the date on the LABEL IS THE DATE YOl'K PAPER WILL BE STOPPED WATCH THE LABEL ON VOCE PAP EE AN? DO NOT LET TOOl SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRE .J?W. NOELL. EDITOR A*D PUBLISHER. HOME FIRST . ABROAD NEXT. ROXBORQ. NORTH CAROLINA. Wednesday Evening. September 28. +927. $130 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE No. 39. Everything Is Ready For Big Opening Oct. 4 Three Big Cash' Prizes^Will' ? * Be Given Away To Farmers Jlore Buyers On The Roxboro Market Than Ever Before Everv Pile Will Have * \ttention FOl'R BIG WARHOI SES ' Everything is in readiness for the | Hf ">tKt reason the Roxboro market' has .] i e\-v ' had. he warehouses are all lesdv for the opening, and we do nor beHeve. everything: considered, that there has ever been a more capable ? or abiie set of men running them. All I with one exception, are home m?ii. County men' known bv nearly every- j body in the County, and the new man. ! Mr. O. A. Webster - js from an a^- j jcjiin? county and ha-s been in the warehouse business for several years. aim Pomes nuist' iimlil'i M-turAmnntlort - We. welcome him to- our midst b?-} -icvjj JOS he is -o be., a force to j be reckoned ?with on bur- market. All of the old Companies have dent buyers, and ' there "are several." irjdependeiit CompahW.whirhwillbe - ? ?' ' IT' f" ff ? ^ II ' ; : ? Yfcsuld be ol much help to the mar- j . . k?*. So; all in ?li. " the market -will- i cpfR with pood - prospects Truc\ havp not been. what th? farm i?rr had hoped th^v would b^. but , there intubation ti^at v hen r!;p wpaiher f ? re : aVorRble prices [ an? going " to b? betted We are not iooVr-n" for ? record t}r-afeini.' ale "ri. -;he oiperiuw: .day, ?n^xt* -Tuesday. but' v ;i iOk for a sale ; of uood proportion-, tor thre? hk: , rr 'i ? -rr r, n c * t o a wa rc proes oi twen- I ty-five dollar*: each and ??h^' -atcne - xrjiV 'href? loads pay 'pretty ell Come ;<r Rnxb -t. ' ? Tuv.div. : r;i you -have sohie .tobacco readv j ' . 'h-iiir* it alonr and- v. -- '.oiit .tlie . j-nar-. j kf " ? Pass-Winsteadl , "Mif.s- Ne:ite Win5-read ? .p,iid ? W!v: Gar, _ "ld;i3 Pass irer<- r.aietiv married -iraa .' Wednesday-.' a r four '.o'clock at :thr ? ? fcrihe. of .the bride.:s father. -Mr. <?.. ;? ? Win stead . near jloxbor^. Rev. J. W , Bradley, pastor Of the bride. perform ? e^ - he !! impre^iv^ ceremony in th' ?' pre^nce -.of the immediate 'members V : ol >oth\ lamilifs An improvised ?3tar of/ferns and1 cut flowers made :?? - pretty' setting for occasion .Mrs' tiinwy vyihsteau presided at the piano. . The bride wore a lovelv c reation of 1 bJcck satip with . old trimmings and ! ^c-^ssorirs to nur.-h. '.Trs. Puss ;h? farming and at rrruxicuve daughter of Mr. C. EV'Win *i?ad. She was . in school at '-Louis-' burg College^ and -h&s a host c?f i V ' ?r? z. W. pa>:: Tir. : . r.'Oer of The ~--r- ? -fhm oi ..X. W./Pa^..-. &: Soil:, ol Rox br.rc. ' tin *.s - .ni ? man ,-"of <;p!end , did; qualiiie? ;>nd -raiduat" c?: Oak "H '\e . ? ^ Mr": and 'Mr.v Pass 1. ft immediately )| /: . icr a motor ti-ip . zo Washington and . other points . North Court Street Is Being Improved If improvements continue on Court Street for the next few months like i they have to*, the past row. it will be ^ little hard to really know which in ? the Main street of th* city. Th? f inast recent improvement on' this i ?_30d business street u Moore's Mar ket- and Moore Bras Grocery Store, i which, when finished will b? two of the nicest business places in town. Woman* Club Meeting ' The Woman* CUib will have Its f:H meeting of the season next Mon day, October 3rd. at th; club room 1 n the Kaplan building. A full 1 :endanee is earnestly desired, as this j-ttltje a* basnw-ts meeting -and there - ieTe important. The hour is 3.00 o'clock pjn. Only A Grocery Store Rarely do you find the c roceryman teking much Jrltprr.