We Welcome New Comers. A Good Town To Live In. J. W. NOELL. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. HOME FIRST. ABROAD NEXT $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. VOL. XLV. ROXBORO. NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 26, 1928. NO. 39. Local Market Is Ready For Opening MISS HEATH WILL . NOT QUIT CHURCH THAT SHE LOVES Neither Will She Quit Party She Has Been Taught To Love DOES'T LIKE LEADERSHIP By Miss Lura Heath In Monroe Journal In. June 1*he Journal printed a let ter I had written to (he Hull cam- : pkign manager of North Carolina in which I stated thai 1 expected to support the ?rtotiston nominee for president. I was prompted by Jove oi the democrat k party and confidence in their choice to make that .state ment. though 1 had never been espec-i ially.'interested m politics." had never? studied the - it nation, nof taken any activity on an v occasion Since that time, however, apd especially since Ocffc. Smith .has been chosen in the usual party convention fashion, and being selected on the tirst ballot over-] whelminelv., I have felt impelled to study the present political situation as I am bpsinuing to realize mil 11! is not. dnly the privilege of women tq [ vote, but it is their duty to study, think and decide for themselves and hpt''take unreservedly the opinion of others. More than.- ever k it. seems that we should consider most carefully the situation of the campaign now upon us. remembering certain undis putable facts that should govenl bur action at the polls. May I Say here. I am proud to be allied with i he Union County Execu- . tive Committee as its vice-chairman and while I fully realize ray youth in* things political. I am glad to say again Just-where I stand, why I am thfre and I am asking for space for *p4rit;of antagonism to other people's views ana i snau .'4V evet yUiiug 'in a spirit of lovaltv and in a spirit of. lairhess and justice. T grant everyone n ; ight to personal opinions: f ask th*m to grant m^ the same, but in the outset. I Wish to Pay that I do not "runt democrats votine for Hoover that I an? being "blindly led by poll-| Meal d**no?(o?tifes." nor do . I Krant H on. Frank n McNinch the State n?itl-Pnitth . leader lha' Alfred E. s m i tli is Ivini- c rimmed down my throat. This hniti? his referenci I" democrats ' voting the vtraisht tirket in hi- discussion of temporary: ijauieR. Neither will T concede that I am "misled" as Mr MeNinch calls 100 per rent voter' I Jhi in the stralcht rten-.oiaraOr- path inrl have no lntcn ti"i> of 'heme ]e<} out of it hy nntl _ 1 liave always been taught at homo, at school and in church that loyalty Is one of tiw greatest assets in hu? man charade , It takes loyalty to fhiw one sincere in thought and deed I am poitin to ' heck the entire demo cratic ticket. because f believe in be- I Inc loyal rrr one's potlt teal principles. I lUH as much as f believe in being I true to one'< chnrc-h Bv inheritance I and rearing T am 11 Methodist and it democrat I am itlad that as the v'ars have gone bv I am satisfied with mt church affiliation and my political psrtv While t cannot approve of the action of some of our bishops In send ing out Pledges to the adult classes of the aund'av schodls In the churches In their conferences to be slgped even before the Houston convention. ? In plain English dictating to their mem bership how to vote; and while T do no' annrove of our official church pa per The N. p. Christian Advvocatc, running a republican nropaeanda bu resu since early in the -prlng. and, while I do not approve of The Mis sionary Voice the -official organ of the messlonarv work of the Methodist ehtirch using Its Influence In Itke man ner. 1 do not consider these legitimate reasons for leaving mv church to Join another branch of Protestantism It erstifvln? that we" have fii our ranks men of such calibre such con secration and good ludcment as Bish op Collin? Dennv of Richmond. Va.. ~nd **l?hon chandler of Atlanta. who ? rjrdless Ot how thev , expert to -.'