ROXBORO COURIER J. Iv. MUiuLL. EiMlui mn4 Pyb Published Ettry Wednesday Evening "** SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1. year .. 51.50 ^ months ,75 3 months 50 ? Cash In Advance ? Tl^e Kd'itor is in no way re sponsible for views' expressed by Correspondents ADVERTISING RA*tfcS Display Ads. 35 Cents per Inch Reading Notices. 10c per line Entered at 'the Post Office at , Roxboro. N% C-. as second .. class' matter. THE AMERICAN PRESS ASJSO. Foreign Advertising Representative Wednesday.. Ma^ch 7.^1928. SOME TOWN PROBLEMS Towns, like-individuals, Tiftve prob lems. and some or-them prett>- knotty. Among, the thiut '?vNtl^nn d atten tion in Jtd*b?Q we would like to call_ ? ?attentionjust :^o. a.nd *e thlp* . they sfitfu^ have ptompt aiid vigor-. cus ntt'entioii." >tow.. let ufc.-say in. 'tie tinnon -/ ' - we'.inve- npver. .and " xttyvx expect io /bq on? of th^_City > pads:. Mr the simple reason tliat -it -takes all- of our tin? and more if . "W bad it,1 to A?ofe aft^r our own V 'fairs. but havlric nefer served in this ? rapacity gives. us more, latitude in oomnjentiiie .on what : hpuld , be, arid. ? - What should not be allowed- That is ". "always" the case.i the "less we know, 7 iibout'it. -'lie ? we. ten, aouul '? Hr-.'- -?>?> ??'^jiywaj'. we belie've something ? h.nirt rinnp about-. t.hft numerou.-. .(iocs Which are allowed to ,r<$m about the streets There have been nuiiw erous mad ,dog scales here .recently, .'?'una wlHiir~no rrne has develupejl rabir ? ies go jt&r. tlie anxiety of the parents, and _U?e;pain - to the little-' fellow, who took ?the-treatment j.for rabies i? far mnfcVio. be considered than every dog ? l.f'imiuour 1.1 i't-i.u'jll' i utllitv. Wf~3u~ out know what, are the requirements here as to dogs, ^whether they are required j ' tio"i>e Jleensed iwid wear a .tag; or | whether they are-required 16 be -treat- | cd v.itll yact'inr. ? but 'Af Ju Miim that i ?mi UkS many worthless curs are- tb ' be- seen. oil cur. streets at??1L-times. j We" sympathise with the otpier of a j valuable dog, yes, anrt we sympathize with the do? which is, require*) to i wear a muzzle, or to be penned up in j :< little coop qJ tt pen for twenty-four j - Uqars of th<*"day: ,6Ut we mu?t nt>i "?lei our sympathy. sK the best of our ' judgment,? for the life of onp^ child -t?rn?? to.bfr plawd-.lh- the balance | with anjy or all, degs Then comes the parking problem. . by. a prohlem whichwall vowns alii} J ? it ies are \yreRtlini:. ^ith. with little | >? rolutkm thus far. It is especially a J hard problem to solve here, for thp 1 fimnle : ? hn.1. v. hm Roxboro I vri*' Uid <)tjt did not . tJrenm of the day rver coming yrnm Mreels uoutd bt?*uph a. neeec lily. True?/ land wa ? plentiful, but ve imaqine' the founders- 'thought Mia t the. wider "the streets the more ' ? )rr . uUJ " ''ni' 111. * ? v in J *f,t:lT&ng from 6He? sjT< Yril r an t .ir*:!ly walk ,*?en* Matft -gt(?et , ?iiv?ntm^ ?Nirtn? Uie du\i 11.ut -vi ?4H ,!n'( ?tin (IUIHI'11?mrrr :my re r?rd to parking' law*. You will find headed both -vays; drivers pull aeross .I'** tftfl t'P't befoea anil tUif. "mw violating <1! %erflt1ble parking ? htwr?M'e- short years, ; Ami, lifot of ail, the association has. haver been the cause- of a single fpre-4 closure on any homo it has. buil*. j Yes. we are all proud of the HoxbproJ Building & Loan Association, and we i hnrm lyttnrn \inothrr ? yfrars i have biassed that it will have* ten thousand -shares of stock and ttiat) hundreds of homes may be" to its H credit; -L On Monday March 19th there will, be a cliniC rfcold here for .crippteu' oft 114Wti' i t. j^ _h'opecT~lh$t ?very child, in thi County whose parents are unable to" give it treatment will'take advantage.