* i heir display ndoivs. but the exception is. Mess. Sergeant h. Clayton They have, in :',mf one all '.'"hm . ? . -naklnt; windon displays and- they r.ave one of the most tihiqj)( ajid at tractive Just now in the town. Soy Bean Field Meeting To Be Held Friday Field Meeting T<> Be Held At Mr. John D. Winstead's. Farm Friday P.M. Mf- Jno. D. Winstea'd has seven varieties of. soy beans on 'lis farm planted at the request, of the county agent in order that farmers in the county might see some of the leading varieties growing: side by . side to .help them ? determine which are ? the b$st varieties to grow. These varieties are Old Dominion. Virginia. Herman. L& if.1p: Mammoth. Vrilpw. Otootnn nnd the Oushen These beanc v <-ve fer tilized with 20Q -pounds of 9-3-3" fer tiliser. planted, in rows 2fc to .30 .-. ~~ ? . - i grd*iring. One row. Wfll be. harvested for seed to determine the best pro ducers for this county Each of the rows is labeled with a suitable mark er giving, the name of . the. variety, and :* .should prove interesting manv t'.i y/e these beans, growing. Then .'.hi ?!?;.- hu-tiftiv".- of ac'rc: cf these bean? sowed nest year in the corn and afjter griain and to see these varieties would help detr-rmme which to piant. This_ fieid meeUU? ) < called to meet : the' farm . oaf jno. p. 'WinsteafA "it 3:Q0 P.M. Friday-. September 30th at . Which tune the .difTert^it ' varieties ? .. ill be . hi.-.pocted th? charge. ?rist3 cs i"! a ted a their impartiince as a .suj'l b'uG&er -.rill be stressed: Lay down your', work for a while, nnd meet ns jix Mr Winsteads farm at the above hour and date. Person County farmers should plant-' BOO F-cre'^.p! ' beans another year. -harrest Loc3e Leaf Sale House There w ill be a grand celebration df the completion o( the large addi tions to Hughes Warehouse. Danville. nn ^?nrH^r night rwtnh.r. Thlc lb now' the largest luoe.e sale* ware house in the world? some territory, tnr. Mr, Hughes says the statement is uirrect. and the farmers ol this caunty are invited to attend this cele bration. Read the anouhcement .rr another column. HHH HHH HtH HHH HH- 1 "123456 Dr. Man gun at Baptist Church Vr. o77Jt. Mangurt? crfr Oxford will - nil the, pulpit at the First Baptist Church here next Sunday- morninc at 31 o'cloplc. frr Mangum is- well and favorably remembered bv nearly eyery one in the County, having done :he preaching at the Union services held here during the spring months. He will preach' on 'Christian Edu I cation." The public is ?cordially in vited to hear him next Sunday morn ing.' . ' ... " . ' v. v. ' .; _J Presbyterian . Church Sunday School at 9:45. H. L. Crdw r l. Supertntendeint. We wish that every member will be present on time. ? Morning services at 11.- Sermon by the pastor. Evening services at 7:30. Sunday School at Mitchells Chapel At 2 p.m. Services at Warren'.s Orove at 3 p.m. *. You are welcome at all services. P. CARY ADAMS Pastor. Notice i To The Tobacco Growers of Person | and Adjoining Counties: I *m glad to sav (hat I nil be at the Star Warehouse South Boston. Va. the coming season, and will lock after all tobacco brought to us to the best of my ability 1 haMEtiie you .for p&sT fi.TftWI aHf and hoping for a liberal share this .season. I am. Very truly yours. T..B. Davis. . A Marevlous story Gene Stratton | Porters THE .MAGIC GARDEN' at J'l -U.I ? Tmm.i n,.. ? 7 ? ? ? ? ? ' ? f 3rd. Matitiee and Nisht. ' v Our Staff Meredith IVtcfttdSon, tor one of Aiperica'j' great author v now a member ? of. this r?c\vsf>ai?cf - , staff, with his great serial. "Bl:-. >> shtep" which starts it) thil.issuc. H:s. best works include' ? The - Mini Chance, House of. a . Thousand Can v I'ort ot Mivsi'? ? IW 4ke'n /Barriers, etc. Kra i "BFa. kshcrv" ' ? a iiurv ? ; Tnvstvr* an 1 . YOUNG REYNOLDS, ' FOUND AT ST. LOUIS ENGINEER LOSES LIFE IN WRECK ON LAST RUN ? ? ? Cambridge. Ohio. Sept 27. ? One man was killed and another wa? ? probably fatally Injured late today J when the engine and three cars ol | a Baltimore and Ohio passenger train No. 34. Cincinnati to Pittsburg were derailed near Cassell. Ohio. Joseph Robe 65. ol Newark. Ohio, engineer ol the train: was instantly killed when the locomotive and bag sage car lelt the rails on a straight stretch of road and rolled over a 10-foot embankment. Robe, a vet eran employe was making, his last trip at the throttle. His fireman. T A. Albun. 