SI. 50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE I.ABEI, IS THE DATE YOl'R PAPER WILL BE STOPPED 5. W. NOELL. EDITOR" AND PUBLISHER. _? HOME FIRST. ABROAD NEXT. VOL. No. XLIV ROXBORO. NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening. April 20, 1927 ? ? - ? WATCH THE LABEL | ON VOL' ft PAPER I AND DO NOT } I.ET YOUR SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRE No. 16. Chaos Reigns In Sapiro's Damage Suit Kord Counsel Clainis That Woman .Member of riiiry Talked Too Freely ASK* ,11 DOE FOR NON-SI IT rvtroit. Mictl.. AprM; ? W- ? Chaos :ok [>ossesslon of Aaron Sapiro's ' c 1 .000.000 libel- suit against Henry 7wd today ancT shrouded- its status rjfcer ne*t Thursday in extreme . unc ertainty. Court was adjourned until then ; pen the plea of counsel for the au :3mobile manufacturer that their leader.. Senator James A. Reed, of 'Missouri. would be unable to appear i^.fprjj that time because of illness nd with the request Was coupled the J ? . innal serving of . notice -that - the alV ? ; ^ed official misconduct of 5 woman iuror would be The ground ^for?tt? .. iQ^on for a mistrial. :? ? ? ] Sapiro's chief couftsel. William Henry Gallagher, countered with as -vrtlons that Ford detectives had. j .eddied with the jurors, that the dc nses's .case" had : collapsed and that ' The FoTd attorneys had disregarded propriety in conferring privately with . JUiiiee ? Fred M." Raymond but did hot v'- r-Tifvj his motion for, a mistrial model -id denied ? several*" days ago. " 3 Persons Killed When Tornado Hits On Oklahoma Farm . . ? ' ' ? ' ' " ?? Foit SmiUv Ark , A^ril 18^-Three arsons., members of. the. family of Carl- Bi\ttthanv_j&ere killed . ;md an-. . tiier in jured,- in a tornado, 'ivliic.h rutk- at BokosVje: Okla.. twenty five . . nleti southeast of Fort Smith early : xtay Burchiam. his wife .and. an infant ? ere crushed to death and . W# C i.ureham. a. son. injured when, the j i-urcham home was blown away, "tie injured boy was -4>roucrht t O .aspital here His .skiiiL*-as fractured nd he may die. "The home of Ed Wood also was vamag'ed and Mrs. Wood injured. j Arkama^. Okla . two and a halt I . liles southwest of Fort Smith, also ' ^ df the storm. Several houses were I : amazed but no one was injured. j Community Meeting A community meeting was: held at ' ??thel HfU JJigh School last Monday On this occasion the Woman's - lub presented a. nice collection of x>ks to the school library, which ^mpleted the number . required to m\ Ve it a standard High School U ?' *> rary. Mr Wehrenberg . in a ? very imp ropriate manner, accepted the books .? behalf of xlie {.ehool. und- folldw - r: this an iinptompteu program of tdin?* and- recitations _ was giVgl? *L'V ? ' K ho U'"'vnt.v i. ; .-i . - nth-sir lit -v >f . '?*! .liStTTimentp . *.'.;ith jiia'bo' acr>?r.:.pan :;en:. \Ya.s'; also reuihired by -x iM . vtlent. maktn it -y very - plea sunt ; Mr. Cole Goes With Chevrolet ,Mr. Clvdr Cole, who has bean con - . ectnd with the C rowel 1 Auto Com ? Uny .i.or quhe a 'while, ( hanged base iV.t week- and "is. now with' the Siew it- Brad she r Mdt.crr Co . "in. the ca pacity .^of -sali^mah. 'and will be - lad to , demonstrate to all. of his friends . he many uood qualities of the Chcv Services At St. Mark's Rev Sidney Bost of Durham will onduct a mission at St. Mark's EpiRCopal Church beginning May .2. 1 . nd lasting through the week. Ser ies will be held every evening (it, 8 'clock. Mr; Bost is a fine speaker. ? nd every one Is cordially invited to cOTFTHJT ^ fttrnear hinr; ? - - ' * 1 o? ? . Two Day To Marry This play will be presented at ?