PERSON COl*NT\ IS ONE OF THE .leading AGRICULTURAL COUNTIES IN NORTH CAR. ROXBORO WELCOMES NEW COMERS. FOR INFORMA TION WRITE THE BOOSTERS CLUB J. W. NOELL. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. HOME FIRST- ABROAD NEXT $1.30 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. VOL. XLY. t ROXBORO. NORTH CAROLINA. WEDNESDAY EVENING. AUGUST 8, 1928. ' ? . NO. 32. TOBACCO MARKETS . OPEN IN SOUTH CAROLINA BELT Many Growers Still Busy Har vesting Crops And Stay Away Opening Day CROP SHORT THIS SEASON' Fairmont. Au?. i?Tobacco mar kets of the South. Carolina, or *Pee Dec belt;"* opened the 1928 season to day with hundreds cf thousands of pounds of. the golden weed on :the ^Oors ofcoyarehuses.. . .Sales ai FairmonttAimbertori, Whiteville Chad-bourn. Clarkton. Ta bor ind Fair BlutT were not of- the record-breaking kind f^r poundage or pry*"* ^.?10 iiw' f?;i. that farmers have be?if unusually busy harvesting and preparing the crop; for maket. Many, of the markets urged 'lie farj^i . ers not "to'sell on the opening day Li it was to affect tjtie duality, of -the tobacco remaining in the fields or barns Lumberton: still selling late. this, afternoon, likely will have a total of halt a million ..pounds for the open ing with a price range consistent, with the quality of the tobacco. Fatrmon had about completed sales at .4 o'clock R W. McFarlancf. sales supervisor, said that the warehouse bills should show about .a 300.000 pound sale Prices, on this market ranged from S2.60- \\p S70-pet hunrhregl pounds In 1927 thus market sold 40 per cent ot the total tonnage in the seven border county markets at an average "higher than the average, for the entire belt, including markets across rhe line in South Carolina. It was expected by officials who had vi?ited all markets that the open ing dav = average would be arpund $.14 oer hundred, or-about $5. per hundred le.?* than last year's opening. Lecture On Customs Of American Samoa \ jp&ii aju ' ' 't --;' ? _ . . ? ? ; ;er. w1t6. was Church .-hero . i.he \\rw.;i. War* Chunlairi m t hp " tVv. i o-'Iivt nis f^ino'uv I^e i Ure ; h \\> trd a hd .Strinee' ,Ouvi - ' >im 01 -.'ip SO/uUi H'vi Islander.-' in bit . ? on t#G "'the eVepJhtr- the IVh of ^nvufit. . Uuj'inrNYsis~ Vime in" 11.p MSvy.OhaJP" I '.im Hffvtor- V.ns ciossp'd the Atlantic Ocean, tune4 and' has vis \!ted p'ver-y >cjrrm"et?.-. in. rhe world. Hi* Vi'.'-iur-?' fccr? on the 17tli will l?fe baWl .. r. ? . ;t i"nc^ as Buperin : Tfcndenl f' Flotation isr American Ramon ;?#!??:--_T Par; M hi* ritity as Ctiaplain . ?">( ihe ?Naval {station- 1t>H Ampncan Ramoa was Superiritendeht i'f Education f or the natives HiW ?'">!ure- v-,11 isfve the pubhs here I '?ome first-hand information roiicern- I in?. Samoan 'islands, s^linapses ?which i aritfot 00 Cleaned from books. M?s>. \moric'ani- know little M those I jslann' ? htch. hav:- been Under the Ameritan .flag uhcc 1H90 .t? . ruu ; i :f dtttaiv ?; - ovM- v :-h -hf American flag wa*"s _is.nO .?-.?> nly co* )uth f .'he oqua Lor... sanuiu i.. .known, to t^ph1 thrru?ih. the wr.v.mj* ? f ftobcrr Louli; I Itipv^h. , 't!iV '? -.nnecuon \vf$h ? the I lslgnd< .. 1 '? r-tade tli^jn l:nowr. to '\i\* I scbtol ? Mldfsn K-.y-vy # ^hooir.fcilld I who ir> ajbie to do ->u'-ht t<> hear I fJbaplaUi Hr-'pff lecCtjjre; Chaplain KeH a native of 1S1adee> o t?n>v iid ? 1 aradttate of Wake forest < and Oro*-r Therv Mjjieal srnnnar.. He ioeft from her <0 St Pawls v-her" he ?'