PERSON ?0U?7Y 4 -> I A S-W* ^ ROXBORO J Y^i |'4^4 ""J W _+_- A_4|> 1 fc?_:_^- / I ,^/ ^ ' WELCOMES NEW ^Eamng Mm am gM B? /^kw m?' ? t 1 ? v ^ B%'j comers. ?T ^11* AMXVU1 M V^UUi i S, J. W. NOELL, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. ? HOME FIRST, ABROAD NEXT S1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. VOL. XLV. ROXBORO. NORTH CAROLINA. WEDNESDAY EVENING. MAY 23. 1928. NO. 21. COLONEL CHARLES A. LINDBERGH WILL DIRECT AIR LINE Appointed Technical Chairman Of New Trans-Continental Train-Plane Service WILL CROSS IN 48 HOURS Los Angeles. May 22. ? Cojonel Charles A. Lindbergh has been ap pointed chairman of the technical , committee of the Trans-Contlnetital Air "transport. Inc., said a statement issue? by ? C. M. Keys, president of the corporation, and released here thrmi.-h :inrt liommnr todav. Lindbergh, whose affiliation . with the aeronautical corporation takes place immediately, takes over practi cally all the running operations of the concern, the report said. He will eventually head a committee which will spread from coast to coast, and will be in supreme command of the air lines reaching from Los Angeles to New York. Included in his duties as chairman *0f the committee, he will be in charge of equipment, fields, general service, flyint: routes and safety appliances. I lndbergh Accept? New York. May 22.?Col. Charles A. Lindbergh, who has accepted the chairmanship of the technical com i Continued on page eight) Thirteenth Annual Meeting of W. M. ? The Woman's Missionary Union of Beirlah Association will meet with Lea Bethel. Caswell County, June 7th. ?128. "The Child Grew." > 9:30. Hymn and Watchword. 9:35, Devotional* Mrs. N. J. Todd, 1 Mill Creek Church. 8:53. Address of Welcome. Miss. Adna Rtidd. I.'-:*. Bethef Church. 30:00. Response. Mrs. M. R. Brooks. Rftt hel Hill Church. 1(1:05 Report of officers^ ? " Sec nnd Trt?is.. Miss Ruth' Harris, ClemeKTT TTfrscr. Coantj. li^Uei.? *"![" Mrs. D. W Brad?her. -Rox bart : ' :?r- ? Stewardship. Mr. J. J. Wins t en d ' Roxboro . Perrnnal Service, Mrs. F. J. Hester.* Roxboro Mission Study. Mis'! Betty Kersey. Semora., Caswell County, leader. 30:50. Roll Call, with report from-W. M. S. Presidents. 11:10 Special music. Misses Riley and Perkins. 31:15. Letter from ' Africa to Mrs. And?rs:. bp Mrs. J, D. Anders. Rox baro. ?3 3:20. Addrpss Ruby Anniversary.' Mrs R. L Wilburn. Roxboro. 1i ;35: Orowfh by Obedience Prav te." Mrs A. N. Fostei1. Pro vld"nee Caswell. "Oo Ye Miss-NIha Rogers. Antioch ' Otvc Ve - Mrs. 7. R. ' Clayton. North Roxboro 11 1. OblK^tlon of w M s. to the Child Miss Helen Oraves, Lea Bethel. 31 50. Aptxiintment of committee*. U;S# Prayer, Rev L. V Cog'gln*. Lunch. Thursdnv'P. M, Mrs S. O. Garrett Jr. Presiding. J:?<| Devotional Miss Catherine Mal Joy, Yanceyvllle. 1:15. Report of Junior Leader. Mr*. ft O. Garrett. Semora 3:25. Lavjet-Homep Missions," Rox-.-, wunDeams. Leader. Miss Sue . Bra'dsher. 1:45. "Why Every Churqh Should Have a Y W A." Miss Fthel Per kins Providence, Person. 1:50 "Why I Am i O: A.",by Mis* Neva Lumford. Roxboro. 1:95. Special mi*tc, Mill Creek Y W A 2:00. "An -S O. 8. from R. A." By Bethel mil R A 2:05 "Sunbeam Surprimj," Semora siuibeams, Mrs. S. O. Okrrett leader 2. SO. Report of Committees J:25. Presentation of Banners. Miss' Rtit^ r.r-.rf:. Reecinltlon of New Offlcers anil Ccm?ec ration Service, by Pastors in Beulnh Association Notice Izaftk Wallop' v ill reopen, for ' ' ? n ? *TKTr fOiiift iivi |?lnw ? T?l?? iiu- ia?ulv '~r rr' nut i In* anrt .everyone uifl h* benefitted * H B Manfrnn. fUty M?r. 1 1 n ?? i" :-,y n; r-KIt >Y He n ? - thrill -'i ??? ? . 'IV?.. "Ifn ToiV ' ' '!V ? r-- .'.mn TJ*tlnf" Mon'dav T 00 p M AW His Hat Fits J Dr. Royal De Rohan Buronides j member of the United States. Med ical Corps during the World War had been carrying around a piece of Ger man shrapnel in his scalp for the past ten years. It worked Its way over his right ear, ahd prevented his hat- from sitting properly. So that his hat would fit. he l\pS had it ejected. "THE RED KIMONO" AND WOMEN'S CLUB Every Mother Should Take Her Dautfhter To See This > Great Picture AT PALACE 0,\E DAY OXJ.V The Women's Clubs have been! among; Mrs. Wallace Reid's staunch- ;. est allies in presenting; her pictures to the public. Women can under-1 stand and sympathize with another^ 'woman's efforts as men. perhaps, never could, and m rallying to the support oi" .the Reid productions, they hive -,signified in no uncertain terms their belief in Mrs. Reid's sincerity of purpose.