45. also at Newark was badly scalded and may die. ?j A li j i i uach and chan car. Inlltiv. { jng- the baggage car. also were de i railtd but did not upset. No pasengen, were injured, company officials baid After an investigation. railroad Of ficials said they beHeved a brake beam had dropped down and struck *T/tie~TosblUnE '.n I IIP limiluJEin ul the locomotiVe and cars I>id Not Know That He Was 'Missing' Until He Read Stories" of Search SAYS HE WAS NOT LOST Yourte Heir To Part of Hu?e Reynolds Ustate Says Hp Was >*ot . 1/OJit: Reluctantly Admits Hh> Identity: Failure To Find Trace ol Him After He Had Disappeared From New York Caused Anxiety Amons. His Associates at The Metropolis. Who Instituted An lntenssive Search : . Was. Traced To St. I>ouis And Subsequently Found; Relatives And Friend* at ?Winston- Salem Had Not Shared Alarm Over His Whereabouts. Saying' That I'nannounced Trips Were Not I'll usual: \V reeked Au tomobile Was No Factor in Db .tppt-firaiHT ; FFHTn nt f V l.t* Had Been Entertained. ?. St. Louis, 'sept, tl.?r Richard 3.' Reynolds. 21 year old president of the Reynolds Airways. Inc.. of New York, who was missing for - civ- 'Mind i nii^n ? rrr- ? chop ?; suey rcstuarant; on North Grand iconic vard. by operatives ?f the Harvard Detective ; Agency^ which had been retained by Rey nolds' step-father and the trustee ' of the Reynolds tobacco fortune. The. young Iwir was vrMh u $irl r.nd another man. He at first dt - nied he' was Reynolds, bpt later admitted it. He said he knew nothing about the furore created ? rn ? his ? ?rtt4 ? Hte morning w hen he read an account. Of til* search for him In a SI. . I.ouis morning newspaper. T7- saiict ho was ro>-re!y on vw ? :?.tion and Used a name not . his own because he "did not w&k to v> : bothered " Tie had bee r, to Chiraeo. he said, and . had seen ? the Tunney-Dempsey fight. ' and then come to St. Louis. Interesting Rotary Meeting Held Las'. Thursday evemnR fhc Ro'arr c}pb fiad M '{?: fuests two represen tatives of the Boy . Scotits Mesaers Sharpe and Harprtr. ol Atlanta and Durham Mr. Sharpe told ' of the many advantages to be derived by Having A luial tiuupe ? Beautn in Roxboro. and was followed by Mr., Harper. The Boys Committee met Friday afternoon and decided that a troupe could be financed and Mess. Sharpe and Harper will corae over *oon to complete the matter A four some is to be formed of Durham. Henderson. Oxford and Roxboro. and a trained scout master placed ip charse. who will divide, his time be tween Henderson. Oxford ajid Rox b!>ro. Blackard- Williams Wedding Solemnized Of interest to a number ol people will be the marriage of Miss Vir trinia Williams to Mr. George Black ard. both of Roxboro. The marriage too* place September 1st. but was an* nounced until September 25th. Mrs Blackard is the charming daughter of the late N. T. Williams. Mr: Black ard is the oldest son of Mr. J. T Blackard Their many friends re |-3rret- to . know that they will leave Person County, to make their home in Washington. E?. C.. where Mr. Blackard is Interested m the tobaobo business. ? ? ? Special Meeting The Baraca Class of tne first Bap tist Church are requested^ bf pres ent one hundred per cent strong next Sunday morning. The class will as semble in the class, room at 1J> o'clock and the teacher hopes to see every onK present, and on time. Study Club The Study Club will meet with Mrs. Ralph Cole on Lamarr Street this afternoon at 3 o'clock. All members are Urged to be present. MRS. R C. HALL. Pres. L-0. ? TIM' l-'uajjit Demanded -b* ? JO 000 " 690 Reader?; bene Rt rattan Porter's "THE MAOIC GARDEN'' at Palace Tiieatre Monday ( Only > Oct. 3rd: Bethel Hjll Community Fair, Friday October 7 ? -Th i?