?rtl <perw1 sev-. -ral d&w ^l*h -e.l^ttre: and friend*; >^efor<* he returns t =5 his present ^utv n*f ppAtfscant Cimn'nm a' the Naval .Training station ^ewpor R I In addition 'here Ail; b* special musir. iltha^ether inMirin? the pub lie n most nnjov^Jjlp rvenlnc Look! Dcn't Fail To Se? Misery vtoon a black lifro. In "Al ways In Trouble A play tn b* ?iv?n iiv th" bnv? and -Irl-' of RocK-Orov? Bapli.'.! <'hii"-h Ratnrrtnv ptiht Aui. >mt Hth. 1M8 st' Allrtitvlllo hlnh whwvl?Tiil? m 11 ??<? .nliinwr omm ?<lv. b?ylnninn nth a iau/h anrt ?nd ln? with I> roar Dnn'i mlis it. Ad' Off For Canada A- fKtrty M" - -Iff f SWomo'n. Walter Hamlin. Evjbmip ocntry ai"i Konr- th - mornlntt' lor D-Jhl Canada, ''hor^ th?y will rrmalo until about 6.-;.>t>er flr-tf. m ij' *>- i-? 1 1 f ? .?akin-.: - t . T'i t1ti ^ . .... ? 2 ITALIANS WHO FLEW ATLANTIC SERIOUSLY HURT Rio Janeiro. Aug.* 7?Major Carlo P. Delprete and Captain Arturo . Ferrafln. who recently made a non-stop flight across the South Atlantic, were' seriously in jured today lh an airplane acci dent at the school of naval avla '* tMOi -v'' ' ? V. 1 Major Delprete suffered frac tures of both legs whtle Captain Perrarm sustained injuries to to neck and jaw. A Brabiiian me chanic. flying with them, was al so hurt. ? i DIES FROM EfFECTS ' OF GASOLINE FUMES Parents Had Warned Him. But He Had Unusual Craving Por Odor Of Gasoline FOUND DEAD IN GARAGE Little Henry Lea Barnette; five year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Barnette. met a tragic death Friday afternoon about 6 o'clock. It seems that the child had an unusual crav mt? for^the smell of gasoline, and the fumes Of this substance are believed to have choked out his life when he inhaled an overdose of the fumes ? which he had found delight in smell-, mg. For several months, hts parents had tried tn vain to break him of ?the habit of inhaling the fumes from the gaspline tank of the. family auto mobile, but their'efforts were brought * to a tragic climax yesterday evening '.vlwm his lifeless body .was ;mmd in the parage. Unnoticed by any members of the family little Henry had gtone to the aaraste. there unscrewed the cap on the gasoline tank. It is believed that.the boy wa?: overcome by the. Jume?s and fell into a' state of roma. Tli?, reaction oh his' heart -and lungs ? Voved fatal- - # ui'Tr the r.Rdini- of <; )Jy h;s. ?parents rushed, hinr .to '??(??ii ph'MiUar.. Evrrv.- n. nrtublf. n-rar.s him proved fruit Mr "';. i Mr Harriet:.? ha\ -? no* ^nlv' the empathy of, their 'commim i",v but the County at Jaree. for they ' ir-(.* family ronr.^ction. :.?> well* ? -i> of tnTci'. rhrcmtho?*? tb<* C^finty, and many of-' them visited the home tfhrhtxjfhoiit the. d o v to. pay their . inspects. Besides the parents \<i\ l4 urvived by ? -reral" brothers and sisters. . ' . ' . Fimeral ?erv*tes were conducted from tir- home Sunday morning at, ? - o'clock, conducted by Rev. W. F. West, pastor, of Mrs. Bamette, and <ntermeht was made in tHe Oak Grove cemetery. Coming TU" sinking c)ass of the Methodist' Orphanaae at Raleigh. N. C.,- will elve. ?< musical program at Hurdle Mill? -foiliodist church Friday evenlnc. .MMust 10th besinrrinc at 8 o'clock. . V -ftiic Li Invited ?-> come nut nd r.nloy 'hi' concert Supper will be ?en-?d on 'he Ground at 6f43 p nj. N- r4\ar^> for admission. but.'? fcct'J ? 'Hi offering HI be taken.?-S. S.'Su^t. Auto Caucrht Fire Stindav afternoon as .Mr Bill Hum' ? h---. wa* rdmln?' up Depot Street M' Dodne roadster eaugKf flte By fait? iwterv sWed in trvlni? to smother i' oi?t with sand, but v.