THE DATE ON THE LABEL IS THE DATE YOUR PAPER WILL BE STOPPED J. W. NOELL. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER HOME FIRST, ABROAD NEXT VOL. No. XLIV RDXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA. Wednesday Evening, June 15. J 927 WATCH THE LABEL ON YOUR PAPER AND DO NOT LET YOUR SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRE YEARIN ADVANCE Np. 24. New York's Welcome Is Unparalleled In History ? - ? ?_ : ' Kew York Stages Greatest Demonstration Ever Witnessed CROWDS PUT AT ">00.000 New York. June 13. ? I.iildbereli or '.he Atlantic the first New York to fans flier, fame back too his Martini? point today , and was accorded a wel vtame unparalled in all history. Millions, turned out, to, greet htm ,.nd roared themselves Hoarse New York expressed itself- in noise and -aper flan? from windows, and to t'ay there was nMse such as had never before and the paptr was knee i*ep in same of the narrow, down town streets Tlve official greeting* >?>?'<= voiced : 1 city hall and Central park by Mav .-r Walker and Governor Smith but ih- truest greeting was roared all 7i the b.Tv by steamboat sirens and *hen on up the city's streets troth, ?lie battery to the hall .in Central Park/ tight packed by thousands v.ho 'aughed. , cried and struggled against notice lines to reach the idol who li?d appealed to them as no' titan eVer '-ad before This aviator .himself said that the cntetlns w'.ir greater than those ,*?v fn him In Paris. Brussels. London md Washington together ? ? veteran 1 mpiim.' '"'.0 raid U .was far greater tllan the 'p-eet .to Admiral Dawev and Gentrul rertshing which, had been considered 'he most tumultuous welcome here tofore .Commander Richard Byrd. popular 'Iver who accompanied Lindbergh in '7i* fl<-?ht from Washington., taid that there was nothing in lis tor y to compare with; this v-el ome It was a day of joyous celebration ,i>om dawn till dusk, but It wms mark' ?xf by two Incidents which might have ; raven serious but .for "Lindbergh 'tick." When the voting aviator took the r jr. in Washington m an army pur jit plane, after discovering that his 'rans- Atlantic "Spirit of St. LoJis" traa not in condition, the gasoline ?;oe ceased to function. This lelt laariely enough gas to . niake the run '-.ut Lihdbergh never thought of t.irn :7ig back. He switched cm the auxl - ':?0 supolv When he landed at MitcheV field! tho taiik uas almost. ? The oilier untoward incident hap vend 3Ust ti.ftef h?- had landed at he battery and started up to city hall. Tfie cheering crowd beg.aV> to Iqsp til r.? i f .1 ?!lich ? be was ttapdlne ta. \ to. his ad ?nlrers and in" chaiiffiui' . ..uddenly ncressed the peed The flier Was ?ajiwn t*ick :'ihd Almost ov.t" c-f tile . car. to ?he tfSreet- He was: seKed.hy -the legs rnt' pulled back towSafet*. to con tinue oh hi : v:h" i t. ' r.t t i it v . and v. av ;jvr \o lh? c-auaU^S'-' thOiisarids . U!idt>?rsh I"" ' v.'; liin/tcvti ?' re ? ? -. v:as tiJcen. iffC'tly ! :;oii\, . ^tfrone V? v 'v arship lot his ' ir-t v elcome heme/ iu-st, hffO:.. to oi-lofifc Hits ' nv mil | He ? ;le'' ? "Solo,". ft* -hfc Hew rt hi- tiwat tidventufc overseas, and .tunc-' him wa.. ottvoy oi- HI sirrii ' tr ? i Ian", rr?e llnw piloted by if mmanddr Byrd At noon h<> -"Topped cut. of tha ritir'. in -tile. .Bold ??n nosed plane on'to Mitctel flelt'i lose by the Roosevelt- runway *rom -'inch lie rook off M.nv -m-for Franc?. An stimated yfo.OOO ; ?rsofts ?.< "f lammed in the comparatively small >attery park, on the ground. in wln 'owa on roofs and as the Macon "ap te tired thev all -vent -ild The!