THE DATE ON THE * LABEL IS THE DATE YOl'R PAPER WILL BE STOPPED WATCH THE LABSL ON YOUB PAPER AND DO NOT LET YOL'R SIBSCRIFTION EXPIRE J. W. NOELL, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. HOME FIRS' VOL. No. XLIV ROAD NEXT. ROXBORO. NORT} 1 C AROL.INA. ^/ednesday Evening, August 31, 192.7. i.1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE No. 35. Ex-Governor Will Likely Get Pardon * Attoi ney General Sargent Ap proves Parole of Former Governor of Indiana RIGHTS NOT RESTORED Washington. Aug. 30. ? Warren T. McCray. fonnei_ Governor of Indiana. . ycho has been a prisoner in the -Atlan ta penitentiary for three years., and .four months, tvHl be released on pa? ; ,rcV?. probably tomorrow. Attorney General Sargent an r>c*mced late today that he had^ip proved the recommendation of the parole board that McCray be. released when he has served one-third of his *^n-vear sentence imposed .for use 01 the mails to defraud- That period ^er.ds tomorrow, and it was indicired at the Dpeartment of Justice that telegraphic instructions would be ser: >o Warden Snook whieh. would re. jit in ^ieCray being a free man by . tomorrow night. Granting of the parole will not restore McCray "s civil rights They, cannot be restored^ until after Jan uary lfi 10.11 n-hPTi 1->U tp'rm ? have expired with time off for rood ' behavior, un*. ss the President mean time grant's a pardon or issues an executive 6rder restoring them. iVi.'ut' lU'.ii h.-r : : 'edom to the" '62' .year-old for-: nv:r'.' governor, Attorney General Sar sen1 said -Hinged ?roin the position of a millionaire cattle breeder, stockman and land 'owner, with holdings in ?mr.ny .-.tateS and a national reputa tion as a gentleman-farmer. McCray b* am? Number 17746 on May I. 192-; vhen; he entered the peniten tiary; He resigned as Governor the dav he wa.s >?n tanked Politically. i\p vvas a Republican. Collection of a $10,000 fine imposed bv Federal Judge A. B. Anderson., at Indianapolis along with . the prison ertencr two days after a jury . had lonnr McCray guilty, :ih 13 minutes \r n not be pressed the Department oi Justice although it 'will .remain as a jungmen: against hijn. McCray adjudged a bankrupt after ex tended hearings., during which he ad lnj'ted forgin? signatures to worthless e atilir paper 1 Boosting Roxbcro to Rox^oro, bv Ns^itnif I.. "Booth If v-bU're feettn? down and out. : t-orr.e to Roxboro. T( tired, .weary and in doubt. Come :o Rdxboro It you- are reeling blue and sad if .ttie world is going bad. . T'Will cheer you up. arid make you >]ad. U DU. will come :-) Roxboro. "li vcu feel that you're in need Gome. 1 9 Roxboro. t?: voQ "would find a friend- indeed - Come to Roxboro Tf tfte \yotld .has -turned you down. . l.:i '. iJv i ' -..v . .intl ! ^owns Ju :ome at one? id vf ri-flittly- r. ? . "IT:p"iSty.u,'s best 6vp ' fto x boro . If ybXi will . come to the.- hospitable T-twk of ftoxb.v.o : Y(\iY i.l 1 uk re a se ; _ r.ia'ntfold; In .h? >own -of Roxborrf; . ? Dm'tv lies'. rat<*! vour speed, renew. " cpftjl ab#ad vou'l! f.nd *tU tru ?. A v-elcbme warin awaiting <;u. Iu *.he 'tfobd old i pwriv of Jtpx^ro, ;X*v'e; ftuwf l.^unci . thro^i shout <he ?' " ? 'State. *t il I came to Rbxboro Air-* town that .yet could mate Wi'h the busy town of Roxboro Here's where sueefss. dnri friendship blend And1 peace and joy without end.. Arid ever/ man a loval friend. In the loyal town 01 Roxb>ro. TrV: ? mv adviep :tfyi pome ?ir. now To Vne Towrt of Roxboro. Th* citiens will show you ho? , T-. tr**' a friend in Roxboro ? Fi^tndfhip, and love ar? here com bined. And great success, and peace of mind AH theie. and more you'll sure find In the worthy town of Roxbr>ro. Supper At Happy Oaks Tr.e Ba'raca and Philtahia (lasses of the Baptist Church had a picnic topper at Happy Oak* last FrMay nteht It ??> a most enjoyable oc casion- and ' en jovpd tor about nrty members ol the uer fteikps : THE BIO PARADE" a picture as . VM'.it as its subJcct, the. first accurate v'ar story ever made, at Palace Then - ire, Monday. ? Tuesday. Wednesday ' srpttmBer 12 - 1 3 - 1 4 ttg&c <:f\. Judge Raymond G. Parker Passes Away Very Suddenly m Kansas IavqIvc ^ aliens o? milk a day, or. more than triple her weight dur ~in# the foi>r i^-thc ?