5 the date ox the LABEL IS THE DATE YOUR PAPER j WILL- BE STOPPED W. NOELL, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER HOME FIRST. ABROAD NEXT. WATCH THE LABEL ON' YOl R PAPER . AND DO NOT_ LET YOUR SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRE 51.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE VOL. No. XLIV ROXBORONORTH CAROLINA. Wednesday Evening. July 6. 1927. No. 27. *28 Ford Has Shift, Four Wheel Brakes Details Revealed. Showing Larger Car With Long List Of Improvements * ?v MODELS AT $450 TO $190. ?, Detroit.. Mich.. June 2V The. com pete. details and -specifications of the style Ford automobile an "?iiinced as successor to the 15:000.000 ;*'MvverKv the Ford works Have turned, ?c a during- the past two decades, be me known today. The new cars larger and sturdier 'an their famous predecess^^ . built in six models, to range in -ice from $450 for the tourins car to . *V90 for the* tour-door sedan arid "upe. I,, o. b. Detroit. A sport road :er will sell for $460; the cabrolet f-r $470 and the two-door sedan for *480 Fojir- Wheel Brakes Standard equipment on' the new ? xlejs includes a self-starter, five rr wheels, speedometer. windshield iper. ' ammeter, gasoline 'gauge. oil uge. dash light.. Houdallie shock ab Ibers and four-wheel brakes. The n?w four-cylinder engine, rated . .iVii tv 'tour horse power and' dc ' to operate at 2 400 revolutions :nijime-T.r- ? *;t:araMteed to drivr the ?:V cfi'rs- af.'sixty "miles an hour. - It* will :Hm '. from thirty to t hirty -five :ni.i.es "?von a gallon of gasoline and- will ,ac- ? ? ' . t rbm five -? td thirty miles an -| :? Jr in thirty seconds: Tra n* mission is by means of a- ; !:s.c!ard uear shift:': wfth three speeds i . . 'v '-.vard and one ih,' reverse. 'vTt7\ the . - v . ' ;iiUonai . of roller h'^arihgS The four- wheel brakes are of -the ! ?^chanical expanding type .and yere . f 'igiwd by Henry Ford himself, em ;.dying entire^ new. principles of instruction. There are two orake i ? on Mich drum, or eight* in all. " virisr a total braking .surface of 144 ] . ? ) hes: ? ?. /. . ? ? . ? The new machine will be equipped "th a tandem or .dpuble flywheel, one which is pis.e?rt at the rear -.of 'the- ? ankshalt and the other in front, felectrrcal equipment includes a hew '? pe of dvnamo-geherator ? oons'truptr" along: lines similar to the large : iiamos used for power houses. Other features of the . ne\v Fords : v - :aiv especiatl;. designed irrewii.i peering gear. 'which wiU not de : :pci- on rough roads: a new oiling . rem oi. ' h:1 }oreeo-i?? ?d v r.S: :i : . v ' '. ,;;v^or jJUinp; heavier front and rfar * ! 9-rleS'; a heavier a.ud- wider frame; - and in' verse ..type springs ?'!mil..r ? josf* 'ill- uiv on \ j u^vc fOixngn ' --.T-rie -annus mode's -are built < u a . '"4-iri?h. wheel base. A- '.-Vide c'hoiet | ?;.? '.coipr cpxh.bih^tions il>. offered ' ?\ii \ \.- ' >hitw ork ; is . i?nie hed ' wii p* rp > ? ?*.. J ,:d to vra'tah:' . UNOFFICIAL A Real HonesMo Goodne^s Sale If you road ivotfyinz; e'.w m ? '.lis vqu-.can *iot. afford 10 fail . ><1 'thft-, adyevti^mcn; ' of Harn;: ~ rfi . .They ciHrvv: ? '? rf leases that will' jiVtpivst, fiyotv . lady r she County This is a s?al ' sale' - the newest. styles and 'ate*t tiat and are offered ? aerially less V-r.n 'cost; Rend tlio ? auvt-Vr v-mnif. . ,-rt then get. in your fl lever" anil bv first to' qrt the jikIc 0- the /?' 