. ROM COURIER | 1. W./NOfeLU Editor and Pub. | rublUhrd. Kwjr WJ *~ ?? r?Ky^nl"i? SUBSCRIPTION K.rrv.s i 1 year .. $1.50 i 6 month* . ......;.. v.. .75 J munihC J-J* ? Cash In Aflv^ncf {? Aflv^nce^? | "the Editor la no way rt-* sponsible frpr vlewfa fipressed by Correspondents ADVERTISiNO RATES Display Ads. 35 Cents -per Inch VnlW? 10n p??r Hnf> Entered at the Post Office at - Roxboro. N. C? as second class matter.* | THE AM^RICiK PRESS ASSO. i 1 forrtm Advertising l&TgyenUtlve . Wed nesday .February 19, 1928. I FORGING AHEAD Ab .ve \\Aye said often before, we be:A-y* we live inAhe garden spot of the nrld. an$T that sflot . is inhabited !?*.? . ? .best Class Of people, as .a whol?i ? lr. to-'-be found. anywbere;% /The tftne rtas v. hen vt- v\;ere cut of! from the world. . v and Jt Aas & .good day's journey any v, hen: . .v < f our people * had inter . txmr.svv^iUt the outside wortdr and rtin Tewer of the outside WOrfd saw . lOfBl .<U: US. but - that time \s past. ?pd tptfay. We boast of ^farmers who ? .are sittiim at, tlic head of' the table, pistantv has ,b?eii eliminated, and ??.e . count (^xtarice. in rpinutes, rather than days. We do not believe there .. is a county _ m ^ortli Carohqa^frhich Is tnakini' af^striaH^ tnalT Person: You 1 'see signs of this progre&s in even' * direction, It is ?ot confined to uany -one .section. The .transformation which has been, work ed in the fast ten or dozen ye?rs -is ?ozxdcrrul. and..Ujc * advancement is gome on evfei-y day. No longer <?re the-farmete depcndehV upon the "one . crop" system, but they are branching out into other lines; and while they still-grow tobacco?-the "one crop" of ilays gone by, they are studying .the * object of hoW best to grow It. While .? "V fathers prospered by raising and cultivating the old way, it ? has been found impossible to do so wi(h "Ihe many changes which have taken place, fn the old days when a piecej ciT land began t6 show signs of fail enre. to .produce the best tobacco 1-a piece of new ground was cleared for the crop; but in due time fore?tjland became scarce and the farrtfer could ! npt afford the rjew ground,'so. how he is improving - the old by-'the new methods, and finds- he can do tfiis moce economically thrrtTTie coitid pre pare the new ground, .even if he had Jbe forest. ?And ail of tftis comes' about by having some one who* knows to tel) i How to do it Our, County agent. Mr. H. K. Sanders, I\as been with us enly about, one year, yet he has *4u?rht us many things which will'con twiue vta servi* us evsh sifter .Jin may baye finished Uis esrthlv career. J t * * *>* ?, > sas dnif to his insistence that some at 'the YarMefrs sa\y, the need of litfts.. tHd different methods of planting nnd trtftSvaOng. Oil? of the bost farmers in the County says he increased his v;e*l4 ol, tobacco from eight irundr&f J ( rounds. average, to eleven" hundred pounds per acre. * anXl ho 1(1 tflfe^'ntirc crop at. quite an irlcrease ovefr the smaller crop. And this is* not all. for f Jfr. Sandm has shown us how we ^flan do, Other things at a prctflt* For nOll have to. buy a ' mi will make flbcks ue lurpishlng the wherewithal to keep- ttie lord o t the family from having to buy on ^redit. or boi^ow money1 to run . oft? ? . ?