^eor<l ton-cow mvnetHby? I\ l' ;l '.Mwn -f l ohnnbiif. Ka>, Her average has been 96 lbs. . per il.iy She weighs 9(H) pounds. Had Suffered for Several Years From High Blood Pressure *\ Asheville. Aug. 30.? Funeral ar rangements lor Jrdge Raymond O. """Farmer "ol Winston- samel, van TtrcT" sdddenty here this morning about 1:45 o'clock from an attack of an gina pectoris, will not be completed until after the arrival of his only brother. Dr. Karl Parker. of Seaboard. N, C.. :wh o is expected here between 3 and 4 o'clock tomorrow morning. Solicitor J. AVill Pleas of the 18th judicial district, a closc friend of Judge Parker stated tonight that the funeral and burial will no doubt take place jn Northampton county, of which both Judge and Mrs. Parker are riatiyes. I,. M. Calvert, a traveling man of Norfolk, Va.. an:l brother of Mrs. Parker, was in the George Vnnderbiit hotel Monday night when Judg*1 Parker became ill. but knowing, the habit of his brothef-in-la>v to rjrV* tire early, decided . to waU until this' morning before communicating -with him. He did not know 11 is sister ? presence irt the. city. Mr. Calvert read Judge Parker's charge to the jury of puncombe county superior court after his arrival in AshevUie Monday night ancT was first informed of his brother-in-law's sudden death when he read the morning paper - to-' day,'-. - .? 1 '-'-'?r' Family Reunion There was a delightful gathering of tlie Norman family' on Tuesday. August 23. at the home of Mrs. Sue tforman Womack of Heidsville. N. C.. Mrs Norman is a sister of the late .llev. W Norman, a well known ?end nitfch beloved minister of the NortH Carolina Conference. Among the Norman relatives present were. Rev W. F. Shamberger and Mrs Del .?a Norman Shamb?rger._ of Roxboro. Mrs. D. Iv. Taylor and Miss Rouena barman Taylor of Oxford; Mrs Ida Norman Van h of Grand Rapids, Mich:. Mr. W. J. Norman and "family < f -Grenfboro Mrs L. L. Norman and : i;s.s . Edith Norman of Cleveland .Ohio! Miss Susie and Mary Norman Stokes, daughter of the late Mrs. Mat-tie Stokes and the Womack fami ly cf Reidsvllle. Clean up all Trash We earnestly urge all the .mer chants and other business men to co operate with us in the prevention of fire you can- help by keeping your .. remises dean and ffcge from trash. We have fire practice every Monday night and when you hear the bell sounded glease clear the street. By complying with these, simple requests '? .-?u .a til ? Ualb ? to mak* ? Roxh~>rfr ? a cleaner and safer town. P. CARY ADAMS. Chief Fine Watermelons The local market here has been stocked some very fine watermel ons this season that were brought from the Eastern and Southern reun ites. but about' the very finest one* we have seep were brought to town last Saturday, raised by Mr Willie A. Clayton on his farm near Chub Lake He had fUty in this load that would ? average nrniinri thirty fly;' pounds, smooth and well developed. THE BTC. PARADE" Is the picture jo'u have waited fori'. At Palace Theatre. Monday. Tuesday. Wednes day September 12-13-Hth . . Boy With Broken Neck Succumbed ? - ? * Yesterday Greenville. Aug. 30? Elmer Hardee. 19-year-old Greenville ? Lad ? ittrr. holding on tn life for ? seven Weeks after, sufferinq; a broken neek, died in a loeal hospital !asl night. Harden, son of >Ir. and Mrs. : D. W. Hardee, was injured July 13 when he dived or fell into shallow water from a pier at i bathing beach near Washing ton. N. C. He suffered a dis-i located ' vertebra- which had cot the spinal cord almost through. Except for short, periods of delirium caused-- by l\i?h tem peratures, he was conscious throughout hi i long period 'of suffering. Funeral ?rvices will be held here tomorrow after- .. nooa. An Appreciation To Tfte Courier *"As supervisor 6f our County's tax able property it has been my pur pose for ? sometime, to acknowledge rhy appreciation