'sring ' ? ? >0 ? *? ? - - Lambeth Memorial Revival meeting is in progress at : ..nibetH Memorial this week. We : ; e ably assisted b Rev D. E. Hill **. Rocky Mount feolendid -beginning-. *'M*vices at 6:30 and 3:00 o'clock each .tening. The public is eordiallv in ed Series of meeting will begin at I Rhesus next Sunday. July 10th. at ^ 30 O'clock. Beginning Monday, aer es will bp at 2.30 and 4:00 o'clock rsirh afternoon. Eyery one welcome. L V. COOGIN8. Pastor ? > -m>_- ? : Moved to Durham Mr and Mr.-. Robert Jackson, and v aitly who huve ben lU-inst on Acad "! iv Street (or the past several yearR, tve moved trt Durham where they ?:i! nake tflfir nomr ThPV wVl-ce iach mfcsed. as both Mr. arrt Mrs. .? .-keon . took-* i !???. ..Interest c worked in ? h- leu: ail banW &5re :ippe and: V ^ang "which ci: uUa!? U of >pu'riuui uo?fs was .. Sunday School Conven tion at Hurdle Mills a Great Success. " ttuTkTT: Tntr ? .<.ii'. ill in-' mVl'U . i th. hi' o? the Hurdle M'.lls Methodist, church as one - of '?.he big-. , gest events in the history of - the ihXuch. It Was the annual (?on wri tten of the Sunday Schools of all the chr.rohe.i in '-Bushy ? ? Fork Towmnip.> An. ?-iaborate program had -?>ee;ri ? piit - ? I'ned and at 10:00 orclock the a'udi - i.;:a;in thy ~irch \-.-\zn y 'ill r..nd by 10:30.. at which time the ser \ iee.s .began. the church "was filled :o overflowing. The program couM.^cn of speeches, music and prayev. At the noon hour a sumptuous dinner had ben ' prepared and placed on the long table under the overshadowing ^ranches o i a magnificent . oak and. every one enjoyed this .part of ine program. The exercises were C6|V: Mitued in the afternoon until four o'clock. It was altogether an ?n joyable day and we feel that all who participated in it are richer thereby. Flour or the county officers were pres ent and three absent! All the. own ship 'oficers wftre present, live &; ouperentend'entfi. . 19 officers akvd + ;?achers arid . a round three' hundred visitors Collection . 'or support of S. r-i,.. work S4.T3. .. All the old officers for the. township were reelected for ..The comiiU: year. .We consider .-this ?one, or the very best meetings we ?v.ive held "Pine s.v^thes., rt'nt mtisi' and: we a.te proud df the. occasion. ? Supi. Enjoyable Picnic :The foUovvin? young .men who are members of . the 'Ideal Wesley Bible t ass of. M*. E. Church enjoyed. the day. ?Cin . tar Lake. Monday; Mr. iv. L. * .tot. teacher,.. J arpes. Newman. Tal I mage Lonv,. Sam Byrd W instead,, t'.uh sle' Stalvey. Jerry Dixon.' Jr.. .*M.ank\in. t^ong. ? Bill Moore, George Thomas. James Thomas* Joe Wilker r mi Oeorge Buich. DUle Feiiherston. O.-oar Hull, and Don Richmond. Mr. C. S. Hunter, as is his usual good' n.uured custom, went over with the b-jyu and carried a big load of them in liistxit. The evening was spent in' >?.4mming and boatimc and '.he ? limaix of happiness was reached . he.n these big hungry boys gathered 'round, the table to partake of the ijlendid supper the mother's had I prepared for them, each anxious for another such occasion.' Surprise Marriage Miss GlndVs Aliue Slaughter of Ox iord. S: C.. and Mr. Willie O. Zimmer man of Floxboro. were quietly married 1 at Halifax, va.. on the twenty fourth' cf June and withhold the slad news from the public until Monday July. 1 fourth, when announcement was made. They will make their horn * In ; Roxboro. Antioch Revival Our revival at Antioch Baptist church is in progress this week and 1 invite you to come out and wor ship with us. Preaching every even ing at 7:30 by the pastor. J. C. MCGregor, Pastor. Camping at Holt Lake Rev. P. Cary Adams, wlthr. about :? i dozen boy* and KtrL'.. spent the past week at Molt Lake, near Siuithfleld. N. C . This camp Is under the aus pices of -Granville Presbytery. Broadus Miller Falls Victim To Mountain Man Slayer. of Gladys Kincaid Pays Death Penalty at Hands of ;VJor2anton Man NEGRO CARRIED SHOTGl N LlnVille Fills. C.. July ?>? Broad H:.i Millpr. much hunted Asheyftle neg- f ro. -vho two week* ago actack?T and ;k"!ed Oladys Kiiscald. pretty lj-.vear ; old Mor?antqiv girl, today was shot ' Jad !:llled when surprised by a party.] etching for. him. His death followed a . ;ijn battle I with Commodore Burleson, a moun taineer who c*me u:?n the ne:pectedly. The negro. according tar the -lory told by Burle.son .Hid ?nembers of "the posse who reached ?;??' 'Ui' .1 moment after the. negro fell dead, waj sitting on a boulder ,>iien Burle son unexjlectedly walked' up. The . negro fth>d cne shoE frDJji i shotgun Burleson fired five times .from ? a . 45 i calibre pi.-.rol a-;: rapidly as he eouM : pull the trigger. The'tast shot struck' ; the negro below the heirt kilting Mm Instantly, Meia.b- : . oi a- posa 3 picked up. :!ie negro's, jjbdy and ?6k It to Morgan-, ton where- it was -locked -in' the Curke ?ym- ; "l .. . The POSM? iiiat " tadav cntleii 's ? .*earrh. th?t -Vtas e.vtended" into tlv-ee 1 states and ,been almost. continuous since the body- cf tKi airl v.as iK.id in a y.oocUand . near Mprgahton 12 days n jg. .started , 6iit Utia-momtng after it a a - learned that a score in Linville Palls had baefn roobed last night. Burleson: a nvJuntaiheer and ll; n^ijaiiv, s.unsiliat rnable the mountaineer to' trail peVsohs.- through the bush, pushed ahead of the posse -ltd as a result was the first tq flush the quarry. ? As ??*? -word spr end this- liftTrtllng that the passe had picked up a traif hundreds of persons from all over Burke county began pouring into this section. . When., word went out that the negro was Miller and that he had 1 been killed most of the crowd flocked j back to Morganton. The Great Commission The commissions are Christs" com mands. Let us obey the Captains orders like loyal soldiers. The Church : and the Christian that' K /loyal to Christ Mil purpp.se: to propagate the CfOsp'el.' ' Is my church really Missionary? Lets study It. Seven o'clock Suildav ' night. July 11th. 1927. Sorut? Prayer?Song; Bible quits. Hilde, Mitchell, Oroup leader in ' '' ' Mary Riley. Introduction: ' .-.lary Riley, 1 . Bible background in - - .uthe'.. and Mark 2. Poem. Lorena V.'atle and Sallie- Day.- 2. Bible Back ground. in Luke and John and Acts. Julia Yancey 3. Meeting the disci ples oil the mountain. Alma. Day. ^ Their task. Banna Day. Special music, Clyde Hall. Saxophone. .Bivms .. Whist ead Piano. 4. Into all the '.Olid. Nellie Wade 5, Can He count on me? Hilda Mitchell. Sontr. Everyone cordially invited. ?Banna Day, Cor. Sac... Look "Hinky. Drtodle Town" is the town you can go to vtthout leaving Rox boro. A musical comedy of Romance. Love and Myrth. It will please fcvery one; Under, the auspices of the Bovs Club and being presented by local talent, practically the same cast as " A little Clodhopper. The play that made such a big hit about four month eyo The cast promises you another evening of laughter. 