] PERSON' COUNTY ! IS OJiE OK THE LEADING I AGRICULTURAL COUNTIES IN | NORTH CAK. VOL. XLV. ROXBORO. NORTH CAROLINA. Wednesday Evening.."April 4. 1928. No. 14. Mr. Shipman Is Going Try A Com eback Announces His t Candidacy For Commissioner Of Labor ' And Printing HELD OFFICE ONCE BEFORE ?r ? ?: ? ? ? Raleigh. N. C. April 3 ?The final decision of former. Commisisoner M. L shipman. who for the past three years has served as president of the Cdmnierctal . Printing Company here, to stage a comeback in the political fame was announced today and means that the office of Commissioner r of Labor and Printing will "not go I L ' pegging. /In a recent public state f men t Mr. Shipman let it .be known that "only the insistence of friends" could place him in the attitude of ask ing for public office again and that if lie did decide to stay out of the race it wuld be "for bufctneas reasons and hot on account of fear of the ' result. in the, first primary four years a*o Shipman received 81.011 votes; .Grist 69.158: Peterson 31.536: Nash 19.980. giving the leader a plurality of 11,853 but not. a majority of the total vote cast- for that office, and Orist lie? mandcd n second primary in the face Of the refusal of R. R. Reynolds. Chas. R. Ross and Fred P. Latham, "runners up", in the contests for Lieu tenant Governor. Attorney-General ? and'Commissioner of Agriculture, re spectively. to Insist upon another "show down." Mr. Shipman pointed out In his statement recently that his opponent received only 224 more votes in' the second primary four years ago than Tie tjld in the first, leaving him 11.629 short of the Shipman lead in the first test of strength, thus malting him ? """""'v nominee after all. .The lormer Commissioner suggested. TfT explanation of .the result, that thous ands of liti friends remained away " from the polls bn the day of the sec ond primary u'nder the delusion that. Ms lead \yoult> not be overcome. FC3Jov?ing JS 'thft anHoUiioemtfpt isr , :-v?;l by Mr. Shipman today: . . - "Aftef mature deliberation .and ? mnnyToltcittiriotK'?from' Democrat# over the entire State, I hereby an nounce mysell a candidate in the Democratic primary. June 2. for the office of Commissioner of Labor and printing. "After fining the office for a num ber of years. and making a record for efficiency and conscientious devotion to'duty which I felt justified the con fidence of my party and the votets throughout the State. I failed of ra non^lna'f.on In tlie second ptlmary four years ago. although' I had a filu-' .rality of 11.853 votes in the first pri mary. The second primary, as is known, ^yas not well attended tov the voters, and ' particularly by icy lrlends. who felt that the lead wouJ4 not be overoome. ? "Since then the people of the Stat.? bav" had' an opportunity to compare records; and upon tltat comparison ?Which. T hop? will be. real and'not Imaginative. I nm content to abide the Judgment of the people In pas-s lng upon my present candidsc -, pie.-!? iny tri 'hem H** if,' irjp.nt^ci and i ^haj) iiiiil* itl.cl'r n.th^r.i.; the vame .".i j t1 ,f jl ;ind ? :< ni. '"-vr vice given the office during ::\y prior Intumber.cy j "li>. taking this octinn I am In fluenced largely by numbers of Demo crats "Who did not support me in 192? and toy n large number who .tour years ago self-satisfied that I would win. staved away lrom the (?lis on th:' <i?y of the second primary and old not vote at all. Impelled by these solicitation; , and being, desirous of j giving my State the.class, of service to which it Is entitled. I have de cided to ask the favor, of the Demo cratic voters in the primary to b" ljeid throughout North Carolina on Jaturdav, June 2 The active support of all Demo crats. both men and women, is re spectfully solicited.' t Mammy's Lil' Wild Rose Colli*ffl " '? "I* ? <*-.'