< House Mice Contr'pll^ By Constant Trapping Raleiffh.;.- N., O. Marcb'.5.?House - mice -are seridus, pests c^'riiost .farms i on N[orth Carolina 'but may be rather easily com rolled \ty constant t&pqjpg. ? 'Mice should ^destroyed at everv' opportunity",. sdyS 9dom Stewart. . tfiologist at the North Carolina Statf : College 'TJfelr habit of living ih*i hemes and in build'ngs where lood and products are stored usually means I that their destructive" tendencies %re i intensified* They often riddle stored clothing/ gnaw book bindings, cut ".holgs* in sacks of feed or seeds, pol lute human feed and attack stow ing plants." ' c The pests are easily trapped or-pois s.A.ned but in home ami or^small larms. or in jlusiness estfttolishrfTOts. t hey ' hft. kept ifyder^cbntrol by trapping. '>Goo<^ reciftts -Are ob V tained by tfifspiafc. wooden-base?$nap traps and'their low. cost allows' the use of a 'ijozen or more- of theseVat one time. " Use plenty of them. ad- ! vises Mr. .Sttterat.. Robert arid reset ; the traps each evening and plaqe ] them in such a manner that.XheV will be in the natural .runways " of. the j jnice. -? * j Fre.sH BMt- is' essential, however, rnd preferably should .be Jied to the trieeer. and : r- T? -bread, are 'plwavs .^eriendable -'hait.s but__ fhtvs? * " fhoold' 6e varied .with ? o tilers. such as i cheese. " Metl bacon. sai-d|nC.n oy not Jmeaf. Additional Wttractipns' such a* ' ? sprinkling rolled .oats -fir ofhei^ereftls^ ? oVpr the ' trap" may be used.. - . . vWhen ?he mice are. numerous rthd If fe-advisaifl? -t'ir U/fttrol them on a 1 krao scalet poisons may be used..;- A Vimple method is ??to" mix' ane.-eighth * ouhce q( strychnine wfth "tiu equal ? quaiOTt^ of bakinc soda a/id stif thoroughly ?inta one quart, of rolled, pats or corn meaX" .V permanent ppi sqn siiffply may . be obtained at all times by leayms; .this mixture exposed; ' ig oUt-of-w^y places.. However. ..^lr ?SUnvaict. -cauiions.;*4iaf This : mlxtnre Should b? kept out of ..the 'jpeaeh. m ^ children. domestic- animals or Irres pnn.Mble-^r Tif* Seven Good Points r j In Cotton Culture Raleigh. N. Q.. March If .the ?acreage?tri ? i^_ not increa.sed over ten percent above last year. t*he outlook for-the crop is passably good. , "jet one never knows what will,happen I ?t rice planting begins; "The best thifig ,'to do. therefore! J rather to reauct1 11 Ui mJfce IWI" f ?b>r yields from tl*e land planted." .vays C. R. Hudson; ? state agent, in farm demonstration work at State Cojlege. ' \Ve should not plant' cot ton. on land that _will not make* at ^Tt:ast l OOO pounds of-seed cotton when properly fertilized. TPoor land should fee?planted to , lfgume.s in Jic iumed *;Bder until the land is fertile. Oil most farms the profits, from good land are consumed in paying the'j losses from poor _land." " j Use only the good* eottoi} land for. iottoPi, states Mr. Hudson.- in giving j his' seven points: The moist, rich bottoms, the extremely stilt clay and late .soils should" be planted C? Other . crops. Cultivate the crop before -it. . is ! nlan^ed tiy givina K,pod .preparation ! i-6 "the seed bed I fertilise liberal]'.': irom '>00 to\800' f pounds trf, fartih/.e'r- an? tfbr<* wilt pav a profit uirder cottoh' A ijood mixtiVre ? for the ctjftstal plain wfli analyze I -g-5-3 and. -fojr the p^ethubnt. 10-4-3, A \ ? ^op-TirCpsificj pf ' nitrate' or other; qmck-acting ammoAfat A should be, j .'r.pplied at thr u?rte of jhe lif?t-.culti-r < JwatiWn. l ufcf rood seed The .t wo l'-ading va ^fcties. d ccrft- >n for, jSTorth-vCaroltjiA Plant eftrly sd that the crop'may ! riti ltd fruit *r. .quioklt as possible ~'*this is a good bott weevil eontrol 1 measure. . \ ? ? r .! Le?V? the-pianu? oloscr , together pn | thr row in row? t.foot apart, tljr plan t = nhmild br Inf ? civht lo ten . "inrhos ?part.