PERSON COUNTY IS ONE OF THE LEADING AGRICULTURAL COUNTIES IN NORTH CAR. ( fpje Koxboro Courier ROXBORO WELCOMES NEW COMBBS. FOR INFORMA TION WRITE THE BOOSTERS CLUB J. Wv NOELL, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. HOME FIRST. ABROAD NEXT S1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. VOL. XLV. ROXBORO. NORTH CAROLINA. WEDNESDAY EVENING. JULY I. 1928. - NO. 27. Raleigh Hotel Burns Down Flames Hoar Up Elevator Shaft And Iiapidiy Spread Over Building MOTHER AND CHILDREN RESCUED JUST in time Raleigh July V?The Yarborough ? Batel. one of the most "historic^ hostel-1 ^ of the South. was virtually de 'tioved by tire yesterday afternoon. ~:a damage by. Are and water was ? '.mated at $200,000 : .=:arthvg from -in undetermined .lusetn the basement, the fire roared, ?.he elevator' -halt and' rapidly .-broomed throughout the top' of ? tjuildinii. For three hours the I Raleigh Fire Department as rham and f irr. Ola/: under con riic uvpiti hi ? r by trucks from Dur h tjtx / The most'thrflltng incident ol the j was the. rescue ' of Mrs * R.. C.j .veil, wife of the iftanager. and her I xa children, who were trapped. in j en* room on the third floor "The .hotel was owned by the Grimes i t v Company executor oi the estate. Shareholders are W. * Grime-' Mrs F. B. Dan'cy. ol Bal- ] -ore- Mrs. -John Ward. W. G- Hay-] d and F J.* Haywood, pf Con-I c \V -B. ? Grime.?.'president of the, ,.,pan> w as not reftdv last night | make an ?'st.innf.i- ot. either. th< | ? ti.r the vain?' u.f the Dimain?. 11 | ? \ruely . covered by insurarfce. l\e j The hotel ur;is leased bv the.'Grit-| ;:-Bh?id Hotel Company . and sub-H .sed by W. .F. SOfners. . The fUrni- j winch belonged to (he Grilfln- j ...i.d Company, was insured for | ?o 'which, it ^ estimated will more. ?;. v: t>-Ms Q??rV <^i 'h<> !?', >f u ;Uilt us>able ddition ib ? UV- (iamaue <V :e,l .and us roiudn^. 'he set S;ato Shh*' Shimj Buds .:!. """T" ^ Ti' I-.arlcv . c.ii , n d ' By | arahtfor.'s su lie re d j Mri cd hi ? {Basement ? Martec' !?>? the. bft.-anient.! ancirtormmed cause II wa? : '? bottom ef' t he elevator shaft, and t ? lew minuten had flared up the 1 aft anu was spreading to ey.ejry ( rt* o.i thr butldine. ii rapid "was the .spread -of the * tiars that Mrs H. C. Powell. 'Wife the manager and# her children <?d >? number of xuests were cut o IT rom the steps Most of them, how , er. yverc able to eltmb down fire - rapes Mrs Powell when the .moke first lied into her room on the third - oor. picked up i>oth fier children nd started towArds the ?teps A o a ring wall of flange headed her ofT ad she v^as driven back to the wln ? OW ot her room where .<he perched. >th iter Utile boy in one arm and pr six weeks old baby in the other, ntll firemen rarried the three down ?he. ladder. Crowd Fears Tragedy For * i few minutes?minute* that *?med like hours to the breathless jowds .packing the street belo?r?it ""med that Mrs. Powell wa$ going; %y throw her baby ouv of vt^e window rid Jump to almost certain death .erself. Men ahd women screamed her to wait but the black CjOUdU ' .i smoke and the approaching" ton - % um of flame :;eemed to have her erfor strickrned. But the unman'* .^rve held and he waited until th< adder was up . and three firemen, flowed by Mr Powell, dashed up ~r.p ladder to the rescue Mrs. Powell was in a >ery nervous "?ndition last night, the strain of -t-r experience telling, on her but she .as getting .better. said her husband One humorous incident of the fire n incident which seemed llkelv to -come a tragedy, concerned flre -.aen's efforts to save a somewhat in oriated guest'of the hotel who was .