SI .50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE WILL HE STOPI'Kfl THE DATE ON THE I.ABEL IS THE DATE VOI R PAPER J. W. NOELL, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. HOME FIRST, ABROAD NEXT. VOL. No. XLIV ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA. Wednesday Evening, May 4, 1927 WATCH THE LABEL ON YOUR PAPER AND DO NOT LET YOlTR * SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRE County Wide Revival To Be Held In Roxboi/oBoon -Committee Met Monday Morn ing and Finished Pre liminaries COTTAGE PRAYER MEETINGS TO BE HELD Not only the Ministers but many if the laymen are intensely interest-* ? (! in the County wide ?revival which. to be conducted in Ro>:5>rc dur ing the latter pan of May ?iid !.i: t ? ? >f June. The committee tttei Monday i i\orntng and fmished thp preliminary ' ^ natters, deciding to. bn,?in *ith t'to fe .ottage prayer meetings 'h.r week of * May 22nd. exact dates and places to oe announced from the .pulpits -by the Ministers. Followiiu. this be ginning Sundav morning serviced will ! . be held in the warehouse, conducted ' by one of the local Pastors,, and ser-.i vices every evening at 8 o'ekv-:. led ' oy a local Pastor. ? and on Sunday 7 , -? June ath. Dr. MuiiMiiiu. of Oxford ?wfll take c.harsc of the sen1 Ices and A-Jll preach . twice daily.' '"in the morn ing and evening. , the Unite tot he horninu service to be announced i v hen he arrives, the evening ser ? will- be 'at 8 o'clock. ? : A choir leader will be selected ^on, arid he will be here for the i <v_ .veefc of preparation- and will eet the ' 'i'?n ii-iDi 'i up betore Dr. Mangiun .. ' artiw?. The Pastors all have . ! 1 i s meetl.: very much on their, hearts and nr.* . inich in prayer, for its siiece.--. ; rid ; isist that every laymen, and l'ar-* woman. join them in these prayers. It is hoped to" make this "the mo^. l -liccesvful and far reaching revival .>'?r.yices ever held in the County, r.very Minister m 'he Comity is jrged to do his ptmost_ to have h*> . .^ngregations attehd. and to take an active part themselves: .It is strictly ? ^ nion and . all denominations are taking pa*t. lading aside all sectar ianism and work with one e.rui in. . vi*w.- arid that . is. for the sal\kattoh . ;?f souls. Longhurst School . The >chp'ol at Longhurst; closes ' a most successful scfrdo} year on VVed nesday evening May lltli Vith ai i - operetta "Rose Dream" Riven by the primary grades; This has been an outstanding year : or one of the counties outstanding schools Under the supervision of .Miss Nell Armstead there has been . many new features added. ? .This is posSibly the only . school ? in the county in which the Platoon system ? usftU ? in., -the grammar grades, and also in which a graduate instructor in jhusic frlves each grade lessons in ? Public school music to gether with chorus work. Some form of entertainment lias been provided, the people of UvS com munity from rhe school auditorium each month. The band of the \: >m> tyunity has rendered a rest. service here.. The community and rhe mills seem ?flly behind the- :rhonl. New hfultii.. . desks, tables, bopk easiest footlights, v'SI50 library, renovation of class ' looms i;Y * 1 it ? -basement. piuntiW of; bltlldlng 'are some ' of- the forward ! steps 'taken Recently the officials _ot Bakers Mill presented: the school1 ?with a handsome veiour curtain' fpv the stage. In the fail, the ' Junior Order presented ihe school w;ith ;i Flag and Bible Lost week Rev. Mr. McGivgor -turned over to the school checks amounting to $26.00 that in terested citizens of the. community had donated tor prizes for scholar ship ih each grade. Messrs. R. G, dole, J/T. Coleman. Rev.. J. 