Resolutions Whereas, our Heavenly Father has seen Ot to remove from cui midst, our 5 is ter. Miss Esther Burch. We, the Woman's Missionary Society ot Oak Orove church, do hereby record cur sorrow and mourn our loss. We Xeel deeply our loss, :or sho was a faithful member and a loyal work er. and while our heads are bowed in sorrow we realize she has passed to lier reward. Our hearts go out in tender sym pathy for the bereaved family and while we cherish the memory of the beautiful life she led we will not for get those she loved, and pray that God In His wisdom* and mercy will watch over and care for them. There low be it resolved: First, that we bend in submission to Goda w-ill. thanking: Htm for the godly, patient life of our sister, and the example she lias given us how W live, how a Christian can bear piiln and suffering and yet hold on to the things of eternity. Second, that we take this means of expressing to the family our sym pathy In their bereavement. Third., that a copy of these resolu . t ion s be sent to her family, to the N C. Christian Advocate. . to the Roxboro Courier, to the Missionary News and n ropy be spread on the minutes of the Woman's Missionary society.. Mrs. ?; V. Barnette, Mrs., p. W. CArr. Mrs. w. 6. Warren.. Card Of Thanks ;. W? 'wfeh to express otrrsiricere afi- - ?preciario^ loathe n^iphbors r.hd friends >'tor t hp- tnr.'hv- net.? of kihrhiess.-.'attd-cx ? pres-ufer: cf ? . vu'ipathv- duriiif; h? /-1U T. :;n'! ??;c~rrlv r T :I". r?Motiv;, . '.MK ' K. ' A. Spcntvr.-- : t ?? ... The Family. ...J ? ? ai ^ Thnpsiane"have"; j ? ? ? j 1 ' ".Qi-cp-5; ?? Notice Sale Of Valuable Land Onci-'-p .--nfl Hv virtue of ihn authcr , irv* conferred 4 ti'pqn yme 'ay a ? certain deed -i"' 'rr-H'^st; executed by Virgil- Ross / :v-'M';u<'h J.' . and". ctfiv ic-ordia ? ? hv~ ' ik ?"'!?? i tlrvl offljy1 ? "'T* ? County in.Book Vai. page,481. default .. having been made in'.thjn -payment. of ; the note scoured. bV *aid deed- ? V>f ? J -telil'? t-n Saturday. November : 17. .1928, at t welve .o'clock m:t in. ffo.nt. - ri > he -courtl>Ause door in Y Ro>:boro. N'oVfh. Carolina. -.--H ;Uj .the highest ladder, for cash. - Ire lands ? mcnt'iened ; nd described in the petition in1 said action, to~\vit: " ? Z a . That rtain *raer cjf land lying ?. and'- - b??'lhfr *ih BOfhv Fork Township. Person .Coi'mty, ? N br-t.h . Carolina. ~^:.uiT? .T" " i T^".r'* To m Runnier.^ on- the: EasVby - the. Innci' V i!i:vl en ?'t' 'by.'.{he lamia of CUaclie :. Norris._. LcqhlaiDiX}?.. '(iU :?-r.fivi? <55? 'aeres.-- more o jr less. a pd k now h ; as . t he ?v limine place ? ? ? ' ? This . O'ctobr K?, lfc>8 . . *,*. X-Unsford. Trur-tce HEPORT OF THT. CONDITION* OV The Peonies Bank M Roxboriv: JJotfJi Carolina <6 the conrf'riATio-,- commi -ision V. ' -,n 1 t '111 :? ? . 3rd-day, oi Ocwber 1928 Resources tMtt ami Mi-cow. S 988??7,30 United >? nt? iBoiid? ? . , 6250 of) Ait cthtl.. ..Ci..JKl blfltjrS ? 'i ' .630 00 North (JstllirtK Bonds . 64 4? 23 Banklne Hoi:,-i ... ,9 41142 Furniture ?nd Fixtures 11530 53 Co?h III Vault and Amounts Doc from Approved Dp Punitory Bnnlt. . 122,613.24 Clieckv lor pi< arlns and "ttttsH lioms 0392 89 Other Real EMatp. 15.500:00 TOTAL SI.292*78 60 Liabilities Capital SlocK Paid-in ,.. .$ 109.000.00 Rurplu? rund 100,00000 UndivldNl proMts ? net amount 39.51138 Reserved for Interest . 