A Good Town To Live In. luun lUDAttu in KUABUKU-f OUK BIG WAREHOUSES AND TWO REDRYING PLANTS?WE WELCOME YOU ? ^ We Welcome New Comer?. J. W. NOELL. EDITOR -A*D PUBLISHER. HOME FIRST, ABROAD NEXT 51,50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. VOL. XLV. ROXBORO. NORTH CAROLINA. WEDNESDAY EVENING. SiEPTEMBSR 12. 1928. NO. 37. CARNlS indicted FOR EMBEZZLING SUM OF $69,000 Fulton County Grand Jury Re turns Indictment Against Missing Treasurer SEARCH IN HtrXYWOOD L ^ Atlanta. Sept 11.?An indictment charging 'embezzlement of $69.000 was returned by the Fulton County Grand Jury today against Clinton S. Games, missing treasurer ol the Home Mis sion Board o i the Southern Baptist ^Convention. The indie went, which, did not de | scribe funds alleged to have , been em liuilaJt Tras returnee h f?w bour? aiter the grand Jury began its wves tisatjon ol the affairs of the miSsing Atlanta man. whose boots indicate a shortase of $800.000 to $1.090.000. of ficials said. Solicitor General John ? Boyku-. said, additional true bills would besought. Carnes disappeared August 13': apd- nas not been heard from since. Girls Sirandcd Thomas Scott, one of the receivers lor Carnes . properties, and Atlanta ItltOMlfeV uliv ilii.'t1 .mipiu>eU b.i Cj-i'i. was among thoar to appear before the grand jury. Mr. Scott, prior to testifying before the ..land jury, said a sec re', set of books maintained by Carnes ? flowed that the mixtion baard treasurer had advanced about s 1J. 000 in. behalf of two girls seeking motion picture careers in Hollywood The funds were advanced over a period of two years, he said. Advices today from Hollywood said the girls, ?with their chaperone. were stranded In the California city because they liad received no funds since Carney disappeared A bench warrant ' r carnes ari rest was issued in superior court soon, f-fter the indictment was returned. Bond r.f $50.000 was assessed.'in event court warrant, charging embezzle ment. previously had been sworn against C3rnes fbv Dr. I B Chr.lstia. Ati..in") .'??!-,'.n>r ,:.d jjrr-ider.t ol t:ie Home Ml. m?iv Boa: d. ? -r- ? Always To The Front There are no more progressive gro-' oery merchants anywhere than the firm yf Sergeant Clayton. Ft?r many year? they have been serving the peopl? of P.oxboro and Person ?oum\. ? ttvl if . there is any way v-hcreby the? car, rave hem money, they, are c.n the lookout for. such a way. , Ji?st' no?- they are installing a ,Ca*h ana Carry system. WJhtch J hey vjU ?>ut 'PSju effect an i.ext Saturtfai; moi*nic3 Tfca? v lil meet the (?rices ivv flf niy one; and if you want the law ... rrt nl?- .,.5? rH" /?tne method y.:".' fc ? ; ?. si wis ftx .fhrMtf ;>r.r..S Of c;uV;J. V'fitt? *'? * .*-i {? sbiw.5* '? i rtrresair,"- Vn'.'e 'biy? tjit* ?-h?r.- i H? v of-'utellvrrv v. etioths; ? ssjfr.y ' oxi fe;-.pen's?, on i ....... tiri' b-*t ' KT-:, ra.-h !>ntl kt>- your rehaaar ham? ?with yc. First Bap.tiit Church Bible Schaol, 10.00 a. m- R. Ll Wllbiirn Supt t>rr?/ihlng 11,00 :. V? Syb.*?ct THE EX AMP!. E OF .JESUS. Preaching ":30 p. m. Subject CHRISTIAN' ETHICS B Y. P V 0 13 ti m. Prof. B. B Knmhi. Oen Director. 'Be y? kind tine 16 another tender hearted forgiving one another, fven m Old for CfcrHt's sake hath forgiven you ' Bph. 4 12 . A cordial welcom* in extended to all. W. F. WEST. Pastor. New Store For N. Main Mr. 7 T Featherstcn Till cpen.a line if general merchandise in the building on Nori h Main Street, formerly occupied h; N. Ketjy M" Fe?th?r?tttn - ill cuter to thav end j!f town ??? well a*x for the country trad* coming his wky. All Day Singing Th*r? JKUl-.tia_aa.