'Kin key ' Doodle Tow TV. wil be given in the Hitfh School auditorium, date will be announced later. Come one. Come all ? Notice There will be a meeting of the Board of County Commissioners. Mon day July lltlv for the purpose of hearing complaints concerning fi liations of real estate for the. year of 1927. meeting to be called at 9:00 o'clock a. m? A. C. GENTRY. Chairman. W. T. KJRBY. Clerk Announcement t *ish to announce to my frrends and (USlflmtTs lltat about AUKU.it thr l.rst 1 -mil b* 1jcM<*d l.\ I'M JHIII'k Hotel . bunding. next doolr to Roy?l , Cmle. . I wil be better fixed to serte i >on. Come to see nie. j J. W. OREEN & SON. Governor Appoints Body To Study Tax Situation 923,000 Appropriated POf Its Work Cover jug Next Two Years TO SUBPOENA WITNESSES Endowed with sweeping: y-qwers by the last Legislature to gather mate 7 rial for a complete -tax picture oi North Carolina. the. State Tax Com- i mission Was appointed yeatetda\ by Governor McLean It >s composed of Thomas D. War -j ren, NeW Bern; Robert Lassiter. lotte: A. j. Maxwell. Raleigh: .T^/k: ? Norfleet. Winston-Salem, and LT A. ? Bethune. Clinton. The commission was appropriated i : $35,000. for its work over the next two years, and is required to., ?zath.er information on '* the ejittixs State tax j Structure ? next v/eek. Preacjiint; at 3:30 and j 5:00 p. m. \ Preaching at Warren's Grove next! Sunday at 4:1)0 p. m. j J. W ,IJRADLKY. f'jstor :~0 - ' - ' Too Late We received three very interesting communications this morning from our correspondents. We appreciate these letters, but it is impossible for us to hartdlc any communications re ceived Wednesday morning. _a? u takes all of our time at that lat-* hour > to care for our belated adver'ser*. We trust corrcsoondents will i<*t us . have their communication m Mon day. that is. mail the letto -s on Mon day and we will get. them in time lor the week's issue. Leaving For Western Trip Mr. and Mrs W T pass wilt leave tomorrow morning for- a .trip west. They will stop at A.sheville for a week and will then go to Chicago and take a- trip up the Great Lakes. They .vlll be away for'soveral weeks. ?> Don't rati to see "Hlnfcey Doodle I Town. A Ynusical comedy in two acts'. The. greatest hit of the season You know what the people of ROx- "? mini .urn iiim-v fnwn- miui i mr ,m : doing but you don't know what they are doing . in "Htnkey Doodle Town" until you sec it Twill be an evening j . pleasantly, spent. ? 'j SHARKEY 10 START WORK FRIDAY FOB BIG BATTLE Boston. July 5;? Jack ^haj;* "key will begin training OB i ri dgy for his fight with 'Jack Dfmpsf.V.- In thr .16 days, left before the New England heavy weight meets the ex-chanjplon the gymnasium s at . the New Madison Square '(iartlen Will i>e: thr scene of SharkeyV ap tivitle*. .Yftrr a. light workout here today he ^uid. he had decided to drive over to New York with his wife . Thursday and >.tj*rt punching Friday. Vocational Edu cational Schools The Five, vocational agricultural high schools oi this State v'nich did the most outstanding Work duiini? lie y-jftr just closed were announce^ by- Roy H:. Taoma >. 3 uuo Su pervlsov ol Agricultural Education. at the ??vi ctusion \c? the anziual conference- <1 ' Vocational Teacher i at t.lr. State Col-, lege.