Secretary Kellogg Says * Affiliation With League _ No Bar To Peace Treaty. Exprfsses Opinion To French Government v? nee _Cy(n Join Peace Pact ? SENDS NOTE TO FRANCE .Washington, Feb. 28 ?Secretary KeJ? log has informed the French govern ment that he cannot construe France's obhratipns unSer her League of Na . tloris mejnberSfiip as a bar to> her nOltjlng this apd other woild powers treaty Jo outlaW war. W Franee in note on -January 2i. had set up her league objig^tions to support- her sViggestionTTiatu^iFranc'e Amertcan treatywoUld be more fef?f>. -.lile .than a multilateral treaty, as prbposed - by Secretary" Kellogg. ' Thf Paris government was advised, how ever, ih the State Department's note of yesterday and made public today',' that- Secr?t?rv Kellongg believes the difference between a bilateral ahd rmilttlateral treaty to outlaw war TOBiild be "one. .-of decree and not -of" nbitanee i " After setting ^forth his Jimierstaod-H Ins tWH the only "substaptial. off-;' ? stacle" to .France's acceptance of a I 'ma^y-niitan'^treaty, auainst war ?. France's league and ' Lofearno'.'-piic obligations. Serretarv-' Kellogg ion-.' ^jnue'd ' K?-Moise'N ,SUte mrnt H^'jjVlthout. at _cpurse., undertaking H formally to construe the pruser/ treaty, obligations of; France, i"de sire to. point out that if .those obliga tions can b". interpreted . si as. to I permit France to conclude . a ?' 'treaty I with the United Staffs ;.a{h .as-ihat offered to Hie last June by'M. Briand I and. offered again, in- your note ' of^^H Jsmuarr 21. it is .not tihroaMonablo to I S'ipr 1 c that tlrev ran be interpreted with >:qu<U justice .so as, M permit I Franco' to.JOln with the United States H tB:.pff^rljig;'u\fconelBfla an equivalent H multilateral treaty ? with the . crthcr H principal ^wers nf the world..'. * ? '"The difference between the bilat-M .era! and auilti-Ui'teral . fc/rffr .(if treaty frM* jtc rV>'rr* iirw^jnlififid renuhclatjon of. w?r as, an instrument, cf' national lioHoy and s-aid 'to one qf dgjre? and lir- substanc^ A I rovprnment free to contfude n bilater- I al freatly ahouWb" no. less able" to V>- I ?come a party to an Identical- multi lateral" treatv since it Is hardiv to be presumed Chat memb t's of the Lea rue -of' Nations are Iri a pottttoh ' </H db ?Oaratelv" jwwiethlnj jIulV- ' tb?v canpot do-.together " . If members-of the f.spane' o! 'tia^ tloris cannot . Without Violltin? ? tli? terms of th/- IcaoruT* .covenant.. ? agre^ among themselves and. tilth the American Oijvemmeot to re'nounc "thrn .it seems Vile to -cltsc-uss bilateral or' multilateral-treatle; hi either ta ^illiama-Feathevston \tr D *F. featherstor -tWid Mil* Ulltan wiltlams ? were married on tj^inda'y afternoon at- four o'clock At the bonio f M) Newir,*n ? ???:? ' ;lu lirSf. f<". 1 ? 'eilds^ ?ere ufesenj *ay t h/ . iharriae?- Fffv" 1- A Slk-Wi pastor J)f the bri<5'- per farme?! the reremorir The., bride ft r? ?t Roxboro's most Bethef B V T?rrj: OtyOttoiiAj Marrh ?o in H Clea*ln*-Blood of .chriM. with ar No f-'in -vW IntrntMietion Mr." II- -K fcrotfp rjiptatn. - 1. 