_ ?1 - ^ -Th#if t h ?re are '?he'jmgCTent Hu^ii Tor boys ajid girls, the gorfl* ctab. the roultry 'dub a:-.:: ?? . Vltib. \\.!nrr. is not only teaching the boys and g trla .iwuv {o raise cdrn. and chickens. i ' ' . V ! ' ." v / . I and calves, but ? ^re teaching -the j. fathers and mothers. Why. nultc a. j number of i boys raised more born I on an acre Own Dad had .ever pro ceed TCes. fitey are all eye-openers I and are;tilling" on the farms of this 1 good County.' ? 1 . i . And 'the last was the bringing Into County of more than thlrtj-ftrs^ .pure bred Jersey cattle. In Ave /ears from today you will not be fible to _j?ss many, of ?ur flrs}-class farmers' ' homes without seeing some pore"'bred . Jerspys on their farms. With the .best natural surroundings." and the ) ' . beS.~mpsr -progressive people, why ? ' rhotlldij't we sit at the head uf the ? iLble? . ?1 ( The Chtlpel Hill Weekly. ? neighbor) cf tfta Carolina basketball- team, de- j "-plcre*-1he iac.^ that ilieir' team prayed. Iff, Rxc.\#dence to help, them on . ta . \ ictary; ?nd wants to "know 'tt that's-' real sportsmanship, We Relieve, the editor of -thfe weekly has "Seen misin formed,. or -else missed the point. We TlaVe, always belieyecU . *an.d stilL- do. ?ha: ..Uje Ffav^na -^Colonels of "Centef College ~and .our "own Flying .Phan toms of the University do not neces-. sarily pray, for a miraculous .vic?ery, ? .but rather for a spiritual iielp from , aboVe that pach may do hi? physical ? ' ??? ?? brst, regardless of the_ outcome. Vicr tory may ?oltow. or not. but such a team has at ieast.^cljlevetj tjie pur j pose for which alL athletic Endeavor was originally intend^. m t Be sure -to read Gfenerai i Farm Nptes - in this issue.. Aside from the farm news you will learrtof the many interesting meetings which are to be held ^ here' during the .month of - March. "Don't' 1^1 jo read it."f - With tfre coming of spring, comes the warming up of politics, axxl^ (he* "Average Man will ftncj ? out what he can; i. e.. what ..me powers that be Wish the A. M.'* to find out-. During, the ? recent" excursion of Eastern bankers .throug'h our" midStr golf w.as meticulously served--'up" to them daily. , iThose "who. had never been bitten by" the golf * bug couid take a nap and wonder, how long be; fore supper. - . The preSept session Of Congress is about haij* pyar, with, nothing of any consequence accomplished .yet. But have-faith, brother. Have faith. Some thing mightt'-b?, done. yet. . . t? all Smithy could be induced to vote for Alsmith-. her, wpuldn't ?. need any campaign. i FOR' a^LE ? PIOS AND SHOATS. , Poland China and Duroc, for breed-, crs or poMtrj-?. Al! r.tock are sold on j n.uarantoc to h" thrifty, hejirty and' fa?t grower*. See Will FOrbush oV ; ?S.UU Monday at N. W. Depot. Rox- ? boro, ?" It* i YOJU NTtvf.r saw pRettier PA?- I term nor richer coloring*. than are in >he ne* drugget* and rugs to! match at Harris Si Burns'. SEEDS MAINE OROWN COBBLERS. ROSE. AND BUS8 POTATOES ! SEED OAT8, CLOVfCR SFEN. I.AWN ORASS AND ALL OTHER* REED FOR FIELD OR GARDEN, ? ? HTTOH WOODS. (The Bead Mag) | 'fiux uua to wm lAiuxura to measure. ?n# fit (In# at WHtSurn 1 ? I FOR SALE?ON SATURDAY, UKfC* --?IH. ?4^*4 M.. will -.ffe;' for Sale at public auction to the MgTwst huBfar onn Mnf.'nihan Tfcrms Cash - ? ??J J. ' W- Chambers; ??. AT. ~Of. ' - WILBUR* Aj .S^TTERKIjSjb SSLLC Shoe/. ?'