- - . Every iriother FhouW take, her tb 5fre ."Tttfe Red Krmrmo". Every father 'should be sure that his s'ari sees * it; and " o?ery club' worftaTT*' who has the' welfare cff her fellcw fceiri?? at heart should jjive it' h?-r earnest support. ? i ? The Red Kimono" is sensational without beins sensual, it is vivid, without bfeing bra^e^. is dar-j ine without being Vulgar. It was. written by ,Adela Rogers St. .Johns from the records of the Bupsrior i C'curt ef Los Aiiwreles. and will be fh-c-wn nt -the Palace Theatre, on Thursday. May 24th. Matinee at..3:00 P. M. (Ladies Only) Evenings 7:30-9:00 P. M. ?Men Only) ; ?NO CHILDREN ADMITTED) Ccminz Wednesday nnd Thursdav. May 30-31. Herbert "Nub" Barnett in his first Motion Picture. "Some T.Vtby." Fishing Party on Roa noke Gets 22-lb Fish Dr. O W. Gentry. Messrs. D. W. I^flbetter. John Morrts and Chris Barnett spent lust Friday and Sat urday near -Weldon fishing on the Roanoke River. Dr. Gentry proved to be the star performer, in landing1 .- 22-ponnd rnek. Our thanks are hereby extended for a nice steak from thh unusually large fish. The party TTfJtrrl vei-y good luck, and a pleasant trip. Clinic Tomorrow The clinic for crippled children will be held tomorrow. Thursday. In the Royal Hotel. This clinic Is held every fourth Thursday, and will con tinue for twelve months. Many chil dren are being treated, and the com mittee. Dr. R E. Love, chairman, will ? be glad to know of any crippled child which needs treatment. The treat ment is absolutely without cost and you are invited to .take advantage of It. Notice .Ijti Von*' Tnxr* Kf*w! -.-The tax 0eo. \V. Walfter ru. r.ui'i"Hi. .wl 11 jui ?1 > r. I , -- njr TfJ . # Tar -1 nn> ? 00 r M -- EARLY MORNING MAIL FROM DURHAM BY STAR ROUTE! Schedule: Leave Durham 7:3C And Reach ftoxboro At 8:50 A. M. BEGINS-MONDAY, MAY 28 For some time the-citizens, with the earnest efforts of Postmaster! Clayton, have been, making an ef- ? fort to get an early morning mail! from Durham, Since the change in | the schedule an the Norfolk & West- I em Railway Company the town has; been without a morning mail, the' lllSL |!MUil 'LIIT1V1I!? H6ftf M TJILM p. m. of course, the daily papers were delivered here early in the morning, being brought over at the .expense of : the papers, but. no first class mall ! was handled by this arrangement. j Begininng Monday. May 28th. a'i star route will be established leaving ! Durham at 7!3Q, arriving in Roxbora at 8:50 a. m.. carrying only first | class mail and dally newspapers, i This service will be dally. Sunday in- I eluded. and will, for the present be J carried by Mr. W. H. Ldng. Jr. This i arrangement is only temporary and ! bids will be-received for this'sen-Ice. the successful, bidder beginning July j first. Register! The registration books for the bond j election will close on next Saturday; 1 May 26th. If you want to vote in! this election you must register. A ! new registration Is required for this election, and unless you register an1 the new book you can not vote. The books close on- Saturday next. May I 26th. and the elect ten is on Tuesday. June 5th. i HERBERT BARNETT TO APPEAR IN COM EDY AT THE PALACE "Some Baby", two reel comedy starring Herbert Barnett. will be shown at the Palace Theatre two nights. Wednesday and Thursday, may 30 and 31. Mr. Barnett b a very well-known young man of Roxboro who has achieved great success on the vaudeville stage In other states. This Is his first ap pearance on the silver screen, and preliminary reports indicate that has produced "a hilarious com edy. He takes the part of the baby, and surrounded by a bevy of beau tiful girls (which is the kind Nub prefers) carries the plot on to a farcical climax. Herbert will make a personal appearance on the staKC una Explain some of the "interesting details In .connection ?nne with the filming of the picture. Youne Allgood Named , 1929 Captain Of The State College Team Lawrence Allgood. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W Allgood of Roxboro, was chosen Monday to lead the 1929 base ball team .at State College in Ra lei^h. This honor was conferred upon him by his teammates in recognition cf hi?, splendid work oh the mound, especially during the season just clc?ed. In the flnal game of the sea son. he held the Tar. Heels from the University to five scattered hits and allowed them only two runs. Allgood played for several years on the High School team here. He Is 22 years old and a student in the Tex tile Department at State College. He will graduate next year. He.has been the mainstay cf the championship team of State College this year., his v ork in. all Big Five game* having been the prime fagtor. In bringing the championship of the State to the West Raleigh institution. Race For Nominations For President Keeps Merrily On ?Smith And Hoover Seem To Be Winning Pair; Man v Prob lems Vet To Be Solved SMITH LEADER IN RACE Washington. May 22.?Governor Al fred E. Smith cf New Ycrtc seems practically sure of the Democratic nomi nation {or 'President, while Herbert Hoover leads m-thfr-rac* -lot- the Tie? publican nomlnatioh. The-.only De n>ecratic candidate who seems to be giving Smith any appreciable race is Senator James A. Reed of "Missouri. Th? outpouring of delegates In fa vor of Hoover has been remarkable, but Hoover still has raany rivals. The Watson-Hoover battle in Indiana lb a case'in point. Senator Watson wonl the state by a narrow margin. Vic tory tn Indiana might have made Hoover's nomination a certainty. Nevertheless, the large number of votes that he received In the face of the strong Wafson -sentiment was I encouraging to his campaign. In the Republican forces there Is magic In the nam's of Frank O. Lowden. Sen ator Watson and Senator Curtis, and others, whl^h makes the task 'ol Hoover still a difficult one. The Democratic situation is' dlf 'CUIILIUWJ III nUjllll List Your Taxes Every, tax payer In the Gounty Is required to list his or her taxes dur ing the month of May. So far, very few have given In their returns and I want to warn every one that all who' fall to Hit during this month May. will be penalized for failure to do so. OEO. W WALKER. Tax Lister Roxboro Township. Vote For J. W. Noell For Senate My platform: i.owey l,i',.i i .mil 11.,ill i' en normertl expenditure of puhlic EON D. FESS WILL MAKE KEYNOTE SPEECH r v ^?" >enatcr From Ohio Chcice Of ? The Republican Part} i. Simeon D. Fem. United States Scn 1 ator. will be tile Keynoter, or first ! speaker, at the coming Republican National Convention Mr. Fess.. Senator from Ohio. Is' an rrjrgremtve. forceful speaker He ha? . an earnest. sincere method of delivery LIU' the Demr.cratk- keynoter. Claude O. Bower*. Mr. Fes? W an hl? (orlan. He taught I'llstory at vfcftaw universities and college* for many year*, eventually becoming president of, Antloch College. Mr. Fess served In the Ohio Legis lature. was elected to the House of Representatives for a nuirtber of i term* and came to the Senate In 1932. He Is a staunch Administration adherent. He Is confronted with a much more difficult problem than \tr. Bower*: ' The speaker for the party In oMre , alw ays has the'harder task. Mr. Ru differs greatly frmfl MfT Wc^r* The former is much more conservative (han the' latter. It Is experted that there will be manv -I f ?"imug In ??>? tBC ??V|W -at the Republican and Democratic fJrv ri-anniitnii i Another vo?ket M rnara wheir Har ""Pinmv j re ? Speedy 1 i Titf'day. Mav 28-29thu Mattnoe Mon day an? ??. w. " State Gets Testimony Of Lawrence's Suicide Attempt Before Jurors PfiOSSOR DIES AT WATTS HOSPITAL Contact With Highly Charged j Wires Prove Fatal To Don ald K; Prossor Donald K. Pressor, General Electric company iempiov^ seriously burned thoi dry ..ii n..ini i i ?rtrnr he Cranp?KMC) contact ?1th a highly charged electric wire at Roxbsro sub station, died in \V4tts hospital Thurs day, morning at 4 o'clock from acute nephritis which followed the shock. Prossor received severe burns when he slipped from a ladder and fell against wires