of the splendid ser vice rendered the County by the var ious township assessors. The splen did cooperation of all the assessors, together . with the. property owners, made a very difficult task a compar atively easy one. This is a rather belated acknowledgement, but is ope that I must not overlook. And particularly do I wish to . thank Mr; R. L. Harris for his unselfish aid in matters pertaining to our quoto and allottment from the State Equal-, ization Board. A? our County's rep resentative. he ^'as both champion of the act and familiar with the law relative to .the distribution of this fund His suggestions were invaluable to me. rjnd his . efforts to secure all that was com Inz to Person Count? deserves ohr County's thanks. it is just this. I think Mr. Harris c e* serves the credit of securing for Per j-on County what seems (0 me a rea sonable -share; of the Equalization Fund For after all if 'was the $27-200 that 'was received from the fund that made1 possible thr- County Comniis siqners' determination to hold; our 'tax rate the same as last v$ar. S O. WINSTEAD. Labor Day "NO "in * bom mto the world whose work rat bom with htm. There U always work, and tools tn work withal, for thaw who will. H. W BEACHER V.UUDI.Um1 I!, OU^Uftl 111 tHUllii 1 labor and to raise - the s tandards of 'he laboring world to a htehcr plane. Nothine is designed to more truly ac complish this end lhan the injection of principles and spirit of the Car penter of Nazareth into the indus trial life of the world. This theme will be discussed at the First Baptist Church next Sunday A cordial welcome is extended to all. Sunday School at' 10:00 a m.. R. L. Wllburn. Supt Preaching 11:00 a m., subject "GDd .and Labor." 7:30 p. m. Subject. "Man's Whole Duty," ' ? B. Y, P. tj's 6:30 p, m. ? -? :l 'an do all fhlntrs hrouph Chrtu f hich strenctheneth me." Phil. 4:18 ' ? ' 1 ? W. r. WIST. -Pastor. Record Sales On Tobacco Floors Tues. Prices Also Range High On Markets All Along The' Border 100,000 UBS. SOLD MONDAY Wllminston Aug 30? Running true to predictions recordbreaklng ?ales were held on markets of the [border counties yesterday, according [to qfficial report; received today. K' Wtytevil'.' sold 433. B85 pounds, rwtilch* eclipsed all former .'.ales rec-. fords, and unofficial report^ from I sales today t show a? much if not more on this fast growing Columbus coun ty market with as good average prlc?. Th; pricc paid yesterday was $24.50 per hundred pounds for all sold ?CTMrmont had a total tonnage of *04.632 pound; Monday which sold lor an average price per hundred of S26.7T. which was the leader Of the according to available figures. . \ft. W. McFarVand. sales .supervisor . ! states that the number of pounds fen this market today was equally as rinuch as Monday and that the mar fatrt was ft rm with .strong" romiWitinn Ibnween buyers tor the leading to Jtacco companies. Better grades are .being offered on all. the markets, but Fairhont. today found a r decrease m quality ;;??? Thomas. R. Harrison, secretary pt. the Lurhberton chamber of com-, nierce. re]>oris in round numbers 400:000 pounds sold on that markei Monday. This tonnage bhng the total for the season to as much as had been sold before in an entire season on this market. All sales j from Monday will be additions to the record. Purine the last week lAimberton sold a total of 1.63*i.506 pounds, giving a season's total of 3. '* {^587 . with several weeks more of selling. Unofficial reports i rom Chadb^u in. Ml. Tabor. Glarktoh and Fair Bluff, give excellent sales and high prices.) Rougemont News Mr and Mrs. P. D Wiilson. Mabel Lawson and Mr. and. Mrs. Pete Law son have gone to Norfolk on their vacation and will be. gone about. cn? week. s Lawson , W ili?pn . son Of Mr. and Mrs, P. D. Wiilson is visiting Mr. Will Lawson of Rougembnt, Miss Eugene Woodall who has bee-n reriouslv ill in hospital h&? returrrc! home and is getting alon? nicely. . Little Miss Ruth Tilly* who has b??n \ visiting Mr. and Mrs. B. A. .Thacker of Roxboro; has returned liome. Mr. and