- ' ? . .?' ?' _/ / *- ^ i ? ? RBAD HjJlRlS <? BURNS- AD. ANP hp._tiffu to OUerwt-thr O113 "P'iUl^ tex" hosiery sale next week. Extsa , good hose at remarkably low prices. Tflffirfoon Rivn|n ?jgwt^q-;,"^^ chine I -v.iii cp^p--mif? place ." on 1 March vIV. in tht store room -next door .to , J, W Or?en* A: Son jewej *H. orf Main Street, opposite ?e1> ~tjal "Service Station. I ?will .carry - a. fun line of. Singer Sewing Mtr= cbines. ackjitfv.ledged to- be- the best. inactiine on -the market WflV ali i be prepared to .do .any and all, kind : .of repair work on all makes of ma . chines. . The ladles ire cordially in ? vited to pay me A visit, lady, in ! - charge, who is prepared to do ali i -. kind nf harr,r.i^hlnn ntc ? ^y. BOWEN. ?Spencer v serSfice''? when in need of a surgical support "or" a made-to-measure cdrset girdle or 7 Spencerall, phone or ?write ?Mrs. M, P. Llles. Oxford." N. C. 4 1-22. 4tp ?.* . ' * ONYX "POINTEX" HOSE CO-OP-,1 ? crating \fith Harris &' Burns are'! offering, big "inducements all next week. Read their ad. and see thn display at Harris & Burns. FOR- 3?VL??S' fc.' RHODE ISLAND ii.Jled eggs from, heavy. whiter layers. headed' b\- ^cockerel from leading ...farm.in N. pi,-at S&OO f>e'r setting. ,K Li. Moore. Hurdle Mills.-N. C. THERE TP -X SUPPLY Of OAfCES .Magnesium. Llthta Water 'at .Davis Drue Store: .20 cents "a gaUOh for: water ii!?a 10 r'?nts- fepjsit on ark ? i'fg ' K|, CVSemora,. N. jC.' cabSage Slants -tor saee at' Joe Blanks; store Sat-tjyfeiay. xtarch 3rd. -S.Iake flse of'oji5a?iinitjr if yqir' rant nice jLrl^pJanU,-35 centa poi 100. PJppts are scarce. J. F Whit' field. ? Hurdle Mills. N. C. READY MADE ? PLANT ?ED CLOTH ' at.'Wnburn & Saiterfield^ I TOBACCO-SEED FOft SALB^-OOIJS Leal. fiiijirci-ed Warn'? and Ad' "" bock.' Buying quality seed. treated , tnri Vfi"lmTir.ri .f.,.. ) . on the start a;, the plant uecl. J. F. %Vhitfield.'Hurdl<r Mills; fi. C.". GET YOUR SHOES FROM WIL bjirn Ac Satterfleld,; ? -SALE OP PERSONAL "PROPERTY? Pn -Saturday, M^rch 3rd. at 1 o'clock . : a.t my home place about three miles, ^'<St. <5f Roxtopro, I' will sell, at public ' tnictioh all of my .'-farming tools, * wagon, and one '?!? passenger Ford ,automobile, in good condition; also kitchen'range. Thiji saltr is worth: your attention. Bp sarp .ayd at tend. Mrs. J. B. Stanfield',' 2-22,2ts WH HAVE- JUST .(GOTTEN" IN A . lot of wool and grass drtiggets with small rugs tp match. They afr*Trt~ the newest,, patterns and >ich color-1 ihgs- arid at vci^/ low prices. Harris > <Sc Burns. ' ' :?. ? ? ? i-??-?:?_^| SOME WHEAT STRAW. FOR SALE'; i See W. 'R. Blalock, Roxboro. N. C. 1 - r?rtnt?...N6.: 1. - -?^ ?-~3tp| .FOR SALE noOD MILK COW: t Price reasonable. Mrs. J. M. WH- j ? burn. Rqxboro: N. C . R. 2. 2-15,Jt j BRIVG US v?nt clotblnc. First Class? drv. cleaners. . J. E , Latta c& Co. ?[ SEEDS? MAINE GROWN COBBLERS ROSE. AND BLISS POTATOES.! ? SEED OATS. CLOVEft SEED - LAWN GkASS AND ALL OTHER I . ..SEED FOR field Or garden. I HUGH WOODS. . i'j 'Tlyr Seed Mani HEADQUARTERS r ?r Seeing Ht." I rlilne" parts, oil. nwdles. shuttles. A ' full lina" carried rtt all' tlrrto* {or. alKnak'es Kf ? awl chines. The New-?!*. Je-.-cl>.rs Ro-i- t SEEDS? MAINE GROWN COBBLERS.. rose. and BLISS POTATOES. SEED OATS. CLOVER SEED. LAWN GRASS..AND ALL OTHER SEED FOR' FIELD OR "GARDEN. HUGH WdODS. . * (The Seed Map) . ? SEE THE NEW DRUG%}Brfs AND rugs to. match at "Harris St Burns. 1 MONTHS OLD FEMALE fSHOAT sfrayed; Black . an (J < white. sgoui; njore black than white: long head, .white spot in face, and'ope on left side. Any information will be ap preciate. Nolu - street. Roxboro, N. G. . - }.tp if yotr haVT: 'hides, beef cat tie or hens bring .them to J. -A. Whit} South Main Street. RoJtboro.. CLAYTON.. bRUG COMP.V-'V. RRE HTiptions \i specialty, JDepflt Street We .deliver. ? . ^ F EC AN TREES. OOOD. THRIFTY, budded trees a L very low cost. Lead . irife' varieties.