W. F, WEST President J EDDIE-^HTIA .... .?'.Vice president.] Win. E. CZARNTTT^CI. Scout^ptecutivc "?^-SCOUTING" .3* ' "There-is a I .aw all other law* behind It is the nobl? instinct. fo the mind To do the thing that's right because It* right. As naturally as all things seek. the ? ' r To help this Instinct grow to/be the . rule ? " -Whereby the Scout his life entire will f rule. IS me great purpose of the Scouting plan: ? .' * it's aim. each Scoyt" - an ' honorable '"an. . _ . . Go^d ?cout I>aves Towhf We are ii)deed M>rv sorry that , one of'the most' iatereltad Scouts in Rox fcoro has had to leave. us due " to the 'fact that that his' parent?-have, moved a??y.v When . Mr. and H&ts. E. C. N Byrd K'ft .here ot eourse E. C. Jr.; . p-eroihnanted- them and Tr'bop No. 4 .lost not uiily its serjbo but- a 'good ?Scdut.,... fn" tlir. shori* linio that-E. C. was ??] inwnher nf this irpriri he hqwed 0ie proper spirit, and was - aluravs y.:p;-e. jiared" to do his "Good tiirtv' ln-tRC" proper way. He showed that he would "have attained fhe liigh ranks of Scoqtin'g as he i had all the essentials of .? gentleman'and possessed' the. qualities that, so with this disttftctigri. "We are^hoping that lip will transfer to a Rood troop of-Scouts wherever ' he may so and 'continue in this great program for hpj-s tn building "chafac itT and training for citizenship. * SoOfested Program Troop Meetings Given here belpw is 'a suggested program for Scoutmasters tb~use at theli[ weekly meetings yhile having to liold such Indoors: /5:30 prti.. First period. Twenty tjiiix -TTtes only; - -Period- e! ir.aetivitv AssefRbly. Bugle. Whistle or Bell. Be^in pfo'mptly. * ? 1'HJ en 11 see IIS.- AND SEE better q?H ROSENSTEl Nf.SON Eye* Scientifically Examined 207 Wttl Main- 'street , Opposite "fostofllce " ' Professional' Cards 1 Dr. J. D BRADSHER 1 ?enlist Qilce -over Wiburn <fe Saftcrfleld's | ? Store Butding J. J. WOODY "Licensed Embalnjer Roxtinrb. N. C." DR. Er ]r TUCKER Dentist Office. in. Hotel Junes . DR. J. H..HUGHES' DrnlKt ? "pfllrr in Hotel 4Jonr \ nextdoor fo Dr. rfuckefs Offlcc ; DR. O. o. DAVIS Veterinarian Otters hi# service to RoXboro and syrrounHinu: community , Phtwie fl7. * ? R. B. DAWES ' ? Atlnrnfv-at-I.aw Office icith 17. M. rarlton Roxbofo. N. C. N. LUNSEORD OfBrr ovj^-Oarrm's Strtre . Roxboro, N. 6. DR. G. C. DICKERS IVntht office in Wllbum :mA Haltcrfleld Store Building on Main Street, uj - tBlrn; corner room? -r RORFRT P BURNS Attorney-* t-law Ofllc* *lix Ol^ Post .Office Jiiiildtapr DR. B. B. BLALOCK -TTptoJmTrRT South Boston. V?. P Rtu Fxemtnrd *nd rIiuim-i fitted h>* up-to-date scientific 'iSictfcods ? W. T. BUCHANAN . Karreyor Rrtxboro, N. .C , Route 6 - Inspection by commissioned officer or troop commute? < periodically i. Flag Ceremony: Raising al coIots SfOut salute, pledge <bf allegiance, or. " ?f Scoutmasters iTalk: Five minutes on the oath or laws' _Pick out one ?tU .Ulu urivr il }vv min utes or more, snafipy. frank and di rect. Don't preach." Scribes. Report: " Minutes of' last ?netting. .Optional!. *? Reception ol new members- and Ewerln?, them In. i . Awarding of honors. 'Occasional), i" 7:50 pjH. Second perlpd. ? Twenty, minutes: Period ot activtty. parchingfir staff dril). or setting.up exercises, or signal drill, or Scouts pace. : Give eVery Scout a Chance to drill and command his troop. Devel op leaders. , _ 8:10 pan. . Third period. ? Twenty minutes. Period -of inactivity.. Socrut i School: Instniction r.by 'pst'Ails' o* group*. An inspector tor each, select ed at the previous meeting. Or Expert instructor for the troop in birds, astroraony. or map making. U Or PatrqJ; meetings in charge ot the , patrol, leader. Practice Scolding,. De inojistriUois, . 