PERSON COUNTY IS. ONE OK THE LEADING agricultural COUNTIES IN north Car. ROXBORO WELCOMES NEW COMERS. HMHN FORMA TION WRITE THE BOOSTERS CLUB J. W. NOELL, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. HOME FIRST. ABROAD NEXT " ?1 ? i>F"l v"? 'V "u a\te VOL. XLV. ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA. WEDNESDAY EVENING. JUNE 27. 1928 NO. 26. Convention Opens In Hot Blaze Nomination Of Al Smith Thursday Agreed Upon With Senator Robinson Likely To Be Chosen His Running Mate CONVENTION OPENED WITH BRIEF ROUTINE GATHERING AT NOON i He-Assembled In Evening- To Hear Militant Keynote Speech Bv Claude G. Bowers > Convention -Hali.- Houston. Texas. / .me 26.?At peace with itself, the Democratic party turned tonight to ?> real task?that of selling itself to .-.hp''voters of the nation. A. u-r .i brief routine openinp noon n TT?i ' i -i h 7 iA m. to hear.the keynote speech of ?,r temporary chairman. Claude G. Sowers! editorial . writer on the * New j "L'"j>rk Evening 'World, 1 This keynote, a picturesque pfesen- ' I 3$tUm of the merits of the Demo rauc party and a razor-edged "slash .zg o i the Republican administration ?;V Washington. was delayed until the bright session so millions more might ?far it over the radio. To The Country Actually, it was addressed, not to fie convent Ion. bu t to ^he count ry. .Before the convention met; its most mportant decisions were already ade . The nomination of Governor' Alfred. E. Smith ; was. arranged, to .ake place Thursday "The prohibition fight is practically ver. with the bulk ol the party Lead ?, -? prgpaied n? lJur 'iriuuOi a plank , ;edging enforcement of the Volstead 4ct,:bUJ nor'taking any position with regard to modifying if. The selection of . Senator Joseph T. "nbinson. of Arkansas, as Vice-Pres ent ia! candidate appeared likely as I result of negotiations among' va v/nvention lenders _ ?. ThU- left^ihe rrinvf ntinn iv.ltli .-Utile V"-~ do except. to stage a dramatic ap- I .al to .ihe country, wipin:; o.tit ;hr: . ?. TJ u at iongathered ' xUitm^ t hp dis- j . ,-r.cTly exhibition' at \Tadis6n ?<juaro ?? - i r/*e n ?, iiur \earrr?-.rrrr' H nit? prr li L - ' ' the picture . <>! political .party ??' r-.r iii'.'.f jW: cnthU-i.lStlC.T.!*-" ' ? i'li ? :i5nated. . ? Wnii'f Be l.on( Vow Sbortir before the .night ??-.-?.on, \ '-.-orqe 11 Van Namee Snijtl) niaiv.i issued .a uit . merit even more nfident than , his earlier, ones. H< ; iared d .te- in? t u Suifth n Houston had demonstrated Governor .,iith'> popularity 'and added that ?.?n il trie Governor"? represent at i ven re desired to do ? theV fould not /-lay his nominator! lorn Other candidates had ahnp&t dis . . ^peered from consideration. Sotac ' ?? their supporters were still wearing; vlgeft: but all effort" to put up a ? .rjw.'i >>pp. sition had disappeared u:w i v.mfKTntir party wa as united. - n the -eruface certainly, as" it. was Then it renominated Woodrow W1M f;on by acclimation in 191t? The South .nd West, however much they difa? | j | ?? ?-j??99?.mHh> * wexfe : ???!?? ' ? ; ? ? ! e\ - it, through- Governor. Moody, was .eady to fnove that His nomination be , TjAde unanimous. once the ballpt was Notice! I am leaving floxboro ior i ,mv rid home. Greece ? i^es and fnencis. and Dt until about .Sept. 1st. t wish ?o thanks- mv friends for ,Air generous patrotjace extended -.e in the i>asl. In my'absence Ange AiJl finvo ' hitr*:<? of MH' bu?lne*l r m Ill ? ik ood re -f ? out Witt J THOMA8. ri r .vil < .;je Notiec! . >sit rel ab Thr Tiibiir H>ue Takf Notice: Sheriff Brook.