WATCH THE LABEL ON YOCR I'APEB AND DO NOT LET YOUR SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRE THE DATE OS THE LABEI7 IS THE DATE YOCR . PAPER WILL I(E STOPPED J. W. NOELL, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. HOME FlRiST. ABROAD NEXT. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE VOL. No. XL1V ROXBORO. NOR I>? CAROLINA. Wednesday Evening, October 26, 1927. No. 43 ? ' ? ? - - "?? , _ _ OVER HALE A MILLION POUNDS OF TOBACCO SOLD HERE LAST WEEK .Average For The Entire \\eek| Was $23.19. Monday's Was Around $30 sales Getting better ~ ? j Last week was the best, yet in the i tobacco line, the total sales amount- 1 -.rig to 543.SM pojjtids. at an average of $23 18. Tor <*n:ry thing on the i .floor, including primings, trash, etc. i Tljts wis actual: bona fide sales, and t. nothing fa.. left lit And l i r - B Monday <>! this wrrk Averaged right close to S30.00 itt till ol the houses, la. fact. cm" house averaged more than $30.03. lor every pile sold on the jloor. The market ha* sold ?'> Tar this J .-eason more than a million and a . half poui\ds at an average of better than $22.00. The prices -the last day or two be yins to look something like, and are only a little below the average for the past year -I? this keeps up our ? ; tarmrrs-wni-OoL-be-jQ. badly hurt, tor ? Uje crop is -a good one. with plenty c f body and weighs ? well. The farmer 3re_in better spirit* em the sales o^the past few days. did Ate beglnttlfli; 10 dn sftmi~(.r their fall trading .with a better will.' Helena Hi??K School Entertainment Helena High School pupils will resent their first program of the ??ear , Friday evening. Oct. 28. at 7:30. "?>i" program will be somewhat varied, . .not to carry out the spirit of Hallo ?we'en. ... Iptch grade from the first through .in- eleventh will jartlcipate. in the : evening!;- entertainment. Some spe- ? ' <ri) features- wtH be- a Black Face Comedy. Hallowe'en, drills and . stunts ijiat cause you to feet " yiooky" The . O'd Fishing Hole <akt walk and nany Boot! eat-s to interest alt,: Thr . proceeds or this program will go for magazine vibscriptjon1 for the school Ijbrary and la complete work on .1 .-ymnaM'irn lor basket ball. The public Is cordially invited to tme olid have an enjoyable even ing together: . ~ . _-. Death Of .Mrs. Yarborc Mrs. EstTvnr .Yarboro, \vifo Of Mr , , 1W. D. Yarbofo. died last Sunday mnnplng ai her liortie on Popot ; SHreefcj ??wit. .1 ' lew n\inute.s-4^-t th& nvlcaussh; >>our Mv* . Yarbnro had been ia'de-. ejltilni? fiealih for nearly twelve, riOiiths and *dyrih$ here entire, sick ness bore it -with patience and passed : :.w?y seemingly . without pain. She leaves a husband and six children The furicrai wav noridueted by Elder J. J. Hall: her pastor, assisted bv ? . 32dtfr C. A Wood. of Durham, at the ? fmaily ' home .Sunday evening, in ? ' iho midst OT a l .tr /" croyvd of fri -ni . i nd loved ? <ines Mnnv- beautiful powers : -were- placed- 011 her sray& Boy Scout Movement > The general <*e appointed toy ail of the rhurehes of the town and the Rotary Club met Monday '?renins and decided that the Boy ^cout movement should be put across . Plans are beln'; -perfected for a spe ?rial drive, when every one \yill be riuivassed and a determined effort be ruide to secure the sum ot one thousand dollars that Ss necessary to. make it a ^ucqess. You will hear more ctf this matter later on. and will be e*pected to 'how your liberality v. hen , ?ailed upon. ? ' . '? -o?. ? Announcement 1 wish to announce to my friends had the seneral public Lhat I am now operating the Standard Service Sta tion, opposite Somerset Mills, former ly operated by W. M. Fox. and will be rtad to. ftcrye you . with anything In vey line. Special Notice j want, to ir&ist-nn my friends pav ing me their old; accounts. I need file money and you will feel better tor having done ^ VVPOPf1 Signed Cp He tat art exhibit' Ah. Joand'Arc. She . (a!?i> t>ert> Join