'I heu. ? Here '-"i'.'*- ' i Of*) ne' Hoi p Qj ?*ryan ^ atlorv, 4hr < ? oiiif KujweiT ', " ? 4. Tlw Aronrrtif i, tooiw. r* <Vn iflfe wu ,104-Year-Old Woman v Enjoys A'rj^iane Ride St.# Petersburg. Fla.. Feb. 2&? ! ? Mrs._Catherini?'Fenton of James- f' }own, N. Y.. and Estersburg, wait- ' ed 104 years to take a saiU^n the clouds, .but when,she finally made *hc experiment she enjoyed R very much. K The centenarian's . facevuas all .siniies wh?ii she alighted from an airplane piloted by George Halde^ ' man ajter .a /delayed birthday flight, which she ha<f planned**.,! when she passed heir 104th mile stone "last month". Her daughter \ and^Bpb Smalley. president of the local aero c?hib accompanied her. oji htr flying^-enture today.,* . I!..: ^,r ' q v -t** I- J Pardiie" Flayed By" .Atlanta Ministers Atlanta. FeJ). 28 -The 'act win of iiir Rev 'Thogaas p* Pardue.- of Reids ,?lle, in;'rtisclosjn? the alleged con .Jes?tpn of T Mrs Alma Ptttv OttHirr" >! Rei'dsvllle. that shn billed tiei* fa-; I ;her7-mu_cpndeThoed by the;. Atlanta" JYcsbjrterian" iMtnliters'^ -Asstnuayon two today.-fn resbtuWyns ? Tntfiirtar.vt., not a. fleputy sheriff." I:?The reraluttonsVdpclared'. that-, K??? ? the duty of a minister ?to accept such-' t Mifeuslons 3?d confidences *ind "that' ? 'ich ^.nrifidfnoes- anfl, eonteasions are cbsolti^eiv hopore.'i arid "prottectecj."' ; 'tnid: "tnty; are ?acred and no one eoiild. Jnduce "a trtie minister .to. fce-' tray -any confession or other "Vefelo _jipn_of a personal character made ro [him ?' I ? The' minister.? said In adopting .the ..resolution they were not concerned.' with ti!> details cf the ~as< -nor''V repudiation of the alleged confession I bv^Mrs. "Gatltn, but only with the Re?. ;l Mr. Pardue violating: "a sacred tontt- ? Sence." ? Whitt Earns f. 'Mr. J. "H'Xvhltt. of p.dxborn. wfll Vtvown- representative of Th^ MutuaV Hnneflt Life hisuritnre Corfipany of j Ncwftrt: X J., has earned *un. invl ' tatfem to the' Company's Home Of-; fire In Newark, to attend a conference. of the lejdin? representatives of the ; Oyfipany, which will take place Mar. ?"^st and 2ncfc ? and. left Monday night' for' the meeting. " ' ? Th" tact that-Mr. Whlt't earned .the] invitation is indicative of -Ris high j ?tntjdlng. with the Company. *t\s ortW 1 ten per cent of their Agehcv Fore: f throughout the United < Stn,'t*s i377 eut of 3,1)00 njen;, received . such .aia. invitation. "v A iih"ugh 'tv'- Mutual Benefit op fraWM 1H rilVr two tftdinann1 foioniun ??'m-s hi (nrtv-t.wo states, only one! hundred?fift??eommunltl'?s-are beliYt - i Resented at tlje Convention, through^ I .- ng a citizen .quallfv for attendance on? pi ^he?n. is this community. | in thtfr Vonpecllon. Roxboro excels , Wilmington anft Durham, In . that : i I how cities will hwt m qualified re-.' preventative at the'Convention. , purpo?e of {Jie .''Convention is I ' i Increase thi* participant*' -know... iJ*d*e. hi? make them even better roulnped to serve the public'" expertlv ; end efftcioii N.RcxWro B. Y. P. U. L Atviup N?. 3 In .charge. _ President ^-n rharee . Openln/ prayer Chorie, >'.r.oi ehaf|re ysvtal .ehair- "f nrav-' 'fJl Jor yje e?enli.?i??Thft |r'- psiy* Blond of chrt-i ' rmi .. "" I'll Bv 'group'" le:?0rr Mi?