I. ABEL is THE DATE YOUR PAPER WILI. BE STOPPED WATCH THE LAHKL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRE J. W. NOEL!,. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. HOME FIRST, ABROAD NEXT. VOL. No. XLIV ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA. Wednesday Evening, October 19. 1927. SI. 50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE No. 42. Earl Carroll Will Leave Prison Soon Theatrical' Man Granted Parole Will Leave Prison Better M^n Physically SENTENCED FOR PERJURY Washington. Oct. 18.? Earl Carroll the New York t heart lcdl producer, ?will bo released from the Atlanta ! Penitentiary within the nex few days. ( The recommendation of the parole hoard for his release was approved j late today by Attorhey-General Sar gent and papers were forwarded im mediately to the warden of the peni tentiary directing him to liberate the prisoner. Bath Tub Tarty. Carroll began serving a sentence of a year and a day last. June 8 to per jury in connection with his fam ous hath tub party on the stage of a Nuvi Yuik mi'iiUM. ? Hi? ht'ranii' >'i tibte-for parole on October 8 and yesterday the board passed favor ably oh his application. This action, however, did not become, known un ?til todav. when it was announced 'by" the Attorney -General. ' In addition, to hLs prison sentence. Carroll was fined $2,000 He was de scribed as; a model prisoner, with a i ..urU'1!!. '..i.provcn rut m Health . .? i r m: Iris collapse Qn his way to prison, when lie -was removed from the train and ' kept for - some time in a .Grepn-? ? vi-H', s' C-. hospital.'. ? ? Mu?t Stay Sober C ond it, loils under which Carroll's" parole .vaw granted include one that cluing his te>m of' parole he is hoi i frequent' saloons or other places v here inte'xicatinT liquors . a-fe sold or furnished, and that he will ?* not U rink ?' intoxicating ' .beverages." Carroll also .will be required " to. abstain during the terni of his parole from associating .with . persons of bad t eputa t >o!i in a 11 ? respects to conduct ' '5- k.wsrablv.'^r.d work r!;h~ fpx i\ltnsplf. and" his employer, arid/ avoid.;. "violatin'sr. .tho law " The Conditions are the. usual oiies | j laid down for paroled Federal pris- | Superior Court Person Superior Court is in sesion - .thin' week v Judge M. V Barnhill. /pre sidjiv? ftnd Mr. Win. Umsteg.d, pro-, se.cutm'g. Monday ahd Tuesday , was te.fcen iip with the State -docket. ?Nothing- of interest occupied the timft vci .the -courr. .t-ave the matter of ;iv ? jail.. It will be recalled that - *ho j'.idsc- -issued ortfor -hi the c\>uht CoinonlssiQiiers at ihe! .last, tenn r*f ?Court tliat something must b? done ? abdut . a jaHi or they would .be ciwd .. before- him for eDutempt af . Court. The Commission -i s have asked for s'r^cifUcattons and estimated COsj .. r'.rjd >>o had their attorney inform the judge.. Upon this 43lea the Judge nrinwd. the-* order .until the n?s! i. v.-fni .<?f ; Court We wiJl .'.give ..full . proceeding i}4 ?pr next- issue-; ? " ??' ?' := "I '. : . Lylerlv-Hr.mbrick Tiit* (irooro \ Vattee Of Roxboro ' ' ?> '* ?' Hitkory. Oct. 15? rtn a ceremony of ijwirkcd dnjiiity and brilliance. the \ eddtttg of M iss Josephine Lvlery. " f aughter ??(' Mr. and Mrs. Euber I/lerly. and Dr. Robert Theodore Kambrick was solemnized at 8 o'clock Wvt night in the First Presbyterian church. Rev. John Richard Hay of ?f. .elating, using ! he double -ring serv ? of . his churclv The altar was arranged with bas ket* of white chrysanthemums and ?.atedral candles: while the chancel >>ad a background or towering palnr and English**?. Preceding the taking of the vows program^ of beautiful bridal music sax given with Mrs. John McParland organist and Mrs George Bailev ? ? ? ? rmdMrs. 7J7 II. fthnford as soloists. As a duet Mrs Bajley and Mrs. Shu ' -3rd sang ScbubertV* Serenade." Mrs. Bailey sang as a solo "O Promise MeM and Mrs. Shuford sang "Tme Sweetest Story Ever Toki." For the _ ? rrrifyHftt final ? Mxs. ? McFarland -played >Jbe bridal chorus from Lohengrin snd as the bridal, party left the ^ Continued on Qack Page> ' ? '? ? o ? ? . Youth' Beauty. Romanip*. To all' k/vers Of Football COLLEOE DAYS'* "==*?" wttli .Marcelinr Day at Palftce Thea tre Monday. Oct. 24th. j.:7- Ask the man who has triod the Planters Warehouse He will always aay he is coming back where th?