FARM NOTES In spite cf the heavy rains last week. 6 field meetings were held on the farms of Messer?. W. A. Whitfield. D. 6. Brooks. T. T. Mitchell. E. D. Morton. I~ P. Sherman and * J. O Pearce Mr. W. A. Whitfield has a nice' field of corn and soy beans growing in alternate rows, the rows being spaced 3 feet apart and the cprn. left a lit tle thicke rin the drill for the six ft. row than lor the ordinary 4. ft. row. This gives the same number of stalks per acre and , will not cut down the yield cf corn while the beans are growing Next year, the rows, will be changed, the corn will be planted on the soy bean row after .they have been turned under, and the beans will be planted on the corn row. There is a.Scarcity Of corn in the county, the yield per acre is. far too low, and' this ^ysterfi will mean- more com pet- acre if 3000 farmers will adopt and stick tb it as they stick to tobacco. These beans will grow larger after the corn' has reached maturity, they will add expensive nitrogen to the spil gathered from 11)? air. .and ? add htimus to the soil so necessary, for maintaining soil msistuie ever an ordinary .dry pell.' Messrs.. L. P. Sherman and J. O. Pearce were other men visited this week who are try ing this same system on t.fieir farm?.. In all.: there we about. :'verity-five men who are. trying this system, and if you are; interested in making mote corn per .acre as you have alw^v been bettinu while yeu are improving the land. and. more after the first year. ttlPH !v"\i ij 11 v;*;t some of these men and. adopt a sim ilar system .for .next; year' and ? stick to it. H A few Mang'umj terrace- vere in soeoted bv neighbors-?'this week . on the farms, c: Messrs. D Sv Brooks. T. T. Mitchell and J O Pea*ce. The first thm? to do oh t he.-. 1 arm. either before or after -cu tel. 'he title ? is to terrac it - well ' as this wiil ; assist you materiailv m helpins to hold the title. U is hbrd to k^p tip with the title, but Mangum terraces properly I laid; (Hi. proper'.!y built xmd, "lien prop erly maintained-assists, in .holding t*hr _ aoll. They ? .n-n ? .dan ??{Lr~thp''{t?rrttee?. tbei'bv. a^raint-^M ing the '??!?:> the ?? i;em arid ?aube more -blll)t. ?At i.h* - r.'*- \'t r i!i rneetingv held .ibis >"'*k, jn-;eii ..""as- I bi*v'rije*bt? 8*-1-3./.'fe'ft*Iizer^" on fl tobner y pmpr - :i' vltlV and 8- I 4-6. pn - there ? i." r'.-tvVder-' able p ata s h 'hunger, vhere ' he 3-1-3 is! itjiilf the Inrnl h^re ;-V? I is UKr,r?. Kt> , -h 5iurt?r.r. 'has k a- ' itf fieV! ?of fobacco-.that 3;mod la<* ^larrh. TI writ blKfTv 'vith Ma^itesli'im hunger . ???!>'' '-??v-t-:?? ? '?ar. 'he ? '-'Kh ? ir'^v Ibv ourrr ?his -ear and -h< _i>ba r? la fiiljv fiftv Dcr cent b^f.ter thim i !;r ? . : tafes Mr. While- on the tarih looWng over th* lin-d ar i limed nd Mi Morton oMeri ''? "ntjnn ?o ;? bunch ^i ph's 'n ;be .-If ? r |-r "hat va^ a ftrikir- demon';ra*lph t h,v ? . ^'1 . T?-- ? n^'.v eleven works olo'. .4",rjo. ?re f-.'om a bv. ?nd by ihc.. t'me that *h - - et . Id rin' and any-, en" ran 't f-h .ch one .i lilts .ill ijc. !a.-? JaiuraTXa old soV.'' Tlie voun? :err * ?rv - JtaOf ar/? ffl '(>- -iryrrt K> .. evrrv, |nff!en?'en t belir*- ns ^ood as rutetorod Jitts. Yujit ;!noth<*r llhiatr? - tien r.f ",h.v ??. ?? tTeaw 'prevHifAtf ? *?. I^fidanee p?. ?he f?rm.'M Rherlhan U) <><}'{ha imo, Irnvdera r-wlnforth Cacrlina. cn September 5. 