* fiad' nothlnE to do tth Ihe nrrert or of 'taklnn bond r,' ".Vtlllain Np?ix>ld ** hr arre?t*d " y Chief of Police and released by me :?-asvnr l.Mtn r.oTTi.F. MF.?sA<iK hack ? hY +xx,\vnr xttt.k \ v*ar " H'U ?-??" ?Mft** ear ago Thorwald Kroyer of this sly. UVrev overtonrd from a tran^ tlantle liner a n>esKatK? in a bottle It ctktr\r-A jLshoye ,>!>uthe c6a~t -I fcetand '.wtvre It found by n -fteenvyear-old boy who retufned Uie TTie?CTJ-ge V? KwyAi* * ?- - . .Machinery lor jhe manmaciyi wir; <?f ^avci^t vh.n '344 \ Tammany Hot Over Shelving Of Walker Vew York. June 26.?Tammany Hail wis just a bit "hot under the collar" today over the Mayor Jimmy Walker incident at Hous ton. ? They were indignant at the ap . parent "shelvinc" of Mayor Walk er. who was slated to be Gover nor Smith's floor manager at the . Democratic National ' ConventTon. The situation was further strained by" the appointing of Franklin D. *t"ri if vi It m Unnc?iM-. cause Roosevelt is not ;i Tart many man. , Mayor Walker's ability. In hold his own in any kind of rough and tumble debaiting wa.^ cited as the ?reason for hLs scheduled appoint ment to handle the Smith forces on the floor of the convention.. With such a job on his hands, the mayor left his sick bed la*t-Fri day and made the long trip to Houston?only to be .turned over to a rbrps of photographers and ap parently turned aside by the cam paign managers. Tammany Hall, despite t h e speed which Governor Smith's band wagon has gathered, was quite, indignant about the whole thing. Mr. O. .0. Bailey Dies I After Long Illness Mr Q. D Bailey, died at- his home on N'orT h Main Strept Sunday evening ! at l(r*s: Jn his 5#th ye?r. Mr. Bailcv i was bom aid reared in Person Coiin- | tv. and moved to Hoxborq sfvfral i 'ear* aeo. "?rhcr whlrh-fime fa--;?ha* mainly' hern connected wltli the to '? ) iliterests of the muc. He had Vren ill tor several iVeelcs. and for ? ome time Ua* bcfr\ ij> a critical con- ? riiUOij. ?-ru' ::iv deatlt not IT* -u: ,>I 1-:? .-lnenas. and l.ivedj cuts. He. was buued yesterday morn - ->'? >'i the vfimtaaue cemetery, near bethel Mill . 113c funeral service* convt < ut ri?,-] jjy ftf. S" ,j I'.idll Surviving Mr P.ailcy are his widow. : fiV" daughters. Mrs .S. p. Rvjand. of Smith Hill. VS.: Mrs. R. Jackson. Mrs K. E. Pavlor, and Misses Lottie and 1 Una Bailey There also nrvlves onr brother. R. n. Bailey. , PUUbcarers J. Y Blanks, J.'-o. i i-?'.?>jnpson. Ervih Moore. II. G. Kimp ~. O. B. Woolly. W. W Frederick. ' R M. Jackson and L. K. -Walker. | Honorary pallbearers were: John; Reams. M,-T. Clayton..G p. Feather stone C. O. Hall. S. B." Davis, O. W Joym r B. A. Thaxton and John Mer- 1 Htt." floral bearers; Jack Bailey. MiM> Ertejl Bailey. Miss Nellie Reams Mtss I IH'V Reams Herbert Monta?ue. Frank Mdntague. Kitchen Harri:. Mrs. Klt il.irr'.' W MiinHiiniii?JU_?Mn, Maude Montague. Miss Mable Mon I ? 'if Mls's Musette Montavue. J, T. B?i! y. IJ T. Bailey. Mrs. D. T. Ball i ? D. W Yancey and Mrs D. W ? ???O J Heme From The Capitol flev p. Gary Adams and his dozen boys arrived Saturday afternoon after s a -.veek spent in sight seeing in and . :iround Washington.'I> C Tln-v re-, tier: i most wohderful trip, with no, accident to mrfr the pleasure Ift 1 II vine the naitt^s of the boys making j ihc trip we omitted the name of John Bullock. John especially, iiould have i>**n yjentioned for lie was -ono ot the crowd entitled to enjov the trip,' ?-?hurifuc -worked :tiearned ;< e.dodlv portion of the money necessary for Going Abroad - sff I- f' Thoman. who has i>e?