PERSON COUNTY IS ONE OF THE LEADING AGRICULTURAL COUNTIES IN NORTH CAR. ROXBORO WELCOMES NEW COMERS. FOR INFORMA TION WRITE THE BOOSTERS CLUB J. W. NOELL. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. HOME ?FIRST. ABROAD NEXT \ $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. VOL. XLV. ROXBORO. NORTH CAROLINA. WEDNESDAY EVENING. JULY 18. 1928. NO. 29. Thousands Of People Attend Primitive Baptist Association Met With Stories Creek Church Saturday Morning, Lasting Through Monday CROWD ESTIMATED T.i.O&O The Country Line Primitive Baptist. Association met with Stories Creek church, about three miles west of Roxborc. last Saturday morning, the .. ?* uo:i'. continuing through Monday. This i- rpje of the oldest associations ' of this denomination. and the ses-. . sions at1 always largely attended. The crowd present cn/Sunday was var* 'iouslv tstimated from 12 to 20.000. conservative estimate probably be ing around-1? 000. Tiiere were more ??ttnrtr? Than ever before. ? the; tents l?- actual , i ouiit being 112. with more than this '?Umber of covered wagons' and trucks. Mr \1.-6 Markhatn of Durham was plecred moderator, with Mr> J. H. . Ooc-h" re-elected clerk. There were 33 Ministers prevrni, coming all the ?way from Texas to Maine, and 23 sermons were ureached during the diivs of. meeting, "One good Minister trom Plvmoufh. K C.. 8.4 years old. !jas been Pastor of three churches in his count' for 63 years, and is still active, and thinks nothing of preach ing an hour and a half. Notwithstanding jh?. large 'crowd the order was well high perfect, not, a single arrest made .either at the meeting or in Roxboro ? while the crowds were passing through, and one 'luDtl v.-idDihiir rl ti-.n?i iiijn h? tsat he tamped on the grounds and hot, a single person was" seen who seemed t<i be. under the influence of liquor' In .fact, lie stated, he did' not even smell any liquor. Thh next sesstcn wiil be. held iri . Durham- 1 . ' ? ..... ??t Clinic For Crippled Children July 26th ? The ? regular monthly clinic for yrippied children will be "held at th* Royal Hotel on "Thtirsday." July 2Gth. Tf you know j?f'anv crippled child */ho Mould bp reiSmBg treatnVent^by Uie ?iiv.; voti.wfll confer a fayor "oft thos^ (ondiictnxff the clinic -if you. will see that :he child is brought to the rlintr There is no charie i? free through :h# courtesy of. the RoxboTO Rorary Club Has Fine Corn - ft i conceded by erery 'ne thai Mr. O^orjre'E Harris, vho lives about 3 . mile> '?> * r f PoK'oaro anii owns onf t ,th-- 1 ? ;arm in the C:;>untv. is * farmer xcMled bv in this sec tion T '.vas our pleasure in com pany ,uifh til# '?on Mr Kittfhlh Har iis, to tlrivr cut anrttake a look at ? cine ;?f his cam. Rarely have we ;een anvthin* brrer than the 16-acre. fMd p* la* thls.vear. Th** rova are nearlv half i mile Ion?, Aith the rov.s about 'hree f?*?t apart, and the stalks one to :? Kill. >ared about fifteen lncher, aparr If vOu v.ant to tfee h d me real corn it i> vor;h your while fd take a look at this field. Work Bushv Fork Road Thi' < ontiaotar has ar;';v?c! i"d 't .it ?i:" . i 1 'Odin-- tf> Bu'hv Tork -?nil prospect Mill. H will go out " Ke#m< A VP thjthce 'by war ' of the' lili(h->:cliool bulldlnv. tiinlha back in to -(hi* old raad at Warrens Orove school house Tht> iu-.i' three miles . will ?)'? hard jrtace the remainder b*tnst of ?mr construction as road loading M -OranvUle county line. Death <)f Mr?. Dicken* Mri> Palttr J. Dicker!'