7 000 00 Reserved for Taxe- 3.187.50 l'nearned Tnterent 4 0Q0 00'| Other Deposits Subject to Cheek 300.865.67 Deposits iju? State o( Nnrth Caroline and Any Official Thereof 47.862.93 Cashiers cheeks outsandlnc 1411.06 Certified checks outfandln* 53 01 Dividend checks outstanding 241.25 Time Certificates of De posit 534.987 59 Savings Deposits 103 777 88 BUlt Payable ?0.000 00 TOTAL.. ?1.2926786? County c.f Person ?* E. O. Iximt, Vice president. J. D.; Wlnstead Director: and K. C. Wae stafT, Director of the Peoples Bank rach personally nppeared before me this day. and. helm; duly sworn, each for himself, says that the forcsroinst report is tru* to the best,of hi* know ledge and bell ?t. ' IT a.- LortS. PMildeM J. D. Wtnstead, Dir , i K" C. Waistafl. Dir,. Sworn to and' subscribed before me thlf the 15th flay ? f l*t 1928 i,=EAL) J. a. 'IWSsbee,. Notary Pnblte My commlMtcm expires" Auf. 1. 1OT0. - Allensville New?' The farmer? are very busy In this section stripping tobacco, saving their feed crops and preparing their land for wheat. Mr. D. L. Slaughter and Miss Annie : Bell Lonp motored over to Halifax. Va., and were married on last Thurs- ? d*y. j Mr. Clyde Gentry and Miss Minnie Gentry were married last Saturday. j Mr. Cypherles Yarbrough gave a party to a host of his friends Satur-' day night. After the crowd gathered they had a splendid time and later they all were invited into the dining room.where a course of lemonade, cake, bananas and. grapes was served. Mr. Arvie Slaughter and Mr. Alex i Dixon .have returned from from Del- ' hia. Canada, where they have been I engaged in the tobacco business for I several weeks. The revival meeting started at Al lensville last Sunday. Hope it will be a good meeting, wishing every one to come out and hear brother Nicks. ?Brown Eyes. October Health Bulletin! The October Health Bulletin, the] monthly publication of the State; Board of Health, contains a numbebr; ot articles particularly pertinent at i this time. Some of the leading health [? officers of ihe Stat?r*i!lSetN< pre-school Work among childreri 'and the p.hysU caljexamination of school children, i Tuberculosis In Infancy and child hood is discussed by one of the Held directors oi the State Sanatorium. A veil known specialist writes of some common skin diseases. There is also a comprehensive review of the develop ment of health In the State and of the present work of the Board. The October number will be especially use ful for teachers, club workers and parents. The Health Bulletin will be sent each month free upon request to the State Board of Health. Ra leigh. MOTHER Through the beautiful twilight, Through life's beautiful dreams. Through the beautiful twilight. Her sweet face still beams. Though she's gone to heaven. To meet the angels there. While we are left on earth. To tarry in despair. Near Jesus mother's waiting. On that bright and gloden shore. And there well meet some ? beautiful And there we'll part no more V day, How I long to be with mother. Where the blossoms forever bloom. And I follow in her footsteps. Until I've met my doom. Rest, dear mother, in thy grave of love Rest in heavely peace. . Rest, dear mother, in the arm of Jesus Rest where rest will .never. cease. ?Virginia: DR. FRED W. ISAACS PODIATRIST (Foot Specialist) 503 Trust Building, Durham. N. C. Telephone 1,-1981 ? DOLLARS TALK ? ^ At Fox & Go's U'hrn you tvant j-oor Dollaf to t;o the. fartherest and buy ihe ni.? ? t rui jn.t ?.i furtHv think- of mc. f or \vp tiavo priivort htf nnf prices that we do SAVE YOU MONEY Come to see. us-? ? ' Phone 184-1? FOX & COMPANY Geo, M, Fox, Jr., Proprietor 'TO ALL MY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS 1 wish io announce first class Garage of my own on Court Street next to O. and M. Filling Station. 