THE DATE ON TIIE LABEL IS THE DATE YOUR PAPER , WILL BE STOPPED ORDER LIMESTONE BY THE CAR THIS FALL J. W. NOELL. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. VOL. No. XLIV HOME FIRST. ABROAD NEXT, WATCH THE LABEL ON YOUR PAPER AND DO NOT LET YOUR SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRE ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA. Wednesday Evening, September 14, 1927. SI. 50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE N. 37. Roxboro Schools Opened For Business Monday ? .? m Largest Enrollment In The His tory of The School For First Day 836 WERE PRESENT Roxboro City Schools rtpencd for business Monday morning, having i had the fitst session .for classification ; on Friday preceding. Superintendent ; Mr. Davidion. with the principals and' teachers as published 'in our la : . issue, were all on; hand* and every- j thine was in readiness Monday morn ing. books having been secured and - lesions ^assigned. -Appropriate, . exercises, wire helO ; at the Grammar Schbol and the-1 High School. At the former Rev. J. ^V. Bradley made a most interesting and instructive talk to the school. ; after which the Superintendent told the teachers and the children some of the things which he Hoped to accom plish this school year. From here he went over to the High School, where the exercises were in progress. Here the principal, Mr. 3. B. KnlCht. Rev. i W. ?. West. Mr. F. O. Carver. Mr. J. A. Long, and Mr. J W. Noell made short talks. Mrs. Wheeler Newell sang a peautiful sn!" n^^Tr^nrxio.* lv ATi^ Janie^ the music yff^er' ., The attcndanc^ on the ? lii . t ciav breaks all recordl. there being 83G on the openmc Y*Y. Notwithstand- . ing this large, attendance, there will ? be others who will apply, for thre are always quite a numoer who do not report on the first day. However . how those who apply uiow will be taken care of is the "problem, SOr al ready the rooms* are full to overflow ing. in fact there is not enough desks to accomodate those enrolled * at present. The new Superintendent seems to have everything well in hand and the ' < _ .chool board should have the thanks of the town for their wise selection ., Like the fair advertisements, we ar? looking (or .a- "Bigger and Better'.', school ? t-his year than ' ever, before J "The Spirit of St. Louis ' Of course, almost every one will re cognize the name; " The Spirit of St. Louis. the name of Lihdbers's plane which sailed across tjjie- Atlaja-. tic so . successfully. Weil, Mess. Cheek & Woody are showing in their dis play w?ndow one of these miniature nlanes for. the" "kiddies Certainly, it ?will not fly, but it will run mightily when , the kiddy get^ in and starts f TVnintny- hy .01# MOOr?. . 11:25. Better Methods: 1."How to Become a Better Presi dent," Huell Gentry. 2. "How to H?ve a .Good Program. Miss Myrtle Riley. 3. "Good Records. Good Work. Mrs. James G&tewood. 11:45. "Looking Forward.'^ Miss Willie Rrckett. State Junior -iln terniediate B. Y. P. U: leader. 12:10. Miscellaneous Business: Appointment of Committees Announcements "*? Adjourn for dinner. Picnic Dinner will, be served ? by Providence. Afternoon: i :30;. Song Servie. 1:45. Devotional; Aljle Holt? 1 :55. Roll Call and Verbal Reports churches. 2:10. Music, Semora B. Y. P. ,U. yJ :15, Now you Ask One. Miss Win - nje Rickett. 2:40, Playlet. "Farmer Brown's Con version to the Doctrine of Steward ship", Roxboro. First., B. Y. P. U. 3 :00. Business Session : Reports of Committees. Election and installation of officers. Adjournment. ' O"-- ? % y ; r-;~ Mr. Hawkins 111 In Watts Hospital Friends of Mr. W, C. Hawkins, pop_ ?liar Manager Rock Inn Service Sta tion. will regret to hear that he is ill i'.i Watts Hospital, hut we are triad to suite that he successfully ' stood his operation for Appendicitis Tuesday evening. Beloved Minister 111 Rev. j. A Beam, a l>elovel minis ter of the gospel, is confined to his home on account of illness, which has reached ,a serious stage. Members of the family were called to the bed ride of the man of God, when it was feared that he would live but a few hours. Prayer is in the hearts' cf every one that knows the beloved minister, that* he will be able to piill through the illness, and recover "his usual health and strength. School Notice The County Board of Education has ruled that all schools are to open not later than September 26. Schools C;mmmf|tteemen think crop condi tions will permit. B. I. Satterfleld. First Baptist Church Sunday School 10.00 a. m.. R. ^ !,. Wtlbufn. Supt. Preaching 11 a. m. Subject: "Jesus In The State." Preaching 7:30 p in. Subject: "From Law to Qrace."