1923. or within thitrv days- thereafter! and pns\ver-or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff which will be filed in the office of said Clerk of the Super ior Court not later than Augus 25. : 928. the. time for filing same having been extended until- that day, or judgment as demanded therein: will fc? rendered against her. This the Sth day of August. 1928. D. \V. ERADSHER. ' Clerk Superior Court. ? ' ' ? o???? Notice'Of Civil Action NORTH CAROLINA IN THE SUPERIOR COURT person county Lizzie Paylor WeSthrooks ? ' . .? ? . vs.; ? AUbrey WestbroQks The defendant above named will take notice that an action as above' entitled iias bfen Instituted in the Superior Court of Person' County by the plaintifl dnd against the delend ariti.lpr the purpose of obtaining a decree of absolute divorce agaltist th^ defendant: arid. lie will further take notice that he is required tp appeal !h": .tfflce cl the'undersigned Clerk ci, :t.e '?opcri.of Court : ct. Pnson. C.unty at the courthouse lri Roxbaro Sj'orth Carolina, on September. 5. 1928. or within thirty days; thereafter, and' an wer cr denvntt"i the complaint of the*': claintiff 'Which . will 'be filed in the. ^aid Cf .he ior .Court riot later than August 25, 1924. the (imp for Sling same having been extended until that day. cr judgment as demanded therein will be tendered against him. . This, the -5th' da* of August.. *.928. p. W. BRADSHEK, Clerk. Superior Court. Sale of Valuable Land The land described . belott* being owned in common by the estate of the late George T. Thaxton and B. A. Thaxtcn. it will on Saturday. September 15. 1928. at. 12 o'clock noon, at the court hoUse aoor in KGjibtil'L. Wuiili ^uroiina.' be offered lor sale to the highest bidders. 4.0-wit: - ; * That land lying op both sides . e r 'The* read and con ? tains r;8.5 &ci*e&. Tract No. ? 12^. .lie* ,on#. the .east side i-i the ::oad a rti be rita ins 43.7; acres. ? ved to offer ?> a id ? : : * >:e^ra-tc!v'' a'nti as a "whole, or :n wet* other combinnticn.^ as" ? irjay ; :Jpear rca?ohftbJe. ? ?for ft* ?.vilV announced fit the Th:s A-.:trust '.r,. 1923. Mrs. George T. Thaxton. ' v/Jdow and administratrix ci George r. Thaxton. JJ A Thaxton and other tit iaw of George T, Thaxton. F. o; Cfiiwer. Attorney', Tr of Japan it for i;;dd?p to sleep with the windows open. Administratix Notice Having qualified* as Administratix ol the estate cf E. F. Oakley, deceased, late ol Person County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons haying claims against said estate to present them' to the undersigned on or be fore July 25. 1929. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This July 25. 1928. Miss Mattie -9. Oakley, Administratix. Executors Notice Having qualified as Executor cf.the , will of the late jr. E. Yancey, of Per son County, State of North Carolina, this, is to notify all persons holding . claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned, on or be fore the 31st day of July 1929. or ; this , notice Will, be Bleaded in bar cf 1 recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will . please make imme ?diate payment. J LONEY HALL. BESSIE MILLER. V-... . . Executors: Executrix Notice Having qualified as executrix of the estate, of J. A. Beam deceased, late of Person County, North Caro lina! this is to notify ail' persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the' undersigned rn or . before the 15th day of August. 