$1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE ? THE DATE OX HIE I. VI1KI. is xa^: Date y6i k PAPER WlLl. BE STOPPED WATCH THE LABEL OX YOl'R PAPER AND DO XOT LET YOUR St HS{ KLPTION FXPIRE J. W. NOELL, EDITOR. AND PUBLISHER. HOME FIRST. ABROAD NEXT. VOL. No. XLIV 1 1 1 _ 1 ROXBOP J, NORTH CAROLINA. Wednesday Evening, April 27, 1927. Roxboro Wins First Anmr Person County Field /feet Silx Davis and Miss Mary Woody Mainly Responsible in Roxboro Victory ? voi K SCHOOLS COMPETED The Roxboro High School ran away j ? ith Wgh h6nort in the first annual troott County Field and Track Meet. ?hich va i held -last Saturday on the | oca 1 Hi?h School athletic Held. , 3vehy Fork. Roxboro. AUensvillc aud.| bethel Hill High schools were all ( ?cpresejoted with a large number of j | : nte-stants. The day was ideal for " ' 4Ch an occasion and a large crowd ^ interested spectators was 'present ; o witness the efforts of _ the young rJrvlt'te.s Kltz Davis, an unusually promising .thlete. unheld his reputation by 'Xhlete. upheld his reputation by .r:diviurai*ement t6 -the boys and girls. . "*ht- proceeds ot the day will be ap- j lied , to the new: gymnasium. Followmti is a list ? bl>. the* -events ? rth the winners: 100- yard dash, jnws. Roxboro. first; F. Long. Rox oro. second; Masteri. Roxboro. third: \tW 50 yard dash. Woody. Roxboro. i-rst; White, Bethel Hill, second; .ientry. Allensville. third: Standing i road jump. Carver, Roxboro. ijirst. jj Javjs. Rpxboro, second; Moisten, ioxboro third; Rig-a-back ra.ee, .Inntague* :tnd Montague, Bethel Hill, first: Wins tea d and Winstead. Roxboro. seco n d; A b b i 1 1 and. IXBriant. Roxboro.; third; Basketball hrow Long. Roxboro. first; Walker. 3ethei Hill second; Oliver; pushy ' ork ?third; Gifls.'.' t.hre(Mi-^gfcd rac<\" Bowles;, and Bracisher Bushy Fork, ?irst: Woody .ind -Cole. Roxboro. ?ser V nd'.i '<-4triV ^landing broad jump* ^radsher. . Bushv Fork, first: ' Oentvy. I ^erisvilje ;=>-eoji'd: Woody Roxboro. . .. . vhlrd; 440-yard' dash.' Davis. Roxboro. - irst ; Long1. Roxboro> ? oco'nd ; IVrkliVs. " ??'?toxhoro. 'third. ....Pole "Vault. Davis, Ros&orb. ? first;. ? JonjtVy. Allvnv.'viih-. second; Oirls ?bi&ketball. throw, C. Bodies Bushy' 7?ork, first: M&xme Wrerin ? Bethri ! Hill. second; -Mrtrv Wrenn .Bethel frfilK third: C'JirJ:-. -baskcTball ohmw: Mary W'min. Bethel Hiti. first; Bowles. Bushy FJik. second: C\ B?Wl . .-i. Bilfihv:; iforfc,-- .third. relay Roxbctfo. first , Bethel Hitf.- sec- . md; ijiishr Fork? third: sack, rglce. warren Roxborb. first ; Walker; Beth- ? ?1 Hill -secontf; Abbitt. Roxboro. iiird; Girls sack race-. Woody, Rox .->oro, first; Duncan. Roxboro, second; r't'illcy. Bethel HiU, third; Three lesr* M rac* Featherston and L-jn?. Rox boro. first Gentry !uid Slaut&ter. /Ulensville. y-eond : Wltkerson and Whitfield. Bushy. Fork, third: Base mil throw. Lohcr. Roxboro. first: .^laughter. Allensvillc second Watk r. ^'thel Hill, third: 220 yard dash. Davis, Roxboro, first: Mas ten Rox joro, second: Loir/. Roxboro. third; Girls' high jump. Maxine Wrenn. fieiheJ H|U, first; Meadows.. Roxboro. ee ond; Hi*h Jump. B. Gentry* Al . :en?vlHe. first. Davis. Roxboro sec ind: Running broad iwmp. Long, Roxboro. first; Davis. Ttoxboro, sec >nd; Walker. Bethel Hill, third: Olrls' running broad. Woody. Rox ooro, nirst; Oe'rttry. Allensville. sec -?nd; Puleher Roxboro; third; Half mile. OenttV AlUjnsvBle. first: Mon tague. Bethel Hill, ^acoitd; Perkins. Roxboro. thh-d; Shot put. Walker. Bethel Hill, rtrst: Carver. Roxboro. *J >ccorid: Whilbro.? Bethel Hill, thlid. - werr yt*V- ? phtyed %n?d hprd ? fought Bethel Hili beat RoxftOru by y -rcorr >f 2. to I