PERSON COUNTY IS ONE OF THE LEADING AGRICULTURAL COUNTIES IN NORTH CAR. ROXBORO WELCOMES NEW COMER?. FOR INFORMA TION WRITE THE BOOSTERS CLUB J. W. NOELL. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. HOME FIRST. ABROAD NEXT S1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. ? ? ? ...... VOL. 5CLV, ; ROXEORO, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY EVENING. JUNE 6.1928. NO."23. FOUNTAIN AND GRIST LEAD IN THE STATE ?Grist For I^afaior Commissioner Has Majority; Second Pri mary For Lieut-Gov. .* SMALL VOTE IN STATE Fixing the prospect oi a second primary a month hence. North Caro lina Democrats Sunday watched with interest the close race lor the nomi nation for lieutenant governor. AIL congressional contests appeared to be settled with the mcumbrehts whn hart i->ppn-i: f-in safely renominate i-u ,ii,n fci.;. ,? li. i. . i Faytw Mile, named to contest at the Novem ber election with >V. C. Dunning, Re publican. for the seat (it Homer Le ? Grand Lyon who declined to stand lor rcnofhlnation. Interest in the race for the nomina tion for lieutenant governor centered largely on the question of whether John D. Lanes ton Goldsboro pub lisher. or tv. H. S.-Burgwyn. North ampton co.unty. would run second. * Returns, were very slow coming in. due to iclosine of telephone and tele graph Service - to many outlying pre cincts and to a number of county seats ini the state. ; For lieutenant governor 986 out of 1.754 precincts give Fountain 5X578; Langston 46.802; Burgwyn 45.237 Frank, D. Grist, incumbent, con tinued to hold his lead of more than , ?7:000 votes over, his two opponents. He was 11.028 votes ahead in 944 out ? of 1.754 precincts. ' The vote; Grist 73.575: Shipman 44.142; Peterson 18.305. . Congressman John H. Kerr, of Warfenfan. appeared, vilely renomi nated oyer H. O. Robertson and O. P. Dickinson in the .second district, .i'.thgunl) .les than onc-thlrd of ? the precincts liart been' heard from m 'actual flcures.' Reports from ali counties., however, gave him a sub 'itantial .lead. In the fourth eiiiirr.t E... W. Fou : .'smiti.: ? :.\f to one ahead i J 1 Iv v nib.-: "!! ~rp~rn y. w. ? ?aasi TKbttm^.'Cretitouire; eft Raleigh:. who -.ciipoSedTitm. Tii(! i uit m 80 .out cl 1!"? iVrecinct? was. Pou 14883; Thomas- 'Cwfcmve s;?8s: In the'sixth. J. E. Clark was 6300' uh :ad ot Her'ceH McClawmj.' in 60 ?out'-of 135 precincts The voir was, Clark .'B.653: MoCJamifty; 2;123.' Conp'P?sni:ir. W. C. Ilruhiner hed a three to on:1 !$ad itr the seventh with .1221 out1 of 218 preclnct? re-' P0rtr<;. 'Tit vuif: Hfimjiiei 12??S; T. C, E:i':icy, 4.1fiii. ' Maj. a. lv "BTOTtSit of Gnstonia - easily distanced .1. G. Carpenter and Arthur' T Afc'irna'thy;. The .vote in 167 cut of 228 'precincts, with a)l of the ;>oj3ulous ctsuntles complete. was BUhrinV" -*.731 Ci.-jVMit-f 14.449: Abernat) ? 205. Thp ptimarj was only lor office* tn which mor'1 than one candifiat? had entered: All other candidates were certified to the secretary of state without opposition.' " Cancro=-man without oppesition I ?we Lindsay C. Warren, first district; C L. Abern.