-?? PERSON COUNTY j. fl a 1 *S"i' -< -?-; ' * n ' __ RO*RORO . ?ra^y""! i\\ h.* J J ^vh?\( ?Y|%'ip^t ^?illlF j i^lji .ZivAUU1 v* wvlil ll | ! .1. W- NrOELL. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. j_1' . ,- HOME FIRST. ABROAD NEXT ? y ' . ? SI.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE VOL. XLV. ? ? ' ROXBORO, NORTH' CAROLINA, Wednesday Evennj^, March 7, 1928. No. 10 Poultry . _ Meeting At Court Hqu?e Saturday, Marrh lOth 2-V. M. Allen G. Oliver/ Specialist Will Be Main Speaker SIXTH SPECIAL MEETINGS V-Jir.' Allen G% Oliver. Specialist in Poultry. .-State , College, will be the | main speaker fct the day at the^special 'pQjultry meeting .qf' a?L interred in fctti?s phase of farn\ifi? .the court;, -house Saturday, March lt)th*. at* 2P. j . M. ThiS is the sixth special meeting }[ held recently in interest of different farm projects, and as poultry is top i '.op practically every farm', in the comjty, there should be. a large-gath* ' ertng to hear Mr,-.OUv.er discuss the t important .subject -how to &et\tlic ! 'mostk ffcom our farm and commerr'all L .All ;of* the'fcujie.s are 'speedily vited. lrt: fact, wek expect to have the' Jcourt s.^Qiise -nt;vlea?t 'half- full at the ! ladles who .'aVe irttepested ?'inw their ' farm^ fipcKs- .All' 'of" the poultry^ club menders are . urged; to .attend** thi;< * ' ^ .iht'v will or able v~> Snnitny posters 't-rcm the splendid. ' ture that Mr. Oliver will ptf'? ?': "the most ?ood Crom *xho:meeting. ?Jadies ;.re urucd.' jo bring %ttyeir hu'r 'bands 40 the meeting ro* n? to 1 nil's; their t ooperat-ion '? for. hiore-and betig? ? ? pduiux *>n rVjery iarm 4n . Person : . unfv.* T 1' :,hinU -loo-;-. ' lightly, t'f poultry^Vpd??'. just- regard - tihr.'Ui fH-?belong \rr~ the ladies, and fail." to?.give the co- L' operation necessary.' .to ge t the most; ::om .the !a4;m'>66ck's.%' With better. " v n .. beUer hoHstiv .and' ."better ays v ;te?iis*'of proppefcly* feeding, - tlje iixCOmc from poultry will 'mean much to fcnany :'?rni rvmiev ?-AhetWly ^indlu?m?ftH? 'U- S. stands as ene of ., rtie . highest fif rT1?pmo ? u )-ieri compared to other farm pepdiic*isr wnnn .even'.a.1 . chance, the ben -wilf pnil he*w.part of ' th? load in, helpiiig t<v defrayof ' -.the. necessary family.' expanses'.* v . ?. ^ fr Dead* rf^jfomiaeht : -L.;. ?'Jj,Caswell Citizen ?/fltfter" lingerrnt' UinesK of .abou*. ' i : racnths.* >John FK, Walters, jgjf prom- 1. ' inrjv anil well known citizen. of Cafc- i . .well County .diedfvt ids home ne-?i ; Bfo'nch. S. . 5itidav rtterhocn .\t : 1:30. '. ' ;? ? '-'.v ..AT the time'.irf hfc death he 'was [ 78, yeats old and had lived in Cas; well County 'pra'cticirliy all htn life He , had held i\ numbQT of. prnminenf' positidns in the he having | represented His county, in the State1 ijegljlature. a mt^nbet of the COtintv Board of commiBSkJi\ers. "and during the World Wat he was a -mopiber of; "the, Fxpintv^iti r?tmrd for his Vount'? Mr. Walter leaves a famliyof thr^f ronft and. ihrv- daijghters. J. ^Val ters oT Orantr ' Va!; J.' M. and. C. S ft Iters of Blanch : Mr;. F. .Janle% d^-panvUler Va who was giving .with : : hirl"At t,hb ime ol his death; . Mr. P,? f ? V^hldderi.. of ' Pla . and M)**-' A. TV ('? fit jlMbbto.