m MUST BE THE BEST North Carolina is using ATLAS Ce ment in building Person County roads. The United States used ATLAS Ce dent in building the Panama Canal. ATLAS is the standard by which others are measured. It costs no more than others. Why not get the best? Sold by? Roxboro Lumber C? "HOME OF QUALITY LUMBER" Sergeant & Clayton CASH AND CARRY DEPARTMENT We solicit yt)ur trade on the merits of our Merchan dise, the' correctness of our weights, and the fairness of our prices.. A visit to our store will convince you that both Em (iloveij; andiimpiojecsstand suuareb" on this platform. LARD 12! 2 c lb. rnr/i>'.r; He lb. flofr Plain 01' Self-rising >J |bs. il-'n (IS lbs. $3.50 SNOW DRIFT LARP 1 lb. pail " ? . ? : "4c' . ? (OFFEE .Choice Rio Bear Brand Sanrika 29c 32c. 17c PINK SALMON No. T tall * 18c ? PILLSBCR?'S?. PANCAKE FLOUR rte - VIENNA SAUSAGE 9c 1'KUT I A its Ideal 1-2 traK (glass tofls)* SI. 10. doz. POST TOASTIES " 1 '<' niii-katrV BREAD AM) ROLLS 9c OAT MEAL 10c Package HERRING ROE ? 9c CANNED HERRING 10c *?'. TOKAY GRAPES . 10c 25 lbs. stiGAR ? Si; 50 NATIVE AND WESTERN MEATS DAILY FRESH KISI! EACH THI RSDAY A S !e Year INKING OF KINGS" and "WINGS" Bethel Hill Honor Roll Below is publishes a list ol pupils who have maintained an average ol 90 or more on their work ?or the first tnonih of rhool ~ First grade: Mary Howard Crutch field. Lucille' Oerftry, Ruth Hall, Mary Sue Wrenn. David Bishop, !l A. Woody. Jr. Second grade: Annie Brooks Bail ey. Ruth Oravltt. Annte Louise Hall, Martha Weherenberg, Jennie Oriitch fleld. Charlie Chandler, Arthur Cole, .Joseph Hall. William Joseph Merrltt. Joe Humphries Jr.. Marjorle Jone*. Third tfrade: Hilary Bishop. Ed ward Evans. Lucy Orey Chandler. Is la Fuller. Clafre Oentry, Dolle Orav itte. Huldah, Hall. Alice Humphries. Fred Mitchell. Ellsa Wehrenberg, Poarth grade: Nannie Cole. Annie Mae Brandon. Ellen Cole Merrltt. Hawl Jones. Marian Perkins. Lula Mae Tucker. Louise Woody, Edward Lelgt Fifth grade: Efn. L, ravltte. Tom Leigh. Bljjth grade: Manning Bishop. Aus tin Boswell, Jack Crutchfleld John Merrltt, A'rnold Shot well. Pattle Sue Oravttte. Elma Joyner, Frances Mel ton. Elizabeth Ranes. Moline SH'ot well. veinia wooay, uelma Perkins. Eight grade: Bemlce Jones. Emma Dean Rogers. Aline Walker. Delma White. Prances Woody. Odella Woody Ninth grade: Eslette Bailey. Edith i Pulley, Virginia Oarr, Evelyn Crutch fleld, Bessie Walker. Sameul Seam : ster. ?rvhui grade?rsnmnxrr raip Sue Oravitte, Lois Hayes. Esther Whltt. Eleventh grade: Julia .Fuller, Sal lie Perkins, Bradsher Oravltt*. John Owen*. The requirement? will be slightly higher next month and more effort will be necessary Ur get on It. THE COURIER Wednesday. October 17, 1928 Wat kins 6c Bullock. Everything To Build With Mr. Jim Brodhead. who has been one of the officials of the _Collins Aikman Corporation for the past five years, has left for New York City where he will engag* in the banking business. Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Pass of Farm ville. N. C., spent the week end Jiete visiting the parents of Mr. Pass. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Pass. Mr. Wayne Burch. who is connected with the Carolina Power and Light ] Co.. spent several days here with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Burch. Mr. and Mrs. H. RaifT and daugh ters spent Sunday in Greensboro with their daughter, Miss Blossom RaifT, who is attending N. C. C. W. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Merritt, accom panied by their friend. Mr. Harold Price, of Pavetteviile. spent-the week end in Roxboro. Miss Pauline Hester and Mr. Hu bert McAdams spent Sunday in Creedmore visiting Miss Hesters un cle, Dr. Thompson. Miss Loiiis? Pulliam of N. C. C. W. visited relatives here Sunday, She wa? accompanied by Misses Baines of Greensboro. Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Lott of Blue fjeld. W Va., are spending a few days with Mrs. Lott's parents. Mr. , and Mrs. W. i. Newton. ? Mr. and Mrs. E. Y. Pleasants and n.' Clinton, pf Rocky Moum \ver^ trues*?;' in the home of Mr. and Mrs G W. Pulljam Sunday. Q?0?0 Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Thomas. Mis*?? 17 ?; . ??'is } -r .T->| Vr.;:- ii pent $unda.v a: Reeky Mount. Miss Janie 3umc. Mr. and Mrs: Marion pftcr Snilev of Raieieh spent ?h? ?nr.l v rh -.pri Mr-j,. A. M.' Burns. r*?o Mrs. John Bullock, Miss Sall'ie S. Bullock and Miss Powell Of Bul lock, ^nent Saturday with Mr. trod. ? Mr5. -W 67 Bullock. "T7""1-' . Mr. ?.nd Mr?. W. C. Bullock and family spent Sunday >n Warrentoh with- Mrs. Bullock's mother. Mrs. Nannie Moore. Miss Winnie Wilburn of Meredith College spent the week end here with her parents. Mr. and Mrs.. R. L. Wil burn: c?o?o Mr. and Mrs. J L. Garrett, and -..UrP. -dailUlUATS. .Tf-nnif nnH Bfrna. spent the week end in Char-* ? loirs, L . Or?O?6 I Dr. E J; Tuclcer and Mr. E V. Boatwright spent some time in Kings tre??. S C. last week, looking after a ' business deal. * ? - Mr. J. J. Hambrlek. who i' on ?he Oxford tobacco Market, spent the ".pek end litre with the home folki 0-*-0?-TV Dr. R. H. Noell o I Rocky Mount. O.. Mrs. J. A. Lone. Mrs. Owvnn and Mrs Mari-sret Teague spent Thursday in Raleigh. Mrs. E. O. Long spent several days In Durham last week. *?o Miss Elizabeth Day spent Sunday In Greensboro -O?O Mis* Jennie Lee Vanhonk of Win ston sppnt the week end hm. Miss Helen Standfleld of Durham sneht"'the week end here with rela tives. Miss Louise Pulll^m. Ml- - Edna null' ami Mlnavries !.f flu i i.Mjijib Mr. and Mrs. D. C. 8wart?, spent the week . end In Lynchburg with friends. ~ fl?If?# Mrs M. U. Daniel and son Billy, have returned hotne after spending some time at Roanoke.' Va. ("> ? <>? - O Mrs .pertie QBrlant and son of Rookv Mount are visiting Mrs. O'Brlant's mother, Mrs Lun? Thow??* 01 ?o ' Miss I oren a Wade ha* returned hotne after spending last week at Rock; Mount ! ' ? ? r Mr. and Mrs Fred Lous ' and son spent severs! days last week In Charlotte^ O??O*?O . Miss Hilda Shoemaker and Miss. Helen Lance of Louisbtfrg spent the week end here with relatives. o?o?o Mr. Q. L. Pry of Atlanta. Ga., is spending a few days here with Irtends. j Mr.' J. M. Pass-of Dilwynn. Va.. spent the week end with home folks. Miss Winnie Wilbum of Meredith College spent the week end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Wilburn. MT-ss Jessie Duncan left last week to attend the White s School of Busi ness. Petersburg. Va. o?o?o Mrs. G. A. Duncan spent several days last week in Petersburg and Wakefield. Va., visiting relatives. Mrs.. Moe Qoodman was hostess at. her attratcive home on Lamar Street Thursday evening to an informal get together meeting of the Study-club, for the initial program for the club this season. - The meetiog was called to order by Mi-s. Evelyn Newman, vice-presi dent, the presfderit, Mrs. H. K. San ders. being