?imhellirtborii (tcmncr isms J. W. NQELL. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. HOME FIRST. ABROAD NEXT $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE VOL. XLV. ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening, April 18, 1928. No. 16. Miss Marian dcVlaming Crowned Queen At Big """ Exposition In Durham Won Over An Array OF Beauty From More Than a Dozen Cities HIGHLY HONORED Miss Marian deVlaoung. represent in? Rosboro In the Durham Exposi tion. ?-as Thursday night chosen "Queen of the- Exposition." winning out' over an array of beauty from more than a dozen cities and towns whose lepresentatives were competing for this honor. No second choice was announced, the Judges not caring to venture beyond first choice. The1 Jud ges were L. R. Teny. High Point. J. P. Rawley and J. R.. Williamson, Greensboro. Miss deVlaming. whose friends were all confidently predicting this honor for her. was croJpnM Queen of the Exposition on Friday i light in a blaze of glorv and in the presence of a crowd which taxed the capacity of, the building in which the Exposition ?was being held. Police reserves were forced to limit the number ot people entering the warehouse, some only be ing Admitted as others left. Surround ed by all the representatives from the other towns, and In the presence of an admiring throng, the Queen wias crowned by Clyde Tuttle, manager of the Exposition. bHnging to a glorious climax t he interesting events of the week. i ' Many Young Farmers Start .Saving Club -!\Vhen the. young Tar Heel FYirrners recerttly checked up on the total amount saved it was found that a total of $865.00 *iad b/*en saved from their farming operations- o? a total c: $J2?M? of ?avjti fs and invest ments. Sewn b6ys and savings and t even productive investments. Most r ! 'A ^ 1 r?lv? S-. been laised from *:reen liands to ' farmers^"^eefPtmTiJs irvftuly raid ed to the degree of farmer*. George \V>lborn^ had the largest savings ac count The Ymmv; Tar ilf-l Club met last Friday night and had a good pro gram. The meetings are social and in structive. and the boys always ha ;e something good to eat. Robert Wocdy. reporter of the Club. . The Ghost Bird" "The Ohost Bird" Royalty play "will be slven tit AllensvllU^ High School Friday night. April 8 o'clock. Iha-siory.of the play npens with the arrival of guests from New YbrlT to~ the haunted home of Mrs. Dare. Young Carl Thomas, who is In love with Miss Catherine Belmont, finds to'his dismay that she has profntoeti to marrv Brad Buckheart. chief of de , tectlve. litter he is mysteriously-mur dered The rest of the play hinges on the clearing up of the murder. The actions of the butler are very amuri lng. Plenty of tjumor and excitement. Come on time Admission 15-25 et?. Watchman's System Installed For Roxboro There will be no sleeping on thn job of night watchman for Roxboro. as the Town Commissioners have In stalled a punching system. A total o{ elaht key station? have W?en set iip ex follows: No 1. Central Scrvkje Sta tion: No. 2. alley back of fiarrLs and Burna department store: No. 3. alley buck of T. W. Pass furniture store: No. 4. Davis CW1 company; No. 5. alley back of Davis Drug companv. No. <J. Wat kin', and Bullock lumber yard; Sq. 7. back of Jones hotel; and No 1, ? Peoples bank/ Kach of the eUfllfKt* ? ns will be punched every hcur by' the night watchman. Nat Clayton. i String Music At Hurdle Mills School On "TM?" nUfftt. Apfll 27th. th? musical program that was pontponed f ome l)me ago will be given. tlemcm , her tiw niunM of the inual<;\&r? that " 7MlVf' liltli fWlllwl We nwfwi alt-ot Ib?m Jill! htt Ihorr Jof B. corrln. Pr?n<;lpnl *T ) f o?* ? Planners of CftiravlKp CMility ir* dered 10 carloads of. limestone recent ? ly to be used under tobacco and soil improving ewp?. A Kantucklan Is said to have ajkc^. tids )?? tUITIfcfUM; H.