<- Zora ?rr .Dovotto"67-nr J - qTueaVt " ' f?pir The Therae t,nd In '? by ,i. Ji j) inn ' no um>1* > 'V"tirc TTMn Ouf"Ofif\ hope" bv. Mrs . Marveli 3fci took-.. Saluniion fi'I1 of Ondii fjove U-" T,tt*. NV ; an Carver -n^rtal music, im ? th ? iic Chrhrt Died In f>tr Plu.f-e by. Mtw'.W?.ii- nun'o t.?Hi ("onrerripr a nfrinn'l ?rber ter-r ^ by" M r- W K . Reaves *, * Mn ,T. fi Heaver. Cor. &&? * ? o . ; '"yr ? nijignan'lv -Bring thT r.i"" oetvivnhw- ?t mil' t ?tj.--?- g! i ?aw in my souaf Walter "If* no trr for ' illr t>oss. sit. He's scared of etn too'' The rtl*|T. Musical Play ' RORTf MARIE' wtth Joan Crawford and ?lames Murray., at Palace .Theatre Monday A: IKesdav. Ntarclr r." Ac 6tli Asheville?Couple .?_ Wed Secopd Time " A s h e v i 1 ^ e. Fe^- 28.?Mrs. Charles Mi Brown," widow of a - prominent Asheville and Florida -L ljeal estate -man. and her "first*" husband.. *Willia*W C.; Walde, hkve been married the second time, it was announced here to day.. The wedding loik -place in New York December 31. Mr. and Mrs. Walde, Child hood sweethearts, w-ere -married ihe first time in 1301. they were divorcejd. in 1013. The fol JoWWjf _year she married Char les M. Brown who. ^^fied la?jt , October. Tfte 'reunited couple \ will make Jheir home in Ashe pi*. ; Bethel Hill Defeats" Roxboro-Friday Night ^ The Yellow Jackets defeated -the "White Flashes 29 to 7 in %the first, game of basket ball to be played in fee State Consolation Series last- Fri day. night at Bethel H*U. This is the firs J game to be played to division No.. .1 _ Bethel pill will piay Brag tdwn High in the. nexi." championship "c?me* -- - .<?^ ?--.Aviioucn . ahd Arph^e Walk?^ ?.??&>. the out?ia?dins players .lot the bethel1, Hill ^oys. -^cck'' Ixm? played "a ggpd cain?>'/br Roxboro. ' - . -..Sam ~ Men&ir r.eieteed the: game bUt-' isfacttirtlv fo iboth *)des; t - ^ V ?' , - - Farmers Are Asked To Meet At Court House "Saturday; March 3rd, at 2 P.M. E. Y. Floyd, Tybaocn Special* ist. Will Discuss fertilizers FOR BETTER RESULTS Mr E. i* Flcyd; Jobacco Specialist. rSta^e Colfpo will be at the court hbuseSlfturdav. March 3rd at 2 p.m.. ?-<1uch .unv' he \vi cii t h the fanners the best-'Yarfeties of t-o-* bacco. Tetirltzert. ? ? sp^cin?" for best . tes.ults. the Use. and benefits of lime stohe * on. tobacco in preventing ?and drown, giving a better quality and |-greater yield per acre. j This will be the last ;6bacCo* meet-% log for; the spring, and all interested ttita work" are urged to come I promptly at the ringing of the bell }oh the court house next .Satin-day -to hear. discussions on .rai$fng tl\e best grade of tobacco based on years of experiment?, by our tobacco station at Oxford. Brusih? limestone, - a "little' ciqser -spacir.s:, *nd. a ;h'izhe'r -trade of vlenliven. Mr. *J. h! Shot