in the first game. The sec orfd partre, Bu*tnt Fork veVsqs Rox ooro, was called on account of dark ness with the score tied at Vail 'plm orojpralu committee in Chirac, of the events, was a? follows. Eddie Hill. ? ? Chairman; * Charles Harris. ?ffh? - 1 ? ' /? L. H. Oakley Killed Inst&ntly by South Bound T rain Mr. Lew II. Oakley. about 70. was instantly kiUrd ahoat 1 p. m. this. Wednesday,.' afternoon, when hp was run over by -the southbound Norfolk A Western freight train at the De pot crossing; Mr. Oakley was when struck. The flagman states that he called to the man. and then grabbed htm in an at tempt to pull him from the tracks, almost feeing dragged un- , der the wheels hims**U\ The body was dragged probably a bout 80 feet, and was badly mangled, As^wp -go to press, funeral arrangements had not, of course been made. Baptists To Build a Par sonage at Providence ? ?>an River Township will at a very early date have the distinction of carrying within her borders a mod ern, up-to-date pastorium, or flar tonage. which will, likely cost arocn I $3,000.00 Thus preacher's home, lo- . catoti *ot.u Uigluvay No. 14. near Pro vidence. Baptist church, will be ? oc cupied by Rev'. W. s. Tillman, pastor of ' the Providence. Blanche. Milton and Beulah churches It is understood tliat' plans arp being made to make of this parson* age a house that will be a. credit tn the chGrch and the county. A num ber at wagons belonging to the mem-r bers of the church and other resi dents of the community have been hauling logs out_ of the woods from which to cut. the lumber for the dwelling: I The location selected for the house | is a beautiful one. in the mids- .?,f a grove, just off of t]>e highway, but in plain sight. The Baptists are to be congratulated on this very worthy j enterprise, and Mr.. Tillman is to be I congratulated on the ' prospect of having' a* . modern fidme well situated , in which .to - JiVe.r -Caswell Messenger. ' ????? * ? o ? ? ? ? Presbyterian Church Sunday School at 9:45 a. in . II. L. I C Powell. Supt. Morning service at' | it.a. in.: sernvpn i)y the Pastoi. . Sunday School at Mitchell Chapel I i at ' .2 p . nr. teaching at Warren's (irovr? school at 4 p. m. - I We ask that every member pVii-.v | I (or the Union Meetinu to be. '-eld May 30-^June 10. i . P. CARY ADAMS, futtor. - Officers Renominated 1 At the mass-meeting 'hold in tljn 1 court house last night all " of the old I [ ofTiccr:. were re -nominated as follows: For Mayor : Robert " ,P. . Burns. I For Commissioners: E. O: Long, W. C Bullock. -J. M. O'Briant. N s 1 Thompson and G. J. Cushwa, | Tax Listing Notice I will be at the following places for the purpose of listing your taxes lor 1927 Rojeville: Tuesday. May 3rd. Hester Wagstaff'5 ?>tore: Thursday. May 3U\:' * F. D. Long^ Store. Saturday. May 7 th. Mess. R. C. Hester and J. M. Brew er will be with me tor the purpose of revaluing the land. T. C. WApSTAFF. Tax Lister. Lieutenant Walker Dead Washington. April ' 26.- -The fteath ?of Lieutenant Claiborne J. Walker, aboard the destroyer MeCOrmick. at Shanghai was reported -to the navy f Oraustark" ;t' C^nio : poliian Production. Palace Theatre PHday April 29th. . . ? 0 Japan Will Take Big . Delegation to Meet Geneva. April 26.? Japan's delegation to ihr three-power naval conference it was an nounced tonight, will number 50 persons. Present indications arc that the cqjifefenc* will be confronted bv numerous diffi culties. One report is" that Great Britain . may favor ab olution of big seagoing subma rines. 