?w* ? ? ? ? ??? r*1? 1 ^ ? I THE DATE ON THE ' l.AUEI. IS TBF DATE von: PAPER WILL BE STOPPED I I I WATCH THE I.ABRI. ON VOI R PAPER AND DO NOT I.ET VOCR St'ltSCRIPTION EXPIRE J. W. NOELL. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. HOME FIRST. ABROAD NEXT. ' $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE VOL. No. XLIV ROXBOR0, NOR I H CAROLINA. Wednesday Evening, May 25, 1927. No. 21. Big Revival Begins Sunday Night 8 p. m Everything In Readiness *)r. Mungiun Will Hold His First Service Sundav Nielli May 291 h VOTE CHAMife IN DATE Orciiig to n. nnsundtfrstandtm; * be veen ?>r. O. Rr ^Nlahsru'm and the ?: luusters in chlk^t* as to the date o( ? .the opening pf>ihe, jevival; the open. * ? ig ti-i'" !bi r:v changed from Suii . f.ay. June 5th to Sunday. May 29th. 'ottage Uryyci* meeting being . I'ld in almost every srcficii- of. the ? County.- and. /throughout ihe town. his week, and op Friday night at 8 v-iock- -the Tirst* union service ;\vill toe. : * <'id in the Pioneer warehouse, con 4 . ^/liOted by one oi the local Pasfors. -r? ;n r)v,. 'r'nvp r.f ?? " ti-igvv v>r ? ice,. ? Every one in the ' Sow-n :md County is urced to^attend this, open ?' - v.* V Service.' ; - Sunday morning. .May 29. the usual T-*-- ervicgs wttt- be^hspensed mth bv. aU Factors in tpwh. so that eVery one ? Vav have an opportunity to' heal! Dr. ? . enceiiient; sermon' /at the' ? K-ii'.h School auditorium at 11 o'clock. : At . ; o'clock in the evening Or- Mangum ? i H preach the . o)pc hliu; .sermon at V ' the Pioneer warehouse, vchlch*. wilt. .vn in Roxboro. Every church in he County :?>. urgwl to see to. it that neir ? sipce r . ;,.::nc ,v.i-v . * * : - : i cH*?'c! and we ore - V -'a;. - X\i -:. :nr - .? v,i; v ,'pler?sant ;. .' : ?T'i;vs".. . the.'- h6;ifir; . n\cmb.*r.s o i ? t.he ?.. lj( .. Mima's. Li>i:' V.V.t'-; . *-?>; v.f. V irrhriiu At \:V.is. received .the , ; ' . , >?i 1 il .. .t < 1., V ;? . . ? a ;? .lUt- Ba^M ? . ' Ch1.? rch.. - :"? 'i . ??. ? u*-h ? iv ' ;si;<>r ..?>< t-i-.v -? ..iTr.r in. - '.iax, ' : ; l -Jfiknov, 'i%i> ? mrnch. TTVf- -the .i; th" "ir'.> . t.thf- p|an:t t-nci Mr ClvVl<- Hall, ? aWiV M. :?!.?{ Mi- AlV ;i V. v ?. ' ifcli their hv\trumeiHs .splendid n ;dc" viia reiulered..' $i\& :qi, ' ?V;w*_ ?..rt Joyed by all. ?.ii.s.ses ifallie Lr?\: Walters *.?. i I Vir : irda Mathi* Vevo v a ?>! i ftttw ? ,-y.uiiTul hanrl made linen i.uadV-v <: jii?l as a tok*n of esteem in ?; h?njv -. ?vhr' class' ..held 'he youn^ ladles. Also ? ':%cv told. 'them how sorrv th.-v \ ? j have thenV Usave for th ,r* 'jihetl them to returv liext laM . bewith ns n^am. After ?rames ai\cl mu&te, Mi?w\s Kilflah Shoeciajtcr, Neva L\air.t artners havitv? been fpimd by n?tch .^together hower* ? naniei ? vVitt?n' n cards and < Tit ?n t vo pUtC^i. ^ very pleasant chat wnj .rn Joyed vrtUJ the refreshment. s. The baseiwrnt of the chur-cli wv-.s, . ccorated by Misses Wianlr V/ilhi.. r? -iir I loiter, and glva Wad" The departmz RuesuT each felp vhe 1 .11 ILIHIiJ-LLLL i I i I >*'^ _ l_i | 1,1 11 ' ' liiitiu^ :ore such pleasant : .rather. VV Ivlake the secorid application of j? rtiMzers ."{o 'cotton jtSt aftpr Io line today. Not SpeaK Here A. B. Stalvey.' Roxboro City' Schools. Roxxboro.' N. C \ M ? Tpu ? : I tiMv!: ^lik is "jh?