SELL YOUR TOBACCO IN ROXBORO? FOUR BIG WAREHOUSES AND TWO REDRYING PLANTS?WE WELCOME YOU ? ~ A We rj- iinu ziujcuuru vluucut :itn J. W. NOELL. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. HOME FIRST. ABROAD NEXT \ " 81.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. VOL. XLV. - ROXBORO. NORTH CAROLINA. WEDNESDAY EVENING. VUG I ST 22. 1928. * S NO. 34. Gov. Smith Speech Is Convincing The Nominee Pledges His Self To Administration For Benefit Of All The People FARM RELEIF PROBLEM TOGO PROMPT ACIiON The Governor Will Enforce Dry La>v, Stamp Out Corruption And Recommend Changes" To Congress?Promises Honest Tariff ALBANY. N Y. . Aug 22.?Bel pre an immense throng.. whfch' gathered vto_ hear .'-jkilBfirst pronouncement otl the issues of the Presidential campaign. . Governor Alfred. E. Smith accepted the J>emocratic -nomination for Presi dent here tonight in an addres? which wa* as progressive in character as ? it was courageous in. it's" terms. ? Governor Smith pledge himseljf 'and; ' ViL? party to the restoration of hbnesty m government: 10 the promotion ot a real prosperity !or the whole, people through actual - rather than . fancied. economies and reorganir.atjon ? in ; gov rernrrient arid the ..enactment of soun4 tariff. legislation; to the' establishment at a foreign policy opposed to unwar ranted intervention in 'Latin-Ai^eri . tan cciintrios and i or the outlawry of war ? .? <\nd,' ~> t tie f.tampitie' ou: oi ? cor ruption. in prohibition enforcement.. The Democratic candidate, placed himself ?squarely; on record Jor Jarm relief "and. promised :o call- together the best-iniprnied-minds .among. farm-': ers. bu*inim #aen ..and? economists im-', meriiatejv Ipliowine the election to dev ? vise a practicable -plan for the.'-con trr?! ..-'t;rplus- rr:?j)i/ lor s'ubrr.iJGion Yo. Congress ' at the oefiinsing * of- . his ?. ^dm.ipirftrfetipn ? , 7 I . "Upov ? tHe < 'tfiv.? oj. t hif:?-Ge&xioi ? , vnere- ;v<! ? it .rear.*, uso T . first; ? iVoeH/;.V.iV .panv-, >umirions tolegd it ' ir. tjie nation.'-' ? said Governor' -Smith;' : '-.In-' a^eoptina ^ party'.?-- ? eall. ''Within j M is Diui.diac. I learned the. principles the* .purposes and the functions oi gov-;. 1 ???rRter.*. anid, to-'know th&t the'sreax- ? ept prjviiejto that ran 'rom.p- to anv ' v an . ?/j give himself/to- a nation f- which has-"- reared him tint: raised -him . '/'?tore, ' b^ruri** to 'be a ,< contender for ?? the. .highest; 6jSact?t in, the g it t of its.'1 people.. j ".Wj-'b y rratifu^e too . ;-.tronl lor' ^ words.and,-vith nunibi? reliance -t.'pnn *? the aid Divine-? Provi^jnce, 1- ae-' .-ept ><5ur summons- :,?> r. wider flefcl qf ? : ' , He .'^buhde'd t&jj' iceyiiot* "oi .ivik ?-r ? Irr / v - J| ' '* Mdovmm?r.t -hould be ccm*tfur> rbac;i.-marv " ?"t t-rri ejritifety . UnwilUns to!- accept he Attended Convention Ctt Recreation Here.' TW'^Vr, T?k? 1- 1? -M? "*"?1: atidt*ori0B^ ? foch "?-'/? - '?! ^ '-?"'??'?V " . ' ' \ ?: " > rid ?' ,t&:... mopt -? your friends at id iv?kthbgg?', . ??