- r t ..?! ? IIii: M Jiculd. and doybtiess .will a treat attraction fcr tho entire County, as *-very seetian is invited to make ex ! btbit-s The people of Bethel Hill i'lraye made every arrangement I Is expected there will be a record brekkajg. crowd present The indica j'tjohs are- thnr th? exhibits will be : ?vorth Vhiie and the man .or woman ? . . ? " ? Brceksdale Scouts _ Are Aggrieved A fe^ days smCe our : :jod neigh bor the Durham Herald, cari-ietf an i iiiticle stating ah effort was being made to organize a Scout troup here, when as a matter of fact the boys at > Brook^dale had long since maintained ? i-nrh in organization. Rev. W. L. 1 Loy te scout master, with Hilman Stanfleld and Algie Jackson scout I leaders They have a very efficient troup and all are justly proud of the good work these boys have accom | plished. Rev. Loy tells Us they have. been of great help to hitn ' In his I chinch work in many ways, 1 and speaks in the highest terms ot the , work they have done. N^. 13 is Completed To Virginia Line Now The contractors completed the | road. No. 13. to the Virginia;, line fast j Saturday. Monday morning they i completed the approach to the over i head bridge iust. beyond Bakers Mill I and we are informed that the road | will' be onened to the public on Wed ! nesdav. Oct. 5th. This will be good j news' to these interested in the Beth el Hill Community Fair, as it will | enable thOse from the South to at : tend this fair without any detour | - ? ? o Big Brunswick Stew The public will# be Interested to know that en Saturday afternoon. ; October 1st, there will be a double-. header game^ oi baseball at Hurdle ; Mills High School, and also.- plans are being made to serve Brunswick i stew which will be ready to serve j about 5 o'clock. Make your plans ahead to be there and enjoy the j games, stew. etc. Colored School Teachers All colored school utachers are urged to be present Saturday, October 1. at the colored graded school build' ing promptly at 10:30. T)its is the first teachers meeting and it is im perative that all teachers, attend. ??an Porter's career "THE MAOIC GARDEN" at Palace Theatre Mon day 'Only >.Oct?_ 3rd. Matinee at 3 pjn. ? nr r ?? ? . ? _ i ? - just .cause to feel proud t>f their, winning-' The cash prizes are h Wa rrens and are worth competing for Oct evroaiinfe In sbape a'"d ' Friday at Bethel Jbll. . Cocaary io 'the' 'usual vustoov It will cist- you tipthtag to enter and ? ? '..-? many t p***fcto.. Program County Wide Meeting Agricultural Council .Bushy Fork High School. Saturdcy: Oct. 1st. J. , B. Satterfleld. Chairman. ' 1Q;30 A.M. Wheat and Oat Growing. ! tertllizers Seeding, va rieties: liming, treatment , of seed for smut preven- I tion by CT OT! Uftfren. j Agromomist. State Col lege. Raleigh. N. C, 11:00 A-M. Pasture grasses, cover crops 1 soil building and . legume growing by E. C. Blair. Specialist. State College. RtOeigh. 12:00 Basket dinner on grounds. 1:30 P.M. Marketing problems of the 1 Farmers by V. W, Lewis, j C. Dept of Agr Raleigh. 2:08 FAX. Cses of Limestone on the I ? ? ? 2.15 P.M. Talk by local farmer*. j Fine Tobacco Exhibit ' At Danville Fair The tobacco exhibit at the Dan- j vl lie Fair this year Will be on a large scale. Liberal cash prizes are offered lor lemon, orange and mahogany 1 w rappers, bright and dark fUlerx. cut . tens and export leaft and granulating j lugs. Special cash prizes for Henry 1 County types and African leaf The department is in charge of Geo, A. Lea. W T. Cousins, and H. L Boat- j wrreht Tobacco growers will profit by a visit to this exhibit as every sec- . tion of the old belt will be repre- j sented No charge is made