'C. Mc Gregor and the Junior Order donated these The teacher-^* cordially invite the people of the community and friends elsewhere to the commencement ex ercises which areas follows: Thursday evening May 5th the rrammar grades will present th com edy "Georgian na\s Wedding Gown"' together with the Highland Fling" and choruses. . Sunday evening, eight o'clock. May 8th. in the Baptist Church. Rev. Mr? McGregor will preach the comn^nep ment sermon, and Wednesday eve -nin^ May 1 Ifh will d>me the final ekercises "Rose Drewnv." and other entertaining features. Mid- Weed Services Are CaHed^QfL *T ,3&d-wcck prayer -^vires at. the" P'11'st * Church* hav<- .brit-n .railed MJ -on. accoiiitt" of the. serytces ' ar " St Mark's ciitftx'V wnn-n me be ing held every evehiiu? this : week, conducted by ; Rev. Sidney fc Bost. o t, Durham. ^ . . ?* ? ? i Invasion of Boll Pest Expected after Flood ! New Orleans, La. May Z, ? . Hundreds ' of thousands of boll weevils perished when the Hood inundated the rich cotton lands of Arkansas. Louisiana and Mississippi, but another sjene I ration of the pests will quick ly invade the region when the waters recede, cotton experts believe. Lionel Jones, Federal a^riciil tural statistician. Louisiana said today that if a cotton crop ; were planted after the 'reced ing of the water, the boll, weev ils in myriads, probably would infest the region. The weevils may wreck more destruction than usual because they will attack the cotton bolls when small and retarded by the late .planting, Jhe added. Many Girls In Beauty Contest The Durham Exposition is to put on a Beauty Contest, an.cjj Rox boio has been a^ed to select, her best looking ' lady. who will be known as ' -'Miss Roxboro.' and send her" over to .Compete for The" prize. Of Course. Roxboro has the . best Oboking. Jady and if tile judges are honest, fair and ivnn..rtiai she will bp crowned Queen . t>; '-hi: I'Jiuuity; Sl><5yv The following have been nominated ' by some Of their friends to enter thLs ?ronU-si Miss Shuford Carlton, N,iss Sallie Day. Mjss Mary Riley. Miss Bana Day, Miss Francis Lon^T^Yoir^ can ?? vote lor either of thefip, or^^ti can select some other. Just write your choice- and leave at. the4 tores .Harris and Burns Willburn and Satterfteld. or. The Courier office. Be sure to vote at once, lor we will publish the winner in our next Rtul c^rtily the fact to the Exposition. M '.- oiv R; P.. Burns hfti bee n asked j to nrrompanv the v.inner to 1 on' Mny IGtH and introduce ..lis*; Rox bord. - . ? . . - - ? " ? 1 Accidental Shooting Near Helena Tuesday morning about nine o' clock. Dr. Gentry had a call to go to the homo of Thomas Cates- who-! i lives' '"near Helena, to render aid to an accidental shooting affair. Mr.. Cates ^a? on his .way - to work when a stray i bullet from a pistol in the hand a of n nagro. boy in a near-bv section of woods found its way into tar. Gates' rtabt leg just above his knee, inflict ing a very painful wound, as the ! bullet had sufficient force to pass eh ??tijgly through his lei'.. The whole at fair was .accidental and the name of \The boy who did the shiooting could, not be learned.' Notice! Notice! Aii property owners are requested to meat' the assessors of '-th'ptr. respeo ? tiye township* i>t their various ap? pomtments.. These appointments are made for your convenience, and as r some readjustment- in land .values arc proposed- I am urging you to meet these men "in order that a review of The whole County's property v allies may be had ?*s soon as possiole. ?S. G W INST F, AD Supervisor. Services At Baptist Church. Sunday School 10 a. m.. R. L. Wil t burn. Supt Preaching at It a. m. by rev. J. B. Currtn. Mother's Day program promises to be very interesting and the public i* cordially Invited ? - ? -o Back Home The many friends" of our yount! friend. Mr. Robert Harris wre glad -i W B4ft him back, from the hospital, i He is now. In the home ot his sister. { Mrs. Joe Blanks. He underwent an ooperatkui?-f4o?xi- it line, artd returned hjQjp^T'in *about 11 days. He liad a nctback Saturday afternoon and was nuUe sick Saturday night, but fc m ticn better today. ? ? f? ? _ i - Pp rev Mark's L novel N>f Youth ? THK ? PLASTIC AOE" with Clara Bow at Palace Theatre Monday and Tuesr day May? ih-lQth. Mr. Satterfield Qualifies For Lakes Cruise Mr. S. P. Satterfield Charter Member. Will Attend Sum mer Meet 'In Canada HAS WONDERFUL RECORD Mr. S'. P. Satterfield, who is the. Satterfield Insurance Agency, has just been notified that he has Quali fied as a member of the party who will take the Great Lakes Cruise, which is given complimentary to ^all agents? who qualify, the qualification, being that the agent must have -."old and paid for more than two hundred thousand dollars worth of insurance during the year which will close Juoe 30th. Mr. Satterflld has done this, and he will get, this trip to Quebec. Montreal. Canada, and th eGreat Lakes Cruise at the expenser.of the Jefferson Standard Life In; Company, and Sam says lie v.