-aU -dai_. -.inTing Vervicr n?*t Slinday it Bushy Fr.rk High 'Chrpol conducted by Prof nimmonx. The public is cordially n vttrd ?o Marlon Davits tn Ktna Vidor'a t?ro uray. fc??d no the State Play, at Palace TV.es-r- Mor.J ft Ti:?? v ??rt?nfc?r 17-i*th. Matinee M?niai s.-oo t>. -? Look Again! So. this Is not a snake. It is a giant cucumber discovered on his firm by W. H. Howard of Lecomp ; on.Kan. when he sought an unusual item to en:cr at the local fair. This vegetable is four feet fsur inches long and closely resembles a snake. Mr. Henard won two first pri2es at the fair with this cucumber ASK SUPREME COURT TO FREE LAWRENCE Attorneys Tell Supreme Court Contractor Was Convicted On "Flimsy Evidence" CLAIM JUDGE NI NN EtfREI) Raleigh. Sept. Elmer Long and Jones Fuller, attorneys for tV H. Lawrence. Durham contract (Jr. con victed of the staying of Mrs. Ami? I Terry, middle-aged dress-maker, and I Sentenced to 30 years !n state prison. t oday asked ' he ? supreme court to J i ret- their client, arguine that.'Judge n. -re?idlr.3 fa. -e?>air?ui' |sUperior court, had erred in not'grant |m: weir mofl5ft J3T a llJri-?ua. - Fuller cited a:, -a precedent" the I Montague cas; of Asheville. where lthe victim was found in a lot ad I joining her home with her throat Itlashrtf end -C:'jd A practical nurse 1 in her h'onje v.as convicted by the I tower court of the staying on. cir IcumStantial evidence, but* when tits case nas reviewed b the' ipreir.e atirt the coVv'Mton was strltfc?n cu{ |sr.c! tl:- dete^ar.-? released. Arguments :he state were pre |:-?n*C'j by Fr:r.., Nash, assistant, liorttcy ger.er?; Hr r?viawed the ?I |drnee upbri \vhj~h La^renee 'va> con ttislintafr.ip^ that it wnr ??! .- 3 ;* Vfr^Ct Of v.hich by 'he Chatham-county )ury. A F:re Sermon :r.train7 r.t ? the First I R? v.. \V F; West I ,ver,y.;'rrlb> ?>?3ial stress upon .the I :t.-, ? : t '?if--.. ' 'r-7:aefTnpr. It '.'as vrrr tbnely.. and he ???an con?ran;!ii?d on ill side? for the ible manner In which he put across this message. Fair Warning Walker, traffic coo. $ays the dull summer months, raffle tva* no* so heavy, he hn ?nient with violators o! -he ortftnancr*. but bwrinnln-j the of October he will ttffhten U^>. who park their cars for more 5 minute?; on Main Street v.'Ul rtJrtcpv- enforced is herebv (riven 1 Jewish Holiday Ki Baturtln be tried but they will rioS be heard at thikr'special term. It was announced, and only jail cases jrtH be taken up now during th?.remaining three d*vs of the court's ?specmec session. TIT^ bans and county cases continued are as. fol lows: W H Faster, false pretense; C. C. FaW: forger*". two. counts; C, C. *"?*. misapprrooHating school funds: C C. Faw. failure ti> discharge the duties of his nfSce: C C Fiw. t-ad n*? wi^h hr !s*lf- W H Fos*?*\ t-adT ;ng with himself:, Charlie MUei. re ceiving deposits lrt the Brak of ****** knowin" it be inso'.verit; W, E Tote, making fa!s> reports: W. j rj. 'Voc'rufl. farmer Bhe'rMI... em .beialement: ? A. Brewer, a. \i' k?i pr-.-i nporg? Bra'4*?'-, "ftntv comrr.is' -fail'jra to 2:r-har?e duties of their rSlce, Another New C Him ? cttin '?*,*/! rsj, F?ry5?r'$, I* -f'n?' H jRoxbsr*). Mr A. ? *" TV -r-a?. ? has cr.r.r'cd ' T*itTv th? chair. f"r: lYiore than three .???ill ?laV" i-bar? ci -:ore. .T>l-v r v o It?-.th? .??vre* <*n the' -* r?r? D^Tt' ?u* ??-ry!v. rbv 7 t F??V;v?rr''~r"<4 " Mr Q B. :hr ?? **r:vr ? in fhsir. :'r.tn7 '.viilch vil'. ' No^fce Vhfs. 