SUES KOM TO RECOVER 91,816 Uurlinutcn Man Says He Over paid That Amount On In come For 1919 Greensboro. All? 21.? James N. Williamson. Jr.. of Burlington, today io federal dtstrtct court Med suit' to recover <91.816 49 from Gilliam Gris - nin', collector of internal revenue. Williamson claims he was. forced tp overpay Grissom that amount on his income taxes for 191?. Payment was made on October 20. 1926, ? The?bnef, u ilprurient reviews the manifold stages of Wil liamson's contentions with the com miMsoner of internal revenue at Washington ajid 'with Mr. Grissom. nt Rajeigh. since the extra assessment was made on him and collated on threat that unless paid a heavy pen nlty would bt imposed and collection would be made by force; WiHiamson -claims that after re peated protests on his part, he -was offered in March, 1927. a refund of MSB, which he refused After ad ditional protest and rehearing," lie .was offered 5:19.851 on June 22. 1927. ? oh condition that the pavment would bp accepted .as a final settlement This lift- also refused and he, claims thi? wpVernment returned tp the $4,517 ? offci; on July 17. and declared this was final. ' WJlllBnistin V1.V, lie nied income in 1920 fir $1,10) taxes on his .1919 'Income He wars notified., in. Decem ber .1924 that an' -extra assessment <'t $90.812 had.&?an made against him lor the 1919 (ax"S. Ttili was based on .hI? report made in the 1920 re turn. of''the -llr> of 1.224 shares nf stock in til- iinrr of Japyes N. William son and Sons t i F-.-lj'. Ruppreeht for. S24S.4J7 ? in. ca?h';^hd . a stock divi ttehd nl *152.900. He -ays the addi tional 'tax .vrts. ec-^njted on. the dif ference b'-.we-p tij? total .of these J tf. o und/the )>a-, ' alue of the toek. ?]22.4i)fl ..Tlij. :i'n -erron^uv basts h" declares '?rite lie tnvl'r at' outr I: lit Mft nt.;t!n t .H .rir :.-U-nd to ? i- 'hi-ee. rtilnor children in 1919, and JniS>'/the . he far -nv?r- M ???ryv.i iU}., r>no'onOfT. o I v. hi '> mm t o ? r.Asii 'pYal a- difcerao* if)nn. Any'.- m I - caushu ?eryotip wtitf has! Tru?s i- talk. ' Vom roV.-iit tJ^inl: - :v. ? a .Ve" mac} lays '?\at ar" ! *? ,-.v ,i P.n Vf W, rlinMM f-hi rrc nit nnd-r indtejment !'* 'IV-.'II': -'and :n< th> tan ? !W?*' V W T'ci0VAe ? Tli i? nf '? = r?\rrtr. nrtfc^ -it tT* >it th'-. ivmocr^t.ic pt-rt-rid^n fial ?, , m*mb*r of. Tatn Prrth^Mv ^'hat th" Titno's o^'-c r^bnut tb? r'?^fra?o ?rrw^hfnr? b? ?"Md of Vt"'X 'In ? Ma. fUr ^'jtat'.on of ?hA lfttm r -rrr ' -Tm ,rf '.altt'r>f) v-,n IRK ?iauall(;d t h at > f r-1 ?' frn- fjir> r^mitafi^n f TAmmanv . Macfadden Magazines i Using The Air Using the company's I^ockhead ?VtftL monoplane.. James E. William son. Spacr Buyer lor Macfadden Pub lications. Inc.; is ^making .?n air tour cf fourteen key cttiej* lor conferences with wholesales and distributers p f the various Macfadden magazines. This, is'cne of the first instances on record v/h ere a business concern not directly affiliated with the aircraft industry-has used a plane for the reg ular conduct of its activities. The plane has been in almost constant service since Its acquisition earlier in the ? year. . * ' Ju&t before starting the flight, Mr. Williamson called attention to the fact that Macfadden-?gnbflcatioms ls uslng t hp air th. more ways than one. True Story Hour, which it sponsors, having been on the air over (he score qf broadcasting stations of the Co '.urobia Broadcast insc System every Friday, night since the first week In January. The use of the plane In business, he stated, is simply in line with the organization's policy of commercial progress. Before being tuned up'for the pres ent trip, the plane made an interna r tional good will- flight to Mexico City, taking up the route that Carranza. the Mexican ace who was claimed by a storm on his return trip, had started to fly home . oyer. On its Mexican trip the machine carried Zoe Beck ley. one of the organization's feature writers, who visited Carranza's mother. Prior to the Mexican trip. Bernarr Macfadden. fylmsetr: used the plane to coyer the National Convention at Placed Where it Belongs It has been well determined by ex haustive invetigatlon and ahalysls mat revenue now derived by the rail roads is a. necessity, ?fid that this revenue cannot be cancelled by a re? pe.U ? trie Pullman surcharge with out 1 ?placing It bv Increased rates In ether respects. What, then, would ' the public gain by its repeal? In its relation to service rendered or value receteved. It. must be admit ted that this surcharge is justified. For each passenger in a sleeping car' there are from 8 to 12 tons of dead weight which must be hauled, compared with iess than half that weight for each coach passenger. Then there, is the added expense of addi . tichal switching. separate and special parking arranrements.