*y average 25 and" 28 cents every- day. New Board Of Highway Commissioners Elecied Want Ads Pay ? So They Say Last week it was proven be yond & doubt that people read the "V^ant column". One lady lost a brooch, and a little five r line want ad found it for her. ? Another had a 'bunch of . pigs for sale and a little twenty-five cent ad sold the entire bunch. While the third had a cow for sale, and another five line ad sold her before the ink was hardly dry ? said ho could have j sold a dozen. If. you have something to sell, tell it to the world through ?! The Courier want column. Tobacco Is Selling Good _ In Roxboro Beat Sale Of The Season Mon day, With Houses Pretty ? M'ell Kilk'O ? PRICES IJKELY TO PICK UP! While we all deplore the fact that : tobacco is not selling as well as 'it did a year ago; we are gratified that our market is ? keeping weji in front with prides-. In \fact. if you will compare the sales . here day by day you .wiH see that it us well hi the lead. If you want to know just how it is' selling here all yoy have to do. is to watch the Courier every week and vou ' will see in actual "fttnire* what it. has done for the' past week. . Last, week the market sold 443,008 pounds for An average, of $217.77. \ hlcsh includes everything, ground | primings, green tips. etc. This in no t>or. hundred lowf r a yeaf ago. Ho\yeyer, we believe the crop is . better than last year and should be bringing, more. and. veryi likely the average will pick up and I make the same . average,' or possibly lilgher thflnV the 1926 crop . sold for , before the .^ason ;s over. If there ever was a time when it would pay a farmer to carry his to- | bacco' elsewhere ? and we doubt it. , f urely there is no earthly reason now tor it. Hoxboro is offering you every ' advantage arid we .trust the' farmer. \ ". ?}.! .-.y *? Church Notice Oak Grove and Woodsdale Sunday school at Oak Grove ne'xt' Sunday at ten o'clock. Let all be prompt pleasq. Preaching at eleven. We are trying' to wind out the years .-W r k. in good shape. Let everybody pay his own dues, if not already paid Sunday schoQl at Woodsd&lc at two ;>?m_ and preaching at ' three. I ?ct u!(T"bf* irlad if every member a I ; Woodsdale .would pay up all church < due next Sunday. Suppose we do thai friends, and be the first church 1) pay out in full for this year. J. W BRADLEY. P C. ! Boy Scouts An effort is being malde to finance the Boy Scouts and secure a paid scoutmaster for this community. A committee from the Rotary Club, which is sponsoring the movement, "with the -Minister* of .'the town in vited, held a meeting Monday after noon and decided to enlarge this rrmmittee. so as to inclyde nil of thei churches of the town, with Brooksdale and Jalong added. Rev. W. F. West was made general chair man cf this enlarged committe. and n ilnifed efTort ~ will be fnide td IP nance the movement. ? o, ? Hyco Makes Good Sale Tobacco was selling beter Monday at all of the houses, but the TjyccT was especially pleased with its sale Forty-five thousand pounds were sold at an average of (24.00 for every tiling* on the floor. This Is getting pretty close to last year's' prices, and I'obe Pass and George Walker say If anybody eah put .the price up to last year, they are going to do it. Live ?v$r your College DaysNianin j41Sh MAroi'ltjip I>oy in COLLEGE DAYS" at -Fstncr Theatre Monday. Oct 24th. . All Of Old Board, With Road, Superintendent Cash Resigned THANKS GIVEN MR. LONG The Township Highway Commis sioners met Monday at noon. The first business before them was to consider the resignations of M. R. Long, chairman, and J. H. Hester and J. S. Walker. The last named ten dered his resignation July 1st, when lit assumed the office of County AC- i countant. These resignations were! all accented. The resignation of Mr. Frank Cash was not before the new board, as he had tendered it to the old board. After several ballots the following were named as mem l>ere of the board. R. A. Burch. chair man, elected for 2 years; J. G. Cham bers. elected