. vhb lit" been -pendin-i the winter with lier nephew Mr Jeff Daniels in Com merce Tex died at the later* home on 'July 8th. -tiri was buried in that ?.tty Mi Dickens m. he yiolher of \tr 'i .1 Dickcri. of the Cotirorrl ec tton and made her home ?lth him Women n Southern Siberia have iVmini'-n N'.Mr i,.i;i :i. .. m.'. .i. urn with sheep shears since antiquity. \ IMITerent Kirk Uttlc Bobbv "Say Uiw.l? wlwtt at? yoii idThii" !'*> pT;t.' "tSolban nqatn?" The Rich. Uncle "When am I (to rn? to plav football? What. maket you a?K th?*- <??w*Uon?.' Little Bobbv: Well. Pop *ay? .that when 'you kick off we're soln* to get a new autntnnbll? find linan" . All Jhe snap aftd jicp of Zane " ? 1 ?'?""?I ?"???; ? 1 r. screen it? "THE VANWHlXf* PTQ '_ TTSEft. .trtth _ ?' ?y (bit >' Jalaee Theitt-'e Tfomfay " and Tuesday Jniy" ? Matin?-" Vondav . 1.1 n. m Bigger And Better Fair At Bethel Hill Next Fall Preparations are being made earlier for a bigger and better fair at-Bethel Hill next October. The Farmers Club ?is again sponsoring the fair and com mittees have already been selected and are busy making up the. prem iums; securing advertisements etc. I; JJow is the time for farmers to plan and look forward to haying sotite thftwr Spod to exhibit tftli fall. The main purpose of the fair is to stimulate an interest in better quality produce belter grading.. pure : varie ties and n better lifrestock. The educa tional advantages are numerbiis and if we will keep, them Jn" mind and be gin early to plan our exhibits we will be amply repaid In haling creditable exhibits. : We want the surrounding communi ties to feel at-home in helping to make, the fair a success and to make preparations along with the Bethel Kill Community: to exhibit this fall There is ample space to exhibit in the spacious gyniasium and the numerous class rooms. -V MOSQUITO'S END IS SEEN IN DUSTING Believe Method Of Dustintr Will Eventually Exterminate Mosquitoes I'A HI? GREEN BEING USED Washington, July 14,?Hope for eventual extermination of the mala ria spreading mosquito and his less dangerous, but pesky brethren is seen; by public health service authorities in. rjcent results of aifplane. dusting "experiments In swampy afea? fifjr Bamburg. S. C. "These experiments have demon strated the value of the airplane in spreading parts green over large mar shes and swamps where drainage or other methods of eradication are im practicable. Navy planes yiith dusting equipment were tlown over the Soutn Carolina swamps, releasing the pois onous powder over :he mosquitoes' breeding places At last 90 percent of the larvae, the investigators estimat ed. Vere killed. The effectiveness df parls. green as a'weapon against njosqultoes depends on Several fadts discovered by the .dentists worklng'on the problem. The larvae: deposited in stagnant water by the insects, come to the surface and turn on their sides to obtain food and air. It Is therefore dislrable that the !>oisoa used to kill them will float. ?Paris green, which contains arse nic will stay dry and remain on the surface of water at least two hours. In that time, the lravae can be ex pected to come to the top at least < nee and arc almost certain to re ceive a death dealing dose. The rv nd In Just as eltscttve ^against ilt marsh mosquitoes as against the mftlSvta spreading variety and by re peating the treatment over a period of .ears the authorities believe that a nearly 100 percent destruction can b? attained Mr. Knight To Fill Appointments ?