'this caused consider able < oiYimcnt as the experts deem it likely that the United States would insist upon the maintenance of this type for VommuTfteatiOn with outlying possessions. MUSIC AT R0XB0R0 HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT At. the time when the outline of the program for the commencement of the Rnxhnrn Hi?h Srhrtol was pre^' pared Wst wek. it had not been defi nitely decided when the recital of Miss Soli t hall's music class, would -take pla he. It has now. been decided that it \vin~be on Friday night. May 20th. in the high , school auditorium All lovers of siood music will want to .be sure to be on hand for. that, re cital. As .suggested last week. ' we expect to make music a ' prominent feature .of commencement, Mrs. A. \k Bums and Mrs. J. A. Long. Jr,, have kindly consented . to arrange the musical program for Commencement Sunday. May 29tli This gives assurance that the music will be an attractive fea ture on that occasion. A. B. STALVEY. Siipt. - ? ..?? ? o ? ? . James B. Blackwell Anot her ' grand old Confederal veteran has answered the final roil ca|l and gone to join the beloved Lee; ahd Jackson he loved so well and followed so bravely through the Con - federate war in a cause they thought wa? Just , And right. This grand old man. James B. Blackwell. was an honoied son of, Person County and the yroud father of Lester Blackwell ow the -recent VYorld war. who von lor himself and nation, fame and honor that will live as long as Old Glory" continues to whisper the sirent message, that American Lib erty. together with world wide safety j for the human family, was made a~j living reality by suclf as he. This fine old man reached the coveted a ?;e oi more thari four score years. and! the silent call came to him at his home at \?ebane. ry. C.. Sunday morning. 1 April 25th. * Interment was niade in the . town cemetery Monday j in the midst of a large crowd oi friends and relatives. ' _ ' Dinner . For The Old Veterans The. Confederate Veterans Rc-un ion will- be' held in Roxboro on Sat urday May 7th. 1927 After the busi nes -session of the Veterans the usual -.services, wilt, be held in the graded j-ohoql auditorium. .The address will ho delivered by* Mr. WUliani U instead. >r Durham. Following . the address o inner will be served to the Veterans by the Daughters. Every- Veteran arid his wife are ' cordloUv invited- to br the guests of the DauRhton. oil this occasion. Annual Spring Sale The Woman* Auxiliary of St. Mark's Church will hold their annual sprin? sale of childrens clothes, fancy articles and candy Saturday mominsr. April 30th. at the Carolina Power 6c light Co , begrinnins at 10 a. rn * Your patronage is solicited. ? ? ? ? o? i ' Services At St. Mark's Rev Sidney Bost of Durham will conduct a mission at St. Mirk's Episcopal Church be?innln* May 2. and lasting through the fec'x . Set vires will be held every rvenipE ?i> 4 - o'clock. Mr. Bost it a fine speaker, and every oho is cotdt.itlv Invited to come out and hear him. ' Wrestling For thv Um? in tha hutbry ul ? Roxboro therp will be an exhibition wrestling content; in > the ne? gym Monday " night, May 2nd. 8 o clork This contest will be between local l>oy\ of the Rosboro Httrh School, and tftose why coirie ouV will be treated to some fast mat. work Admission 15 ? rent % Interesting Farm Notes of Person Co. Terracing Work (Joinp For ward. Fowl Typhoid In 3 Sections of the Count) O. P. McCRARY PAYS VISIT Terracing went right alone on three farms last week as follows: J. 1 M, Brewer. P. D. Long. Jno R. Brad -jJietVaivd G. Y. HUrdle:. .'