- itf ?. rfiree b^oth?T*; and..one"jrtstet; 8tdpheB j Walters of _'I'pVjis v r ; boro:. J. M and Mr.-, K^te Alien Blanch *' , FimnraJ . ;er\ie?*s \rtro conducted i ; frojn the 1 < mr, bv* w ,W 'i t1'- , m*n asKteted bv Rev N."' r? Clnvtoh i Cf MlUon. and R n W i* Wrsr^T^f . R-jxb'Tro.; Interment W9>? ' in th< Nev/ Hojk* cemetffry near Branch. j ? ' O- - -- --- Lutsche/fti Honoring Mr*. Thomax ' K^tutday^ a' the c^Ub. honoring Mrs r Rr-A'brjro n'lir iiif^' ni' 'ud' ? ' ?' 1 ionor tnip?;? S. -CittrAfrti. of Charloti*'. I.iU^her CJarlU>w? of RoJtboro'... Mrs^ ,.|jAVi(l' Oonnor. Mrsi;t PJdgar TC.'>>?? r ? '?.?' ? h' ?!?'! 'i'^" f-f Wtirih.. h<atr>- ix.rl'um ? Carci-Qf TKini^a we aiih lp takr 'his m<-tho<? to ?*? tilfn ??u'r ; iTicetc ttinnH*: My 'he man-c ;i: iend*?- w^>.o < 0 kindly remembered ^ :..r. ... k:iaeath act? df kilimr- *- nnd their deep ? -.:j-p-,pnthy will .ilwavs remembered '* T>v ^n'eh of" n<' .. A? ^ yl FoUftliee aruT rmmi^. The? FJient ni tiw f ea-;on.. Jay Ma- - \ -? :<n with his* l^AftHJOJC FLIRT." rTI.. ? -rMyI.uriti s ..at: Riijact. TV>no ? m Tl.nv ? !? Gasiva* Motor Inventar "lister J. Hendershot, of pittsburr who has just irivehted a. vfueHess" motor a'free energy generator which . is claimed to get it's running power from the,>ir. " Democratic Convemtior^ ft ' ' - ? ? - -I'' Sat. June 12 Ljjrge: C foWS Overruns Hal] Of I jiyw* House?There Is Xo" Speech-Making 1 WI.IV >1EBF ATt RALEIGH ft?!eigh! -MarchJ*'.-?North Carolina's . Democratic, convention was called to night to. meet- in Raleighv. Jims .. 112, ? int\ county conventions were, set* fop oatm-day, .lunp^ii, unrt?i.ln uiluiui 1 rncetmgs tor' 2 ? o- cKSfck. M.ay 26. irf :i session that ran exactly 17 min-ri t itfcs" ??v/itli, 'the; greatest? committee as- . einbly every, seen-here! Chairman dehniv G. Briimmitt; 'presiding, itep ped^'dmvn frowi - th<e shaker's'-stand -; iiv~ttap.i)yuse Qf reikeseht'at i vejt .where"' the un'terrtfted - Were ' gathered.. i:re-cuitu* i'y ?" p'r^ClTilme'cl it a-,great nf^et ih?j#'"If the state Democracy' cannot ? accept whomsoever a candidate the" zcfty# X>ord sendis it.-it-shall hot he the sin of the. ftbsts-ytonlnht:: i or %x-Con- . ; ergssman John t). Bellamy, never ab sent in . the making ol peaee, sent a * ?oiilTitV appeal to' the coftfarfiCtee to urepare a way for a show of tolerance' in the '.statc. Aritf there hadJnofc bosn 5i .word about A1 Smith: Not i Wordy AfTafr ... ^Fnct--is, there had bee-n no worcT about anvbodj,'. '?i>e meeting tonight wfL'. not ol words 'The Smith dele gates had come ? herAjrjo resist the statp chairman"?; propostal to hold the preclnc&\ meeting op the _day of the ^rate-wide primary.. They? yielded1 that point when they found the pro . ; "-"'f this plan willing -to 05c ;m other' date.