-" t as a great surge toward the t?i?r in which women fainted and several hoasand policemen had their hands lull to malntttin order A pandemon Sim'of cheering brok- forth ?nd Llnd ierg;h who had been in the cabin talk ing to reporters mounted the pilot louse roof and waved his laughing reply. Music For Roxboro ? will be interesting to those who love music to lrarn that an orchestra has been organised in Roxboro a,-v already some 1 "al musky has been rendered Mr. Llnnte Cooart ts di rector and Clyde Hall manager, with the following members and their ru i=pectlye instruments Miss Lor.lse PulUam. piano; Jerry- Dixon. Jr., violin: R?s?ell Newell, first saxo tfhon: Lhmle Co/art. cornet; Edgar Masten. Clarionet: Winfrey WtHtin.s ? tJrumt Klirtar W Alter. ? Icnnr. banjo . ? ? M>? ; ' The world _ thrlTttng story The : Race I I Hero Captain . Limfcorgh at Palace , Theatre. Monday , ani. Tuesday June ' JO- 21 st. . 1 Death Of Mr. A. G. Riley Sunday morning the town was ; ! shocfced to hear of the sudden death I of Mr. Albert O. Riley. While he i had not been in -good health Jok ; i son\e time, still, he was able to be : I about his work, having been out oh his farm Saturday looking after :\i* j lairs us usual. Sunday morni/ig JCie tj stated to his daughter that he: was I not feeling well and while the family ' were a^ut their usual duties he fell i j to the IjloQr. ; Mr. Riley~ was 69 years old., and had- lived in the Cotm?y-=if>iv many . years. He lived on his. farm about j, < 4 miles East of town until about six months ago. when , he and his family moved to Roxboro. He was a. conse crated Christian gentleman, a mem ber of th? Baptist Church. He leaves a widow. four daughters. Misses Myrtle and Mary FUley. Mrs. W. E. Ashley and Mrs. Charles Wafe. arid i oi>e sop. Mr. O. G. Riley. The funeral | services were held Monday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Joe B. Chrrin. and the bodv? - laid to ;n^t in the family burying ground at AUensville; i A Good Walker Eighty on? years ago - there was. , born a Tittle baby gir.l in- the- strater^ family raiding in Montgomery coun ty,. Va. This little girl developed into womanhood and eventually made her | way to the far westerr^ state of Oregon, where she has since, lived. | until three months ago.- she decidetl ?; that she wanted to visit hec native ! state. and home, and in order to view ' the many beautiful scenes that at tract 'he eye ol man between ' these j ;Wo sections this old lady whose name : is Mrs. Fannie Strater, decided that I she would make the trip on fcsc.j which, when interviewed, testified : that she had done.. She was a little r timid when first approached for an interview but after learning that the information was for the benefit ; of those who scarcely ever ngage in ' the splendid exercise of walking. | ly agreed to \ an interview which was full of wit. humor and good nature.- We hope that nothing will hinder her from the completion ! of this notable trip for we afe ready ' .to confess that it*, takes courage tx> undertake to cover so much space as j! this.' on foot unattended. jj Jury List " ? Jurors tfra'ivn"; For August term Of Court "> be heltf . 2nd- .\fohday in . ?'vM-'ur'r. next; J. H. ShotweD. J. Lar . V\n ? Oo.nt.-y. Wv B. Jcnes . .W. T '. urn. Jr. '.Jim W. Cothran 3 O. J Suva Jno T Vaughan. C E. Win -tea;: Jr s t. Barhettp. I - T. .Dlck ? on 'J. H. Bracisher., T. G Tuinn -?sdcttk Slaughter. K. R.' Thomson. am 'Tcrlc. Eatl Bows" S? P.OeMiy. , iinnacs ? A. Gentry. ' Wesley AVilUa'ms. \Th ?'??.'. Clay r.?-iy C. Pcnteess*'.." A. *. Boyd. o. H: 'Hamlin.':- Z,. H. Clftytoh;.. , Oscp.v Oakley. A, J. tfrytohftelct Vf. r^.rnetM. Vv' A Henry : Dra:in. ,J. L/.