^rospect Hill Friday night. April tt ... p. m.. for the benefit of Salem CJhurch This is the same play that ' ivas given at BushyHPork -last Prtriny tight a lid has .pifoVeh. to be a rood : lay ? ? - ; o-r- ? 1 Notice '* - ' l*ht \VqmahT? Auxiliary of .St. ?' y.'-r- "Vt - ? .i1-.!.,.' -ppns: sale "of children's clothes' and ?iitwy arilclea Saturday. April *30. Plans For Big School Closing Rpxboro Hfch School i$ planning ; lor-the biegest commencement in Ibe , The. dfltes ? will -he May 27th to 3.0th. 'inclusive. Mark, these dates On . yoiii-' calendar.". arid- make your plans now ?to atte^cTail of. thfcse exercised . ; On .Friday* May 27th'- tlv' senior plav ; will be jjivern. On Sat urday night; the ... 2Bt|?, \thtr1 -annual . reading and' dec tarnation contests -will [ taHe_ place. At eleven o'clock Qn Sunday morning. May 29th. the~ com mencement sermon will . bo preached. On Monday nigfht*. the 30th. the grad uating exercises ..will be held at which t ime the 1 iterary address will be de livered. The best musical talent of the entire community will be enlist ed to furnish music - for commence ment. We are. planning to 'have all of onr commencement exercises this ye*r in i t he splendid . auditorium of our he w high school building. The main lloor has been completely seated, and we how have nine hundred and thirteen till- tor date opera chairs installed. Stage, curtains ' and fixtures will also be installed before commencement. Additional information will ? be given in subsequent Issues of our L local paper. A B, STALVEY. Supt. ? rO-r- ? ? ? Jackets Open Season With Slugfest The Bethel Hill Yellow Jackets opened their baseball season with ? heavy , slugging and therefore land ing- their fUst. victory -from Turbe-. yllie High by the. heavy score of 25 to ?} Every on? ,>eemecl to have the :knack-*:oi clouting t lie old pili .-only ? > s.:?e i: rusr. and Ooat away" mt*J the < jr.. t Jjtius * making a. merry opening and ,ood send. -off for the ftrsr.Sanv*. . ' ' The visitors . have " a ;pocJ record*, hat jig won thd championship of Halifax Count y Virginia, in Mich School base, ball in past seasons but /eerned tob^ unable to stHke; iheir rr.-^u'lar' -stride nT Fridays i:ctme. '? ]V?heI H.n will pjay the Turbeville liigh .at Turbeville. Va.. on next Fri day ? the 52. . Umpires - Woody and Satte.rf.eld P. H. Boisseau of Danville. V*., claim* the record for sheriffship. Waving been in office 56 years. He was deputy from 1871 to 1 886, and sheriff ever since. He is a direct descendant of a. Jamestown colony uttltr. Notice of- Tax Listing Notice is divert that the Tax Lister tor the Town of RAxboro will be lound at the Courthouse in Roxboro* on and after May I. 1927. for the [purpose of listing real and personal property within .said town. All per soiSs ownln? property subject to tax ation are required to list it. .This ap plies to all tax payers, both in the- old corporate limits arid In the new. # R P. BURNS. Mayor, Cake Sale " ? OK*t yofir cake.s Saturday from-Car nllni Power & Light Company's store ?JTOfii 9:30 to n m a, nr. This Etti? Is for th? benefit of the Edgar Long i Memorial UtettuxUst Church. Your patronage IS solicited and will be appreciated. Brunswick Stew The . lidiM ' of the Edgar Long j-erve ~ BrtmfcwwW stew . on the . court lioav squara next TnesBay. Fivi'i v ? . ? . .|J .! 