PERSON COtlNTY ? ?/^ -v ? '" ^ i "11? I Yf Krt " JU iKVhA^iV /II rtt* *?<* ?%*? ! ^E"ew ?t; ; A\UAUUiU miUiw;i;ss if J. W. NOELL. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. ? HOME FIRST. ABROAD NEXT ' $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE VOL. XLV. ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening, April I 1, 1928. v No. 15. - Thousands Attend Opening . of Durham's Big Exposition City Of Durham Living Up' IV Her Reputation Of Never ^ ' P Doing Things By - Halves~ j FAVOR " MISS ROXBORO j < - Th scconc^ annual Durham Expo sition was formally opened Monday I night with a large crowd in atten dance " ;te a large delegation from .Roxboro was present, these bents in terested mainly, of course. r4n the presentation to the Exposition of Miss Marion deVlaming os "Miss 'Rox boro". As all of 01. readers know. Miss deVlaming was recently chosen by popular vote to represent Roxboro in the Exposition Beauty Contest, aed thoise who bad the pleasure of =_seeXng her Monday hight are firm In the belief that a ? wWe choice had been made. In pure white evening dress, she was radiant in her charming loveliness, and the Exposition will be oj?d if! when. the final choice is made^~Tbt^Queen of the Exposition, her name .is Mayors or. other repreSpma^ives oi t he,-various towns presented theft spective candidates; Mayor R. P.] Burns, toi happy style introducing Rox koro^ entry- Miss deVlaming- along With the other youiig ladies will -rake., part in the fashion revues which will be a feature: e$ch evening durnig the remainder of the Exposition, Honor T o Whom ~ Honor Is?Bue We are all very pleased to know that Mr. J. W. Noell of Roxboro is a candidate for the State Senate from this district, a man "well known' and highly esteemed. wfrom ~nrost of! us will delight to honor and support. I would like to mention here some I r i nis pbihls of ('Aieneruef and doedr. 1 Of achievement. First, hf if a Christina man a coed, "tru? church member, active, pofirivc: definite timl?npmmy^rative. c-ne of the loaders and lights of his church. ; He glands far the vduca-: tional moral and spiritual progress t ml uplift -?(?[ th*? people'. a i*ici V.oUi-*!x ?represent them Tn a tair arid imnar tial manner. r H ' ~ a ? ?- M]\_J^ooll .is opposed to class and rorporaObn legislation, which has beep sifch a curse to our Nation. He is most emphatically a friend .of the livrmor. always interested jft theit : agricultural y.roblenVs and progress. This U: ? evidenced by his successful efforts, aided by . our County Com m^?io^ers. t'> set a farm demonstra tion ??cnt\ for our county. He is reposed to any increase in taxes, as evidenced in-many of-Ahich W3s .us opposition to' the r^Crmlv proposed bond issue to build a new courMrouse, defeated largely through. Ill? effort* 0e is n fluent speSVert, lils voice would be heard with teilln?: effect ill our legislative h'llls He Js L'WioroiwU endowed with gifts. talr *ent.- ? nd executive ability, He ".as the effldien* postmaster V PJbxb'oro "tufjnir P?e?ldenf WUwn'f ndmlnls trnUfii. 7 Mr. Noeli t's highly capable compe ten- and well qualified tor a lestisln t.-.r; he would be tm honor to th" people in Che Senate' and I bslleve 'he oebple '>111 be pleased with' hto record as a .legislator. So. felloe CltiHM Person* and Ofarivllle. Colin lie* let <is (ilven Htm* our ,)>earty T support and a good majority vote. Sincere!-' and respectfully. Thad K. Jones The Studv Club met Thursday afternoon with Mrs Yancey at !l*r hftme cr> North' Main Street The ?meeting win uresided ' th< ?