WATCH THE LABEL OX YOUR PAPER AND DO NOT LET YOUR SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRE DATE ON THE LABEL IS THE DATE YOUR PAPER -Witt BE STOPPED J. W. NOELL, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. VOL. No. XLIV HOME FIRST. ABROAD NEXT $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA. Wednesday Evening, June 29, 1927. No. 26. Local Market Will Open On October 4th K->xboro Will Have Four Ware houses And Full Set Of Efficient Buyers CHOP CONDITIONS UOOI) At; the recent mwtinn -01. t!he To- /. ; : ccd Asspciatioh of the United S>ates. .held at Morehead City, it was} voided to open thfe tobacco . mari:eb:-' of. .this section on September 20th. j local market^ will throw open its i/ors at this time, and every eil'on beinfc made bj. the warehousemen ? ? of tor the farmers or Person Coun- ' ? every -facility for- , the marketing ?this year's, crop Our farmers have all reason^ to. be j appy and optimistic as we have arried from recent personal obser . tion and a pretty sood survey that -?< >\J Conditions: are all that we can ;l - &- for ? We have. been blessed with ?;e season x and no time has bean .! * in '.getting the crops in first class ! ;j:owin? condition and they are de ? lopin. almost, in leaps and bounds j net:* . the -idvem of a lew hot nights, ^The tobacco . crop will soon be I ;de. harvested and ready to place f ::v market _and from ..what we can ; ? ? . . > iirohnv 'I' -n " r. t II ; ? Qpe fated bV men \vho~kripV how to , ' ndle the' business and we hope; ? - -e farmers -pi' this section' of - the j :: i&lit belt will . i>atronlxe our . market-. , i, ? ? ? rat^ rtft pn br-t - Smith-Edwards Hurdle Mills. Juiv . -' 4 . 7 A. qUie't - ? ' .ddtiik . beautiful in its simplicity ml? solemnized Thursday evening. ;iie. ;a.t .8:30 ^'cloclc1 at the bride.'s i ;me. when Miss Margaret Bradsftaw rewards became the bride of Harry J Smith . Of Durham. A prolusion of larkspur, -snapdrag and rbses. interspersed a greeri 1 : .ckground of long. - leaf p*Jie and i ? :ns". to form the improvised altar i living Voom. Tall white Inirn .:c taper* were used in front of the ?C'ta r! ' v \ . ? ? Master Billy Edwards son 01 Mr i d Mrs W. 5i, Edwards, of Durham; d nephew of the bride, carried the ::.'4 in thq. heart of a lijy. He wore .? Milt. Of white crepe. The bride and groom entered un- 1 - tended: Rev. B. F. Boone^ of Pine-. N". C. brother-in-law of the : ride, -pronouneed the . acred . vows. - : mt* the impressive ceremony pf the ; : Jet hod is t. Episcopal ? clntreh. The bride was lovely in a ..two -piece A of navy blue Keot-irett-r. wit'* par ment accessorie..,- Her- flower. ? were , >s aiid. orchid : weet peas. Immediately 'After, the ceremony " and- Mv> Smulv leu for a motor . i*p through the mountains of Vir .:u. They will o* at hbme to their : ,?mds at* MOn Broaci street Durham, "v t*er June 28 i.Jrs, Smith as the pretty and '.at*vj f.'ctiye daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwards, of^-Hurdle Mils. Mr. j .fiii-il'h the son' of Mr. and Mrs. VV. 1 TL.. Smith, of Chase City. Va.. and a Other of ,J Erb.y /Smith. of Dur : i sn. He is .in busine* in Durham. Fine Fishing Trip Dr. W. T. Long and Mr. John T. ''ade returned Thursday from a rry pleasant fishing trip i\ear Have N. C. The. water was mutually v ne and Mr. Wade states that ?bout ?