?:* _ ''Hp ?plftv. Ml' WlW ft/>jc," at HeVnn ?teh School Friday.. AJtfll rth at R o'clock. p. m. Von nr? cordially jnvhca to wllnfiB ttrtr-ttitr. Clart at Dflfhatt. lint*' iti preparing to ftet brttrr prontVTpnri' Ills dairy cfi** this yrar by plartf'.rv 10 pcros of *s? clover and 6y feillld H IW -<4lo ...' ? ? Kwur Mtmd'V Marlon Oavlcs with' Conrad Nig?) in T*KK FAIR 'COtKD ' HiiHkc ?Theatr?. Matinee Monday 2P m ? ? ? - ROXBORO SEEKS MORNING MAIL Washington. April -3.?Mayor R. P. Burns of Roxtforo; - asks Ahc. PostofHce Department for a re- ? . ararngement of the mall service ? ? and it* rural. rnntF. so as to fiVe the'- patrons an earlier morning mall from the South. Dissatis . faction with the existing service grew oat of a recent change in schedule made by the Norfolk and Western railroad. wh|eh makes the flrpt mall arrive at .13:20 P. . Mi. Senator Simmons has taken up the matter, urging that the request be granted. BETHEL HILL ROMPS ON SO. BOSTON HIGH On Monday afternoon Bethel. Hill defeated South Boston 18 to 3. It was their fifth game and alio their' fifth victory. The feature of the "game was the pitching of Emmltt Wtlborn. who allowed only seven widely scat tered hits and struck out a like! number of his opponents. The whole team hit heavily behind this: excellent pitching. George Wilborn led in Sols department, semiring two triples ano a home rua ..???' ' ' | "the following men are showing' up : well in the different positions: Outfield. Vance Clayton^ Erasmus Clayton. Ralph Jones and Herbert'Montague: Jnfield. Sam Carr. Archie Walker, George Walkef and Robert Woody: Pitchers. Frank Montague. William Walker and Emmitt WUborri; catcher. Walter Puller. A number of men' are showing up well on the second team: which also has a rather stre nuous schedule, and may repiate any of the above at any time. Improvements at The Hotel Jones One of the things long needed at Hotel Jones was a private dining room where banquets could be served and not interfere with the service lh the dining room.. and this is to be accomplished, as Mr. Hall has woik raen engaged in preparing such a ? .place Thp whtoh -has -?Iifign. used as a ladies parlor and the pesroh ^omJookiiw >he; court how??squalfij. are lieln? thrown into one, which i will give a dining room of some fifty or sixty capacity. We congratulate' Mr. Hall upon this improvement, and are qulle sure that under the pres ent management all who wish to nerve private lunches, 'pr .banquets, will find Mr. Miller equal to the oc casion. RoJbdro Merchants Form Organization p .. . A large number of the represents- ? Uvp merchants of Roxbore- lield a meeting Tuesday night, March 27th. for the purpose of organizing a Mer chant's Association. Sentiment was nrhngly in favor of such a course, the' purpose of -the Association being to rromote and advartce the Interests ot the t'ovtn and community. The fol lowing committee was appointed to rcrfect the organ teatltkv.. Mess. M. . R Satterfleld, Alex Sergdant. W. C. Bullock, and E. E. Britdsher. This committee applied for a charter and till', has be*n (1U1V ft fa fit Ml. A 5?cna' meeting to form a petmanent organ? i/.atlon. following receipt of the char ter. will b? called one night next week. It is hoped that this Associa tion will accomplish pjueh good in Its field. An Ordinance To Pro hibit The Use Of Roller Skates In, The Fire Dis trict Of The Town Of Rbxboro. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioner* of Rfcxboro: Seettnn 1. That If ?mv person i hall ride roller skates on any. of the streets or sidewalks within the fire district of the town Of, Roxboro sue!) fcarsoW hall .forfeit nnd pay the sum cf.on^ dollar. KSHS. 2. This ordinarrf- shall bf in cHoct oil and Oil ?: the IGlh May of April,. fttt Adopted at regular nieetins Of ?the BoanJ of comm.lssioners /of Ror-jboro held April 3, 1?38 ~ O. J. cushwa, Cftrrk For Rent V'W dwetHnif" In e*o nUionJfi town. Water ?nrt Hfhi?. mr-M PRE8TON SATTERFTEM). Revival Services Are Being Held Daily In All Churches -Palters Doing-Own Preaching; TTreat Interest Manifested I In All Services MEETS AT 8 A- Rfc; 7 P. M. The Pastors of the churches la Roxboro decided this year that they would try a new plan. and have re vival services In all ol the churches at the same time, with each Pastor doing his own preaching. The' Pres "byteriart. Methodist and Baptist of Roxboro and Brooksdale Methodist church?which' is?in reality a part of the town?are holding daily ser vices.. The services are held in the morning at 8 o'clock, and at 7 la thc evening. The morning services are held in the Presbyterian church, ??here all' of the different congrega- i tlons meet and spend an hour. There I were those who had doubts as to1 getting good congregations with ser-.j vices in all of the churches, but the Pastors insisted that Jthere would- be i no trouble along, this line, and so- far they have proven to be right, for large congregations gather at all of the churches for the evening services^ while the morning seryloe is taxing the capacity of the Presbyterian church. " So far the preachers are laying great stress upon the Importance ef the Christian people getting right ! ?1th God. striving for a revival among the christians. Roxboro is : truly; fortunate ? In having such able men. to shepherd the churches, and we ^jicubt If they could have secured bst ter preaching than they have even if they had gone out and secured; what is termed, some of the great Evange lists. and they are to be congratulated upen the splendid" manner in which their members are backing them up The singing at the Baptist Church Mr. Q. L. Try. who Is leading the song services at the First Baptist Church. Is led by i Mr. Q. L. Fry. and at t ho the Methodist . Church by Mr. John Oulce. and this Is a very en-" Joyable part of the services. Even' one is cordially Invited to any or all Qf these services. They will, continue" throughout the week. Regular services' next Sunday at all churches. 11 in the morning and 7.36 in the evening. There ?111 be txo special sen-ices at 3:30 p. m. At the Methodist Churcft Rev. T. A- Slices will speak to mrfn only, and at. the Baptist ChUrch Rev. W. F. West- .will address ladies only. All of the ni'-n are urgently requested to attend the services at the Methodist Church, and likewise all of the women ate expected Tat the Baptist Church. GiB?ONVILLE MAN HELD, CHARGED WITH ATTEMPT TO WRECK TRAIN; SOUGHT TO PLAY ROLE OF A HERO GREENSBORO" -.N. C.. April .2nd.?i t, Tvi Tilartr.? WtTS[" . cTcS?Th* ainl E3me large racks on the line of Lhej North Carolina railroad riffle "Miles1. east <)( the city yesterday morning -4'i short time before Southern train 22; was due to pass on its way west,' George Webster was at noon yester- ! da.v?giyen a hearing on charge of con spiring to. wreck the .train and Was ? bound over to Guilford County Su- ; perlor court, In default of 51.000 bond he Is In the county tail. Webster. 29. is a resident of Gib ?onville. His story is a peculiar one., He says he did not itatend to ? ?Tec's j the train but merely wanted to play! the role ef hero in stopping it before it reached the obstructions he ? had placed on the track and in playing hero to win a cash award. He says I he is badly in need of cash. Sunday irmrnlng. some liour or i more before train 22 was <lue to ar rive here at 12:39 p. m? from Golds bhro. a telephone message was r?