W. NOELL. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER, HOME FIRST. ABROAD NEXT. ?? 51.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE THE DATE ON THE LABEL IS THE ' DATE YOUR PAPER WILL HE STOPPED WATCH The LABEL ON YOUR PAPER AND DO NOT LET YOL'R SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRE VOL. No. XLIV General Wood Returns From Manila Isles He la To .Make a Report To President Coolidife and Secretary Of War TO DISCUSS PHILIPPINES ! Victoria. B. C.. June 20 ?The peo ?e of the Phillipines are prosperous : -.d happy and the eoonomic outlook) bright/as a result of the a&ricul- j v.ral situation. General Leonard Vtfo.od said, on his arrival here today ? :.om Mahiln. General Wood returned from , the y iwii to make a rspdrtto President ] CooUdge and Secretary of War Davis. AVh his party he will leave Se-. z ? tie tomorrow for the ' summer White House . in the Black hills. He plans t ". visit New York and Washington I i then return ?o Manila.. President Coolldge asked me to : r :ne home. CH?nerai. Wood said. \*V.e will discuss the Philippines situ- . *:on thoroughly- I must see the '^-retavy of war as well." Sunday School Conven tion at Hurdle Mills Church,? July 3, 1927 Morning session ' 10:30 Worship Service. RcV H E. ' iaijee. ? , 10:45. The ' Home and Sunday - hool. How They Help Each other.' 1 i H. Crumpton. 11:15. .Son? 11 .35. The Sunday School. The I - rone Arm Qf the Church, A. P. .t)aniel. j 11:45 The Sunday Sehool and Its 7>) Uionship to itie Church. J. S." Walker. ? . .1 13:15. Adjourn Dinner at the chlirch. everybody rrcne and bnnir a basket. Afternoon Session 2. CO. Worship Sen-Ice. Hey. E. R. ? ' 2:15. BuUdmic up the Sunday ? - hoot: ! . In. the . home of his r.tidpRiv.ntj, sir. -and 'Mi's. R. L. WttJuVtv y.a.v *>ajnfully btiiiSe?i and ^ti'ken i;j> Sunday afternoon. 1.vhen >?- fa - hit. by an automobile ort Main in- from or Mr. R. L. Wilbiirns ? The car was driven by a Bowling from :R#v,?erii0nt and * accident seems to have 'ben un-. . oidable and no blam^ Fs a.ttfec.hpd i) any one The little fellow is Mom mcelv and will be out in " lew days. Birthday Celebration kittle Miss Nancy Bullock enter f*;ned a number of hep; friends at a rightful birthday partv Friday ai . noon. June' 16. . Th** littte folk's j oon arriving wet*? invited into the ing room where many surprises, in he wav of games ail contests a watt - r:) them. Elizabeth PuUifim wh ih sele t at the City Manager's office. It will ) bf necessary to have your fiew state j l?a t. before buying a town tag. These i ?tags , wil cost 50 cents and expire i December 31st?' 1927. 3.. B. 5l ANGTJM. I Pleasant Trip Mass. D. R. (Jake) Taylor, j; S. 1 Merrltt. Ed Lewis and James* darver attended the June German Dance held in Rocky Mount- last week This Xs the, old home of Mr. Lewis and the ? entire party were guests in his fath er's; home Saturday and Sunday and report a most enjoyable trip ? ? . " iar. was' v^rv Qlf busing. altho t hree states | were represented at . this meetinst the : club. felt. pretty well convinced that North Carolina wa% .about the best ; '?state, in the union. The meeting; c&sed with rhe serving of ;i dainty saiad course; with iced tea. - One j.-.i the Tut Hee!-. "Good-Bye Sam" Proffessor James Samuel Merritt. . better known a?r "Sam" will leave oi* | an extended trip through the wilds i of New Jersey, and things wont seem the same after Sam goes away- and i leaves us flat on our backs. Privately. -of course. Sani stated that \ he would probably hop over to Paris I and look over the French "Oells" ? provided someone would offer the use j of a plane, but. nevertheless we wish! for Sam a pleasant and profitable ! summer, for he is a hard working cuss I and a bang-up good fellow. ... n i Will Sail For Home We are in receipt of a postal card ! mailed in^ Brussels ftfom our good j friend. Mr. F. V/. Smith. He and j Mrs. Smith attended the Internation al Rotary Meeting In Ostend. He j savs it; was a wonderful convention, and will tell more about it when he returns. They expect to sail for home on July 2nd. . ? . ? o ? . Prominent Visitors Mess. Jas. H.'.Craigg, president of the Somerset Mill*. Jo*. H. Nesbltt. W. C. Young and W. H. Watt. Phil adelphia 'financiers spent . several days In Rorsboro last week. ' ? t . ? Notice Fred Satterficld col.. Mite fourteen. started a crop with me for the year l5ST and ? has "left nffi without ,'anse I forhlri any person from hirlm or harboring him during 1927.- .. . " L. T. tSAKLKV oxboro, N: ,as b.^cn meintifef of com pany B. of i he >iih ciUineara. Quar tered at Fort I?vmiph'.vvs. Vn. Notice To Tax Payers ? In a suit brought before-' Judge Mid yette for the purpose of stay in? torn-* porarily theenf6rmecrtrr pi tax col- { lections lor Ih? year 19l6 it was Or dered by the court \ hat sale oi land for delinquent tax should be made ?