* The. state primary ... is; June 2*. " It *wpfs jd*emfid^ best, hot to clutter that- occasion, up with - any' precinct'.'rop\s. Atifc'the Smith m*?n , i JlMi 1 ^ I fcTmurhl? i. nf t pposahg a post* primary convention, bttf whilf the regulars ate at the mansion the fellows' tPhb sat on th-> outride fi^amcfl j;h?,'dates. -It was a victory for everybody. The committee oating with thrr Ojr:nr.nbr. at Uw-r?mansion- convened \riore ?han half an horn' late, but the '. att" was well employe^ in diplomacy... Most of the fight was taken from the i mmitte" whrp the wholq, organiza tion jyjfeed on a June date for Jhe invention and decided, to hftv* a ' .eat peacv ? . - The *arrived , =e r?o Chairman Jirummit JtQ assto Secretary keeping the rrrords ?o? A nnouncom ent m^m^^^^ , JB. ?. firr.-vr <>( Ills rtaughter.'t, ?M?-jjnin Ltj^'iiffi'nrWshcr rsn Tu(? citv : m. ja?airaar*Iut~ rawgH^cne. ?hO'lFSOd jitnc hundred and ta^nf. - V.oxtv. - Si;. If. 't...au.jr^ " .. ii miyi ii -Wanted^ ...Jffill.tP .Know "that v.*'ar$ vmnnil <o iiv? you proyiot in d ?atislnctorv :(';f*yi? s 'Itanj- nnd 311 Kinds of ?*?' ? m>- m. ttaa^auuiC.i oUup. WWUia. JiSifiL riuin !>W' offlw. HotM Jrmt* buiiatn?. ? -' m? rgn.tf .?,l4' Minn <?KW little rfliiin' -at ,cor T^iirtfUv Friday, Saturday tht^ week. Big Damage Done By Fire Sun. Morning Stock Of Merchandise Belonging TVCantor'8 Dept.' Store ? ?"Virtually Destroyed" STORE BAJ)LY DAMAGED Sunday morning at J 2 i 15?- the flrf '-alsuftn was' sounded and the fir'e was ^fouAd to be in the building -occupied Cantor and- The Featherstpn Company." it sfarted in the roof, be tween the rpof- andtfhe ceiling, and. of course.' was hard for th<j firemen to get at. but the Are-boys fought i? With their usual energy. At .olje time it appeared that there might be need for assistance and Durham was call ed, and ?s \isual responded promptly^ though the fire vyas under control be fore, they "arnved, Rqxboro is deeply grateful. (o;'tmSuiirha'm fire company lor The^r splendid response. always ;ccmin%'' when* called, and conuphj promptly. 7he jDuilding. belongs to Mrs. Mamie Merritt. and was considerably /dam aged. The-stock of-merchandise br: longing ' to _ H- . Cantor was vitrially -:ie carried; a'Mange'Hgtock arid his lq$6* will be heavy, though he was covered. by insurance*'- AL-o^rthf* Steele* ? b'eldhgin'g to The. Featherstoni' Company was' badlydamaged." though 'not to. the e.xtent of the fpjfmer. wa$ covered by insurance.- The""? tock * of goods hanging to> S. & j. *G56H friend was slightly damaged by .Water. There , is an adage that- wherr -therjb ic npr. tj* thniy v.Ml bf mreo before it is :(iver; antt a& thiV ls the third disastrous -fire here within, the past few months we -trust \thore ..will be a. ces?atioiU and we will not be. arouse# from our slumbers ? again sbon ?by the fierce h.ot? of t he siren. Syndav School C.on 1 - ventioft at. A Hen s vi He The district. Sunday School convent tion mot with the Allensville Church last p^ridnv. Thnre was a large"at fetidaiicjg'." and the jjrogram -was rhor en'-'d. ihf addresse- .i^iiv.v of a high order. ' Mr. P.. H' ?Ci^irip Joiv qS Bahama? who is ill ,4?h'arfe'of; .this work,."is, cioing^.much -for thp/. in terest cf ,Vhe 'Sunday School cause, and We .are glad 'to. know is bavins. thb? cooperation of the ?"Sunday School workers. 