^tejlrlen'. Mf CHIT Hall Th* ifiln- j utes were, l ead by the serveuiry, Mr? Tt. M. P'''"' ind :>|>- '+rt Roll I all was an wered '1th beautiful Bible quotations The subject for the afternoc;i \cas Tlelfctlous ExFerle'ncci Mrv P, V Pass Kave a i?ap#r Vjlft "Benson Vtiyl interwthwly Mrs. Cllfl Hall rend the Life of William Booth, the Founder of t.he Salvation Army Mrs S. O ?Wlr?te?d In her very dramatic. man ner; read The Life of phlllp Brooks *l"r which the hcstess asnlsted ' by her dau?ht(?r Mi.? Julia Yancey and MlfTTfTB sei'wtl II d?ltrloOT ?w#et cr.nV^r kjUi I'JUBi1.- 11 i ' o..~ - County agent* "In North Carolina' have begun t'heir Tnnr "Si?lJ,,'lli; -work from B?*iifprt cotuity last, week and ?cvet) others are ready for this *e?k. ima? ?."<?( tapped the ;narket at wehijiwrtn The down's most Jiorgeotu beajtry. BltlW Dove hi '"ITif Heart of a Fol w-flw <u. i'auice Theairs, JAons. <t*y A; Tuesday. April l#-17th.' I ?MARRY WOMAN HALF HIS SIZE New York, April 11.?Alfred N. Ingle. 43. and Ethel M. Martin. 28 have obtained a marriage license. Ingle stands eight feet' two. while his prospective bride is only four feet eleven inches. Ingle has -appeared with several cir cuses and is known professionally as Captain Karl {itjlliver. Miss Martin is a. cook. Roxboro Boy Pitches Hie Team To Victory Pack Wins 4 to 3 With Lawrence Alljjood Holding Deacons To Five Hits Raleigh. April 9?Lawrence All good. * Roxboro boy. held Wake ^or.est to five hits today to pitcji North Carolina ^Su.jeto a win over its traditional ri vals^T?r-mie_ annual Easter Monday game here. State ToUptted?James, for 10' Kits. -? ? . The deciding State run - came in the eighth when Woodwbrth!s single was followed by Outen>> slash to cen ter. Key Joyner then rushed in to replace James on the mound to pre vent further scoring. ?A ci'owd of 3.500 persons raw -Wike Forest fill "the bases m the ninth in ning when Allgood walked Clayton. Pete Joyner doubled. Reynolds sing-; led and Person's pbp-up. Was messed up for an error when Allfcood and. Seal. Tech 'third sacker. r$n - together? Things for an instant look dajrk for * Sta.tR. as was the case last year when' nings. but the State infield came through wtjh a Ughtning?like double play. Woodwortli to Outen to Mc Dowall to retire Key Joyner and Person. ????_ t? Wake Forest scored first in the second inning when Pete Joyner.sin-' A ? "ri nnmr. hr.wn nn p hmn ? and _ t*wr>. wild heaves by Allgood. . Tftelps pinched a double In the. eighth for Foust." .'coring. later .when James' u rounder got by Outen-a -second base. Automobiles Crash Near Helena Monday Eight* j>erscns were injured, mme r less seriously. In an automobile frasli which took place about nine o clock Monday night near' Helena r.n .rhr Durham road,. Ford ear occupied by Bob Jay, Franklin Bol t m and Arthur Jones, all negroes cf Roxboro. hit ,the BiyCk automobile of Mr. D. ? Alkim, which wa$ occupied fcv Mr. Oscar S. Brooks and wife. E C Brook's* Jr.. T. B Brooks, Mrs. E. R. Jones, and D. AlkinS and son. Mr. Alkins. the owner o/ the Bulck, ??vns the most seriously injured, the Other# suffering mainly from cuts and bruises.^- The- occupants of the Buick _S> erf residents of Bakers" Mill, and had been to Durham on a .'visit' to "Mr. Ed. C. Brooks who is in a b08-< j pital there a? a result of another automobile accident last wenk. The c auwj of the wreck, could hot be de termined. both sides claiming the other to be at fault. Blinding head lights were probably, partly respon sible Both var* were practically de molished. ' Church Notice, Concord And Leas Chapel Mr. J. Burton satterneld. the Slip < rlntendent wants everybody on time Sunday morninsc at ten sharp for Sunday School Preaching at eleven. Topic: "The bimlneas of-life." Prof. B. i: Sftlferneld will be "present1 ntid make ? shojt address 1 TT~you are not at Leas Chapel by three o'clock you will be late for Sun day School. Bro. Wllkefaon means i to 'start on the minute. Preaching it four. Subject: . "The hands of len?