Mosaic Disease Causes ... He^vy. Tobacco Losses Raleigh, N. C.. March 'Tptoacco mosaic is-, rapidly becoming' ode1 of . inc rpost serious oi tne -aliases in fecting .this" crop* in Norfh Carolina and last year, the grower? lo^t about two million dollars from its ravages alone. ?/ - "At one time, tobacco mosgic_ was regarded as of consequence," says d.-O'.'Lehmkn. plant dfeeiyse in vestigator at State College. "But ofrnftjHteng 'and Usts - that we have made in f ecent" years " I * am con vinced that this disease causes 'a heavier "money loss than all the other diseases put together. The loss : for "the ?ta?e* a whole i? porbably not less than two percent. J Tftls mearts* t hat the growers* iast' year lost i\ot lev- than- two million dollars from'this one rrouble: J ? There , We two' types of the cfrseas?. ?These > are ? t*ie' severe mosaic" .and ! tile' mild irtosair\fortunately?i'her? ;.;i- j i 11 le' of thfy.'il: ^ now found m'" North Carolina i*>r: Lehman ? i1??-?;. j South Now Leads ~ In Cotton Mills ' Atlanta, cia.. Mb.' - 25 ?That (tel South rrow Jeads all other poyts-;;-6f * the United ^fates' in cotton mrtnufac . toring caj&cjtv is fought out in'thcM lirjB t.'dit!<>n M ?-^'lULln in Hailwftv ; 'System*; Textile. Directory, iast issued As.of '.January 1'; 1928. there were j in southern mills a ? town* of' 18.399 832 | iV of. *{ho United1,: Sjatet yejjr. . ''ami ? jiithern. mills, with- 13599,832 . tJincHt > in -plac: ; vptfatedr J T.fifis.i 1^.7.75n .spindie-h0yi> ?tyhile . tm&s m ail' 'other tat- ? witl: 3p.094^l64 spindles in {jlae/-. opefatPd ; ^0.5140.348,84^ rrpf ^ ? , , , . 63 per cent of the total -spirtdle-hours of the year. y Cotton 'mills at .poliitir^erved by the southern Railway now contain 266,433 looms.- There ate also at these points woolen and Worsted mills containing 4.'3.VL'4 .spindles ana- - uiW looms: MiH mills cbntainin'g 41.200 spindles and 2.219 looms; knitting miili containing 54.849- knitting machines ;a*id braider ' mill' efmzstwAs: . 3320 braiders. Mills under construction at tlUT -end of the' ? year will,, when " completed.; contain >13.000 spindles," _5fi2 looms- and 20Q, : knitting tnaohlnes. ' I The first tjnlt of a ^large rayon manufacturing 'plantywas placed In operation' duflng the year'"at Eliza bethton, Tenn' An additional unit of i the same plant and two units of an tion at. the same plaice." Another ' large rayon manufacturlil gpl^nt?cr undor construction at Hurling??). North Carolina. ? The'Dijpctory lists all of the tex tile manufacturing plants at points sej^ed by Ui? Southern, giving the equipment kind^of power used.' and character of yoods* uYnnuIk^ctured- An interesting fe52Sfe is a map. showing the geographical location of the tex iiXulants fn this terirtory. together withSije electric power lines apd coal fields, bringing out the facts that electric power is available in prac tically- every l&ullty and that coal is accessible to all pa^ts of the territory. ? : ?1 :? Sale Of ?>and Under.: a*nfl by virtue of a judgment and decree of the. Sijflgrior c'oitrt'OC, .PeTson County*rendered-"in that eer ?t_ain action" pending-Hi said court, en titled - Atlantic Joint Stock Land Hank - oi ' RSlelgli. ? a Cceporatfon. ?