. LET US SUPPLY THE LUMBER FOR YOUR HOME * Otir yards are will stocked with the highest quality of the varitftis ^rades of lumber. \Vheri you lay out'your building plans let-us estimate on the lumber you art golng^o user You'll appreciate the service as^well as t-he-*TOOst reasonable-prices we quote. ~? . Roxboro t-Aimber C? ' "HOME OF QUALITY" LUMBE&* 1592. Hatcheries Say- ? "Feed'PURtNA rr W HEN the hatchery jnan sells you chicks. he wants them "to - live and - urow. He "reahzes the imponance ot^prope^ teeding. It is for this reason that 15^2 hatcheries recommend Purina. Poxrltry:; ?how^;. Poultry yard fapts show that more than 90% of che babv chicks fed Purina- Stattcna live afidrhrivti. We -fcave-jyst received a shipment of Purina Startena. Gome in and teil us how-many bags you'll need. Sergeant & w Wlayton Advance Program yom Thursday, Mar. 8 flo Wednesday? Mar. 14 THURSDAY, M ARf*S Jay' Ntnsoit offer? (The Event of* th*' ^awn) -"Tlwi Fashion F lirts?o." The Merriest of 1UI . Musjpal ^Revues With 15 People ' FRIDAY, MARCH 9th Jay 'Mason otters The Kvarni of the Reason > I "The Fashion Flirt? Co." American Mont Youthful Dandnfcl Oirls. rcrniri- change In' urograms. SATURDAY, MAR, 40 ), Jay^Mason offers' t (The Event .of thr Sen*on> "The Fashion Flirts Co." Mfttinee., Pictures Only. , Admissions 10-25,' Night Vayideville ? and Pictures. Men. ft Tubs. Mar. 1SM31 .Jacqueline Logan with Hobart Boswortfr in "THE BLOOD SHIP" The Season'* Greatest ttca Story Ro mnnrr and Humor. Wednesday, March M Jean Hej-shott ^vlth.Bclty CornpiMl In. . _i"Alias The Beacon" p, ,.,Un nrtuahl-j in ailmlcUin. ? TT-fjrnlQS-' Monimv lln-tdlkv. March 10-30th, John Ollbcrt ?nd ' rfreta (M?rbo Ut ? ">LOVE " Junior.: Class Gives _ Play at Bethel Hill The Junior class of Bethel Hill* High I School, stave a: play. One Minute Of Tw?We,' in the ' auditorium Friday I eVenlog. March 2. A large and' very appreciative audience seemed to . en- I toy ' ho performance. - Th<> following I student* took part in th'c play: Sam <;^rr, Julio: Fuller. Lueile Fuller. Frank Montague.. Lila Perkins. Solile I ? Perjclns, BeV'h' Wall?? v, ,OrOrge Walk- I :<\ M.\?no!u WVt>nn and MaXine Wrenn. . ; Nlr. Maun, Fontaine, of she Ifinh ?School faculty, and Bernlce Wilborne Krendored* some very plen?ant "string I music. ' '? The program was sornewhat marred ,bv poor lighting facilities .but the school nuthorit lc areJnstdfhiiK a new light, plant and hgtteric. now. We hope su':ir w ill not be the-ease again. ^Q. ?' , N. Ro^boro^B- Y- P II 'fhe following program Mil be given UL iiPrth Roxboro Baptlrt Church by iheji. Y". P'. V. on -.March nth: ' Urfpp_*Nh. 4 In charge. Introduc tion by group captain. Mr. I. T, DlcKerson. Devotional by Mr*. Nancy Yarboio,, ? 1st .topic: TVic KlHi! Mr UlflfV. BV Miss Myrtle Walker. md topic: When Work Is Wdrth while: by Mrs. Butler -y: -? | frq rnpn? F?ni rfnrom ourPon tlon, by "Mr. J. S. Beaver. j 4th topic'. Working Together" With itlm. by Miss Nellie Flynn. J Sth topio: Study Christ's Commis sion, J>v Mrs Eva Roberson W? Invite you to ft t lift A "*Aur <??. T" U. fAtli ncriSsy nwitruft! o'elorlr. 