well -was ? able. <a?'t year to mcfVup ..his tnbnrrn i y:eldv^?Mri 81)0 pounds/per acre as? life av,erdgo to' 1100 pounds per" acrc c'n the first (rial and; rcceiv,ed abojrt 'thirty. cents ? uveraie lor. -. the .'crop." O therein 1l3i?n rolmtvt^yp^ had sim ilar. experience. " " . Over Confidence Fatal* During Doiible^Yote Offer With One Week To Work ?those \Vhr> Jia've Not tared Tui Sho>v Heal St.tenglh Will Per- i haps Flash. Under The^WLre : Asi Wlrtnefs^Wlien Votia AM." lu, (Tinnted.. -i ? ?^hey are. e?ia?_ to. finish ?.strjwsr;'' Ijaign manager of. the Roxborb'cbur s&lesmapsjilp Club, m which. S2, -TOtf. tn prized Wife*,, "will be distributed i shortly Hero wjiy they think sa: No : Reports from towns outside of Roxboro show that the majority of the members?some. of them who a.t couple of weeks agd~wertf far down, the* list, are today", among the leaders. No, 2. With only orfe- week more after this of the Wonderful, race'every i trfember i golnjs^&veV their' territory .again .ecurlng "Secpnd PayTnents") and new subscriptions with a firm, determination t$_ win. -?-A: few more- days of hustle ftnd earn- ? est scekins for subscriptions! These: now ' have. a. tranienrtnut?rotm value ljhnr-1 '?? y. h i r?}-. ' ' i s' - iin efforit dljflm? this weeS and metrt* hurs am s^archl/iy far, and naar tar f those who would, dare aTimlf ittfy" Are ' Hot regular readers of The Roxboro j Coijiflcr. . . , ; With eich passing hour members j renew their energy. redouble tile i r ef-. j. fort's arid swin# Tortfi to the f'raymrwh j a dettrmlYiatloiV that bfooic.; no defeat. . The- -prizes "are awaiting those am-1 bitlous club member's--tile' beautiful , hew automobiles "prize beauties" In ? cvBfy s rinse of the.-norltl /The infnt' ber. ?150 aoHliues fjje highest vote i slfclUHlUt ? mil l^'.|)tr"ifrhlfd lilt Pontlac T*o'-door Sedan. vSlUe $865:00 ] The tnemboe polling tlv leeontJ^fipat* i ? est number of votes, j^Ul be presented! the Chpyrolet Coach, value SBfltf.OO X3Qth ire splendid automobiles among ?the best makTs. op. yie marlcet.. and are _re?tiv to". 1>? brought forth for those ^ho ?,i;n them . . . RealfalJSi (TTe race v 111 be clos'e. the mefhbers?aiv preparing to avfyd j, j?v VoHsfbilnv j>?- tllsaanotntmrnt ?" garp^tag. every ayallabte .-.rote and' ''u the flub*crib?f*> thenuMven in many Mtcr^? la rifrnrt-Qiai>gui> ?CIto?lgTlS aa fh'af ^nm?. fAmrito may' ffalri tfo prerftms vot+? Oifibfr Vot**<? '< T'nat t<rft *11 Twic tffe rwii1i=ir scftMulfc of voter- ?iii- be nV ; towed on ?lt fcflnHjfriam,' >unu<i.In duiins.iw* -went-?ftrmr ' ' WM) ricaJv, thfci f*ffi<.. i|)i number of vor?s that ar? allOwetl acenrdtn?: to the ffigHWr u'.htviiHK am [fe xrSntsraHr" 1' does 'Mi mean th?t twice many "111 be piqpn th!i week .t* h-*s i been fc|ve;v heretofore Seennd Payment? Count A lucrative source of vote.i is cakt. ' L ' - 'Wiltinjeu on t1?** BnrtitT ' Read The Details ? Below . And Win! Don't-jgwtatfe to calf upon. iSjat- -M -friSids : '"Cond .'