* 8mt "time ,that I have ever gotten mixed " on my ' rates lor my shaking engagements. v l" am' up against a very difficult sit uation. B&cK in the winter r somel- : ? how mad* .two engagements to speak in South Carolina.' one at the "Wo man's, College oi Due West on the morning oi the'Oth and the other at ' Coker College on the 31st; Now in checking tip I fthd that not only does the Jpiie West date conflict, squarelv with the ftoxboro date. hut . that I I could hot possibly spea k 111 Roxboro j on t he 30? h and -get to Coker College * on. the* :;is.t ; in other- words -that^-I 1 , have taken. two dates :n South Caro lina neither one of which I can keep it' I keep my Roxboro engagement. ? It 6??ms to me that the only thing i I can do_un'l"'r' ihe circumstances i> j to throw myself on your mercy and j ! ask if there isn't somebody oh the j faculty that I can -send to take my; "place at-Roxboro on the night, of the 30th. I very much dtrlike to do this. , and I feel -.extremely apologetic : about ; 1 the whole situation, but I don't be lieve . that I ought to put both of ; these, Sfcuth Carolina colleges to th? cVUiiculty of finding a commencement speaker at this time, I am. very much ! at fault in the matter, and I regret Very mhch the embarrassment oi the situation. - Won't you please let me know what to do? Cordially yours. ? - W; H. CHASE. President. - T.hc above ? bitter ,expjaihs itsel:..- : \V>> haw asked President Chase to 1 ;nd 'us the bwt man possible for clie occasion from his I acuity, A B. STALVEY. Snot. Blaze On Depot Street Friday .evening about six :o?tock;. t-Ue . fire alarm '-vas sounded . aftd the. dry ? ?? :.:-;uiinr plan: ovifted and flperatvas . made ready some- ) eal ? aoyd work was accomplished. ? ..Quite ; :- bfa: lot uf g?ts*tvas used in connec 'ion v.ifh the plant and aitfn this? exploded the "mioke was .so dens?: { and the "blaze rcached so high chat ? the wholr jwne had the appearance i or big fire. The loss was complete ; a lid no insurance was carried on the j "ropmy- *..... _ 1 ive r.-oi moving pictures, bli^E ia^e . cpmmedian. piano and popular , ' ongs: LUe. in Africa. Rubber Planta- * tidn. Lots of fgn for everybody. j Grammar School, auditorium. Rox ?y>ro. H. C.. June 2; 8 p. m. Cotiruwy Firestone Tire & Rubber Co . and I. Central Service Station. ? . . p- - W Roxboro H. S. ' vs. Halifax l-ist Friday, afternoon 'hp Roxboro ? TT -rh School boys had thnr hurt name of the season, Halifax boys b?tn* the' epponenu. It was .1 snappy 'game L 1 rorn beginning to end; the Roxboro, ' 111. mHi -HW t* T.i-' ^ -Tillie s in the Mo'vies at last. Mirlon J uytiey m "Tillli: The Toiler play ins , at Palace Theatre MontJuy. f?nO Tuex [ day. . ? i*.~ American Ace Spans Sea In 33 1-2 Hours "Well.. Here We Are." Is I.ind berth's Comment in An swer. to .Frenchmen LANDED IN (iOOD SHAPE A n .. e:)' ri: t ? : avuvaon &rs been Inauatihifed. ? ; Charlie Lindbergh, of Little Falls. Minn., landed at* L- Bourjret.. France, at j;21 p. rn. ?cjteni_davllght time yesterday. In v ft rove his plane. >?the Spirit of: St: hyOlTf over the newly* 4 000-fr.ile Sir" track, clipping about two hours and a hsil: TjII" Th< f.i.i.i opLimUiie time alio* - ance. ? ? ? . .so.-p.taneou.. >>-1 , in -.-ori-i of cities both here and .'.broad lasted . ?ar into 'Vug night: President. Cooiulge ~i lid ? ?*?&-.: " ... :? . ? it ed." 'their consraililatioiis. and these were supplemented by the thousand.. i'.'orn other indtv laudisup Irom othar Individuals publicly prdjn inent. At Detroit. Charles' mother related her . readily maintained attitude of silent cohiMeJice and through t?i-* of -joy declared hU victory was "all thar mattered." Too Tired to Talk Paris. May- 21^? Captain Charles A. Lindbergh, the young American avia tor. who hopped off from New Yftrk yesterday morning all alone In his moriqgiane. arrived in Paris tonight, safe and sound. a; everyone hoped he would. The sandy-haired son of? the -mid dle west dropped down out of the darkness at U Bourget flying Held: a few miles from Paris, at 10:21 p. m. 5:21 ,p. ih.. New York time' only 33 1-2 hours after IMV-.n* Lon? Island? the first man . in history, to go from New York to- Pari> without chans;-' In j his seat. To Parte, to France, to- America, to the