1 Ttlff J. 3. "Bcarrr. .Oar. Oe*i r fv, PrtwpecU are" i-bat woofiprioes w? *ry "Trom '*!) [o.TjT>tnflr* f-ootrdtWs sprlftfc'' where ?thK.'(iroduct 'has been THE COURIER Wmltlns & Bullocjc. EVjrythln? To Build frith ~ ? - - - *fr? Wt'div Jay. . : r; nTH ? Mr. J: rf. Whit t. who'.attended the meeting of the agencies of the .Mu. iual Benefit Life Insurance Co lb Newark. N.. J . n-lilimM JinmA dav night. Mr. Whitt was honored by being made a member of the .con vention on income insurance. i Mr S Arch Jones anfl Noell Jones spent the_ week end In Greensboro. JSirs. Jonu. who has bQen visiting Greensboro fot-several weeks returned : hpme with them Sunday afternoon. ? t.'i O?Q?o'" ' ? Mr. and Mrs. H. W. fpl&hee "Jof Norfolk.'" Mr. and Mfs. J.T. Hughes, of Greensboro, and Mr. W. H. Hughes ; of .Vfriglllna. were here Sunday attend ?Ing the funeral of Mr. E. B. Foushee. ?? O?O?O * q 1 Sergt. Leitfhton* of the U. S. Re -cj^uiting* stotion. in- Durh^ni spent -the past week" here. He has. returned -ta Durham but any one interested may see him in "Durham. ; . ? i o?-o?o Yesterday morning. thjvbab\'" of Mr. and Mrs. A. ,W. >KNeU. fell it)- the' .-fire "and. was slightly . burned. The in ? l^nt'/ls reported as, doing well, and] !W serious injury. Is. expected. I 0: Mintlfc.was , Operated "?V! ? ..-JjnpK.ii-in JjfchviJii .veh.-<rd~v for .appendicitis. lie .;-jail the opsra I tfen ? well acd 'is. doinjj i nltfely.' I ? .6' o' j . Miv at-.d M.rxl, ,). L. Atkin- and-, son I ?ij Durham. :y>[ !- clay hr-y? last -veek" visitint Mrs. Atkins' father. Mr; J. \V -.Youn?er ' * o?o?-o Mrs. 3., W. Jackson end daughters. MCS. H. "R._Satterfteld and Mrs. Mal colm" -ftfqorejftre' spenOias.Jfte we?|t in Durhanv ariff "High Point.; ' ' "'o-i-o-^o ?" M.s .' Margaret and Helen.- ivil ?Jierson. students In Lopisburg .College, .iBcat the w<>ek end? her? with their parents., 1 Dt> E.- J. Tucker attended the iiieeting of the State Democratic Exe cutive- Committee in Raleigh .yester Mlv and Mrs. W. S. Clary", Jr.. are ?spending several days In Greensboro. mmiIiu Mr. Clnry r lurantr. o? 'Mts, -K. ;t. WUburtV left. Sunday Uftj'moon for A?hevUlc . where she will -attend- the State meeting of the Womans Missionary Society. -Mis. Margaret OrltcW tfauRlirers-.. Margaret Hannah and Francis" ahd Mrs. S, H.'Jones' are visiting in DuTham ? . ' J ' .w - wr?v* U Mrs. Isum Chambers and little dauehterT-Lucile. of Bahama, spent last Wee^ liere with her sister. Mr', J- 'A Day'jtid her son,'- Mr. Leonard Chaijiliers.' " ~ I*" Mr: "and- Mrs. t'J ." t! ~*Hugh<?s 'Of 'Greensboro, spent several days here ' last week attending the funeral of j Mr. E. B. Foushee. O-r-O O _ Mrs. J. C. Stafford .and family and ; Mrs."Chubby Lewl$ of Petersburg. Va.. Yisited in the home of Mrs. J. W. Brooks last week. I - - J.? ... . J Mri.";Ji M.' Davi? left*- Saturday to spend some time in Greensboro with relatives. ? Mr. Gharlli Reams 'of State Cbl Jegc. Raleigh, spent the week end-at 1 hofnfe with his i>arents. ,. ,-o - Mr; and Mrs. Cu'rr Tiinberlake and i children spent tho week end hero WISH. Mr. and "Mrs. R. L. WHbiirn !