*n i4 ?^uleitt of Roxboro for several*, year.'-,. ?? tiled one day. last week for Ms old home m Oreeer "Tommie" as ho is 'fi^vri to 'he public has become a ;e?t?/eU of this country, arid is re ; lrning. Tor"the . W. VIMUfld' i ne old Talk* and kin but the'prifne motive for hla trip Jib that lie will be married iji the frtd ^oiintrv ~TT?' and. Ilumaa^ axpect tp teturn about se jjt first lThf first almanac appeared in Enc . Ush in 1497. It* was produced on the Continent in 1472 ??; r-V -r- r -i'' f' -O'?;???1 ? ? ' m : William . Haines *ai)d "Joan Crawford ju SfMlINO fWFTt. paying <1 l^ai it -ytpnfay At Tuesday SENATOR ROBINSON i SLATED TO BE GOV. ! AL SMITH'S HATE Arkansas Senator Acceptable j To Both Smith And Other 1 Factions Of Party . ! SUPPORTED FARM BILL Houston..Texas. June 26.?The I Presidential nominee o I this' conyen- t tion appears almost as certain notM as the selection of Governor Alfrdd | E. Smith, erf New York, as the Presi dent ml lii.nmii.'ir. Senator Joseph T. Robinson, of Ar- j kanr-av Democratic floor leader m the Senate and permanent chairman of | the convention, seems -slated .as sec ond man on the ticket. His name is most frequently, mentioned. He is acceptable to the Smith leaders and' generally favored "by other factions1 in the convention. Robinson had been mentioned in | the last few months for this position, but it was thought at first the con vention would turn to the Middle West or West rather than the South. 3ut leaders seem to agree now that } Robinson, who supported the Mc Nary-Haugen bill, would be just as: valuable from an- agricultural stand point as a Westerner. The Vice-Presidential nominee can- ' not -be predicted too .^afely m -any convention. The field in this conven tion, though. is very narrow. Next to Robinson. Evans Woolen, Indianapo lis blinker, is most prominently men tioned. Talk of* Representative Cor^ dell Hulj^ of Tennessee, and Senator George of Georgia, both Presidential*" candidates has. practjcaily stopped . There an* booms ..Uso for^a v.oniah. Mrs. Ne.llip Taylor Ross, (ormcr Wyo ming governor, and for two former military mfen. Major George . Berry, of Tennessee." and General H^nry T. "Allen. Commander of .the \merican ..Army of Occupation in German:. Hoover's Mate senator Cfiarlcs Curlli> uf Kansas. vho was nuanlmously nominated as VJce Presidential Candidate by the Republican N a t i on a I Convention meeting in Kansas City. Edgar Long Memor ial M. E. Church A congregation maintaining the regular worship of God is doing some-, thing tor the community which can- ? not be done in any other way-na pow er greater than the mightiest sermon! A collective confession far greater than that ot any individual! A city set on a hill which can not be hid! Are you supporting s(!ch'~a. confession Ty me Chii?n7 1!. J.OU are you are a regular attendant at Church Sunday SchOol 9:4t>. Sfrmorr . and Communion 11 and 8:0Q. Eivworth League ,7:15. The. Church "neetii""vou?yob needs the Church. T, A. SIKES. Pastor Over five hundred farm women and altered the Cotton Fashion Show m Scotland County last week. One hundred and four exhibits were : ring" .with : nri2j?s awarded to _ win ners in sixteen classes Victor Adcock Killed In Auto Collision Saturday Driver Of Car \bsolved Of All Blame In? Connection With Accident HEARING OCCUPIES DAY Saturday afternooh at about 6:30 o'clock; Victor Adcock. whose home was in the Mori&h section of the County. waa killed in an automobile collision Mr Adcock had just left the Oiling station at the railroad crossing ne$r Brboksdale when motorcycle on wmcn tie Aftk rifllliy camp in-contact with a Dodce r-edan ririVPij by Mr. William Newbold of Raleifeh. In the car with Mr.. New bold? was Miss Elizabeth Morris of Roxboro who were returning from the June German dance in Rocky Mount. Mr.. Adcock wei* rushed to the ho< ! pitai In Dufhattt and died at about 5. I.c/clock Sunday morning. A warrant chargiftc Newbold with manslaughter was issued and the matter was heard Tuesday morning. t$?