-sre not mic ? e??ful. The Are department ???*' ' - '!cd out and soon extinaulshcd the bin?? _ Card Of Thanks We i-ish fo.try to express to each and every one our appreciation, who hejaerf. us In deed , and thouBhM. dur ui '? ?"?en* bovavmen" Mr. and Mr*. T. C. Burnett* and Family. Appointed A r"-1? Notary PnbHc Mr. J. B. Ri?g*bee ha? been <om miatjioned a ootarv Mwi anv one 'rfsfrtni his servffce* win 6hd him " the people* Bank. Ywt'll ?hr1et i#h hratWef ?t Wil liam Hatftes to THE SMART SOT" ?i:h .Jaok Holt playlns. MIScFTIffl? tr- Monday & Tuesday Attaint* 13 I4U: Matin?? Monday 3:00 P. M. ; A:'. Plfjnll?ntbsfh ,vT*4?Kt? MO' ' pound ; soap. BILL CZARNITZKI TRANSFERRED TO i DARLINGTON, S. C. __ ? As Field Scout Executive He Haus Done A Great Work Amoiu? The Boys WILL HAVE SUCCESSOR Sponsored by the Hoxboro Rotary ; club the citizens ol Roxboro made it: possible for the boys to /have a reg ular and duly organized Boy. Scout! organization, and on January first Mr. William. E. Czarnitzkl/ was elected ts-: ~rrtU -?out "xec.ut;v^. dividing' nis time between Roxboro and Henderson. fit: C?arnitzki has made his home here during these few months, and has proven his ability ."?in the Scout line, making friends with all with whom he came in contanct. and especially' Is very popular wim ine DoysWtten' he appears , on the streets . it is'not )png before1 he is -urrounded by t he boys, and his influence over them lias been noted to a marked. degree. He has been transferred to Darling ton. S. C.. with larger responsibilities; more troops of Scouts under him. 0 much wider field and a fllrger silarv . No one. vv*lli criticize' him for tender Wm. E. -Czarnitzki ing his 'resignation here and accepting The promotion, which he so Well de serves. fdr with his work'centered in cne place he. will find the work much more desirable, but* every one will re gret his leaving. Both Mr. Czarnitzki and Mrs. Czarnitzki have aligned themselves with all forward move ments .and have been quite an asset, to the town. ?.nd all fart with them wi*li sincere regret. Person's Most Noted And ? Illustrious Educator Dead Rev. J. A. Beam Succumbs To Injury Received Last Week. Died In. Richmond. Va. HE PI T PERSON COUNTY ON MAP EDUCATIONALLY TBe message received here Saturday mornins telling of the death of Rev j. A Beam' cast a gloom over th :? lown. ar-d. the- County as; well. I: ? as known "that his- condition -was irttiqaj and .his -death was expected. all .hai .hoped ihaf ?vitality would abide v. rh him v e r.i;?trr nuair naf? "rtfr??.?tra-'i;'"? s ;eing and talkina with him. 0:i Mav 2?. 1921; he-received serious in jury when struck bV an automobile i.ear his home on the South Boston road: He never, fully recovered from this accident., and about a year later lie fell dowji the steps. Yet, he 1 allied, arid a tew weeks since cided ? hr- wanted- t3 ;o t-> Richmond, to see his sott-ln-law. who was ill. aiVCt rnntrary t,. I ho nrtviw of lfe. ll/IVPd rne3 iie insisted and lie made the ?rip. . On last Monday he met with another accident, which caused a broken JviP. 9hd from this he never rallied, death, claiming him ' Satur day morning at. 1:10 . The body was brought to the home I at Bethel Hill and on Sunday from 2 to 4 o'clock It rested |tl state it the Baptist Church' here, of which he was* a devoted and greatly loved uiembjr For the two hours th^fe was a solid stream of- visitors taking a last look at this much loved man. The iuneral. service? were conducted by his pastor. Rev W; F. West ;>ar uclpated In by Rev. T. A: Sikes. pas-, 'or ol the Ed t a r Lorn; Mamorial Church. Prof. K G. NewlxHd ' Ra !