> vs. O, D. Bailey and others, the under signed, .having been thereby commis sioned, authorized, empowered and 'directed ?d- to do, will otW, Monday. March 12 - IS28. at twelvejo'clofk. lioojv .at .1 lit court'. house door ..m ? RffltWro. N, C, '.%.*! public tjttf high-' i-.-r -htHctPV for'-cash,- j.^p ^following <{e ?"ihrri fl-.-irt *nr nayeel nt lami lyf" ing and'being 1 *">>-"?-' Ta"j"rn" Person County, Carolina, to-' -wit: Adjoining -lulu! of R. I>. Bailey on the NortRv-T;iitd of O. A. Bailey esrare-oji tli'e'east, land of Miss Adcjie.. Maiv Merrift on the'south alid land of Dr. j;.H. Merritt-oh. the :we?t. and ? more, particularly described as fol i lows; 4. Beginning at pointers in a gully or deep ravine.-e. A. Bailer's jgrner. tlieuce south 45 "degree* west"26 plains' "66 links to a >take and pointer?. Q. .4.. I II j 111 v 1 1 ' ?7 r'r grees 30 minutes west 27 chalns oind S? link? to-a stake .in the rpad. Dr. ' WUllam''Merriii's comer, pience -ftorth four . degrees thirty minutes' east forty-three chains Vnd_ fifty links to ! fu rock pile and" blazed pointers lit said Merrltt's line. R. D. galley's cor ner. thence eSst, 26 chains and'29 links to pointers In a branch west of a gate, thence down Said bcarnch as It meanders to the beginning, contain ing 201.7 acres. ? - - - This February 19. 1928. Trusteed Resale of Land ! By reason of an increased bid I will, I i as Trustee.'undep. thaV deed o| trust I execute^ >to me en Aprtt' 27th. 1909."j Sandy Wade and wife, recorded j ?In Hnnk Iff; page 29? .'Register's Office ! of Person County sell on Monday. ?March -nth. 1928. at twelve, o'clock noon, at the Court-house door. Rox J boro, N. C.,- to the highest bidder at I public auction for cash the ".follow ing described real' testate. to-witV ' Th,at tract of land lying in Woods 1 dale .Township, "said County, bounded j on the North by the lands of John W. Clayton:'on the feast by the lands of 1 John W. Clayton: on the South by ! L. C. Pixley and on the West by l John. W. Clayton?* containing four | ' acres more or less, and being lands 1 ?jronveyed by John W, Clavtog and; \vff? to Sandy Wade, Bidding .at this sale will b#gin awi S49S6.. J. . - . This February 21sj, 1925. ? tt'r M.Carlton, ? Trustee, i Sale Of Laiid [ Under and by- vltru'e' 'o! .t-he ?powc.-s ' ccntafafed .in; thsf't-: cSrtairi deed 'pt ttiist executed by William M. Faulk-; TSer eh "January 1923. and regissteced I in the ollice ot Register of "Deeds of : Person County in B06S 4. page '566,^ default 'liaving been".'made in payr.'f msnt of thf. 'band sefcured* . therfby! ? JBndV the holder of ?aid bond haying ; requested a:-sale of. said : land, the ] undrw?giwd ? will on j This is Why They Use It .. Year After Year! S Because it-malTes money. ?op..theiii. The uipe _ ? 7 ' riengi* and tare-that koos intft every bag makes ' ROBERTSON'S a producer of .quality props. "M Quality chjps" mea'n.: more' ir>of*y for the fanner. T-hntV whv s.. many in -Vir-" ginia and North Carolina are Changing over to Rt ll:r-: tt.TRON'S fiiw .fttmKftTSQX'S "m-oven." "Fertilizers :j;trial this spring and see what they (?au^do.for yon. ? For ipformation al>?ut ROB ERTSON'S ''Crop producers," *ee oUr local dealer or write via dfreestr- ?