'Sisrtf,:.*!?. !".r .^?oiuuBn ps to "A" -rTOoH PSt " tocher I '*'^r. thin- ?1* rv>n'.b* sii^U pn*n j?{ J ! ?.'.?-?in- -Jav. *?pr:.!jbeir ? 19. I SUrtvvjV *?8ratin? f'i n sis nwiptb* I ???rrf. thai! r-^n. no' late? >han M-ls- I t'ar. Oetcber 1. AM school deatrlng I tV't!9*nwriter (han th? date 'ron tlaned above rr.av do fo a* the discre tion of the iocal committee."' : 1 ?-"5U0-:?d me to' "ate that the Catt nirnhari Pohoo! will open We4tt9*tifty morning- September 19. B. I Satterfleld. Presbyterian Announcements 8tm: Mornin? scri'lce at 11 a m ' * - SttMay Schcnl a' Mitchell Chap?! a* 2~*p m PrwtetttW* *?rttce at ?W?fTftn Orove school at 3:30 p. m ?we?*f ?ervi?*? w4-i? bftaia.^' Bush v Fork school hous? at 7;3Q ani -jvtarthrough jh? week Rrv J. ~T. omv?r of Rateiih v^ll do th* pr*t^h^n7. 0oeci*l services ?i! bpffln a* Mil ch#!l Cbftiwl the 4th Sunday. Every one welcome to all servic*? P CARY ADAMS^ PuUr. ? Mr. Lunsford Resigns Mr. N L'irwtorS. who "ha* 5r?n County Attornev for several ears. tepd?rrd his resignation to the Board at th":r last meettm Th" v?i was r ? acted "ron ana will probab'.v come up at the iw*t regular meeting -? ??*? " " ?fort Ml* hi* wonder Horre rsnv. In TtXMBiOTO RIVER. at ice Tiieatv. Satortav. SepfenSber IStB mum** ? a.jiww (i*1. 1 COLONEL CHARLES ? LI1IDBE8SH JOINS ARMY'S AIR TRIO Performs Hair-Raising Stunts As His Tribute To Dead Army Aviator TO FLY DAILY THIS WEEK Mines Field. Los Angeles. Sept. 12. ?Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh?bee line flier?stunted today. The Lone Eagle became a member of the "Three Musketeers" cl the Army, and pu; 'his; plane through swirls, loops and rolls while thousands of spectators at the national atr races gasped. It was. a tribute to Lieutenant John J. Williams, of the ^rmy, who died Tuesday following a crash while he. maneuvered as a member of the trio. A chill ran-through the vast Mining when Lindbergh and Lieutenants Weodring and Correiius. his com panion''. landed their p:?:her as a navy craft too!: r-.JT from the field. For moments it appeared a, orash was inevitable Lindbergh was leader of the V-shaped flight It was im possible for him to swervfe either left fcf fiyiK. r.l .-'.it'll a j.ukl'.h e:?v. jult! place . his plane directly in the path of his companions. Hfe shot his plane upward at sharp angle and Woodring and Ccrnejius followed him to safety in the open sky. The flying ot L-.r.aoergn. who was always opposed to stunts, in planes, vis a feature of a busy day at the races. Two trans-continental races, an "international race ; from Canada and a race from Oakland terminated at the field today. The man who found Paris without a deviation from his course, and whs has devoted his life to advancement of aviajlon, has frequently voiced op position to dangerous maneuvers in the air. because he said th*y tended, to increase accidents and resulted ?u harm to the "games." But it was announced today he had volunteered to tiecome one of the ? Three Musketeer- to do honor to t h? deatK Ehjtrih? 