>.:r S. B. Knlaht will meet the ap >;<iiiv.ments of Rev P. Cary Adams rr., next Sundav at'Bunhy Fork high DJfTtfl p. m.. ;in?l afao at Rnwe rtfrn' at 8 p. m. There wltl bp no morr.ln* service at the etiureh m Roxboro. th" members uniting in worililo- with the Baptist church by request. . P. CARY ADAMS. Pastor After Big Fish ^ - ? ? Mr w S Olanr Jr.. who will Irtiu ?">tn :o on the Pefham Oa . rr.ark-t for Itu Export Tobacca Com .l.anv?will Wave inmrtryqy morning with a party of friend* f?r Florida where they will flail In the Oulf of Mexico. Will Teach Bible ?f.1 j 'r ran Mam? 4*U Mondav niotnln? far Harrtsonbur*. V?., where hfc will be <>n*a?ed in the Mawne'U TKB'-'" itnrtnjr the '?inference 'S? jl, ('UMUHtifi liir AOSZS: UL'!JlW?ln?m all over the Skate of Vif-jtnTS infl the *tfn<terine.U nsnnllv around TSO ? SENATOR JOSEPH ROBINSON CITES SMITH'S RECORD ?Says. Smith's Election .Would Xot Impair Schools Or Brin? Priest Rule ALWAYS FRIEND TO PUBLIC Canway, Ark., July 17.?"Election 61 Governor Alfred E. Smith, of New York, as President; would neither im pair the public school systems nor result iri priest rule. Senator Joseph T. p.obinson the Democratic- Vice - Presidential nominee, said in sr. ad dress to students and others a* State Teacher/College here tor.igh: The effort is beta;', made by '^ome agencies allied , wlttl 'the opposition to' tlie national Democratic ticket to con vince- the public" that the election Of Oayernor Smith ?111 endanger our public school" system and Uiipqsj. a rule of-priests on the government jai subversion of true Americanism.;' Senator . Robinson declared. 'Neither the impairment o? the public school sj'stem nor priest rule ??tit result from the election, of, the Democratic ticket. Should Know Better ??It has been claimed by some who should know better, that sintfe Gov ernor Smith is a member of.' the Catholic Church, his elevation to the Presidency will- be a blow to the public schools of the country and will result in the control of the. govern mpT hy thi? Catholic Church. The federal government, under our Constitution, has no control over the public schools ? and cannot interfere with them.- Moreover, during his three terms as Governor, the- Demo cratic nominee far President has done public schools of New York than any other Governor the' State has ever -had" Senator Robinson reviewed Gover nor Smith's record to show, he had always been a friend qf the public .school ahd-al*-> ' *rd - ill" lUct "Tits" cabinet is Composed ot thirteen Pror _te?tai;-i. two Catholics-SET one Jew a? proof that the residential nominee "has never been a Catholic Governor." Smith's Record "The Iear Is not justified that he would - reverse his record and seek to give undue prominence and poa*r to members of his own church should he be elected President." he -lid JURORS FOR AUGUST TERM The Auws: tirm of the Person County Stvasriar Coyrt will tie hsld. on. Monday. August 6th. 1938 The foi'owint Jurats have been W W Wo6d3. E Y. Jones, R. J. Rwerv Daniel A. Clayton; E. T. Chandler. J. W. Montague. J w. Faushee, o. c'. Klrby. O. A. Daniel. H E Denny. \V K. Moore. Geo. O'Bryant." H 6. Clayton. J. Nick. Frederick. W. F. Hester. O. M Crow e'er. C. S Holeman,- S Ms Witborn. E. E. Thomas. J. L. Moor-? R. D. Bailey. R. A Pearce J. C. Brav. K. F. Brookv \V A Daniel. W R Woodv. ?T. H. Fuller. W. H Oliver. L M Burton. Z V Barnet; L. J? Meadows. T.' L. 01i"er, 6 T. Dur.n. J. T Black-' srd J. M O-Brian' VV A. T&rrer. M T W!n?e?d: J. F. Tunb-r'.ake. J Ft. Gantry, I E Pleasant, R. M Allen Jr. J. H Locklieart You Are Invited W" are ietjue->fd by the Countv Attorney to under an invitation to every voter In the County to attend the meeftlng of the Board nt County Comnussiorftn to be held on Monday, .rmv 23rd. !92fl wtmn?th? tax r*M the County' wtu be fixed. The commissioners want to keep the rate JUst as to* as po*itble and thev Will appreciate your efforts in helping them to do thin. ? ? . Notice! rrivilctt I?i Am JuI.' ' All privilege tax on merchants. and" '????ri 10 Th? Town of Rixttoro were ?M" umi .July <s> tOOff??