THE DATE OX THR i-ABEI. IS THE dateVovr PAPER Wilt BE STOPPED WATCH THE LABBL. ON YOVB PAPER AND DO NOT" LET VOCB SUBSCRIPTION EMPIRE J. W NOELL. EDITOR AN0"PUBLISHER HOME FIRST. ABROAD NEXT, $1 50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE VOL. No. XLIV ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA. Wednesday Evening. May 18, 1927 Levees Gone, 150,000 People In Flood's Path Levees Shot Through With Cre vasse- Have Y?fl to Feel Weight of Flood .('rest ritoi's.vNDs en Oangered ' .Tin tun- Rouvk lia . May. 13. ? A 'radio* rani from Major John C. .aot?vx?ls. ' ,rmy engineer in charge of Che'op ' ?aUoijK of rescue ? boats . to relict J :;?aclqtmrtc'!M v here late ibcjay indi- 1 dted (hat -all ?>t t he refugees' ma- .1 .caned tin the .tnrmbli^ns: Big Ucmd ? ? -One tliousuid n itons nc lading" few women, were evacuated, from . .be levee between Moreauvttle . and vieihwood- and 3 DO wer -taken from inbankment.v near kedllsTi. . Major Troth waif.: message said, ? His advices also said 1,500 heact ; ? . 'of stocK bad ? bo en taxen rtDoiird barr-r from the .Moreaqvilic-Kinih\vood ? tjikes-' . > ; .. r-,0W In Dany'r Tho leyctie craft tonUht were c.jn- ; VntratinK on: evacuating appj;oxi uitely 1.000 people In the inundated --eetioris ot lower Avoyelles parish '.nd St.. -Landry parish Surf boats ere combing the region . tor ma soned victims and they were effete - nc rapid, evacuation of the 5PQ resf ~ ; ents of . Pautsvillc and the. same umber ot Goudeau. . *A shattered number throughout - he section are expected to remain ;n the upper stories ol their !v,a:r.< ? r ? ..'iid tvieir evacuation is expecy.'d to completed by tomorrow. Major ' : vdthwate said. 0 C- . Commencement Program For Bushy Fork H. S. Fridav night May 20. 8 p in. Pro ram by Grammar Grades. Saturday morning . and afternoon rlome coming day lor air friends. , ormer teachers and pupils of Bushy 1 .Fork school. . Saturday, night. ' May 2i,st. 8 p. TO: address by Maj- L. P. McLcndon Sunday afternoon. 4 p. m.- Sermon oy Rev... p. W Dcwd of Lbuisbiirg. Every one is especially Invited to-; .' ttend t-he big home comin : day on Saturday. t3inner will be served on he -ground .and alt are expecting to liave a ^ood time, as-jt will be a re inion tor all who have rv< r been con ?' . nected with rJiushy Pork . Highl.Schpoh'. New Hospital In Roxboro Why ixaf t nter the Kunshin? Sam- . tarium instead ol Waits If6?tpithl? You . can. r. or in Friday , May. 21. ut eight o'clock :\i th<- Rnxborb "Hlctv school ;u;rit6riinn. ? ? Hero yon cap have competent nurses Uk'* Loiii^ Lorn and Annie Clayton. Tl vou ' < n)o\ rvmr health Mildred Richmond Emily Stephens >*nd Jamo.. Wiiistcad will sym'pathwo .nth .you. li heart radiant in all oTTiv* loveliness, -end we ? are convinced Uiat r.n'n * of - the beautiful ladies would xeei' ? ntir ??? Soturrtnv from Cer r.vlttitr Pntter &' I.L> v~ CorriT " "T , from rf:3Q to 11:30 a. 111 " fhis sale is [or the benefit or the Kdtfar W*** I Memorial Methodist Church. Your r-atroniwe -1? solloited .unci vi lli be ap i.rivriiiifi ? ! Tr> prodilcc tjrjnht m' ,it. ? should be th-.ur.cJ W .sjjiu! .$ur to six- Inches apart nnd spS?M?j!> ""*? ?irutt pe? cluster" ' ? - ? ^ Contract Let Contract for finishing (he ri?a.d ii? the Virginia Line ?m rouf<* H was let. yesterday to ?>Ir. F. J. McGwire, the price J>ein^ : The dLstancpk X.fW miles, completes a hard >urfacrd rQad from Koxborri to thp -Virginia line. and will doubtless bp completed this fall. Auto Wreck Near Prospect Hill Tv;c ;nen :md' one woman were paintullv nut' and bruised in Mi auto . -mobile wreck late Sunday evening near; the. village of * prospect Hill, when the Ford touring car in which ihev were traveling headed towards ttiflsbcro. pjuhged dowit an embank .ment near the intersection of high way. 144 and 14, coming to! an abrupt ..i.indstiH when a lai'te tree was ..