?e ere remaining vlthln the rhurch 1 'in entirely and out of tlie political <Wd and are nfit streiHptlnt lo exer' s demagoirir Influence over church ?iters, tn paslsntr It ml?ht be of In ? tfrest t'i know that the two last nam . ' btehhm were, atfalnsi unification of - ? ami Kontnem Methodism ^ind the four ?ntt-pmlth hlshtfps, with the possible exception of one were Gov. Smith To Speak In State Will Probably Speak During Fair Week, October 22nd. At City Auditorium NO OUTDOOR SPEECHES Raleigh. Sept. 25.^Unless plan* now regarded as definite and final are changed^at the last minute. Governor Alfred E: Smith. Democratic candidate lor President. rwill speak in the City Auditorium at Raleigh some time dur ing October. ' State Chairman Odus M. M\lll arid National Committeeman Cameron Morrison yesterday sent a Joint lele gram to natibrial headquarters uh equivocabiy recommending Raleigh for the one North Carolina speech which it has been announced the candidate will make. Mr. Mull stated last night mat Greensboro would have been recom mended by .himself .and Mr. Morrison ? H?t for receipt yesterday of positive information thfct Governor Smith would not consider breaking his rule ?szifnst -outdoor, speeches. ___ Mr Mull stated that the speech in Raleigh will be made at .the City Auditorium, arid Is expected to tako place at night..even though his visit to the city might coincide with fhe d'ftte of the .State Fair, which will bei during the week of October 22. Should Governor Smith bp here "ti'irmT fair week, it is- regarded as nr^b?ble that he - will mingle with, the! crowds at the Fair Grounds as he plans to do at Butte. Montana, today. However. Mr. Mull stated that he i had no definite information on the dn*e of the speech further than it will be during thA nYbnth of Oetol?or. i The auditorium here, with a capacity j of 5.000. is the largest in the State -brrtis regarded as whollv inadffliia*? ? to 'seat those who would wish to hear i omemui ^rmth1^ ^peer+r t Rotarv r.nests Hill Farmer# Club ? Thr Rrixboro Rotarv Club was the -Most of the Bethel Hill farmer,; ' Club at a brunswiclc stew last Thurs day evenlnT t: w*a's indeed a good meeting, full of good-fellowship and eyerv one was* in th? b??st of humor..\ President Gen. \y SmHfi trfesided nt.-. on" end of "the long table, and Mr Geo. W. Kane at the other. After of *u?t about the best hrtiri*' y:\tk stew ever lafcted topped, off th iCf: creatn arid rake, which was! served bv' t lie iftdtes of the cotnmun-. \*v. Mr -E*' Ij-' Wehrenbprg welcomed Uo*en-:r. v.hkh wa?= r>--'r>nd^d m?- .t vv y-v-u roiiowih'- th? snlenCHd talk was made bv Mr. W. ll^Wrrt. a x of the Rotary Club Presbyterian Church Sunday School at 9:45 a. m.. H, T. : Crowctl. Supt. Morning service. at 11.1 Snntlay School at; Mitchell Chapel at '' p. m. Pi-rachitis service' at 3 p. m. Fvi>ry night at 1:30 this week we will have preaching ?t Mitchell Chapel. We hone that every one In the -neighborhood will attend. Everv one will be welcome at all services, let us have the prayer? of all Chris tians .for these tervlces P CARY ADAMS Pastor. With The Pioneer I take pleasure In announcing to th? tobacco farmers that I will be ?'?ttfr-the Pioneer Warehouse the com ing season anil cordially Invite ?11 of friends and customers to brine lb"l? tobacco to ?hI? well.known nM popular houne R H Oakley. Notice Mv client? and friends will please take r>otte? that on and after Oct. 1st. mv law office will be In the Thomas Catver .building belnv removed from old oPst Odlce building ' Robert P. Rums. heftr'Wv In favor of lettlni the Routh r-n Methoftfsm los?- TV fijentltv in a T am urmid oT th" lilltji1' nd Teeord of the Southern Methodic rhtrrch and I expect to remain In It i ven though my personal views are i .'