^ of this oV>portunft?. If you know of'such'a Child let either Dr. !J. E. Love or. Mr. N. J-Ainsford kijow about it. and it will be arranged' to get the Child here, treatment given anS "the child returned lfome" without cost-i)on't overlook this opportunity, it look's ton good to be true. bUtTft is trtie. lor the Roxboro Rotary Club ?lias matfe .it possroie for you. All they ask Is that you gtye_y$ur child a chance", to become an Independent man. ani not a 'rare .Qn y.oii or sofcietv. I Mr. William O. McAdoo :?> put I strong for Senator Thomas J. .Walsh 1 of Montana as the nfan to beat Mr. j A1 Srhifh.^'Undoubtedly $lr. Walsh is able marv would -probMfly' \nake u i i-ftod^ president, but *we. fail, to see' i vhcrein^ the anti-Catholic foment : v. ;>ukl bp brnMi'tted ,as Mr.- W^ish iS * Aim. oI..ib dry bone-dry. Jihd. thai woiiltf in i \ -measure pacify some bf the. drys^ I bus what about ?h*? fellbws. and I ipks there .Are many atich tn the Denwv I* there r.o available inan in tH<* { Democratic party save a Cat hoi, J wer^ asked this jnorning If had ani;wer(jd candidly we woufd 1 havv had {o admit tlffct there w&r. not, and trtat man *??* Al. smith. Announcement?:? 'fcp.tfte Voters of 4^*011 County; .Vttuw al mi) hev* been kind nrn+uwh m n*Mnn*e me f>1 ?he?.>, . _.?X ? a|| ? " FOR SALE? S. C. RHODE ISLAND Red eggs "from heavy .u-tntar layers, headed by cockerel Irom . indlnl , farm Ifi.N: .C, at $2.00 per setting? Satisfaction guarantee?!. Apply jo Lorena MOore, care F. L. Mttoff, Hurdle Mills.'N. C. ? " 3-7,"3tp .PJGS AND SHOATS FOR SALE? Biggest and best lot I have had this season, going" at farmers prices. Well known stock to the .country. More than 1000 satisfied customers. A If vo'u are going to T>uy sec us at once. Will Porbysh or' Sam Munday At N. & W Depot" RoxbQro - Hp OUR MOTTO:'QUALITY AND SER " vice. .Ven can get supplies and rey .pairs at the singer .Shop. Call_ tb see me. H. W. Boweri,. ' NO OTHER STORE IN ROXBORO 1 ,vsell'iv''''EyERFA3T'' fabrics. ,We are sole distributors in. RoNtfrro foi* Eferfast Suitings. GintcBamj, Lin en? and prints. An" Mic else in this couiily cialnjjng 10 have .Ei ix-. 1-i n thtv start-at Ih" plant bed. J. F. Whitfield!- Hurdfc Mills. N, C. NEW DRESSES*. ENSEM3LK ?' SUffB ! Coals Rnd Snort Suits <-oihing 111! ? dolly at Wilburn .V. ..'?.jittj'i'u-ld v ] BlttNO ITS your soiled clotblnr First Class dry., cleaners. . J.. E Ijitta Cv . . PEE" THE TWEED StftTflfl lit .'Wilburii? Ac satterftald with thf? | Wrap-A-jynmd Skirt $14.75 to $27.50. IfEADQt'ALTERS For Scw1?g chlne. parti, Qil. needles, belt.?, j . shuttle?:. A full line'carried at all times for all .nakes of wwine ma- | rhlnes. The -Nev^ells, Jrjtelors. Rox NEW DRESSES a'NTJ ?OSTS HAVE I been mining in every day at Harris | At BlHti&r-r . ' * OO To ?06h WOOPSf FOR GOOD I .Flour at right pMw. Everything to| f .t tot Inarr and beast.' ?' i . l'NES . R. A. SPENCER it SON. 1 Schedule H. K. Sander? V March 8tlt to 27a?burg. R. 1. O. C. FousHFe. Paynes Tavern community li>. afternoon. ?Tliursday, Mar. 15?Chas Tapp. Bar - ton's Mill section. Terracing work Friday. Mar. 16?G. C. itlrby at 9 A. M. Pruning demonstration L. ' T. Wai'siafT at P. M. cjpnvmrtration. C. E. Brooks at. 5 P. M. Pruning \york. Saturday, Mar, 17?Office day Boy?' and.airl?' Club pay 2 P. M . at I ..the 'court house. PAronts. invlifd. ; Monday. Mar. 19- Nw. O. " ,f.' Van | Hook," Hurdle Milts. Poultry c lil I - L ' ' Ing- (J^npastratlon ai 2? P. M.| ;;Tijosday,'. Mar. 20?Howard- Hester.| ?^?"Hester's -Store -romrriiirUt^^H ins work. - v.- w. n. .h ? . -ttnii. Terracing w&rk- I Xhurrday. Mor. i? -H, Ho?. P.osre B : ? Basljj* Forjt'Action,. aH diy ter-j K s raoipg. X? ?. '*? V -. I ?'Friday. Mar. 23?T. p\ Peatherstpnel ( Hyco Rjver sectisn,'Tprracin,; "ai: H da .'. ? ' I satu'jr- : Mar 24?Ofllrc work lp.l i 'iior.