(lpving th* entire day. A large crowd was attracted by the hearing, the court* house being full of interest ed spectators . The case was heard by I Mayor 8 P. Burns, and .Justice* w . I Newton and C. C. Oarr?tt, At itie | conclusion of the evidence* Mift Court took a vote- and the cas^5"*? as dropped, two. votinr in favor of nc# lit tal and j ''ri" iu ??lid ill ?it f3*? !l}'l M higher court ? ]? OV9RB09F OF TONIC COSTS JOB Newark -Thomas Bailey prohi* ; Mtion agent. wan discharged after be in? bromrht to court tor driving an1 automobile while drunk. l>r. E.. U. ftelUtein testified when prescribed ;< tonic for the dry a pent, which was highly alcoholic and Boll r-V fiMtt 'M\ .H'?i|jau' ? Cleanliness* in the barn at milking tune, prompt ne** m getting the milk coojed. and frequent, deliveries will i nt t,tx*i ?tt-oot milk at the door of the consumer. y . - - - ^ m Hoot Oiokovi <The Ace of 'Western . Start>? in \ Trick of *Hr aria.. at E'rI- * ac#> Theatre W?*dne?cfav? July MMtattaviid nmtH ' : ? ? 1 An Appreciated Letter Helena. N.'C,, I Juno 23. 1928 I Mr. S. P. Satterfleld. Ins. Agt. Roxboro. N. C. I Dear Mr. Satterfleld I uii writing to thank you (or the chcck you sent roe for my mother for S1305.00. as bencftciary pf m? father who died recently. I want the in suring* public. to know how sincerely my mother ,\mi family appreciate the valuable service you liave given my -..ri -n p,.n ?,<; .wsl icy holders with you. On .Mny 15. 1905 vou came to my fathers house and .old him and mother a policy each for $1300 00 . 20 years You looked alter the prem- I mins if my father was not In a po- I MtK.ii to pay when due. you uphesi- I tatincly paid jt for them and eave them the needed tunc to pav The policies wore paid tip in full In May. 1925. My father topk a paid up pol icy. He received $06600 cash a? ac cumulated . jrpltis and paid up polloy for s 1300 00. The company paid him an nddltietinl .?25.00 at- hi* death a* inortuarv Mirplu together with the ?1300.00 policy. Mv father did >he best act of hM life from a business standpoint when he took these policies My mothec has her paid up policy and I am sure vou will re a. iiM i ct the same ur' farm, courteiu-. treatment at dca*'-. I unhesltatmglv ndmomsh -everybody who (ah 'W'Itv to do so with jrour iffod nKqnrv, who standi ready at all. 'Ime? to give the reeded service and more Thanking you a?ain. in whlth my mother and family tolin m*. I am. Very sincerely your?. ? a- <? Bt.Al.OCK Per Mother and Famll": \if Mail ytyln- _Lxt( udcU_.' Washington. D. C. ?Twenty-Jix states are now htlng served bv air mall Th" Post" OUIee -Department announces 'hat before thr-fwl .'imp ' 'Iopi I It * i,"i'.. ihlrtt ive .tail's* The Jfldtan bureau announces that HIP IWT I'fllflfJt wealtfi of the Ameri can Indians is M ?00 j Claude Bowers Tears Into Old Party Activities In Delivering Keynote Speech SIMMONS HEARS I OF RE-ELECTION ? I Veteran legislator Tunes In j On Houston Proceedings; K scapes Texas Heat Washington, June 26 ? Sena'tor Simmons va? gratified to team of his | :e-i'lrcuoii as national committeeman : Irom' North Carolina, which too* place at a caucul of the North Caro lina .it lot- Ho.:..