1929. or this notice" will be plead in bar of their recovery. All, persons indebted to said estate, will pleace come forwai-d and 'max? immediate settlement. ? This tfc* ''"'J day.of August, 1928. Molile L. Beam. Executrix. O. M, Beam. Atty. Administrator's Notice Havihg this day qualified, as 'Ad ministrator of the estate, of Victor Adcock. deceased, this is ? to noti:v y all .persons holding claims against -said estate to present them " to the \vpdprsiened on or .before the 24th day-cf Julv. 1929. or nntrrf ? w'fP be^nleaded-fn bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said "e.rate: win please make immediate payment . This July 24th. 1928 G. B. ADCOCK. Admr WE SELL GLASSES THAT PLEASE THE EYE -THE" NtnVEIXS _ ?Jewelers?_ One ?mik*, is worth more in thf world than five moving pic-, ture reels of frowns. ?Moore's ObIige-o-i?ranT3. A smiling .nervier 'h v.hat you" f.nd in '.hi* '-hop-?a smiling H-rvice ^lUs Uie finest? lood stuffs that were ever offered to woi inen who want to serve satis factory meals. Wood ? and Coal' ICT M FJfcfc v or roiT. or KI. I I t. H CJtrAT,TTT NOW. OUR PRKtS MEAN A -KKI, a>VIVIi Ml tOIH - QI'AIIXV C OAI SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Phone 137 frentral Ser vice Station Rfrxboro, &L?. Poultry growers of Alamance Coun ty have ordered another car of fish meal to use In preparing their mash feed. The order was made by co operative action. Professional Cards Dr. J. D. BRADSHER Dentist Office over Wlbum <& Satterfield's Store Buidlhg J. J. WOODY Licensed Embalmer Roxboro.. N. C. DR. E. J. TUCKER Dentist Office in Hotel Jones DR. E. C. BROWN CHIROPRACTOR Compiet" X-Ray Laboratory Lady Attendant^" Phones: Res. L-5224. Of. Lr4351 Over Rogers Drug Store PURHAM. N. C? DR. J. H. HUGHES . Dentist Office In Hotel Jones, next door to Dr. Tucker s Office DR. O. G. DAVIS Veterinarian Offers his seryicft to Roxboro ? and ?..?'.i'.Tt uwrtinq community? Phone?87 R. B. DAWES OSKce Adjoining L. M'Carlrcn . Roxboro* iT. C. N. LUNSFORD Attorney-sirl.aiv Office over Garrett'? store P.Oxboro. M. C. DR. G. C. VICKERS . Dentist Office in Wilburn and Sarterf.eid Store Building-on Main Street, up stairs, corner rooms ROBERT P. BURNS Attorney-at-Law Office in Old Post Office Building DR. B. B. BLALOCK Optometrist . South Boston. Va. Eyes examined and glasses fitted by up-to-date scientific methods. Satisfaction guaranteed. W T.. BUCHANAN Surveyor ?Roxboro. N. C., Route 6 ? Administrators Notice Having qualified .as administrator' of t He estate of L. Q. Buchanan, de ceased. late o f Person County, North Carolina, this is to qotlf) all persons 1 having claims ' against the estate of faid deceased to exhibit them to the ; undersigned on or before the 28th day Of. July, 1929. or this notice nrlll be pleaded lil bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 28th day of July, 1928. ! J. T. Mangum. Administrator of I ? L. K. Buchanan. *' The (allot bird makes its nest by sewtn? leaves together. DO YOU REALIZE THE IMPORTANCE OF A GROCERY ?TORE? ] The quality of the groceries that you purchase lias a direx't bearing upon your health, and generaf happiness ? IT "you purchase groceries that are interior, you are sure to feel the effect in reduced vitality The foods we -ell --re .ill fresh, reliable and sanitqrv ii^-trad ing hece you cart conserve yqur health as well as talse .advantage of remarkable low price offers! J. Y. BLANKS Phone 25 - - - - * . - ? Roxborp. N. C. SPEEDY PERFORMANCE That- js: what ynu want and .will tret if -you have US keep youfear in tinni. ' ?' We' will. not abuse your confidence nor "hold -you up" .if yoti . . ? Let US care for YOLR Car. STEWART CHEVROLET CO. CHEVROLET' CARS &? TRICKS - ? T" Sosbofo, N.?