*eping during the fire The. flremtn -ent into his r<ymi and tried to set. out but JiiiLJiian dlrtn'i wani_..ta, ime. He *eemrrt to think Hfle Arr aign were policemen and three times rok r away from ? - , * " vv,clc into im t vim;?rmtmy tr~ www rk0O8fiutry to drag him out by main trength and awkatdness nj\d lock ?im up in the citv jail until he sob fred enough to keep- out of the fire ?3S would* rmt tfre ht?? name to fhe -**k sergeant and no charge "was ?^red against him ' ?' - 7 n ? Beautiful as a* rare flower. Bttife >ove TfT TTTTT YELLOW *TT,Y wrn ?live Brooks at Palace Theatre Mon .-!*? A Tup&day. July a^-lOLU. Alatictc Mondnv 3 ,00 P. M* Senator Simmon* In Sanatorium For Rest; Frank Hampton Back Washington. July 3.?Senator Simmons has gone to a sanator ium in Maryland.' near Washing ton. for a wniplAto rest of two , weeks, Kb activities in the re cent' campaign have tended to check the healing, of the nerve* on one side of his heart, which be came severed from ah attack of herpes last year, and his phvsi rlans have recommended .that; he divorce himself from all activities of every kind for a short period. Frank Hampton .secretary to the Senator, returned today from Houston, where he went to at tend the National Democratic Convention. He lijirt no statement to make as to tfff- outcome. He was as philosophical about it as Senator Simmons has been. Five Deaths-As Result Tornado St. Paul. Minn.. July 3.?Five deaths and more than a score of persons in jured had been reported Tuesday as of a. 'yrte;i ?>1 teirr.ndte and "Ifctricai storms ui tlua North Property damage was estimated at more than $1.000.000. The storms were general in four tates: Minnesota Wisconsin and North and South Dakota, late Sun clay muhi and Monday -.Two : men were killed by lightning. two persons died in barn crashes. and a ~ ' i!v.;n u ,?s k 11 i<*(i tn m TrTtTrmrrBttr accident attributed to the Storm. Notice r..v Friends of Person County: T^.T?C' a few v.'ckK plea sr. I - appr^ ,ciae< and .will .n'evgf forget the* won derful MippOrt vou gave, nit* ali d hav? aiwnyh given ,ine Four years ? asr> \:0li supported ~nd elected me Sher jfT. of this County My honest desire has always been to give service and bv your vote you*have .shown me.that you appreciate-it. Of course, no one likes to be defeated, but I can say. though defeated, i tee I highly hon orecj by your vote. There is no living lhan who could have won over this combination. To win. we would have had to beat the Republican Party and a part of the Democratic Party. Again I thank you. I will be in office until December 1st. and if there is anythtng you need done in vour community, call me. My desire is still to serve and do duty where duty demands. Sincerely yours. ' Nat V. Brooks. Notice! I have quite a number of letters wanting to buy (arms in this County. II you have a farm you want to sell or tent, pleas# net In touch with me ?ind ll*t your farms. There Is no rharfje for thl* service, and If you arc willing to sell lit f?lrt prices I be lieve I can help you mahe a deal. Pfnase give me full details #f the farm, what kind of buildings, num ber of acres ho# much in cultivation, ahd how much woodland etc Come ?o see me. or write fulW particular* it once. C H. HUNTER Sec. Chamber of Commerce. Births Itfirn lo Dr uid Mrs J. H Hughes a son. Charles wllaon. at Wrftt'a hos pttal. Monday. June 2Sth. Me and Mrs. Frank H. WiWon an nounce the birth of a daughter on Friday. June 29th Mav Pauline Newell, daughter of "Mr. Tna-Mnr W ft- Wewetl- wmi born June 26th. ?II ir i? Me nmJ Mm. U. W- Rotten " '?