* Enough on feed in nolun bus f'/.r/" to #.;?,? p t.y/> "rr?.r- tr :? rfrtn^t rations IV i r ?: I, a ' ' fr LATE BIT I P WITH THE DAILIES The Courier i? a few hours late this week, ow ing; to the fact thai Gov. Smith's address was not re leased until after our hour tor publication, out rattier than keep this wonderful ?speech for' another week we held up several hours. ' R0XB0R0 CITY SCHOOL NOTES VH Children Are I'rjed To Be Present Thursday. Morning-. - September 6th' . - ?W.'ITII-I-I! 'hf I -ltj -chpoli will ypeii for regtstraiiox; | | uae classification of pupils on' Tjvurs fla\ t.iorniTig. 9.00 Cclock. Sept Gtb. j '??28, Every pupil, should be .present. I if possible. oti the first clay order I tr vet his ?'--. rt properly . rraneed for | | the year. Remember t Oat Thursday [ seeiswation day. Please let every! j'arer.t ? see tcv it' that the. oljlldrer. I | register. the first day and make thel : '?per -tart. ever, yiopah they must I I drop c>ut temporarily '/to help with | I v.'or:: at Home ,;Let curry pupjll provide himself I I'. -..? ? .necessary text ?books >? fa: s li? ran in the opening day Pes-1 iWylw fcnows ?there he . can (tet I | o?!>a?ld-hSna books that are to good | ?ndition Book lists will be slven .i' M Thursday, and assignment of | Jcssotis will be made on'FStdav tnorn ;r.r OIoas ?york ?111 run on the reg ular -ohndplp ;he followin? Monday. < r, :r t. v !io have no; been vaecin- | tliou id 1? before ?ntertna scheoi I''- . :? " .i-nsiKle precou lor. I SRirisi a filthy, disease. Bad tonsil* I - r>uld bo removed now rather than I ' : -th-joi :hd after the child ha I -ft to -ufftr the 1.1) effects that iuhj-1 Uj oyer 'alte. children during the I ri'-er iflbtitht Tlx child should I ;r? toe aver !rr-m thecpera?~[ icrt before he; enters sch:?o!; Kindly rDopcratior. previous!* ;ati:t:>s:-d hy th?,_ paifoas of our I rhretfv , ? earnest^' solicited far the I ear. .Ttnr he.!;? has beeti Khd| < ..V r, . . ,, P Vinson Narrowly. In.iurv Afc Automobile? Crath DgM? ? ferry N y. \Ke >i._ -.(?n.Hrpr .lo*rt-ph T. ItObtlMOh. f)r Tnoeraltc ?lee-presidential nomi nee narrowly r*rnped a serious - tilrnt I '-re ? twhen 1 I? Cfttit?tkK>btlp wa< stmirtl by a pa sf nstor mrrot? I* rr.i^ert col rUh I hi* r w. Ste ir iwttfcyf Hw ? *+f~- * ?-hmm*?-??*? franklin D. Rfliwrrli. ordered fh?* ?cab drU?r AKMlcAt TOBACCO STICKS No. 1 Kilri Dried Stock ^at Roxhoro Lumber ('" Contract For New Jail Is Held Up SIMMONS NOT TO SUPPORT EITHER OF CANDIDATES Senator Tells New Bern Editor That He Ha$ Reserved Right Of Ail Democrats . J;? ATTAC KS ALFRED E. SMITH New Bern.. Aug.; 20.--Senator F. M. Simmons, who recenttx resigned ?s national committeeman, for North Carolina will'vote neither for Gover nor ,A1 Smith nor Herbert" Hoover, ac cording to a' Statement issued 'to*' nighr through-L. B. Hornan, editor <ji ' ; :.he N7ew Bern- Times.; He reiterated his former statement :n which he declared- hi would give full support ? ijp'.the. state, district arid count v De mocratic tickets. In reachinc this decision, -the- sen ator said that he reserved lor him sflf' the right of all - Vv ? exercise .conscientious conviction and '.uagmeht. Without- " coercion or re.-, straint." Governor Smith he says, has de liberately put the party, under- the dominating control, 6f Tamma.ny- .Hall, "big business and the predatory inter es^ as represented in-.fcpth the- Demo cratic. -and Republican/-parties: ?