^J niinil Bil. rtffitlT trying to ? ov^fcome the high itvt of mn? ? Clinic For Crippled ? Children April 26th Th* Roxboro Rotary Club Have made it possible for every cripple or deformed child in Person. Caswell and Granville Counties to re ceive experts advice' and treatment i free of charge. While it-is tree, yet like Salvation you must seek it. there fore we must get the children to the clinic, and I hope some one will sea to it that every child in these Coun ties that need the treatment' will be able to take advantage of this great oppoi amity to be restored to usefull | ness and hereby be able to compete in life with us. who are more fortun i ately blessed. The only way to ac I complish- that is to see that these children are at our next^ clinic April 26th. and on the fourth Thursday oi i each ihonth thereafter. B. E. Love. Chairman, ' Nc Greater Love Story Ha* Ever Been T old Richard Barthelmcss in "The Pat ent Xeather Kid" comma to Pal ?or Theatrei Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday. April 23'. 24. 25th, Love thSX endured all the hard knocks (>f a tougn-guy fighting Kid and came back for more Love that came through ?hen every* thing else failed. Love that made a. hero out of a coward. Love that car ried t\yo unfortunate souls through a living Hell and back into' o Heaven cf Happiness. Truly, a miracle story of love't Here is a picture so great? A characterization so inspired?a mes Wii S3 mighty?we?xxrgp evei>bwi.v tn Roxboro to see it! You may never ; 1"e anything like it agair>. never! Bigger than "The Big Parade". Blg (jer than the battle of guns was the fight. against himself?to. beat the Coward that was iji him?to return to (he girl , who always knew he was a hero. It's more than Just a Motion pected from the screen. You can't actually lived through it with Richard 'Jarthelmess. Yoir will then pronounce It. your greatest memory of Motion Pictures. Matinee' performances daily 3 p.. m. Evening, performances Admissions 25-50c. ?'?' . 1 THE PALACE THEATRE. Bethel Hill Senior Class Entertained On Monday evening April the ninth Miss Catherine Pully delightfully en tertained tKe Senior Class of Bethel Hill High School at her home After the guests had arrived . many Interesting games were played. The mast enjoyable event of the evening was a guessing contest, which afford ed much excitement for all, the win ner tor ?his contest was W. R. Day The buys were next Invited into the hall where they drew mlnature diplo mas on which was written the name of their partner, whom they accom panied to the dlntng room. The dining room was artistically decorated with the class colors, green nnd pink..The table carried out the Fluster idea, with Small green baskets filled with aster eggs as favors. A de licious salad course followed by an Ice course was served. The Invited guests were: Misses Luclle and Marie Woody. .Carolyn Brooks. Ann Bishop. Oeraldlne day ton. Mary Woody, Willie Mae Whttt. Ruth T'ord. Alio* Hurft^hrles and Lucille Fuller.. Messers R B. Grif fin. M. M. Fontaine. Guy Moore. W. R. Day. Talmadge Regan. Archie Wal ker. .lack Bailey, and Hebert Mon tague ? MASONIC NOTICE Regular Communication of Person' Lodge No. 113 A. F. & A. M Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. April 24th 1928 Ml brethren are urged to be present a* the Lodge furniture has not yet been decided an. Also other Imetnevi of imrmrtMf H?e craft This meeting will be held "over J. E J. I, WorxlVr W, M, A C. Gentry, Sec. _For Sale ?Packard. Srdan. Fxrrllrnt coil ditkin. Look? Ukr itrw. Will W'll Ml} 11 it-ay. "? ? M M ?JlKfg _ Champion Shee^jRaiser Lofal Mirquis, fifteen years old, of Hickory, Washington County, Pa, who recently won the title of cham pion juvenile sheep raiser of the state o t Pennsylvania. This was a warded at the Pennsylvania State Farm Products Show at Harrisburg, where the yaung farmer exhibited his pen of Shropshire Sheey to win first prize. G. O. P. Candidates Frr State Named At Raleigh Meet i n g .Will Op;?3sc Max Ourdncr For Governor. Woman 1? On The Ticket Raleigh?The Republican slate of candidates Tor state offifce. as nomi n?te in the party convention here follows: * Per Governor. Herbert P. Seawell. of Carthage. Lieutenant governor. W. H. Flsh er. Sampson coufity. Secretary of