it yourself. In a Kappi. An Opportunity To ' ~ Win $20.00 In Gold The attention of. Courier readers is t Called to the ' Who's Who ' contest page in this issue in which a prize i of $20^00 in gold is offered to the ]>erson who will come nearest to tell ing us "Who's Who and What in Roxboro?" as indicated by the twenty-six notices appearing thereon. Pull instructions will be found at the top of the page under the caption "Read The Ruies Carefully". The of fer is open to any reader of The Courier who is not identified with its publication. The entire page reflects in % large measure, the business*, life of the community, and any one who en deavors to win the gold will be amply repaid for the time and trouble in volved. in the. information they will ?!eari relative to local business affairs. No one will have to depend upon truess work. A contestant can ask the. business ftrrns represented for the desired information. Mr. Crumpton Captures No. of Valuable Prizes Pcrr/on Countv has always had the distinction of being a. flilc tobacco r rowing section, and if you will, follow the judges at the various fairs in which our county has a display you will be thoroughly convinced that ?his statement is true, Mr R. W. Crumpton. easily one of Person county's best farmers, received at the Danville Pair the following prizes, v. iiich speak foi- themselves: First prize on Orange Wrapper;., $20.00; first on Bright Mahogany Wrappers. S20.00: lirst on Bright Cutting Leaf. $15.00: first on Bright Mahogany Cut ting Leaf. $15.00; second on Granu iated lies. $10.00; third on- bright cutters; $5.00; third on Mahognay cutting leaf. $5 00. totaling $90 Od in nil. making it very profitable for Mr. Crumpton. Church Notice I.eas Chapel. Warren's Grove And Woodsdale Sunday School at. ten O'clock at J Chapel. Mr. W. L. WUkerson I superintendent Preaching at eleven. Sunday School at two o'clock at Warren's Grove. Preaching' at three. Piyar-hinp T-3Q nt WflftdsdftlP . .? ? . 'These are i he last services at each of these three places before going to Conference at Raleigh. I Would ap preciate it very much if all our mem bers who have not already done so would bring along all his church dues r.rid settle up next Sunday. We want clean sheets when I go to Conference. J .W. Bradley. 1 ? ? 1 * i ' Attention. Please I am insisting that all who are dwtttg me store accounts will please come forward and make settlements, if - it is so that you can not pay up in full, come in .and pay me what you can. and let's* sec if we can not ar range as to the balance. I have carlred you through the ? "fison. helped you when you needed help, and now I think it only' just and fair, that you make rirery effort possible to square your obligation HUGH WOODS Fiddlers Convention The fiddlers will hold forth in con vention at Bethel Hill on Saturday evening, October 29. 1927. at 7:30 The fiddlers from North Carolina and Virginia are expected to be present in goodly numbres and con\pete for the many prizes which* are offered Refreshments _ will be served free to the musicians. Mr. M. M Fontaine Will have charge of the program. Planters Average $32.68 made the banner average today, the. overage for everything on the flobr being M2 68. Have you seen a better ? tiverage anywhere? Sen where thoy I sell It highest Planters Warehouse I Roxboro. N. C. I , ... ? ? i ? ?? c ? 1 '? / ' ? Very Much About , "I want you to meet a mart about town," said Lard Chumley, as he In troduced hiti- friend to a paasin? cabby. * Soldiers To Get Fancy Hat-Cord*? Washington. Oct. 23. ? Uncle Sara as personfleld by the war department, may indulge the desire of his military nephews to add to their smartness by wearing neai-silk hat cords in place of the regulation issue cords, of cotton and mohair. Some soldiers with a beau brummel complex the de part learns., have provided them selves with the more brilliant "hat ornaments at their own ex pense and now the department Mill see if it can't foot the bill itself. Artificial silk cords have been ordered for troops at* Fort Benning. Ga., Fort Kltey, Kans., and Fort Bragg. N. C.. to test their durability. -Scholarship Honor Roll High Schcoi, 1st Month The following named students in the high school have made a mark of not less than 2 on any subject during the first month of school and not less than 2 on deportment: 7th Grade: Ann Bradsher. Shirley Goodman. Oveidd Long. Alicp Smith. Suzanne Winstead. Frances Wood. Rose Woods. Evelyn Zaytoun, . 