-'.In leaf ' 'hah. ; five after the -lines were laid off. Messrs. .Brewer, and Long had them phrown. up life** they meant i business. The others will .to the j some, but the agent lias not been I able to Inspect the terraces *ince the lines were laid off. It certainly i> s \ pleasure to work with people v/ho ,do things right. Mr. J. B Clayton at I^asfc?.ii*g shovv < Continued On F'age Eight ? In Second Place Sck*o! Con to* Mis* nelva Asfrlraft vf Beards ?A\n. 111. with a recontof 11 ^ear*. 'months of school ^ttrndante, with t having ?fritted a d Claims New Victims Here and There DEATH LIST PAST lOO JSlARK Memphis, Tcnn.. April 25..? -Swiftly and irresistibly the flood waters of Uje chaining Mississippi river and its tributaries roiled across new u round today in three states. Arkansas. Miss issippi and Louisiana! inundating half pr dozen more additional towns and thousands of acres of farm land? Driving the homeless before it. the floods claimed new victims here and i there, swallowing up a M issisr4ppi national guard rescue worker near Greenville, an Arkansas planter near j Pine Bluff. and the captain of a government craft assisting in levee strengthening on the Arkansas river t near Gould. With the known death list, past the one hundred mark, estimates, of the 1 total fatalities iip to this time ranged from 300 to 500. Rescue workers in the Mississippi delta region fear that jniny lost their lives today as- the I flood waters continue across that; region.. In the absence of any official esti-* mates, varying calculations of the damage ov.er . the 9.500 square miles of ; water covered areas were made by ; business "men here. These ranged all the way frpm one hundred million to ? hah a billion dollars. . The Flood at a Glance Flood waters have overrun at., ast six . more towns . in Arkansas and Mississippi.-. ? Additional thousands .01 agre- of . ffirm lands also have bee*- ^undated The liomsjess rfhw number more than one hundred arid fifty thousand wtth the' Red Cross preparing to care for more than two hundred thousand before the floods have run their course. Fears .are entertained by officials that, the known death 'list of ji I it tit? more than one hundred had been greatly augmented by the ru*h of Waters down the Mississippi delta. Cotton ./fact ojfs and mercantile ex pprtv" o? Memphis variously1 estimate the . floqd damage to date at front one hundred million dollars to half a bil lion dollars. - I With Arkansas City ? already under, backwater and a deserted town. Hel ena. Ark., higher up the river, was threatened by levee seepage. Breaks in small levees on streams in both north and south f6.4- the entire Louisiana national guard was ordered out tonight by Adjutant Grjwtal L. A. Tombs. The order. General Toorribs said. was u precautionary meas ure to meet any po.vsiblr de veloptmnts in thr Hood situa tion. Helena H. S. Commencement Helena High School Commence ment will begin Friday evening April 29, at *7:45: o'clock with a pageant. " America, yesterday and Today. This program will be the only pay pro gram during commencejrnent One interesting feature 'of this program is that every boy and girV enrolled in school Will be m u. All vages and many nations will be represented during the evening 'from the Ameri can Indian to the 'modern': day. The admission for this program will be 25 and 35 cents Sunday, afternoon at 1:00 o'clock. Dr. Brtmond D; Soper or Duke Uni versity will give the .Baccalaureate Sermon in the auditorium ot the school. ; Friday night. May 6. ttie render ? aurt declaimers contests will be held The First NaiGnal Bank of Rwxboro will present the t, \\ nine r of;.the read 7 ,'Vrs contest with a; fiVe" ' cidliar hank acco.unl. ? ? '? ? Saturday May 1/ at -2 Of) o'clock. Class= Day program, and Saturday evening at #:O0 o'clock the f?radua tion oxercises and Literary Address by