Mrs. Poe^of Durham, visitors in in. J11 Mr. J op Vc - tal Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Aaiken and children left : Saturday for . Vinrnia and returned Sunday evening Mrs. Lewis Bowling and two 'h:S dren of Cherry ville, N. C.. are visiting Miss Pattie Bo wen. There will be a Brunswick SteM at The Rougemont school house. S a: - urday Sfcptemb?r 2nd. from 6:30 to ~n0:00 p. rtf EveFy one cordially in vited. The- proceeds will go to the new parsonage: ; .The tobacco is lo<5Ktft$r fine around here and is curing nioely. Miss Mar jorje Clark cf Durham, is visiting Miss Lois Buohaunon. ? ?- -f>- ? i . ? 1 ' Painful Accident Ed?ar Masfcen had the misfortune to, drop a piece of liriie and plaster pars*, in, one of his eyes last Satur day. while doing some repair work on Mrs A. S. deVlaming's residence. He is being treated by Dr. Mcpherson in Durham. While it lias given him considerable pain it is not considered serious and his many friends hope for him' a speedy recovery. Accident on Main Street Bennle Lee had a very narrow es cape from a serious accident late. Monday evening on South Main street when he undertook to get off the car on' which he was riding. He jumped from the running board while the car was making a pretty eood rate of speed. The Jar knocked him unconscious for several minutes, but after an- examination and medical aid by Dr. Long his wounds were found to only- slight, attl'm ? m y patnrtt: ? ? ? 0 ? ? - Ladrence Stallings . great story THE BIO PARADE" with John Gilbert, and Henee Adoree it Pfclace Theatre Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday 8cm. li, 11. 14th. . I Andy's fT'ings aid Hall. 28. rf Brooklyn, , <?rho designed CoJ. I.ind 5 "Spirit ot St Lpuis" plane now. find* hu<ine?s good. having received 29 orders for designs sim ilar to I.indy's air fcus Opening Of Local Schoofe <-r . . Notice is given to the patrons of Koxboro schools that the opening will | be Friday. September 9th. Read Uli* notice for it contain* valuabl? thoughts for every parent. The following teachers have I een !. elected : ? Grammar SchooV: Miss. Molly L. Whit ted l}:*rkair.. Miss Julia Yancey, RoxIjuj. Miss. Sue ^ Merritt, Roxboro. Miss Maude L. Mdntague, Roxoorr Miss Irene Goode. Stuart. Va Miss Carrie Sue Vernon. Burling - ton,. "... Miss India Collins, Principal. ?:raml mar. school. Holly Springs. Miss Claire Harris Roxboro. Miss Lufcile Anders Hcndersonyille Mi,ks Maude Barnes. Raleigh. Mr* W H 1/onT. Rbxbaro Mrs V. C. Blaluck, Roxborn High School Miss Orphia AlUood M^vS Ethel Ervin Troutinan Miss Vera M. Cpe./ Sanford Miss. Mildred Satterfield. Roxboro Mrs B. O. Clayton. Roxbpro . Miss Mabel- Jaines Laurlriburg. Mr. TV L. Heffnerj. Maiden. Athletic director. . Mr, B. S. knight. Principal, Spar tanburg. .s!!'d,: , Col6red Schtoi . .B W*. Brooks*. Principal. Woods'd3le, ? Pe-arl E. Burton.. Roxboro.' Mr?. Mabel H. Dicfcens, Roxb6ro Mrs. Beni$ Cates.. Roxboro. Handtome New Front When, completed there will . hardly be- a more handsome store front in ' town tfifrn that which Jiidve J. C. ?Pa^ ?s ?- hi< store? room on Couri Street. I'his store will again, be rccupied b\' Ooodmans Depart-* < ment Store, and will probably be leady for his fall, opening ::i a \vr?k or ten days. Death of Mr. Ramsey Mr. J. D. Ramsey died at his home ?r.bout two mites from Chase City. V?.. last Sunday morning. ? Funeral ..ser vice? werp held . at Hebron church. Cot John H. BuVch and Mr. J. M O'Briant attended the services Mr. Ramsey was well known in this Coun ty. having been a native, but moved from here several' years ago Presbyterian Announcement Sunday School -at 9:45 a m. Preaching at li a m and 7:30 p. rrt. Sunday School at Mitchell Chapel at 2 p. m. Preaching at Warren's Grove at 4 p. . n\. You arc .cordially invited. P. CARY ADAMS. Pastor Church Notice rJ>v J. W Bradley and -will rcmm the last nf Ihk wt from "heir acation In the mountains of Wrst rrn North Carolina and he will fill His pulpits ait Concord , and' Oak Orove next Sunday at eleven and four- o'clock