.Ume and b'jj\r P tfits in mtnd-: rsecond payment?" M will ?0 a iomr^av in helping y<?i to win v our aerired priztf.?anil - ?? v ill will U>r yau'primiim? "Vigi _ ?' enough of ttiem. Each t'H worth I of "Second Payments.'' will count for the. Bonus vote bailoti in th"e offer in whiel} the original or- first I payment was made, For instance, *B you secured a 12 months subscrip tion during the (jsf period of the . campaign and you now go. back to this patrty and sepure 12 months more, you get the difference in reg ular Votes of 2.00b and S.OfHT. name ly. ij.SBoTafcA yoUr monev -collected for this jpDbscrlp^lon will count to appjy back .under tl>e perlpd "in wljfeh the flrs'f 4?. iiiiiilfihl. .'sub [ fcription u-^s soured. . . w . ? -it" 1 North Roxbbro G.'rlV Auxiliary Jewels ? (<tt the King. riv_ _ Mamie taiiKer A' Man of Japan Who Sought iJrafiiou's. Jewels, by Nettie Walker. A CMrl 9J Chin? Who ,\me :i .Tewnt, by Mvrflie- Heaves Prayer 'by.'Nina Walker Jewels that Oilier * Olrls Brought. by Catherine Daniel. Whom Can I S$ek A,ndJIowf by fiSste Walker -The (4oldon Rule Way by SaUif*0*nlel. A Girl's ?r, by -Thereat Hall. The pcst?r. will be- dl*cti?sed- by sur Pastor. "Rev. J C. McOrigOT?C6r. Sec., ' , JV|j>r A, ,M. Burns Host ? , v r Last night "Mr. A M. Burn* ent talne?! a,'party of g?fttj? "a 6:30 o'clock 4.turkty .dinner Th> JiVlnj and rmptlo rooms u**re thrown cnsuit" ; ml UhTf* iTj i i l i ii'i i in mu__ nefj After, a full course dllMifr bridaf v.'i?> played, at fowytabtaj, ?- ? P * v'O?t New Incort?bration Mr 7, . T. f'eajhersteij had bad ltft brnlnen* lucoryunii rd -tllr - \lc. >i*ln? Ttje Featlferstcui Cj. "capitalized 'for ?44>ooo Fh? vi' atr- T. t:, p.- B. fm<t= :Mrfr- Menita - fe'jiitMDit* 'Mr.'7 . T." rearKJMfltr.xrtn. mrnntrc the btisine?* . .'' * '? Notice To Woijians Glub^t Monday. March 5th Mt'e UUUU.S.J rrf the TT'rnerrsCtTrtf??iri-'Dz h?W <rr-the e?rtt> r^iimis ftv -i-in>rtrm o the business meeting. wl^lch will 5e 1'hllfuatly ?" 1 rtrpor^int the Rerff-r Club VJO hav& an lrrtere*?nfic prnr vrani. A full AJtcnilanctJ*. rctj-jesteS Buck Jor^px with l\l$ hor** Hllwr Buck in of Peril" at Palace 'TfiStrp. Saturday Marctl urn. Farm Boys arid? Girls ^Senator Arthur:, Capper who has just introduced a bill which furnishes v. hat he calls a*practical prograih for. ther'advfmcsment* art?iculture." v. It asldr for Federal aid .to extend ..tlie* agricultural education' ofJ boys and girls .on ^hefaTms. . ? Roxboro Rotary Club Sponsors' CliniqjH ere1 The' Rftiary. Clutar^i&d a;? special -'guest last Thursday caning Dr. Stan-., ?on; of Raleigh, -who- spoke',to \he "club or.-Crippled . Children, ad- ' mgjjg v "is thoroughly: en.TT>yed7aiidjthe_ "cI'.ib unajiimpusiV: voted. hk- sponsor a cjln:c ior crippled .'children tp be: he|d ? in- Rosbp'Vo! i*he. neces^atjj, -' amount guarantee the' c'hnjc . rpr thrive months: ivas- raised. and". Dr. Stanton ' ruci fKe inatter?. hts;.Vr= tfetftion/ *Th.e -clinic \v(u 'be. under ithe direction- and T&harge. of'--?the ?tate. :.nd. if. the County. ? .'doe* not h dye children enough, to: justify' lhe.: clisnc diild'nen from Cas weli*:anri Granville will* be vcared fori '' \* ; - ? " . f ^^h^'the J*pj3a*v. elyt been i^re v il. ^las'^^nsured ? number, of V-rapo6it'lons. all wortft<\ . brti we .'pi? Uetc ih.s ?