*." Hope we may have a pretty ; dev and full houses. J. W. Bradley. Panor. ' ^MlT^'iifive r'lfiS?S".?It'll Df ! rf.raflwe' In "The- 11???.- *4- j'tolii. ? '? ".irl""at i'alace Theltte Monday, iz Tuesday. April lff-I7th. sedan- Excellent con dlll'tn. i r-"kv like new. Will ixd very cheap. M. ?. UONOy . Glorifies the Pig Dr. Josef yFranz Kapp. promirfent medical man. who claims that a se-. rum obtained .from pigskin tirtll re store grandma's complexion t.6 rivpl that of her granddaughter. ' Terracing School At Hurdle Mills Come To Spend Entire Time And (let Greatest Benefit ? From School HELD APRIL 16th AND 17ih In order to train those who really want to prevent soil erosion on their farms by terracing. a two days ter racing school will be held at Hurdle Mills oh Monday , and Tuesday, April 16 and 17 from 9 a. m, till 4 p. m. time and get the most from the .school. . . : ? You will' b? given a": chance to set | |up and read the instrument, locate the r.rst terrace, locate the succedingI .terraces according to the slope of the' land, and- on the second ? day. lines ?win hn run in rh" ppln ?v tUnrn i.itwi 1 ^vere trained the first., day, ahd the I community wilL-lumlsh team*, |orr Tuesday to build one terrace tO | show.' how they Should be bull t. 1 It is a physical impossibility fotl oi>e man ever to- attempt to terrace I !f.l- the land in *this cotint.v. The only hope lies in the training of several I j men to do this Work in' their respec-1 | tive' communities. Our soils are slip ping away because they .have ' too i milch fall. The terraces will, prevent, this when they are properly laid .oil i Iproperlv -buil14*nd property maintained. I I This . is your opportunity . to help yourself. We *are meeting you-morel than half way. Come to spend the' [entire tjme all day Monday and Tuesday if you really want ta learn I i terracing The count v agent cannot Ido all the terracing however willing.1, and anxious-he may be to assist every lone, in the county. He must have, labour ftfty good first lieutenants..'to h?l? him on terracing alfther not. to I I mention the hundreds of othe^nedes f aor projects. I Roxbaro v?. Hillaboro I Rpxboro plays Hill?boro here ThUrs; 1 f*av afternoon in the second home | Of Mn>on. The team jour neyed to Oxford and Henderson last week winning from Oxford 13 to 7 ?nd tying Henderson 5-5 in. an eleven inning contest which had to be call ed fcn account.of darkness. We are expecting to see you at the game Thursday: be tjiere and help us win. We are going to sell ? season Cickets and if you have not been called on by Thursday, bring your money and see us at the game. We are expect ing to have a' winning club, but th|s" will bp Impossible without your sup port VJe hops that everyone wlU po-operate with us by buying ft season tlcttei alia oetng present at every frame. The schedule calls for eight or. ten games here and you are premised some good basgftM*. Com#* ou\ Thur?dav?yOu u^U enjoy 11 UlllT th? boys will appreciate it. ? O-r" . * To The Justice Peace _ OF Person County Please.make your returns as by^ law 1 etrijired. You haye a. report to nffkke wHwfR*r cx'JWJt tytru hs.v;> ~hfH *?wy r rs>'; to tr,v. ;lf you tail ? ? make VfHir fftpen^ygu are liable to indict* ' ? ? n v/ hwad?iji r Clerk Supenor^bourt Jackie Coofsn in "Buttons^ at Pal*" ace T*?eaUt. Friday .LAdiU ,13th *, Large Revival Will Continue Out The Week I>arge Crowds And Grea.t Inter est Being Manifested.'Great Sermons Being Preached PASTORS DESERVE CREDIT The revival services Which are be ing held twice daily in all of the churches of the town are, being large ly attended, and there