1 am in shape to do any repair work at a reasonable price. My Motto: "i try to satisfy" 'RED' DAY Give me a trial Accurate Time Forever. . ! WITHOUT WINDING OR SETTING Anew clock for a new age? by Set h Thomas, master maker of fine clocks for more UttO a century. Never slow, never fast?never run? down, never need? winding . . . ? clock harnessed io the infinite power of electricity I into any AC light s?x ket, like a rending lamp or 'radio. Without further attention, independent of the hutnan ele ment of regular winding ... it run? with lift-time accuracy, a roaster clock for other time piece* in your home and office. Stop in and see these new ? lock?. They, arc fashioned with 4b? fu?m? careful craftsmanahip that lias maintained the Setn Thomas reputation ?met 1813. 1 heir distinguished design and the velvet lustre nt their exquisite cabinet work will add beauty to ;?ny room. .ELRCtRfC fto. 10 Mahogany h?>e 20H * ultrml awl %'!(, The Ne wells Jewelers "Jewela From New?!!?" Department Store "Roxboro's Shopping Center MEN'S, LADIES AND CHILDREN'S HOSE Visit our Hosiery Dept., first floor. \ We have a complete line of Children's, Misses, Ladies' and Men's Children's Sox,,all sizes and colors. * 25c Boy's Sport Hose, Fancy, per pair 25c 30 Dozen Ladies Rayon and I.isle Hone ...19c .3(k Dozen Pure Thread Sllk.all colors 69c 1 Lot Ladies Full Fashioned Hove, slipper hell in all wanted 99c i Let Onyx Point ex .Heels, all colors For* those who want the best we. have the Gordon V ali >iik Chiffon. nefest eplors . $2.48 1 i.i.t Meii'.v lln^c. . An Kxlra V.iluu I n ??? i? 10c SILK & WOOLENS Special values in Silks and-Woolens for ths week at Leg " rpn-fc Rp ngk- thfxift-iAihpn In'our store. . 1 lot Eaele Satin Back and Flat Crepes. 10 in width, per. yard $ 1.38 I.eggetts Silk Dept.. 1st floor 1 lot lOln. short lengths Flat and"Satin IJack Cerpe. per yd. $1.48 Glow Silk for Princess Slips; White, Peach. Rose, Itku'k Lavender and Tan. per \ard ' 93 C* 1 lot 5-1 in. Dress Flannels in Powder Blue, Tan. Red. Navy, Henna Per Yard $1.98 LeRRetts Silk Dept.. 1st floor 1 lot -7 in. Flannels. New Autumn Colors, per yard .j. . 98c Leoietts Silk Dept., 1st floor 1 lot 51 ,in. Jersey, new colors, per yard ___ $1.48? $1.89 I.eirirettsT^t flooi LADIES COATS Every Express Brings in New -Coats 1 lot Coats* attractively tailored, richly-furred-, ir? all leading colors ?16.50 Other particularly inpressivc tines you want to S24.50 S39.50 l.etfgetts 2nd floor DRESS VALUES 1 lot Dresses in Wool, Crepe. .Jersey and Silks. priced to sell at S4.98 l lot Satin Back Heavy Flat Crepes and Satins, in Black Blue and Brow n ' $14.95 " S?A.95 Leggetti* 2nd floor SHOES We are well equipped to fill your Shoe requirements Kiddie Shoes in Black, Tan. Rose Blush and Coffee Brown 98c * $2.98 Ladies Patent Straps and Ties in high and low heels all size & < JIA ? Just received shipment $2,98 & $4.98 ^ ? L Ladies Brown Kid t ten S4.95 PIECE GOODS 200 vards (food Dress Gingham1, per vard 10c Lcggetts Basement 1.100 yards Suitings and Shirtings, per yard a_. 1 In bio Gingham and C'urtatn Scrim, per yard LjOQ yard's good Outing, per yard __ LegRelts Basement 10c -Se 12lc LEGGETTS DEPT. STORE 52 STORK BUYING POWER OPPOSITE CROWELL AUTO CO.