11. ' ILL: . of court Big Hailstorm Near Asheville Does Damage! High Winds and Virtual Cloud* ? bursts - Accompany Storm And Cripple Plants LANDSLIDE AT MARSHALL \ ^ Asheville. April id". ? Two .of the mast terrific hall storms ever known to have visited this, section in the . memory of the oldest inhabitants of Buncombe cotinty visited widely Sep arated sections of the cquntry nere j this afternoon and with hl$h wind : arid virtual cloudbursts, played havoc with the crops and trees, crippled, telephone service and power plants, and inundated one section of the county wit lithe highest waters that have been known since tlie flood of 1916. At "Buena Vista, hail stones, piled up like snow, ripping limbs and full age from trees as they fell, and in many places" buried~t hem selves sev eral inches in the ?rour?d. This storm was . only about- two miles vide and vrent across a section less -than I 1ft miles Ion?. North of Asheville at the forks of ivy. two storms swept down from op- 1 posing mountains^smcr brrms^r wind - and hail and an iinprecedented ilood - of water lis they met. The Iv.y rosc i almost lO feet in Uie1 > psep o*" Lin ' Hour. ?Lfahtnim. crippled the ivy., plants of. tlie Carolina Power com- : piny, and the flood rose and swept-* HUo . th^ .power house. ' C'J North of Marshall the .terrific downpour caused a landslide which.; for a space, of half a mile bw.ici ; he ^ SoiitHern rartway* tracks in-fronv six ! to 18 feet - of rock and clay. Crows ? were put to work immediate/ to alar , the tracks "and service is . expected to ? be resumed before moriiin?. i v.. j Union Services The .churches of Roxbpro will all unite. In a union service which will - last one week or more.. The pre liminary services will 'begin on May 30th7" wherr cottage prayer meetings will, begin. and_on June 5. Dr. Man- j Bum of Oxford will arrive, and do the preaching. The following committees' have been appointed, and w it. Is earnestly/ desired that they get busy and have everything In readiness ifor the ser- t vices: ? House ComnilttW: j; S. Harvey. Chairman; J. J. Win st^ld. W, C. Bullock. .Music Committor: Mrs. Jj A. Long-. Chairman. Mr s E. Bradsher. .Mrs. Carrie Bradsher. Finance Committee: H. L. Crowei!. Chairman' W. R. Hctmbrick. "W. R. Woodv. Torn Leigh; Praver. Mwtin; Committee: - W. A. Sergeant. Chairman.' R L! Wilburn. W. L. Rinz., Publicity Committee ?: J W. Noejl. Ch&irrtiah. S O Win ? stead.; M-isS Battle Burcfi. . I vher Committee : M. W. ? Sattorliefd. Chairman. . R.: P.; Bums. L. T. Bowie?: Parkin? Committee: O. B. McBroom. Chairman j. H VVhitt. R. A. Bullock. Notice To Tax Payers There was enacted atthe past Le? 4iUvture an Ark entitled Mew County; Tax . Law. which makes it imnerative that the Sheriff shall on the ilrst : mday in Mav furnish the Board of C<. ttv 'Commissioners a full and coffee to itemized statement of all uncd 'ccted taxes for the current tax years, and the County Commissioners !>haU thereupon order sale of all for taxes where the taxes have not been paid This means all taxes in cluding 1926. This. is law. We are compelled to enforce. The Commis sioners have no discretion. The law requires, them on the. first Monday in May to order a sale of the land of j all delinquent tax payers, the sale ! to b^ had on the firist . Monthly in jutip. 7? ~ " ? ? 1 N". V BROOKS. SherllT* f Presbyterian Church ! ?T_ Sunday school at 9:45. H; L- Cro well. Supt. Morning service at 11 a., m . sermon by pastor. Sunday school a! Mitchell's Chapel at 2 p. m. Ser- . vice at. Rougemont at ,7:30 p. m. ? ? Please note that here will be no .service at Bushy Fork; &cho61 .otv ^ui>-_ crry^ afterho^n, because .thcro will .be . qvty nl ihh^ m i '>t? > OhapM ^ held by (he State Sundav :* ho->V- A* . ').'ia>v>n. ? : ? ?