8th Grade : Hazel Brooks. Helen Morton. 9th Grade: Janie M. Allgood. Catherine Daniel, Nellie T. Smith. Rnehcl W. ? Sgepllttntf. U0T"6t HV.- b, Thompson. 10th Grade: Sue Hester. . Avy Jones. Katherine B. .Winstead. 1 1th Grade: Rachel Bradsher, . Eugene Connally. Gladys Lawson. Edna Reams. Elva Wade. Elirabeth \y bitten". Sani Byrd Winstead.. Of two hundred and four students enrolled in the high school, one hun dred and thirty-eight were neither absent nor tardy dunnV the first school month. The attendance honor roll can not be pubhsft^cL no?^ ior lack of space. Carl Bullock Hurt Carl Bullock! son o I Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bullock. came near being in a very - serious accident yesterday morning. He ifras returning. from school and when he started to cross Main ' Street in front of the Bapist Church- tie was struck by an auto' and knocked down, but fortunately the car knocked hini clear and he was not seriously hurt. Mr. W T. Jones, of Bakersville was driving a truck, going at a moderate rate of speed, as stated by those who saw the accident when Carl ran out from behind an automobile parked . on the street. It seems to be another one of those unavoidable accidents lti congested' streets, with cars parked so "as to prevent either the pedectrians or the driver of a par from seeing very far ahead. ? ' * ? ?? o- ? ?? ?.???? Purchases Stock of Newton Drug Co. 'Mr. A. W. Clayton. Jr.. who lias been located in North Wilkesboro f(?r some time, has -' purchased the stock <and fixtures of the Newton Drutz Company and will open up at the . same stand within the next, few weeks. Mr. Clayton is a Rosctforo boy. weli prepared as a .pharmacist and Onvcrsally liked by all. and .will doubtless make a success of his new venture. Rougemont News Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Davis and little daughter. Wilma. spent last week, visiting Warsaw,, Kenansvilln ' and other Eastern points. They at tended the Baptist Association at Muddy Creek. Mrs. J. O. Tingen and children of Libertv spent, last week with home folks on Rougemont. route 1. Mrs. Fred Manvum and boy spent last week with Mrs Mangum's home folks on: route l. Mrs, Buren Ellis .was buried- at_ ?Ellis' Chapel on the 23rd.--X. r~ ? Roxboro vs. Allensville Roxbofo and Atensvllle High school last Friday afternoon, the result be ing a victory for the Roxboro boys, the score being 12 to 8. Notice There will be a pte supper at Mo riah school on Friday evening. Oct obar 28. 1 MT at eight o'Ciacle.- nip program will furnish fun for every one: Special music. 3o please don't , miss all of the fun. . _ Former Secy of Inferior Again At Court I Broken in health, former Secretary of the Interior. Albert T: Fall of New Mexico, accompanied by Mrs. Fall, appeared at the District of Colum bia Supreme Court to stated trial with Harry. F. Sinclair on dharse* of con spiracy against the Government. ITALIAN LINER CARRYING 1,600 WITH 720 KNOWN TO BE SAVED FourSt earners Respond to C iilf For Aid: Relieved Large Number Lost MANY JUMP OVERBOARD Rio tie Janeiro. Oci 25. ? The Prin cess Malalda, luxurious Italia liner en route from. Genoa to Beunos Aires, foundered and sank tonight about 40 miles off from the port of Hahia Brazil, presumably with a large loss of life. The- liner <-r.rrted- I ^00 ^paasensers many of them emigrants to Argen tina. and while hundreds were res cued by the heroic efforts of the creys of fbur .ships which ' answered the Mafalda's frantic wireless eall$ for aid, it is . believed many , of tfce steerage passengers went down with the ship. It is known that 720 pas sengers were siived by the! French, steamship Formosa. , Reports received here by wireless from the Formosa stated, she had picked up 720 of the Mafalda's pas sengers and that she was co-operat ing with other vessels that rushed t?