*As a result. '.he v said.' since the Hquston convention ?. jhe party plat-, I form has' been" repudiated, the Var:V rrbuil't 'the ..'issues rfframed'ana 'forces .of privildge and license how . dominating "and controlling its natipnai;machinery.' This condition., [tbej said, is a .betrayal .or, submergence ,iM4hc4i>les' 'f.f-'.rVy.- n^. ocratic party as ?' "heretofore ? under These things, said the senator.' have verified all hi?' predictions and pro pheciBsHvhlch he made m hu? spe^chl . delivered. to. ^he United States senate;, against jammahy -Hali and Governor ; smith.; . Senator Simmons, m authorizing ?he publication,of his statement, --aid he' had deferred maktna any' formal ?*kp?ahatiott of h;,s position at thrt request of O. M. Mull, chairman of the state Democratic executive com mittee. . .untilafter the acceptance speebh'of the? governor. Mrs. Anne Wade Passes Mrs Anno Wade, who has resided In Boxborn lor a number of ? years, rfled'ot the Home of Mr*. G*o. L^rns lb East RoxbOTO on Sunday aftei ? noon. She had teached tftp age of 77 and death was attributed to. oid * ? ' frotn the hftme-Mohdav Afternoon in terraenr was made in the C>eor?e O'Brian* burvih'p. 2rounds near Bushy Tor# . - nineral j^mees were con-' r.;::--?d h Rev \V F. v/es: John D. Rockefeller' BIG MEN FROM SMALL TOWNS t Wa> Horn. In A Tiny Town. Rlchford. New York IS A SELF-MADE MAN Nobody needs to be t eld- who Jehn D. Rockefeller' is. . His rime "has reached the-Iyrtherei-r. corners of me slobe ? And everywhere he is known as one.c-i the riches: men of aL ti^ie, ? and one of the wisest. ' To- fa; ' John D.'' is "enough- "Jdlm D."_ stands for Rockefeller ^ust as Teddy' stood for JtoOsevel*. You /.an'i sy- ".Jchn -D wit&dut vVecyohe immediately'*? knowina 'v- ?. its inciar.. > ? " ; John D. JOhr. Da ?ids *7r. /^peke fiil' . --IA-?Standard Oil?_ .the charitable mar. ot millions. .Noi ' evervone'? knows that ..'John D -Rwkefeller was barn "r. a' .tillvr*jwn, Richiord. New York,.*-.and that he. is 89 years of. a??. He is mai^vel pi physical v.ell-beiriz ftjr" his. wre. That is cr.!" another result, of hte wisdom* which tSt^hds into every department .of life'; "John D.'v has ? taken such zeed care if his body1 that he can sfctJJ. pia- 2 spectacular came of golf at 89. * 7 This -mali, pwn . ooy who was to later have' conti^I over a tremen 4ptf$ fon?:t3 started work- as a clerk in- a '? forwarding and - commission house At IS he-was a partner in a firm. of commission merchants which Jater enzased in ih? Oil busuiess, Out Of ttiis finally developed thi gigantic Standard " QIl Company Rockefeller was president vi tljis institution un 1911, h> v tired The total' amount of money $riven by Mr. Rockefeller. f^r philanthropic; ape; ch&ziitfble purposes- up f ? IPS] exceeded ?VOO,000.000 Nevet ha?, there been such g 'Continued nt\ pa#e et?h?? To Fly Over South Pole In -Most Carefully Planned ^rip Bvrd Sail? From New York In His Anarctic Sh Samson In -Quest Of Bleak Regions ID The Sctrttt Pal?1 whfctl J>#s MK1 Mth^rto . bftty' twice atjathaft. is !hp , "'. i v t .;t sra?r -Kienare> S. ?yrd In :hr m?1. -?rtfullr platmW Lrpytjte of rxpfcrattotv "ev*r made. r v.'.t1 *"' vrc > deparflr.?. ' r rtrn ?? "t rt m lits 'Anarctic ?hi-. tl*a Mamaon arrnmpameci by . flftv-tlW i-OluBte^rs. pirrtw 'met. haiflaa. ! 