world, his landing .tonight .made' him the" greatest of Heroes mankind has jiroduced slijce tfte air became a means of travel. A crowd of at least 2 j.ooo surround ed: his plane, the "Spirit Of St. Louis." when It came to earth after its. epo chal voyage from the new world to the old.!' Tlie r.nman was lifted from tl). v Cat. where j'pr t .vo days attd ?.nislh lie sat Hxv>d. gttldinn lilr. plane -iver" i tnd and -en. and for 40 minutes he ".as iiardlv . able .to tall: or do any? thing else. - exc.ept let himself be carried along by a iiiass qt men made delirious with- joy at his achievement. - ?? " Forest Fire A VGrv destructive Forest lire oc ctiTred.cn tlie farm o? -Mr. c. r. Hits sell near . All?nsyiUe. last Tue^day Thd origin of the Tire is not positive ly knov.Tr but it stated about the noon hour and ra^ed tor. a 3>criod of about five hours , before it \va* gotten uiid^ control lia is. ^timated that hundred cords of wooa wutt 'All s' i-ojed besides the i:nlir.iited damage to the growtnv timber. This is in deed a deplorable los.s to Mr. Russell f.v no insurance ?vas carried, on tfie wood. The -neighbors did some heroic lire fighting and saved quite a lot of 'the property that .otherwise would have burned Real Fishermen Quite a msm&er o I so-called ii-her- ! men have left here; but as fur as we j know, they had ix?r luck, but not j ko with MeSs. "j. Shields Harvey and ' Lawrence Clark. They .-spent several ; days in and around Norfolk fast week I on a flshin* trip, and we know they i were, successful, -lor they favored us { ^Xiih some of th? ilnest imaginable. . . Follow the small arain with a plant- J ing or soybeans or vowpeas for li&v ' and seed, : J One ton of KtoiihB linieatone* tt^'d each four years has prate ly increa^'d i 1 he yield of cotton*, on the average j c?ti! viap soils of piedmont North - - ? ? ? ? ~-~o *- ?? -- ? Kee Mfipt filmpkliis. Bubbles and iHc j iwl Of tlV OanK 'in Tintf The Joil-' ? Theatre Monday a(i(l ?JiiescT!^- ^ THE "FLYING FOOL" Master Farmer? t'oroinlite** \p|x>mtr>l ?(? Find The ' Master. Farmer nl THs f'ountv Mr. ' Clar .T.co' .PoS. _l. thf Pro^resive Farmer-, is';, offering fifteen . ' aslccd that a' commit i - ^ ? - co? irity itt' tfo*' Sta this lftaiu With this in vi-w" thfe c6fn-? mittee for: this County, .personally in j spected some of the iarms last Friday. There are quite a number of farm ers ib. this County wh0 could ,easilv qualify as- a Master Farmir. in fact it was quite . a. Job forthe. committee to decile who- should be selected. The farm of Mr. Geo. E, Harris : >-is visited and graded, and every >ne w?3 convinced that Mr. Harris -**y a master fanner, Everything around his home and on his farm i showed . i;ns ci pro^rc^s and pros perity, Fram this farm the "eorh m it tee went to the 2'aftn of Mr. John ; D. Winsuad arii had a look over nU . famj. Ail were Convinced that'. tafc '-iiii, -.everything;' - in cirNideraVion nis home and farm traded ^lightly hl^h ?: er tiian any other, -and he y/as rec ; ommerided to Mr. ?oe as a "Master Pinner. We all sympathize with the hard lock the ayera^e' farmer his* had durjns the past several %ears, but honestly a f tor visitin'5 . these farms v.e concluded that *our srmpatny had been T-ast^d tis Jar a;> thraa men v ere concerned. -They live at homo, ..ro cittr-'* ;? v >ry th In t;~tee?\^sary for/man' . and bMst , and .-if- they, are not happy, then v/e know of rion> who are 111 j letter ijositign.io i>? happy than they. On .the farm of Mr. Winsiead we ' found. . apparently, ' everything to make happiness. He has. tx .beautiful ; home, a happy and contented family, ever.' oi)l- having; a part. He has 19 ho;* which .he is fattfchinu by the ! Sh?p method, and they arc as line as * one' could wish. But the thine; Which appealed mqst stron?!v 10 us. was' ? itu1... 