* ? ? ? P. CARY ADAMS. Paster. Ten Thousand Persons , Are Homeless In Terrible Floods Thousands of Acres Swamped; j Efforts to strengthen Miss issippi Levees HEAVY DAMAGES FEARED j T&emphis. Tenn; April 18. ? Great j levees a Ion? the lower Mississippi basin are being strengthened frantic ally as -a record tide pressed with im measurable weight against earthen i. i walls which defend vast lowland i 'areas against the rampant flood. As many as 10,000 persons, driven j from -their homes by backwaters or overflow from many tributaries of * he^j^ffr.'-r ream were under the rare a t national, state and community agencies of relief today. Other thou sands #ere moving- from the valley in fear that floods might "-break j through at any hour Many Washed Out j -Refugee and reli#l camps at Hick man. Ky., under direction of the Red ) Cross officials ?- ?nd- state authorities . are sheltering nearly 2.000 homeless in churches, barns, railroad cars and tents. Public kitchens >re serving ! the . needy with food 'r; Relieved by the . break . in the levee at -Dorpna. Mo., the . Hickman area showed a slight decline in the' flv> I ' stag-e and observers thought another protecting levee would hold. ?The 3.Vc:itUer Bureau at Memphis forecasts a Stftee oi forty-six ujet^ bv Saturday. The . Highest' stag" on ?iepord- 4fl.G wan in- 1913. when disaster followed the southward movement of tjhe giant river. Sale of $30,000 Person County Notes After the expiration of five days' . imrrfed lately following April 20. 1927 ith^thdate of the ^publication Qf this [ the Board of Commissioner of. . Person County will of by private negqtlttt Wn-; ' notes of said 1 County aggregating not : exceeding j Thirty Thousand Dollars *$30.000 ? is- > sued in anticipation of the receipt of revenue. . bearing interest at a rate not in excess of six per centum per annum, payable six months after date 1 or less, the exact time of maturity to.f be fixed by the terms of the . notes.-*- ' Proposals should be made to the j undersigned, "naming the rate of in- I terest. and stating the denominations ? ; desired.-' j| A. C: GENTRY. 'Chairman Board of Commissioners of i Person County. j Lon?hurst Council Holds Interesting Meet. Lon^hiuukt _CfmnciL No. 570 at Ja long. "heldj^neoT the mast" interesting meetings j Saturday night that we. have witnessed in a long. time. Rev N. J. Todd. E. C. GUntetf and others I made inspiring speeches. Mr. Todd's subject was "Paying the price."' giv Ihg- ' a', wonderful talk in- regard to 1 ! the.. duties; of ^ membftj;1. ol Fra'enVai ism. Mr. E C. Gunter. of Durham, used for his subject: "What the Jr j [Order is. and has meant to CiViifcfa'- .!?: j tion and especially to our nation- And | | v hat the order stands for; in regard | Ito our public school system. Mr.. | i Gborge F. Cole spoke on .the. work of | j the Longhurst Council and its prog ress. Rev J. C. -McGregor was mast er of ceremonies and music-, was fur nished by the Person County .(juar tett. The meeting was attended , by j a large and enthusiastic crowd First Baptist Church " Sunday School 10:00' . a. m., Ft. Wilbum. Supt., Preaching 11:00 a. m,. subject 'TTifTTTlGmate Victory.'"". Preacttino; 7 !30 p. in!. subject: '-'The Wonder Of The Gospel." B. Y. P. U*s 6:30 p. m. Oeneral B. Y. P U. 7:15 p. nr.. Dr. H M. Beam, director ? "All things whatsoever ye would that men should do urito you. do ye even-so to-them/' Matt. 7:12. -t ? A cardial welcome is extended to tilL. 1 W. F WEST. Pastor. Easter Egg Hunt Mrs. Roy K. Wrenn dehfrhtlully entertained her Sunday School claw at her home on route 1 on Easter Monday, afternoon with an hunt. Thin was \ .'ry miicn < !i; u> 've IV one present i P. . J..1- , ? , vfr H w Serge Ant . a. student in Weaverstfllte College near. AshcvilU Ji-c _?