\ir.i. W c.. Bullock and; children | spent the weefc .end with her nfbther. .Mrs. Nannie Mrtcire, at Warrenton. ? ". o?o?f> M1b? Minnie All??pd of N. C. C. W? | Qreensboffi,' spent the week-end her? ' with her parents ,. v s. 'o>?o?10 ^ M i?s Isabel deVtamlng, -who is | leaching this session, at LifRTBerton. ; fpent several days here last week. I o?<v?o " 1 Mr. and Mrs. R F Hedriek and children of .Salisbury ;pent the'week end here with Mrs. J.- W. Brocks. O?O?^0 < - .H. b. Cooley. Rrick.* and D? W. j Cdolry, ot High ^Point "spent Sunday | here wi'fch^ friertds. . ? * ? ? o?o;?o Mri W. T...stw,lfard?u.hn ie jniPtuc. I ed in the stock business here? left Monday *on a business' trip Soqth. , O "O Mr. and'Mrs. Jule "woody -^>f Lou4s-. i burg..N. O., spent lh?;'wi<ek end hef? guests of Mr, and Mrs. E. D. Cheek. O- O-?O ?Me Richard-Hullpck ijpent "fhe **ek end in Hlcliii'^ind, V#-. / O-?-O^~o * 1 Mis" Vivian Allfrood /?(- LiUUtindUa. 1 vpep* ??vpriO. Awn at-home lait tteefkr j ?r?^ - - -Qrr-O ' /.? . '"".L ( Mr Thomas- Morse of South riill spent ftuntlay here with friend? ? i . oi?o?o Mrs. L .XI Carlton and Mrs. T. WT f^Jrh ?jpcn^'atnrday in Durham , t Mis* FTorencc Coleman of Durham i-lS-USU]ng Ml? Ada__l)gvls. f .. . ' o?o?o - ~" Miss A rta Hm ii nf rinrhatYi jc "pf rn1 i lan ihe ?*elr Bn*. with her parent* J ADVERTISE IN THF roi'RlCR* The Parent-Teachers association"-of I Roxbbro held its regular monihiy meeting on Feb. 38th. After an en joyable ^Jrosrajy had been carned'gut, i the association. held its .regular bust- ' ness meeting in which many mattersj of importance ?ere discussed.- The 1 Ways and means committer reported that 915.79 had been realized as re- I suit of the, ijecent candy and pie. sale. | Miss Anders, leader of the girl scout* .re,. rold in a very interesting man ner of the progress, her troop, of rcouts had - been making. As was formeny_atmounced the scouts have pcssed iriix tenderfoot test, and (Tre working towards the goal o? the sec- j ond degree. A commlttce was appointed io can- ' yas t he-town in interest tit" organiza-'| tiqn. of another* 4roop of the young[ girls from 10 to 12 j;ears of age. The secretary was authorized to , ?Ive the civic elub -?29 as a rtontalon to the fund for beautifying the high I school grounds. Milh. the announce-' _n)ent that ttje association would "hoi:! . lis next meeting-the-last Tuesday inl 'March, the pro-ram -vas"brou?i)> ? ? 0.close.,i . I{". . ,~f ?? ' A tfiost dellgbth;! gieetine the ? '.''or:; ? ? .-,rc piub **. I; hfld- on FrWajr.'of'.eriioon .wlth Mi.,.' L. C. Bradsher ; t her .attractive I | country home. tables were plac-l , ?! in the livintV r.nd .-tiling robmc Sar' I the gome- or Bo.-r.in .'Rook. .. i>t'vi"faT ? :'rd rr.-. ? . _ ? i the guests. Tlie >r^hor gues. _ afternooh was Mr.s. 