8.30 p.nv PoUt^h period.. Twenty minutes. Period- of .activity. . Scout games: Oanie's in charge of soine Scout previously &ppoint<;d. Or.. P lory, Teiring'." A ' Scoutmasters big opportunity-:- T4ck ?4ut good stor '1CS - f * ? 8:50 km. Fifth, period: Tyi min utes Closing ejcercisesfl " Cheers. Veils.' Announcements, f lag (Ceremony, -^cout- Oath ntwj laws. Tprcs. Great Scoutmasters ^Bened lotion. ? v - . Training School. Started st Mon^Q!.- Feb,.,27th,. a g renlp o? _Ui(-^cqijt leaders ?ot together^ ;UMl TtaVfed a Scout . I^eaders .Trainftig School for the purpdse of getting bet ter acquainted with thP~ work of the Boy. Struts of America. -At this'I course* wtty be. the Scoutmasters and j the ComDTHVejjfrn of the Council and any others who, may be interested in this movement. ? > Monday i\igiat, March^J5th. saw the first session ? &% under 'way and be? fore It 1s- ofer the men will be. going on hikes and doing the things tha' . t be Boy Scouts dothenteelves. WithV Troop No. L On?, cirour "most enjoyable meetings j of- t'he .year was. held Wednesday night on the Church lawn at Brooks dale. The attendance was exceeding ly good. . Assembly was an\i I we opened", the. meeting bv^^tU 1 - the Scouts and the Scoutmaster repspxing ! the Lords prayer. r After the business session wife held [ tH? roll was called and dues collected. 1 Only one Stout was absent* and we 1 Tiad Another candidate fdf admittance. t$>?~ being Hassle Slan field. ? He- was u admitted as*a member nf Troop No^; f - -Brooksdarle. We decided to piay same of baseball ^ith Troop 4,-next Saturday : afternoon at 2:30* pin. v ^ After playing a few Scput g^mes ! we .had;-settjng-up exercises and prac I ticed tracking and ScoTfT^-jjace. We all ran about a half mile'down the road and back. . When we arrived at the Church we 'were disimssejd by f the Grfcat Scoutmasters Benediction. __pcnnis s&tnflelf).' Scribe.. Tr o p No. 3 "lil e t l a s t T liursdav .nlchr at- 7 o'clock. 0in- meeting was ? 1n; .charge of Scout S^xecutive. C7.amir7.kV who< came down: .l6. be with- us. Wo opened with, the Scouts .scandjng ahd hnU relating ;hn T.nrd*. Praver. fol lowed "by the -Scout .Oarh.? The roll ANNOUNCING : " 1 J , A CnVcmgp. In Schedule - Effective;"Sunday, "March l.~ trains" Xb. 33 and 'Mi will be changed as follows: Train No. 35 passes Ron boi*o for 'Durham at 5:32 p.m., instead of 7:17 p.m.. and Train No., 3(5; passes Roxboro enroute" to Lynchburg at 12.22 p.m.. instead of 9:52 a.m. V NORFOLK & WESTERN RAILWAY M O T T T T". Rlrkt chcr's ? Chstoria iii es p?'cml?y jprcpafffif'to lievc Infants, in arms and; 'pjHJi'cn" isft .ages: of.^Co?i?iipat5c)n, .FLitu ' n^v, Wind ' ? !ic hnrl .frt^rrfVea; allaying" TV vcr: r.n"o-; tflt-iKropt, 1, i'V j e tht; hud 1',. 1 aiiii .the ' bWmt&tion of 1- healthy. a?s?t natur.il .'Icep.-- V Special iJotfinninR March 1st jjiui L&sti'nR Until MarcR 15th?. ON ALL & CYLINDER CARS? , ? '*? . Regluar Price on arinffinR valves, cleaning carbon and Adjusting Ignition . _ ^.$I0.S0 Drain and Refill t*'nnlt ('one with Oil ?? ?_ j; ,?^.00 Tighten lTp Par all over . 1.50 TOTAL ??1 $14.00 SPECIAL PRICE j $10.00 .ON ALL 4 CYLINDER CARS ? "ffagiilnr. I'rifff for above. .? iM.Qfl ' ftPBCIAL PRICE --w 5.00 FORD CARS^S Jfrgular Price for above t .. ?.$5.0# sfUl'iAi. pmcn ??,?.60 Have your car put in ?hape Coi* Spring im?. wWle+W*? ? price is on?15 davs ONLY. Hi MOTOR CO. ?Roxboro North Carolina waa called *nd dues collected. There ?are .ten on the roll now-and when we haft finished catling this we found '.hit therfc were four Ytjtait. Roscoe * Oentry joined the Troop and we are' glad Td adj him as one* of us. ? 1 IL" U-'J ^ J T "V "1T and cuf troop are going-yg a hike : Saturday. - ~ After we had finished both old and ! new .tyisitfess discussions *e .had a j tall^-Jfrom Mr. Czarnitzki. whp .told ! us atyout the comina-* ?umnfer ramp ?nd how and what to ity so~That \*'c ; may .aitend VVe^aee all going I tQ try jK,go as there seemr' to be ?somptrtSh? ^reat in stort for the !