-.f ceived by. Southern Railway author-' itles from Webster. Webster told au-i County Commissioners In Regular Meeting The Board of County Commissioned i met in regular session Monday, ft1 was a busy day lor tetm, as they had some difficult problems beton: j them. The high schools ure asktrtp i for more money, so as to enable thru, to run eight months', and money Is t ore of the scarce commodities with the County at this time They, of* course, are Interested in school* But I It eems a hard matter to care lor; ihem with the fund? on hand The ] usual routine matters were before them, and together It made a bUiJfj day for .them. "Mi?s Roxboro' Miss Marlon deVlamlng has been M-irvted, u Roxb-i o" to repre ? nnt RoraAiF At !he Durham Expo sition. MIm deVlamlnit is cme of Rox bora's most rlurmln? yoonu ladles and We are quite that M ntis ttike lias been made IB the selection?' Mrs. Pass In Hospital Mr* T. W Pa:- - .who lias been til' ? to? nam? -Uma, tuu xar.'icd_Ui Walls ? hospital yesterday' afternoon for ex amination and treatments Iter friend.; hope for ftpr o speedy recover^. ' ' 11 ? * seffihn Rollicking. Froliiffin? t?om -edy "The Fair Coi-i" with Mnrton Da .yles at Palace Theatre Faster Men-' rfiv A Tuesday. -Matinee 3;30 p. fti. thorities he had seen tour negroes . ? . T>-V ' ~nl.icin< tie;-wKt-r-ecks-?i-the tuiyi-k at. a point five miles west of GlbsonvlU'e. Ti e . Tratr. cts ttrtd at-Burlington ?until the obstructions were removed. Yesterday Captain Green, officer W. r>(. Brown and a Durham ofllcer. all of the railroad police, accompan ied by Deputy Sheriff C. C. Shop herd, interviewed Webster at Gibson ville.. He told a number of conflict ing stories. He Anally admlttted to Brown he had placed the ties and rocks oft the Jirie in the hdpe of win ning a reward from, the railroad ux stopping the train before it reached the place, in the preliminary hear ing before judge David Collins hero today, Webster salt*. .Ills, original in tention was ti Hag down the train and make like he had acciden t' found, the obstructions on the rails while walking down the track. His nerve failed him ?s trim time approached arid he took a safer way bv calling the railroad ofllce and no ' tlfying the authorities of the matter. Fire Destroys Store of Roy Wirwtead Tuesday The general store of Mr. Roy Win stead. located About seven miles out on the Leasburg road. was completely destroyed by fire, lock; r-tock and bar rel. about one o'clock Tuesday night. The biitrdtng. with it* entire contents, ^?as completely destroyed, although the origin of the blaze Is unknown Mr. Wlnxtead states that his loss will atnount to about $4,000 which i? partly covered by Insurance Beautiful Building Main Street of Roxboro 1A one of the-jfjest looking business sections to "be round anvwhere. comparing favor ably wllh city streets and the build ing Just completed by Mess Thon-.ss K- Career, known as the Thomas k Carver building is easily one of (lie show place* on Main Street. The store, next to Hatnbrick. Austin A- Thomas ?is OOeupied by Mr. O W Thntrmn . hurdwnr?. end.tne inside is In kft.'p incr with, the outside. Offices iisve b^tn arrangeffgfi'Tnr4--seewwit flu it ,"nd will no doubt be o^cupl^rt Just as soon as* t are -- i ??*-?rl V,' ?not- kH"w who .will uccupy Ibo ccuncr ? tor... ?' The Poppy .cam pi IS Cntte Marion .D?vle? with .Conrad Nagel in "The fair Co-E(T ?t Theatre Ea?tV>r Mfmrtav ft Tues?^y Matinee Mon day -2^*9 p.