1 thicken prcflen ot Mary Win I steicl: VVe daub? it there is a better ; equipped ^poultry department any where, and when, we looked ar 'her . -.friers; ??truly, out -.mouth watered. She has 108 Rhode Island Red. friers. , v-hic-h." wil} 'average' i?.bo\:r. . >*:? and- a ha'.f pound%, and While Leghorn friers by the hundreds, but they will; ' average some less/as this brood of the small breed. . Ji von v. anL to haV;?' ?>. IpniUhK for i the country, and wish with all ru - your heart that you were a farmer, j just visit either of -hose farms and - you will catch the spirit o( back to. I the gaym." ...I.." ;*? ' '.J Capt. Cha$. A. Lindenbergh "Spirit of St: juOUi^" Thompson- Crowell The following invitations have been I U?ueJEaCJ>r children. More Than 600,000 Persons Homeless jtesults of Flood Bad Weather Delays Start of, Byrd Flight RowM'Vflt t il'lil. V Y.. May ' I. . J5:"vd weather . has delayed prep arations for Conimindcr Richard.' K. Byrd'n hop off fi?r 1'^ris. A ^osjjv field prevented a had for the FoHker triple -mo tored plane today, i?tit <"o mm und er Byrd said tonight "he wiruid. try to lift a load of 14,.*?00 pounds ? the load it is planned to carry when the plane lakes off for /Paris. Fuel consumption also \yiil. be tested oil thr proposed flight iorootirow. :? 'v. '? : ?? 0 ?? ' Pinedo Reaches Azores Group London; ? Xlay 24".? -His home - i d , rtoini1 ? ih.itht iiitriviip'^ci by *?9tlun ' stroke of ill fdrtunr?. ' Coninir nder Francesco "de Pinedo was safely -.or : ineng .JFava^ Azores. ? tonlzht. , . .. Detail^ s.tiil u. ore. htckin mishap : v.h'irh brought, hrir. \taea*r the end of his 1.600 mile jump from Ti-i'jj^-sev. N. F.. hut dispatcher .irtim ? I&bon . said pe Pined ) wav n\vt in lured in t he .landing. and his boat. , the 'Santa Maria IK yfas bein? towed into port. An e\niuYinatir Qtt?y had digressed .considerably oft. tlieir course, continued to shroud" ihe Island Archipelago all oi today and atm/isphcric conditions made' radio communication difficult. Restraining Order The Superior Court. North Carolina. Person Count--. J. E. Ke.rby, Individually, and J. E. Kirby on behalf of 'alt inin^ wider, arid h. appear Inx frpm. the complain:-. . used .a >? an affidavit, that /the plaintiff is en titled to the relief demanded, and that the conduct ..complained .01. if ?nitted. would work irreparable in jury xft the plaiutil: - and other de linquent tax pavers. I* is directed, ordered and adjudved* by the court* that the defendants be notified to appear before the Ifonorabl? G E Midyette. Judse of iji;* -Su^-nor Court, hold in? courts, in the Tenth 'Judicial District at- Chambers at. Graham, on the 2ncl (lav 01 June 1027.. ?. at; 2:30 TV M , and sft6w '-'cause uh^rc iOre the mjuction prayed for should por be made permanent. ; lii the meaiuhne. up:>n the plain till :;ivin? bond in the rum of S 100.00 cpprov'ed-'by't,Ke Clerk of Uie Superior Court of Person County, the defend- ] ants named in the complaint b6 and fhey are ""therefore ordered arid di rected to retrain and desist from j ordering, advertising:, and selling the i property of any delinquent tax pay- t ers of said county, and on the filing j of said bond/the Clerk of the Court 1 01 Person County is hereby directed I to issue a notice of this order and I have a copy of this order served on the. defendants by the Sheriff and Uie ! Coroner of Person County. O: E. MIDYKTTE. Jud?r Rabid Dog - The first rabid jda; that- we have heard of this season was' killed In Hurdle Mills last. ThursdSyT The dos ; m a large Setter and It 1* vefy | irjrrunate th#t it *<"- o'clock , a. in The puttfic 5| cordially invited to attend. . [ A Wall Of Water 10 Feet Hisfci 20 Miles Wide. On Its WaV p ? To (iuir Of Mexico RESIDENTS AUK liESCl ED iiatbri "Rouge, La,, .May 23.