-' Each school. >.s a . ev/ard, y- Ul . ? i ? ? "'.'r.w. n'-i.i . ? ??.? . by tiffc Shiran' -N.it c of Sod:: Edu-. eationai Bureau,. : ? ? ? ' The ! schools _ t ho : ?Vith ; their. -.teachers., are'- ... -Carv High School vValJK* Cot^ru":-;' N/Meektns. -a?4 , !.? - E. jUaper." teach ers. ' '? ' fi-adenboro &:c,h School. ' Bladen ?C.oyhty ; . C.- C, Cravens. .teacher- \ ? EUenbdvo ~Hi$h' School. Rutherford County; a h. BushonV:. teacher. Hiddenite High . School. Alexander County; P. H. Oaston. teacher. Crossnore liigh School, Avery Coun ty;- T. P; Detlinger. teacher. Thirty factors governed the selection ' of the ginning school. Some of these .considerations were: Total nhmber or persons reached by systematic- Instruction: total' income of . pupils from -projects' carried on ' as .part of- their educational work: r'?v turns in supervised praotice for each dollar invested in teacher's salarv.; number of. farmers served -by co operative buying and .selling; per capita cast" ruction: number' qi. ? hoate farm -n^ps :ns:alled' nnd i he \order. and "? of clas.xo iv. and : hop. . ? 4,The offer of five radio sets lor the school:: achieving the 'most eornpfe-. hensive program of .v.ork:' >rnd >lr. , j 'TjSoma?. liias'. .stimulated \kee.n' com petition dufiit;". the jiast year amon'4 the 102 vocational -ciiools or North Carolina. . : ' ' "A radio .set is an lniportartt ad dition to ih? rural high echoed, .en-. a$Ung the classes to hear lecttu.es on africunitrai vub.? ?- 'U-v I 'iCtfpdjett "to he. in 'operation 'in ttrct* .. .-? Korj'.' \tl' ?..'?arch "..'a'.- noon re -.v^vi'ed ..v.- hri\ he waikfcd -.rtfcht up in ? ' -h:sr .' blockade till uv.'-.fiill blast. ? T ivy '/n- "?t.or- Iplir m r, umber 'die! i 1 . care to- discuss. ' matt.0?y- with Mr. CoJ^hran .$o.the,; ? xyn'.y to. the woods. Apbui four- ::aibnf;. of ??liquor - and .at voxind ; 6i!?ht huiuir^d gallons of beer j were destroyed 0 fti.d the outfit brought u tov.n.. T i V bi; one beinz ?. hundred and'/'tft' ailon capacity cop f.per fctill and cap. Revival at Hurdle Mills The - oeople- 01 VUirdle Mills are very m\\ch cnfh'.tscd. and interested in the . r-w vhich ' < V :n .projjr^ss .at the M^'hcdU* fjhuych ? Rev. J: i/Boona. l a1 Tj)rr.T^r . pastor.. 'arrived Monday and ; < c' ? . : : . ? ?:;? ju-e- chin j. An introduc? ? Vtl.dn- "this eloquent mirn 01 .God j 1 to the ? people'. 01 Person county Is ti'^edless. he hayin? pent four, years ? v : his ,;ife rryin'i to heh> make our ?''si'nt- a ..better phc-v- , sV>" sura that ; thgl - are .fnauv -h this ? County \vj10 vyitt b? -^lad hea-r him. a?ain. \V* ; Siv'i ?? 'u n?i. urgent- iiiviti. Stfn *o ' to -out ami' thahr.-.'hita.,'1 Tit? J f.) ;ad Is' -i-ne and : hoo-> :vou will. , Services at -4. n. aq& & o'clock. -bji. .Sap*., . Saw ''Babe ' In Action Moy Jack S t ruin,- C'Ia;^c?icp ? Bower 1, ? George ^utjoc'c a'ttfj A- ?>-, Morsjaii per. t'jSa tifftUi y i htf Siincl a v in W astt i ington. t). C. Saturday. th?vv' saw tlie . yfvtxVe? between W&$liiiV?tph and Hj.il . ;ic?fn.phi- and Sunday 'hf. 'tad *?a pleasure'- of seeing Washington and ' ihe Vanks pl^-V in >' .v/fclch . game the ureac "Babe" knocked on? out jf t*ic. park. ? ? - "They say' Jack was the chaperou for the crowd. and when he was ap proached by -'ft sigtlt-ileeing driver, told hlrn he had no use tor such an i institution as he had been living. In ] Washington for 17 years. Good Revival Sunday morning brought t