state. Mrs. H. J. Tigh*. Buncombe county. ' Attorney general^ J. N. McCrary. Davidson county. Auditor.. John W. Yager, Catawba county. Treasurer. John H. Johnson, 'Wil Ves county. "? ? &UP vin'^ndnU ci public instruc tion. I."O. Grier. Watauga county. Commissioner of revenue, Noah Q. Pitts. Burke county. Commissioner of labor and print ing. J. B. Jcslin. Forsyth county. Commissioner of insurance. A. E. Hampton, Transylvania county. Corporation commissioner. Dr. J. D. Oregg. Liberty.. Commissioned of agriculture. D. A. Patterson. Scotland county. For justice of the surpreme court, Thomas r J. HarVlns, Ashevill??. nominee for the position now held by Justice George H. Connor: and Walter B. Love, of Monroe, nominee for the position now held by Jus tice w. J. Broaden. Neero Woman Burned To Death In House Yesterday morning a negro woman. I living nn the farm of Mr. Sid Wrenn was found in a burned building. The wioman. Mary Lawson, came to Mr. I Wrefln's about two week* ago and he I employed her. and she lived alone in I a tenant house. Mr. Wrenn went out I yesterday morning to call her and I found the building burned down and the charred remains of the woman. Clayton Drue Company MoVed On Main Street Tii? Clayton Drug Company, which has been doing business on Depbt Street, has moved to main Street oc cupying the store in the Thomas & Carver buildipg formerly occupied by Mess. Chas Ffolemnn and .Company o-.? ? i Mr. and Mr?. Parham Move To Wendell Mr. nnd Mrs J. E. Parham left Saturday for Wendell, the former home of Mrs. Parham. It has become nee- wv for Mr Parham- to" enter the State sanatorium for th*> treat ment of tuberculosis. He requested that The. Courier express his thanks to the good people of Roaboro for the many kindnesses extended to them during the past few weeks. . Big Fire Sale h njnifir whose stock was recently bv -fire, 'vlll on', on a surc fii'iugh" fire sale.* bcglning Fttday, \piii iflUi Sec his Jiili cpgfad In this ISne. Sod take advan"iie nf. this op p'ertuiuty. ; _. -?'-n ? * ? Soap. '.'What do you aspect to be whfii vou become ot'Mfl"'? l" ?'Tlli'.i't.ynr " Person County Big Field Day All Schools In County To Take Part; Big Crowd Expected STONTS AND PRIZESi All the High'Schools of the County will meet at the Roxboro High School Saturday. April 21st. ttr'take part in a field day program. The' events will start promptly at 10 a. m. Every school is expected to have a team , present. There will be events for both boys and girls. A loving cup will be presented by the Roxboro Rotary Club to the school winning first place.i A medal will be g^ven to the boy and girl winning the most points. In ad dition to these, prizes will be given to the winners in each event. The following events will be includ- ' ed in the day's program,: 100 yard dash; half mile run: 440 yard dash; 220 yard dash: broad jump; high i Jump: pole vault: relay race: sack race: baseball throw, and probably others, all these being for boys. For lirls there will Jia. a 50 ?..till "iIjkIT" broad jump; high jump; basketball and baseball throw. In the afternoon at 2 o'clock, there will be a baseball same between ftoxboro and Bethu! Hill High Schools. Admission 25 cts. to all who do -not take part. Negro Minstrel By Roxboro Hi School On.Friday night. April'?7th. at 8 .o'clock, there will be a nogro min-* : strel siven by the Roxbbro High School. .The minstrel play is callcd is a gpod black face comedy,J full o i r;cod jpkes.- it should keep thfe crowd : laughing /rem the start to finish. Be rtdes the play, there will be singing. . string music, dancing and a sermon. This show is expected to be pne of the best of its. kind ever held in Roxboro. The minstrel is ? hr ? charge' of Prof. U. C. Kirluht. The -cfcararter*?afre ? Coach Heffner; Rev. Mr. Adams. Prof. ' Knight. Henry 0*Bmritr Jack?Bar- - nett. Clyde Hall, Fitz Davis, Edgar Masten. Dolian Long. Elmer Walker. Oeorge Thomas. Nat Dean, Kenneth Oakley., Jake Taylor. Brody Riggsbee and Radford Gentry The proceeds from this will go to the athletic association. A- large crowd is