'the remainder of the air LlnJUtuh will fly da'.;-.??'nil the Musketeers, according to Colonel H. B. Claggett. chief of the Army Atr Service. LEGCETTSDEPT. STORE ANNOUNCE BIG OPENING Everything Read v For The Big Opening On Saturday September 15 As- jc^notfnced In a rsoem issue th?. Leggetts Drpsrt-.en: store,.one o: -Jelk ?fcain v-Jl -op? leie. Yon cqn net fall. *o' see their [big ttio-page spread :n this-issue. ahci ou v-iii see,some of :he many bar tains th?y -r? offering. OI MHHSe. it. is impcsnbte to name every bargain, hut rou are cordially Invited to yljlt Ithem in their new store, Maln.3treet opposite the.. Crowe!! Oarage. ani get acquainted with them. ? The coming Of ;his- store means much to the buying public, as the B*lk chain smi Ytif fjwjM stores, and buy direct from the mills, eli minates all profits which ordinarily eo : i ? '.libber or commission man Mr. P. Leggett. who will manage the chain liere has been- connected with the Belle's for the past eight. Vearj. laving managed the store at Burlington, and many of our readers will probablv i-emember dolna bustness with him at that-place. Mr. Leggett has four ther brothers connected ?vith tRM firm located In Durham. TJanvtlle and I,'-r.~hbti-g. Roxboro Is-clad t" v -i~mf ?hi* P rogressive firm to in already wKJe nwake list of merchants, and we are sure l hey will receive a cordial wel come from all t School Board B Five Netv Truck* The Bfiwart Chevrolet Company dr*< llvered to the Person County School Menda v These' trucks will be rie 11 v urad In the different schools Just as soon as ?uttaMe bodies hgve been "completed for them Mi.? Celta t>antel. whO| has been fri' St Luke's Hospital Rfthmond. Va., ftn the jws^ several weeks has re ?ifrrv* h-rr.e and'her fn-nds wish for Democrats Opposed To Smith Sharply Assailed In Address By Robinson Rcbinson Says Simmons And He Arc Still Friends Ra!ei;h. Sept. 12.?"All I hat I have to say U that Senator Simmons and I are. friends." ?With this terse comment. Senator Joe T. Robinson. Demo cratic candidate for the Vice Previdene v. yesterday afternoon dismissed the subject when re porters queried him regarding a net*-s paper report that Senator F. M. Simmons had felt enmity \o'the Arfcansan since the latter was elected minority leader of the Sehate severi! years afo. ? Some newspaper'articles have otiote-d anonymous authorities a? venturing the belief thai this ? tippo^d bitterness of Suitor Simmons was partly responsible-, at least, for his announced op potliCMaUo the head" of . the Democratic National ticket. One of the articles was called td .Senator Robinson'?- attention '.it ^Tate nea*t-quarters ye?teroay. school mmi DESTROYED BY FIRE Alarm Turned In At 11:30 Last Saturday Night. Building Was Total Loss TWO PIANOS ALSO LOST TUuraday at 11:30 the. Are -alarm was sounded and the ftre uas discovered to be in the colored grided school, building. situated on what is known as Gallows Bflj The f" 1 ??' ??"?'?i discovered that it was impossible .for 1 i ' 11 ?. ? I I.I ?' HI* to .fir? after nearby buildings. The building, with all contents, including pianos, was a complete loss. We understand there was insurance to the amount oi $2.000. , . For ome time the colored citiran?, cf the twrn have been raisin? funds to build a credi'.ible building. cn?' I-sne enough to Care far the colored chtd? rerr. which the presen: could not do, and.they have been very successful in ? their effort.? havir.a ^prjirpri 'tiv.l $2.000. Tl.'.s amount which *a? to have . been supplemented by t h" County. v.-ould aire the Colored peo ,p!e. :i" b.iUdlng in which risov could :ake pride. Now ihat the building has been rie#trrtyed. we Mippos? the Count; ind colored citizens will est ? - i r,:i rr3'-. ' frr iv " h .?'/ .rat.-.-n: :v J-".-." i:* .lie. - i oi* ;ii'. colored ?choc!, and if will be taught in the old theatre building. .which with' a Httlp work. Will -ic^pir.n'.