^'lth two plants t'o th"! hillL, "i"- ?" ? I Besiin cultivation Iwforc the cotton t i'; up tint) cultivate frequently through- j "out thr ?wson. '? * " * { Watch The Incubator - ' In -Hatching Chirks.. ItaK-Uth^M. C.. Mar. 5 - Twhlle man's-1 Rucovsaful pouftrv (trow^rn tiiV now buying dav-old c.htcjt? tor Jfplcnish- [ ing their flock? and tor raising early ! broilers and pulleta., there are still a great ntmiber of shiall inmbatAr.i uVd pn ihe.larnis of North Cftrv -ima. ' ntrertlon* for operatirtg.'lHl'se fflfli I i nines come with them.' says Allen i ? a. OUver.'poultry extension specialist I.; ?;??? I'fliiwi1. yi't in iiwwt p??wi Ihcae dlrwfiqiii afiplv only, to the ^.(?hanlcal operation We would not attempt, to five Rpee.iftc rules that vm>1d und?r ail mndiilom,. The ftwt bat/ih may -be made when atmcifiRjfiefic nonditt&frs ftfe ideal, re iq an Ideal hatch, of strong the next hat^>h m?v glv# poor scrawtoy birdseven thdugh/ihe in - t iiDntnr- r#?v ?torfaf; ? These arc cAmr? few points to consider^ however in hatching out the early chicks thtsj -pfifig - ?* , ??hf-nwm?l Mltie for j>n egg to hat?b 1 t* 21 dava states Mr Oliver^ Joo Famdus Aviutor Missing trnoiQ _ Miowv Harry .Hrbo1;>. famous aviator who- plunged ?njo- 't the breakers off Melbourne \ylii.le. on a flight .. (rqmf Titiisviljc. .i Miami, -Florida.. "..Tlic Aflamic'j -X^can cave up his ?.j hut the hotly of the has ivot bfccu.iotindi . 19 ?days' -and too little ''heajT iij about 22 to. 23 days.. The -tempera ttire^ at\ 'tile center 'of the >gg^ ? h*T k^pt _ at-MOO degreed.? jttoisjiure is. : r\! in importance. The amp tint 'of e\; Rpration jin the *j:p _dvybvjjajgL the-, size-of He air. cell at ;.hear will aim to combine all the b?st. features of the - old State Convention with the new ideas in short, course instruction. There will be no special hhort course for farm women as iiftlly held by the heme clemoristra tion'department but instead the rui;al womanhood of North Carolina will be invited Vo participate in this wc'R.. "Get Ud 'Nififhts? "Try 48 Hour Teat If your pep, lwallh and. strength a re fofjnij lowered by frequent (flight and. c!av calls rjack'nchtT. bladder weakness tiurnfn# or itchlri? sensation, leg , qj: -? w Mies Alma .Clayton ^sppnt a few | days, \isiiins her. Aunt Mrs. 1 fJJcux*r' XrcFarJand of Durham. . Mr.-. Riiru.v Bowling kjlled two fine ; hogs, Feb. 27?ii. ' ' ~ Mr5. .B. V. Riggs attended the bur-; ial services of Mr. Heni^y CTates at Berry's Grove Wednesday, F^eb. 29._ i Mr*,Cates was Mf. B. Riggs* broth-"' er-in-laW. He lived, in Orang^coun- ; ty. was 70 years'old He leaves* a : wife, Mrs. Mary Riggs Cartes, ajiil sev- j era!-sL&p-ehi&irenftnd ^randQhild^n.\ fl^e was an* all ..right man and well j thought of. - ***? We people are,glad to nee the-road . force for our roads heed improving. ? Miss Nancy Ctfiyton and sister. Mrs. WE SELL ? GLASSES THAT PLEASE THE t'lX THE JEWELLS Jewelers Take Stock . Ainone .our* possessions lt-'s. pretty, safe to say you'll find a score of things n? longer of any valu^ to-, you but which some one else ne&ds. This is particU atiy true of the fifmer. Live atock* farm machinery, seed, anything you want- to sell can be disposed of through a clas sified ad. You can buy through >ant ad column, tog. The cost of a classified ad'is hegliblc. f Pomp E^ay. spent' Fri?ajT"wltfr their netre. "!?rs Bwll* WUWord. gf. Bereaji Mfs Willlford Is In very .baft- healtlT Iiavms Ai?h !!!- !.('?iljj#ltl>l -U?LLL ford, but i at home_rtpw. Heir, many ?friends'' ahd relatives ?vtsh tier. a. fpeedy recovery. ? Mr. C. Ottfe sterilized. Oter 7 millionxi day -cqca-coi:a rottunt. works ftoxbufo, X. C. IT HAD TO B ? GOOD tO GET WI1ER5 IT IS Nurse Advises WEAK, RUN-DOWN WOMEN To Take Cartful ? ?