-,., r ',ln" - day iifternbem. With :a radio .s&t in} his office m the ?apitol_ he could 1 hear plainly Clem Shaver's ravel ?si the convention was called to order and I all the other proceedings of the De mocratic gatherings in Houston He was saved the terrors of Hous--; ton rheat. as a cool breeze tfi's been blowing from the West for several: days and he was .satisfied he decided wisely to forego the trip to Texas. His attitude on the* nomination oi. Governor Smith was unchanged He .did not like the idea of harmony i that everybody at Houston has become ? inoculated with. He feels that? when principles are at stake the: last thins in tSe world to talk Is harmony. N'or was he impressed with the* chorus of voices that came from Hous- j ton that all was over save the for- j -p.inlj.tle'.- That has t>-?-n inc :annllar, refrain in the newspapers for month He doubted M there was as much har mony as has .beenr portrayed His atutude today was that of the happy warrior He had fought a good' filth t and lie had not faltered.. He had hot conceded the nomination it Smith..nor had he, made any other e-oncesMdns. Person Co. Students Graduate At Duke Pet sen County represented In 'iy-arwluat)nu-i-.i^..(if l'l'.'a ai-.liuk* UiuveTMty on Wednesday. .lune ? 6th,, vhen Miss Willie .r Crowder and' K y r i h A. Brad-her received [lieir A 11 decrees Mu.s Crowder K the -charming and talented daughter of Mr artd Mrs O. M. Crowder of the Loci". Lily !?ction. while Mr Bradsher is the gifted son of Mr and Mrs Louis Hradsher of the Hester s Store sec tion Besides having the honor arid the unspfaknble* advantages of fe uiplomis Irom one of Ameri ca's greatest Universities Muss Crow- , der and Mr. Drad&her hRve also the e^oeeial- distinction uf being members of the tlrst cla&s u> receive deirrees' m Dukes i.c*. magnificent .uditoi--. ium. und of being among the flfjt. - ti not the firet. Person County stu dents to graduate from ereater Duke The many friends and admirers of these ixipuljir young people through ?' ,;T 1'Cuimiv?''IT1 ^nd congratulate them on their success anil ' enlevement and hope for their con tinued uccev. in the bu'irv -of? hfy Notice! the Voters of Person C'otinty: Sat - in lection, day to nominate the ' >' ' 'ilf tire of ".herifT or thi wood CowBtf i again take this me-1 thed to urire hi v far^hd- to to fo th< polls and rote f feel nint I deserve tour vote and support I noticed in one iRsu' ni nip Courier inr oppon cni Mr Clayton said Wr afe go in". to win Now f wilt not cri thai tar m'I think ;hat ts for the rood pecmle to sav. and I leave tt wtth vou Your 1 rletid ?? M \l PBofilr.r ? Sheriff Persn County "I II I liiAH BOX SWIVIII F. works osrr. MORI ? K/- .S ? J Frank Rober , ported he had uren' wlldler! nut ofj' stranfers h- met m I tneiln Park jnld Kobtrt . ltr had re.elved 'irriu !e>>iev and .ingested tljev pool Iheiv resoufr-? ? An ? rce I?it. in :> cloar bo\ r - ^r-?! 1' ?.?.? contained craps of uaper' i - r>? A former housekeeper at the Vyhite 'M'"- that Mr. Coolidgr Javes With domestic economies TTotwBTi? ssonon & year Ken MayfUtrd with Tarmn' ?he i Wrnrier Horse Ih "The Upland Rider*' at Phlrto* Theatre UKfdav .June 30th. Matinee P M New York Editorial Writer Tears -Mercilessly At The Kecord Of Two' Republican Administrations. Those Of Warren Harding And Calvin Cooiidge ADDRESS VERY POWERFUL ?cmi Houston Hall Houston. , June. -'6 -A stormy challenge by tr~in national democracy to the Republican presidential ticket and platform not ' Net two -weeks old went roaring out over the radio and (telegraph tonight K' - " "t'id th-i; the ntrM 01 jetlerson and Old Hickorywould enter the, November lists with blood in us eye Claude G. Bowers, of tfew York, temporary chairman, and carefully ?