_u. ??? ? with the hdme folks Peaches Browning Loses a Lawsuit i hira'io, April 19. ? Frann-s ? "Peaches" Browning who re cently lost a husband and a lawsuit, today lost an argu ment, A traffic officer arrest-, ed W Mann, son of Fred Mann; at whose cabaret "Peaches" is dancing, for speeding while the girl was riding with him. .She argued so vociferously about her companion's arrest that thr officer also arrested her on a charge of disorderly conduct. She furnished $.>00 bond. Roxboro Ready For Field Day The merchants. are ' 6f?hihrt this day jif fun for the children an dthey have given liberally and want all to have lots of fun The events will, begin promptly at .10 a. m. Ail that intend tu enter must be on time. . Each school will" give an approved list to the officials .so... that all records <,a i ho Unprt m nrripr ; \'nnp \i. Krise name ddes not appear on. t ho list will.' chT ? ?ov ground free There a) 11 he. a ball; game ' m the afternoon. ' Cprne one J c.nd all and brill? soirit one with tow:-' Lets, s?e what school "in the county has t\ie best box* and strip ' COMMITTEE. o ? ? ? ? -? ,? *" . Al Smith Answers Re ligious Issue Without Equivocation The tenor of the reply Al Smith would make to the Marshall letter suggesting, that religious loyalty "to the Catholic Church might prove , in;, consistent with political loyalty to Constitution of .the United States was a foregone conclusion. Now that tiie. reply has come, however, it is worthy of a man aspiring to the Presidency. With admirable direCtne's- its .^liient points are included in these few Con cise paragraphs V believe in the worship of C?0d ac cording tcr the faith and practice of the Roman Catholic church. I recog nize no power in. the institution o: my church to , ixiterlexe with the op erations of the Constitution of the United States or the enforcements of the law of the land. I > believe in absolute freedom .of I conscience for ail men aend. in. equal ity of all churches, all sects, and ail. beliefs before the law as a matter of. right and not as a matter of. favor. . I believe in the absolute separation of Church and State arid in the strict enforcement of the provisions of the Constitution that Pomness shall .make no law respecting an" establish - mr ntt'ijH ,? pwlmhiv.n:'. free exercise thereof. . X "believe that no / tribunal .of anv church 'has ant power ;to \niake . any l decree of any folfce in the law oi the land pther than to establish -the. | stjitis of its own communicants with in its own churcYx "That i?. a c're-io 'with' which . no American ran take issue without himself being lairt open to the very suspicion of disloyalty with which it has been sought to discredit . Al Snilth.? 1 * >J ' ?! Mass-Meeting The .citizens of the. town are hereby ' called to meet in the court, house at 8 p. m.. on Tuesday. April 26th; for the purpose ot nominating candidates lor the Board of Commissioner* and Mayor of Roxboro. for the next two , ; years. Done by order <5f the Board 1 of Commissioners. R. P: BURNS.' Mayoi\ _ : . . ; . j Business School Has Vacation The Georgia -Carolina busU?e?s igchool closed a very successful .term i ; here on April StU^-and the following students trraduated ahft were iiv<M> their diplopia:.: Misses Florence Clay ' ton. Emily Moare. Alma dash. Mrs ? j WIlUe Carver and Mess. Jerry Dtxon. i Jr.. Marvin Eanes. Edear SlafiehtPr" I . ? =g= 'Birth Born, to fcjrjft'd Mrs. J. 'W: .Chom ; Iw.-r; oil K.i'"1 niwn?v?. a fine baby | [;irl. Pattie Roystor ChaniUrr* Mo*h J er and enno pfilHll! UlOlli; nut1.' r~ Convict Four Of Murder Of Lee Sheriff Sentenced to Twenty Years for Manslaughter;- Bobbins Gets Ten Years HARRISON TAKES APPEAL , Sanford. April ! 