|H ride in a special pullman apartment. Mr. Satterfield has a wonderful record svitU: this great Company. He was appointed to' represent this Com pany, at its organization in 1907 and Mr. Cha&7~"W CHJlfl. ItUl first ? vice president are the only two Charter members. The late Hon.- J. A. Long *fou> one of the original organizers with considerable, stock "The . pit value or this stock is SI 00. but to day it. is selling, for $4SG a share Mr. *. satterfield says lie is the oldest agent in business, but the youngest ? in ac tivity, . and a capacitv for selltrwr m surance equaled by few of the youtv-Y er set: * i The Jeff ers6n Standard h??s over 300 millions jiosv in force, and veils more life insurance in' North -Caro lina than' any. otlror V?tftpainir->. '4 Mother's Day Program The following program wilt be pre sented by the General B. Y.' P. U. of the First Baptist Church, May 8, 8' p. m.: " ."?'??? ? . ? ' ? Prelude - "Home .. Sweet Home/* ."Mother's ' Qoxoloiry." ? Song? "'The Peace that Jesus Gives." choir. Prayer. Scripture? -Bible v&rses ab^ut moth er. S.allie L. Walters. Song? " My Mother's Bible. " choir. - "Unknown Mothers.1" Ann "Bradsher. Wearing a Flower for Mother." by Misses 'Montague and Riley. Offertory. "Tribute to Mothers." R. P. Bums ?? Prayer. Solo-T-'Little Mother ol Mine."' Jake Taylor. ?"Somebody's - Mother." Ra c hael Bradsher ? Quartette? "Mother's Prayers Have Followed Me." Song? "Mother's Songs," Elizabeth Whltten and choir. Benediction. ? Ushers -Rosea Thomas. Hilda -Shoemaker. Jeter Daniel and Alvin. I Warren. ^ ( Tv-^T: : O? ? ? ? Junior Baraccas Have Banquet ? The ' Reds' , entertained the "BwieK" at a banquet last Thursday -night. in the basement of the Baptist Church ? ith thirtv three present It was a pretly affair, a two course .dinner was served by. the Junior Philathia clasS. While the dinner wdi progress lnc( music was rendered bv the Misses Rachel Bradsher. Virginia Mathis. Elva ? Wade and Elizabeth Whitten. . Mr. R. B. Dawes acted as toats mast er; ThosP"*-frlvin? toasts were J. J. Woody.- invtted -oiBgt, C C. Cole, ,H. ' M. Beanl. and J. O- Perkins. It was enjoyed by all and will no doubt pep up the attendence of the class. ... ? M. Sunday Wreck On Nprth Main North "Main Street, near the North End Filling Station was the scene of a rather exciting auto smash up j Sunday, when a Buick car driven by Jessie Yarboro and a Ford touring car Weupicd by Wittfc* ? and JeU>r * Daniel had a head on collision. In the wreck a phone po&t was cut com ptetHv off about three feet above the ground by the Buick No serious damage, was suffered by^ any of the" occupants.: other th#n sorrie jjamful bruises and scratches sustained by Mr Willis Daniel. "Sunshine" ? ' ? at ? Roxboro High School Commencement . ? May 3T - ? - ? | ? Why not enjoy It? Nation t<x Relief of Mississippi HQmeless ciouv<&r' More than M) 0 dead and 200,000 home!r*< ar<? in the Mississippi. Missouri and Ohio valleys as water-.. r<?cirde ?-n - the most <ie->tr'.!c.!ve ruer ll?>adthe, nation has -ever .known. - ^Vcrrtary ? ? Interior Herbert Hoover ..h>5"heen . assigned by .the Pi.csiflcnttu.i!>gi ioihiUv ? n "" woffc r> the nation contributes t'trnris tapper phrnn A an airplane view 't - i-rfeen . Villc, Mi*s., under 20 !<>?>? n\ water: ? rf?s wer photo li typical iv::t : Which paw dot the highlands, J u?'i\ t . ? Orlcafis. r Flood Cofidit ions Rapidly Growing More Serious As Crest Of River Advances Miss Wade In ? Piano Recital last recital ot the year bfiorc the final excrcise?""