>?f ^"V1" itUi.. __ Mr ^nd Mrs I J. Clayton an nounce the birth of t?r>n girts Sat urday. June 30th. rO Notice rhere will be a ineetinu of thr Hoard-of Countv Commlialoners Mo* day, July ^th for the Tit* 'heartns romptalnt? of pmxrtv aaa- . era In regards to valuation* for lh" \ par-tif IM? ?t 'K A. U. ? L ? W T KIRBV. PVfV 'ft HCMfrr Leaves Race Oovefnor Albert Ritchie' of Marv - land, v'ho Withdrew his name as a candidate for the Democratic Presi dential Nomination. Asserting that personal advancement should'not be allowed to interfere with Democratic .success, he suggested that MarylandV .18 votes be cast for Alfred E. Smith. FLYERS GIVE UP ENDURANCE HOP l)e?tsau. -Gvrmaji>v July Pil ots Jtjjianh KLsticz and Ilans Zim nufrmaji. who started Monday in an attempt to break the duration lllght. up Monday night if t?*r being in the air IT 1-i hours. The airmen landed because. of a1 defeet in their exhaul pipe. OANItLS CALLS UHUN SOUTH TO SUPPORT GOV. SMITH TICKET Prefers To Vote I'or Smit h And Fight Mod i fica t i on ist s ' lJL_ r<>ngrcs^ - AVON T -HO -^rO- A+HttrtttlT Dallas. Texas. Jul:-. 1.?In a ;pecir,J c lb pate h to the Dallas Nov!* Joseph us Daniels. Secretary of the Navy .in th; Cabinet bt President Wilson, calls upon the Democrats of the Sbuth to ?tand solidly behind tho party noni lnee for1 President. Mr. paniels said ho preferred ;o support Governor Smith and fight h v Congress any attempt to weaken the1" prohibition laws rather than support the "party which has been a* falsf? to prohibition as it has been true to corruption." He issued the statement shortly be fore leaving Houston. Mr. Daniels said he would not 30 to the conference at Asheville. N. C.\ called by Bishop Cannon, of Rich mond. Va.. and Arthur J. Barton, drv leaders, to eonvene> between .July 1 and July 14. ^unless I go as a reporter. Declaring that he has been a "dlry ' and a Democrat for 45 years. Tie said he cannot change himself in either respect, "even though Smith's state ment makes It somewhat difficult ior a dry Democrat to accept his assump tion of leadership for modification of th* prohibltio nlatf*." "I deny that any leadership has b?en given him 'Oovernor Smith) by the Democratic Parts*-to do anything on prohibition except the declaration of the party in the platform which pledged him to enforce the Eighteen th Amphdment and all laws in pur suance thereof.", the statement read. 'This means the Volstead Act and can mean nothing else The Girl Scouts The Oirt Scout* have recently been ca rini: for babies. They are doing (his in order to get child nurse badges On Tuesday night (hey started study ing for the coOtetyg. Oadge. and other#, later on. ' Will Visit Europe Mtj* jainfe Surn* lei t laat inuri-" rtay tor N>*- York vhett* I it a nrw mBnin? Ttgy-nrtwr uw minim' ?? ?? That the rauae of aeutn rheuniatuni would ly fouijrt m n mlcrobo was. r<" - nt": .jf'ir.'d b\ i V> 11 Evr v.hili* ^pca?h*.n .it thp Inmtiite '<( Hvtrlrnr at Belfast. Ireland nilllc Dm ?' I "H? Rrrrrtn -'if I'iiMMi trr iw "litml "nrifWtts ysf-; THE VKunuf l.ILY" ?1th Olive Hr<V>ki at .Pulare Th^atra Monday iV Tuesday. Julv t-iom. MaUncc Mon-. *Kv -"VV TT. Mel vin T. Clayton Wins In Contest For Sheriff The Run-Off For Nomination For Office Of Sheriff Was Hotly Contested CLAYTON WINS BY A MAJORITY OF 207 The second primary held last Sat urday. bet wen present sheriff, Mr. N. V. Brooks and Mr. M. T. Clay ton was one of the warmest contest* staged here in many elections. At "no time du'rihc the last few'days of; the contest did either claim ah out standing victory, both claiming the contest by small margins. There w^s a very large vote cast, the being 2835. Clayton receiving 1521 end Brooks .13.14. giving Clayton a ma jority ol 207. ? ? The vote by precincts, i as follow I'recinrt Clayton Brooks. "A> ; ? ? 