PLANTERS & MER CHANTS FIRST NATIONAL BANK No other banking; institution in ihi5 ana ? enjoys the patronage and presti^h^ld by the Planters and Merchants First National Bank, of Sou; h ' v O Vint intfc. Or?ani2ed in J8S5. duiitiy the 43'. years of its "his tory, ' jr *ha5 iiradually developed to' 3 a banking organization that - i- ouc l trading. with resources ?? opprcximat- , ms ?2.750.000.. ani with deposits of S2.36o!103.43. placfes Ui? bank m. ah unviable' pa&Kid* Communities ul many. ways, es pecially ? wi activity and publi? spirit, reflecl banks., and where one sees everything goin? forward they may take it- for t ranted that it Is the possessor of wide-awake apd.construc tive bankers. Wh-v are assisting to make that particular place one . of ; 'prdwth.' ? * Officers, of the Planters and Mer >h?nts First National Bank are: W. D. Owen/ president, wlvy.has lar^e investments, and <iuring -aU the. years of his activity., has possessed that nidgmeht of values and conditions that have ifctven him- .a" forei front place in the ranks of those who have ,j? omolisVied things -at. South Boston.. V T Howies. and R E', Ingram and C* } i ?tebbins. are also vice'-president. 1 he lavi^ayVn'T 4h" responsibility ' ct .v-?n v" The :? ssi^tant cashiers ore: ri >v D,nn and W W Shiepard ??ThrsV lomen know * i fug - value, r f. . iikI ;n -??tv man ? r..-r '? '? ? attributes': i)Vces"f.T:.r ?.?tp 'cof.'. ' . V ?' ^uid *vr.iijd: banking' ^catnoratf ;:V... /. ? .? ' y' . ?1 The. 'Planter:: I a Ml ? Merchants..First ? lS.atig.nal B-auk p9fFses$ an ideal. loca#-J, ?\-n and? haw S ' ailed all modern r .vices for - thy r>fot?rtion of the cur t encv ;>nd"'-valuable papers, bit h Of; tke-, bank; "id. ft k pfctram.-.-. In. V307 it was made a National Bank- In nnn v'i if with its regular: < :i alss trust dena-r'mnn? conducted, bv R. E. .Tr.-rram. \vhirh renders a wide and yyefu] (rrvke iiv'taking-car.e of trust funds., admin Uterine to estates, and . < *}W matters of like nature The' Trust DeuartrnCnt eniov* a;"splendid arid urowin? patronage, ahd thought* Ml po.oplf.. l'rt.orp-. and moro realize its important function ' . Mr. Btebbihs, active vice?president and ra?ftier . ;hfcs .been associated with the bank since ioi6. when tta <-ntired' its employment as assi?t ,f\nt rashrjre. rising through merit of Service : > i?K * present' position'. ?. He' v as lo.rmerlv . identified with. the* C4>?fiiwbfir of Commerce, afid. president ? Of the-.V^nl Rotarv Club.'-r.nd possesses oum\: kn'Wledfte '1 conrtittQns ? in I his- jcoti on of Nortli Caroline,. ' Mttch' of our. patrohake: comes1 ?irorn* Pcrsib County " declared ' Mr. bbiiiifO --vand' we feel . mrate : \ir' Jajins . their'. afar tn^i ?' l\\?M. ? ? > .n?> f*i?nd* i.fvr re la ? WF CO! A ROT, T'r " ' " ^ vy h. -.Ap-!*;.. "{?,i.vv ,a(p* . t*vo" -..l ira!', nu-n. -'v mur,;> ihv> t? '-*$&. nop or I'fT'r'w* \f- ati.d ? K ?,-! ;t 1- ;r: . :<} ? 5-n"r. ?!V' pn'pi-ijtir4. itnnwn 'is' th" 'Llin" Cola BottUrv? C'lmpanv, which i, ' :-)h'fl bv .Mr. Iw ?lRTrt- ? Mr fy,^ p]fty,:nl h!j. ^a.. jW" 't 1 Tit i i trad" r-jy vnn- ? wutr Wa of tp'rtitorv Thev unp!.? iiovi-.'d ?mrXn; .thomsho-ir.. ? lih ?"?int1, irt. Msg n part Erf' ?d ioihlni?, '^untips ? Thf'JFr* ??!.: v molrl Wtlv njnd'?; ?n? ? r.vMWnrrv .wtlVti 1?. -rttuM* of ' '"mine i hvi!- or -ift ilrin'-.? !!ff mlnutir Ti ts sanltwy -t(i ,1h? t!(rt ? ?Wy iwttto Ci i x'SiiilfiH h) an tKogrt h*TnVo alto?m (!) loavo the plant to 'he v.'