-.thy third; Charles Kl Stodmcn. fifth; R. L. Doughton. eighth, and Zebulon Weaver, 10th: Preabyteriart Church Sunday School 0:45 a. nv. H. I,. CrowolV ouji.. Morning 1 ?rvi?e 11 -??m. Bernuin by the Pastor. A congregational mertln* has beert'Cltl-' ed by the session after the services to act on the 1 ? ignatton r.f the Pnstfu^. Every member is asked to be pres?r,t. Sunday School at Mitchell chapel at 2 p. m. Preaching service at 3 P. M Preaching service at Rushy Fork school house at 7:30 p. m. Every one welcome at ail services P. CARY ADAMS. Pastor "Some Baby" Did you see ^lerbert Ba motto In "Rome Baby" .ot tl>e Palacr last week? If you did not. you mtM*d a scream, ff*r Herbert was incW*cd. some baler, Hij was rreetod by packed housej each t fight. and hit pleased his hontf folk.s- ind you know they are the trr** rriN^s-flnV-r? hat mar; ? tt nit in t hi movies! aod we preriirT for him a rapid .in hi*- chosen ??pntfattion. Notice! T? \ake this method lo thank m v luatUL irlcnds for their loyal support 4u iiic.4irUnan* iMt >$ntairdflY, Tune 2fid, .and will npplreciate your fupporT the. next primary., ' I Vf^r *1 n. v, mooKstr^ - :?*-? - ' ? - siwut- Penan County. HERBERT LAWRENCE GETS 30 YEAR TERM Ends Hard Fought Trial; He Looked Relieved When Ver dict Was Received JUDGE NUXN DENIES BAIL Pittsboro. June. 1,?Escaping with tfje life that he himself had sought to take, . M. Herbert Lawrence was convicted of second degree murder in Chatham court today arid sentenced by; Judge Romulus A, Kunn a> serve SO years, in . state's prison. the maxl muro penalty Under {he law. 1 Wl..:i. in?,:.J u.i'.?rfrrrr?Hw ? ? dom for which a powerful group of lawyers had fought through 17 days of the trial, he looked relieved, when the Jury brought in its verdict. The state had been insisting upon a first degree verdict, which would have sent him to the chair as the murder er. of Mrs. Annie B. Terry. Durham dressmaker: Tonight Lawrence rested at Watts hospital in Durham; nursing - the wounds in hi? neck Inflicted in hi?. sensational attempt at suicide, while his lawyers projected a writ of ha beas corpus in an effort' to obtain, hi? freedom on bail, pending an ap peal to the Supreme court. Judge Nunn refused him bail after passing tntence this afternoon, holding that it was a privilege to which the 'pris oner' was not entitled. Defense council announced that the habeas corpus plea would prob ably be made before Supreme Court Justice W. J. Brogden at Durham to morrow. If that plea fails. Lawrence muist go to the Durham county ja'll to await the disposition of his appeal in the Supreme ccurt next Septem ber. .The verdict, convicting him of sec ond" degree, murder, was returned at TJ128 o'clock this morning. Th? Jury, then hid'deliberated more thai) five hours. But had taken only Tour bM i "f On the first ballot there v.-?re ' br-?e votes for a flr.s: ? decree verdict, -f inr rronci r conti ct(. ? and " : . ; ' ",:rl On the r-ee.nd L i H rit ? t horg ? wer'i? two votes. for ' t 'drsri- /ven .ir :ecend degree and three for an acquittal. These fivo b'i'-Hts ? v.Ttr.- taken last night. j:isi before the jury was sent to bed v hen one member of'tjie mrv op came 111. Resuming deliberations at 8 o'clock ?hi morning, the.Jury cast a third ballot In #*hlch? there y.'ere two votes !cr first degree murder and 10,. for ?second degree: the "not guilty" jury :;i2n Jiavins ? Siiflejl over to favor j conviction. On the fourth. ballot* the Jury stood unanimously for con- j Vlotion of murder In the second de Mr. Jones Now With Stewart Chevrolet Co. Mr. S. Arch Jones has connected himself with the Stewart Chevrolet Company and will act as salesman for this car in this section, Mr. Jpr??'ls an old hand'at celling cars and \s thoroughly familiar with the: bigness. He cordtally Invites any cw thinking of buying a car-to call at Stewart Chevrolet Co's place of business on Depot Street and let him tell them why he thinks they should buy a Chevrolet. Mr. Adams Tenders * His Resignation It will be a source of deep regret to hit, many friends to learn that Hev. p. Cary Adams, who has been r,i>ior of the Presbyterian Church here for ssveral year3. has tendered his resignation. He has received a call from the church at Woodstock. Va. The church has not acted upon the resignation at this' anting, but Jt Is sincerely to be hoped that he nav >>?