'j, L. AtkinV ! Durhani_vslster .of Mrs. BradshfcrAt | the- eto?o*K)f the afternoon the host 11 .ess. assisted by" her sister. Miss D6ro j thy Younger served a delicious salad I Course and. c?ffee. .. A lovely-B?rtv.w^ in Saturday , attjrnon when *ilrs. f. p. Pradsher I cnterjained ,. in iionrir of Mrs. "J. L? J.Atkih? of Durhftpi and \hv. Moore of ^rashington. D. Q,\-The/gi(;,s<? were wecomecj by -the charming hostess." Brjdee was played aj three- tables t The living roomi _was very attractive f tfith . bright -spring {foyers. . A delec ) table alad Course. caff e<3'and peach short cake was served, by Miss Data. ?111.. VnTinrnrr r)l(, flf1stPss, Bi.ri, score*prize was won by Mrs. Atkins, a beautiful pair of hose and a daUit" I handkerchief went to Mrs. Locket. ; Younger a? low. prizj. r -T-?On Wednfcsrtnv evening. February i. v ! | 'ji .rTvi'lvn W.-Newman delightfully entertained at the_ home of the latter honoring" Mrs. Kd"wm Featherstone, a?bride?oL , the week. . ? i j The .guests were- greeted -atf 4he | rtrmr hy ?Moore and" ushered^ In the living room. . The party was a kitchen 'shower came as a sur prise to the bride Each Ijjjest brought I i recipe on. "How to Manage ? Hus band." This part of .the program'was presented .as an added attraction to Start the couple on a happy road. In the midst of much merriment three little maids, .nieces of the bride and groom.-came in pulling a wagon loaded -with things for the kitchen. J Tempting* refreshments consisting 1 of ice efeam. ckke and candy were rerved by the hostess, which brought ; he unique and delightful party to close/ Mr. Davi.d Chandler Dieft Suddenly Sunday J... Af^ei* arising' Sunday momtng and partaking of his breakfast a;, had lieen his Sunday morning custom for . the past GO years, David Chandler. 66. 1 Person pqunty.:fgrfner, returned to his bed. and "when members of. thri ? fam ; fly became jjarmqd and went Into hi* room at it o'eloeit, he was dead. Mr. Chandler had, been inl <i>od health for many years: and (Wording I to h L', relatives, seemed to be enJoyr lng^hls. fisuai health yesterday mom in*." When he returned to hU room rhoryy ^fter breakfast. they thought nothing ;of it for he usually retired again Sunday -a tier hi? morning j meal.. No reison entild lie asisgnnd for his j death e-tcept an'acute heart attack "?he defeased t? survived by his j widow and six married c hildren. In addition he leaves io^jr iTr-il^irr-'. John Chandler- ot Rougemont: Jesse Chandler of Morlah: Buck Beavers. -land l<-e Hfw'ver?- l?,ih ,.i .. .. his half b(othem.' Brooklyn Honor Holl Tlrst Kra<?^-J?erf flhrioek. Fdwfu-d : Kflna Blalock. i 8econct grade' WJllle Louis clavton. ? TLTIIIIUH' <lniln.y I rhlul h rade?James AvereUe. Wiley .Tvtooney. Eleanor CUyton. Horace ,extern, Mae LUIle Moonev. I Po?rth irrad? Naomi ISnr,!. APFfr Ocntry. f PWth grsde Jack Clavton- Silas , Averette. . sixth grade J.oyfti' Clayton. Oarette" i Hick*. . ... Bhlrtey Mooney. , "erfeer attendance Naomi i.>anlci l^rtroia shield' ?^ -O ? .r rw.. . .. 'I L Catawba County are PHnTTtig sweet clover -far tit* tot. ^time iw# ywr. . .. r.*. -- Yin? mi murnu If you want the. -tyle and snap und'don't want to murder ,"v.