.rtrmr. p.- uit for dtitrfltottlon Tlvn 'tntuks lr- ;iwl m traiKir rtitl" ,li<- fttwriem to the manv itore?. hop^ other place-, whrro 'tjrv arc ?olrt The t.ioic ''-jln Rattllhc rohinar*" "???< ifftib?f h?d ih J921. and Its *te*dv 1-rn'vth lia^ licrn po?^tl)le nntv by .the mentit ! MS product.. J r d uyc ? i| ?4W tvpe of crvicc renderpd Porh ?1? i I,.1.11.i, ii,| II. : .. t 'imiw"5 fi-n, and liftltvc; of Pm? Offlmlv wbII'known hv nil. Mr. Clayton p^akttiT to the Cour r said: 'Through additional niar.u tirti'i^n^ Rnxboro will acquire i>. ern*-ni and expansion '.hat ?111 do . ? plenatd 'hliiits for oyr community Let u< all co-oppraUt.V -6I.AYTON DRUG CO Alihoti-h one nf 'he >'Otlncrr bUM ness conr^rns of Haxboro. the Clay ton Drug Companv. owned and oper ated by A W CJayton. .Jr., rilfeadv ?n)ovs a liberal patronaee of tYlt i*npVv and each month-^hfre is a steady growth Irl the volume of btfsl rn**s rhp Clayton Drug Cftmpan*. waJi. i > Trr T"), i v'i/.l. r1 -f i'.rifl ?'ver ?mr/< that ume has *5 a tiioe busCnesfl. Thi? d run smce carries i.larje ^nd^ * srted ?feook 6f merchandise : .Uailel artjipies. medicines, the mtftl* ify Otire ? drugs, hou'iehold remedies SWINE FEEDING ON FAKJI OF J NO. Dt ?'INSTEAD and everything that could be wanted (torn a drug store. There Is also a i good'fountain to tak? care of those desiring refreshments. Quick and courteous service is given both at the. fountain and in the drug and medicine department. Mr, Clayton liiniself is' a native of Hoxborb. and a graduate of the school j of pharmacy of . the University of | North C/oiina Since leaving school* he has had three years practical ex perience in the practice of his pro fession. He is still a young man. and well liked b.y. tlje people of Rox boro and Person County These facts account for the steady crowth of the business v.hfch he has. launched in his native C#-V'" he premises con* t inured srood service anci quality goc.ds :o the people, cf his-'vicinity-. - GOODMAN'S M?e Goodman lei: Portsmouth. Va..' '#41 years ago'to c:mo into out: midst ' :id 6 pen :he ' d epa ?me r. t s tore whifh i;."ars his. name.- Although. this busi ness; was started in a very modest manner, it has under his mariage merit grown until Goodman* now -Mi-.] toys a wonderful patronage from I Tl'..\'bji-j?jrnti?mrro.undiU'?terri?nry.'j The policy.. of this department store has been to ?iue the b?st in values to Its. customers. %nd with this has gone/.tlite- individual attention of Mjr. Goodman to their wants. jL*ooqnnm*s?han a J urge ntoete of' merchandise, made possible only bv the wide patronage given him by' people throughout this section. Mr: Goodman himself is live and pr.o- i gressive. keenly alert to the progress of community and contributing his share, at all times. His faith in. Person County is shown bv his possession of a eood farm about ?ix. miles from Hoxboro. at Hobbs. on Which is an excellent camp site. This is. known as Camp Goodman, and is ? rften- iiv,vd by the Girl Scouts in j their activities erf outdoor life. . Mr.' Goodman Is Oblic spirited > and ?irite doming here a decade ago- has tiidr f "ihlv graven -thi* by hts ??onn^iti^R ? itjti al otfejjieri t$" j or the '\nmvh I:i' v. - /J &VT r oT75 > - ?arid in thift sect-ion. ; "I' afft alwdvT jjie.asp'd 11 p i?nd ? r.iy csiv.p to *he OirL Scoots-nf R?xbon." ? d^tlares "Mr- Goodman, "and T want ?;ym ff^el. frn5 to make'?.