-^Morc than' '.600 000 ? peHtm* It? homeless as r lie r.' suit of thr Mississippi flood 11 erbert tfoovv rr secretary -of- com-, nvv< ni .?> :i\ here today. L ^W^'todst ebhsider .it ^n obtleatikn^^^^ o( ejtizyiyhip.;" he continued ' to' re~ | s'oit' cach .individual- flood- -sufferer' a - a in on the road t^ . self -upport: It U clue to the sfc' .suffering people that, i^vp >.ive the.ip :that ' assurance now. Jr :c4n be don. '." Ney Orleiins.. Mav 23? A '-vail of water. -or.t\i:_f< ?' .high' and .almost 20. :ml" ' ? ? '.".nuiit .. ;i > '?-?"^.Inniru \ji ? ; i .'ten the r.-k-.- alemY U\v upper ex (hu:;., W.:- in i:- mover' . nient ?.) the Cnulf of Mexico alter cutllnc :i 0:1th oi desolation across til" l-nyth si' Louisiana. ~~ ' ' .; ii . --.retched ,'a ' ialee " two .. \ . ??:-:? ' ,n;: ;'roni'- the -low?r tjcr sif 'frarishe*' in -^jniih . r antral, 1 -iajia sl'>ni' tlTP 'nift ig i tv' uppei * t!pr v.\r;ri-z .the ? ArJftf^tets . htve. iw ' v.id'h : y.iried f rohv ; ^ftee n -t?- fifty-, miles, as. it. poured -ftmftel' like front the Tete.-rjs" b.tsin in northeastern ana where it covered : an area two. . parishes '.vide, through the crev e.sses alone . the Bd you- pes Gtelses into t'r western Atohafalaya basin, -riarrowinr? to a width Qi one parish. .The Net' -.Orleans, -rather bUTtf.ui estimated today that the flood sur face aJon?- ihe line betj&oen. Begg and Melville had attained a ic vol of a bbout T2 feet above mean tuW level and that ? the .water- was risin? air , though .?* a diminished ' rate. The Tlood waters are approximate - ly 100 rblies 7" ?*st of New; Orleans on the we'st; side of the Atchatalaya nver and the Bayou Dea Glaises break, through which they are rushin? arc 17Q miles northwest of New Orleans and on the opposite side of the* Miss issippi river. .. ? *??? ?', ' ' ? -Or? ? Car Stolen From Main Street Sunday evening .'when most people in Roxbbro were indulging in the eVening mesil, an automobile thief, we do not know his name.. deliberate ly. vaitd without hesitation, fear of the i iv. or detection sfcated himself * un der tlie steering wheel oi. the Ford Coupe . bek>h?.:n^ to Mr. Clyde Bowen and -ciYov it' " ? ? i The ear- was 'uark-. "eri on Main Street m trdn'r of the honic ? of Mrs. M. .Pass. The thett > 1 ?of -the-' fftr [ was ci&fiovered in a v?ty ? short whiU* -after 'if .-reurvecl and of ficers in .ihe nfeftrby Towns were no: tificd to be pn the look-out. so in a short while the South Boston officer* met htrn out.' ide- o! >own and chased ' i.;... -.jack to' town getting:, so cios*r that iie decided to abandon the ear; which he did and made, his escape. Tho officers held the car, and notified Ivtr; Bowen and he -wen' over and I dro-ve it back , home t he same ' ni3.h* il . [ wa$-. s\bleh. -' ' : ? ?? V"-" " I Bethel Hill Notes The Perfect'. -Attendance . certtfteates. will 'ncit'-bfr ready for the Bethel Hill students until next week. Mr. Wehnretibur-' had to send to Cleve land for some blanks. E L. Wehrehbur*. Principal of Bethel Hill >*chool has been to Ral eigh for oral examination, prcpara 1 tory to receiving the decree of Master ; of Science from State College at Commencement ti'.he. Mr. Wehren burc majored in Vocational Guidance , and his thesis was on Vocational Guidance in a Strictly Agricultural Community. : -o ? ? ? Always To Ther Front It is no Idle boast that Roxboro merchanti) are equal to any and all occasions, and when anything which will better enable them to serve their customers expense is not considered. In 'c.iepins with this idea Mess. Scr? ptant o rare IoT the wants of I he hou-satafper. ;? Tillie The Toiler" with Marlon Pa vies at Palace Theatre Monday a?f Tuesday.* ' ? ?