I person(oi * H'-j ry | . ^ ifc'ii) -fc '' /f ^ ^ ' j Vvl u^hs^new t.h'AIUMi J giMFRS. J. W. NOELL. EDITOR AND. PUBLISHER. HOME FIRST. ABROAD NEXT " :S1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE VOL. XLV. ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening, March 21,'1928. J ? No. 1?>" Clinic For Crippled Children Proves To Be Big Success Total Of <14 Crippled Children Visited The Clinic On Its j Opening Day EVERY ONE ENTHUSIASTIC j . The opening of the orthopedic clinic for crippled children, which Is being held under the auspice? of the Roxboro Rotary club, ?-as a docfUed saccess. 44 patients being examined the first day. Dr. Walter Cole. . of ' 'Cireensboro. with Mr. "H. L. Stanton of : Raleigh, were in charge. Mr .Stanton represents t fie bureau of rehabilitation, which is under the" supervision of the * federal government. Dr. B. E. Lov.; Is' chairman of ? the committee from Rotary. and he was ahly assisted fri all of 'the, work by every physician in town. They, haw -all worked hand. In hand for. this occasion.' and have done telling work for" the cripples of the county. Most of the" cases brought in were of minor nature, but each "and every one was given a thorough examina tion. and asked to report here at the next clinic, which *111 be held In about - thirty days, the dftte to be announced laler. The work is not confined to Person county alone, but the invitation has been extended to Oranville and Cas well counties to send patients here for-advice and treatment,..which re ouires no -pocketbook, Ming free" to the public.- because the loca; Rota'r Jaos have made 'it possible. It Is one of those opportunities that come once In a lifetime, and the people are urged . to 'Hit. a- shoulder to the-wheel and maky it an Institution of real- help mkQ accomplishment Ao the town and county combined. . : Bold Hold Up On "last Thursday; afternoon Mr. Timberlake of near Helena was robbed. Mr., Timberiakfe was In the store ^and two white men entered and nsked for change lor twenty dollar ?t34H-? He- went to -jfiis" safSTTrntl csjteiicd 1t to gtt the change. and when he . Tookeg aroyrid lie was facing-a^giin. Ther took what money was in the - safe, amounting to $30.00; and march- - od Mr,._T\?iberlake oiit to the car in front of the store, and . made their srei awav Mr TJrnbrelake savv he ,f v as lucky anyway,; ns he had just deposited hi?5 montfv in thr bank that day. the mon?v .stolen was ^omc cash ^hictt -belonged to, M1"8 Tim&c?rlakc. He does-not mean'to >ave the imT' presslon th&t he was lucky bnnau.se the money belonged to his wife, but was lucky,because the amount Would hove been much more if-he had not made the deposit. He has no idea-as to who the robbers were Presbyterian Church. Sunday Schoof at. 9:45 a m:. H. L. Crawell Supt Morplng service at 1.1 , m . bv the Pastor ? b uriday School at Mitchell' Chapel *2 iiv Preaching at lius'nv FflTR Behoo) at 3 p. m. Services* at Rouge piont at 7 p. m. Every one is asked to remember the special 'lervices April 1-8 In your praven Every one welcome at all services. ' 1' t ART ADAMS Pastor. Church Notice 4 Oak Drove and WMtluble Sunday school at Oak Drove at ten o'clock. Let every .one come oh tlme^ and lot's have a good school. Preach ing at eleven . . , On account of the B. ft. Conven tion at Bethel TtlU. our preaching ser vice at Woodsdale will he at* night at ...T30 o'clock Lft everv body who can go "battel Hill Sunday for at least' a part ot the day. J. W. Bradley. Notice :?Left V8U (WW?'.'mi Tain paid on or before M ?v 1st I hafce no (Ijrmr lli ttw m?tt?rr-?he law **y? we rrftK^ettlr , ' Ymir frtonil ' Mat. V. Brook?. Sheriff ' '? Notice??? - Wo desire to apnounc? to "our ter-' " "MB1 ??.ummijen' th?? -mr ? ta-ai ? u>* Planter? w?taIu>uju> Wn shall be Kind to sam you* ?t tljlj. ptecf ,,VL ft. Win? tend. . a. q. ^fliisttaA 1 ? ?....?