* ? ETY. P: tr*'#:30-prm: A cordial welcome Is extended to ?U. : W. P_WEST. Pastor. Repair the poultry house, stop the cracks and leaks, and cull the (lock preparatory to winter, advises one successful poultryman. A Rare Bird Robert A. I.ambcrt of the Na tional /.ooIoricaI I'ark. Wnihinp" ton. D. C. ? with the famous blue Koosc ? first to ever be success fully raised ,.fri the U. S Below, the medal awarded Lambert by France for raisint; this one ? and two others since? now at Wash ington. Dr. Laughinghouse Delivers Wbnderful Address To Rotarians The Rotary Club has had Che pleasure pi listening to some- splen did addresses by noted speakers, but never, has it heard a more timely and appropriate address than that de livered bv t)r, Cha's. O. Laughing - liduse last Thursday evening. He 'ook vis his. siVoject "The Value Of A Man." and for about forty-fiVe minut es held" his audience with his wonder ful .story of man and his worth. \Ve are glad we " heard this splendid ad afess. and only 1 egret w; can not give it in detail, for it would be worth much to our readers* o-? Windows Broken By Heavy Blast The contractor is excavating for the building on: Depot Street to be used by the Stewart- Bradsher Motor Co.. and cn last Thursday afternoon when he set 6'fT a blast it proved to be rather disastrous, breaking several window lights in the Hyco Warehouse and two of the plate glass windows in Long. Bradsher &. Co'fc hardware store. Rock tell like hatl stones in front of the Courier office. . but no damage was done in this .section Mr. Burch 111 Mr. Jasper T 3urch. who It . will be remembered ieit -early ip the season j to be on the Kingstree, S. C,.. tobacco ? market, has l>een ^oroiusly 111 in the i hospital in that City. Mrs. Burch. { who has been at his bedside has re- [ turned homr and says- his condition I is very much improved. rind sn? | hopes he will be. able to return ho nie very soon. . . 1 Service at St. Marks There will be services at St. Mark's Chapel on next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. The. public is cordially invited to tfoese services. Round-Trip Tickets J THE NORFOLK AND WESTERN* RAILWAY is selling round -trip tick- j eta between all stations Lynchburg. Va.. and Durham. N. C.. at one and j one-third fares ? limited three days, including date of sale. Birtfi Born to Mr. and Mrs Joe .Green stone. a son, At Qreenstone. In Bal 110101+. Md.. August twenty-eighth. Mother and son doirw fine. The world's niQst wonderful love j story ';CAMILLE" with Norma Tal madge playing at Palace Theatre Monday and Tuesday. ? ' ? Limestone ! Will Increase Cr op Yields If Our Soils Need Lime, Let's I ' Get Lime On It, Says Count > Agent rift-BKWKR Our useful plants, the ones that make the best food, the .ones that I make the soil fertile, must have lime to help build their leaves and -stems and seed. None of these plants After we put lime cn our soils, we d !>e foolish if we didn't grow legumes arid have the bacteria working for , us. We are foolish when we buy and | S3W high priced clover or alfalfa seed ? on a soil that needs lime. That's j '.yhat a lot of us folks are doing. Markets axf surely important -we must have the best possible market. Then, as always, the individual faring er cannot prosfcr without big acre ! yields, tt may be good business to cut down the acreage but not the yield per acre. We can't name a man j .who went broke producing big yields , to the acre We can name several! hundred men who went froke pro ducing small yields pe? acre. Lime ! In the soil is