-'ruck. The 1?q/{i was almo-t . com >lv demolished and all three of ? h* occupants wen? more or less in-' i itved; It seems that the -driver lost; r <>ntrol ot the car as b^intf the direct rcom plrtecl Ills house end has moved *n it. am 'lifcklnt; pood progress pl&ntirie tobAcTr. Tlie season is very ;ood'.. some dry spots hive had to be watered, plants are plentiful. Tiure has been several eases of mea^e Is reported Ln. the Moriah sec tion. Mrs. Una . Bowling* is visiting Mr. Fl. H. SafWlin? and friends around Moriah. Mrs. C. M. Clayton who' has been ilefc for several **eeks is improving. Sunrlnv School was orjjanized at Bethaili church May first with 5" Jargc attendance. J. A. Malone. .?upt.. Misses Iila Da>*. Maude Meadows. Mrs. R U Hunt. Mrs. D. M. Cosh *'ere ejected teachers, with Altss Iola Day. organist. Music Recital Th" music" pupils of Mrs, Wheeler I Newell will aive a^ recital on next | Tutysday nikht. May 24th. at 8 o'clork lit ?.he reeled ?hoo1 auditorium. TTic public is cordially invited ri attend ? tne?b o^jreises. . Card of Thank? . A ? ' f ' W'-Avifjli t<5 ti-nnl; 71'ji' many (nerids IhVir ..vinpschv and klnflro^ 'ten I ui durtnr, our recrnt, Iwrevemenr. ihe ? (Traill at ?jur tMMtr,- L. H. OAkV.. . The FninlJiV. Revival Will Touch Entire Person Co. Preliminary Services YViJI He i?> n With Cottars Prayer Meeting Next Mnndi^r COt MY TO CO-OP Eft ATE ' Great ^interest is be&tg n^nUasUtd "hi Hie revival ' which is to be held m Rotfboro. The tovst services . will . be held in the. hbmes of the Christian ' 'l^.pplp throughout the County be ginning Monday. May 23rd It . is" earnestly .'desired by all of .'.the. Pas-. tors x>f the .Cqunty that - these .services be held in every Christian home dur ing. this week;. If you have *10 one . to conduprt these services call . on. your pastor or Tiny layman in Raxboro who is accustomed to such work. On Sunday.. May 2Dth. there- wiU be ho services at the morning n,crur. as Dr. Sopcr of Durham will deliver the commencemnt sermon at the high School auditorium, and every ohe ls expected to hear him. On Sunday night at 8 o'clock, tlie pastors will conduct services in their churches Monday night the, exercises at the High Schooi auditorium will come to i\ close and on Tuesduv . night at 3 o'clock; services will begin in the Pioneer ;ahd will continue each night du-rihg' the . week. .ome on-' of the, local pastors will preach. During this time the singing will be in r harge dt Rev. D. p. Hotted* Dur ham, and he is very anxious that eVery iinger both^lk tov.n and cottp^ ty. join his choir. A larue stand . has been erected and he wants Tir~ ,-setr ^ every- seat occupied during the pre liminary services, as well as durinc I he revival. Sunday night; June 5th. Dr. O. P. Mangum of Oxford will ; come, "?"?and . will : conduct the services during the remainder of the revival. The' Pastors of- all of the i h'?n.'h-? in the County are-interested in this great meeting and they want each and every Christian in the County to feel that this , is their meeting-hot a Roxboro meeting, but their meet ing. and earnestly urge' every one; to attend and lend their help. Roxboro High School Commencement On Friday night. May ? ,20th. 'Miv, Southail's. . manic class will: have their annual recital: A rare treat, is in store J or all who an\ fortunate enough to be aWe to attend this eVcnt . ' A week later. Friday nigjit. May 27th, the senior .play will be given*. Those who have attended senior 'plavis in Roxboro in recent years do not need to be told that- Uiis will bo. one ot the ymost interesting parts of the entire commencement. Misses SJat terfield and Coe.