-?i?h. th? Castor of the -lapt'.-ft ir'ii i i misbu-.T P.?v N". J, Todd, jjftstnr' ot Bethel H'.Jl CIuhcji . Rev Mr. Hill Of Kentucky one ol Bo-H?l Hill At t demy" as pencA.'atVd r Wat kins : D-irham A' this service :hc nou.? was taxed to its capacity, and even then all < oiil d not get in the house, and a more bountiful or beautiful t*.o--l ftermg nee.have never seen All ?implv show In? aviint a yreaf love the people of Roxboro and Person County for this great and aood man The tun '?ral s?rvlce? w?n concluded at Burch wood cemcterv. conducted bv the Masons Mr. Kvnock. r>f the Durham Herald had th" following to say concerning Mr Beam: it' was a pioneer "duca'nr of Per son countv havtilj served as 8 teacher and preacher of ttje gospel for a period, extending over +0 years. XJttt rrrTramunmri rnmi Vatre -pw '?st roliptje h# be<?an nil career a* a t ? or ,r.; FflU *I5JV/'^hoo\ v hirh was at tHlit time icncrvm -as the Bethel Hill / acartenj) \^hen acariamv- vol\ by. he"' pnri? abouT' f;v* yfsifs the're t'pon his return to he bosfan to ext4?>U*K hlmneiT a* on&of the fos#mo*t and ruutandftia rhafacteri that, tbfc jx$> Person Superior Court Person County Superior Court met Monday morning, with Judge W. A. Devin. in charge, and Solicitor Urn stead looking after the interest ' of the State. There were more than 60 cases <rn'. .the ? Qtate pocket, and. on Monday the, court made A record breaking, dav/dispasin:?" of more t..a:. ?n c.\r*> - TJie' ] jrgpe minority df tfteiej rases :ilv? to do v.'ith the liquor' C.iipitfon- Quit? a number, .have' been I rr.ten'cod *to the " i^.ad?. with more Y.'edn^dav mottling 'We-wi!! ._;v - Revival Meetings Revival- mVet:ngs consecutively held I four ch'.;r?he$ recently closed, with I :>.ler.c-id re whs. :? tfbur visi tin? Fas-1 ? vf: F. West. J. C. Bfei M-CVit",.- - U. Co'ev and D. E. Hillv vith >p!?nchd' leader. Mr O L. Frv ->nd pianist? Mlsscs ^Catte P v!v- ?-?d i.^rena Wade made an er:eilen* evanceJistic team. The in wWenc-1 r-f the r*?~?rErtflrs -.vere far-, l^achim and ^ believe *th Kinzdotn ?trere?t-V <vere zreatfy advanced iri t'ae chuurches ahd con[vrinmltie.s. Bib1" cha;:^:-' j-wji'na . f?ur:r.-' the meetings .and re:r: 5.ZU Then -aid J U>rtf t .ccotp: i:i the volume of . fhn book ?* \$ written of me. I <\elieh* do.'th'* wtltv O. my CHxi: 'Wi the !a\v.;s ws hin my hear::" Par 40:7.. ?,. -v. ? ?--.i a- lamb"'h Memorial at n o'rlot-: ?unijiv "? m Ai'erihbon artv At Lnke Mr and Mrs I>. W. I.etibetter are Mrs' \V::v, LedbeUar and l$*s Ri".:. Utdbetrer of' siate*Hlte Mr. K v. Seit* ~f For*-1 Cltv. Mi?s Chrism nnd Parks Hrvant. M4&* Ld\* Harris, nnd Mr. Carl Rhodes ~f nelmont and Mrs. L. C. Herrhte of Richland. pie of t hip count v have ever known For mftnv year* he served an coun t- suwrlnti'iiOgnt of '?."hooi? ?rri v hen he ^ave uo the 'ob he was ^uc* / oftfjnd i)-.- his vvlf* who '' as Ml-?4 Molile Luons before ^he '??'as v.edd?^ to Mr. B?am: The hl*K standard that Person county/, school^ hold 'o dav c*an Of ^-hieflv attributed to 'h* ^arlv and unfailing inhere'5? that Rev MY Tie a m Kad takefl in rhAriv-^T8nv citizens of Person cnmtv whft have ? place of hlah *tandin<i in th* com-. tTttint^*TweiTfff'"thfir *^rK' under the Mipervfsion of Mr. Beam" Surviving are Tits widow two Dr. H. M Beam, of RoXboro: and a M Beam.