*? Auaust l*t. i9lf) a penalty-or t*?n -y percent will be added to those not , paid Pay your privilege tax and Trraifl the penalty B'. B Mangum. r ? _ Tax Collector. The book that has l)"^r. ttr* million- Znne Grey's 1 THE <TCKt3H INO PIOSEER now a, eoreetv" s?n , ?won ?t Theatre Monday and ',3:00 ft. m. Gen. Alvaro Obregon Assassinated In Cafe WARREN WILL MEET : GEORGE HOFFMAN !N ; SIX ROUND BOUT Bout Brings Former Amateur King To Ring Fn His First N. V. Appearance HOFFMAN. GOOD FIGHTER Durham N. C.. J j'. - W ? Add, War reii. Nosh Carolina'? " cnlv represen tative m ?'blif" time pugilistic. affairs." will meet George Hoffman, of New York city.. f?i it six round bout on the Tunney-Heeney card. Thursday night. July 25.. This match lias been signed, ?on the line *and' witf take place- as announced barriny unforseen acci dents and the' usual contingencies. . Jimmy Brohson ? told the1 Herald several months 'ago that h? would an* hourtce Add's opponent. through< this paper When the bout , was arranged. ?or. some time .things h.av? hung fire about ' Punch'um"- ancThis activity in and around New York. Lots bias' been written about the boy and many have offered, opinions as to his first oppon ent. Brj'rii>3H wir^a tap ffcraid ^ev.^iaav '?Warren boxing . Oeorge Hoffman, national amateur heavyweight cham pion 26th regards.' The fight is on. The big question is settled. K. O. wiij meet a man up from simon pure ranks and ort? said to be the best amateur Heavy?seen" m the national meet in years. Hoffman's Statu? Hoffman has not, fiad a profession al, bout. His 'first go will be against oiif *bay. He won -his title last March ;at ??Bosyori. It U remembered that Oaf ^huford. ftffmer i if a v > 3iji,:.H entered- the trial- 'but was eliminated in his first bout. This* Hoffman-hbfds an amateur title" not sained bv War-^ ren. Add tried the national twice but 7;as eleminated. some say by the judges, on both occasions. His first attempt was against' Ar mond Emanuei, Pacific coas* lawyer, who won from Warren by a decision. 'Tmanuel Went on to sain the title That vas in 192G. Ir. 1927 Add returned ; to Boston 'after a mix 'in in the junior nationals at Cincinnati- and lost 'a decision to Sam Tivmario, an Italian ? irom Chi cago/ Warren knocked Sam down several times but failed to gain the '.erdict. This George Hbffmatt went through i ?'je 1923 nationals like a house afire. He won hi? final bout as easily as his first preliminary. In winning the national he automatically qualified for he Oivmpir. t?am.. Until a few w$ek* ago he -was slated to make the trio 2nd to turn i>ro for Rickard a'fter the Orthopedic Clinic T!:-' QfthopoefiiC Clillte will l>! <-n the regular 4a- the fourth Tliurs in Jur.p. I>?.m. the 26th day ?he month this- Unw. Hope an ef fort Will be made *o iet rach one here :hat needs'-ittetft lilt These" r*1 nI* ' ar> be'.na .^ijonsored by thr RoXbQro Rotary Club soWy because they ar.? anxious to help anv that is- so un fortunate as to need atttentlon ana ?ve want to help every. oii? In Person Caswell and Oranville counties. ;o ?? t h in 1 ? B E I.OVF Chairman Vacating On Wheels Mr H. Cantor ioft last Sunday on a tourlnn trip fot Baltimore Pltvs btirjE. New York and St Loots, on pleasure and business While on till* ?.IB Me wUI-buv liH fill iiiarrhanflUJ. . Mr. Cantor# ?tore, which Is now underlain? re pain, wllf we eompltted i -?