-o bushels of fine fish wbre ? cui:jht the trip, "being good evidence p/ veir ability as .nglenv A haul of. -.ore than four thousand pounds was cAtnessed in one haul at one of the . jmmercial fishenev Mayors Court Sunday an. rather < quip day fn Hi around the cl?v and only two ./rests were made George .Sloan ?allowed a little trx> much ext. -act r id It effected his Rbilliv as an ail to - ?oblle driver t-eMiltms. in a. heart on ' lltelon ? with a telephone pole. OfOUte was Very penitent and Aid ?? would not do thin -main but he ?>il have to tell the judge his :,-.ory Mayor limr.. placed him ;n<l a unttred dollar br<riff for till \pivT7 nee .At me AilRUSt term ' of court secoild arrest wa - that of H B. :-;-,ntoh tot beirnt drunk on the street ftrid M had . to fart with <oiir dollars t-.-ic and -cost . ? . ^ ' ? ' ; ?c Tift' ? Ace.i ot?-\ce* Tom Mix with : * ;*nV * 'The Qorso in Tl>i Canyon Lischtt Pall- TTieauv. Honda v ? aly 4th. Matinee and Night Per-) Icrmanccs. Round Trip To Paris Trio to right ? Commander Richard "Byrd I icut Hon*.. n Noville, radio engineer, and- Bert Aco?t? pilot-l?he thr?? flyer, who man -he "An, erica" ?A, to fly New "ork^o ind return ?"'h only time enough in Pari, to V.fuoL FRANCIS PENDELTON^GAINES, OF . FURMAN COLLEGE. IS SELECTED AS NEW PRESIDENT OF WAKE FOREST Head of English Department^ at South Carolina Institution Will Take l'p His Duties at Opening ol Regular Fall Term in September -Tup.,- ???J-V Till' rr-rwrr- 1? Wake Forest Cofieie today unani mously elected Dr. Francis Pendleton." Gaines, head - of the English depart ment at FAirmfcih "TJ niversity , to the presidency of Forest College. .Dr. ? Gaines' succeeds Dr. William, i : Louis Poteat ' who becomes president-: emeritus.- , ? ^ _ * .j :The board of trustees met here in a special sesison this morning to cpn s dei rthe report oi the spec'al --^om miUee w hich had been aprx>tnteB j to select u- new president. "The trite-'; toes were highly' pleased with the se- \ luctioii made, ahd the report was unanimously adopted. The South ; Carolina professor is one of~the lead-r \ America And The Providence Of God "VVhoevtir. studies Divine providence whether it he in. relation to the events that concern Us, our families; the citieS. and .nations to" which we 1; lf.ntr. whoever studies rise and t ill of nations and tjmplres. whoever fooka at the clashing of armies.- will-: perceive' that these . are only parts; of i t ne. .grand movement. God is march ing on to the accomplishment . of an ? "sppoin'e*!1? end:- namely, ? the sufjjee- { tion of the world to Himself." TJ. M. Reed: This theme wil] foe discussed as a Fourth of July messa;;* at the Flr^t liiijitist Church next - Sunday morji ins.v ' ? 1 Stmdav School. .VO:Od a. m.. 11.- L. | Wilburn. Supt. . - j preaching,. ll:00 a. m.. Subject. ! ? America - and Tfco: Providence 6f.' God. " ' j Preaching. 8:00 p. mi." 'Subject' How j Old Must One Be to Succeed in Life? I B. C. P. Us. 1:00 p. m. ~ The ordinance of The Lord's ST,.p* willbe observed at the close of the morning service; A cordial welcome is extended to all. "This is the victory that overcom eth the world, even our faith " 1 Jno. 5:4. . First Baptist Church. [ VV. F. WEST. Pastor. ? Dates Set For Opening The Tobacco Market* j Morehead City. Jtme 24? The Uni ted States Tobacco association con tention sets tire folio win? dates ipr | ??.hn opening of the markets in - the ! tobacco producing states: Ocorgia will open August 2 South Carolina and the border markets Of; North Carolina August _iL j Eastern Carolina which includes Wilson. September 20. Middle belt which includes Durham, Henderson. September 30. . . The old belt. October 4. Dark belt. Virginia. Novefubcr . 