^Torrv. I. A, Denny Al frrtl Day; p??;cv H. Dickersoii. R. D. ?Trr',v'.6n.;C' t Blalock. ,M. C Daniel. ?:T. B Daytv A. J. Hill. W. L. Mi$e and J: Lester Clayton. a \ - - ? i ? rr-q '? " Marks Of Progress Mr Kynock. the popular youn? -provservta live for the DUrhMn-Rox b'oro Herald agency, hah sidetracked Iho' old faded, though faithful bus. for 'a handsome new car and is bet , ter fitted to serve his patron* than ever before, so with his s-pl?;ndid ? new e |uipmentv we wouldn't be surprised ; *.o .see hira not only attending to ' ters connected with his paper but -he seems' to be pretty well fixed to ! do some first claw court ins?. ; ? O- ?? Revival For North Rox. The good people of North ftoxboro ire engaging in a series of cottage ? prayer meetings this -w eek prepara j tory lor the revival which Is s<;he ! duled to begin in the Baptist church : there Sunday night. The public ts I invited to attend these services. Hurdle Mills vs Carr A very interesting game of base ball was played on the diamond at Hurdle Mills Saturday, between the Hurdle Mills and Carr teams. Tile score was sixteen tcr one in faror of the Hurdle , Mills Ijoys. This t?am has done { some very Ape playing this season I A ?Natural. He spells it ChamBER Tun. - Hpme Coming Day Success The people of Helena and sur rounding . community sperit a pleas ant and profitable day at the Helena M. E. Church last Sunday. Rev j. J. B.oone and Rev. J. ?. Wiliunv former pastors on. thlsv circuit "were present, and Rev. Mr Boone preached a' very interesting sermon in the. Tore-. noon.', The remainder of the day was consumed in ' totevestintf ' lectures., round table, talks, etc. At . the. nojen hour a very P.n* dinner v.- as served and the w hole ? day- ':y5s~"ftU?d ,v:Uh interest. projSt and pleasure. Notice To Tax Payers In a suit brought- before Judge Midyette for the purpose t>f staying tcmporarilv -th? enforcement of tax collections for the year 1036 it was ordered by the court that sale of land for delinquent lax should be mad? J on the first; Monday In September next.. Since t\ie law reiuires four ! weeks notice this will necessitate ad vertising the flrst- week in August. All tax pavers who have not paid their taxes for the vear 1926 should 1 take due notice of this order of the court. Under the new1 law neither *1 the Sheriff nor the Count v Com missioners are given any discretion, it being required that settlement shall be made not iater than October 1st. A. C. GENTRY. Chairman. Board o: .County- Commissioners N. v. BRooks sheriff. F.O. CARVER . County Attorney; | yonn'' wno-ai /* is active Presi dent and General Manager. of the Griest Manufacturing: Co., employ ing 400 .workmen. "Know your business and attend to it" is hv formula. v Churc^ Notice lily. J. B. Sa'tterfleld the Supettn' t?ndont COttC'oM would be glad .to ? .have Vail the Sunday School . i oiks , prr^-rnr 'a' ij?n o'clock; ' ?;havp lor the 'session. ' ' . Pre?chnv~- ? at- ele'vpij bv the -pastor fa? 16 wed by the .sacrament cf. I.oid.'s ''.'5u;i^v Come and worship and.cora-r niitrt" 'vith i?- and also ccrn'iviune wfth your. Lord. ? ; ' - .Mr. ??:' il \V:ikcTs*n Y'ho.fradi our ? '?-????> V;: L *as. ? Chisel ? Vvould/.- i?eV n<;.giity ? i>uai;d -tq . liavei all-" ?; h-? cfti -members and: a whole .lot. of iv/v; t ni'nmbo^ ot ? the . Supdzvv; school eht at', three o'clock. Corae and gf.t something that will . b,- pood tor ; you and for your children, all time - and ihrbusrh eternity. Freachlft? sX' i lour o'clock. J. V. BRADLEY Pastor.' Interring Jr. Order Meeting Planned ' T-hc Jr. Order will hold a very in teresting r.^ti.Y " on Monday nUjht. I June 20th. at 8 o'clock in the Jr. Order* Jfall. r . ^reshment.s will be . served nnd speakers have ' been s jj. 1 cured to enterrXn on this occasion ; Ever, uwm'j^r is urgently request ed to be present ROBERT JACKSON. Councilor Fishing Party The : -^flowing party left yesterday morning for Lake KUby, near Suffolk. Va.. where they will spend about Wn , days: Errol Morton. John D. Morris j and Fred Masten. D W Ledbetter ? nnd Henry Walker will )oixs them. . lat*r. Birth Born, to Mr. and Mrs. o. Y. Clay ton, on May 25th. a fine hoy. Jetfer son Dantel.' I Tr1 . ^ ,J- ? : ? ? f 1 : ? ? - ? . ?