'r." ait :i<- B-rrr Baleh"',r. Tl'.iuias Tni iunfi ! TCTfT 1 " ' Owrr-anoer -ByrtJ h (tiring tKM ?Mi hti H? bcllevfs t tiff An' ?: :....? as -r~.-A. ru- ? i{air?d. H? hi* nl*o purchased !oi tht :cn. tfhich in in ;s>y .Zealard Thf TTKcUp* will b? us*a mainly "W TtMtt-1 ixvt th" -uBpUffx Att^r toavrne %'-?? Zealand BvjT! wtti. psrabllKti a or> it.p- Ros? Ter Burrl" ab&'.r 1.000 mTJr? Iron '-h? ? ' - ^ "it ?? uimiiq?y:irvwik_. o&usJaefl h^ t^JBFpag^ ' " " Vi' m ' - ' ' ?' '?? ahti vii", U" hA'* to 'irv: Ze*! or.S to nr--". ih? '(r' oJ Jner '>? ?"^TE^TttTJT Jr t!"" ice. Bvrfi vrlli - ?HritStv?? bacet- frnm the Barrie" ti tfc Pfl', 100 ?:!;?> Rpart trata padi ? ttier. to !>e i>iid tn i-tue ol eraeraencjr. ? .1 Wi.T rh" !w havf bee?' Birrc win fij -orard tti? Pole in h* ifi-motor-ii monopttir.p nimps Alter Fiwd Bennet ? Tli" 'W-i'i-l- Pale w - ? ptet??' ' bout ,-TWt HJgh. irhich ii \*fv flifficuit for an ?viaw ??'. The alt i'MJ :*ri. ac4 '*"0'" -AxLii-:..:'. 4; vcii\ ? , preserve the landin? ?' ;h? pl*np. th? riemnUshmcn: nf ' wfiteh -fTOT TIB' ?* ?+?*?*? ,www ^ihi?; fnr tfie flvtnsr party to retur.-. "to ?-he ba?< The Tit! be aa voted to ri'-.'lfl' rlth * ?i??'ei?t .?*>?'?? p:V ?? rrr?T-3~ :~o<3 f.9 etiart tiw rr?~ -4t Second Meeting Friday Commissioners Stop Work DEMOCRATS PLANS HEAVY CAMPAIGN "FOR THE SOUTH Party Leaders Decide-Definitely To Have Robinson . Open Campaign There WILL BEGIN SEPTEMBER 6 New-' York-. -Xug.' 2L-For ' the first. tune in. ye^(S. .the. thunder- ol. 3 Pres.'--' idetttiai; campaign"; will. bg . hefcrd , in. i he South iiext month. .Dern'ocrauc ?partv leaders defihiialv' decidih? ' * ? aav : o ha? ^ ?ena.tor Robinson" rh-;A:. katnas. aper^ V'1 ; yr?" ?Vr-f Presidency ;r. that '..section. ^ Alter "his.-notification "at. HotVSprmas. Arkahsa?-;. August'30: the-;Senat-oy wtU. swingiiii> Texas ' and from there ,t6l C'..: ? ? .j?a-v ^ hooverIims POST IN CABINET : ,v? ' : ? ?: t uoiidsre Namf* William ' \Yhitins; To .Succeed Him ?t- \s t urnriiMXc Secretary ? - V: A-- : ?'.V... Whiting : i^oivoke Mass w2-& ? ahho'ti* ed"'Secretary -of Commerce by 'Pre?l ..?X -creat cross-s*?t.ion, of I if?, -a-year i'ri 'the ? matin?.. King Vidor'-s Produc tion. -THE CROWD with. Eleanor' B'-iardrvian and ?James ,Murrti\. at Pal-" are Thleatre* ? Monday Tuesday'.. Aug. 27-33th. Matinee Mondav 3*00 P. 'pJL:. dent Coolidge today, io succeed Her- . bert hoover.. Simultaneously-; "word was given out at the executive* offices iy^T> -hat the ?Presideift had accepted Hoover.'.^ re viianati^n '/r?n. the "nb'meJ;' * Mr,. Cofcftidge V '.ftafactenstu: secre cv ' wa's carried ciut in both th? :r.>- ? postmen t. and; accept j use ' Hoover? rej-janatjor. The.firfet tndicatibh of ?he appoint r. ? -J- . >rf ; r i hurried trip - from the . fa<t" ? for; ?. J'OfifertSncp ? v.'ith. the Presidnh! today.' Oath Adminj?toreo " ''-T 'in the fehiel Er.ecut;v? V jjercorui} buitinftss ? a?c?": here. , Altst t he ;br'|ef ... * corre?pendents "hfjfrild beefl runimoh- - r-d f. ir *th? I^i-Kfcn! line day .a'w? h* tfturn a. vrk.aio Irom , EUrDps MuJ 'lh5'. K? t :,ti vithout JndKitiiac- fcf. ?-a?.?? jUne 'tpr thr eaif-., }W ofKee Tli; uppoi^-mfr.' war. ItK'kfd i . r " s <"!?