1 Brought Home The Booze Occasionally ^ofnfe fellow decides to fjet tip a booze ?hon nd can get by our wide- awake deputies btll somebody was. mistaken :,i\d oi? : appointed, last Saturday morning when Deputies Frank Brad&her' .ind W I! 'ItniM Ltirt.w'wwli- i.u..> 'ifm-tt ? ?wm.-a feWmilownit i. oul. riy.. covered twelve half gallon fruit v\m* full' of tlr^^uice. The owners did not show up and consequently jVo ar ) rests were, made , ? - ,, ? rrr ? ?-? ill U\. . H-M' '? |L U' n that state The 'ne* president will ; assume. Chars.- '?>? forth Cafpllnss -teaming Baptist edujatlcnal- invitation here the next /school ear i?e?U>s m Sep^ ' tember. He succeeds. Dr/ Pot eat. who served. tor more than "? .>*are uy president oj Wake Forest Cnttege^ -Dr. ..meat asked. to 5,2 rC.ievrd of ( his- duties as pr-jsMlent ?' year agcr when he reached the a& of 70 . a ir > j However, the beloved 'president t\I Wake Forest Witt retain his connec tions with the school to which he bas given his best v?3?A. he i contracted to teach. bloiiKV ttiete j year. . c Oxford Man I* An Accident Victim Oxford. ? June J7.-Jac"< ? Caphart ! nied Monday morning about 3 o'clock in Brant wood hospital of this c > as the result of in?uries. received in j an automobile accident v. hich oc curred near Creedmoore on the Dur lvim-tSKfotd highway! Sunday, even in?. about 8 o'clock. A surgeon ;roW . Raleigh wjus' called, and a special nur.te v. a- -.fljten. but It -emed to: be all :n vain. ? No time h?s oen set tor the timet services' tor his, lather was away . at the time of his son's death: and up on his arrival Midday .evening, or , c'irly Tuesdav morning; funeral or oiuemenu Will be made If ? , thought t>tat. the funeral will be held . , smetime Tu-'sda-. . i> - i Local U.S. Marine Makes Good Washington. Jane' jl.-^ovina his j Skill ill the use of firearms while at target practice. Kaney Bryant, o Roxboro. N. C.. recently qualified as j s sharpshooter In tire H. S. * ar Corps headquarters here. Bryant, who is a nephew of Fl?n | D. IjOni;. rural route 3. Rdxboro. , joined the Marine Corps at Charlotte, in January 1025. In recent *eeks he has been stations I at t*e rine Corps camp near here. The boy who is 25 "ears old was hsrn . Roxboro. . , , - mu? i Tftrcet practices arc held >> ? . Marine Oor\>s a' frequent interva l i I ihe men. whl qualify as ??.tjwvt ri ?? I 1 or tMTpshooters receiving med als and addition*! pay for their skill , Even- mar. "? "ring line strives I u make huh scores, not only ? >r ? I medal and extra pay. but also I?J j the Kectt.st5ott .Qf the shoot An* North Roxboro Baptist Church The" of meetings at North fto.;boro 1st church yet in ?r?f" res. will continue throughout the ! week- Great throngs cf people ha | been spiritually benefitted by * | soul stir in* And inspiring messes i delivered by Rev. J. I. Coley, pa*^ 'of calvary Baptist church nTRoW ! Mount. Already an Ingathering ot i boids lias been .witnessed. Court R"d ! worship witli ui- .I :30_each_<1ay. ? j . j o McORFOOR Pastor. 7-Jiim 'fh n lii. lies: in i nt Yellow. Stone National 1 Jrk. ; ttack-qrovmd of Secpir ne-.uiv i c ; Cahyop of Light at l'alace .Theatre | Moliday July .iilU Three Plains To Hop Cross Great Pacific Two wt Oakland. California, and One at Honolulu. Heady To Hop-off on a Non-Stop Flight I Between San IV.ncisco And Honolulu. P&ANES REPORTED READY Oakland. Calif. Juno 7.?' Two pianos i ! here and one in Honolulu weft? re- j parted ready tonlcht to hop off with j' in the next few hours oh non-stop I I flights over the Pacific between San j I Francisco and Honolulu. The Riant tri-motored array Fok- ' ker . and a smaller civilian monoplane I j here were expected . to take the air from Oakland's municipal airport eariy tomorrow for flights westward j over th^ Paciite toward the* Hawaiian ' i Islands! . RepvjrtV. received. from Honolulu j stated that the specially constructed ' runway oh the ' barking, sands' near ,M 'ana.' on the Island of Kauai was ! completed for the take off - of the third ptane. piloted by Richard Grace, who plans to wing eastward ' tosCartl the 'American continent , at v :: h* undertermined hour. . j ario(ii.cial inspection -by :| iv'.'