> TW . t hrilliny ' in i n; U u' tia-UL Kin ni II -..'.v y.a;-;:-i'ari.-. Airni.aie T IikiI' at the cost of i* live1; won 'by ?Captain Lindbergh at Pals<* Thea ] t re. ^Monday and Tuasdav June 20-21 . Commander Byrd Likely To Start Round Trip To European Country Friday Another Trans-Atlantic Week-end Appear- Probable; Reported That Byrd Will Stop Only Few Hours At Paris. Enough Time To Prepare For Return Flight To America; Lind bergh May Watch Take Off. New York. June 14 ? Another 'trans-. Atlantic week-end became a proba bility today when, it developed that Commander Richard E. Byrd's take off is a Jnkelih.oOd for Friday. Both the recent^ocean hops have, been week-end flights. Lindbergh having taken off on a Friday and Chamber lin and. U^'ine on a Saturday. A man'" 'close to the Byrd : flying camp at Roosevelt, Field told the As sociated Press this morning *hat Byrd intended jib hop off tomorrow night or Thursday niornirig. with Lindbergh -at- the field to: wisb him luck, thus reversing their positions of four weeks earlier; and ithat . the flight would be a return trip, with only a few hours stop-over in Paris. The Weather Bureau., however, said that no request had been made to have ocean" weather charts com Young' Woman Dropped Deacf ! "New ' York, June 13. ? One voung woman dropped dead, a score of" per j sons were injured- in traffic accidents, ?nearly 1H) adult* and children were ? overcome by h eat;.* sand at leasi 'i (wo others required first-aid. treatment ' of a. tninpr but emergency nature; in the j great ma&3 of humanity that jammed the streets when Colonel Charles A. lXindbergh was welcomed to Ner Yark: . city. I Miss- Millie SmttU. '23 years old, succumbed to heart disease induced ' oy the excitement of . the celebration while watching the parade from the roof of an office "building. As the parade-inoved from the bat tery to city /hall,. 18 women.. 5 men and 6 children fainted. Many of .them had ben standing along the curb f or several hours - in the scorch - ; ing sun. During the demonstration at City hall pari- eight- parsons 'were over* come . by. heat and seven injured n minor - traffic accidents when- t*he ' throng ? :presas<|; clcser- for a view dfl the returning" hero- On the steps oi the public library when? thousands of school children ,had assembled to 'awe.t the returneU flyer, 'eight, .'iris and t>vo "bays' \Vere overcome bv hea; [and exhaust ton.' r . ] Wind and Rair Storm "'.Sunday. t,u:rnci^n |' very iv-.y'v wind; and r.iin ? t ble ihe ? 9 /In j.ixutt twoii &V* tin-.i? rain :V-'U. tp- thr; depth two ijichev reported by Mr. I. Q. A ??i'hrr-c V ficial. weat3v~- foVf aster ^'^nV or 1 he City Fathers rays .it^yyir o- ' ? t> >..? - a: -d dollars' totfut the r?;ect;; back in" proper condition- Th? 'J/irbz c>? the Carolina Power Co. and Mcrris Telephone. Co. were dam aged to some extent; I:ut -asl- r^psM-r>. were quickly made and little incon venience Was' IcU. ? The storm seemed to center in RoxborO,* there, b^lng r.o rath* or wind a few mile* from the town. Jack Sharkey Meets Former Champ In ' N.Y. On July 21 New York. June Hv^Tei Rii-anl announced positively tonight that Jack Dempsey and Jack Sharkey will fight U oat July 21 at the Yankee sta'lium for a ehanee at Gene Tonney's heavyweight boxing crown. Deropwey's come-back trail will brtn; him east at. onee. the i promoter declared. Before the week Is out, he said. Dempsey will hare left the Pacific roast for New York. On arrival here 'Dtempsey Is to ?o Into training In his old_ quarters at Saratoga. From weeks of sparring ? ajuL rough ing it In the OJai hills of Cali fornia the former title holder Is m -good? shape. Rlekard said >?.' ti i* i* n snrrd. and will require no more than the fife wrcK iv.iH.ililr 'jjj* best possible shape. " " piled and that weather at iedist ? on this side of the Atlantic was not [ favorable. Commander Byrd himself said that j he had no intention ol leaving before j Friday and that no derision had vet 1 been reached concerning a return ? flight. He set Friday, i cause he believed tfiat tho first. day I that asmospheric conditions could ] have improved enough to mate t hie j Journey feasible. r It .was learned at lae^angav tliat the food tor the.^iril? enough lor | thirty days in case of mi: hap; had i been stowed a Way in the ship, and j that the tanlts had been ftUed- with : gasoline The heay Landing, gear aho has been attached instead oi the lfght wheels which have done service during the" test flying; Oxford Rotarians Eiitei'tained Here _ ? . | Last Thursday altrmoon the Ro j titiry club of . Oxford held - :helr wa.ek ' ly meeting here ai gueSU of the j_Roxboro club Ih h\ .^U'lhocn a ?j ball came was staged, in which Rose-;. ! boro was the .victor. /titer the ?ame j a 1 joint meeting was held and supper I served by the Philathia class of the First Baptist Church Short, speeches were made bv several of the, visitors, and a Jolly hour was spent. A' Rotary club is supposed to consist of the best men of their classification and we honestly believe th;ven at- Loch. Lil { ly, Saturday. Jun* nth!, on ' the- oc v caslbnof the birthday' of Mi>;s Eunice Winsteai ft was planned and eiven. fey her mother as a surprise to her daughter, and 'her young ? ' fiends ; j abput; thirty In' number . Everything ?;ood to; .eat -vas Served, 'including ice cream . and. * huge birthday cake ; 'which happened "t? have' twenty four t anrilen, altho . e' c rv - o.rvv knew there, was ^almost twice ? too many.. 5ora V one played a joke ;\,ncl . made - her a'p ] p^ar too old. ' The.-uart- x-,t 'Jitft-ice.Syas : t-fven i>?/ . dHir\iauH'-; viands;1 and ^vpry" . one er.'joved ;\y ???ni'.i-m: ;?.) .well ilu-y v J>oped..that- -Rtiitfc* t:DUld 3>ave many/ -more joylttl?trnrtv-hspv rj;V th-rt?."' Wins First Prize W H. Mti.Hihs.' l^un i^er ci -R'f.;yla? Qhsiri Store*-. :5s,. Host an.. W... ^ b lng' congratulated up an ? bem.^ - - tlie j winner of the firs?- prize Chevrolet ' Coach Automobile, in a National Con gest recently PRt ph" ;by The, Buckeye Lamp Division of the General Eler . trie CO.. Cleveland, phio. The win ning percentage was 2053 over . the next highest oi 360 i n Group" A and 503 in Ciroup B This was made on the Sale of Xa'tional Madza Electric 1 Lamps, Successful Operation ? The friends of. Miss Polly Walker will reiret. to learn that ahe is a ' patient in Watt$ 4 Hospital but will ' be glad to know t ha; she had a very successful operation Sunday night for appendicitis, arid reports from there today are very encouraging, and ' she is expecting to return home at an |early.datf. Baptist Church . Sunday S&hool at 10 a in.. R. L. WJlbum. Supt. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. by Pastor B. Y. P. O. at 7 p. iji. You are cordially Invited to attend thes.-" services. W F. -WEST. Pastor. ! J. -O. U. A. M. Request E*ery member of the- Lmiwthimrt . .luiilnl riifl.T nrf.'ulK r.-oue>.t> to meet . In the council l-.ail next Mon 1 ?" mT1'- u ? i ? 