-*- Mr ait it an ?Id time poi, Removal Dr. 3. W. "Ffcisett K" ?> ilr>RO? fin .FYldac Auc;;v -.1 IMS. i3r rrmsval of .onsUs nnrf Koeiipidi. t'hildrrr. and n^Sit?. TVIoFf ? inwrpvtM . ar. -.p.? ? ' :>r. H Beam as to Mjsaiaaaeav *NeW Ti-uc<k* Oria^ea .Board o! Edueation has author ? :mfi ,.e> >>,?*, lki4JU? o! five IV V ? i. - ? bvJWf ?wiitrt, ?11) tw fwt m?jjAtvUrv thif faft. Three M these .irurk^ Wt'l -I 5'i'^licr old t?ne^ whil^ r^"t* ? >>i0 v;a?- c^hool ft? M cirtah. - lini t'' TWO VOTE FOR, ONE AGAINST Oil Tuesday; AVigust 14th. "there.was . r. t>alied :meet:flg- of .'the Caunjy Com-. ofrie action. on the recommendation the irrs^dj'-iry _ concerning .'the 'new ? I yili. ? Iii-the report at the grand jury, which'is-'published-' elsewhere, they ?said,"in. our .opinion work on build-'/' .ha. h 'Separate' jail should be imme diately stopped; aad . steps . takan by our* Commissioners to -further.the. pro ject of' budding :i court house and .ai; ooiijibined ?'. * At th4 :meeUr.z the ehrtre'-boarc: was. preseh: and .was chvidrd M. . Cash ia\ jr-ma- poinfc ahead y.;t;h-' the pontrac: and ; building .;he ;al. .while Wagstaf?' favored haidma up' ihfe contract The phair'^ ' mar.. " Mr. Oentjrv who ??as placed. in poiition..:-;:' castih?' scolding f\ * * * **?** ?; * 9 r , ? : : 3 - - :? The : Tat ? - :' v-attna Oh la$? Prida;, another called meet ing was heio there being . present niy Mess Gentry and Waes-taff. At ???his: igfeettn*. 'Mr. Gentry;. .voted ' to \ :io;d/-u-?.''the wrefc temporarily . And there .the :matter .stands at. present, ?>^r ".Gfhtry. stating to us' Monday t ha- h? -'.id "not know how ions it . B-Wul^r b* -betore ?.anything * r.rtner ? wai. Gone.- He spited lusher tfaat' %thc lew?. Inyolved- .m. hqidffit "cntract I '-troifSd' be. '.only. a Jew thOU*and- dol lar... . -.Vosri'S.y '.hot/- exc?eGin'2 mu'cli :*?? usand dollar*. Kane, oo'htractor'i aid"nit ?c.iayn anyr ['thing-for >;hfc vyork ?e' $ * ne;- #niy ? ? oskma: . ts be ;>rotepT *?' ? ' .-r.v-Idas . ?* .he- cciuld' ? not .?usg.'-'ei*?where. T o Make Enlarge ment At Baker? Mill It .. ?t:at:;vine to know ..that the ; enterprises in 'and 'jsirsund-'-- Rojsborb-' ? &*?. prospering, and'.i^ I:-7; especially ; .fc*ay?ying; to leari> that 'the Colliata^ j .^ikman Corporation. ' better, kndwn aVbund 'hers as Baker*-'M -is "meet-" Xii with. cphtinuec suco?s-s Contract . aVbeer let to MrGenrge W. Kane." .!he well know contractor- .vhp .built. ..pot oxih the. ptlRir^'! r.iaxid 'reai cesvees. but ha? mag? nil ther ex ptfhaipris for .them t&r' fw?nr?. mar ; evidences. and work wV." befcin on 5V?yi:."r:ber. i:" We lea?r ?* -at in thte .r.esr future 'the. mill will ..i enlarged : vWr hundred feet \?iil. be-- added l.f'i the" ma:.:. ? by;jr.:tis.- :hu; - romplet itit - he rticjnal hiat. for ih? mill.. : Clinic For Cr:npled Children Tomorrow / !>?<' -r ? ? "e 1% unxioi.'.: i or4 nverv rtipjH*>c <hiUS ia Persoh, O.rant-uie'- arid coun* ' t fes to have advantaaf? of thejip cHji k>. t! you know 0* uct ?? child w?? w 9?! ?? IN ijreusht 10 rte clinic tomorrow. ThanitJay.- . Thaw oboka ar,- t*K raoarni:- <m ih? fourth **??*-r<, :? tmd "?? Th*?U?. y. Au? 27-2tth JilatmM 1 ? M r- m .< v ... '

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