for 4 years and P. D. Long. elected for a term of -6 years, i Upon motion of C. "H. Hunter a ! rising vote of. thanks was given the j iptiiinu ctKitiirimi Mr. M K Lam? lor the very efficient work he had done 1 during the many years he had ! been on the board. Mr. Long responded . and told the board there had been many thingn ? me ? crtd ? bgUrfl ? n&d wanted to do. but for lack of funds i had not been able to carry out, and thanked the bc>ard for. their kind expressions. . . . . " .Mr. F. O. CarvVr acrecl as chairman and Mr, G. . J. Cushwa as secretary! . After ' t)ie meeting adjourned Mr. M R. '.Long called on the ihconufig Ij I chairman and told hi in the old board and superintendent Cash, were at their service, and would be clad to render any aid in their power to help make the work of " the new board satisfactory. ? ?^^m- M ' The Planters Warehouse High Uo . In referring to the Planters Ware house you sometimes h$ar them say it is. "down in the hollow' . but when it comes to making big- averages it is on the hill; and a high hill at that. Possibly there has been just about the least complaint at this house, for their averages hav? consistently been high.. ' They are all "holme grown * then, and they know the to bacco business. They want your next load and will do for you just what they have been doing for your neigh bor. ? ? ? ' (V? . Handsome New Home Sit would have been hard to find a betted pleased man in all of Roxboro. Monday, regardless of' the unusual big crowd, than Mr. * A. C. Oentry. He was glad because on Saturday he moved into his splendid new home which he claims cannot be beaten in Roxboro for comfort and conven ience and judging from the outside appearance he must be about right, Soch homes as this adds bpautv and dignitS' to any street and we feel sure, that the neighbors will have in the occupants of this home as good as there is. ? ? ? ; ? ;? o? ? - 5. Notice By order of the Bt?ard of Town Commissioners all Town tax for the year 192G ? must .be paid by Dec. 1st. 1927. All property will be adver retiring chairman. Mr. M. R._ Long, for, the taxes are not paid by Dec. list: 1927 B. B. Mangum. Tax Collector. 10.17:4t W alker-Bur f ord A marriage of unusual Interest to Roxboro people was solemnized in Bristol. Tenn.. September 24th when Miss Anne iJurford, of Lynchburg. Va? was wedded to Mr. Alfred Walk er of Roxboro. Mrs. Walker is a popular young lady, being a graduate trained nurse', while Mr Walker is a popular young business man .of Roxboro. ! Mayor Burns Tendered His I Resignation Town Board~Decltnes To Accept and Passed Resolutions of Commendation HAS GIVEN GOOI) SERVICE i The Board of Commissioners of \ Roxboro met in adjourned session last Wednesday evening, and among the matters to be considered was the resignation of Mayor R. P. Burns. A [?full -board, consisting of Mess. N. S. Thompson. E. G. Long. W. C. Bul lock. G. J. Cushwa and J. M. OBriant were present. After Mr. Burns ten dered his resignation, the Board, by a unanimous vote, declined to ac cept. and adopted the following re solution : ' Whereas.. R. P. Burns, has tendered his resignation as Mayor, and where as it is the sense of this Board that Mr. Burns is ? rendering the towrt highly valuaoie service in .said' ol flce, and that he can not be easily replaced; Be it. therefore, resolve^ by the Board of Commissioners of Roxboro: I hat i he resignation of Mr. Burns as Mayor, be ~ hot accepted. ? At the same meeting Miss Hattie Burch. who has so. long faithfully; served as. Chairman of ih;- Cemetery Committee, trnderefl her resignation; but the Board was not in mood for accepting such, ahd declined, with the. wish that Mist Burch would, withdraw her resignation. At. this meeting it was- decided that it would not be wise to try to com plete the work on "Reams Avenue, and the completion of .the work will, be delayed .until next Spring, owing to the delay |h work -of the contr^qtor The . Board ? authorized the purchase of a new tractor and road machine, which will .liable them to do more ?nd accept nb!e worfc" on the streets. 