is much ,good being accomplished. Last Sunday afternoon .services were held at < 30 in the Methodist. Presbyterian and /Baptist .churches, the pfervtces at the 'Methodjst being conducted by Rev.. T. A. Sikes. and was for men only. Mr. Sikes preached an unusually strong- sermon, and was not of the ordinary services held for men only, as there was nothing said which any lady could not have he&rd without tyushing. A large audience heard thLs sermoh. and it was one of his very best. The service at the Baptist church was held by Rev. W. F.West. and Was for women only. He. too. was grested by a large audience, and he gave the ladies some large chunks of wisdom to digest. At the Presby terian church. Rev. P. Cary Adams preached to the children, and no one could be found: who ha's a happier knack of getting close to the young sters ? thdrt Mr, Adams. All told, the services on Sunday were exceptionally good. The services will probably continue fhrntmhnnt flio irftolr it t.hp h/fPthnrjjst and Baptist, conducted by the Pastors, churches, conducted by the Pastors, preaching every evening at 7:30. The service at the Presbyterian church has closed, as the Pastor will be away attending Presbytery. ? Services will Continue to be held in the morning at 6 o'clock at the Presbyterian church, and every one is cordinvited-?1& attend these services. Miss F.thel Daniel ? Weds B. B. -Knight A* qniPt n-prirtlng nf h'ftaiitc arid simplicity took place satui da- < n . ins. at?lk30- ^clock jU the homy of I the bride's parents, wheh~Mts?-^thei I Daniel was wed'to B. B. Knight. The in>pressjve ring ceremony was I used and Rev." W. F. West, of vhe I First Baptist Church officiated, as- I sis ted bv Rev. J. A. Beam. In the living room of the home. I lovely cut flowers and ferns, attrac- I tivciy placed, gave a beautiful offect I and completed the decorations. ? The bride and groom entered un- I attended and the vows were* spoken- I ill ]3re*CYl(!e of* "the irnmedj^'e I fathily and only a fpw*'%r lends.. The I bride wore an ensemble suit'ol blonde color with a small blue hat and blonde 'acces?cries and she ciuTteri ft shower bouquet. of Bride roses and valley lilies. . Mrs. Knight is the attractive / and accomplished daughter of Mr. arid Mrs. J. E. Daniel of this* city.. She is a graduMo of Oxford oollege anil I since that time has been teaching in I I this ?t?te. I I * Mi1. Knight* is a resident of Green- I I ville. S. C.. and a graduate of Fur-1 man universit y ? He ion i% principal ^>f the <hlgh school here an$ is very, actfafe^Ui the religious and social life of the town. Mr. and Mrs. Knight'left by'motor I for a short trip. Following their rc- I turn from their wedding trip, thay will make their home in ftoxboro ? o?? Stat Route News Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dodd. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blair, Mr. arid Mrs* Luke Blair and little son. Mr and Mrs. Church Dodd. Mrs. Ola- Oreen and little son. Mrs. LtlUc Dodd. Mrs. Chester. Blair and -Mr. -doer Btalr. all of Vircrinfft. and Clarenco Mitchell of Danville sp?ent Bast'er Sunday with Mr. E. C. Oakes and family. Miss Onle Brann spent Easter holi days with her parents Miss -Edna Clayton visited Miss Onle Bfann while she was at home Miss Ojnte. Brann wlU, return to Oreensboro where she 1?. in school taking a business course. -nO * iii Watts 1 lusniUl ? 