* ? -?pt'? -m-n m ih? rand about Au?us! Uth with a new KtTCtc nut and out of ehandlae. . ! New Pastor At Jalong t r?v C D Barollff, who lias labored j 5 -ffeciivelv ,v<i Pastor of Jalonv and Easf Roxboro has b?en transferred \o~ Hamlet. N C... and R?y. J. *R. R??an of Dtike trmverttty ha? ?Teen *enf to; thfi cftarija. _ . . .. j ,'im y.niil! iwrfce in Oewnanv. n<iw )>rinn)j?m. ?qnnujtural iui- ? ? ?iid-motor trudel^* Assassin Refuses To Talk About Shooting Obregon ;.iexico City, July 17.?Prwi* dent Calle-s. it is learned, in terviewed the -assassin of Gen eral Obreton but could leam nothing from him. *'It Is u?rlevC the slayer 'said to the president, "for you to aUempt to force me to tell .'any thing, If ! was Tey>lute cnouah to kfll ? Obrefon in the presence Of vveni hundred of his *up-' porters.' knowing lull vn?ll that it meant death. 1 am resolute enough to say nothing." SAYS ANTI-SMITH TIDE DISSIPATING Congressman Bvrns, Of Ten nessee. Believes South Will Support New Yorker TO MAKE MANY SPEECHES Albanv, M. Y.. Julv 17 ?in nrepar-' atioh for his speech of. acceptance. Governor Smith has familiarized him ?If with Federal, government flnan cm?. particularly the appropriations * angle, hy conferring here .with Repre sentatives Byrns. of Tennessee, the~ rahlcinj; .Democrat-"on the Mouse ap propriations committee Mr! Byrns. who is regarded as an authority on the budget system and Congressional -appropriations -was an nver-m-iht :*'uest $t the executive man . -on. 4 Afxer jiving 4i-V Democratic "pr?V?aehtTen nominee The benefit of~ ?his knowledge of the fiscal' side , of Federal government operations, he lei* Albany at noon todav Ir. conversation with newspapermen. Byrns declared that " <ent:ment foX. Governor Smith was -rapidly cfystal llilnf In the.South and in the border .states-'? Opposition r>i*?ipai?nr Much i( the opposition evidenced toward him before and jus: alter his nomination, the Tennessee Represen fat:ve declared. ft?* rti - -'.nate^. and lie predicted that the New York nxecu .tive would make a sweep of that sec tion and be elected. Mr. Bvrns cime to Albanv at the invitation of -Governor Smith, who lid !>e? had no engagements for con fer? nces/tfi t h other Democratic Con gressional loaders It is expected: hovevr.' thar he will talk ever var ious phases ?f. Kovernmental policy me of them' before '..e puts the'hi.V* touches""tn U.s ?cce'nunce ? peech and make v ready to-take the tu?hp i bout * \ -?'eeks hence As for Gov: nor Smith's activities ipiav. .hey were mainlv for the bene fl. of a ^mati army of photographer's -and moviemen. who had a wide range of ideas as to-the poses and setting* th%y desired To appease fherr appe r.v-.<4ha nominee and' members of his family spent .the better part of two i.ouw before "Amera lenses in the rsar yard of the executive "man sion; ?? o LOOK HERE The Satt?rfleld Agency If-a" mem ber of the National Association?nf - Insuranc" Agents II you * should have an "accident wKh your car. *nt5w your certificate There will -be an naeht to look after your need* af once, in any town In the United States or Canada. Tie up with u? R will pay you Sattrrfield Inmranre ' Afency ? i OM ? and Tried' Koxboro, N. C At Clement ReVtVil meerin? at Clement thh ?