61 ? ?' 23 AUensviUe . ; 'iot* ' 'ZT Eethel Hill 81 10 "Bushy Pork '' ' 94 . 160 Ceffo ; 23 ' 13 Chandler s Store . 34 ? 15 Cunningham ? 37 53 Chub Laice 65 6L. Glenn's Store . 37 14 Dixon's Store. -. 65 J9 Helena -7$ 95 Moriah .'24.. 37 Olive Hill . ? ' 48 . 171' Efest Roxborp 40$ 24,2 West Roxboro 29o 339 Woodsdale 39 24 Dates Set For Opening Of Tobacco Markets Norfolk Va.. ?une 28.?Efforts of eastern Carolina' interests for'-an ear ner opening in the tobacco markets in . that area was partially- successful to day when the sales eomhmtee thx? Tobacco Association of the United . plates, niootitrc at Old Point reconi 'ii".; '.h*.* I'.v.rr- "[V i'.??:*??? >ear. cn Aucus: 28 Use recommen ffotjcjtt \va% promptly approved ' oy he association . fin 11* ???; -v .iV^eV' ? 1 a ter than Carolina defecation lies ded by Fgl'-'C Hur.ttv?lv?ui Kni-i.iu ' h*4?r~=~ ' nested, but 12 dav- eartfer than Ja'sT year, opening dar-; Thfr '???as.', \lv cni'v . Kdvania** won by any ot tfte three delegations which appeared be fore, the sale-, committee yesterday *? South Carolina u*ked for an car rier date and Georgians for a lat^r opening dale r ~Open|nc dates for ether markets'were announced as, fol lows: Georgia August 1 one day earlier than last year South Carolihcf. "August 7. two da\s earlier. Middle belt. September 11 eleven days earlier . Old belts September 25. 10 days ear lier. ? Dark belt of Virginia. November ti five days later. Zander-Gump One of the most interesting u'ed-1 dings to take place soon is the Widow I Zander and the multimillionaire Mr I Bini Oamp. who ?11 be united tn wed- I lock at an early date. Both being of the Comic section, there is no doubt of the sensational hit it w'jll make here. The wedding guests are no?' arriv- I ing and will be for the next ten days. It Is with great pleasure w? welcome Major Hoople. Justice of the Peace, who will perform the ccrmony. It Is understood that Major Hoople with a number of his friends will take a swim at Loch Lily In rhe evenings from 9:00 'til 10:00, egad. The date of the ? wedding has not been announced Miss Ella Cinder* will be glad to qlve -the exact date tn 'hey TTh-. mtswtnrl utrni tn day as she is engaged at Station RBDA. and cannot possibly- get here before Saturday the 7th. Miss ctn ders. as all Radio Fans know, is a great Broadcaster and it Is indeed a pleasure to have her in our city broadcasting the Zander-Oump wed ding. Watch The Courier next 'week for n?w? ?h?Mil we?t4tng, th>- dase etc. Service* I eas Chappi Andf Warren*sC ?rove Our Revival Meeting begins at Leas Chapel next Sunday Two service?, dinner on thr ground. We will wel come all old friends, 'acquaintances, and kins-folk*. Rev J: E. Blalock *4 fwk??n ?I. C? will do The preach - -in? 'iJufinif the week, .at !hfee-thtny nnd tlve e?ch day HWUtar <Hv. rifxr 'tunda? at Warren's Qrove at four P. M ? . ?A-'vf Murphy Bull Fight Stopped GOVERNOR WIRES WARNING .. / Murphy. July. 3.