11. n*. Ann Sr*d*hrr, d^icchtT of Mr W. A. Brad.?her. was carried, to Waits hoopiiRl litsf week hij'1- 6per a^iil rn for ap;.pnclK*/dt! We are glrirt to fcpow that the opMDh Win . ^DUrolv iaCMiilul, ?ad itiat she wUl ' coon be abl$ to reKirn hftji? : i-.c collegians, "nastaii* cuu" at rP&l?ee Theatre, M?nd?y & Tuesday. Apr? 16-17th . --. Poor Foundation Cause of St. Fran cis Dam Crash Los Angeles* ApMl 10.?The "defective foundation" of the St. Francis dam was blamed for its collapse . by Federal Recla mation Director Dr. Elwood Mead and his committee of ex perts, who today made public the findings of their investiga tion. The committee was appointed by the Los Angeles city council to determine the cause of the collapse March 13 that cost more than 400 lives. ALLEGHANY CO. REPORTS SNOW OF THREE INCHES Sparta, April 10.?Although the calendar calls for spring the weather bureaji^has failed to ob serve the season In Alleghany county. It began snowing here yesterday about Z p. m. and be fore night the ground was cov ered with more than three inches Of snow. It Is not likely that the fruit crop will be killed by tin* present cold weather because the. trees have not. yet begun to show much signs of spring arid the peach trees ;rre beginning tp . bloom only in the most sheltered spots. The Courthouse And Jail Problem, A "State-? ment Of The Facts Our County is ..facing a serious I problem.- A jail that will meet the minimum requirements -of the law must be provided. After- th? defeat cf the bond issue?on February 7th the. comniisslonewr IWUlktefl?!-') no ffcrward and spend the amount -neces sary for a4 Jail, because* they. t bought H [ it Would be a' qraxe mistake fhr the <\>umy. 1 nev Had i)o <ieslre to . art I.In any. manner con:vary zo the will of the people, neither dtcfthev have any idea c! defytrii -the courts Be lieviirir Thar The tannic vMnnlri hnyn another opportunity or expressing j 1 von**4ve* before the v. let.. the con tract. for r. jail. th*.-commissioners .i* I. an . adjourned meeting ordered the necessary advertising for another * '?????on b* !.-s^ ?:?. .Juiv? 2v.<\,' the I timt day of the\in? primary. ? I ? In this call the amount of'roondsB risked for is 150 thousand dollars in I st*ad of 325 thousand. The reason I I for tliis lpcrpase h. due', to - the fact I chat we db not have the samepuar cn ? now that we had at the time kof- the previous Ueciion.' jiricL___al&31 afl^r discussing. the plans u seems best to maK? addition to- the e.qiiip1 ment and stone work that were eli minated from .the plam. at time It is the/purpose of the. jjxfc'sent ' board of commissioners to so arrange the is?ue of the bonds, if.'the election carries, that the # tax rate for thin purpose will never exceed" 10f on the hundred. that is. for every thousand d'ollfcrs, valuation the tax will not ex I cwd $1.00. ? I The intention of the present hoard I t?f commissioners is certainly riot re-j jjctlonary. but they have no idea of lncre.tsin?- taxes beyond what is ab ' necessary. We believe it will cost the" county lefts and be of more value to the county t*> buUd the court house and 'jail together at this. . tUn* thap^o hulld tfte Mil now Jfiid a few year, later t'o build the court house. But we wteh to emphasize the fact that if this bond issue tails, the-jail-will be built without further delay and a tax levied u> pay for it., This is a tnie statement of the situation aft we see it We have no choice. It i?? hoped that the people of our county will see the wisdom of f>ro*4&infr now for a loner titae. Other wise. *the courthouse will remain a pjf.Wrm. and the jail built, in 1928. A C OEtfTRY. Chm . * Board of -County CommUtloners. ? ? -o~*- ? C ARD OF THANKS We wish to render sincere thanks t\ the manv friends who Were so helpful and kind td u$ Hurlna the Illness and tfenth of our dear mofhrr Mr^ ^ Thalt avmnathy, in.. ft ml .tprvirerttul mi,? |>r ?(HttfnV fc^red. May Odd's richest blessings ' r?' upUH M*h '?> y?Wi ? ? ' i The Children. For Rent \>ir dweliinc .III excellent tjv ' In trt*?