*.> lha h "-\ thin : Rot ary has ?don? far. Hoxbotp 3Ud ;he work will ,br pt 'UtitSfo ^bentft- n th? cstppJed qhitdrc:r of-th^;CoirTit.y *' '4? . Misjion^r-y Frcm Japan Heard At r^rst Baptist Sahd^y night the- First. Baptist ehurch was- turned over to the Pre* bvteriftnS. and-, the- services were ? Oon-' duetcd by Rev"- ^lr. MrA!;?^ "a Re turned' ansslonarv frojii Japan Mr. McAlplne htt been on the foreign' 'field .in. Japan .for tQrty-three -vears.' and is spending sortie-time In (its na tive country. Eor forty-three years he has Dtett laboring in Japan, ?nd his teeture was Uiqj-0'iahly' enJoced l)y the large Congregation which had gathered tjJUear him. Edgar Lcng M.E. Qhur=h ? Sunday Ochool at 9;4S W H. -Hatn brick. Superintendents There I? to ' j;lass.for every "me. regardless of age. ?(.to ? to .Sjiuc^ \ .j?ch3(j; fffiii taka ,your -family. - ? - : $e?mop and Communion 11 ocU>i"k Epwofih Leag'u" (5:46 JTWe'njessagf at 7:3(1 .will be especial-? ly 'to >.?ung people-. - ' ' (j?W* "f8" rtTtrrrh next sundav -start the new month right. * Vou will al* ways- find n welcome here . . -ftread of Heaven on thee 4 feed. ' For they flesfi Is.meat Indeed; Ever majr thy soul be fed With this true and' Hylpg "bread' Wine af Heaven Thy bipod-supplies This blest cup of :.irr|hfe *n? tttv wounds njjr' lieallnq; yivosv y To thy ?nil'. 1 lortk and hve. ' ' Thou jnj: Uft f> leV me be ?' Rooted; grafted built on Thee - ? JoslaK C'onder.' A. T" SI KER Paattp, - b'i'fr Cilv Oelail?^ IJflVite Flashes* Tuesday The %l!er C'lt? quint defeated- the T>ixb-m 'TVhy* Finches-in. played Ift? iii^ht,. the score tn 1: The White FlOsfin UuL-lutk.. Uiti. iod :' 'llaXjQifi Closmg. but-'thn visltlny teip, Jvome.titne- Sufldtu.' Hight some srilt-? H?n ? town. v.hle^.eontitned' kf fet tit Si" ?-ere also takeri., Mo. trape, has srt"far* been found of tlje robber. Charity not only Wjins at hohe P^9wS5l^pwl|BS8pSp*IB5Bil^^^^3 Shelby Hotel - ' . 3urns Down; 3'Mves Lost ;Early Mornmg Hlaze In Oatzai Hotel Takes Heavy Property Toll And Three' Lives H. H. KERR GAVE ttifS tJFE Shelby was visited by iti most /? astrous fire shortly alter six o'clock Xhuintday, morning and at noop the tollr oi, the filaze. was estimated. at about S300.000 and three lives. The dead artT: Mr. Henry . Knr.. hotel clerk, who Was" fatally burned ~ ? while warning guests Mr H. H. Car- _ mlchael. oV Charlotte: who was burr ed nearly "to a crisp: and Vf); i. H Henderson. of Charlotte. drug sale*-' man ^and one of- the most popula travelins men in the ?state, .Dr. Hen derson. like Mr. I^frr. was badly bunted while warning guests on . his floor. - ? - 1 >Iany Fire Fighters. The blaze, thought to hive oris: .nated In the linen room of tile hotel, .^?eemcd-to, spring all oyer the secdi!? "floor 'almost at onf*. the time the . m--.