~.t * ?<? " ?'? .? ^; ?, <- RJchurd HarHialmati * all h -ftllf* .lovce M rTITr NOOSE': ?t" Palace Theatre, Monday ft Tuwday March .. 2?t.a7U& ? ?.. w?. Jack Barnett Is ,? ..J Marathon Skater! Last Sunday Jack Barnett. .Jr.. vj left here at 11:30 and .skated to j Durham' without stopping. in i four hours. This is a- food record and wc expect it wiU be sonjf time before it U broken. When Jack sfrtived In Durham- he was asked how he f*1t,-and he replied: "My feelings are ail rlfht, but I ! have two blisters on my feet." First Baptist.Church ? ? -? > "Many things do pot constitute a wrong in themselves until they dis place something of greater value. Many Sunday amusements " are mor ally legitimate, but If' they keep us from Church they do us a moral lii-" jury. The Church is the pulse .of national righteousness. It means hospitals, colleges.^ civic organizations, and national governrrfeht: it means increased, real estate values, better schools,_^leanA- politics, purer social We: it means law %ii?nsnfer and re-1 sp^et for those Ideals that make a na- ' tlon great:-if is the jpjce of Ood in the njidst ef the people, calling them up and on. There is dnnger of that I voiCfl being silenced with The clatter of pur materialism. Think of all the .church has done, nf all it means to day, and then give its sacred Influence first place in your Hfe^jrt and mind." ?Rev. N. E. Lambly in 'Church Business. The simultaneous "evangelistic ser vices of our community? will. begin Sunday. April 1st. and It is earnestly j desired that every clttzen of our en tire community will give heed to the ppoeal above and that thev will faith- 1 fully attend every service that may be held at the church of ?heir chpice that our community 'may be what Ood would .have it be Bible School 10 a. -m... R. L. Wll burti Superintendent. . Rreaching 11 a. m. Subject: Revival . Essentials. Tuachlrie-. "7 00-fu. i?--Sub|ect Tivi Re'llglon .Of Conviction. . n y. ?-ay'itt a, v '' ;?| A cordial welcome is extended-to fill. . ;* W V. WB6T. PastorT Lcok Out For Your Dogs As'advertised by the ttfwn author!-1 ties the r?w. ordinance pertaining to* dogs will go into cfTeit on next Mon- i day, March 26th, It will be against the (aw for any dog to run at large on the streets, and It you violate this ordinance you need expect little mcrcv fiom the court, a$ all have had ample notice. If vopr dog is running ground !jnd the police takes him Irf hand, and voti are called upon to pay . fdj.. said violation, it will avail you nothing to ' "cum" out the town and town-ftnthor ttteff Be sensible and keep >our doe In hI? pen. or" better smi. get rid of tlim. ' ' ? Hulluwvy Tuwmliip ? S. S. Cottpention Bethel Hill Baptist Church". Sunday. March 25. 10:30 a. m. ?? The Hoi Iowa y Township Sunday Convention ?111 meet Trttft the ? ftethel Mill Baptist Church on Sun day, March 28th,- at 10:30 a. m. A" most interesting program has _,be&n ; prepared and the workers in the Sunday Schools will" enjoy a rare treat Speakers of rtote have been In-' vlted and every one Interested In this* work Is cordially Invtted to attend. Masonic Notice Regular communication of Person Lod*^ No ,113. A. F *i A .Jit.. Tuei da'v evening. March 27th 1928, . 7i30 mi;Iciclt All Master Masons urned t? be present. ' . ? ' J, -J. Woody/ W M. A. C. Oentrr. Sec. An Enjoyable Evening ? The H.'Y. P. O. Wtta In'charge of 'he utmeti at" the papist Cimrcn Wednesday, with Mr O. (.' Davidson ? i'. .".".'