111 W?nstead Warehouse Right Up to the Front While they are talitihg. high prices do. not forget the Winscead .Ware house. for John YV instead: and the Hester J>ovs lire making things hum on' the floor. ..Yesterday". .Mr/ T.-.'P, ' ! WagstafT sold 4 pile for S65.00 -. uer hundred, and remember, *.' this was not a measley iittlb_-rpile sold for advertising ' purposes. There were 1 254 pounds which brought $165.10. which was 65c per pound. ?? On che -.same dar; Sain Duncan. I from the Surl section, a section not noted for 'fine "tobacco, sold 780 r pomtets for ssos.ss. ~ \ttilcri~'. was an average for thd entire lot of 39C per I pound. Yes. sir, the Wjnstead is j making thihes hum.' Mr. Sid Whitt The Hero Mr Sid Whftt had the pleasure of kilUng a fine deer last Saturday mcrning. and when he brought- it to town he had more men standing around him than the best medicine fakir can stir up. He was out squir rel hunting when ilte deer came k through the bushes, and he Was shot! Jjv Mr. Whitt. It. was a- fine buck, weighing about 120 pounds. Train Derailed i Three cars - of the . south bound freight train jumped the track early Monday morning near Somerset Mills. _ coal ana the*-"btner one witn mer rhandi.y. No one was hurt in the 1 wreck /and the wrecking crew soon I had t/e rails cleared and ready for 1 1 train/. Allensville Hi Plays Roxboro Hi Friday I An interesting game of fpotball is : scheduled for Friday afternoon?* be tween Roxboro and Allensville teams, ? on the Roxboro field. Come out and. witness the game. Notice To Ex Service Men Of Person County j . I should Uke to know )u?t how mnny of we boys can set together, on ' the lltto oi November. I appeal to ? cach and every Ex-Service man In thus ! count?. We should like to have a (.lame crowd of the boy*, here - and 1 have a ioUy good Uwe. W? ahould i like to have a speaker, and would . like i? arrange tor. a. stew if v/e could Mit assurance of crowd enough, i should like to get a heartpg from Jupt 'ns many as arc Interested. Each you. write or see Will Kirby, O. C. Garrett or P. O. Adams. ' Write or .see us, early as possible, for the 11th . wilt soon be here. r Dr. O (t. UAVia.' Commondcr 'American Legion. His Last Friend Above. Mrs. Maria Remits of Chicago, aged .mother of. the., nofcor 1'ifjm. ]3orjt:?g Kiwr' ? C i ? r?<im??:n; (below) now held m. Cincinnati for shooting and killing lite' SvtXe . fis -he went to court to obtain divorce. . The ?mother still believes in her son. Season's First Snow At Blowing Rock lUouing; ? Rock. Oct. IK.? The ? . first snow - storm . of the, season struck B'oWini* flock todav am! driven by a high wind continued all day. The* . snuWMnelted as fast asjt! hit the nrpuiut un'tlj.. night fall. when ihe temprratur<> began ?to, drojgj- khar.ply:* Teachers Entertained By The Rotarians . Lizst Thursday ' evening the Rotar ians. as is their yearly custom, en tertained the teachjers of the' city schools. The program was m the hands of Jim Broad head, and, he very successfully carried .through a un ique and entertaining program; Mr. R. L. Harris, on the part oi the Rotary Club, welcomed " t h e teachers, the 'response ' being by PVof. O. C. Davidson. Both oi these speech - es werewell. received -and started- the evening off to a gbod start During the evening Mesdames Carry- ,Brad rher and Wheeler Newell with Mts K. E. Bradsher at the piano, sang two beautiful duets. These ladies ; are noted, for their , sweet: voices, hut they never sanR. better, 'and, they were loiuily enchored. Later Miss Mable James _delich'eri .the- crowd with a beautiful; 'piano soio To bring the evening to a close! Jim put on a contest, which was spirited find - jolly, the lucky winners of prizes being Mis?} James' and ..Mr. R. L. Harris. Supper was served by the ladies of the Philathia class of the Baptist church. Aside from the splendid menu., the ladles/ had taken consider able pains to arrange the table and all of Lhe settings in a most charm in? and beautiful manner, and the Rotary Club was prcuci of their splendid u< - ? ? First Baptist Church Bible School 10 a.m. R. L Wllburn, Superintendent. Preaching' 11 a.m. Subject "The Friendship, qf Jesus." 