* orToetsfcurr: vm fwmmrc Mr*. Ravrnond- BaiW of T-oul*W1r*: 31 ITALIANS FOUND DEAD AS SUBMARINE F-14 IS RAISED Now You, Now You Don't Tli p ? knottiest problen? Which ha > ever dome before the Board of Com missioners for, settlement has been the Jail question. .It has .been a gfcme o( hide and- seek all the way through, with the Commissioners, as the old savins . goes. "between the devttand the- deep blue sea.' They stand indicted tor no^ cpmpljftnC"1 With* an order of one of - oOr 4'udges.. and the people- of t hi* pouniv hay in-? ro^ed down the proposition .on /two vccaslbSs. T\Vo w^ks- a*o- rhec let the 'contract, for: a. new jail, but .the Rraridjury in ?session this week.-seems to oppose the huildlnu of - the Vaii? and called the chalrmart"' ol the Board/ Mr: A~C7Crentry before them and after a conference they called the judije and asked his advice. He stated . that he ^could not.; under the circum stances, issue a .restraining order: but '?ated further *hat the Commis sioners coiild agtee with all parties concerned and hold up the-work un ,til_after Jan. 1st. -the prosecution of The Commissioners wQyld be stayed until after that-date. Mr Gentry .had a .conference with the conrtactor. Mr Geo W Kane who stated that virtually all df the material for the Jail had been placed and a large lot of it at this -frwe nn rhe nn hoirinri _for Rrycboro and. while he could rtot guarantee any figures, he was confident the loss sus tained bv all concerned would: nat, be Jess than $15.000 And there you '^re. It would appear that the cheap est way- out of this bad dilemma fa "to ??o. ahead with ..the*, construction of t h? 'tail. ?? ' There will be ? another .conference r.his morning between the chairman >nd -the fore titan of- thn Vr^ndjuiy hut it wlll .be ^oo .late for th\s Is50c^ A Familv Reunion ? Many ' * ?nd j>i. 't>, VanHdpfc ' ot ' ri)e. (i'/.r. :: '-!:::^r.??<d- JlUp ? of ] wfitch w*s his 69: iv' bir:"Vdav.' v.ith. aVl biHhlft; anuiy : ?? ? '.infon: -Dinner '-was spread on the f.iv.r and nearly oiV'oyed- bv ill. AU _ v.:?mbor? ? : hi. -family wvr* pi:eeen: %'*? Mrs. C*. A. Ceam? and fanhr Wrteht c.f ? HltUbbfo: . Mr. -and Mvy.' P. P. Wilson of Greensboro: Mr. and .Mr ^ W F Comptori r-f Cedar Qrq\ Mr ahd Mrs.^V: - PooU' of Fa vet- - villa: .-Fra^k Van Hook of Heijdersori; ?: &uinn Van Hook ot Apex and Vm cen* VanHook, who lives with his part m s AU of the thirteen grand* .children'and Mr. VanHook ? wo sU t?r> and -brothers were ^present i<\ wish him ir.ariv more birthdays Prompt Settlement P.oxbori !f. C Auausi T. 192?. 'TSIfcer Buoratwe Aeencv. P->*i?n. S Cisntlemcr.: ?-J ap.i ir, r?c#bK your ! hwls' ciyyTla* "'.aim nder icrider.' Potic? purchased. of. your Agency -onw " PKty '???!' me?? -xpWft 'i . t* i m veur prompt ? in 'nsaktn* settlement JUSt 48 hours after flUnst clam; with vO'.i 1 ?? vnnr ehefSc in hand . I fe?t 'ha' ?*r. jce like this. rtieri's nhMdfratlon. T ran ? ?yjr'Tlat.? and vinden-antl Why \ -?nr Acclrtenf Polkih arc popular '.vith th? tjybllc ? ti v?rv iiwt >vl?hes lor . your A^iencv . W T. KIRBV. Hail Last Sunday There ' ?"** * verr dentractlve" 'hakJ -torm last Suridav ,if$?rnoon . in the section near the Lake \fr. Nat Jordan says it w? very tfoatqieti;? .iltcrovlm many, an acre of pftomis inn tobacco. Notice Sacred Concert* A sacred concer' wUl be given bv t tie Methodist ? Ofpliana?^ Staflnq Onus ?t the nalem MethodW. Church on Auausf 12th 1828 at p m TRe pOTlid .13 mvuaa "i tend thU concert. *???- ??????