-?The bu]l -fight which was to have been staged here .July fourth under aUspico of thr American -Ufion. has been called off following. receipt* or a" wire from Governor An^us W. .McLean to- the effect that such an ? \hibition is -in violalion'nf a State law. ' . \nnouncemcnt that the hull Tight has been called off was made - by Mayor Cooper. "The American Legion has no desire to do any thing that would bring discredit to our'town." the Mavor i^pUiiird. Following t h c announcement Nome days ago that two bulls would *-tlge a contest here July I.??seV ? eral citizen* protested and -solicited the'Governors view on -the matter. The matter was referred to the Attorney General. Local.officers were charged with the enforcement*of that section of the Consolidated,.-Statutes prohib iting bull fights in North Carolina. The sections referred So are: 4.4S3 and 4.4?:). - Fire Destroys Six Airplanes Washington. July ? ?Fife dpstrttyfd. tjie hangars and ? six* ?'airplanes at Hoover ^leia... Ya.. -icrQ1-'' i he Potomac Rivev tram Washington. The plane V 'vere operated by Henrv ~7\??? ?-. ' -w ~ r Thanks To AH 1. ...i niosL-dremv -liu'i ily ?>> '-v^ry '->r. !udv ancl nan. \vti0 gave .vie .-sir iicpoV ni m- ' s/iv i1. the.:--, c'cnt- primary. "The confidence mat ?you ? ijav* .reposed; in" the is tnliy ap preciated, and 1 nope;-when the time .-.rnves. to r-^puv thi> debt of gratitude ?bv render^# the very best service within ivy power My .^ole aim shall bp to uphold the. majesty of the law und do thar which" will prove myself worthy, o t * lie ? t rust that you have cenfided to my keeping, ever having in 'niipd your, high standard of con duct and the responsibility of my po sut ion, ? This July 2nd. 132S Melvtn T. Clayton... I wish to say I can jiiot And words to express my great pleasure far tluf way mv friends stood by and sup ported my on in the* last Primary \j|?*ctir.n Your loyalty was superb nt.d I thank each one from the very depths of my heart I am sure my son *111 never disappoint a single one of you, and that he will do his duty to vdu and yoi/r' Countv faithfully Vour friend John W- Clayton. Notice rrivifefe Tax Du* July Mt. 1928 All privilege tax on merchant!! and and others in the Town of Roxboro were due and pavable July lit. 1928 On August Int. 1928 a penalty If twenty percent will be added to those not paid Pay your privilege tax norl and avoid the penalty - B-. B. Mangum. Tax Collector j Ufr For Washington Mess Robert Phillip* Clayton OWM. Lee King William Harris and Johnny Shot well are spending their vacation in Washington. Baltimore and Atlantic City. They are making the trip in their car. and wlH camp siting the way. and expect 1? return u> Roxboro about August 1st. 1 Visitintr Washington. Tttagara Fall., Etc. MLvi Ellz-abcth Morru iM fi-i d?v for a trip to Washington. D. C.. where the will spend about a wee*. and from there she will visit the Northern cttMa. Niagara Palls and tther point* in jCinaria . Bob Steele (The Fecrlns Oowboyi fa 'DBnrrJNO HANDS at Pa'Iar* Hieatre. Saturday JufV 7f"i. "MjflRee4 aM'WIIBt ? - -:r, ? 7 ARREST DOCTOR AND WOMAN FOR ABORTION ON SCHOOL TEACHER Dr. Mike lioberson. Durham And Mrs. E. E. , Korythe? Raleigh. Furnish liond DAVIS IS STATE'S WITNESS Dr. Mike Roberson Durham phy sician, and Mrs. E. E. Forythe. Ral ewh woman, were arrested yesterday afternoon in connection with ' the. death of Miss Irma Louise Robertson, Raleigh sdhool teacher. who dted on June 19 as it result of an 'incomplete, abortion alleged to . htfye been per--, formed b>' the Durham doctor... The arrest of the"'ttw followed .a Statement?mad-r to Coroner -L M. Warihe by . \1. H Davi>. &ssistaht State fntomolqm^t who Ava*- arrested jn connection' with t lie.; same case*' last'week and released under a $2.500 Dr. : Rcberson i> charge d - with hav ing performed ' the % operation _which : exulted m the youiv- vvom'an > death. He was arreted early yesterday, after- . noon on a warrant taken out before a .Diirhanx magistrate and Released tinder a H .COO. bond for. his appear. ?ojrice at .a- preliminary hearing . in Durhajn recorder's court on.; July 10. Mrs Eqr?yth?V-bond- was fixed by. Magistrate _ Lloyd Tilley- at $2,-500 She '?