>? i :f5ch":i>? by Rel J. L Cole?t ot Rocky Mount. Mr. Q. L. Pry of Atlanta is fr-adtn? the ilngln? Pine Interest. Services at 3 and 5 o'cjnclc each afternoon The public Is cor dially invited tn attend these serrtee V. V. COQOINB. Paator-f A powerful ?orv of the Vanishing by ?anr 0:'?y. "THE V^KISH TVC?PIp-:Ff:R' Ttth '?ot Hnit ?t j'atace ftmt.c Montaj'.jr.d Tur^day Jjly 2J-2'ith JKT3SW Mffijiv 3 p m SLAYER ARRESTED AND RUSHED TO JAIL FOR PROTECTION "The One-Armed Mexican Presi dent-Elect With Six Bullets Wounds In His Body, Died In A Few Minutes Without Speakine A Word . And In The Greatest Agony PRESIDENT CALLES MAY SERVE ANOTHER TERM President CaUes Rushes To ?c<qp Of Assassination And Questions Mur derer. Who Is Said To Have Con fessed His Crime: -Expected That He Will Be Executed As Soon As Authorities Finish Questioning Hira In Hope- Of Obtaining Information As To Parties Bark Of Death PjAt; lnil-jut.d That Calles Will^Kon tinue In Office. And Proba5Tvl>e?7^e Another Term As President. As Ol? rrfon Was Sole Candidate For Thai Office: Dead Leader Had Haay Narrow Escapes: Noted As Warrior And Statesman Mexico City. July 17>-Pr?sideiit eiect Alvaro Obrfcgon. of Mexico, called I Luckv" Obregon because he had so soften escaped death on the battlefield or by assassination, died violently at -last * oda v Like?so- nrmy of th?5S"e -NTtio have been president or have headed t?oy ernraentf? of Mexico, he was th? vie- " tint* of an assassin. He was shoo'down as he --at at a banquet ?iv?n him by his. political supporters at the ltftte "tow n-of San .Ancjel near Mexico City. ? at "o'clock this ?tterxiaop. Po'iuifl ~~ ?-aid ' .tonight. :hat ?he as a- .rfor on- ? vas only one 5?!a series planned and"" hv which a number of the- leading statesmen of Mexico were to have been removed. Confesses Crime The one-armed warrior-president, with six bullet wounds in his body, died in a Tew moments without speak lf)S a Word and in the '.rraate?c a?onv. ! His assassin, known as Juan Escapu larlo. was. captured, almost .torn apart by maddened friends df the . slain general, and takpn to jai'. where he had confessed ins crime . Tonlcht many of those who were known to have: been opposed to" Gen eral Obre?on had fled Mexico City before the fury of., his ffiendtf, and supporters who were kept m bound* only py the ?-tarn vi^ilattce of police and soldiers whdj patrolled1 the, streets of the capital and the foa<h..of the surroundine Country Mexico City was in a fever of excitement, but there were no disorders. Wa< Premeditated' Evidence that the crime *as pre meditated was found In a paper dirt covered In the pocltet of the la yet. It was r.ddre~sed To My Family" and 'aid: 'Knowing thn? I will die in carry - in? out mv principle. I bid you .fare well." It was signed simply Juan." Another slip of paper' contained th? napi?s "RomerT. Topete. Robinson.". and It is as*ume'd that thew namen were men, also singled out for death. The Robinson name may have refer red to Thomas Robinson, young Amer ican mining engineer, who recentlv married Ernesttna Callei. daughter of ber-cf Romeros prominent in the Ob regoti ranks, and Rlchardo1 Topete Is leader of the Obregon force? in ctm? gress. The real identity of the assawitn was not known to the public at least, tonight. It is pointed out that the name "Eacapulario" Is one often given derision, and in this (Continued on page Eight > Enquire Wimtead Move? Office Mr. W. J. Winstead. J. P.. lias moiled his offlcr and pan rviw be found In the oftice over the drug store of Mess. Hambrlck. Austin & Thomas. Office hours 9 to 12 a. m.. and 2 to 5 p. m. : 6 : Conflict and ? Romance with th<r Amwiow ' Pioneers in the ' D?*>rt W?*:' THE VANISHING PIO>'EKR' with Jack 6pa ax Palace Theatre Monday, and' Tuesday. July 23-2?tl>. Matinee Monday ) JW p: m..

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