.k'T for th" evcnnw IP1 A' -livon-d a wonderful addrp?s nnd "I? ...... ??l/inprt rhv the lapan congregation. ' Republica/Convention -A I" hgreW^llsd .tor^ttll HrpubtfcSfiif of thl* (bounty to mr-? in tfie court house ohSAltfVdtf^. MafCll JUuaaia. Al g.QVlocTc. p. m , for th purpose o/ electing delegate, to the State Republican convention r 0. T. Woody, chairman. Braves Ocean Waves . Charles Selltz, 68 year old boat- J house owner" who made a toyage from , New York, to Miami, Florida, in a twelve-foot rowboat. It was a Jour ney of r,400 miles. Seilitz lost - 20 pounds - on tt)e trip and was nearly drowned during, several severe stofms! he encountered. - i Edgar Long Memorial I M. E. Church, Southi Sunday, March 25: Sunday School, 1 Mr, W.. R. Hambrick. Sur|. 9:45: Sermon by Pastor 11. At -the even tog hour the Epwofth League will I render a program which will be in teresting anct helpful. The public is " cordially, invited to all services in this church. ( To stay away from Church Is to vote to make the Church fail, and what a calamity that would be to this com- ' fnunity. ^Without the Churches- all property would depreciate at least ?25 per cent in one year. You would not Jlye er.rear your children wnrrr"TTKjre were no Churches. Why vote for the Church to,'fall? Why not vote for it to succeed by attending its" services next Sunday? - Stop! Think! Act! T. A. SIKES. Pastor. P. T. a. ?. * T. ? ? : P'&rent-Teaohers Association of Roxborft will Jmld its regular raonth ? 1}: meeting Tuesday. March 27th. 3:30' p. m.. at the graded school. Let's hav$ a large attendance, as business of importance will be discussed.?Sec John Faisfon Is GivenOne Year Held Guilty Of Voluntary Manslaughter; Judge Says Jurv Was Lenient WAS SECOND TIME TRIED Richmond. V?.. March' SO.?John Wesley Falcon, charged with mur der of his affinity. Mrs. ^Isie Holt ! Snipes, formerly of Princeton. N. O.. was convicted late today of voluntary manslaughter and given a ? term of one year In the penitentiary, A shadow seemed to pass over his some what boyish tenures when the veri dlet was announced. In a {ew jnom-l eats, however, they were brightened "by i a smile, as he leaned over, whispering Into the ear Of Senator Gray H, Addon, one of his attorneys. He was i willing to accept the verdict, and his i attorneys agreed that this was. the best course to pursue. When no mo tion to set it aside came fcqm them, he was told to stand up. Walter* Christian, veteran clerk of' the coucf, asked if he" had anything to j say why sentence should not be lm-1 posed In accordance with, the verdict of the Jury. "Nothing." rame" the re ply ? in a clear: 'firm voice. _ _ 1 Judge Wells then proceeded to pass ' sentence. He fold Faison that he had ' followed the evidence closely through out the ^rlal. "and In his opinion the Jury had been exceedingly lenient. "I trust you will appreciate the. leniency which has been shown you." .lie went on. "and that you4wtll come back to your family and be a better , man after .you have served your'time. Let this be a lesson to you." ? . Death Of Mr". Bullock ' ' ?' '??] Mr. W. C, Bullock roooitfod.a mor. page this morning telling of the death of his lather. Mr John Bullock, Who died at -St. Luke's Hospital In Rich mond at 2 o'clock this a. m. He was 73 years old. and had lived in Gran ville county for mans years. He, was a leading citizen of his eounty and )?as always very active - In all clvi; Ills home at Bullocks. N. C., and fun rral rnrvicp* ?ViH be t-or>tiuoteH from there. ? j < . !1 He leaves a wife, twer "daughters, hnd five sons, three of whom. Mess W. C? R. A^ and George Bullock. :iv> here.' ... ' \ v *' i "The Economical Boomerang" And "The Haunted Hotel" Koxboro Rotary ('-tub WW Pre sent Two Amusing One Act Comedies ^ GRADED SC HOOL BUILDING The Roxboro Rotary club will pr* sent at; the Grammar Schoof audltor ium on Friday evening, >larcn MID, I nt 8. O'clock. two one act romedler. 