necessary for big vlolds per acre. The Oxford Tobacco Experiment , Station under the direction and I management of Mr. E. G. Moss touiid after several years ot experimenting | that Magnesihm Llihestone applied cn the tobacco land in the fall or j at least 60 days before setting', out : time at the rates of one toh broad cast or 100 lbs. applied per acre >n drill with a fertilizer distributor gave the Experiment Station a profit of $66 00 per acre per year over and above that, which had the usual treat- , m'ent without limestcne. And sixty men went over to see j some of the present results this sum- i mer and shook their heads and fists ! In the fields on the grounds with convincing gestures as much as to | say "we must go back home and lime , | our lands." And there are several good farm- | | ens in Person County who have '.rted Limestone on their tobacco and clov er* -andthey are ordering It by the j carload this fall and winter. 0 A Large Pumpkin Mr. D. L. Whitfield has On display tn his store at Hurdle Mills an usu bually large pumpkin, raised on the farm ol Mr. O. C. Hawkins. Its ?vfUsht Is exactly Jlfty pounds and Is of the golden ~y?)llow, oblong type, o Baracca Class Gave Barbecue Thp Hnrara. rlasx nt I hp UnrHi Dmi. boro Baptist church gave a barbecue , ; out at Picks Filling Station last Sat urday evening. About fifty members j Tvcre present Baptist To Celebrate Anniversary Mr. A. C. Gentry, C hairman of The Centennial Campaign Committee Heulah Asso. WAS ORGANIZED IN 1880 The. Baptists of the State are plan* mivj f> irlrbpat^ the tnindfjrtth tin ? niversary of the founding of the Baptist State Convention by raising ft fund of $1,500,000 to strengthen [ their, seven college.?. Mr. A. C. Gentry of Roxboro. has been appointed Chairman 8f U it Centennial Campaign Committee of The Beaulah Association. He has appointed a committee consisting of Miss Ruth Harris. Rep. W. .M U.. Roxboro. Mr. R. "P. Burns. Roxt>oro. ! Mr. J. H. Groggs. Danville. Va. R5. ? Mr. W. W. MorrelL Jalpng. Mrs. W. .L. Taylor. Semora. Mr. F.: -?F: -pchurch. Yaneevv.-le Mr. Thep, WatsOn;. Corbbett. R F D. Rev. W, F. West. Roxboro. Mrs. R. ?,. Wilburh. Roxboro. Mr N. H. Street. Roxboro. R. P. D. A meeting of. this committee was held at the First .Bapist Church. Rox boro. SunrffLV afternoon. September 11th, at 3:30 o'clock to make plans : for the organization of the Centen nial. Campaign in this Association; Jlo.n O. Max Gardner is the Gen eral State- Chairman of the campaign and Dr. Charles E Maddry is the -General Director. The seven col leges owned by the Baptists are Wake Forest. Meredith. Mars Hill. Camp bell Chowan. Wingate arid Boiling . springs., ? : ? ? ? ? Ui-J Tlie first thing the Baptists of North Carolina Undertook to . do when they organized the State Con vention hi 1830 was to found a col lege. Wake Forest resulted iii 1834. The other -colleges have been created as the Baptists have increased in number. ? Inasmuch as the first hundred 1 >ears of the history, of organized Bap tist work in North Carolina was launched on an educational plaTfonn and it . seems eminently, fitting to1 start the second century on the ! I same educational platfortn. .'/--'J Wheat To Tables In 20 Minutes Agar. S D., Sept. 11. ? Only 30 minutes elapsed between the cutting and threshing of wheat on the farm of C. L. Falkenhagen. and the serving of wheat gems made from the Hour of. the grain. The farmer claims to world rerord of 45 minutes for the process. He rushed a quan tity Of wheat from his combin ed harvester "and thresher* to'. r^ farm feed mill. ground the vheafc Imfice. sifted the flour and p^sse-d it on. to hli wife vho mad]p the gems. Death of Miss Vergie Hudgins Miss Vergle Hudgins. age 51. and well known and beloved u-omn n ,?i Kasi Roxboro. died Wednesday ska>?