Dt- rtiibe.rt M. . Put eat' of V' v;c Forest College. The Helenjt" School and commiiuuv consider-' themselves lOfttmate in *e-' I curing: sAich noted .inep as Dr Sopcv and Dr. Poteat for these exercise ? Ifat* public us cordially invited o all of the services. More will t'jiH ?m[to.T>y'? store I. from. 9:30 to 11 : 30. a. nr. This sale Its for the benefit efthe F.drrar Long I oMmorlnl _Metliodisi. Church. Your patronage u., solicited and wrll be appreciated. ' "T * The Peoples Bank Passes Resolutions Flesolutilfcn \dopted By Board Of Directors of The Peo ples. flank., Roxboro IN. SESSION APRIL 23 We commend the Legislature ' of 1?27 and. approve of the Law requir ing all COufitteft in the State to set tle its /taxes in full by May 1st. All -such taxes not being paid to be ad vertised and sold for taxes. We believe this a good law and should prove beneficial tb all. "DtJ> to conditions that have existed in i Person County for the past five year*, ' we believe our pebple have done the very best . they could under the ctr custances and used the money re ceived from the 1926 crop to the vitrv best advantage and paid it out as far as! it would go towards debts and taxes last- year. Knowledge *>f this Law having been ?' n to the public at* a very reeent date and coming more -or les# like a^ bolt out ot a clear sky. has caught pUmbets >f our goo d- citizens Un prepared to pay their taxes and in ;v way not giving %hem\a lair chanrc* to protect themselves ' localizing -the . hardship That this ' E^a-w -wt ?? haw-^. txjidp- lots,* of people \ye are going on jeciprd favprin.: an extension of tjme until Dec-.- 1st, 1912'7- and hetebT irue .yvur worthy Commissioners to fertint i l ?r-\tVnsion- ot time. A copy . oi this; resolution to . be mailed tci' Attortl'py General Brum mitt. Dr. E. C. BroOks. the Board cf County Commissioners and to the Ttoxbora Courier r.-: ? Adopted by unanimous vote, of oufv Board of Directors at Its- meeting April 23rd. 1937. Nineteen member* of the Board present. , ' To be first-rate business man does not Involve being a fourth-rate Christian.' "Buying, possessing, accumulating? : i his is not worldiness. But doing thU m^the love ot it. with no love oi God {jar^mount? ? -doing it so that thoughts r ?: eternity and God are an intrusion, doing it so that one's spirit secular ize d" in the process; this ils world- . . Iiness." Herrick Johnson., Sunday School 10 a. mi. R. L. Wil burn, Supts Preaching II a. nr.. subject: "The Spirit oif God in the Church of 'Christ' 5:00 p. m .. subject: 'What Do Your Neighbors See?'" B v. P. Us 7.0Q p. m General B. V P-. V. in, Dr. H. M. Beam, director. ? Only, tsar the Lord, and seryV - Hfm in truth with a}l your heart: lor <. nsidcr. \ltou ^r-e'at 'things Hq hath .done 'fgr ? you'" 2 Sain. .12:24. 0 A cordial welcome iv extended t ? The PiiVv Baptist Church. . W.-.F. WEST Pastox' Christianity E. Or" LONG. Secretary ? ^ ? ? ? ' ' And Business Court Week Court did nrtt meet on Monday, a* ?Jtfdge Garland ,E. Midgett was tied up -with a case in Oxford. He ar rived yesterday morning, and v.itfr Solicitor Umstcad, gpt right down t>r business and during the day much business vras- piit through, there be ing only one jury case, several ad missions wen*- noted. .Judgments nof been handed dbwp yet. but w ? will give full procedings in our next issue. ' Nothing of great note Is on the docket, the case of most interest be ing 'that against Obe Cot-bran and others, for shooting deputy sheriff Frank Bradsher. This case is dock eted for hearing today. Handsome Elec tric Sign Thr Newells amonii the most pro, gresslve flrm-s Qf our town, has swnng to the breezes ? \