lor spacer in this department. The exhibit is i on of 'he most important features of the Danville Fair. October 11th to j 14th? fouf days, four ntghta.' ^ Mrs. Lizzie Baynes Mrs. Uade -Baynes. wife of Dr R. S. Baynes. of Hurdle Mills. Route three, died Monday. SepUnber 19th The funeral was held In the Bethle hem Presbyterian church in orange t Count* and Interment was made in i the Bethlehem cemetery, Tuesday, September 20th Mrs. Baynes was a .fine Christian lady and her home ! ana !rir?m. mm tliv ? unnuiuim*. ? >TJ= general In wltlch the resided h*s >ut!ered a deep la<- in the phsslng of this good woman.. Big Day For Farmers At Bushy Fork All Farmers Are Invited To Picnic at Bushy Fork Hiph School SATURDAY. OCTOBER ITH !. The Board of Agriculture ot Per . son County holds a monthly meeting . with the- Counts- Agent. Our next meeting will be In the nature ot * , County-get -acqueuited picnic. on Saturday. Oct. 1st. at Bushy Pork High .School. If you are interested ? in any phase of. larming. or tf you will enjoy meeting folks from other sections of the County, you are cor diaMy /invited to. b< . present? and bnn5^*'> '>ur dinner We plan to have some, interestfaw '.?'.i ? ? rr. ? ait ; m i.uit" the meet :rig both instructive and enjoyable All our farmer",- have worked hard this. year. Now n. i.s tune LO navif a day ot relaxation and fun We sin rerelly hope that every' township will be aeil represented Bushv Pork : a ^ ajm. J t. SATTERFTEIiD. Chairman. BESSIE H, DANIEL. Secretary. Member* of Person' County Board of Agriculture: Flat- S B. Moor p. . Frank ' Timberlajte. ' M: Tirzah John Jones. Bushv Fork: Joe. Whitfield. W, C. . Warren.; ? .. ? jr'.yo ~ ??". - .Bessie IL DanielJ.W Nr*\il. ?. G. L?on^ and ' T. B. -Woody .[ : Woods dale Geo W Smith. Will \ Olive Hill: Mrs J. D. ^instead. W. R. xVMtcxaor Mrs. C Wa^u*. Quhih?shain: N H Montgomery. Word.ddie: Geo. W. South. J. Y Humphries. . ' AllensvUle: Mrs. ST, Slaughter. T. .fi: Davis. Holioways: J H BhptWell. . | Three Ring Motor Truck Circus To Exhibit Here Oct. 1 1 | fitownle Bros. Wtid Animal Circus 1 ^his well known circus will be seen [hero Tuesday. Oct. Uth. 1 ; Thit 'hr> ? enifrfr circus la ,i transported cn an immense fleet ""of j motor, trucks. Keeping a little ahead "of the tithes* ' hoy have discarded their tram or obsolete wooden railroad cats and have the latest model mot" trucks' Wild animals. horses. ponies and even. the. herd of elephants alt have their own palatial auto Pull mans . "A Mile of Motor Trucks" i* necessary to move this, gigantic amuse-, ment enterprise from place to place but with experts in every department it is accomplished with apparent ra?s Downie Bros. give a big street pa rade at noon each day And the old j. saying that . when yob . sse one circus you see them ail does not apply to. this show, as the street parade is the most novel and unique in the world. Instead of horse drawn vehicles the 1 parade consitsts of forty nine motor trucks In addition :.?> the ring horses, bareback riders cowboys, eto.. they have their own trained animals. Nearly every known make and model | of motor truck is represented, in the : Ion? lineup. Don't miss it. ? ? - ? -> First Baptist Church Suriclay Sr-hool 10 a ma R L. Wil bMtrwSupennTpndent Prclchinc II am The pulpit at j this time Til! be occupied by Dr. O. R. Mangum of Oxford, who will speak In behalf of Christian Education. B. Y P. U-? 6:30 pjn. Miss JuUa^ Yancey. Director. " Preaching 7:30 p.m. by the Pastor. Subject: Modern Idolatory .' A cordial welcome extended to aO. ? : ? ; 0 ? Teachers Meeting Promptly at ten o'clock. Saturday. October 1, the white teachers o! the County will hold the first* teacher* meeting of the year. It Is necessary that all teachers attend Greatest Novel "THE MAGIC OAR-1 DEN" Palace Theatre Monday Only October 3rd Jflatinee 3:00 pa.

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