1"The Economical Boomerang" Is I the most entertaining and funniest j play of Its kind ever played In town. . If you dfin't already know how little men know of dressmaktrig you cer-" I tatnly should not mlwt -this show. , In the '?'Haunted "Hotel" Wallace [ Woods, as tho black-faced porter, j makes your sides ache with laughter j the-entire time. "Between the acta ? will be given a novelty act and dance, by the world known -amateur magician, Willie Tok stadt. accompanied by Jim Brodhead. i at the piano. . : Don't miss the opening overture by I the Bpxboro Orch??trn. . >? Character parts as follows. Under personal direction of Miss Ethel Irvln: "An Economical Boomerang" A Comedy, In 1' Ae? Cast of Character* Mr. Alexander Dabbleton?suddenly ? seized with an economical streak >! - Mr. J. D. K. Richmond. mb Airaannw?ranmii-iun Ainmmn disagreeing, acqtilesces:Miss . Nellie Bird Woods. Mr.'Blrd_plover ? P. Cary Adams. A4M^ftUv iimrrl^l /iniipif. m Mr-, Bird Plover -Mis? Mabel Jones nw.tsf. wHn is lab'irli'.j '.igdrr * -?.!? ---iippy III Helen1 iMm lieadhaart. ? . Maggie, who. If she wasn't Irish, might .less? "The Hanntrfd Hotel" Tight Rope Walker. Jack F trum Barber ' Jim Brodhead ?'?1<>WerTtnEri Carey Adams, Soldier -r . r Pump Man Jlhi Oro<??cad. -wild Hill j. K- Wo6<l Proprietor C. A. Harris ; Rastiu . W W jWoods I11'11 J. .. 0'' '' ,'"n '? I Boosters Banquet r " ' Biiinew Men Eh Joy Supper At - Hotel Jones - ? ? .The Booster Club, one of the llvest organizations In the town, nave a banquet lust night at "the Hotel Jon?5 to Its members and other business | men. It. w?6s the largest gathering o(; I business men we have seen -iii Rox ? I boro. and the speech-making was very complimentary to the club, .every. one stressing the point as to the growtn uiul the advancement ot Person County, much of which, they dec!arecj ?u ip the Boosters Chib. . A resolution wa? offered that every man present vote to Join the club, and every one present dfd so vote. t?ve one. Another resolution of Im portance "to the maricet was adopted that being that .the opening dat? tor ihls market .be set so as to open with the markets In DOrhmm. Oxford aftd Henderson. ' . , A committee, composed of Mr. E. O. long, chairman, Mr. O. B. Me-, Broom and Mr. Jqc Klrby <u ap-1 pointer to visit* the business mon of the'town and'make an effort to get. every Arm In "the town - to Meome a member of the club. Thl' nra.nlsallnn a "root ?^1 to the town and It is hoped every business man here, will Join and bt -(live boosters A ThougKtfuT"Act Last .Tld.iy .night Mess./ Kambrtek." Austin A Thomas were hosts to the firemen of the town nt a supper which *erv?d ?y ftte taBWS or the twhijI ' cll.'.t ghureh in-tha? ta???ment of- the church. Thla supper was givent?< the fire m mi In. apprerjatlpn of the .spleji4M work Which tn?V !Iff A/37TTT' time .jnca..af tbi; ntg-ia>olTiliig U^lr , store, -yhtch completly destroyed the rSsJi- it Carver butldhie. It was- a 1 nice thing to do. 4nd'the firemen ?p-" predate their thoughlfulnaaa. 3 .Of Same Family . Die In 30 Hours ? * Concoad? March 19,?A" triple funeial of thtee aftd members of the same family who died within 30 hoars of ealh other ?.was held this afternoon from -the Bethel Methodist church in the Cabarrns Station common Ky.> v The three bodies interred were Hutfe' t>fr J Miss Narcisam Gray, 82. , Her brother. J. S. Gray. 72. And his wife. 67. Miss Gray died at the home of her brother Saturday after noon at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Gray ?passing 12 hours later while Mr. Gray died Sunday evening: at 8 'o'clock. All three .deaths were .J occasioned by . Influenza and\ pneumonia. ^ Will Build 330,000 ? Cars In 1928 surpassing all Its former manufac turing achievements, the Chevrolet Motor Company In the first three months of the year wHI-build more than 330,000 cars and trucks, exceed ing by many-thousand ..the best prev ious quarterly performance lp the long history of the qrgtfhtZaUon This is th.e statement of M. A. Ste wart;-lgpal Chevrolet dealer, -who re cently returned from Charlotte, where he attended a hug?