^e of it a? aijv '';:ne There:,u no'hmr; more -7 ?'r:r,:y. in life of ? a : mmunity than, the oeveippment of its vouth.'* ' r'! the dtrl.-.Srnuts afe 6nr> r.i otfr rruseful ornghi7r.tior.v Camp life'* f j-niJh' .-.a; recreation and ??ntertadr? ri*:-.* t Hp.' arr- whql^som? to both mind .n d hO'cUv" SAM M. WAT KIN'S Proprietor of the Owen and Johnson Warehouses. Oxford; N. C. OXFORD MILLING Co. . At*Oxford. N. C.. tho Oxford Mill iris Company, has a capacity for < mminrr rmf httrroK per H.av and is now civing 24 hours continuous service. Its products'are of a superior merit, and since the plant has been, taken over by P. H, Guerrant and J. F. White. Jr.. it has siiowh remarkable strides in eflfticency and service. . Mr. Guerrant is an experienced miller with several years to his cre dit. and i> thoroughly competent to ?turn out a most superior product, and that is the very thin? the; Oxford Milling Company is doing. The sales, manager is Mr. White, and lie Is building up a worthwhile trade in this section of the. 3t"at?. He is on the' Job-all- the time and gives full co-on .eration to every . con~?r:i . handlin ? their produce. ' . The Liberty "rind ^Tn^w F*trr?rr rrrrr achieving a 'splendid reputation* bas- , cd upon ?.he meri:,oi ? wxri-jv pv-j cluct. . 2H3tlemeh have., installed most-modern machinery. have ipve?t od* nevera] thousand doU&^S m This enterprise. sjfcnt* a ''considerable -fUui'/ fur.nv 12 iprinfii*- 'for wave's and r> '?erve the loyal support offve.r;* y ;? - Ken. in 'their' trape territory. Enterprises of this -character, not -only. develop a community, the*. make nore mtripsic valuable every piece of : "\\v ;r>: community they pperate. ? Clayton Roxboro, N. C. 'Where Quality Counts' STOP AND REFRESH YOURSELF AT OUR FOUNTAIN PRESCRIPTIONS " FILLED ACCUARATELY SMOKERS SUPPLIES NOVELTIES YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED Roxboro Oil Co., Inc. DISTRIBUTORS OF THE VERY BEST PETROLEUM PRODUCTS THE WORLD RENOWNED ? Sinclair y . ' ?? ? ' ? ' Opaline - Kerosine Gasoline - Havoline Quaker State Motor Oil OUR SERVICE IS THE QUICKEST WE BRING THESE PRODUCTS TO YOU Highest Quality Progress! The Fruit of Good Motive An enterprise founded upon Hohest, wholesome motives and purpose is not misled. With the good influence of .this principle WAVERL\ has succeeded well, TThe high quality of WAVERLY, 'the trade term for ice cream, and WAVERLY Service are products of the commercial integrity which the enter prise held in the beginning! Patrons of WAVERLY, dealers, housewives and oth ers have succeeded with this enterprise ?- they have se cured the finest products that skill and honest -effort can produeer Ydurig and Old Have Delighted in WAVER L Y As. a food, as a work-, Hour? refreshment, as a correct cfessert, no one has. foiitftl :t superior to WAV ERLY .... pure. ffresh. tasty, wholesome a'nd healthv. Eat more of WAN'ERI.V! oat it daily. hourly. Oiye more of it,to the rhjldrwi . . . . WAVF.RLY is an ideal siiitlnier food. ; WAVERLY is made in all those delicious fruit flavors ... Have your choice, or have ail. You can't beat itl Don't say "Ice Cream", say "WAVERLY" VVAVERLY is tW sura : name by which yon ran get the h?."t ever to re present a (TeltiMoil?, nour ishing food. Waverlv . ! Ice Cream MADE ITS WAY BY THE WAY ITS MADE 326 Holland Street Durham, N. ?

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