7.? Verdict for Second; decree -murder for Bud Davis and Tom McAVtenue and a verdict of manslaughter asking t'hfe mercy of the court for Macon Marrison and Parker Robbins were returned in Lee superior court ^arlynhis^nornin^. Juds-e N. A. Sinclair , sentenced the defendants. convicted of7" slaying Sheriff James L. Turner during a raid on a .still near here on January 30 last, as follows: DavLs and Mc A venue JO fears at hard labor in states prison. Harrison 20 years. Robbins not less than VO nor more than 15 years in prison. Harrison, -through e-smvjel. ? ? ? - notice of appeal.. Tftw other three men intimated thrroutfh counsel they would not ap- * peal; - /?- ? ?f: ? -V. ? ? ".Oi~- ? -rr? -? ? Trustees Elect Superintendent. ^ f.;' ihn; M^rf} Of tflK telfis <?;?{ the Roxboro. Orad,vd Schools /last Wednesday- afternoon Mr. C>. C. 4 pav?asor.\ -.Henderson- w'&s elected Superintendent. tuiU i?. rtt take ?of- ?' tilts work -ibe- dn<e- tft. the pre*- . ?'?nr. vision'.- I;' ? ;i! ???>??? i-e-memb^rerl that at n previous . meeting-' Prof. Stalvev who has served the schools ' in this capacity so ion? and so well,. ! declined to allow his name to be p*e .sonted lor re-election. .Mr.- Davidson! who was present, miprps^iori on selves fortunate in beine able to get D man so well prepared fnr this po sition. He lias been supervisor of the Henderson and Vance County schools, and comes highly ^recommended. Spring Time That man or woman, boy or girl, must have developed some abnormal condition in his or her nature or al lowed his Verv soul and, life tp' be ; come shrivelled and twisted, if he . or she does .hot appreciate the f?reat reality that Glorious SpHncr ' is here, . after wrestlihs: in the cold clutches of an icy winter for several months . The advent of the Croqus. the Butter cup and the. Violet, together with the merrv son? of the btrds and the shrUl call Of the frog ure all tokens that , verify rind establish f of gtxxl, th" season*? own' true greeting*. The sweet scented Honey-suckle* a? it beats its dew laden .petals against, sour '.vmdowpane is but another call r to be iip and put hi tlve ?reat open and ;oir'v your voice with, the, Crick- ? r e.ts -chirp". 'and fceritly oast your hook the vltf liiHl pond and watch thr hungry nibble of your ::rst catch of the season. ; : ? ' ' Does, not all these- things, arous^ , on vou that spirit' .'of; buoyancy and youth: does ir not. carry you back '? tp those days or Ion;: a?) when you teased vour 'rather to lefr you fid your. . feet of your tiresome winters shoes and . you could feel the cool rotich' sand as it found, its way be uveen your toes? My. but those were I wonderful days ahd they are her1 again. so let us. revive in our lives ,, and minds fthe spirit of Spring rime and thus; help to ward off thofr> marks and .lines, that come in our faces that tell us we are one year ? okier. - In The Hospital Mess. Eugene Thomas. Robert Har - ris and Van W. Stephens were car ried fcjlp hospital from Roxboro Monday. Harris and "Stephens are victims of appendicitis and both on ., derwent successful operations. vrhll* it- hjis not been, fully determined what Mr. Thomas trouble is. Their friends are wishing for' each of them> a .speedy i*5ecovery. Easter Efetf Hunt At Mitchell Chapel Mitchell Chapel Sunday School hfwwt>ipir annual Easter egg hunt Monday at 2:30 p. nv. in .the KTOvr* ??/?hnfil Mb C. O. C?0?*tl :ind; Mrs Tom Wrenn and others hid ! <he eggs while the children were en I tertamed at Mrs. Wrefch's house Th# ? children -then hunted -the eggs and ; all had a girat .tlrtie. The whole ?t> . ? ' . r n .1 II line nl 1 illi

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