-> Southern Nut .Tree Nurseries. Thomasvillc, Ga. l-18.7tp 7*" 1 ??T ?? I , . ' SEE THE NEW KNOX .HATS FOR .Spring fcat rWiIburn Satterfield. OO TO .HUGH WOODS TOR GOOD | Ffcur at right price. Everything-to j cat (or man and bea?t. j i FOR SALE?Without a^ubt we seH the b?st $35.00. sewitig machine made. _ The Neweils, Jewelers. Rox> j boro, N. -O. . WfLBURN Ac good Shoe?, SEED ._ IRISH POTATOES -f WHEN ? yoTrWaTirS'dur ,seed~Tfiih.~potatoesr..'.' c-cdm? to see me. I can supply you. R. H. CATEE. ' Ten years-ago" I arirved i? -the town wttlv only one quarter, but that quarter began"? my fortiinq at once . 'You. nrast have invested, it very profitably. - "i did. t telegraphed home lor [. money." "" '. ... ., ., OISVX l?OI\tLX >vrtK MARCH 5 "toIO' for one week ONI,Y, ; i ; Thkse~Special , Onyx Pointex. Prices - r ' ft f""4 WMk Ontr 135 Service ? Shert. Silk with cotton lopt ind-fctt St.So <41 Chiffon. Silk to Ihf hem-cv?MM' M.19 707-Sery4cc.-Sheer, \ Sdk t.?-the hem r ?cotton feeX Jl.MJ ?69 Service UVnhr.? .Slik tO.thr? h?TTl *. -c?i?oift?t *.$1.95. 7*0 Chiffon! Silk r from top to tof $1.95 . VA- ? L - ?1.35 '1.49 FOR THIS WEEK ONLY?THE ORIGRUTVOINTED HEEL STOCKING AT MUCH-LOWER PRICES Not ordinary stockings?not .irregulars?biitgenuifteand new Onvx ' -? Pointex ^lk Stockings, ma'ae^Vr Onyx M ills, with $he Onyx Potntex trade-mark stamped-upon every .heel ?offered in the complete new ?pring-color range and at'prices, far. below-'the usual level! TESTIS Qnyx_ Poiritex Week ? a week . set aside by the manufacturer to intro duce tKe original.Poiritect~Meel Stock ing to millions of new weavers to demons?rnn> howihel nrucil Htfl'l iuiji trimness.gracearid fha^j-ntoanklelinks. .-Secure your supply of these stockists now. Let rtre stockings themselves '? - ???? ? ? ? ' suggest why" so many srttar^ women thrpughout the country wear them r.tevulm'lw : Buy them by the paitor byvthe box. _< >X: 7Ze ORIGINAL tinted Heel Stocking ?? iiarris <fc ui;rns ^ "ROXBORO'S 8EST STORE"? 1900" 1928 ? Satterfield Ins Agency j ;* - "Old and "Tried" This "Old and Tried" \gency sold over .'191 (Three Hundred ninet.v-one Thousand Dollars) of Jeffersoa,Ntan dard, Life Insurance in 1927. This was (he best t.ear . of'27/. " The' people qT Hoxboro vieirritv and Person County have stood loyallj?by-aod,for lhis old agency Tor 23-^ years. S'o words of ours are adequate to- express our appreciation of this loyalty. The Agency has Increased its business.i?ith uniform gain annually for 27 years. . . .... .'""'i' .' . . Alt kinds of insurance and bonds sold. A force of character and efficiency always on hand lo ser^e you. You tret the best of any kind of insurance here. Nothing but insurance. 2 ? - \gatn thanking yoa. ... ? ' ^SATTERFIELD INSURANCE AGENCY By S. P. Satterfield, Mp. look Ahead. Have Money V h?- iar.seeing >nan and. woman ari- the ?ne? whti ' " '?" ' 1?Own a home; 2-^Educal?- *4<eir children; ? ?(jet enoofch ahead for old age. Are you looking ahead?' ? ' If Not? - ' . > s - '*? -i START SaA'.W r^GULARLY NOW '-t We iijvite YOUR Banking Busin **' The People's Barfk ^Hotnc <>f th* Thri?ty" _ -? -ftoifforo^'C.

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