-.liic l;'-: -,o'' I o [' . provemert meeting at court hpej" I t Pi ? ; ! Mondavi Mat*. 26?S. T JDlckrns, ;Ter ? raeiria work. . ?'~-n. P outlined for u* all to tjo .in the liw few years.. Attend- .fhVsd tienxonstra ; tions and attend all .of the farm meetings -eheduled. This is the cnlv way we can meet iher largest number, pf people artd da Iho-.^rnatest' gnnri Demise Of Mr?. .Snow Ui. j -Mrs. Maegic" Show. aRe ^f). wife of W* R. Snow. of. Rqxboro. succurtbca to . an 'a ttack of pneumonia : 1.5 o'x-lock PjMda^ aiKhi Piinpr.spr vlces were' 'conducted"frooi the Mill .o'clock. Interment was. mad^.-ir^ the-Mill-Graek cemeteFy. Rev. ^N. ?'j Todd conducted the services. have you SEEN ^Jfc^lTBET^Vr uUTei* Harns": 1 FOR SALE OR RENT?ONE OOOD j . farm. 100 acres, good dwelling and I Rood outhouses, ? Larrti adapted to tobacco and all kinds of .grain ? rfhd urass. Located on East side of. Deep t?reek. p^rt of 6. .S. Moore place. 1 mile from .good road Tf)is is a de* sirabl^, farm and will make crood home for Industrious man. v * Als**- another- uraefflf 113 acres on West ?ic.le of peep Creek. /This is. afeo a. splendid TOrffi'. 'without dwell - in?, as dwelliiic was destroyed by. ftre. Has iiround 200.000 feet ah tjirii ber. which will furnish lumber ne cessary to build goodhcrme' This . land.adjpins tlrst Iracr mentioned. i epaTfcted' bv the creek. - ? If not ?-olcU.\^h11* rent to ^bod iVian. Applf" J x; T-Reade. Tin^berlakC N.'C.V Sout^ 1 3-7. 2tp IF YOU ARE PARTICULAR AROtJJ j the style you weat and not- indif ferrrjt lo quality, it wiH pay -ron Vo | ? . tr?^ Wltfh Wilbtirn Sitterfleld[. ? I IF YOU-HAV&rllipES BFFp'OAT tJf or liens -torin^ th?m to J. A Whitt South .Main Stre?t.. Ro^boro CLAYTON DRUO COMPANY. PRE itcriatlon?; a specialty. Depot Street. We deliver. % ^ A wftgon and' ti^aiTU >s-still the cheap est transportation for* Short . hwils-. If you heed a waaon- see the 8pach at R. A. ^PEJICER Si SON READV -MADE PLANT BED cUrni at Wllburn ,fi SatterfieM's - GLADIOLI Ijia BVT.B8 ' riMEKT - ?W>ard IJiener strain. 50 cents, it.*?. o,v ale at Ham. brick, Austin "and linens!" - They are so- moderinisfic in designs and colors.' ?Tlfey -fairty- sparkle with gayness and origih&lity. _ In.tric.ates weaves > and distinctive effects dominate. - > Irish dimitfes, printed organdies and dotted swiSs have tak?n to colored". grounds'- Jlnd there .are ?scores jnd scores, of new > li't-cU ^..:'thcs? risp, ? ooi iabTTcs. , Linens have.prim little, ilowv.-,'!eavi;s, uriiits and large-.floral designs.1 ? The season's' newest de . signs and ^colors ? are ; so .smarl??woh't you corttii. in and -j;e them'. For One,Week Only - ' March 5th to 10th These Special Prices On Onyx Poiritex Silk Stockings Regular For Style ' Price Onyx Point? " 155 Servfte-Sheer. Silk with cotton ^ Week t nly tops and feet r$1.50 541 Chiffon. Silk to the hem ? , - cotton fee? . . . > ?_ , . 51.65 1$ 9 707 Seryjce-Sheer. Silk to the hem ?cotton feet ?'. . . . $1.85 ?65 Service Weight. Silk tothe hem ? ?cotton feet . ... $1.95 750 Chiflon Silk troip t"P to toe $1.95 1,19 1.35 1.49 HARRIS & BURNS . "HCXBORO'SBEiT STORE " 1900. . . 1928 ? Satter-field Ins Agency ? j "Old and Tried" " | ? ? * ' * , ? Jf-T " This "Old and Tried"" Agency so|d.over !191 (Throe. Hundred ninety-one Thousand Dollar?) of Jefferson Stan dard I,if?-Insurance-irt.. 1927. Thin was theSjest Vea* of 27. . r ? The people' ItoNbor? .vicinity and I'erson Count> have stood loyally tfy and for this old agency for 27 years. Vo Avords of ours "are adequate ty> express our appreciation -of this loyalty; The Agency has increased its business-with uniform gain annually far 27 years. . AH kinds of insurance antn hand to' ho?v?~voh. Vou fret the best of any kind of insurance h