-preferretHoea tlcns In stations and,4n trains and a dozen and one things which go to increase the cost of service. . Would it be fair or iust to repeal this surcharge and shift the cost to shippers of freight? As somebody muit bear this cost, what is more fair and Just than that those who benefit from.special provisions and arrangements for their comfort, shall bear the cost? . i- If in traveling John Smith enjoys a luxuriously appointed Pullman, the privileges and coniforts of a lounging car and observation car, why should Bill Jones, a coach passenger, be tax ed for Smith's comfort? ? Wythe County News. The Austrian government requires those seeking railway positions to undergo rigid tost? regarding' their temper. LONG TERM Farm Loans ? AT 6 per cent INTEREST Sethi-annual' partial repayment of Prtneipki with intercut Tut your 'farm on a business basis with funds from a FARM LOAN running from 29 to 33 years 'Clean up?Paint up?Make the Farm a Home for ? a healthier happier family Loans made promptly on improved farm lands for: Paying off Lxistin? Indebtedness - Payment of Balance of Purchase Money on Farrn^ Lands . Improving Soil. Purchase of Livestock Piircha.s?' of Fertilizer and Farm Implements Remodeling Farm Buildings. Painting, etc. New Barns. Dwellings, Tenant Dwellings, etc. _ Diversify for Larger Profits Below is listed the attorneys who, are our local respresenta'tives? see any of them if you need funds F. O. CARVER Roxboro, N. ATLANTIC JOINT STOCK BANK OF RALEIGH RALEIGH. NORTH C AROLINA fMew high pressur% fueling ??.and /Ilew high speed carburdion Suppliitirtnlinii ihr untaxing ahllltir? 'if Bunk'* Imprm?! Valve-in-liead engine? providing brilliant newrWrt??ncjrtnd ((TwIiVencM at (ill rngino Mpml? ? un- t%jo wonderful now Silver Annivemnry Biiirk fralurc? . . . A now liitfti-pri'Miirr ga* ptllttp? cumiilrlfly * lifiiinaHrig (h? old/tuihlnnn) t ar itn m tank?uwiirr* n *t?:ady flow ??f fuel under ?II driving conditions; and u ni'H higli-*fM?ed nirbiircliir^-lbr most MpriiMivci'itiptuyivi tin any motor rar?prtiduow nnrivai i d eatntof ?tarting, nmooth oprrnliuii and iiintimnni toinoitty, The uiirM*r.inioii? Huick engine? with Oie?n two new fentltrr* ? attain* thr hfghept degree *.f ? fllrlcnry of uny automobile engine . . . ami attain* that pt ak HRrirncy with any ?radc of furl ? liftficKt, high-te*t ??r In lx;lw? ml llair-trijfKiT arrrlt/.illon t Dazftling new ?wirtnrM ! Mateh Ipii? hlll-elimblng! l!iirivalr Johnson Motor Company ?diiehxm north < *Roifv\ WHEN H^T,rF.ll Aj.m.uQiHUv ^ :'fH/T'Bt;iOKWtlX BUILD THEV Administrator's Notice Having qualified as. Administrator of the estate of W. S. Stephens. de ceased.- late of Person County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or. before the' 31st day of July. 1939, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This July 31,- 1938. O. R. Yarboro. Administrator. Aoministratix Notice Haviii? Tfti? d?v qualified as Ad mlnistrator ot the estate of A. R. Blalock. deceased,, this is to notify all persons holding claims against: said* estate to present them to thei undersigned, jpr before the 10th day of August. 1929. or this will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment - This August 10th. 1928. Carrie M. Blalock. . . Administratis. Executor's Notice Having qualified as Executor of the estate of J. A. Hicks, deceased, late of Person county. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having ceased to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the 10th day .61 .August, 1929. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of- their recovery All persons Indebted to said estate will ' please ftnake immediate payment. This 10th day of August .1938. David O. Alien. says the gentleman \ from South Carolina who always drives a Buick 1. . to the ^ lady from New Jersey as they pulled up to the bright red pump.. ."pleased to meet you, and no trouble at all to show you the nearest way to the S. S.#. . . ?and how does your little bus (and its a pert neat Dodge) take to our scenery?". . . says the lady from New Jersey, smilingly . . . like S. S.* and my little bus is perfectly content with S. S/ anywhere". . . ... and th ore's a rea sou wjiy every kind of clrifpr for every \ kind -of car asks for and insists upon **Standard-** Gasoline and *oulh "* . , . lh*>n una in Me art* fturiv eettmn -that hr tiUo m*nns good old "Standard* Servue. "STANDARD" _ GASOLINE LABOR DAY On. this day We pay tribute to the dignity and nobility of labor. _ , Labor is the backbone of the.nation. the factor that builds our resources and provides our citizens with the necessities ;of life, It is to the drawers of water and the heWers of wood.4 that we all must be grateful for the prosperity which this country enjoys. The habit of saving is the laborer's greatest asset. It protects him from want and dependence in old age. We welcome new accounts, which may be started with one dollar. The First National Bank -TH? FMEIJOLY BANK" Under Supervision U. S. Government