carrying more than 2,300 volts of electricity. He was found some time later by other em ployes ntid carried- to the Durham hospiul: :'i BATTLING CAMERON KNOCKS OUT POLO K. O. Cameron Lands Many Left And Right Hooks. To Jim Polo'fc Jaw > ?j i ounds. Bolton came out at t lie b*? Tnnnny~or t?ie third 111 a Komewnar ? r 'condition and "after m akin.' a. wild pass,or two at his opponent^ tound himself reclining comfortably, pn the canvas, with Iteferer Uavir t?ounfinff the fatal ten. ? A large crowd was present and. the result .seemed meet their generous approval. Tentative ararngements are being macje to match Cameron, the winner of this light, with Roger BOb -bltt. the' pridi; rf-thc east stdier m njiOther ten-round go for next' w*?ek. This elimination series may produce another dark hope, who can telj. AnAual Meeting Of The Rural Carriers The meeting of 'Rural. Carriers of Pferson County will be held oh May 30th. Wednesday, iu the court house at 10 o'clock. All members are urged to attend this meeting and tatoe part in the exercises. After the transac tion of business matters as may come before us Mr. J, W Noell. and per haps others, will address the carriers N. H. Street. Pres., Fishermen Return ?Hcv W K J. Bllll'lUS Harvey. L. O. Oarrett, T. W. Pass. Copeland | Oarrett. Algle Jackson. Jr., and Hill man 8tanfteld returned last Friday from a fishing trip to Morefread They report a great time and great! catches, landing more than 125 pounds ! of fish. They shipped a box home 1 and we are under obligations for I some of the shipment. . | Notice On. account of the prevalence of - j measles among some of the children of the primary grades, the date for Ittegrntlng the operetta. "Cinderella In Flowerland." has been moved back to Monday night, May 2* Tjjie oper etta will* be presented In the Central rchool auditoriumr and the admission i prices are 15 conts for cftflflrtn and' 25 cent* for adults. New Post Office r or in? convenience of a lari rural mall service a branch office wilt! ** ^i?lnhlnhi ri .a ihl >1..Ii " L>: l#ang. with Mr.. l?ong as postmaster, j T1 '.vili be known as' Ltmgvllfcv | qUiU- a rttTTrfftftrra ;? nwny and will be? appreciated by that' section.? v ? ? .-I Wins Over Objections From Defense; Suicide Letter Also Read To Jury ATTENDS TN WHEEL CHAIR Plttsboro. May 22.?Over mild ob jections from the defense, the state in the Terry murder case succeeded in getting testimony regarding the attempt of W. H. Lawrence to end his life Saturday mJrnlhg as "the shortest way out." before the jury. The ie'teV wr!"J-K m L'lAll'liLe Just before he slashed his neck and wrist and was found by officers in his cell i was read to the'jury. Otherwise the day was one of con sultations and conferences and pro longed recesses while the- state waited for witnesses. Only four witnesses were put on the stand, and none of these was testifying for more than half an . hour. Shortly after the noon recess, the state announced that It was ready to rest on the condition that it be allowed to ptit on two Absent Wit nesses later when they could, be brought into court. But the defense, j which has given but slight indica tion of'theline, of defense it will put r . >Continued on page eight) rw??:?o*?? ? Fishing Party Spends . Last Week On Coast The following Roxbon* citizens spent last week on a fishing trip to the. eastern part of the State* Messrs. T. E, Austin. Lawrence Woods. Cliff Hall. Maxie Daniel. Earl Chandler and Dr, O. G. Davis. A1 Pulliam was taken alcng to iirovide the meals. ? The party, left Mondav morning and ? proceeded to Cherrv Point", about 120 miles below Newbern cn the Neusfe River. They report a g cod time and fair luck. Tftev,. had the ?privilege erf: w .itching a haul made by some of the commercial;? fishermen ? operating ? in those "waters; -when; the nets were emptied it wa- estimatnia-.'that the to 1al catch a m yq n t p t: > ? -n t housand__ TpcynHs! ThJTTvs a s ?? little more than the Roxbnro anglers were able to pull i 'in. The party- returned to Roxbon> Thursday. ' Personal , To the Voters of Person County: The report' is being, circulated that I am working for the b^hd Issue, and ?i? Point to-be present. ' C. Itr