>North Carolina Chevrolet dealer meeting at-the Caro lina Theatre. ' , , More than 600 Chevrolet dealers hfeard M; D. Douglas, Assistant Oen eral Sales Manager, and other exeeu-, tives from the Detroit office . outline the sales program for the year, call ing for-the sale of another-million In 1928. >!. ;1 The dayV program comprised a sales meeting ,1a the afternoon and a ban evening'. Addresses at the afternoon meeting were Hlustrated In the farm of playlets, graphically depleting the proper procedure to be fo|loued--in thfc successful Operation" of a retail automobile business. . Assisting' Air' Douglas in the gon rrf th.i .1..-. Sere O- J. Dates Charlotte Zone Sales Maiiagjr,.. ind?(he fottbwtng* ofllcISTiP from the central office: b S. Costley, Regional Sates Manager: D. u; .Bath rick. D. Q. Frazer. J. E. Rogers. WT O. Lew'ellert !tnd Oiistaf Ek. An Interesting Sight On Monday afternoon we visited the home of Velltta Buloick, colored, a school teacher living pear Mill Q'efck. who Is In the poultry business. She has 86 brown Leghorn hens, and 1300 chicks. She has made three pur- ? .chases of 500 each. the.first lot ber lng six 'weeks old and the second lot about four weeks olfl. while the third Is ten days old. She has the lumber cn the ground for a modern hen; house, which will be 86 x 40. and with the lawe- runs which she is planning she will, ber .well prepared to care for the many chicks which he'Is raising Velltta Bullock Is the daughter of Ue .IrtlTlM. n!\<- UIC lil?l kiaw fal totffteco. .farmers' of the Ooqntv and while she Ls'awarf that Vier fath er- has made a success of 'tobacco ??"Mm?. she is fully. convinced that it-1 Is necessary at this tirne for all farm ers ?Us look to something besides to bacco, and she and her' htnband Hatfe decided on the poultry lin e H Death of Mrs- Painter* Mrs. J. R Painter died in Rich? mond. V*., last Thursday and '\fas buried In tlutyford County. Mrs rainier wall a native of this Countv. but had been llvlryi tar Ouilford ' Mr some time. ? ~ Play at Caldwell School The play ?Mammy's UV Wild Rose": to be given at Caldwell School Sat urday night the 17th. was postponed on account -of th? weather, and will be given Thursday flight, the 32nd, at' ??no o'clock. . ? An Interesting Offer Oft neVt-Saturday Miles pHVrmary' tifiirrflt m?PVr On-ifrat day thrv give to -each purchaser of ?* given amount a -bowl with ? ?914 fVtli. -Ke? the ad *? .. ? i - ? ? i ? Til? Season's MtutArr thriilrr.. Richard Barthelmes* in "TH* NOCTBR" at Palace, Theatre Mondav & Tues UtH-h n-VHh - ; ? q ? ' I O -? ? ; Tpm Tarh^eh says the $200 that he 1 got the other day' when tat county agent shipped a n?r tA poultry comes In right handy at. thl? time. To Hold Soy Bean Meeting On Saturday r.^'' \ ' ? " ' _ ? : r? T.V*'"r ' M" Mr. E. C. Blair Of State College, - Will Present To Give Results Obtained AT TWO O'CLOCK PROMPT" Th^ Js soy bean week and' will be celebrated as such Saturday at two ? *h'ch Ume the farmers win meet in the courthouse to bear- at the wonderful possibilities of thu great summer legume and placp order* for- one or more bushels, to try in corn and beans. -? There are more- than 3:000 farms in thecounty and there are more than SUXM farms that should-^be grown? soy beans In alternate rows with their corn. By planting the com in feet rows a row of soy beans can be Planted between ejich row of com A, .1?.