*Scouts whado govt** camp. , Alter playinc-a lew Scout fames ?e , ?ckaed Uie meetjp*_w1ti) tbe Cireift Scoutmajters HeaetHctlop. Robert Oliver. Scrib ? - m -The Cff?t ScbatnaHfrt Beacdictlon And- now may the Great Scoutmas ter "i ali ?* Ul with \'f "''l. we meet again. ?Fatter, mother'* and little_JTommy T^ere in, the street ^carf Tommy~liatrr securest .seats' but poor father had ta \ stand. * > Mother: -Tommy, doesn't U pain you to _*your' father reaching * for i a strap?** . Tommy: "Only at hom?.mother.?? Arab* believe that the ?tork h? ;he bird is entirely too gefterous. DR. E. C. BROWN Chiropractic Physician /* Hour? 9-12 a.m. *2-4, '& 7-8 p.m. Phones: Residence L-5->2-2-t , " Office, I>-4-3-S-l -Over Rogers Drug Store Durham. N. C. Notice! NEXT WEEK WE WILL HAVE IN A SHIPMENT OF FORD AMMONIA SULPHATE. WE WILL V* ONLY HAVE .A LIMITED AMOUNT, SO COME EARLY AND GET YOUR SUPPLY. Notice! If i WE HAVE INSTALLED A GLASS GRINDING MACHINE AND ARE PREPARED TO CUT AND FIT DOOR AND WINDSHIELD GLASS FOR^NY MAKE CAR. WHEN YOU NEED A GLASS OTA^Y KIND, CALL ON UST .'*/ . .. The Home Of Real Ford Service > ? PHONF, ? -- NO. 77 ROXBORO ' NORTH CAROLINA Buyer's Guide' and Business Directory You Can Buy It In Roxboro -Give The Home Merchants First Chance? Appears Here.- Whatever you need, look it up Ur.xt in The Koxboro Courier Business Directory. If it .i? not here, we will tell where you run (jet it. J. Y. BLANK'S GROCER Success "BLANKS :& MORRIS JQonIt_>ypriy about what youl . phali eat-?Phone 25 ?r-?,? WafkinS & Bullock Every tli ing.. To Build With Tf yafl'neid turoher ? !M is your number Roxboro Lumber Co. , BUY- IT FROM US AJtD BANK THE DIFFERENCE "Homf" of Quality Lumber" Davis Drug Company Prescriptions a Specialty THE" REX ALT, STORE Agency Whitman'* OandiPs *nrl Eastman Kodaks j- ' ?*' " . ' ' & . ' firorgp W Knnr BUILDER - CONTRACTOR "No' J/>b Too Big? \ None Too Small" Carolina Po\# & ?Light Co. Hnmp-Mlf Made Easier Ask the liady who has an Electric Range ? ??* 'The Sank of ihe Pcoplcr" Safe And* Conservative Roxbcfro-Laundry ?L?t UhTJo Your Dirtv Work \V? Are Well Equipped 'Dry ( leaning Pressing Phone -1.77 '? ? >? ? ' : '? MOORE'S MARKET Offering Choicest Cutu in -Meats, Mechanical Refrigej ation For Sour 1'rotect mn ' S'. & J. Goodfrienjd VOI R MONEY W1LL.QO VntTIJKR HERE Clothing, 'i Shoes, Hat*.' Dry-i.tO'uis ahd "Motion? J. T, BRADSHER PlumSiirg $ Heatifig: OFFICE ON" REAMS AVEVliE rilONE tl WALKER & LONG' Office ;Hotel Jones porrior Hom*~of 'Itoxboro S. & L." HARRIS & BURNS BARGAINS Everything from Heatf 'to 'Foot* f6r MEN. WOMEN.) AKfM^ULOBEN _ .4 Roxb'oro's Best Store CITY ELECTRIC CO. .Roxboro, N. C. - Electocal' j/Cohtractor?. Wbece Quality j Roxboro Cotton Mills T.AITJIA COTTON MILLS t AN4WVHHT 4 OTTON? i MILLS - 1 COTTON ."YARNS - ' S&ttetfielH Ins. Agency* ' Yoci Comtet FarteU The Fa l'ure But You ("An Provide r^r For ft ~r 'Old ai\d Tried" f Growell Auto -Co. HOME OF. ??.. Lincoln* FORD Fordsojjs Wilburn & Satterfield It Will Pav You Ti> TraiTe ?? ' With Us?Try It Hoxboro's Depejjdnhl^ Store Jackson MoWr'Co. When yon . wanT* a real Automobile Buv a CRYSLER * - When In Trouble ? Phone' For lack T. W. Pais & Son " furnitijre We can furnish your home from Parlor to the Kitchen Aubrey Long & Co. "Everything For The Table " Pity Cash ('ash Pa>*.- i, ' Com m ww S tre ft. Photic 10"? Sergeant & Clayton '?'The St^-Kl.ean Store" Phone us your "order* ?_ We Deliver i'rorrrptly ?? ? First National Bank Til K FRIENDLY BANK ' Under Government Supervision Cantor's Dept. St0fe ' Our Motto;' "Bettef (Joods or -L<ww Money" _ n (!s For RarirainA 7 Morris Telephone Co. I-oca I and" Iamwt Dintanje rton't -wait-to write. Telephone

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