-elected keynote speaker touched otr ?i veritable powder key of Democratic enthusiasm. He tore mercilessly at the record ;t two Republican i.dmui Istrations those o( Harding and Coot ldge, to- sweep liis auditors in the crowded pavlllion. into outburst* of applause as he went down the line on the, oil scandals, farm legislation; fake prosperity:'' "unemployment" and all the other allegations of: Re publican misrule, upon which the Democrats propose to base their fight for election- of their presidential ticket. * rhe .New York editor. spoke to a. crowd many, ol which had been f ?Ux i'piw thnnde.-shn??y whirr. penetrated the Tool t the pewfy built auditorium', but the dele gates were willing to forget their f?n discomforts, and the fight over presidential nomination, wllich " ' ?? ????? ? c'roverr, : :litll of New York.' in order to' hear him. sound the party battle Crv - Fjinrrtlillc ociferai." vjL-. 'ffl? rcar .'hp e-j-pcnti-n i de mand 'hsi.t 'he hand-of privilege* be taken ftoni jtlie throats Ot the farm tr . 1 w :>'<: standard .as repioy.- , ' : 11 *? !.-i:ic- -iTTtt?T... U!r--f? several minute,- i d lowed.. The ?Uui car H Bearei made fp~ '.-.c?r.iaTorrv ff. the procession while the delegates vieered Bowers keynote was . the principal business of ihe night session, the rj r-iamder of the time being taken up with rice-ssary routing -ucii as the ???opotntiner.; c.i committees and adop tion of rules of procedure The convenerjv adjourned at 9:24 >rt until 11-o'clock tomorrow nnprn ' iler report.; of committees, in ritKUne .the platform committee witli t'-s troublesome prohibition problem. Ill be 111 order. Senator Joseph T. K lbinson of \rkansas will l>e install ed permanent chairman ft htus not beep definitely deter mined when the nominating speechei Will be made but virtually certain t-hat a presidential chotoe will be designated Thursday or Friday Move*_Office_tc^Durham _ Goo w Kaiv prominent con ttmpTs Vfho;t has maintained hi? prin ci pal office hero for several yc*rs has moved n part of his force to nur.iair. whero hp will make o mo* headouarterv He retains of. ncm here in the old post office build ing but Mr Olarenoe Bowen will move to Durham We an- glad tr> V.ijqw- that this not mean the remotnl of Mr and Mrs Kane. w> they will continue to make thu ineir home A MODKRN RIP VAN* WIVKI.I. Belgrade.- a nip'va^, Wilkle m rea? life- h?' been discovered tn the per Mn of nni> Fran la K re mer He had 1 ved for T2 years ildden ,n one room -fcl-.' i.,r--e .Trr^ jinn-,,- _ When he .-merged the other day lie did tiOfknon (here had b.-en i, World War he thought (he Emperor Pran* Jose! was -.HI aiiv, ,(nf) ^ ,)ad lM>w ?en an automobile He vas amused bi pre?ooi -rlav masculine , iothlne yilhOtlt eeuiir j,n, Recently Krelnrr ^ disfoveml Vat.irallv he-?as thought Insane, but v '' t""""' '?!"! uui' mm -i aiii'|ii>iv? Clever T?entv-two yea? ago Kreln 2 '-. ker. ni "" " ' """ left toe country lie kept ?ne servant ?<> Brtru-. film **tcr and the '-Mint sort of food. ?hot tnv husband ha* <>me affliction sometimes I uik to him for Hours and then find he haunt heard a word "That isri't an affllr iion?madam a,** u>e ?<ar. 'That's t pi;

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