>n the first M nri.iv in September ! next. Since t.he la t' requires four weeks notice this will necessitate ad .ertisihg tha ;Trst week in August. All tax payers who have not paid . heir taxes for the year 192G should ake due notice of this order - of :he :ourt. Under the new law neither rhe Sheriff nor the County Com iiissioners are given any discretion, t being required that eettlefllent shall ie made not later- than October 1st. A. C. GENTRY/ Chairman. Board of County Commissioners. N. V. BROOKS. Sheriff. Masonic Notice Regular Communication of Person jOdqt No. 113 A. P. & A. M: Tuesday light June -38th at 7:30 o'clock, in- ) ttallation of officers for thf enduing .ear and other business of vital Im portance. ? ? AH Master Masons urged to attend. , C. A HARRIS. W. M ' A. C. O ENTRY. Sec. .. . | All Hall to America's Bird-, man iVear a Lindburgh lie. The late it iensstion On* rtlsplav and "or *ale 3ecil B. " DeMille's Production "THE YANKEE CUPPER With William _ aoyd unci Elinor Ealre . at Palace . fheatre Moaday and Ttteaday* . ' !? 6 Month Sale Auto Licenses Rush For New Tags Has Reached The .">0,000 Mark It Is Announced [ must HOLD T1I.L .1 1'I.Y 1ST j Raleigh. June 2:0.-- ?Sate of auto | mobile licences for the six months j period beginning July first . has ? reached the fifty thousand mark ac cording to estimates by officials oI the automobile bureau of the star.; department of revenue. R. A. Doughton. commissioner of revenue following reports ttoat many owners ire already disca^dim: old licenses and replajcing- them v.-fth th? new. again warned today that it . is= illegal to use the ng w plates until July first. Enforcement of the rullnsf that rfc'W plates must be held until July, first suffered a setback in Wi)te county when Magistrate J. E. Owens ruled in a test case that, issuance- of_? he license was practically prima facie evidence of permission, to tise it in the absence of specifU." instructions to the contrary. . '? r>? -- ? ? ? :v. ? ? . Distribution Of Equalizing Fund Is Completed . -Cumberland Culintv bescm County, the home bailiwitk of Governor NJcLean, . will ?'et $82. 830. ">l. an incrt*xse of $72.015 74 over last year. . Dare, the poorest county in the State, was one of the two to feel the effects of th pruning ehook. the amount -given that county being de creased from $19.423 06 to $18878.73. i Camden's share wis cut from $10,774 ? 02 ? ?84W. ? ? , ? -1 j -The follow 4-'. table shows 1 he tl . mounts to be distributed this year j as compared with the amounts lumd "d nut a year ago; I County 1937-2*- 19?S-.?7 Alnmaricc 5 56.79? 55 $ 24.970.95 Alexander 37 "49.11 29191.70 Alleghany- 18 575 07 -.2.69?.94 ? Anion '? ?M.7I0.58 .' ' 8.i&5.14l Ashe 57! 41 29' 28.6>270 Avery :;T63S-8:! 28.472 58 Beanlots ..'.53Xi87.73 :.' 6.793 65 ! ReiW 't 50.306 86 : 30 297.64] niiicien . . 44 704.44- ? 25,128:05 Brum "Tick 23.740 .70 -' ;j.9G0 4o |! Surke ??>' ? ? '. 22.289.71 ?? 11.74658 Cald.vell . ' -,7.8?'.ck Would lie ( 'onsumed ~ By Flames Dl'RHAM tRL CK. C ALLED Last Wednesday eVe.nigg at 6:30 the' siren was souhded and it'; was found that Goodmans Department Store, was on fire. The fire company made Quick response and soon had several streams of water playing o*? the '.Are. -.but owing to the fact that : the fire was between the ceiling imd the roof it was $ stubborn problem. For about, an hour the firemen fought f it bravely, but it looked as if it was ? beyond their control, and a call was put-- in for .help from Durham. How ever. this call proved to be unnec f evsarv as - they had it under control before , the Durham truck arrived, though they inade a record breast . 'in -4 run. and responded! it h haste It i . not known ' how the fire origi-\ hated. Mr. Goodman had a number 6i workmen at l>.ork during the "day, as tie was making soifie chanj;eA - the inside ttrangement ot the store?! When the ?lore_wa's closed at 6 o* ' .. ujigaifehtlv everything was in ; good order, but . hardly, had : -he ? - i^'fi tromr t hch Jit1 uav called Ul ? come and watch his splendid stock of merchandise 40 . up . in .imoke. that uv.^ everything on the econd jloor. .Eire diu not reach the -first, floor, thougu the entire stock was virtually ruined " -by ' water .-and. smokj; The loss was about S35.0OO.OO. M*.? Goodman siixie^ing . the heaviest TOc*;. . The Wieher Stand. Moore's Market and Moore Bros, had small losses!, while Judge J. C. Pas^v who owned . the building suffered several thoaw ? and dollars! Alt: save the' Goodman | Department Score were/ covered wicfri i insurance: . , ) Too. much credit can not be gitzeh the koxboro ITlre Department for tile/ line work- which was done, and thou ? it looked as if- . the fire woulet-geit ' awav from :hcm. thev never for a ! moment let up in the good work. J This was. the second, time Roxboro ? has .-called u^on - Durham for help,' arid in both 'instance.* the respond-: ?vas prompt and cheerfully rendered. ; Out 'citizens will ever have a warm place 1 n ? their hearts f or ; this 7 friend - ; iy 'City's" action.-* bh - not -.i ior . 'hoe albjripV t ' ;Pa , y * r '.ri; i Lor it gravel-.' -r-iovvr. ? rh e gears', ?. ?: Let- 2.v *.vi0c .'?.another's ??'** TiU. tn Heaven :h(- deed ? a'.ptieai^.' " i ? Pass -jt 'en. ? . - ? - "... 'Hfttm'" Burton: 'Sunday Sehcot- 70;