* m i SMALL IS NAMED TO SUCCEED BOND RsMrh. April 3.?Solicitor Wal Ur L. Small, of Elisabeth City, .was today appointed by Governor. McLean as Superior Coori " judc> of the first district, to fill the. ra <-?nfT tansed by thf sudden death of Judge William M. Bond. At the mac time the governor appointed Herbert R. Lcary. Eden ton. to succeed Mr. Small as so licitor. ? - Mr. Small had been solicitor ^sii^ce 1923. He was a member of the general assembly in 1915. APRIL' 9 TO 14 CLEAN UP ? WEEK HERE Merchants. Housewives. School Children, be' public spirited and clean UP your yards and vacant lots. We rr.ust have your cooperation ta make this campaign a success. Pile your'trash orderly, in'reach of th? truck, and it will be moved Tree of charge during this week. The trucks will begin moving trash Wed nesday morning. April litis, .at 130. starting at Brooksdalc crossing, branching' east and west from Main Street, moving north through Town to the Corp<Jrate limits rtave your trash' ready. The last two day? ..of the week will be Inspection days. It's a flght for Health, and Happi ness. We want the cooperation ot every true citizen of- Roxboro.: CiVic's Department. Woman's Club. Ed. C. Brooks Injured In Auto Accident Ed C. Brooks was seriously Injured, in a rather peculiar automobile acci- i dent last Saturday afternoon about twelve miles out on the-Oxford toad.. He was attempting to bring in an old broken-down automobile, ^nd v.hen thie track backed up. * he -was caught between the" trucfc and oar: He was brought to town, ^nd' then carried to Watts Hospital /in Dur ham. wherp :>n .examination showed, a broken pelvis..'besides being badly bruised about ^'the abdomens He ? i?? resting wfett at this time, and is ex* prrtnri to m'L'gveT^^nsfactonl^mUi^L pneumonia,. Or * other complications ^et in. ?? Mr. Brooks has been here* about six months". having corqe frpm Fitzger ald. Georgia. He formerly resided in Roxbofo. , Edear Long Memorial M. E. Church Services Sunday School at 9:45. Mr. W. li! Hahibrtck. Superintendent. ued through Sutiday with three ser vices Sunday In this church. The reg ular services with special Easter mu sic by-the"" choir and?-?Maagelistic singing led by Mr. John A. tiuice. At 3:30 .there will be a special service for men All mm and beys of the community ar?, cordially invited to attend this service The evening -.er v!ce "at ,7-iSO will be far all. and it Is hoped and expected that the mem bership will all.be prespnt If possible. The pastors of the cltv are earnest ly asking all* the -members of 'he Churches tik. b* Very m up* in pravor, ! > peak >.o those vho ;>r? not attend ing and urge" tlim to attend. ? Now is the harvest time: let's -cast iri- the sickle and save the unsaved. . ? T. A. S1JCE8U Castor Declamation Content At AllensviHe H. S. 1 On next Friday evening at 1 -3# five boys will take part in our annual declamation contest The contests j held heretofore have been greatly en Joyed. We have some fine material this-year also. Those who heard ciir girls last ' week en joyed It very much. Come Friday 7:30 p. m. ? N J. TODD. Principal. ! Notice t am -prepared to- ?lo your Hem stitching and will appreciate . y >ur work, f will be at my hothe in tHe momitjg. and In the afternoon <VM) be fawul .A* Mlsw". VWrorr As parnerC. over WUbam ?atte?fleld Bring me your work there. ? ? 'Ttf"* Motile strwn rutrretf Olive HM P-T. Asso. The" t'e.rent-Teacher Association of ?Olive- Hill will meet Thtinwtay after noon. April 13th.'at 3 o'clock. A large n.'U'immiie Is. ifi'iuMWW-we lhl? "fill' be tRe" last iheeling nf the year, and officers will he cleftej) - -Sec. ~ -April 3rd, 1938. 