1. r String Music At H, M. High School , On .Friday evening. March- ltJ.th, about 7:30. some of the excelleht niu siciaiv* * t Pvr/ifnb County will .render ?a. yrogr^m ofl rri:V,r mtisic Charlie ?laiigiirer, r\ne of the O'Briant brothers and^/one or both of the Tfn geh- t.wius - will bo present. ? To /lanie these niniifsicians is^ to guarantee a goad, program. The public is ? urged to attend. ,A?i?r .paying the .musT (urns'the proceeds will t>c usedV". fer* th*' benefit, pf the school^ Prices' 15 and 25 cents. Basket.Bail Game '. For Friday Ni^Jit" The White Flash bdys and n?trls ?ill (jlay HUlsbor'o Friday night: ii> the Pioneer-' Warehouse. Thp two *9'sins have won "ortft 'amn rach. Tite last i'nme trii- Von by HlUsbiro ' 'This stq'me 1 i expected to be ? one ' cf the-bwr" ol- thi yqjxr. and a large crowd la expected <<? see'tlje name. The teams sure appreciate the loyalty of the Roxfcoro people. . Thanks B. B. Knlttht Orthopedic Clinic To Open "Here Monday, March 19 Uotarv. Cluh_Llaiic LmXiipplo* Will Be Opened In Kox hoi rt- ^ On Monday, March 19. W?R the .-jgBfKzgmL riinr uiu. iu?ia its Antin norm? ~ . HflUM M.iiii .l.irti. nf Prmin, ' Twli.ll 1 hn? TluiullW <?wii?H?? . "4fl h? ^pthtidul .with un umiorluiv._." ity to srrurr trta tip rut ' t?> I n 'irthnprtllt <prciall*t ;hnt ?111 rr "Ynftvr a pnrt If not *n "of thC trtry ?leal handicap? of nuinv , * (h'" f'Untc is In < harxr o( l?r. - ColcTOrtopctUr Specialist. ? nninlili Ifll H,n4w the swprt vMon ?flr tlie'Tf. tWard r?t. lltf_ il)lUt?t|on of < ripple?. rt f jaaile^Mjliftiu the Ralnr> tluh ** , Kd?hnrt> wblcb is MUtVOrttntt it financially. AO Indigent ftfpp(e' f ? -of anr a*f ftr^ color TV 111 bf adlnlt-. ,trd and ill treitmrnl wblrh -c*n - --4?- tire rn-r^t wtii i.V trn- fbK f? ..n (>i>|*>HrmMT f*t -..-.i...... j .and flrtfrtlllr'CV.untV". and ? hnoM lir taki-n aTivant**?* of A pepn'VfltlliK* "STtW TWJW'I K. (!. m-niirllrtrnt ul EduAtloii. ulll br at the .(llnlc to confer vrtth aH rrtpi>l" mrr (Kp A*c of It IB for the piirp?*;' of' "frcrfTwf ~ training" lo ffl Ihf Jllktlilcd pailr for ? vocation **tt*d to Sny Tt I inalnliTI handicap, m<t then him ffl s*<Tirtn* mlUMr crti|T6>), ?lM-nk It C*-> ? m . BLG SALESMANSHIP -=\ CLUB N EARS "END LEVINE ARRIVES SAFE IN HAVANA Havana, March 6.?The Ameri can monoplane Columbia, carrying Charles- A. Levlne,... Wilmer A* Stultz and Miss SJabff Boll ar rived- he/e today frOm New York* . at 1 :"3^ p. m. ^ r Arrival of the transatlantic mfriiapianp?. Columbia in Havana marked -the ftr^t npn-stop flight frbnj New JPork.tw the (,uban capi tal, a distance of approximately 1.400 frilles. - Miss Roll, sometimes called "the qu?en of' diamonds" -last summj-.ir, .was reputed. to. have offered as. mucfi as? S50.000 to be piloted across the Atlantic. The party, with ?tnltx acting:, as^ pilot, took off. from ^Mit^bell field ut' X! :3(V c^clpek last night, mak ing the trip In J3 hours antf 56 ' minutes. ?