.' '.i ? '.i'.v . ' ti>" be flown by Lieutenants ' ????'. Slaiil ind ahd-: Allien. Hegen-. I bcr^et. . assistant secretary Davidson. ? of the .v ar department announced In Washington that -.'the army plane was ready and. Weather permitting tlv . start was planned for tomorrow morn- . ? -tn^J.- V ? "f : The. civilian- monoplane; to be pilot- . ,ed by Ernest L. Smith, with. Charles i H. Carter, of Loo Angles, ps hayiga- ; tor. vyas .given' its final tests late this" a>iornoon. These tests . oyer, tiiere J nothing to hinder the plane ir'om 4aklhg- off as-fioon as- the v e ith- ? cr man pronounced the pathway ! ?clear. -* The government forecaster sakl V>- j day that , conditions were ?exception- . ally favorable-"* for fliers hopping off i irom the California coast but not so j favorable for flight in the other di- 1 rection. . . ". v ^ ' Completed ' Handsome Country Home Mr. V L. Vounger has jus: com-'; pleted one of the handsomest country :n the. County, and he and j Mrs. Younger moved in last Satu day. } JTheJiome is situated on- a hl^h Unol; on the Loch Lilly ? road, about one ! and a hali' mile'" west of Roxboro; j surrounded by . magnificent oakes. of 1 very large dimensions, and irom the] front porch commands a beautiful ?view. - ? . v For several yeais Mr. and ? Mrs... i Vounger have made ' th;riv honir in Durham. Their friehds -nre glad to welcome them back' hdnie. and .-'orn mend thorn tor - their i- ? cho:.".* in | coming back . to the be -U , sect tort oi. j North Carolina Important Notice To County BoaVd There , be a regular monthly s meeting of the Counts Board of At- j riculture at 3 o'clock Saturday nfter- I noon in the County Agent s oftice ? 'at the Court House. Every member ! of the. Board is ursred to tye present, i J. B. SATTERFIELD. Chra Back From The Mountains j J. AUred Walker returned hotae i Silnday after spending last *eelt with relatives in Lynchburs. and slght .soemiT oii Peaks of Otter which Is around 'tour- 'thousand feet high and has plenty ol Rattle snakes. V.' ;rt I Cats etc. Allred reports a flne trip and states that he climbed this mountain unaided apd without ff guide. North Carolina's Contribution Raleigh. June ? 24%North Carolina Ontnbuted $172,349,000 ol the total } ot *3fl9.fl05.000; collected b> the fed \ eral 20vernmOTit in 1926 a result ? of the ta-x on manufactured tobacco. ? Coming ~ ? I WI11U.' BoiueUilliiL Ili?i? ; Roxboro 1 o it-i. freight i" merriment^ I Can you uless? 7 AsK tKe^ mertibefs lot the Boys' CVub. Watch for. an ! nwriceinent irv next week's courier. t Four Youths Rob Bank In Kansas Kinsley. Kax., June 27.? Four I youthful rpbbers held up the J Kinsley National bank this af | ternoon. kidnapped the cashier, K. \V. Owens, and escaped in | a motor car with between Sll, Mrt and S11.0W in. canh. | The fast; it* r returned to Kiit -vlev about ;? half hour 'later, ex plaining the robbers had token i htm two miles out into the I. country, where they told him to walk bark. None of the rob j hers were masked. May Resort To Civil Courts To (iet More Kquitahlv Distri bution Of School Fund Is .Vim other visitors opposed Raleigh. JUlie 24.