expected. The place is Roxboro High 3ch6oL. FOR OTHERS ' "That which especially distinguish es o high order of man. from a low waef Of man; ttiat whtctr cOmOltutes I human goodness, human nobleness, is surely not the degree of enllght uient with which men purcue their own advantage; but it is self-forget fnlnes5; it is self-sacrifice; It is the disregard of personal pleasure, per sonal Ihdulgencc. personal advantage, remote or p re sept, because some other line of conduct Is more right." J. A. Froude The Christian, people of Roxboro have Just, cause to be proud of the splendid service? which have jost come to a close. The fine spirit of fellowship, the splendid co-operation on the part of the entire community and the ready response to every ap peal was tnoat gratifying. It la earnestly hoped that the splrltuul momentum which has been acquired during the post two weeks may not diminish but may become an .ever growing power in the life of Roxboro. >Ve earnestly rnvlte you to and worship with us at the First Baptist Church that tha you may keep the spiritual fire burning which has been enkindled- In your heart j Bible School. 10 > m. R. L. WU burn. Superintendent. P tie aching. 11 a.? m. Subject: The Curse of \tero7 \30 p. m. Subject: A Personal Question B. Y. P.. Us. 8:30 p. m:. Prof. 3. B. Knight. Oeneral Director.? I?"Bttktat thou great things for thy- ? >slf? ?eek them not" Rreklel 4?:5. W. F West. Paalor Gard Of Thanks ? We vl*h to render sincere thanks !?> iTn; m ?r.-,?fri.ijuik ?unit mi kind and.helpful lo us during the ill rtfn nn"i irwaK a inn own ?m? -triri. I t ? I I ? I ?- *T1| in m tli nl In ' ici^i i ~TT^ I iIRTh. * ; J 1^11 H T TI ITW ' : liwe and service wil> long be remem bered May Ood't richest blessing* ?asL!?pn each of you. Mfs. Bes?ie Stay Blaqk . Chauncey Depeic Passes Chauncey M. Depew. veterar states man, humorist and the greatest aftdr dinner shaker ever known to Ameri ca. who died in his 93rd year at his home in New York of bronchial pneumonia. V . .?. . ! Bethel Hill Debaters ?Spiir-With Zeb Vance In the Bethel HiU-Aurelian Springs Zeb Vance triangle the Bethel Hill teams uivided. The affirmative team -ccmposed of Willie May Whitt and Evelyn Crutchfield won, unanimously at home1, while the negative tetftn composed of Anna Bishop and Mary Woody lost -to the Zeb Vanc^ debaters by a two to one dicismn The debat** there *vas very close and the out come ?vas doubtful even to ? the home folks until the judge's decision wis read to all. 'this was the first time in several triangular debates and all of the de baters were speaking for the first time. All worked earnestly, however; and a very creditable showing was made by both teams. The judges were, Mr. Noell, Editor of The Courier: Mr. B. B. Knight/ 'Principal of the Roxboro High. "Slid Mv. IT B.. Dawes, a" prominent ycung lawer also of Roxbora^X- ? Bethel Hill Defeats Hillsboro Nine 5-2 Bethel Hill Journed to Hillsboro last Thursday to win its seventh -straight same of the season. The was close and hartl fought rt? Iti score of 5-2 indicates. Bethel Hill ?-r,ri>rt Ihrw runs In the econd .irrn tlig and?-was not - again- seriously threatened. Emmitt Wilborn was almost win nerable in the pinches and. never seemed to have to f-xert himselt He struck out eleverimen ? and allowed flye hits, all singles, scattered over as many Innings. Fuller caught a "pretty game and permitted no stolen i bases. Vance Clayton played his usual good game In center field and at the bat. The pame was a feature of the Orange County Field Day held there Three games are scheduled for this week: Tuesday against TurbevlUe against Hillsboro Thursday, both ft 'home: while a game Is to be played with Roxboro -there on Saturday which is Person County Field Day. The Roxboro Parent Teachers Association The regular monthly meeting of the IVwboro Parent-Teachers Asso ciation will meet In the graded, school auditorium on Tuesday afternoon. April 24th. at 3:30. All members are urged to be present.?President. Birth Announcement Mr. ind# Mrs 13. T. Vernon an nounce the birth' of a