^ii'iuced to recall^ resig Democratic County Convention To Meet The delegate?* elpctec? at thj pre lAnrt rr.nv^,Hf;n on Saturday^ Mav' 2&th. will meet in the (IMUI house on Saturday. June 9th*. 1928. at 11 o'clock '?A;' M-,r- far the purpose of floe tins to tiie Stale Convention of the convention the ft^en\en will meet and A BeifiUtUl and Fast stepping USIICAL REV17K." pl*ylna at Pat t Theatre \Vedne*der* A TKuraf" . JtMH* B^TCftT r?~ - ?tir*"? ? PLENTY OF ROOM FOR G. O. P. MEN Interior of Convention Hall. Kansas City, where the Republican National Convention *111.- be held' June 12. In this halL which accomodates over 18,000 persons, the late William Jennings . n by the Democratic Party in 1900. ' ' KANSAS CITY PREPARES FOR GREAT REPUBLICAN CONCLAVE ON JUNE 12 Court House Bond Election Defeated At this writing, Wednesday morning, reports from several precincts have not been receiv ed. but the bond advocates have given up the fight and admit the defeat of the bonds. We uill give full vote by precincts in our next issue. BIG VOTE IN PRI MARY ELECTION No Nomination For Shorlff. Second 0 Primary .Tunc 30th. The' primary last Saturday, proved to be a real election. Republicans ^wnccrats :.nd el! v.j>Una_j4*fci l.i: note as ifit had. -been r- central ?eJeeuonr-' -Ar. far as- we have h oar ft everything-- passed off quietly, ther^ br-in:r no trouble reported at any-pre cinct. The following is tli? vote: State?por Lteut-Oovcriior.: Foun tain-835; Lan?ston 003; Burgwyn 245. For tfrbor Commissioner: OrlSt 521;. Shipmazi 553: -Peterson 484, For Senate; Hester 1271; Nnell 881. For Sheriff: Brook3* D30; Clayton F84; I? ompson STG. There was no nomination for stfer i? arid another primary.. iUjt,. be .held on Saturday, .Ume 30th. "DUNBAR'S MUSICAL ftEVUE". A Real Show with Special Scenery and Warbrobe playing at Palace Theatre Wednesday &: Thursday. June 6-7th. Convention Hall Built Quarter Century Ago Scene Of 1928 (?. O. P. Political Show NEWS TO BE BROADCAST Kansas City. June 6 ?The whole 1 town's talking about Che Coming Re publican National Convention, which :nfets here June 12. And the. town 13 not merely talking?it Is making most thorough preparations for the event. These ^reparations have been going on continuously since Decem ; bet 7. 1927. when the word was Bashed through the country that Kan ; sas City had been chosen as the sit? cf the Republican Convention. There will be aaequate accommo dations for evrty .one of thp delegates, i alierncUes jmd visitors.- As a wag pUC iC: * Tht?re even v.111 .be rDcm for 'the. elephant's' trunk." - . Kansas City wjjs chosen r.s the sire -cs:inxnf.-?i . rit ter y a? ! ? - ? ? hp.'. i. tV ' C-'gH'yi-cliv. .-v.-r.: h t ; ? The convention Will be held-at the ? Convention Hal! at .'Kansas City; which: v as built in 1900 for the De f mocratic Convention of jhat year. '?hen * I i r* Democrats- -nominated the i lat? William Jennings Bryan. f For a qUaster rf a' century ton : -enticn Kail, has b?en the .sccne of ; ccncert?. athletic cciitestJi 'and (nfiui ? i 'tal - xhiblts. ' Now again shall resotlnti in its -Sialic. Ij-e -jrpT l-m.ilt nf n national convention! Again hiftory shall be "I made within Its confines! And truly, tills -. ear's convention promises to )>? ad nnjl was_ presented by Mavor Robert pr. Born?' ? ? ? A C The