* , Death of Prominent - . Roxbcro Citizen After-an nine- lfisiine lor. more t for ff* ti year Mf E. B. Fousfi?e.. a pr i-nuem- unci 'nntiaau' . i-'l.i/-'I- ? ' P-Txbxlro, died * at" Friday afternoon-at 5 o'clock. During. - hi*I illness"lie made'several' trtps: to. John Hopkins. Hospital in Baltimore Cut the r.ctpd phy:sicifhs '.ere. unable tn uivc .him "relifcf. Mr. 'Pooshee ? was M years oid.-'ahd had been a resident . o't Roxborc fqr . mahy yeao.' IjKins ? native o| "the Courtly. ?, \,ll-v,-n,l l?v |;j ow. Mrs rttia Foushet*: on" sain"! Edwin Poti.shee. < ne daughter. Mis? Elizabeth Foushefc;, six sisters. Mrs. Parham Clavtrn. Mrt. Susie Tillman. Mrs, Ed. vyrenn. -Mrs Bert*;. Jaipob'i, Mrs.'KSul T-T?' ' >t.? s~n: ahef five brothers.'Jot lioD.. HUj^n: mid -J ttll'.tv, ri>U '?T>e f ur:?*aT services wclpfitfendeet r ;i from the Methodist Church t t which Ttt had lone b?en; a- faUthfal -fnem6?r.^.by'-his -Hastor,' ReV. T. A Site-. /. .--v?d. by Rev. W F. We :? ?:?? ??. iptiM' Church. ';i R ixb:.: ? AS an-. i-iRticneiT ,iT Vile liop[Pirhy~5t Mr: EoKhe'e the ? chursH"-was. fiflfed ? .6 pv^fflowlnti; Tnaiiy bpiiitT ? nitablt'' to tet seats in'^he law* audiiprium. The pallbearers were oi'.lollotk! W. ?V Clayton, ft. B. Smith. T ??. Woody. Moe ctbodman. Cbsrlt- j Holetnan and .Albert Warren. Honorar?- pallbe&Tersj ''.V. ?!> Ham. !? gvookv'f Davis W D MerriU C M.* Carhijn. End E. M. Davis.. -X^jb floral-bearers were -?s lollops Mrs .V Mitchell. Mrs H. M. Spencer. Mifr.es Marjr-^renn. Maude Houshee. Julia Yancay. Elizabeth Masten. Tfiel-, ma Clayton, ftoxannif Yan6ey, Annie Clayton Bera Webster: Etta* Wrenn. Omega Koushee and I*da Slaughter. Regular Meeting of ' County Commissioners ' The Board of jC?imty Commissioners let In ictrulM- session Monday, O v. :ni! -? liie unavoidable ttsehee ut ? i... , n\ivTi?Ti Mr,. A C. Gentry onl tan memb6t:B*'?lere present, ?nd x?o ytusineM othfrr -than the usual xdutlpe aitairs were *atrendeci to. - * To My Friends ..Thl* is the last week of'The Cour ier PabMnanxht* . Contest If the* fHehds I have not been able to see wish .to help me, I sh^li appreciate it very . much. If you nltve Mippor;"rt me and desire ttv add to that, it win be Rtatefullv-received. Mildred D. f;;uterfteld. Judges And ('losing' Rules Are Announced?Members Making I^mf^Few Hourse Of Cam *>aii;n Cojjnt Most?IMjf Cii" ruhiti.,11 A^ampaign Comes To Definite^ End Saturday Night At Nine O'clock. Judges For The Big Count . TBr foliouing named xentle rntfl have roiwnM [o act as Judges inithe counting M votes cast in the bit "Salesmanship ' dab'" a^id -tU* awarding of thv prizes to thel-siiccwsful mem bers. "rite -CRoxboro. (oorirr . compliments iUelf?nd the ('tub ( members in having Such" re presentative? citizehs officiate at ' the- close and assure each and . cverv one a fairland impartial count. -? r= f j TIIK JLI)^,t S mr. tom noonv >IR. 4. It. WlllTT Hushin:: through the last hours o? a ? furip.us rac? for supremacy -ist;:..' t:r>je i '.ckhie off* the nreelUs mtri ' lites, members ot then Salesmanship OSuU ir, wfrlcti'a S2-.000 prize'Jtst ..writ ' he distributed, aft-r Saturday , nun: -. ill shortly ?nTd up-the"-ir>.'.! .,">-nev.; ? pttper 'eonjmgn- In ttiS history o( this . .'I'uun i. 1. Carolina.' jr.