7:30 p.m. Sub ject: "Why Observe Sunday?" P Y. P. U's at 6:30 p.m. Miss Julia Yancey Director t A rordlal welcome is extended to all. Good Sale At Hyco Mr. E. O. Crews made the following sale at the Hyco yesterday : 166 pounds at 3$. $58.10. ^"52 pounds at 40. $60.80 96 pounds at 61. SS8.S6. 108 pounds at. 35. *37.80, 82 pounds at 20. $16 40. Total 604 I Km litis ior $23066. Ave erage $3835 "Spirit ot Youth" "COL.LEOE DAYS" with Marccline Day at Palace Thea tre .Monday/ Oct. 24th. ' 11 I (V ; ? The1 Planters Warehouse averaged 23 and 26 Cents every day- Bend, us i thai next load. Remus Will Get Hearing November 7 Date Set For Trial; Attorneys To Make Tour of Country For Depositions ENTERS PLEA OF INSANITY Cincinnati. O., Oct. 18.? Oeorge Remus will be. given a hearing. Nov ember 7 when a jury of 12 will pass on the question of whether or not be was insane when he shot to death his wife. Mrs. Imogene Holmes Remas. Remus entered a plea of insanity ?odav and the court immediately ap j pointed three alienists Who Will act wUh the <ury to decide Remus' sanity, j Char)es Elston. attorney for Remus, and. Carl Baslcr. assistant- nroseont in? attorney: w\M at once be?1n a t^ur of th* country taking depositions "?hioS will ? be introduced at the hearine. Elston nnnmme*-d that he will s <*?k to prove bv- the depositions Uiat Mrs. Remus with Prank I, podge; Jr.. fomfer prohibition a pent who exposed the Remus pontic bootlegging rirur.^ The ?\vo attorneys accompanied by. William _ Copeland. court stenograph er and newspapermen. wilU visit some of the nation's, .hieh offtci&ls before '-hrv ? >rh inne.luHffl ; ; The . deposition parr v ; will leave here' 'oniftht for Atlanta. Ga.. where it ill remain until October 20. It will spend ' October '20 and 21 in .Wftshtiw D c. October 22 >nd 23 in New / York i October 24. and 25. in Detroit; October :25 and 5G in Lansing. Mich. At Lansing Prosecuting Attorney Charles P. Taf.t /will rejieve Mr, Bas ler who will return to Cincinnati. Mr. Tatr will accompanv Elston in Chicago on October 2fi- ;uRd 27} in St. ?Lo u is Ofi October 28. . Indianapolis CK tobsr 29, . A^d..Uui party .will return to Cinclonftt! ciV October 30. If tljere is enough time/ remaining before .tha case }?;??* for hearing, rj Impositions will be ? I'akciv 'at Le.xincton and' Louisville, Ky. : After receiving Remust plea of in sanity today Jud2c Shook ordered that a special panel of 50 veniremen be drawn and instructed to' appear : in court on NoVehjber 7 as ptospec tiV?r jurors who wi)l determine Whether- Reruns is insane. Judge ?hook announced the ap pointment or Dr. EincrsOn A. North Dr A E. Baberv superintendent of Longyiev hospital, and Dr. David * Wolfstein - as alienisms who Wil. lex amine Reinus and report at the hear ing. ? - ' ? '. The Ohio- lt*W roquirgo . that niny1 ~ .of the 12 jurors in an insanity hear ing must concur in the verdict. Mr. Long and His Waco Afr M R Lone:, who a>w montHs since purchased an aeroplane, lias mastered the' art of piloting, and is ; *now making htrt regular trips from Roxboro t ?' Greenville, where hte is interested in the cotton mill, business: On las;* Saturday, accompanied by his friend. Mr. John Weikail of Qwensbofo. Ky.. he made the trip of 110 miles in 80 minutes. Mr. Long's plane' is white. and. he has named it ' ? The V," - - Moving Week T.rX; v~rTlinrl ' i In I in"tllJ" m koxooio. Mr, A C.r Gentry" started the proposition when ? he moved into his handsome nc$v home on Reams Ave He was followed by -Air. Q. Lemuel Allen. Prof. G. C. Davidson moved into one of the houses vacated, and Mr. H. D. Long moved into his handsome new home an the Bushy Fork highway No: 144. Averaged $37.50 At The Hyco" Mr. H. S" Barnett. one -of "Person county's bgsr vounn farmers, law a load yesterday at the Hyco ' which averaged him $37.50. This sounds better and makes a farmer think life is worth living, after all. Masonic Notice Regular communication of Person Lodge No. 113 A- F. <k A M. Tues . day evening at 7:30, Oct. 25th. 1927. All Master Masons are urged to at tend. 'J. J. Woody. W. M. A. C: Gentry, Sec. j . 'f !? O ' ? ' . The Planters Warehouse is the place ' to sell that next load, where -they nwefaw 3& -and 36 cents every

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