daughter. Bon nie Belle, at MemortsCl hospital Dan ville. Vs.. April 13th. 1958 Mother and baby doing nicely. Preparing To Build Mr, H 8 Morton is making pre parations to build n handsome no-v home on hu North Main Street pro perty. The oHT hntiee has been- mpved to an *<lluumw lot <iud?Mr._Horton Jlkjimp begin .the construction tof his ne,v home very soon For Rent JfiW iWrMIIn* In r*e*TOnl 16 ? allow ki [own Watfr mid lltht*. PRESTON RATTEBnm-O. Revival Cohies To Close Last Friday Night Big Revival Lasted For Two Weeks; Local Pastors Preached MANY AT SERVICFS The simultaneous revival, which was something new for Roxboro. came to a close last Friday evening. For two weeks services were held In the MeUvo dlst. Presbyterian and Baptist church es in Roxboro. and at the MethodLs; church at Brooksdale. the Pastors of the respective churches doing their .own preaching. Notwithstanding there ?ere services in each of the churches ' every evening, the attendance was unusually rood, in fact they were usually filled to capacity. The raoim lng: services at 8 o'clock In the Pres byterian church were also largely at tended. the house being taxed to. care for the crowd. . These services were noted f-vr their Oo6pel messages, there being.'no sen sational methods used or attempted, and the results were highly pleasing to the Ministers and' Christians gen erally. Many Christians promised to live closer to the Master and to da more for the coming of His kingdom, while many professed faith and uni ted wjtii the various churches. Edgar Long Memorial Methodist E. Church On Sunday., April 22nd." Sunday School 9:45. W. R , Hambrvck Super intendent Sermon 1\:00 a. m. and '7:30 -p. m. Spworth League at 6:? Good music and a cordial welcome a ?warts Bit who attend Divine worship - in this Church. On Wednesday evening. April. 25th, at 6 o'clock Hon Charles A Hines and Mr. Richard C. Kelly, of Greens boro. ?111 speak to the Men's Club ct itieir regular monthly meeting. ? The world's best seller - the Bible. The- world's best.- business - ?-"'?ivn The world s best man - the Christian, fry H-U rhrcc 11 ? ? Triangular Debate It was our pleasure'to attend..the triangular debate- between Betllei Hill High. School'" and A'.return Springs High School at Bethel ..tun last Wed n"sday night. Owing, to the (aiit-tl4at the heating plant was out of order . and th.' night very cold, the atten- ? dance was small. TJte affirmattve. wMMr*was upheld by the Br the! Hill speakers, won with a unanimous ver dict. The four debaters, all ladles, showed unusual training and dtd themselves promt, trat the outstandtn#. debater was undoubtedly Miss Evelyn Crutchfleld. she spoke with ease, and eerned to be ,a,s much at home on her feet as 4f shp had been dotng only the ordinary things of life. Sheriff Brooks Gets Man And Liquor Still Sheriff Brooks and deputies got m tip that a still was in operation over In Woodsdale township near the Vir ginia line, and last Thursday morn ing thoy proceeded to Investigate. They found a still near the home of Waddell Conner, hid In a brush pile, n.nd they t<)ok both stIH and man In custody. Conner was given a heating and bound over to court Shooting Scrape Two negro?? got into a dispute and proceeded bo settle thetr difference Wtttt the handy gun last Sunday night. The affair took place ot> "The HUl." and when the smoke had tleared IV way it was found that Thessalonian Royater had pumped four bails Into ftoacoe' Oreen. However, his aim tfas poor and no serious damage was dom. They were arraigned befora Mayor Burns yesterday morning, and Oreen was discharged. while Tliessaionlan was bound over to court under n 5400 bond, which lie gave. ?Tax Listers Thf fOJWrm* frgve been nppo?rrt ?iH '?? I t am thn?various Aliens viHe-?J.. L. Gentry, Bushy Fork?Dan I?. WhltlieW. Cunningham -J. R Franklin plat River-Mrs. O. A Hamlin. BoIJowr;? t,.' P Woody. oliw HdH-Jr *1 WagstWT. r?' ?Riwboro- - Oeo. \f. Walker yT ?n.T.b lark U CothnH*. Woodsdale - B K Mitchell. J. g WUker, gupefvlaor.

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