*T have kn.oy.-n ol ^Cardui for naarty twenty-five '.eara," nyi Mrar flolmw Mainarmr, 1072 HarTlSOn Av?., Beaumont, Texaa.. "During that" time, I have taken It several time* and have frequently recommended, it to 6thera. for it ia a aplendid medicine and I am glad to give poo pie the benefit of my experience. - ?? "I have been a nurse for several years and have often come in con tact with patientVNf'hci were run down and weak. Often I have told sufferers of Cardui, and the way I, myself, had been helped after, tak ing it, and advised tiiem to give it ?. trial Many of them have since thanked me for what I Told them,, so I am willing that other women should knort about it, too. -."Ifirst took Cardui beeaijBe.I Was nwfully run-down. I had no appe tite, and was weak and liatloss. It was hard to keep going under such (fouditions, and I looked for some thing which would help me. ""I had read of Cardui and decided to try it. After taking it, I imfirov ed es much that I have taken it since whenever I noeded a tonic/' gold by oil druggists, . Used by Wam?n j o For Over SO ifearx 4 Just arrived with fresh car of GOOD BROKE MULES. All I ask of* you is to see my stock and get my prices ber' fore buying. J.W.PLEASANTS - Virgiliria, Va. GET YOUR WANTS/RIGHT HERE! * ? iw*t U?n, par can ??? fc.... ? i... II* l.lvtngaton torn. per can 25e Uvln*?1nn Sifted Joint Pea? < ??r r?n * Vau Cyips Hominy, tSr ?V ^Setir Knit, per can ?! I.lttle?' Cattop. prf bottlf V.. ? rvimont Sliced Peae.hci. per can (?ood Um* Rmim ........ -0' Kad* Brand Milk, per r*n . Cqroo to w? to. t fie place whera value ana Crrlcc meet. ?? P*?na >!*- ^ FOX & COMPANY "* OefcTTTn, Jr., Proprietor 'OUVe HiJI P- T. A. te - * ? ?Z ^ ? ? ? Tite 'Parent -Teaehef Association J>t olmn Hill rill hnlrl thrir?rrt'lilitr monthly meetin? Thursday afternoon. March I5tb. al X..o'c!oc*. . In school auditorium. .AIL parents urgred to srt ti'ii^'thp meetln?:?Secretary ? - ? Q-f 7* * Wo -Jrousand colored - farmers ot Ea^gn''5iort!t Carolina meC tfc entlv j ?t J M "BrtfiKs"Junior CplIeRf la Hali fax" County toi make ''plans tor -I&Hn icK in 1028. . Everybody knqw^ why it's called crude oft?-, - ?- ,-r ? ? : -RHEUMATISM While in France with the' American Arrav I .obtained ?< noted French^ pre scription- for. i he t reaiment o? Rheu- ' i rrttism and Neuijltis. I have given - this. :to thousand? with wonderful re sults. Jhe prewfhptijon cost me. noth i ing. I ask nothing- for it.. I nUl mail t it if you_ tyili sendvifle^jour address j A postal'Tjill .brjng; Itr Write today. | PACL CASE. Dept. F-172. Itrofkton. j People of the United.State? are" the. Ujcst healthy: But they hay?, to typ ?" .^?rr-n me?' tl)|j-'installments. The Cream of the Tobacco William T. Tilden 2nd : . ... to protect his throat smokes Luckies "I Jurmg thc course of some of my Hfrpedranccs^ i am called upon at intervcA? to smoke a cigarette arte naturally I hope to be careful about my choice. I smokt Lucky Strikes and hate yet to feel the slightest effect - ,,,T No Throat Irritation-No Cou^h. The American Tolutoca Co., Inc. p THE WHOLE STORY IN,. , THREE WORDS - - ' /' Highest quality? .. "? " -1 GOODYEAtfS! tOW PRICE : - v GOODYEAR S! Real service - '/ GOODYEARS! BUY GOODY EARS NOW] Her* ara a ffw immnlrs of ttle bargains wr are' offering in the genuine .(JOODYKAR FIRES j -? 1-2 AWT Clincher - _____ _ - ?1X00 29 * 4:1? All Weather Italian _ ? _ 11.45 TO \ 3 1-2 tiewtyeer ??.?!> ;2f<*?jr. "trtft ^peed wa y Woodyear , I _ T735~ ?X" BE SURR TWH^fclKXT TTHE5 VOTi. BUY VRK GOODXRARS. 1 uompany P' ' *- The Horn? of Real Ford Service ? * Phone. - . N? 77