respectively. We shaii be fclad to r.reet our people and all others. nt ^ g . _ . J. W BRADLfeV. Ford Details Are Again Revealed Guaranteed To Run Sixty Miles Hour; Thirty Miles to Gallon of Gasoline RATED 34 HORESPOWEH 7 Cohoes. N. Y . Aug 22.? Official* of the Ford Motor company at Green : Island have announced expansion plans which will eventually make the plant the large?: in tile Ford chain east- of. tTie main Detroit plant. Gas-. _lon B. Plantilf, representing the Ford interests, said that the amediate plans included construction of an as sembly plant adjoining the present structure, which \viil "employ 700 'per sons' and produce 200 cars daily In. addition, the regular working force of shift. suCh as is now used on every other makes of car. except that the Foixi will use roller bearings in the. transmission.. It is guaranteed that the new car Will go sixty miles an hour, run thirty to thirty-five miles on & gallon of gasoline;, and accelerate from five to thirty-five miles an hour in half. a. minute . The hew motqr-. is rated at 34 horsepower! Instead of the figure cf 22 1-2. The new. -vheelbase is 104 inches, instead ot 100. ' ' ' ;? ? Jj ? , ? ?) W'M J the old Vwo-wheel type werie" especial ly deSjcned by. Henry Ford himself. Twrr brake shoes are plac?d in eacli drum, or eight in all. giving ..a*. total brake surface of 144 inches. . The new car.' will be the only low priced automobile with a tandem or doubie flywheel, one .at the rear . of the crankshaft. th? other, at thf front. The electrical equipment includes an entirely new type of generator. A sta.ff of experts from the home plant in Detroit arrived: here recent ly to supervise the changes and in . struct the wvkm'er. r?v'isid as?r :... , semblv routine . It is -aid that .? ne?. model will be ; uncovered lor .public inspection September 5'th. by which time tlie-. plant- v.-iU have, assembled sufficient rant for display by dealers The specifications civeri c>ut by ttle i National He fining Company fit' the photograph? of a test-. Ford, taken n>af tfci'e Ford p'ant in Michigan, which appeared ; in Automotive Daily [? 'News ? recently. ; ' -r: . | Fine Sweet Potato It seems :hat this has been an unusual good, year for Irish potatoes ai>d \ve beheyfc it is alno gomg to be the -a me regardme 'he ??'sweet potato, asan evidence of our .belief in the sweet potato crop. Mr J. ' E. Latta presented this office with a fine one last week raised -on the farm of Mr> Nash Frederick. This one weighed iour pounds and six ounces when taken from the 'ground. . Early Morning Blaze About four o'clock this morning tha fire .alarm was turned in from South street rmd rt was discovered that a cottaee house belanJ.Imt lr? Eldei' ,i J. Hall was oiv lire. Jne bui!dln? Tra^ occupted'br a ,vir. Wiit? ..n1 i-rayjeally aJJ. of hi* lutniiurc was lin Fortunately Elder Hf.'.l Ital the building pariuvlVy Covered with trs-.-rircB. Owing to the arly morn ini l:rur there was not :.-:u~h a lar?e crowd as usually attend a flpj.- Hie rre men are to be coaupefuied for their immediate answer and the f splendid work ; they did in savin* the. adjoining buildtncs from burn in". Motorcycle Accident Thomas Glenn is confined to Watts hospital as a result of a motorcyclo accident last Wednesday near Rouge - mont. It seems that his machine becamf entangled with some ^ object and he was tnrown to tne ground ana suffered several painful cute and bnAses. He is ^ettJnp tilong very nicely at present. ? ? o ?? Frederick-Clayton Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Frederick an nounce the marriage of their daugh ter, Mona. to Mr. John W. Claytpa. Jr., which was solemnized Sunday af ternoon. 5 o'clock, August 28. 1927, at the parsonage of Rev. R. W. Bagwell, PastOr of the Missionary' Baptist church. Halifax; Va.. ? \ _ 1 <V-r Now in it* 2nd year on Broad THE BIG PARADE The real spirit of the World War. at Palace Theatre Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday * September 12. 13. 14th. '

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