* Planters Warehouse South Boh tan. V*. ?We sold last week 673,166 rbs. at an average of $25 82. the largest week in the history of the Planters Ware house. The town sold 2', 130 ,004 tbs. at an average ? of $34.89. giving us 31.60' < of the total sales with an av erage 93c above that of the market There are reasons for this: 'First, good salesmanship; having good judg es of tobacco to rufla^Ihe^ sale and lobk after your igter^st'on every pile. Nothing counts more in selling , your tobacco than for the buyers to real ize that the warehouseman is a good | judge of tobacco and will make It'.! bring the top market price. Second, having a good auctioneer ; who knows how to start each pile,' and last, but not least, having the! confidence of both buyer and farmer. A11 these combined have given the Planters Warehouse FIFJST PLACE ! in both quantity and price. Why not join the crowd, pick your, favorite sale, wait for it and sell your tobacco with us where the highest average is., obtained? It took you six months to make this crop of tobacco, can't you 3tTord to wait a day or two, to hit our early sales if you save taoney by. doing so? . Below , we give our sales for next week : Monday. Nov. 28th. 1st sale. ! Tuesday. Nov. 29th, 3rd sale. i Wednesday, NOv. 30th. 2nd sale Thursdav, Dec. 1st, 2nd sale. Friday. Dec. 2nd. 1st sale. Wishing every one "of you a happy '.and joyous ThankSgivins. we are. . j Vour 'riendsS. ^ HOBOES f; Dr TARNETTF.. Independent WnreHcuse South. Itoxton.- Va. ? To Our Friends And Customers:. j _ .1/ you have h?en ri South Boston : any time during the past week we do i not have to tell you how fcusv we hove been at THE INDEPENDENT, | WAREHOUSE. Kettlns the Hlih DM- ' Tar for our customers on hundreds of i thousands iol pounds of tobacco. We can do this for you. top; If you will brine us your next load; Here are some of our recent sales, how do thev : compare with the prices you got ' somewhere else? I D R. Bradshaw. 656 His for $347,20. Average *52.90. Monk 6c Lunsford, 566 rbs. for $319.10. ( Average $5637. I. B. Bradshaw. 574 lbs. tor (395.18. Average ,S51.42. C. D. Katz. 566 rbs. for *262.10. Av- . erage $46.30. ' ' j 6. B. Epps. 1012 rbs. for *497.40. Av erage $40.25. j J. T. Uescoln. 960 lbs. for *448.55. 1 Average *46.66. H. P. Parrott. 246 lbs. for *83.18. Av erage *36.66. Barker & H.. '364 Ib?. tor 166.48. Av erage $45.79. J. M. Watson 354 tbs. for *171.20. Av erage $48.64. Crenshaw & Williams. 1288 lt>s. for *479.13. Average *37.20. Here are our sales for next week. Pick the one that suits you best and then drive to THE INDEPENDENT with a big load. You'll be glad you did! Monday. Nov. 28th. 3rd sale. Tuesday, Nov. 29th, jrnd sale. Wednesday, Nov. 30th, 1st sale. I Thursday. Dec. 1st. 3rd sale. Friday. Dec. 2nd. 2nd sale -Wishing you all a most enjoyabl? and pleasant Thanksgiving, we are. : Yours to serve, REAVES WAREHOUSE CORP. I Star Warehouse South Boston. Va. Still Another Record For Pounds And j 'Averages Established By The Star ? We are thankful to report that prices cn all' tobaccos continue firm.' Monday. No*. 21st. wmt the BIO OEST day In pounds and average j which we have had so far this sea- : son. WE SOLD 243,724 POUNDS FOR $65,414.75, AN AVERAOE OF S2683 These figures speak lor themselves. What .we are doing for others we can do* lor you. As the Thanksgiving season ap proaches we are reminded of a great many things that we are thknklul for. We are sincerely thankful for the lib eral patronage which our many friends have given us during our first season at the Star. We are thankful that it has bee our privilege .to distribute as much money among' ou - friends as ws h#ve in the short space of time slnGe the market opened and we feel sure that all of our friends and patrons Join us in OIVIl^O THANKS to the buy yers who have made this possible -by their liberality and cooperation. Thanking you all and wishing you . a pleasant holiday, we are. Your friends. STAR WAREHOUSE. STAR WAREHOUSE SALES next week are as follows: Monday, Nov. 28th, 2nd sale. ' Tuesday. Nov. 