-.??rtrrl v. irnMlWW iT 'Continued on paee *l*> FOR PRESIDENT! Gov. Alfred E. Smith ROXBORO ELEVEN WILL START SEASON FRIDAY Will Fight Hillsboro To Finish On Local Field ? Friday . Afternoon At 3:45 School football "season will open Friday. Sept. 28th. The. initial game . is to be ? played ? on the local Held with Hillsboro. The Hillsboro team has been unusually strong for the past few years and. ?we are looking for nothing less from them this season, but Gapt. D. Long; along with other members of the "tearm. are expecting one of . the strongest teams that Roxbcrro^ bar, ever had. We are going to miss the services of several of the outstanding mem-.B hers of last year's team: however, we have several n*w comers to Hoxb^ro who afe showing up well." There are That t is Knight and E. Bass from South Carolina: Guthrie Gentry from Allens'ville. and Nathaniel Harris lroni Hurdles Mill. There are orther new members f>f l>^ .qflunri who are: working hnrd for a place on the firsr line ud.' The ennre i";Hn i- hM'fl "1? ' work .for Friday's game. Are you go ing to do your part? WelH easy, I}e here ^Friday to encournge the players and hetp them wjrn. You ar?> also invited to come over any after- ; noon to watch the -boys practice The game will be called at 3:41V o'clock. Revivals At Two Place?1 The revival meeting is in progress: this week at Woodsdale. preaching every nfght at 7:30 and perhaps some afternoons at three, closing next Sun day with nreachtrtg nt 11 A. M.. and 3 P M. The meeting at Warren's O rove be 7. and veek at the some three week. \ dially invited J W Bradley. Pastor* The meeting at Warren's < ins ui Sunday night at conMrpCv; through the week pameinour. with pefhap* m ( A'i > . Hided ueoDle Halifax County Fair One of the attractions for Person County folks is the annual Halifax thife ycar-ALe . Oct, 16 to 10th and It will be especially attrac tive to our folks aa they have ararng ed for some special premiums for this county. Write the Halifax ? County Fhir. South Boston. Va., and 1 get a catalog. ' Watch for their big advertisment > in our next tssut. . . -4- ~r< " Tfre-Treat of the New Season i i France?: FerwJsnrr's "OOLDEN- OilS GIRLS AH Qlrl' Orchestra." sinffers nancer* Aornbats Pwln|, at j day. Ocf. 3-4th; MEETING AT COURT HOUSE IN INTEREST REGISTERED HEIFERS Saturday, September 29th. At Three P. M.. Will Discuss '?< Ways, Means, Etc HOPE TO GET CARLOAD By H. K. Sanders Time" has come to get organized for 1 the purpose of buying a carload 6f j registered heifers to he used as foun dation stock oh about thirty five or: more farms in this county. All who. bought last-.spring are well. pleased with. their heifers, and the heifers are all growing nicely. We need about thirty five more to be brought into the county and placed in the hands of farmers who like good cattle... s. All who. will buy a good foundation h"ifpr and lake cart' of her and her ofTiprih? will in a few years navA ft registered herd that they should be proud of. I, A registered cow on the farni makes the old. (arm the pride of the -family. The first initial cost of getting start ra wiiPbe. the biggest cos% ior it dees not require any more trouble to raise registered cattle than it does to raise grade or scrubs. . Of . course all cattle needs plenty of good pastures and -feed whether qrad?s. scrubs or pure breds. -A good farmer with registered cattle on his farm will naturally think more of himself. "The cow is. the foster mother of the human race. From the day of ?he ancient Hindoo to this time have the thoughts of men turned to the ! kindlv. beneficent cow as one of the chWf sustaining forces of human life "No nation or people 'has become j high 1 v ctviliypd without her. With--, out her. agriculture is not i>ermanent or proyafirouiC j>eople are not Ijealthv ? or hapnv. \Vhpfe the cow is-kept and _xaxed for, et'-iHmtieYT nd-nnm hnrl" |'rrow richer, liorries grow better, debts grow fewer. r. "In times of famine she has been man's preserver, his comfort and aid in tiynes of nrn$n?Tity. the bearer of I his burdens rnd the cultivator of his f>"1ds , the' bread winner of th" ix>or? end the n*lde of the well-to-do." -will ?av \ha.t I would like to h?vp a registered he*?