- as well as the girls and boys of the senior class, are working hard to make this tin "best On Saturday mght? the 28th. the annua) reading a nd declamation'. ;eon* U'st will be Staged. On tliis occasion * we purpose to Jnxv live years aw and ?for . further- persecutions which in sulted in her arrest In the Cooper ease; had disappeared and she calm ly awaited 'for the machinery oi the law to* grind around to a hearing either before the grand jury ox a corner's juiy. . . > J y- ; ' Farmers of Bethel Hill Organize Club Twenty of Bethel .HUV.S leading ; farm ers met with the Teacher of Voca tional Agriculture On last Thursday night at the High school and organ ized a farmers club. Th e purpose of the club is threefold: educational, cooperative and social. Much und enthusiasm ? hown in several short talks made by the farmers en how the club might be' beneficial to the community. ? The lollpwlh's' officers were elected: Geo. W. Smith. President, J. V. Humphries. Vice-president. T- .1. Montague. Sec-Treas. The following committees v. ere', selected: Refreshments; Wingat?4 Ro* ,c"rs. B? W. Gentry. S: P. Gentry, r. T. Hall ajMl Leslie flail. Educational, s ? A . j." Crutch field* J. A. Beam Mem bership. J. V. Humphries R. D. Baii ey. Percy Woody. T* J. Montague. Publicity. G. W. Joiner. Geo. W, SptUh, .Julian Woody.' Music. .\I. M. Fontaine, G. G. Woody. S. P. Gentry. K. L. Wehrenber?. J. H. Shbtwell. Attendance. G. E. Woody. Bruce Woody, Neston Day .H . Fontaine. E. Y, Jones. Program, W. B. Humph ries. J. A Brove at 10 a. m.. W. W. Wrenn. Supt. Prea.ehln. service and Conjmuhioa at Oak Grove at HiCO a . m. Preach - In;; at Wood sd ale at lour o'clock. Prayer- meeti'ne; at Concord at 8 p. lit., led Oy I. G. St ephens, Prayer - meetim at Leas , Cbapel at 8 p. led by y. *G. Roger;. Prayer-ni*?l imc ut Oak 'Grove at B p. m.. led by Moses Bowes, Evvrvbodv cordially incited t.v i tudv trie Bible . a rfd worship with us at any of. these- services. . J. \V. BRADLEY-, P. C. ?! I Cottage Prayer Meeting Just ;> few words regarding tile cottage prayer meetings which are to begin next Monday, night thrdughtiut Pefson County. Too much canno', be said in favor of the outqrowth and. fw.ssibjljhe.s which -^n hand in hand wiih. a genuine. intense prayer ser vice, let it be earned ?"on/ where it ;, may. By a careful . study and. analy - sis. of all the great achievements in tin- advancement of God's kingdom on earth and a careful persdal . o I the lives "of individual's, as well as that ot Communities. States and Nations, you will find it the direct outcome o! sojatff-ohiv; earnest prayer backed up with application- to the task and whenever' &ncl wherever things have;, beeh accomplished yoti J a ill iind that it vas wrought out ( through the channel jpf prayer. So good folks of Person ' County and especially those who have, been chosen to supervise these cottage prayer meetings, we urge you to give thin your* very bsst and beginniptf next Monday night. and continuing throu f hie week we hope- the people of this good county will be found each night assembled in somcones home, calling SihJLhc giver ol.all gfiod gifts, to make our Union meeting a soul saving af~ tair. Will you do your part? A Handsome Home . Judge 4. C. Pass, who is having erected on Academy Street one of the handsomest residences in the town, will Be the proud possessor of a home second to none. \V0rl5 Js progressing rapidly and he hopes to complete it this fall. 1. Carriers Picnic The R. F. D. Carriers Association of Person County will hold iu annual meeUnR at Loch Lily on Monday, May 30th. A picnic jiinner witr be *tVM?, and all carriers in the Ootmtu are invited to be with us If you arc not a member ot the Association we ?w ant you to eom? and be v ith us on ' ?this occasion. ? There sviu be Mpeseb inftklnc: arid other enjoyable exercises. We are hoping lor a Rood ^tteA dance and a 'general good -umfl' 4 : ; m ? h yiiibr; jfiy, j