier cent 6i the total United States crop. Mm' ?of our exported tobacco goes ft Western Europe and the Orient, with 6r e.i . .amain a lid Chipa constituting the most important markets. . Among changes in foraign tobacco growing which the department ad vises American producers to note are the following: fSapldly mcreaums, ? pro3lic.tion of cijar tobacco in Porto Rico continued high production til Italy; some, decline of production u? the Balkan countries and ui pare, of Central Europe: and a gradual m crea.v in British countries atnexpect preferential tariff. There is a tendency, says the- de partment, for foreign governments to Increase rather than to tlLinmtali handicaps to Americas export trade in tobacco, by means of tarifts and other restrictive measures. Foreign market c'ontitlons are particularly serious for . the producers of dark fired: Kentucky arid Tennessee and dark Virginia tobaccos American grower:, have largely depended on loreittn markets in the !>ast for "the disposal ot Ihese types. In 1828. however, only. I30.000.t)00 pound* o' dark .tired Kentucky and Tennessee lea! were nr abroad, compared with 151,000.000 pounds in 1923. Even more serious has been the re duction m the foreign demand foe dark Virginia tobacco Exports o< - ;u.- type ill 1926 were only 18.00C, 000' pounds, compared with 48.000.00<) pounds in ,1923 Although the pro duction ot dark Bred tobacco in the United Suites has. decreased some what tile decresi>o rias hot been proportionate .to tile declihe 111 de mand. and in Octdber last stock.-, were the -largest, on record except in 1918 when war condition.; prevailed Prom the standpoint of the for eign' demand, flue-eured cigarette to bacco is in a mo$e favorable position than any other American type. 1ix rpoftR of fini-cured cigarette Ww CO 11T 1926 were. -287.334.440 pounds. -er ? ? J 2 per cent more than in 1929. and' the total disappearance of this type for the y'ear was greater than in any previous year There is every prospect, moreover. that the demand for cigarette to bacco will continue to aurea se. drear. Britain increased its takings ot American cigarette tobacco in 1926, and so did China is spite o? that country's war disturbances. Export* oi Burley leaf have held their own. during the last four years, but the loreign market for this tpye ot to bacco is relatively unimportant; more ihan 95 per cent of the crop bring consumed in the. United States. The shilt In consumer preferment Co cigarette from other kinds of to Continued on Page Eight Olive Hill Parent Teacher Meeting The r.eijular monthly, meeting pf Ollvr Hill P&rynt-Toarhfr Araocm- ? tioB ALU be held ThurMtw aliernoin April 14th, at 3 o'clbcfc tt is lugwt that parents at -pupils aU ndinK . Uie school be "present at tills meetings a* -it will urohahly. bt tbe lA&t one lor Uiit y^ar. ? Sec

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