1 1 ! i i' i !'u'> ? !iii .I'!" ' purpose ' Sf attending the services in the Baptist church in a body. > County Wide Revival Closed Sunday Night Large Crowds Gathered At Every Service; Many Con versions - HANDSOME PURSE FOR PREACHER AND SINGER T*he County Wide Rvlval. which has been in progress for the past two weekfc, eamft' to a olose last Sunday night Never m -the history of tl'jr ! town has ahv religious service bfen >0 largely attended, the crowd num bering from fiftce"rT hundred to two thousand at every hight service Pfo i hither compliment could have been ? paid Dr. O, R? Mangum who did all 1 the preaching. than * that his vtm . creation on the last service was pos j sibly the largest during the entire 1 series. " . . . ?? ?> "The services wete all. heid in the Pioneer warehouse, and at' the mora ? Ing service at 3. ojcplck the attendance v.a -urprislng ,Q?ite a number thought it would b? ?inpos-i-DIe to get out the people at' that hour, but ach morning iie was greeted by a con . gre^ation Which would have been h^hly satLsfact riry. >?: ;inv pracher ' in - the town for ?their ^.jegul^r Sundav ntbrftihar service while at the evening 5orvicp the eats- we're generally w#;ll ? ( ~~ " ~ "p Dr{ Ma'n.gitm is- a scholarly ^ehtte- ? ;"'V rivjih. much travelled and a. fluent V i speaker, and"; his sermons were lull o; the meat of the Gospel. He iises - uj> .claptrap method 'to get sinners to ; come ub and give mm his hand, but cautioned them not .t tr take" the step unless they mean ? u'. No man r~:: ; have preached the* Gospel with cocr ; ? earnestness, or more clearly ' sho wtj I. he fate of those who refused v ? cept JesUs. As a result, of "the -meeting betweca j fifty and ? sixrv accepted Jesus a* their Saviour, and more than a hun . dr.ed came forward and reconsecrated ? their lives to the Master. But this , number does hat begin to tell of the ? great, work accomplished, by the meet ing, for thousands - who heard these messages will be, and are. better for the revival No one_could hear rhes^ i messages' from day to day and nut j have, a burning, xtesij-.e to be bette and; once ? there is~ created in one th* desire for a better life, then that orte ?i? ^oin?.. to' be better in every 'way. 1 Roxboro and Person County are rich er m many ways by .ha vin ? this great preacher talk to them for two wee&t; . arid ; he will" iong:"1>e remembered an i ? loved f6r the work he has dohe hfr?i. ? The. -^v : leader 1 ship of-' Rev. p. &!? Ho!*' of .Qirrhanv. ?'and. 'hf .was .most* ? e^ceU.ent in h s work. His .iadership* was cS the . kind : .to nVspiyc, ' ? a >t only the Clioir. but i the^r:c*aticn._ ahd tnt* old thne ? fiUhes iy$re .en>nyecl..'bv all, Thechot;-, i. composed. cl y6ic*es frbia- nearly every ' '.vclv.irF?\..\ih -the ,ood ri'ob'y . behind th- '.oreaifcer >.nci the; choir ?. leaden . At . eac,h/se:wicf there, wa& | s;>:cMa) music, s ortyeiinat ;s . quairtett, ,? . .1 '?cr ' dyeUv'or* i.ii:? . these were | much enjoyed.'. Lil', {it- -the of th% service Sunday . ' I Knight- . a ? as a free will offering- \va*5 presented Dr. Man /;um and Mr.. Holt howipg in a small wasr'the -appreciation ot the good people tof Roxbom_ an : the County. Miss Satterfietd Receives M. A. Degree ? We heartily join Miss Mildreid Sat terfaeld in her happy appreciation, on receiving: her ' M'. a decree in Duk*? University last Wdnesdav', Miss Sat terfteld Ls_one of the very highly ap preciated \tcachers irv the Rcnfboro school To earn vancT win this degree requires onfe year of University work, beyond the A. B. d?ree. Most of Uie required years work was taken ha English by Miss Satterfleld. Charles Ashley It ls-wtth d(*p regret that we leam - of the death of Mr Charles Asblex ; at Helena. N. C., Tuesday mornin*. ' Mr. Ashley Was -a highly esteemed v , and respected: citizen and the coni [ ro unity in which he lived and Uu? | county, has lost a good citizen. Hfe ' leaves a wife and several Children. The funeral was conducted by Rw. J. C. McGregor Irani the M. E. church at Helena and interment "was made ! In B?rchwoo