>llr nickel hook., ii will pay ' you to look over, the' "cabinets of snappy suits for Spring. Net a bad suit we can hand - you at? $19.75 And if-jvru don't mind placing $25.00 or $35.00, we can send you away smiling. Don't forget, that, medium j crioed tailoring line at->? - $25.00 and $35.00 A saving of $5.00 to oyer the average line. ? -- -i . .Jin All Wool Line. Tailored To Measure And Guaranteed to'Fit It Will Pay You To Trade With Us?Try It W ILBl RN & S AT TER FI EL D ?I. -FAMILY JOIN "THE R ANKS "Maxwell- House' Coffee,^"per pound (iolden Crown Syrup, per gallon Carnntion Milk. 3 cans for Kellers Corn Flakes. 3 packages for ? Sugar, per 100 pounds . 7~" Gilt Edge laying MasJi. pm 100 jiouinl fiajT Gilt Edge Scratch Feed, per 100'pound baij Fresh Green Cahbage. Turnips, Salad; Mustard. , Lettuce and Tomatoes. ^ Fish Every .Thursday Everting. :?... .... Pay Cash -Cash Pays Aubrey Long iV Co. ?Phone 113 Buy Your Brick. Lime. Cement, Plastei^' I-aths. Galvanized Roofing," Roll Roofing. Slate Surfaced Rooling. Galvan . V iied Shingles, Tin Shingles, Birds Twin 'Shingles. Birds. Arf Blend Shingles. Shingle Design Roofing, Pine Shin-, gles. Ridge Roll. Valley, RougTi and Dressed Lumber.. Flooring. Veiling, Sid ing, ..Windows. Doors, Blinds. Window Frames. Door Framps. .Mill Work-. Mouldings. Screen; Dtfo'rs. Screen Windows, Screen Wire. BuiltFets,, Hardware'. Locks, Hinges, Nails, Paints, Vrtrnislies. Oil.! Stain,' Lead^ Colors.. Mantel*. Columns. Rail. Grates. THe. Etc. . - *; '? V'i LOWEST i ffTCES FROM Watkins & Bollock - ' "EVERYTHING .TO HI 1LD WITH"'/ i Mrs. Hubert Long Has Surprise Birthday Dinner i, ?. !;irg!? ?.ufprl.se?.blrth i (lov dinner (liven EtJiikTov ?to Mrs. I I Libert Lonji of Prospect Hill by her mother, -istrn.- brothers and friend?,' Her blrtbd&y was the Jfitli of .Feb ruary. but for the convenience -Of ?ch famllytbey gaw-htr the dinner on .Sunday. ' This belns her 8Ui bltUleJ dav. she-was 36 years old. The one*; tnal went carried a lunch whlrJT ???( sprfad' on a Ion* table in the" yard; that was decorated with the cake jgEffiir nature nrtrr this bin dfnner the hostess' frtends ?presented her-"Srtth many bebftutlful Snd, .useful present* The mir? present at Ulls Itttfciier '0 one? n res Mr". ? TT Whitflr?. Ttil Jasper Whitfield. "Mr and Mm Prank Whitfield and - son. Mrs. May Whitfield. Mrs. Flossie yVhlt Held. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Button and family DTn. Rgttte itortmr Str and' Havl* J?n<? and daughter. and Mr. Daniel* Ion?, aH of Bushy For?; j Mr, and Mrs. Hlldred Webster" and : lunrtly -if riiifHawil Me? field And. son ot Roxboro, .Mr.- and' Mrs Aiviu Lop? ajld fagUly ot ?- . fa , bfcne; Mr. and Mrs. Jess rtroota and. family. Mr. and Mrs Bailie Satter Mtd *nd family, Mc and "Mrs. Do rick. ?Satt-crftald* and frfmlly. Mr. and Mrs. Willi* Morflran. I?Tri? Dorah Horton and family, Mr's. .Ode II Brooks and^ family. Mr "Heftdrick, Mr.' Mabo., Mr. Jpyhs. Mr. and "Mrs Brml Warren rind_ ?on ijntf' Mr agd Mrs Hubert Lon?t i and family-all of faospeot^Hill.^-W. WANTED ? Hen. Roosters & Broilers Will Itiat & Western D?pot. Roxboro, N./C. Tues day. March I 3th. Highest rash "priees paid for thisJPoultrv H. K. Geyer, Shipper For further lnt?in?aUon write Halifax Hatchery & Produce Co.' *s ]South Boston, 'Vh. ? a

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