> to appear before, him on July 6 Davis" preftmmarv hearins. also before Mr. Tiltev. -will lie a*.t ti;r* ? same time The woman Is. charged ? vi b' i i .ihln.i. ima .hrrnnu ;n ahii tiari .'while Davis . r. -intifnatc ifteivl ? r;i the dead ..irl. char*-d with ad.-. vising and procuring the operations Dr. HObersOfla has been, charged witSi performing abortion* . on. at ? #????; two ether occasions. ? Recentl; .heiv was a mistrial ?n one. of these counts io t lie Duitaanv superior"court ny . '?'.her ' eaS?? nr. - Krjb?r?o"n v'nncf ; Mti?. ??:?. , Tri'':rdclj.tlon \>H. ???* 6i :tpO';< . "(fori ;ha! ?'i,-:iv-V.'--b-?r;i ^?airv&; | ihin timoH t:ine. Dr-" Rooersoh, ? -?I- .?/? !> h?*{ ? . tjki'e . iiarVi.v v. ">iarcwi\c ?!a?.V. -I>e. K. It>"-i3>>.\ClhV*4. "y?'iv> wa> fcb irued. with ihsj^n^mu "ud?p liV vir. ' |*J;U-ii>n.' oi ? the law.? v.tnex D:' Rob?r7- i SOfft > .bond yesterday. . Dr Robsr-jotv. t." tli? broth?;', of t h 3 Re be rs c n h.o -^v'-'al MCWhs ago .-hocked Durham 'cduiity ijid. the State by running : amuck with ah ,? vnd <ilUi\sr ins two children, his dou, his hors? ami then Chopping- his , ant^mobile to piefces. -This . Roberton \ was arrested and declared insane M its Robertson, a Ooldsbaro worn an who last year taught Hie second. ??rade at th* Boy Ian Height* School here. I* ?,aid ro have undergone the operation in Durham . around the first of June On June J she waft admit ted to Rex Hospital where physicians | found that >he was suffering from blood poisoning which had resulted from an incomplete abortion. On I June 10 . she died and the cause of her death certificate filed with W. "TV Davis. city registrar of vital.statistics. The death certificate was brought to Coroner Waring\> attention a Week | or ten dava later. In the meantime. Mrs T. w Blckett. county welfare officer. and Solicitor Leon Bra^sfteld | had been working on the ease and DavU was ? arrested on a warrrant sworn out by Mrs Blckett. His con - ] necticn with the case was discovered ! through the f$ct that he had as - sumed responsibility fcl* Miss Rob ertsons hospital expenses . ? The coroner .worked on th<* cas:? through Da via and Davis attorney and finally ?ecured from the yopng man information which led to ttv\ two trtesta yesterday. Davis U ex - pected to be the principal witness for the State in the prosecution of the doctor and the woman Dr/ Rnbers^n * bond .*;?> sigh" ! yesterday by Dr. ?. H BcftHing. o' Durham. Mrs For.sythe raised her bond with a mortgage on her farm Da"Vls' bond was signed by O W. M. Fountain When she was rrre.sted hc^ Istt/* vesterdny aiternoon Mrs. Porsy'he de iy,90 f*i3t she -had had anything to ?4C with the operation but' admit t?<l Mu Mfthartinn had a pent i fitfelit ni _her home going, from fh've to lUx Woayiital ? Observer - The word cantaloune believed t-o havf been ff^nved trom (Antalusm Castle in Italy, where the fruit was first cultivated in Europe. ?'?o? Romance Vs fragrant as.a lily. Lov?* a^ ficrv as a Paaaion Flower "TTTE VgLLOwr LiVF wllh none Dorr at Palace Theatre Monday Ac Tueadav, Tutv 9-iam. t. a,

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