Treat Seed Wheat For Better Quality Raleigh. N. C.?TWO ounces of cop per carbonate dust to one bushel of wheat, thoroughly mixed so that each grain is covered with the poison will Increase acre yields of quality wheat. "Copper carbonate is a light green powder which whfen thoroughly mfeced with the seed wheat will control covered smut." says Q. W. Fant. plant disease specialist at State College. "Any type of closed container, such as a barrel mixer may be used for treating the grain. The method Is easy to use and valuable in results." Mr. Pant has encouraged this me thod in North Carolina for the past several years. He states that the only precaution to observe in apply ing the treatment is to thoroughly mix the dust and the seed wheat. Where the copper carbonate escapes Into the air to any extent It Irritates the eyes and nose and therefore mix ing had best be done in the open. Many growers have built dust-tight, rotating, barrel mixers that they have use "Wo linye sectored donaiioiis ? ^nn prlaes to t.h> va&e of-oyer SI 000 .'to 'tnftt -tuden's win inak" -hi bit* in our various departments," says R W Shoffnifr of .Oreensboro.. . president, of t he- student's i air. "All of our erttrte$ and educational . exr hiblf s-.wiil be IvQP^d In. a largo tent itist tHe main- entrance to-'the fair grounds adhii-sssftn will hr? Th'nr?rd . Fdu.tvirion;d display*- will be' _ by ^_ud?hj* in' '.seven -devj j>arinieht. of thi'-'f-hool oJ ;v-*i#fculu?fcr tn ntidition' t > < opj bet i t j ve - L ?' n ? ?.? i i? ?, ? \hrttl ? < : ? ?., n??? hof * oult uril. '.tjidcrt ? .will a)to. encase coni/v .hidgint contests teed. ^yil idpntifj iu^.vr ;iaiaiu:y-r ang '? will '-niivetr the / aiid' will, pi ov.e ot in r haVina a pa ' -"ftUv WE SF1 I OfASSKK THAT I'LtASE T11E EYE THE NEWKLLS Jewelers day will be dispensed with this year. Instead, the ?tudenta will prepare one representative float that will pavade each day. Officers In charge of the students fair this year are R. W. ShoSner. of Greensboro. President: J. U. Har reU. ol Qibsonvllle. vice-president; P. H. Mast of Valle Cruris. secretary; ?A. D. Stuart of Hamer. S. C.. assist ant secretary and R. S. Dunham of Bladenboro. treasurer. The fair is incorporated under the North Caro lina laws and Is well organized In all departments. There are leaders or superintendents for each activity and some of these will be on duty at all j times to explain the displays and ex hibits to the visitors. Notice Sale Of Valuable Land Under and by virtue of the author ity conferred upon me by a judgment; of tlje Superior Court of Person Coun- I ty. in that special proceeding en-^ ? titled Mrs. Louise Regan et al vs.l T.. W. Regan. I will on Monday, Nov ember 5, 1928, at twelve o'clock m..! in front of the courthouse door in Roxboro, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder, f6r cash, that certain tract of latid mentioned and described | in the petition in said proceeding.! to-wit: a That certain tract of land lying and being in Roxboro Township, Person County. North Carolina, and descrlb? ed as follows: Bounded on the North by the lands of R. A. Walker; on the East by the lands of J. C. Jones and. Newell Brothers; on the South by the lands bf Hubert Shotwell and Lee' Clay and on the West by the lands of Lee Clay and Alfred Shotwell. contain ing one hundred thirty-five (133) i acres, more or less, and known as the Wlli IJegan home place. This land will be cut into small tracts and a plot of same may be. seen at the office of N. Lunsford or by calling on the undersigned com missioner. This October 1. 1928. Mrs. Louise Regan, Commissioner. Notice Sale Of Valuable Land Under and by virtue of the author-; lty conferred upon me by a Judgment: of the Superior Court of Person [ County, in that special proceeding: entitled John W. Bradsher et al. Sf.i parte. I will on Monday, Novembri 5. 1928. at twelve o'clock m.. in front of the cpurthouse door hi Roxboro. North Carolina, sell to the ' highest bidder for cash, the lands mentioned and described la the petition tn said proceeding In said action, to-wit; That certain tract of land . lying and being In Bushy Fork Township. Person County. North Carolina. | bounded on the North by the lands | of E. V. Pleasant; on the East byi the lands ot I. J. Rlmmer; on the1 South by the Drewry Daniel lands i and on the West by the lands of P. P. Wheeley. containing one hundred fifteen (US) acres, more or less, and known as the Alice Bradsher home place. This October 1. 1938. W. R. Hawkins. Commissioner. Bnwllw parley is nip winter Brazing crop to ry says farmers of Davids? Many of them graae tbe late In the sprto good yield' of grain. DIZZY Lost Appetite Mr. M. F. Fink, of Harrinbutg, N. C., aay?: "It must have been fully twenty-five yearn ago that I began taking Black-I>ralight regularly. "I was ia town one day, and while talking ?o a friend 1 ?tooped over tS pick up Rome thing, When 1 atraightonod up, I felt dixzy. I spoke to him about this and how I hod not felt like eating. "My friend told me to take eome Black-Draught I knew my mother had uaed it, and so I bought a package. When I got home, 1 took a good? big doae, and the next night? another. In "a fc# dayd I felt much better. "A good many timea I have" had thia dizzinesa and a bad taate ia my mouth, or headaches, and then I take Black-Draught and get better. T do got have to take it very often. We "buy from five to seven package? e year." Try iU ThedfordL Const!pation fidlge!rtlon.BiHw?n??j "Stop Signs" that stop millions But what a difference ! VmiVf. |-nf r.