-fv-* r Buyer's Guide and Business Directory You Can Buy It In Roxboro?Give The Home Merchants First Chance The Roxboro Courier, Believing that Most of the Needs of the Community can be Satis lied here, has Inaugurated this Business I)?rectory Department. Wherein Will be Found Practically Everything of Interest to the Average Family. No Fraudulent \dvertismg Appears Here. Whatever you need, look it up first in The Roxboro Courier Business Directory. If it js not here, we will tell yon where you can get it. J. Y. BLANKS ? GROCER Successor to BLANKS & MORRIS Don't worry abcuit what ?oi I shall eat?Phone 25 ? I Watkins /& Bullock Everything To Huild With 1# y.ou neprt-brrmbpr ? 94 is vour number Roxboro Lumber Co. Bl'Y IT FROM US AND BANK THE DIFFERENCE "Hcrme o ? Quality Lumber' Davis Drug Company Prescriptions ? Specialty THE REXALL STORE Agency Whitman's Candies and Eastman Kodaks George W. Kane BUILDER - CONTRACTOR "No. Too Hivr? None Too' Small'1 Carolina Power & Light Co. Home-Life Made Easier ArtrfhF bHTtr ^hrv liu Kil I Electric1 Range ?) j. tT^radsher -Plumbing & Heating offtc r ov* wt si f ri!f>\f it Roxboro Laundry Let I s Do Yuur Dirt v Walk! Wo AM Well Equipped ?tt?' Cleaning . - PreSelnirj Phone f&7 j MOORE'S MARKET. Oft'erin?1 Choices! Cuts in Meats. Mcchanical liefi iter ation For Your Protection S. & J. Goodfriend Your Mnm?y Will <;?> I urlhrr Her'1 Clothinfr, Shoo.?, ? Hats, 'Dry-Gooi}* and Notions Sergeant & Clayton "The Sta-Klean Store" Phone u? your orders \W Deliver Promptly' Walker Ins. Agency office Hotel Jones corner Home of Koxboro B. & L. "Walkrr s I*?ui< I\t\ HARRIS & BURNS BARGAINS Everything t'rom Hpad toi foot" for^ Mi:N. WOMEN. , AND giHLDREN Rovboro's Heat Store - CITY ELECTRIC CO. Roxbm-o. N. C. - Electrical Contractors. Where Quality ' Counts We Win. Us ?tMimgfr' ~Yourv Next * f Roxboro Cotton Mills LAFRA COTTON MILLS uiM;iintriT ? (ottox? MILLS COTTON YARNS' | Satterfield"ti?. Agency You t itnnot I'urtdi Th? Km ture Bnt Vftu Can Provide 1 , "For It i , - "Old and Tried" I Crowell Auto Co. HOME OF Lincoln* FORD Fordson? CT B. MASTEN PAINTING ? PAPER HANGING Distributor: Southern \Vall Paper Co., and Shcrwlri Williams Paints Jackson Motor Co. For A Feal Automobile Get A .CRYSLER When In Troubfe?Phonr .lark Wilburn & Satterfield It Will Pay You To Trade With Us?Try It Uoxboro's Dependable ?tore T. W. Pass & Son FURNITURE We can t'urnish your homo from Parlor to the Kitchen The Peoples Bank "The Rank of the People" Safe And-fmiservntivT Aubrev Long & Co. "Everything For The Table'" Pay Cash ? Cash Pays Commerce Street. Phone 195 --First: National Bank THE FRIENDLY BANK Vnrler Coverment Supervision . (Tantor's Dept. Store Our Motto: "Iletter (ioods For I,ess M?n#y" Call On Us For Harstains Morris Telephone Co. I,ooil and hoiwr. Di-Manee Don't wait to write. Telephone