$ as given , to quite a large arfcl enthusiastic audience last night at the Southern Conser- f \atory of --Music and war. presented, bv Miss Lorena Wade of Roxboro. j assisted by Mrs J. W. Hamlin in I vbice; and by Prat. G. W. Bryant who i played the second piano as orchestral ' accompaniment. The recital was' splendidly rendered by. Miss Wade who" is to try for a > soloist's diploma before the. board of examiners who- will hear her. . elec tions on Friday. As a ' soloist Miss Wade. 'Ut- well! prepared and presented .her program.' in a very artistic manner, beinc a master of technic and her interpre tation was all that could bf expected. ?Durham Herald. . j Dinner For The Old Veterans The Confederate Veterans fte- un ion ^vill be held ih.Roxboro dii Sat urddy May 7th. 1927 After the bust ness session of the Veterans the usual services will be held in the graded " school auditorium. The address will be delivered by Mr. William Umstead, of Durham following the ..address dinner will be served to the? Veterans by th^i Daughters. Every Veteran and his wife ire cordially invited to be the guests of the Daughter^ on this occasion. 1 ' ... ??>* Rotary Eletts Officers At . the luncheon last Thursday night the following officers were elected for the ensuing year Ed. Hill, president; . Obe McBroom. vice president; Dr. Bedford' "Love aild Hubert Morton, with the retirinc president and elective officers, will form the rlir^rtnr^ ^cretary. B. B -Maxar urn;* treasurer. Joe Blanks Cemetery Flower t Day, May 8, 1927. No longer is 11 necessary to urge j our community to observe this in- ; nuai custom. This is merely -to re mind us of the date, next Sunday. Mother's Day, May 4th. 1927. ~ ' rfAlTIE E BDRCTT? f _ ? -o- . II Music Recital Miss Mary Ri'lev will give a musical vecitat at Bf?thel Hill HJgii School on Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. The pub lic i.s cordially invited to these ex ercises.- ? - ? ?/ .? ? . ? - 1 ?? . . . ? . A Mlrrat of Yp.uth is THE PLASTIC ' AOE with Clara Bow p la lift? !U Ml- ' *cu Thuatro * Monday and Tuesday May %? lOth.' ? j One of .Most Fruitful Sections Of Louisiana Affected B> Latest y Washouts MORE MONEY IK NEEDED Raleigh,. N.. C.. May 2.? A staff- of j:hvsrcians. and an en cruder have beeiv: sent to the Mississippi floe*} area by the State of North Carolina, it \vaT~ learned today. - Washih?t6n. May 2.r? The nation went over the top today in the drive for funds to aid the flood .utfereis of lower Mississippi valieV. The American Red Cross annouiic- ? ed this morning. that total contribu tions thus tar received are S5.040.4CO. The minimum goal set was *>,000 000. It Is likely, however, that this enormous sum wlU prove inadequate, and that another appeal will soon be issued setting SlO.OOp.OOO as the rwn irnum necessary to -y rapplr with the gigantic ? relief pypbleni. > ??''-.'. ?V-.-j; Washington. May, J . ?Tho flood re lief situation is fairly well in hand but millipns of dollars urf still need rd ti rehabilitate the thousands of ! l>ersons who have been ruined by the greatest flood disaster m American history, Secretary '}>( ? e r c e ? Hoover, just Tiack from a--- survey of t"hev low'er Mississippi' valley, reported to President Coolidse today Hoover was with . ifche ? President nearly an. hour. . . . The relief organization is working effectively and Hoover said he did not believe there' was danger of imy more loss of life in' the flooded reg^ '? >,v * "The Courtship of Miles Standish" A play? ?The Courtship of Miles Standish," will be .presented by the seventh - grade in ? the Grammar school auditorium Thursday morn ing. May 5th. at 8:45 o'clock. Characters . ar? as follows: Miles Standish. Bedford Stanfleld; John Alden. Algie Jackson. Jr.; Pris cilla. Helen Morton. The public is cordially invited. I ? ' - ? ? -- ? -o ? ? ? Presbyterian Church Sunday School. at ?