*r ^rbut ilip to hirpo croc? Well this has happened before with Ihe tobacco farmer the rotton farmer of the smith-, the - wheat b*lt of the north and the fruit b?1t nf the sandhills. Thrre is no better time to beofn than now. If v e keen ntfttlnir this ofT. we are losin* that ?meh time . in siting started1 with ji?tt)e; ; * Therr are p lent v rt propseets frn 'll" r,|"ntv if* carload of heifers at this time, but certainly there should be at leaat one brought in, Tf the tobacco crop has not turned out as you hoped it would. rr>me in and lets talk th* matter over Where there I$ a will there will be found a way. All interested in this project' are asked to meet at the Courthouse Saturday. Sept 29th. at 3 P. M . to 1 discuss prices, ways and means. ages wanted, and mak* preliminary ar rangements for coinsr after the heif ers. With Pioneer Warehouse I am sclad to say that I have con i tracted to work at the Pioneer Ware house again for the year 1028-20 WMOn with t ho well kDOWn firm. .1 .T W instead proprietor. 1 wish to thank all of m v friend* and cus tomers for the suoport given me last season, and to all of you who brin<z tobacco to riir this season. I will ( clve the best service and leet the best | price f>osKlble. Yours for hie h prices. D EMMRT WHITT. Red Cross an far wr have ri-oeivcd- S93 for the ! rnlipf of Florid* and tH? storm arcs* National T)rrl Crow aak that we slvf I at li??? M?o to thl? causa.- W? a?K ) that. rV?ry otw rtve r.nmpthln<r lo ' the** r*opt* cfcnd check or i rash tO Mrs A M fturna. Roxbiro I f. CAftY adaMs. Chairman. I _ ? L Gotnlnr WeSpcsdar A- TfiTirwJav; Oct 3-41h." Franc?-? Wfsnren4* Fa ' Pioim nnd Orlorinal ??OOT.T7*N' ft ATE TMRLS' Oil OlrW Ovi-lv-?; 11 Pal?C? ?Jheatrp Twt> t>?v> Only. _ Roxboro Tobacco Market Opens Next Tuesday, Oct. 2 A Fine Hon, J. C; II. Khringhaus, of Elizabeth City, delivered one Qf the cleanest, clearest . cut. con vincing speeches here last night that otir people frave heard. Hr uas strong for Gov. Smith, .with out apologies and showed the foW ly of any one opposing Mr. Smith on account of his religious or prohibition views. WV wish every woman and every fair minded mand in the (*ountv could have heard It. wm chooses CABINET MEMBER - for nmm Krnili? Portes. Gil Vnanitnously Elected Provisional Presi . dent By Congress TO TAKE OFFICE DEC. 1ST Mexico City. Cept. 2$.? Emilio Por tes Gil, governor of Tamaulipas and secreary of interior, was unanimously clected provisional president of Mex ico tonight at a joint session of the Senate and Chamber of Deputies j v Portest Gil will continue a$ minister i of the interior until about two week^ before his inatrrumMoii- ? was un derstood on high authority. From tTie sahte- n. a ten astos learned that he -would retain the present cabinet with one or two ex ception. Two secretaries aro under stood to be anxious to resign for per sonal -?reasons. TherO were 277 vote5; cast in the ; election. . Foliowinz the election, tftr : mrm bers of Congress rose in their plarps and shoutM rii/ns. W President cv ; v-ss. Prpsident-ciec Qll and- the lai*? General AlVaro C^breajon. \Vho h aH i been elected csnMltuUcmal president | laat ^princ and was assassinated by a ; v6unq: arhst. Joso de' t.eon Torftl. Partes Oil v.; ill take offlcv upon i)\n retirement of Pr^-u'.ent f'al'.r I) - cember 4 CIQ1.DEN JUBILEE Mary llambri?k Missionary Society Crlfbralv 50th Anniversary The Marv JTnmbrick Missionary So ciety celebrated its 50th anniversary last Tuesday with n Golden Jubilf There arc now more than 100 mem bers. which has urcwn from the small number o( 15 at the beginning. M4ss Anna Webb is the orrty surviving chaiUtf member and flttlnr tribute was paid to her at the meet ing. We hope to be favored with a full report of this delightful meeting for our next issue. Attractive Electric Sign A very attractive electric sign was erected laM Veek for the Satter fteld Insurance Agency Mr ft P. Ratterfleld has been at the head ol t h i* successful business for nearly thirty years, and he sav* business irets I letter as the years go bv Oljf'Srid ! Tried ' is his motto Roxboro Woman's Club ? meeting of the ni.,h M/.n/lny, ffrf j ,3:00 P M ill tlje club rooms. Fnch member is requested to be iire.