> the scene of disaster. Many of the Mkfalda's passengers took to life boats and rafts and spme went over board in life preservers. Details of the disaster came slow ly inasmuch as the rescue ships were intent upon the work o fresdue. French Steamer Hrscues 720 , Rio Janeiro. Oct. 25. ? The French steamship Formosco reported tonight that she h&d saved 720 passengers of the Italian liner Principessa Malfado which sank off Bahal tonight. Znvt BRto Wfwf o a 0008EEEEEF . 1 ? ? -'h : ? . ? i All Here Last Saturday W al te r L . . M ain s -c i reus was in ' town last Saturday, arid so was just, about everybody in the County It , has been many a day since we saw; such a crowd here. The streets w etc literally Uned with men women and children. They say the big tent at , the circus was filled to capacity . but - judging from the crowd on the streets at. all hours durinc the day. you would not have thought the circus was doing much business. First Baptist Church Bible School 10:00 A.M. R. L. Wll-j burft.# Supt Preaching 11:00#A.M. Subject: "The.' Social JLlfe of Jesus Preaching 7:30 P.M. Subject: "D-j Vte Need Homes?" B. Y. P. U.s 6:30 P.M. Miss Julia; Yancey, director. Notice Bv order of the Board of Towjj: Commissioners all Town tax for the year 1926 must be paid by Dec. 1st. 1927. All property will be adver- , Used and sold at public auction if I the taxes are- not paid by. Dcc, 1st, I 1927. B. B. Manuum. Tax Collector ; Bought months aw direct from the . mills when prices were at their low- 1 est, three cases of blankets which iiuw till on sale ?t sale pri<es. will 'not see such bargains In blankets again soon. Sale begins Friday morn Inp Harris & Burns. Aviator Guilty of Reckless Flying Atlanta, Oct. 2S.^t|fuientant tieorge G. Finch, arm y reserve i aviator, was found gruiltv by a court-martial here today of "reckless**, Hying and usinc pro lane language toward enlisted men. but \ras acquitted of charges of perjury and making a false .laicufiit. wits MniCrnoBd lo . forfeit $50 per inonth of his pay lor six month. Epworth League Banquet Held Friday i On Friday evening. October 21 ai. 6:30/ m. the basement q( the church, the Epworth League: of Brooksdale : M. E! Church were delightfully enter - t aint>d at . a banquet. Some time a\jo the members of the League divided themselves into the "'Reds" and "Blues7', and put on . a membership campaign with the under standing that the losing Hide wouLd f entertain, the winners: In- the cob* test the "Blues" were., winners, Tand' the Reds" showed the rfeal league spirt in the entertainment given. Mrs. W. L. Loy. in behalf 01 the Blue" gave a toait to the -Reds", .to which Rev. W. L. Lay. ip a few well chosen words- responded. Almost the entire membership q! the Epworth League, were present and a good time enjoyed by all Several new members ? Were se cured by both sides Lynn Loy, Cor. Sec .-. - ? _u? ? -O' ? .. : ? ? ? : Accident on South Main Last Wednesday evening as the colored .school children were return ing home from school Archie Barnett age thirteen, was running from a dog . and not seeing the approaching Crys ler that was beinc driven by Mrs. <J. M. MoOre. ran In front of the car and was knocked down and received a broken le?. *Nn blame is charged to Mrs. Moore and . the boy is , getting along nicely.. See These Figures Mr. Henry Rimmer of Hurdle Mills was another highly pleased farmer -who sold a nice load of tobacco in t Roxbnro Monday Mr. Rimmer had 730 pounds aftd received a Check for $336.02 inatrtn* an average