> :4S, H. L\ CV) well4 Supt. Morning services at 11 V m. Mothors Oay service. seTmon by the Pastor. ? Sunday School at Mitchell Chapel at 2 p. m. Preaching at 3 p, m Services at- Bushy Pork school at 7:30 p. m. Pvity person in ; this town and County should remembrr their' moth er in some w*v <jn Sundav. P. CAHY ADAMS Pastor ^ Town Electiori : ? Tlini1 ^ a.' only . oft? ? tieket ?v ? field. and the old mayor and board were rc-etecied.' recelvliig 47 -votes.." ; Person Court -In Session A Full Week Judge Midyette Disposer Of Large Number Of Casen; Cothran's get 3 Years 13 CASES In STATE DOCKET Owing to Judge Midyette .being tied lip with a case m Oxford until Mon day afternoon court did not open ? here -until Tuesday morning. It took two and a half days to complete thi* State docket. 43 cases being heard. The case attracting most ? attention ' was that of * Obe and - R,o\" Cothran, indicted for manufacturing liquor a>id assault upon in- officer l>ur ing the trial the court' house.. TOi. packed to capacity, standing room being at a premium, They -were con victed on both counts and were sen tenced to Durham county roads for 3 '-years! two tor. assault and one for the liquor charge. Other .cases disposed of were TCf ~ follows: - _ Letter Dt?>haz > charjod with cjriv .hg an automobile while drunk: nol pros with leave; He was also charged with moving a barricade on the statu Highway. ?thi& was ulso nql pros witti leave. . ? ETarlie Clay tor. . Charged with-lar ?nv;. *>ol tttbs-'-.wuh reave. ? W- c\ Barnptt. hine in 'iou-a pond: noi pros with -ieay^. . ?" Abraham- Hamtet' . carrying' a' con- ; ccaV?d- weapw: pros - with, icaye'; William Forms illegal possession of .?.whis'.fv.:' ."nol ; pr.C:^.. Avjth ..leave. I. 13 ArQxison. practicing optica without licensee hoi pros with leave. Sam AJlison, charged w)?h larceny, was made to pay >$2 to the prosecut ing ? witness ; and aitb; the. cost cf 'court. '. 7 V *.'? 4 Hehry Frogeye^ charged >Hth as sault with irvtent to kill, was given ' i'J ; Everett .Cars-A ell. indictment noa support: nol pros with leave Fraiik Hea'ter chifged with assault V'r. -dh W: .t p >n . en months. Capia? to- issue within twa TT^rs ? On the charge of assault. Lonni^ Jones was fined $10 and' the cost of : court. -v McKinley Gilrapre. charged . with ? carrying a concealed- weapon: -verdict of "Jury; not guilty. C. B. Adcock., charged with possession of whicky for purpose oi sale: fined $50 and rest. ' The case oi George Graves. chur>*KJ with disposing of mort^a^ed proper ty. was ?continued. Gvne Johnson,* vagTaiicy : no! prps-s with l^ave. ? ^ene "Johnson. female; - two. years, capias to issue; give bond, of $103 ? Xpm Mitchell was fined $20 and the. costs. ff>r assauli oh female. % Henry HarhsTjE^aT^lrd^^ith carry? |nif cuniealed .v/eapon?" judgment -sus pcnch^-'trpnh payment of cost-* ? Dallas Ramsey u as fined $50 and the cost for carrying concealed weap on-. D. W Estes. Will Jones. am^E. L. Tinmen; charged with -.anibUnc. were- ' each made to pa v. $20 and the cost. Red Gofield ? illegal, possession of yh^skv: to appear in court lor period of two years to show good behavior. F^ank Johnson, judgment suspenri -ed upon payment of cost. R. A. Walker, and Walter Walker, judgment suspended upon payment of cost. The followme men were cliarged w .h operating a slot machine: O. W. Long. W. B. Humphries. J. O. Low ery. B. E. Mitchell. Roy Winstead, S. P. Gentry. C. O. Buchanan and C. T. Hall The verdict * as in each case: judgment suspended upon payment of cost. . William Walker, charged with the same offense was found not_"; guilty of the charge Judgment was suspended upon pay ment of cost in the case of Hoiiry Whitaker. 'charged with driving .auto mobile on highway, with ficticious license. He was given 12 months on Durham county roads,, on the, charge .of larceny. j C. R. Rash, charged - with > driving automobile with ficticious license . prayer fpr judgment continued. Services At St. Mark'* Services are beta* held dally at St Mark's Chapel Rev', Sidney S: Bast, of Durham. doin^ the preaching Mr. Host Is an able speaker and the put> 11C wtll miss some mterestins ser mons il they fall to take advantage 1)1 this. i.!>port*i?nv - i ne uoliege . Komance you ll Ktluie : ? TK* 'PL4STIC AGE" irtth Ctara Bow playing at Palace Theatre- Mon day and Tuesday May 9^ 10th..

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