-n1 ; and help plan the work for the com , Ing year. Pres. O' ? ??? Indian School The High Plains Indian School will open at nine o'clock. Monday morn ing. Oct. 1, 193# The Rev Mr. Har rlR of Vlrgllln* Wll m*Jw liu> address. Important announcement' will b" ? madf Let as manV of the patrons b? present a- possible **?' r Tt vrrlirrrlhin i'rini nal Four Big Warehouses. Able To Sell Every Pound Of Tobacco Raised In The County EVERYTHING IS READY The Roxboro tobacco market will open on Tuesday. October 2nd. and while there has been no bally-hooin# there will 'doubtless be a large dele gation of farmers on hand to see [ Just how the weed Is going to start oir Well, we can prmoise you it will be low. for it has been selling* !oj? on all of the markets, so far. and there j 'Is no reason why it. should jump up on the first day here. But. on the other hand, there is .no reason why it should sell {6r less here than it has ? been bringing qn the other markets. You can test assured that this mar- " het will be. looked after and the buy V- -and the warehousemen are going to se? that your tobacco brings just :n much, in .Roxboro as it will bring ??r: faarkf--. -.tul that is/ au any ,?.r. minded farmer, will want. There' arc four big warehouses in Roxboro. and every one of them is manned' bv* Person County men. men you have known all of your life, men nho hrvv*made good in tlu mirfffiouse biisiness. and they are. here to see that \ qu get everything t .hat is due I you. ?" ?;.* "? . Sell your tobacco at home; and then if adversity overtakes you. com? to them for assistance, and we will bet our last penny they will not dis appoint you. On the other hand, if you sell your tobacco, spend your money, and lend your assistance to build ud other sections, do vou honest ly .feel that you could even ask them to help you if vou should need as sistance. No. no honest man could do this, and we believe we have as larse a per cent of honest men in Person County a? you will find any where. As the typewriter savesman sav* V "Now -.K t he time for honest men t > null together." and now is the time for every farmer in this rrood Count7 ?to: stick to his home market, Tcbacc^ Fxhibi* A* Hanville Fair ? Tho t^b^^co ovhiiv' af ?he Dan Yille Fair, this .year Avili be on a large reale". Liberal, cash prizes .arc offered for lemon. nrahge and niahoftany wrappers. bright and ctyrk fillers, cut ters and export leaf and RranulaUn* fug*. Sbeclal cash prices for Jjwiry County tynite and African leaf. The department Is in charge of Geo A Lea W. T Cousin?:, and H. T-. Boa^; vrteht. T-b*06$ t/rpwers will prof.t bv a visi* to this "xhibir, at every FW (?> -V. fi-] h^i; .vlli r^oresen>**rj. No chr.rre is made, for snace in tht* department. The exhfbit 'is one of the most important features of the DanviUe Fair October 9th to 12th ? four days, four flights' Bob's American Cafe Mr. Bob Whttl will open a new cat-, to be known as Bob's American Cafe, In the building with Mr. iS J. Latta, next door to Pass Furniture Com pany. He ha? everything neatly ar ranged and will serve the . v?try beat the market afford?: When you w*nt a eood meal Bob say* 'give him a. trial. He will open on Saturday. September 29th. Clinic P"or Adenoid? And Tonsils Here Dr. B. W Pa net t of Durham will . hold a clinic at Hotel lone? for ade ? nolds and tonsils for adults and children on Friday. Oct 8th Notify nr. H. M. Beam If yoti want to make an appolntrhent Invitations Recalled Mn. .tiini.i Mum Omlth. who laAN|d tnrtt-atton- to the marriage of her daughter. Miss Mat tie Rogers Smith, on Saturdav the Wh of Reotember . has recalled all invitations on accotmt of the serlotln sickness of M1w( Smith I.evhorn nullet? yn'd pot begin to ' lay mull >hev ar? from five to ?1* month*' old. ? Orctn Oarbo* iflrf Lars Hanaqn tn TTOC niVtNK WrtMH(f nlavUIll Pal ace Theatre Mondav ft Tuesday. Oct. ?ntlnr Monday 3:0B P. M."

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