- Hrsort ! ) ou'rts: to seciirc a more equitable distribu tion of the* three and one tfuarter mil lion .dollar Hthool realization fund was rhr?3tc.ned" tonight' by Senator Pat H. Williams;' of . EU&^bpth Glty, ?who represented ! the. first district cgniposeci. vf: heat ir binding* Dare. ? ?aJiquo tank counties. Senator William- ? ?a> Wove rv. at-^ ? tei\d . a meeting .of the . direc.torfc- ol \ $he. Atlantic joint y;ocV .land "-'dank. Others visit in? . pjyjr.e^ed i. i hemselvfs todav.u's ojpp.osQd to the ^ trope.- v?d'. clis trrbuiioh of .. fuftds under the Wolf/ pet. .included J. H. Alexander. Jr., ? of Scotland Neck. Mr. Alexander said he was at a loss to ?understand how' the. schedules, toi' : distribution ' were ar rived at." ' .. ? ? : ? Citizen Soldiers To See Air Maneuvers Fort Bra::.?; N. C.. June 27,? Onus-, ual opportunity to observe the work of the army Air Corps uill be afford ed candidates' at the Citizens': Mjli-, rarv Traiiurw? .Camp here on July 1. One. dirigible, and a number of bomb- ' ?cr.? and pur&iiit-- planes, supplement - ' ins the" detachment of ;.he Uhd Ob servation Squadron permanently, stationed herr* **UI sta^e an .trerial. circus at po*>e Field on tliat date..' Though none o? t lie eleven hundred students at the eamp.Y/ill be allowed ? in the planes, all will be given . a ch?.nc? .to observe the sho^ . Oilv r important. events . of tl'tf i w.'e-c will be, two - lectures /-bv. general I qficers i i ''supplement' the course, in ?; ci|tzen-&hjp ^iven in <each bfcttjery. ' General Albert. J; Bowlfey. command in< Fdrr Kragtc, niJlT.taik on the for- i matlon *? -61, ,Vhe- Constitution of.' the--' United states on Thursday. The Same evening. General 'Albert Cox, I of Ralevh. will 'address the youn?'; men . on The Relation of Individual Citizen to Each Other jnd .to _:he Nation " As part of tjie same course; j boys , in ? each battery have written essays on the duties of citizenship. , For the best in the battery. he Civi-. tan Club of Greensboro, is- giving a ! medal. Ruin Saturday afternoon caused I tj?e nri&ivmment of a gunikhanai scheduled for that time however, the weather cleared. Nu ? \ me reus parents and f fiends of the j students visited the camp during the j afternoon. All duties were suspended | for the day. except Sunday School i at 9:00. and Church after 10:00 a. m. Attended Branson Stamey Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Errol D. Morton ;*nd Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Hester wer * in Greensboro on Thursday for' tne Branson-Stamey weddins?. Mr B**an fion is the only son of Mrs. W. R. O'Doll of Concord. N. c . fdnnwly of Durham. He rT-^1 -kJ.ov. ri here having spent much of nig bovhoed davs in the home of the late >lr, V"m.; E. Morton. ? , - ? ? ? Left For California. Laat Wednesday Mrs. J. D. Morris .received a tel..,ram announcing the serious Illness of her brother: Mr W. ? T. Street Thursday inorfihc'" Mrs. [ Morris arid., her daughter, ? Miss Eli , zabeth. lfltt for Marysviltv. CaJ,'.. Jlie Hfrnie .of Mr. SlYeet. * ~ . .TijlT Mix late-' The ' ' Canyon oF I Light"' with Toihy 'The Wonder Hot;,- 1 l>al:ice Theatre Mmrdav July j.-rtk, ? =.r ' Negro Killer Still At Large In Mountains County Officials Not Discour aged. Continues State Wide Search M \NY F Vt.SE REPORTS [? . M*v*ttaj\ton. TY>no. . $7.