29th. 1st sale. Wednesday. Nov. 30th, 3rd sale. Thursday, Dec. 1st. 1st sale Friday, Dec. 2nd. 3rd sale. Sell at the Planters Warehouse, Roxboro. where you are always sure of a good sale. At prices not so high Such as meat. Sugar and _ coffee. Cotton seed meal and bran. THonr. jimfanfl K*fl dog. For~"beast as well as man. So stop and ask the prices. Compare them where you may. Come on back and load up ? We mean just what we say. We say, "We save you money/* This we certainly will do. Phome 180-M s ? Come to see us ? the place where Value and Service meet? FOX & CO Geo. M. Fox. Jr., Proprietor Announcement We wish to announce to our friends and the general pubiic that we have opened an up-to-date Drug Store in the Newton-W.ilkerson building on Depot Street and are now ready for business. We invite you to visit our ~ place and will appreciate your patronage. You will find our place up-to-date in every particular. Clayton Drug Co. ROXBORO, N. C. We Are Thankful On this day, which is set aside as Thanksgiving Day, we feel that we should be most grateful, and ingratitude is the basest of all sin, if we did not tell you how very thankful we are to the farmters of Person and adjoining counties for the splendid manner in which they have stuck to the Hyco. We have tried, day in and day out, to look after your every interest, and if we have failed it was an error of the head and not of the heart. We rejoice with you that the Lord has given you such an abundant crop, and that we have been able to help you get such a good p'rice for what we have sold for you, and we want t-rv ynn that we shall ever feel grateful for every blessing which comes to you, for your prosperity is our chief aim. Your Friends, Hyco Warehouse W. T. PASS and GEORGE W. WALKER ROXBORO, N. C. AT AUCTION The P. S. ROGERS Saturday, Nov. 264 10:30 A. M. . ? Location 1 The Splendid Farm is located 4 miles South of Roxboro, t.- t ^ N. C., on Highway No. 13. The property lies on both sides of this ^reat Paved Road, also on the Norfolk & Western Railroad. SUBDIVISION We have subdivided this plantation of about 400 acres into 20 tracts most of them fronting the Highway with good building sites on each. We have also considered the open or tenable land, timber and wooded land in this subdivision, and given running water on practically - all tracts. SOIL and CROPS ' This property is centrally located in the best tobacco section of Person County and quite likely the State, growing any type of wrappers, bright yet rich and waxy which sells high always. On the low grounds of this 'farm you will find as good corn land as anywhere in the State, in fact is a combination. Farm. The Soil is a light sandy loam with yellow clay subsoil ? will take and hold improvement, in fact this is "considered one of, if not the best, farms in the section, and its past yield justifies the reputation it has. |||| ADVANTAGES The advantage of this paved highway passing through the property is of an untold benefit; also the Norfolk & Western Railway, but had you thought of the electric light and power lines which pass through the property, or school bus service over this road, giving, your children - v even better than city conveniences. All of thse advan tages plus the free -out door country^, life ? country free dom with city advantages. IMPROVEMENTS and TIMBER On Tract No. 10 there is situated a large frame dwell ing of six or seven rooms, in good condition. This is the old home place and a splendid farm of 26 acres. On Tract No. 7 there is a tenant settlement; this tract con tains only about 8 1 -2 acres. And On several of the tracts you will find some of the best timfcer in the County. You can't go wrong on buying this property. Space for bids giving all the points of merit of such a good farm. TERMS: 25 per cent cash, balance 1 , 2, and 3 years. FREE ? Brunswick Stew Dinner for everybody? bring the family and your friends. Band Concert? FREE Durham Auction Co. Selling Agents J. L. Harris, Vice-President J. Franklin Barfield, Gen. Mgr. and Auctioneer