^ noon about 2 o'clock. The deceased lind been an invalid for a period of about 12 years. Death came as the result of inflammatory rheumatism. For many years the deceased was In an invalid stage, not being able to walk. Although being thus handi capped she was a persistent believer In the things that portained to a high and noble life. In the section in which she lived she; was highly esteemed by all that knew her. A treat host of friends attended the funeral services which were held at the Orace Methodist church in East Roxbboro Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, interment followed In the family cemetery. Rev. D. C. BarclifT had charge., of the services, assisted by Rev.-W P, West. Surviving Miss Hudgins are two brpthers. Hardrick Hudgins and Jospph Hudgini. both of Roxboro. The t*mKw?rr"werB - as -follows: A. E. Hassen. 5. Burton. Eula 8trange. R. W Long E, D. Porter Nnrma Tadmadge and Ollbert Row land, in her ? latest triumph " CA MTLLE" playing et?Palape Theatre Monday \pfl Tuesdey. Adenoid And Tonsil Clinic Big Success More Than 250 Applicants, \bout 17.7 Were Treated HKL 1) . IX GRADm^OttKML The clinic held here last week- under the auspices of the State Hoard of . Jffcalth was :i 'jreat. success in every way. There were more than 250: ap >Jics.nts for treatment, while the Board was able '.o care for about 1 175. The State Board of Health, under the guiding . hand of Dr. Laughing house. is dqiris a great work with the school children, for many of those treated last week would never have been able to have . the operations without the aid of the State, in fact, the majority of them would never have known What, their trouble was, but for /this clinic it was simply a matter of imposs ibility* to treat all who applied, and we trustrthere wiTT *oe no one who win criticise those in charge of the clinic for not treating all who applied. They took the worst cases leaving those ? '/inch ynr --.o <;. *ar clinic, -which* we trust \vili- be held faerey before agfreat while.- . ' : Wedding Of Interest T^e Rev J. A. Baylor, pastor, of Bland Street Methodist church, offi ciating, Miss. Bertha . Nfc.wton was S at noon Sa*urd'av ' > Mr. G rover C. Cox. in a simple ceremony 'performed at the home of the brides' sister. Mrs. D. . D. Lott. 612 Shene doah avenue. T"nr the marriage, the bride wore a becoming cosutme, with small hat. her corsage being of sweetheart roses Mr apd Mrs! Cox left for. a trip to New York, after ^hich they will be . at home on East Rive avenue, this city. The bride is a. daughter - of Mr. and Mrs. W, I. Newton, of Roxboro. N". C? who were here for the wedding. In; addition tc her busincsss ability she i*. grfied with a sweet disposition, which' has won h?r many friends. Mr. Cox is . connected with the f rei/:b t department of the N and W.. and is popufar with his associates.? Blufi field Daily Telegraph, fMiss Newtort. is a former resident of Roxboro. and was greatly admired here for her- sterling qualities. ? Ed J Announcement I wish to say to my many friends of Person and adjoining counties, that I will be with the Liberty Ware house in Durham. N C.. again and will say that I greatly appreciate your- past, patronage .during the last season :mti I am srire that we will be in, position to serve you as welT thi? season if not better than ' last. Our market will Open Seotpatbe? 20th We will creatly appreciate your fu ture business. I am, yours to serve. B. F. McKlNNEY. Floor Manager Truck Wrecks On ^ South Boston Road Ernest Clayton, operating a gravel truck and the driver of the Danville i bread truck figured in a smash up on the South Boston road Monday about ? noon. Both cars were headed in the same direction and the gravel truck was badly damaged while the oread truck was not so badly damaged. So j one was hurt in the wreck. Small Still ? Captured Deputy L. P. Sherman came to town Sunday and brought with htm a complete blockade still outfit, found snugly hidden away down tn ftft. Tireah township. The Outfit was not in operation at the time of tot capture but showed some signs of . having performed the work tor ' which It was designed. WU1?- Joseph Zataun... celebrated... his 1th birthday with a party of young friends this afternoon. -o ' The tint showing in North Caro lina of - Norma Talmadge's latest OAMILLE wtth Gilbert. Rowland playing at Palace Theatre Monday and Tuesday.