^ vfop Tf n ; traffic tign. Np law savs stop at the little red Coca-Cola sign t * but eight million a day do, just because they wartt to. C'oca-^'ola f.ottling tVk? Roxboro. X. C.' 8 million a day IT HAD T (1 HE GOOD TO GET WHERE IT IS GIVE THE HERALD A TRIAL A WORTHY NEWSPAPER SERVING A WORTHY TOWN Each year the Herald builds ui> a stronger glronlniHort id. Ilox J.oro and Person county. Each year . the news service becomes t>torr active. It lias''been encouraged bv the co-Operation of the' l>?'V)j?lr. It i > moiv iiiffr to ,- ivf its readers'-informa.tion"regard ing "the various activities* that take place in Koxboro and .through - out t he ?county. "During the past three years the Herald has increased its net* circulation In Koxboro and Person County from 18'J- to -700. This frjpVW thnt''the people have also been easier to keep hi touch ujrh the news of the day. It is al\o prool th;?t the Herald is addhtt? dally to its large field of readers in Person county, Be side* a great volume of world news a subscriber to.the Herald can ? also keep in .touch with the dally happcuings .concerning people with whom thev arp acnoatntcd., In Koxboro, Bakers Mill and Jalong the Herald is delivered by carried. A carrier passes your door each morning. Have him ?e.*ive you the Herald for u few weeks. We have established a'branch office in Koxboro where our agent will be glad to receivp your subscription.. It cost very little to give. the Herald a trial. DURHAM MORNING HERALD BEFORE BREAKFAST'* "Covers Koxboro Like The Sky" Put Suns/iine IN YOUR KITCHEN PAINT your kitchen with Acme Quality Interior Gloss Flrrlstr and ymt will h?_ happily surprised when you see how this wonderful finish brightens up the very atmos phere itself. "Acme" Utialitv Interior Gloss rlnlh is cape cially recommtnd?) for kit chen use and in fact alllnterior mrfaces where a wathable, durable, semi-gloss finish i* desired. I? produces a beautiful smooth surface which will not absorb urease and dirt and is as easy to wash as a high gloss finish, but it doc# not pos ?u the Klare of the la|ter. Colors?Acme Quality Interior Gloss Finish comes in very attractive colors and we know that you will be pleased when you see- them. ACMEQUAUTY IMTCRTOtt niX>SS FINISH W? are the Local Acme Quality Service Station. Bring your Paint l*rohtpns to us. G.W.THOMAS HARDWARE DEALER A "STANDARD" CONTRACT guarantees low price for two winters . . U We are in a position to offer you a contract for a two years' supply of "Standard" Heating or Furnace Oil at a guaranteed low maximum price. This not only protects you against possible rising prices, but assures you a supply of the highest quality, cleanest burning oil for your burner for two heating seasons. ? Deliveries will be promptly made, in any weather by most modern equipment, manned by specially selected drivers with a record for clean arid satisfactory deliveries. If you want to settle your fuel problem easily and economically for the next two winters xommtinicatc with us .vt'oncc. STANDARD G i,. -v_G. Of NcW JLR* I:Y A. C. ALLEN, Manager Roxboro, N. C. Buyer's Guide and Business Directory You Can Buy It In Roxboro?Give The Home Merchmts First Chance The Koxboro Courier. Kelieving that Most of' the Needs of the Community can be J?ati3 fied here, has Inaugurated this Business Di rectory Department, Wherein Will be Found Practically Everything of Interest to the Average Fiinlity. No Fraudulent Advertising Appears Here. Whatever you need, look it up first in The Koxboro Courier Husiness Directory. If it is not here, we win tell you where you can get it. J. Y. BLANKS GROCER Successor to . BLANKS & MORRIS Don't worry a&o'ut what you j shall eat-?Phone 25 Watkins & Bullock Everything To Build With i If you need Lumber ? 94 is your number Roxboro Lumber Co. BUY IT FrOM US AND! BANK THE DIFFERENCE; "Home of Quality Lumber' i j Davis Drug Company Prescriptions a Specialty THE REXALL STORE Agency Whitman's Candies and Eastmar^ Kodaks George W. Kane BUILDER CONTRACTOR "No Job Too Big? None Too Small" Carolina Power & ? ?? Light Co.? Made Easter Ask the I>ady who has an Electric Range J. T. BRADSHER Plumbing & Heating OFFICE ON REAMS AVENUE 1? Roxboro Laundry Let U& Do Your Dirty Work We Are Well Equipped Dry dinning Pressing * Phone 157 MOORE'S MARKET OfTerintf Choicest Cuts in Meats. Mechanical RcfriKer-.j ation For >'our Protection S. & J. Goodfriend Your Money Will Go Further Herr Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Dry-Goods and Notions Sergeant & Clayton "The Sta-KJean Store" Phone us your orders We Deliver Promptly Walker Ins. Agency Office Hotel Jones corner Home of Itoxboro R. & L. "Walker> PoilrlM Pay" HARRIS & BURNS BARGAINS Everything from Head to Foot for MEN. WOMEN. AND CHILDREN Roxboro's Host Store CITY ELECTRIC CO. Roxbord. N. C.. - Electrical -CmntrnetopHi Whnro (jualit Counts We . Win. I