debaters modal was won hy presented by George Coleman Burch . The Research Club English prize vas awarded to Eugene Connally, and The Woman* Club Loving Cup tor best English paper written by a High School student was won by Miss Win nie Wllburn and was presented by Mr. J A. Long. The class of 1927 presented a por trait of Prof. A. B Stalvey, for many years superintendent of the. schools, which was presented by Flu Davis, president of class of 1977. The graduating class numbej^J thirty-three, aa follows:. Mamlr Love Barnette. _ Vena H. Blalook. Corlnnr Sue Bow'es. Zelma Emma Bowes. Margaret Hester Brad ati?. Racfrael Itmtr Bmdsher, DsrW Stokes Brooks. Jf.. Flemici Oscar Car ver. Jr.. Bruce Daniel Clayton.. Edna Krle Oote W?4t?i Riwene Comrnll" -Jx Fll/nhot' Fa'rfcv liutlev Broft ?her Oentry. Roger Sclimon Oentry.] May Jones. Oladys El<-a'nor T*wsc>n Lottie Mary Lin- Carrie Neva Luns-' ; -:4. Lueille Virginia 1 Olivr. Annln T9? piilliim. Mae Blossom RalfT. j a Frances Reams. Janin Kilr R >V rrs. Jo"hn Alden Ropers. Wftllnm L'.-.'.it "JanIn Wra Wade. William Edward' Whltflekl f'l'.ulMii Hh-ebeth Whltten., Winifred Woodson WUburn. Anoa i Wooding KaUirvn EUaabetli Wlnstead. samiipl Byrd Winstead ? | r ? '** * i FIIflED FOR VOTING TWICE IN PRIMARY Raleigh. June G. ? Pbnjamin I.acy Allen, a namesake of the State Treasurer of North Carol- . lina and an emplove of the Nor folk Southern TtailroacJ ? 'or the last 31 years yesterday paid a fine of $100 in the first case chattpn# violation of the. election laws to ? be tried in a number of years. The defenoanL who has moved hit residence Within the last two years and was registered in both 111* old and new prcrincts entered" Xa plea of guilty to charge of yot intr both at precinct No, S iti Hayerf-Barton and at precinct No, 2 a'' Ksmftl-.',- -Dr^ Store in Sat urday ; ? S?.. >? The. crime charged, j is.-/felony i Mt 'Alan I a'-Is ted t ha' >>i ?'id not realiz;.- the seriousness .of jhe of ...nci upprr' shoniiL,' of i w * ? ' ? Ejei 1 . R>. T at v, I >ty C'omnU-i-toiy : V. C. ? Pag;e and a i?? was using exploded. and tijr- fumes .strut's his little sister. who nM mtchlnr: j he performance. John had the pres ?ace of mind to grab his litfle sister . nd smother the flame?, not however, before she was very painfully burned .' is hoped i.?' prions -? Srew*/ informs us this morning that '?he rested better last night. Card Of Thanks To the Voters of Person County; I -wish it was possible for me to see each of you personally and thank you lor the splendid support you Have me lost Seturday. But you know this is impossible however. I believe wti lenon1 me - well enough-to-iknoa that I mean what 1 say 1 am under lastim obligations and assure you that I will never forget your knidness. Nov. allow me to s"vy that I hope each of you who supported me last Saturday will go to the polls on Sat urday. June 30th. and not only give me your vote, but see that your friend does the same We are goini to win and I trust you will help me swell the majority. Very respectfully. Melvm T. Clayton. O 1 Handsome Offices Possibly the most complete- and handspme offlnes in the lovm urn ?he JPhom?s Onfver build la fSrd. Dr. G W Gentry, and Mr F. O Carvfr* have secured raoms ! tvill "move In soon. officer [ ail' modArn convtnimicf s,. ttith i YUnTrtftg \vafef and'~stsam heat, and ?ElflCtrlrlal rtonllanro? ^rtd In t ho United sifft'Min the past- year had a lvalue. of Nearly ' TK? .?atar.v of -ths ? chief. Justic^SoI i the United States is.?15.000 ?.yeat WOMAN FLIER WILL . TRY 10 SEEK NEW DISTANCE RECORD Miss Earhart Announces Dea