{ u<)ju;ut?on an;*iH:,Ur coki? "/Vw/uwrs of Crop- Producers" xmmi.K. vm<;ima PEEasing used cars v.... <111 n . Ma tit t hp pnrnrtt* in ime ?t imr hrigfrtftnori .up ;infl tightened up l .-UC!) CARS arfd Hfc prffliid of vour buy. V? , We >{ive VAM E. ~ easy! TEiOLS. Come in. ~~~? ;" STjEW ART CHEVROLET CUT CUtVHlIl.t,'! TAM A TtlUflMf) ho*boro. UtX MONDAY. MARCH 26. 1928. ?at 12.o'clock. Doon.' at? Ule tourt' hoilic door'in Roxboro. "North, Carolina, sell .at public sale to the highest .bidder Tor bash the following tract or parcel of-land. to-wit: tr;.P' l.,r.ri" ' .... ...Mill ? hatn ?Tottnsffcp. Person County. North Carolina, and bounded on the north by Scott & Beaufort, on the east by Belle Covington, on the south by MISs Lula Oliver, and on the -weifcby Pres j ton, Beaufort, containing i,*?> forty I six' acrts more or less; 1 This February 24, 1928. I ?V -i . T. C. Brooks. Trustee. !* Notice L On Monday. Mara* i2tti. 1928. Mrs. susle Gentry. Executrix of J. C. Oen try. recently dejeasSd, and T. . C Broofcs. .JWSienfeT of a mortgage. exe cuted to said J. C. Ge'ritry by C. A. Gentry -and wife Hattle.' recorded In Pefscyi County tB Book 2 at li&ge 4+. wilt^OfTer forifirfc at Court door in Roxboro. 12 o'clock noon. - the trait of land described in sjald rnortgage, lying in AUensvllle Toinshlp. N. C. adjoining the lands ot .John L. Gen try. heirs of Dr. Wm. Werrttt; -R. Q; Slaughter. J. L. Gentry' and perhaps' others. Containing 40 acres more or les4,j- ' ; . Mrs._ Susie OM&jr. E*rcutqr. T. C. Brooki: Assignee and'At'.t " An Arkansas croguet player had his skull fractured In a game. So*me thtng must .be ddhe to ciirh ih... .prt< | In some localities both toms and "corn" .appear to hatfe gained quite a foothold. Harry Bush. 104 years old. was lined 1? 1,.r rtriVmi> Will, "boys will be boys. Polit?BAYER ASPIRIN." and. INSIST! .?Prrtv-.^J prP?.-rihiTl by physicians fof Gold:.'" . Headache ?v Lumbago Pain Neuralgia. ""Trtothjche"" Rheumatism T>OE5 NOT AFFECT THE HEART Accept - rnHv ? ???aviT' P,UH*ge ...u:^u 4;r.v>?;Anc . which contains, proven directions* Hand? "Baypr- ibox^s 'f 12 tablipt* w .-Also ;!? ami 100?rPrwerist?.: a t&e - trade xa$x% 'vt .of ft'or.8f*l&ViCMlUl m- ? ? ' ' ' ? - - ~ *~v'- -?. Performance that is.thrilling thousands of new owners eyery day The COACH 585, TbgToarlnt Tit*Inptrtel c Undau ? * ? / 1J 495 tliJ? the lr.ldS> Idrjicxi builder ot automobiles. T( you have nor yit driven the nev^ Chev rolet yon cannot im agine what thrill! nji' performancccan he proT-icled in low rriccrt avtomobile. Numerous now etigi neering feature? !nclui|ingalloy> "invnr?trut"?on?t4nt dear ance piston? and mushroom type lappetrf.A wheelbaae of 107-inc;hes! Non-Iockin? four wheel Hrakes! Anteering mech anism fitted with ball hearing* even to the frontaxle knuckle?] - And noarveloutlv beautiful new hnrli?? hy Visher! ~ No maur what .car you may be driviOR?no matter tvhat automobile of tht* type you have "owned in the pant? come It* today! We have .1 tU-m6n>ttafof ?vailinn- ?or you ?ami proof ij i'n the driving. Stewart Chevrolet Co. Ut'ALlTV AT LOW CO^T"