> -iron vrnr. iioflrd uarlv ElM'i;? 'i,' ? tic's-bv 'resident:. heard -the^ screan:-. f burning ~ people -from- hotel Wti. ?dbws The Shelby firemen were on 'he "elie la a"few mjnut'es but coiilcf I'T l-lre- wilti' lh? spreading ftftTi'". ' . and; nearby cities were called f*. help . ... -Gastonla. Ctierryville. Kings Mon'ri :ain. Charlotte and other depart -m/ntt answering. Soon after- the firemen"reaehrt jtlte Jcene reJcue~work starffff" Ptrp Fad-. ~ [)?>.<? were slimr against the sides of ?the build in?, while on the second floor ? guests made ladders of sheets. From ' various portions of the building k wests rn'sde their eseape. : clad only In I hi clothes. ? : ? Eire I'uSfr ^Control ? -irisi before pooh'?fBr> ijaiT. jdozoi ? file -departments, .had tUe blaze iuifrz control? but Jwforc ttiqt time it had Vutled-the second'>fld 'third" Hoor bf the 'hotel. snufTcd out jHres $ves and . sent numerous'injured tothr'b'psplta! . '? and', peieate^faioims- ?. -? . Business firms located on the first fTnnr .nT llio hotel were partly il'finni?,--;! ? by water and ;yiwke. ? porini the- resdue wtirlj Mr. Cft; t "hitehael' was found burned to 'daaBi. ? while trying to escape. " Hi? body val * lowered to the ground on rppes and he was either dead at lite time or 4? vpnd. Jiope of saving, his clothes be- ' in? trarned frpm Itis body, which charred black. ' ? ? Mr. iCerr. ..veteran hotel clerk, was about Ihe building soon afterjj] g\te*ts?:r Fell nJ_jM?mt?^him knock at the-.r rs and worn them to get <?lt. Ill his last call?' to "those inside . his clothes blazed up nnd. although^*1?. "" .11" - was. with liim. It Is thought h?T fpugbt his way to a rear window apg. "climbed to the she? oyer the ^lvrte-X kitchen, wtiere fircmc;i> fountT'hlnt - carried tflrrr down" iv ladder and nr&i-r ed him to UV?i_hpspitalr, Dr:" Hi-nder-% ?on waf t^llf^ut rrmeB In the rstw marm'sr. bfjt rttfd while en" route to the Hospital, perhaps of. suffocation, ? , Hcnor Roll 5th Month . The following were on the honor roll for <hn. fiyji month of the. Uox boro- High, wchool: 7thr grkde??teida lOTiz, t^oncis Clayton. Ann hradsher,/ Suzanne ?Wlnstead* mn grade?VUmamt ?iil^h?n fit a Monk. Helen Morton.. n^sslA Walker. Ca<herhie Nicks. Mauric* Clayton. Lester James. John Fletcher VtagstafT". Mauiard reentry Louise WSods. ' 9th"*grade ? Janle Allgood Janie C'n rj?er. nen_pavi*. - Margaret. Hester,' rrK'rf- ;-- ft-jrt/m. Dftacle (Jaklev. Louise " i'uUlam. lifgHte.'-'SwtfB, Rachel.."Mepl-, ene DarJtfiV '(Tiorninon S?tTOl TOrtt*. < iiel'ma Ui'xn. 10th srade-?-Avay Jones. Elizabeth JLoy. F !i?b#lh' Rogers Mam)?^ J ove. Barnet te. su* Hester JCatherln? Win Slnad iFrafjels Allen- BeTt? Andrews.!. Mar? Oakley. JJerntce Rnift. Allcr:." StaKflelrt. . 7 ^ ?-a- >.??1. CmMHr. Loyit ' r -J S-.-MJwol? n* (fJtiriiam County v. yuntitw .M, acrea of red ' Ctorer j:-D.'Pope 6 to alfaUii. - .il*ara baaMlns th*r he keeps lift worflr * TWiT~W*-w-mie-?~ ?rgtimwa. , M*rM MA'RIK with Joan CraWford at *?}

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