-cia'.r th? children for the prfs&xit. . - ?. Squirrel Hunters Squirrel hur'.et-s may shoot Sept 15th. You can now buy - our hum ana Itfi'nse. Q*t voar liceh*? before you zo Into the wood's because you wtli t>; demanded to show your It tens? by me or bv my wardens, while in the field. We patrol the fields and v-oods dally, and there has been a number of- arrests for came law violations. Co-operate with ua and buv ycur license, they only coat 11JS. i Warden will p?y 25 cents for ?'harp shinned .'lid Coopers crow 15 rfnf : KindfUhsr 26 <"?nt*t good onlv for Ort'ber and November for bounty. E. D. Morton. County Warden. Teachers Notic? The first Teacher's Meeting of the year will b? held Saturday morning. September 15. at 10 o'clock, in th" graded School building. The meeting will begin promptly on time and it is very necessary that all teachers be it B. I Satterfleld. Reams Avenue Closed All cats. or other rehtcles. keep r?fX of Ream:1; Avenue' whQe It ciudln? .those llvirw on Reams Ave nue. v Join tin? this notfcp util be call ed -before the Mayor. -1 ?*=**" * : t v.v ? - fci ftilil Vice-Presidential Candidate Is Heard By Large Audience In Packed Auditorium TRIBUTES PAID AL SMITH Applcuse Of Crowd Indicates Clearly Intention at Owr? hrlmiiuc Major ity to Vote Entire Tkkft and S Marti Personal Folio winf for Smith: Robinson. First Candidate to Visit State Since 1892 Assured of Elec toral Vole' of State by Commissioner of Revenue R. A. Dftnchton; Speak er &s?aii* llardinjr-Coolid?e Admin istration and Contracts it with that nf \Voodroi* Wilson: Pays High Personal T r i b o t e to <>ovrrnor smith; ar.ri Answer* Ilis Critics; 'Spcwh fovprt Wide Ringe of Subjects. Rlleteh S.ept 12.^-^reetcd .by more * har. 5 000 pople v:>io fiHird all the ?.mmed every available. ihch of stand in? :torn and v,ho A>v their applause left r,o doubt of their intention to ote fcr the full I^enVoCratic ticket. - --rir jr^cn- r. Hcomson. trie uem , nratj- candidate for Vic?-President :ast ril?hi sharply scored Those Demo- , crats who .have oxpresssd opposition to., his' runnin? jnate, Governor Al fred E, Smith. Not : n;y Raltnuh?mr?D jmo?rate? irom all aver the State. :oihed in the ' welcome to Senator Robinson the ftrtt . Southern map to be placed on the na ?~nal 'ticket of either party since the Civil War. ahd the first candidate on the national ticket of his partv to visit the Stat>e since Adai E. Stephen roii. runn:nrrwfn: for the people instead or ' *he cva?-?*~a distinction which Sen '?*"*? ns=?r?^ pmohaticaUy r bet ? nnd their candidates in. this election. Hoover Democrat*. | "Who* ;s r H^ver Democrat?" de , msndefF Senator Kobthson. "I vill tell you. he is no Democrat , at *Jl hu* . n -,::vx>lished. .unvarnished fv&epublican.' Tlv/- ut^erat^e ^vokrri tremendous j'pplau.RP as d 11 p later ntteratice , wfcefe the candidate. c:?:lared*. ?'T s'a'r t o the?* supsr. virtuous. in <3iVidui_. c.a': attention to ihte fact ?o that a.1! w? be-ur thera ?jlves so thst the >?*r ma' liave a Mtccctaful closing. A T PtKES. ftuifbi-. New Scout Master At a meetlna of the directors of the Boy . Scout? work last week fie v. p. Gary Adams was elected ns Scoot Master, until some other ? own. or .towns, iter be interested and toRother ia'ke the time <5;. a seout Master. The 'director* coold hirdlv hsv? done bet : ter. fpr Mr. Adams Is in full sympa thy with the work hsvlna done ranch ?lena this i.i.a imM f.omiiu \3 Rox horo. The-- T-cap ' Tear TOWf" Vtsnitf ' Davlea "te THE PATOTT be?ed nn ttm i famous *.taae plaT. at. Palace Theatre . T-r.dav *? Ttresdav 1T-X*.h. . ? Mmm? Bt w. . /