of .r.cre than 45 cents for his load. When you get youc, tobacco graded and ready - for the market bring it on to Roxboro and go back home hafipy Labor Scarce Mr. J. Shield Harvey, of Boatwrlght Harve.v Co.. Informs us that tabor Is very scarce hero, in fact so scarcc that many hands art being brought In from South Carolina Fair nongh Sir,;' tald tha nTttlrt-tjwn h?ni;litr lly. "either take your arm from, ?round my waist or Veep It still J am no banjo." ' i_ Rev. Jordan Begins His 1 Prison Term Minister Sajs He Will Make Application For Chap lain's Place SENTENCE?) TOR BIGAMY Raleigh. Oct 28.? Accompanied by liis "true wife". Minister W F. Jor dan arrived lit Stater's Prison last night ' r.: 7:33 o'clock f ram charlotte to begin his 18 to 24-month sentence imposed in Mecfcclnburg Superior Courc (or bigamy. Jordan appeared tired from his ride through the country with the "true rate." Mrs. Vewy Snvder-Jordan. of 1 Roanoke. Va? snd Deputy Sheriff C. s Meinhls. (lf Mecklenburg County, and had little l i Tly upon his arrival at the prison Before loavin, Charlotte yesterday, Jordan suited that he had high hopes of bems made a prison chaplain, but lie did not see Doctor J H. Norman warden, .last hifht to, make a for mal request Doctor Norman intimated last night 'hat Jordan's request for the cap tainship. vacant since the epochal ?Ml HI1 Ml" ?, .'.uulU ? nnt be taken seriously yet awhile Mrs Snyder-Jordan and the Meck lenburg deputy left the prison after ? Uirjun lv.ul hi urn asiBgiiifd ,t l ell fur tfir night. Prison authorities said they thought it was their intention to return to the Queen City at once. Jordan came in too fate to be as - ... ned a number and prison uniform la>.t nijfht, bill- was taken in charge by Oaurd McKernan. Riven a regu lar prison supper, and assigned to a, cell in one of the regular tiers. Jordan had nothing to say ?ap parently stunned. His aif wa? that o( n man who wanted to gel formalities over. He r.b'urved ?- the jjri?on -Tir roundings as he came lri. This morning he will be taken be fore Assistant Warden H. H. Hunni cutt and assigned- n number, a cell, and will be < finger prtntod and photo graphed in his prison r;afb . Helena Defeated Hurdle Mills Helena High School boys defeated Hurdle Mill boys in ^ basket bail ?amp Friday, by score of 36 to 12. Both teams showed ^re&t i>osaibili tie s of developing into sood teams. The same was featured bv the su* perior passing of the Helena bovs, and the splendid spirit r.i Let Thn Other Fellow Shoot The . Basket. The Helena i am hasdnly one~negu- . lar player from last season, but the neW material showed good form. The team- will play at Hurdle Mills Thurs% day. ? Announcemerrt Dear Frinds: I wish to announce to my friends . of Roxboro and Person County tha.b ? I am now connected in the auto mobile business, having the agency for the STAR CARS. At the present' time we wiU bo located in the old laundry building on Lamarr Street. A warm welcome awaits you at ? anv and all times Will be glad Id serve you in any way. Yours very truly. HALL MOTOR CO.. By R. Cliff HatL October 21. 1027. Woman's Club The Woman's Club will meet at the club rooms on Monday. Oct. 31st. in stead of Nov. 7th. The change la made *on account of conflicting with the U-eek of prayer of the ladies of the Methodist Church. A full at tendance is earnestly desired at 3 o'clock, p.m. Business if importance is to be discussed. Fire Alarm Saturday Saturday afternoon at about 4 o'clock the fire boys were called to the cotton mills In East oxboro, bat they found little to do, as there was a small fire in one of the cotton rooms, which was quickly extinguished. " , r?O- ' | ? ? . '? Important Notice Dr. Elbert - Russell or the School of Religion In Duke University, will r>reaeh in the Methodist Church In Roxboro next Sunday evening at t:30. A cordial Invitation is extended to alL P. M. Shamborger.

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