2ts* ~" Declamation T Contest Held At" Allensville Nine Young Ladies Contest For Medats tJtven Ry Both Of The Roxboro Banks HAD SPLENDID TRAINING Last Friday evening Allensville High School heW its annual dec Lam ination contest, and nine young la- . dies took part Neict Friday evening the young men will orate. Allensville High School, under the leadership of Rev N. J, Todd, has probably enjoyed ^ Its most successful year, and the young ladies in this contest showed clearly , they had had splendid training. In tact, they all did So Well that it was a difficult task, for the Judges to decide, they all agree ing that each one deserved a medal. First honor went to Miss Lucile Gen-r : try. the second to Miss Blanche Aver ette. and in this case it was so near a tie that the judges gave Miss .Mease Vlcfcers: Special mention. Miss Mil dred SatterOeld- and- Mess. R. B. Dawes and J.. W. Nbell vvv; the judges. The medals' 'were furnished by the Peoples Bank and the First National Bank of Roxboro and we are sure that not only the fatuity *}f the school, but each-patron of the school district, feel under obligations for ???tbls'tfioushtfulttesS of the banks. Woman's Club In Regular Meeting .The Woman's Club held it? regular business meeting In the club room on April 2nd-. Mrs. A. M. Burns, the president, presiding. The .report" of the Nominating Committee was Isub mitted by Mrs. T. B. Woody. This w&s adopted bv the Club. _A rising vote. president, and other officers for tlieir splendid work. . * ' The Club served t lie Rotary Club for month ?f April, mating $108. Of this amount. S100 was-given towards, beautifying the High School srqunda With shrubbery and grass:- The Clifij contributed S20 toward? the Batlie' Southull Gotten Loan Funtl and toe school far Illiterate?. Committees were; formed to co-opernte wffh the Town Board for Clean-Up Week. Mre. Auitin reported that under the health department $18 81 had been cpent for clothtng food, milk . tor needy tubercular patients, and a bal ance of $70(17 on hand. Please re port any heedv tubercutar rases bi Mrs Austin.' The program fpr the afternoon was In charge" of Mrs. Wllburto.' chairman of the At* Department. Mrs Clyde' "CrOwell gave an Interesting and in structive paper on "Interior Decora tion" and the hanging and framing of pictures. The Art Department iuul recently pur on an Art appreciation contest in the eighth grade of the Hish School Fdur excellent rompo siirtons written bv Dorothv Abbltt. Helen Morton. Hazel Bcootjs and Lvn wood Carver. were presented to he read before the Club. Mre." W. F, Wr." rend the pgncTF In her usual fine manner. The Club then voted on the best paper. Helen Morton won this honor and was presetted with a beautiful hand-pairtted picture by Mrs WlTOiliiV Another rr.prr written.. f)|f Jane Carver ninth grade. 6n the picture "The bane Wo'.f." was read, not i p competition for the; prize but lor it* general.excel)?-!^-- lilt"-..! viu nils showed the benefit of the careiul !,.HuHui'uf ii n?;!!"1' unnhpr Mrs.. B. a. Clayton. Bethel Hill B. Y. P. U. Sunday nl?ht. April 8. 1928. St. J o'clock Business seeston prpslded over by President. Bible qui);. Annie BUhnn Oroup No. 2 In chaw Sub ject: ' The Place of Vlsl&ri In Human Live- Bible readinz* members not ' on duty. Introduction. Group Captain, Elizabeth Woody 1. Wtw Zaccheus Climbed a Tre?, Ruth Gentry 2. Jieob'i Vision of Heaven, part Cti11 Humphries Part 2 and 3. New- . t,in Da<\ . son?. Joy to til* -Wottd." Jftt' 31. 3 Vision Qutckenr Fatth. HartJ niabop. ?. Three Mottoe-. Super t . Jon?. Humphrey Puller and DriM Clayton. 5. Nbaji's Vision and .Owenant. Lu cttJ?vWoody. " ' 6. Ifo We Believe OXT* Promise?, Mason Murray. ? - - TBa fnHirjn-fttftrv.:.jau--. *i Marlon D?v|ea In "The- Fair C6-1 Rt Palaoe Theatre. Easter Monday * Tuesday. Matinee 2:30 p. m.

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