absent. Minutes of the last meeting were read by former secretary. Mrs. R. M. Spencer, after which she turned the books over to -the incoming secretary. Mrs. P. C. Elliott. Laws and byr}a\C;s of the. club read "by; the new secsetary. and discussed bv the members. Roll callwasanstfered with interesting happening during the summer months that has. passed: Mrs. $. G. .Win stead read the .program for the 1 year's work, and; all memberswere, delighted Wltii 'lir, p o nun H ?no..' vo. ? After the business .nfieetirtg '.!??? he club adjourned, the members enjoyed a very, unusual social -hour. A penny' contest being cne- ot the main fea tures- of' fun. Cut'flowers were used -aiL_^ecora tions. At Ihe^TTl^e uf 'ilv rontmr, Mrs Goodman served her guests a delicious salad course, followed by. a :>weet .course, and hot tea and mints. Mrs. Goodman , was assisted -in Nervine fry her cousin. MUs Minnie Waranch. of Baltimore. An interestipg meeting of the Re search Club was held Oct 10th in the home of Mrs. J. J. Winstead. The living room and hall were ar tistically decorated with quantities of fall dahlias and cosmos. The general topic for the afternoon was 'New Arabian Nights.", Papers were civen by Mesdames West. Bul lock and Burns. After the program tke-*mesis were invited into the din-.-, ing room, "where a ' tempting1- salad eourse was served. Mrs. G. W. Thomas delightfully en tertained a few friends on Thursday evening At -he* home on South- Main Street. - The lower floor was thrown en suite and beautifully decorated with bright fall flowers. Boston Rook \ya? the game, enjoyed and-many pro gressions were played. The hostess. served a .delicious salad course with coffee. The Fridav Aftornoon Pleasure Club met with Mrs. W. C. Bullock on Fri day afternoon. The quests were wel comed bv the hostess. The . seven tables were arranged in the muste* i orri ris well described a* follows: Three shota and you know nothing until next day. Doctors HI New York discuss "How to fight old age " Dr. Vlncfnt says doctors "concen trate on old people after they are 111. Instead of keeping them we J. Lulgl Com aro solved his problem, starting at forty, when given up to die by doctors. He lived to one hun dred and laia. mounting tljs horse without assistance at ninety-five, and wrote to'the Pole: "I had to live to be ninety years old* to know that the world is beautiful. WANT ADS GET RESULTS How About It Bought that Coat yet? You will make no mistake in getting your selection from the season's first production. We are showing some beautiful num" bers which have been personally selected from the pick of the market. It Will Pay You To Look Before You Buy. WlLBURN & SATTERFIELD If Sanitation And Service Counts-^-We Invite Your Attention Small lireen T-trna lleans (35c size) per (an ... . 23c Fancy Sweet Meadow Corn, pet can . . ? J Tender Green Snapps. per can ^, ^?1 Sc Fancy Okra. per can ...... ? We l..im'e llitl Kic'ni"?i;cnnr. hit can ?-? ? Tuniato" Soup. ?> cans'for .' -He I)iced ? t'arrot.?. per can L... ; J5c ? Lve Hominy, per can ??><" Hoimti&ri Supply fti'lini anil Home Killed-Fresh ' Meats This Week. Phone. 1? I 3 for Red Hot Service. Aubrey Long & Co. Paint Up NOW THAT FALL IS HERE ? AND THE BEST TIME TO PAINT - WHY NOT PAINT YOUR HOME. WE HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OF PAINTS, VARNISHES, LEAD, OIL, BRUSHES. ETC.; AT LOWEST PRICES. . V Watkins & Bullock "EVERYTHING TO PAINT WITH"