linatioh cf Huge Monoplane Is Indefinite H ELI* AT BAY BY WINDS SI Johns. N F.. June 5,?A report from Trespassy tonight announced unfavorable weather over the Atlan tic Ocean made It appear unlikely that the monoplane Friendship would take off^tomorrow on Its pro jected flieht to Europe Ml?? Pirhirf Rmicn social worker : : r. .: !. I. 1 K)[ii?r. to be the first woman to complete the eastward air crossing of tpe. At lantic. was said to'be chafing at t tin delay and anxious to get started at the earliest possible moment. Tre?!?s&v. ft':-, F.. June 5?The Fok ker Monoplane Friendship In which Miss Amelia Earhart. of Boston, hopes tc: be the first wom&n to fly across the Atlantic Ocean was ready tar the long and hazardous flsht late to dav 'and awaited only the abatement tf unfavorable winds before taking the air. ' While Miss Earhart and her two male- companion's. Wi'.mer Stutz. pi lot and Louis Qordon. mechanic, urew iu-.uat.cnt oyer their onlo/ced delay. N'or'.hwes- v?lndi swept the, harbor here throughout.the forenoon and made It ' impossible to refuel the plane until this afternoon. The tanks . were * finally filled during a lull In the gale. Except for the htgh ulnd. the weather conditions appeared fa vorable for the flight. The visibility was excellent. .r Miss Earhart and her companions made t known today that their des tination indefinite. Although It was" at Brst" reposed the.*: they- in tended to land at London. oi' S'Uth ? ,"y rvried 'o remain irt .the olr' as long ' aj. their supply' ti fuej lasteti. hoping '.o cover grgatgr distance ihah any, cf "their predecessors wfco- hove ,suc . ceeded iA cre^sintr the -.At-rp.nn by air.. John Fox's Femcus "Little Shepherd" Made Into Movie" When John Fcx. J; renned his mimertal romance'. cf? the Kentucky "ln'.ims i! War c'v"- "Tlis L::::? Shepherd of Kingdom' Came* he gavs.-to Tjostoritv one of the finest" historical rioVMs evir KT-itten Thls favorit" story has now been brought la the jjejeen. by FirsS^ Na tional Pictures: retaining oil i he " Or iginal ,tory. and adding the beauti ful pictorial effects, marvelous drama And Vptchriid' acting of Richard Bar tlielmtss and a ckft of stellar players. The picture comes to the Palace 'Theatre next week Monday :.nd Tues day. June U-12'th The Little ^hrpheid of Kingdom Come", is the absorbing tale of a homeless mountain boy. and of the amazing and unexpected adventures ?>hich befell htm. It is a fast-mov ing and thrilling picture tha't grips the audience from start to finish, and 1'. provides Barthelmess. one of the screen's finest actors wjth perhaps hi* best role. Playing opposite , Bartelmess is Molly OD?v t ha /i-inuig voun.: ac tress who was also with. thLs star In "The Patent leather Kid" As the mountain jglH Miss OTDay gives ? > ?raarkabU* charactMU&Uoa. .. . Matinee Monday 3:00 P. M. Even ings 7.30-6:00 P. M. First Baptiat' Church Bible School. R. L Wllburn. Supt., 10:00 a. m. Preaching 11:00 a. m. Subject: The Courage ot Jesus." H:03 P. W~. Subject ? The Responsibility of In fluence." B. Y. P. U's 8:?. Prof B. B. Knight. Oeneral Director. The enrollment for the Dally V&-* ration Bible School will take place ivexl Saturday ufternoon at 2:00 p.\ yC( can ia)ce care 6f n limited num ber of children Between the ages of ' I'iC^ ;U Ml? i ime for the enrollment Tli? -^noo! Wlr? Metidav mom- i ins h t 9 00 o'clock. No books required,. ii-v-mtfc utrnawr ? f? \ A cordial wclcome i extended to all.1? W T WEST.' Pastor ?nt:sij Miilave is b-cormny inter Ie?t?d in aviation. This country imported tl,0M.M8j0Q? , of goo4s from Latin Amerfca last j rj