-Vrhfe search ' for >'ie n^arto belief eii\ to -be Brodus. i Miller. .yVueht iiv connection with his alleged tatal attack on Gladys ttin cakl here toda-*. developed liitq an other seriesof clues which invariab ly led. officers to the same insur mountable blank wall which, for 'tx da- v ?hev hav?v ben unable to pifrc*. t" While men. tired froin the chase, seemed reluctant to abandon the hunt, new rumor$ came and were proven to be bubbles when each failed to lead to anything more sub stantial than an exploded theory. ?Oiv> had it" that r he hunted out law had .ben seen in the vicinity of :'Roefcv Mounr Knob., .'sotitji of Blowing Rot-k bh i thi?v- report was as its pre-' ' de^s^qrs? niithout substance. TonWitr the hunt a^ain concentn . arbund. Burke count orCicials. while ap , nnv.c-,1 at the varying- and .erroneous, reports a re . hp'- and say ? . . ? . ? . ? M ax Gardner Accepts Baptist Chairmanship Raleigh. /June ? Announcement ' v. as: ::Vt4e tptcjqy by. General Secr? Mr- Chart . E iladdry. of ttfe Bap tist ; stair ;< onve.ntion that O. Max ardnefV of; Shelby- ha<i accepted the chairmanship- of . the larae1 state-wide . ciniputtr^ nr>\v beinir formed- for t.'.ip ! i>i?rpas?? of e?lebra.tihc in 1930 one* | h-indrccl years of organized SaptiHl - ? work tn North Carolina. The .ltiiln objective of the Baptist movement 'i > . ' to ; secure $1,500,040 through. a stater wide effort to. strengthen 'tlie?; S^vei* educational in stitutions owned 'and controlled by the Baptist- state convention. ??These' schools' and colleges and the. amounts . ' they are 10 receive from the proposed campaign are: Wake i Forest college <>2.V),000; Meredith cof lege; $1- .000.000: Chowan college.. $25'; : boo* Campbel college $40,060; >tfar? Hill c-?Ue?<r $35:000: WLngatr college S 60 .000; Boiling Sprints. $40.000. . . | Enjoyable Trip West Mf?v R. M Siw.n^r- and R,' . A. AVhhfteid returned home Friday train n >,ro "Ve&cs trip through riia West. The t rip w,v nude ? hv Vail rut there and by motor car. bark T report" a ? vfers ? fine';,- .. trip, stating Itttit our American, scenery is superior cj .that of Europe While in F i;eeport . i!L, they had the. pleasure ? o; i'idtnr sev eral mile* by tjroplahe ;> rid one <vf the rid#s wiis taken over \ bwmtiful" lake whifch- at horded th?nv at ? -least rv slight idea how "Lindbur^u * felt on his trip. 'They passed thrott&h -t Vetv fine farmin., 'section." but lepb^tvd crops as very laie. Handsome New Home Sheriff N. V. Brooks moved into his beautiful new home today. Rarely have we had tlie pleasure of inspect in? a more modern or up-to-date home than this one. It is located on the Oliver Hill Highway; just Car ( enough out of town to avoid the | noise, dust and city traffic. In an , interview with the .Sheriff, he was '.erv liberal in his praise of the Rox boro Building and Loan Association, as it was through them, that he built his home. The house contains nine i well arranged rooms and a large i basement and ' is altogether a home that .most any of us would be proud < to own. -7? ? 0 ? ? ' All In Ford Roadster Mess Slim Mcn'itt. E. O. Thompson, : E M FanntnK. L. T. Hetner and Norman Stephens left lost Friday tor ?p\v Jersey where they will spend the summer vacation. These young men left, In a 1 Ford roadster. wltfch 1 had seen much service. with their | bat :ase hanpnv; op tV.I* outside. ? 1 ? ? a ? Clayton-Owen Miss Dora Clayton and -Mr. E. D. '-.Q.wert wen1 tjuittly married Saturday 1 mother, on Depot -Street. . Miss Owen 1' is a very popular ^ younf' isnyi with. ' many / admiring friends. Mr, Owen fa x young business man Of East llox , They . will resldelp Roxboro. ^ ; _ . ? ? ? .? - " ?

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