*. Vfntrr and light*. Oanne ??n l?t., rBRSTOS SATTltRFTEM*. Roxboro High Debaters Win Double Honors Qualify To Enter Semi-Final* On April 19th CONALLY TO GET TROPHY Query: Resolved that Congress should enact .. the McNary-Haugeri farm relief bill. Roxboro had the affirmative; Frank llnton. the negative Affirmative: Miss Carrie Neva Lunsford. Mr. Walter Eugene' Con nallv. Jr. Negative: Miss Dorothy McChee, Miss Man' Elizabeth Cheatham NOTE: The decision of the judges was rendered by sealed ballot and sfpod.two for the affirmative arid one for the negative. Judges: Mr. T. W. Weldon.?Prta- - cipal Oxford High School: Mr W. L. Bradsher. Principal Bushy Fork Hlgb School. ?Mr. R. C. Garrison, Principal Helena High School.* Miss Rachel Bradsher and F. O. Carver. Jr representing the Roxboro high school and arguing the negative s^lde of the above query. won "a un animous decision over the Louusburg high, school debaters at Lou is burg. r. By winning both sides of. the der bate the Roxboro debating teams have qualified ? to enter the semi-final de feats to be held at Chapel Hill on April 19 to 20. A: the conclusion of the f.nal de bates the Aycock cup _ wiU_ b* pre vnted to the successful team in "the State-wide debating contest, and afc the same time the Latin trophy cup will be presented to the winner in the Statewide contest. Walter Eu gene CjoiH^Uy. Jr. ol the Roxboro .high school, has won^the Latin trophy in competition with more than 1200 ' r^nUxtanii. ronrtopntinf-?many ? >? the high schools througheflut # the ?State " ? Roxboro's <lebatinsr t?ams: have been ? ?>. i: 'I I U- ?.f 1 ? ' r.'hfi kTp-ji 11-hfT Li_ the Latin teacher in the Roxboro high school. geti.el iliiKWra ^Sixth Straight Victory The Bethel if ill-boy?'went to Scotts- ? br.ry, Va . 'ior its annual Easter Mon day c&rne, and came back victorious b- ?he .-.lore of' \l- to 6. The whole team -seemed to have its battin? clothes properly lit teci fpr the Easter ?nron and ail took an active part in the ?torih?. However batting honors for.the day sveTir ta-Ralph Jones and Gvo"".'.? W.r.k? = :?. i'' latter scoring a 'home' run with two on bases. __ \Vilbern. E pitched a %nir,e game. : wi'n<; nly -one hit in the first four innings before ?rain started fall ^ ? ?' Sethel' Htll feoe* t"o' fflllsboro on Thursday. April 12. 'p"iisi Is to to? a. .featture of the County Field Day there -and is a change In . the original scMr-dule as Hill*boro was slated tf> play here, on April 11. They win play l)?re April 20. ? ' ???o??? ?' Meadows-Brook? Mr. and Mr.H. Lorenzo F. Meadow* nnndiincc the marriaitc of their cautrfiter. Maude keigh. <o Mr. Thorn Cj Bfook; on Saturday. April the -vonth nineteen hundred and twenty eight. In South Boston. Va. Tills annngnctipent 1 of much In 'ctfsui Iwm' ai tjoth turtles are well KiffiuiL Mr. Brooks Is the son of Mr. A P. Brooks of Tlmberlake, and 1? s young basinets man of this place, I ?Inst connected with the Chamber* Mercantile Company, His bride Is a votln? woman of accomplishment* and of a charming personality, and fi popular school teacher, having taught at Morlah for tM past several ??ears They will reside at Timber like N? C . lifter April 10th, 1938 -M. Bethel Hill B. Y. P. U. ?Special lesson'for April 15. 1928 ' Uihject: The Tithe a Practical Minimum In Giving. rtroup f?o> 3 in clwvrge. ' .' - . Introduction: Urvaji UosttiBU. erm>r> i ? i Uti ? . . _ ? Part I rcsiis TeSfltles Tithing, Ju - * ? - II - ,, l "* '" ?* -taw# ? Pah '2?Would Be Rubbers. Jack Bailey. Pwi, ;i y. P. V- Members tuwin. Herbert Riontaeue. special music. ran 4 aiYln*. H christian Clrace, .Edith Pttiley ... >V , ; ??inert 5?!t is Man Blessed to CHre. Anna Bishop. ? *?T? tnoltte Woody, Oor. Sre.

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