- - ff-' lionif -of this _ sectiqn. lift's- spread" np\ys that the'* golderf hprty of pleiuy ; afccul io ho, tipped f-'./r and tin* hurry and scramble to name utnier its benefijciencd isprecipuatliav a- \etu .... .'??:? -i' ? Topping tne list rt 1 ii"?rr-T ? >-l.ilu.,l. t Ull..qi . ?. IVI1 ? ,U J.I . . mli.'n ? valued nt <550.00. tts te^ond prize J* Chevr.,ieS- Coach A-alued 6066.?? '.:i* i>.1er6d.' The?r.cafs foye Von-the. ndniicg.tj m of.,'.nmtsatid; 1 * tfurp*is?s' ini vote s:4ms. ire; b.?in? .'.swung by Jtieiiibirs all <Aer. the field, "^ready the are -.ive-lline ivitji !?". vohjiw- of Sotes'and subscript; ?> ?.hnr.^r'ff bfiaj.seat m nil th- anal 'Ton. but the height, of thi remark-" able battle- will be attained Safurdpv night, ending ?ti -une grand .pur!,. When the call of vtimc ' is shouted _ Candidate* Are Working ?? I*T. y.:' 1-' ? th? (members have r parked' oni. for j Jthe.msctves ditririg the last- fer days. '?>: cutreini' nncisrtallVv r.tM. * how mnr.y y,oti?s eacti " mcr^brr. may ? Continued t<Vjjaee eteRt-t Notice We take this method of fnformnvz you ot out' hew home /We have moved, our plant in thiv laundry WjiWir.'.' Tones. We now j.)vavfc r. ?nee up-to-date santt&rv bot ytnc ^ant tttat ^tand? open six da\* .?;i week for your rnsjiectioU;. yon ah* wekTOTe "at ;?ll times tjo.comn iV~ md look.^v over. 'D?i's im'ilat ;.?n iT e?, i V. rtfinV ' extended/ to i he lacl -' ..?no fiotlve^fVef si . ? , t '? m$ Lime c/)\a Botfltng" Companv Htotel Changes Hands The Jone> Jtotel. wtilch his been f. r "nief }r r C Bvrd for seyeral sears, t hanued hands las; Ttiursdav. Mr W o. Miller. be~ coming the manner on that fl*t?' \lr. Miller 1? one of our ver v best dtytens 'and.the tact that lie is to Wit charg-: of the hotel'insures'the pufille lienor ally that Ftoxboro will have n tjotet . V.liich every one. wilt be proud of. and -tha fraveltn? public ?TO nnd .1 hotel ' here tltey wilt t?c. .Klad m n.i{0 .to .for the .nliflit. - week, or fti ?t?0*>- ?? Leap Year Babies ) '"1 li ti"l Mf< ?K Kur nett. .> "tri -' ti Wednetdav, February :0th. 11:4? ti. rmy "m ?"?an. 011 WertnesHay Feb '.SiSO j*. til.. - * B t: P begin Mhrntay rH*hW We .ire ex ' pecttiw n rooft o??*4 to >^11' the . u.utmi ij flvored to i>?ve ,ihe ?t^te meeting here'next monfff ? b. -B. '.BKUlHTx Oeneral DKertof! ?*? 'Pt1' vtiurf?! m( nt] vri.'j.-al nJ"?TT"~ Tav M?vili wtttf. THE FASHTOI< t Pf.IWW <yn. ii?People 15. at Pal i-iwe Theatre. Thursday. Fuday.^tlat ) U'iIhv tM? week. " Building And Loan AssoY Met Saturday More Than Sixty Have Been Built Though The Association GREAT H&LP.TO R0XBOKO Th?rt th'antt'aal meeting pf ihe-Rox boro Building &r Loan Association met lastna t urday -iji the - oGCice of the Secretary.. The report showed tbe rusociation to. be in 'mpst excellent * condition, having earned the past year > 9, little more'than.* 7 per cent. This; is- a ftn> itibaiing. ns only iout other ;i . ociaUons in. the sjtfrie have a* better redoj"d for earthing than the Roxborq ;F.s^pc fat ion. - At i\o time' during its >xistJMVrre ha* i: earnea less>than 7_ .'per ceni; and one yea^earned better than .3 tfer cent ; The total assets of - ?vspciatipn "today "oV rather .of "De<S:. 