^ Mn.be Panted thicker in the drill and tfie planter regulated "so that just as many hljls of "torn-will be planted per acre in the six feet row aSnhe fommon practice when the row-s are only four '(eet "apart. Under this system, just as rau^h Torn pew acre will: be made as tn *ttye four feet row. and the row of soy beans grow, tng tn the middle of the corri raws'" will, pot reduc* the: yield, of , The Second "year. the com row .will be planted Jvtlffe the soy beans grew and Ihe.soy Efcans "will, be planted where the.corn row sio<Jd. This will give, a larger yield of, corn it the beans are turned unt^er and hat eat off the land. By following this plan for a fen years, the. land will becom? better and better and largft yield? of corn will be made. ? ' Plans, varieties, methods ?and-'other discussions ,will be taken -un- on this system-Tor one houf~T>egln'ning at the second ringing of the- rturt house bell. All are urged ta tre'-to get their busi ness, attended to^ before that time-31 "that the' meeting can' he started promptly on titne -and end on time This is something ? that every, fanner ln_Person county shorldbe virtually in terested"1iv and.a^ jXrge crowd should' ..come prepare^ to n>oer at least dflie bushel" to, etye this plarT> trial tiffs year. .Sof bean seed are cheap, this ]s not' to - ttUce the , place of clovers, but. as a supplement, td covers in our soil building program. -And remem ber that there is plenty of land tri the county .that is far too low in yield to be profitable,- and a double barrel - shotgun system is. needed to help get It back on. Its feet Clovers in the regular rotation and soy beans plants ed between each row of com In-" six feet rows will be uMng a double barrel system to help get some of our lands back to where they were years ago. If ever there was a crowded court house at any time, this is the time for that to come to pass,, viz?the sov bean meeting next - Saturday. Mr. E. C, pi air. State colle^yscill be pres ent tp assist tn giving (results, and Ln formatlon_on thtir, system of farming that has -been co'nductcd by other farmer* in other counties in N. C. 1?'? n" ' ir 11 -n liPij erjss and that Is to take a step- and try these things out at least one time. Every-lime we put this off. we have l^t" one valuable year of opportunity that is gone never to return 'An young farmers are'Specially_ urged to attend this meeting and come with their mind* made up.to try one acre of corn* anfl. soy beans on this plan, for three years. Orders ?ill be take'n for seed at the meeting. Junjors Entertain Seniors -? The Junior class of Bethel HH1_ Hlgh School was hostess to the Sen iors ?t a very delightful banquet grlven Jn the Jones Hotel. Roxboro. on. -Prl day eveplntt. March 11. The-dtnlp2 room was very tastefully decorated In theclass colon or roae and green and a delicious foOr course dinner waa < served ?' Mr 8am Carr. president of the Jvttn lor ClaM. was toastmaster. He gate the toast to the senior' class, which wa* responded to by Talpiadtfe Reran. Its prudent Sallle PerKlns wave ft toast to net h el Hill, which wa* re plied to by Catherine Pulley. Julia miipr ?m mi'- murnu. B Orfftln' The last tout was given 'Try (Tooritr Walker to Wrsfi. A, Tfeatti. who is prinlrlpal of the school. Aft^r -tMs s?fi)e very TUUnn remarks were l l'iT.". trr WW |,.'I '111 n.'jun; "uperln - lendent. Mr H. 1. SatUsrfh-ld. and a former Superintendent, Mr. J. A. Beatn. ' ?'**** TtK juolof rfafc? Invited the sentar c)?aa. U?e...l?cuftyiK wfth the , husband* Sntf wives of" 'the mare ti)Himat? mcmhets. and Mr. B- X. SattarSeM. who bi Superintendent of PubHc In struction for Person County. .k '? ?). ? ?

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