-. I . ^ - | TOBACCO STICKS - X" 1 Kiln Dried Stock nt' KoXWn T.wmtier ca ; i Italians Die At BAttom Of Sea As Result Of Collision In Naval Manea,iivers SURPRISING SPEED IN RESCUING VESSEL DOESN'T SAVE CREW Kadi o rHephone Communication With Sunken Ship. Maintained Un til Few Hours fik*fore Brought To surface: Fate Of Italian Crew ? Reminder Of Disaster Of Sobma rine S-4 Off' Netr England ( nasi Last Year: ? Acid Fumes Relieved To Have Caused Death: Record Made In Raising Vessel Rome.. Aim. .7.?The 31 vmeh who went to -Uw- -bottom of *ea' la i he submarine F-14 when 'it was sunk in a collision: have been found dead, it was officially announced tonight. The submarine was raised to. the surface tonight and "as rescue crews jumped into the craft, hopeful to find at least a majority of the im prisoned men ^till alive, they were greeted with' ^he full exteitt of the ? Iragedy^-aU. of the crew dead. . ? ? > Communicated Bv Radio Rtdio telephone communication with the sunkeo ship', which wis main tained until sndrclv after noon to day. hfcd indicate a that alitor at least most?of the men were aHift* Then when the communication waa broken off. it w^s fe&red. something . had happened .down in .the submerg ed vessel but It was' still- hoped thafc rtothtog Serious had happened to the men: , The F-H had suiik at an angle of 7D." decrees.. Work of raisin? it was 'started with surprising speed. But; because of the fingic of its slope it was . f ?aired its baf.?n*s' had and -\iv: -t t h? cre'w ??v.? ~i ?? > r;vv:.::<?.(* t:T'" ? I- VMd*. Expert's, belipveri. '.iti ??ivs? ar.r.oiroeo - ":V3t *v-1' onV>l-ni*h? of ? :wo . fflcrrs- .dr.^ 2*>"; r.;nri iiav.-? ?iC.c,i::nbfcj the acid .<u.mev'^' \V? (-.jim : -...r.a vV" /rr ?? >rar ~+T~ .The .?Fri4 had ' ^ar-'ed :tp." ?A;a?k -a - y.iftdcon '. i i ??*?N -> j.;r. B-land- 'itv.*fh#' Arlr.ia* I raijimed on? . lahii- 1-a the Ad-riatlc. I* rommed opo oi ?.he ('estjpoyors and sank while Us .rardi* ~a: was ?ut Site Always In Trouble A- ptUy.-to be ^tven bv the bo?V and rtrls of Ror k Cfcrov^ SafoHv* church. Saturday nisht Aucru- l'lt's. ar "tsht o'tlocfc in-tfie .AllensviHe Hi^fi School .auditorium. .This' :> a real con&edv: the catnAdv r?ne< b=?uv.: :>yj by Misery 3>rortn ? hb&flooed '.i^ad- to'v/. *\l v.-av5 in tsoubV* Br =ure to >-v* Jits ffantib efforts to. collect nine dollar:; m ho old 'tniilil - m H lioMtfret Y'vu will* a'terT be intftt?vsf*d i?v Lulu^Peart* '.?hn$e "vprv -and ?oee&k H . raff Tut'- %cith 'i 'IVhlfiiit? ho!nb, a-nd . Ml the rest', Be f ime The mwpv a %i, a i wd w^ll jt?. thn benefit- of the church . . Admiesidn 15 ard 23 cent* Ederar Lone Memorial Visiters and ?< rancor*. -1? al*?W find a Hearty v-'olcom" at- fcdettn: t.mi Memorial Soeclal rnrtsi- .,tvi io?d. roncreaatlonn'. *ini inc is Rfwav? a (oatur? Worsfitp M-lth ?5 host' ?uHdav flundav School !>:45 ?ormon 11 and -8 fioworth '.eaciio ? tS. Tho aOttnint S?od of tho world?' bf it iKttine*?. noMttcs. <se<9no?JUc. rial, homo rhurch. school Is 'his "I/?t the =am? mind bo m -od that ?m? In Chrttt-Jesus "" T. A.' SIKES. r>a<t->r. Sandhill Pea?-he* Now On Market The- movetnen* of ?ha, main rron "f noarhe* from t ho andhtU recior- rf North Carolina becan Mondav July Mb and will conTTriutT {hro??n' Pi* Hth of Aocust OeiT<tl* Bet'"*? P7 - torta?. and llakuf are ;.he Dflnclpil rai'lelle < "fw" **' ?? ?...> ?? TET urbwiri 1R {WTaTHHllllI W ts Miih? invirttttnTts ? py the piibtto to visit tb? B frrrtt William Haines with Alio? Dai t SMAflT rrr" ula.'iiu TEntfe.Monday fr Tuesday.. Aujr 13*14th. MfuoT'*?' M??? 1 ' - "

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