31st. 1927. W$ 54>5S8aAf. and j the' number of. shares, outstanding', ofj'" tha?t. date v;a ? ' ?? - . A/tet^eaTtng- the report a vote of ?? thahk?- Vav.. '^nde.red .the Secretary. . Mr:-' J; - S ^VajkeV'.: ]ror' *rhe :v(*r'y effi-_ ^eientr^an^P-'in' which he has hand : 3 .? is. via- ???.':iu r: v.s? organization. ? . "~^v . . .Rcxboro Pecple Hurt In Auto Accident . i . ? - 'Sr. v ? ?,.-In?qriiVn;.tian . was*-'recpivcd- here*, yes* terday v of ? ? an " autbriiqbiie accident .which. -came Ver>; nefr- Kavin?;'; -totol' ? '.?results.Rob?::"; "A;. Jackson. who- if* now living Durham, aixd hi? two ?listersi Mrs,- M. "fe Satterfleld and Mrs MaT-eoty; M:>or? \;*?fe .alt "shore or >?=? :? r i o 11 s rv i ti Jure d *.;heh ' the. coupe . in.wtUc.h .they were g ping, from EjW ham fo. High Potni got *birt, of conr KroV- an -ikeKeaiv the: aW,' liivor; im-i^rpa^ arid tuiiftsd oyer sefr ??d:1::?.?;M?eutTO"d /'. ft ?'.to ?u.? I -ril.t jls uiiiSwstorici Uij.r Mr .'facksor^' -uflerett broken rttis Afid other 'iiiivUXi' y.:'- .v:;/-' ;h>. inPsr sefiouaty wa-urv-'i The. oth^r tWb1 occup.antsp of i the ?dupr. :??rrtped' with - v-af Jibu? cuts.' ' ^nd brui??es. . T?e jra;*:V \va? ettrqute; ,.t~> 'tiziiL IV;:-. 7.".^ajE'heii^tripi. ;>i -\t >\ "jac.Kko'n'.CTTi;a'.a^trfeUCe the smash- - kup to - >-me I ailiire of tfo.e _ ^laeting Hear, - TT;-.- rzir -.'-a? practically'. demolished. First Baptist Church "D > ri^ht . thou has" . ? to ?. . "fear: 7 ?Right hath a^power that makes thee' strong. ? K' -The nsghi is dark^ but,light ijf/.n&ar; Tfce grie-T i^.shbr't. the }dy is long.1* ..." ; ?T. C. 'Jplrnm. Bible School. l(r:0O- a. m.. R-. . L. Wilburn. Su.pt. * . Preachincr 11:00 a. m. Subject: "The Corit^ry Currents of Preach iny 7:30. p.. ?V- Subject: The Disaster o( Disobedience." B. V. P. U's 6:20 p. m. Prof. B. B/Knf^ht.- general diteotor.' '-Behold to nW^y better ttMn sac rifice.. ^.nd to harken than t^je fat of roiris." t Saiji l?:32. - A vordial welcsme is <>xten'ded'to al.;. ? "f ' w F. V/FST.. fHRtOr> \\ ' ? - 1 *C ? 'Assault Charge ? Alleged OnAlf!' Friday, .afternoon Sheriff Brooks recpivcd word that an aMsitlt had bwn mnd?- on a, your.? iflri. Axl? CTSylon. near Loch Lily He and his dijptitiCT were ,w>on a<_ the sc?no where, "the awault was allelTeJ to have been made, but failed to find any clue. Blood hounds from tlurham were brought to the scene but thr-v tailed to track the guilty One. The' girl, who |5- about 16 year? of aife. stated mat *he -.-a?, r'ecoverln* from an at tack nf mtferp*- snd had -jon? ??(? for r wvilk vrljim' lie'?a? acc/.i'ed blind-. ." loTiftd ;\nd forced Into a ^?tch ot ' ?voodi tirarbv. She' ?<?t?d Jih^ ? i-oald Aot.M' V hfi hi-r the man- r?* ?*!???* or hlaek.; pr ulve nny detcripOon of i.hv nature <.on?*flue?vMy there WW nq clue and thounh TTtr- -l,,Mirr and I'-'- dcimtie? Made a ' way >>? ronnectetl irtth 'hr deplorable ufTair. >? ? -1. ?, -r reeret to know -t)>a- h? isi .?mriDutly

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