We Welcome New Comers. J. W. NOELL, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. Gcod Town To Live In. HOME FIRST. ABROAD NEXT $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. VOL. XLV. ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA. WEDNESDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 24. 1928. NO. 43. PERSON SUPERIOR COURT DISPOSES OE MANY CASES Liquor Law Violations Take Up Most Of The Time Of The Court CIVIL CASES' TAKES 3 DAYS" "The cases disposed of during the three-day session eft court are as follows: Charged with illegal possession of whisky. Dick Clay was handed out a ?sentence of 60 days on the roads of. ^ Durham county: ft John Paylor. charged wiih assault V with deadly weapon- judgment \: ap pended upon payment of costs. J. H. Tingen. charged with illegal possession Of whisky," noi prossed with leave. , . S. D. Broadwell. charged with driv ing while under the influence of whis Vr fsn anri iIip .l;vl for* the p'urpose v't ri)o. ? Ko,r'^** r-ftit^ -.nM fni'^rl The Jury found. Beaver not guilty of ?the charges Clyde Vincent, charged .with driv ing an Hutomobilu while under the ihr .. . fHierjce oi whjsky. fined $50 and , the ' . < .".and ordered' not ....to operate an automobile t6x the next 9D d&ys". Will ? Green was called and failed. He \vas charged with driving an auto mobile while Intoxicated. ? S D. JJ-.o^dwell;' 'abandonment, nol , " passed with "leave." Elmer Rice,, charged with illegal possession oi whisky, jury~did not- re turn a true bill in the case. Jon Dunn, charged \vifh manufac turing whisky, verdict, not guilty Wfll Brooks, charged with manu facturing; whisky, verdict of not guilty. George Bullock w^s found not .auilty of char ol manufacturing . . r:y. # | Atlrri Whit', charged' wit]) assault with deadly weapon. As to Whltt. nol ' prosed with leave Al ?n received 12 months o;i the . roads - i Durham county Vlrtee Nelson . and Jessie, Brooks, charged with ma n-.ifacturiris: whisky, verdict of hot guilty. John Duftn was found not guilty . cf 'he charge of manufacturing whir;* It*. ir?. ?' ' Bertha Humpass Rddte Boltnn ami Bella Fields, charned with assault, nol brewed with leav Eddie nutnpa charged with the same In the ramr cite. Judgment suspended u|?m pay ment of the ro?t At Pulllan i harged with Illegal pos >??fion of liquor not a true bill. Eddie Bumpn.sa. charged with (nise pretense, nol prossed with leave Oeorge Bullock. i harjed with manu facturing whisky four months on the reads of Durham eo?nt,y. .. Oeorae Htillocfc was given 'an ad ditional Wir months nn the Voads of Durham county, h' twing fourid guil ty of assauJt on a female Buck Blnckwell and 0. M Oakl?v. charged with assault with a deadly weapon. Oakley was fined WS and half, the enst. while Black well paid the other half of the cost o Notice! The |iuv>Ik alii please oBJItTt the rtrp signs in the bn?ine<;s district Ihlfr law will be enforced. n B. DAWES. Mayor: TMs Oct 23. 1938 . ? . ' o ? ? ? rumor Novarrn the sreat Star of - Ben Jlur ' (n Across To Singapore ? ' V.1th Joe.n Ciawtord, playing at Pol ice. The?tT? Mnntff <*? ? Xuaadfty. Oct. 29-30tl), Matinee Monday 3:00 ? P. M. AL SMITH, JR., TO VISIT STATE FAIR IN RALEIGH FRI. Raleigh. N. C.. October 23.? Alfred E. Smith, Jr? will be a visitor at the North Carolina ?State Fair Friday, according to a reliable report received yesterday by the News and (Observer. It is not anticipated that the young man will make a speech, but he is?expected to mingle with the crowds enjoying, the fair, as well as witness the excellent card of automobile races arrranged for Friday afternoon when Ray Keech and other race track stars, will compete for heavy purses^ This will be Mr. Smith's' second visit to Raleigh within the month, as he , accompanied Oavprnor Smith on his visit to the Capitol City October 11. NOTABLES WILL VIEW~ FOOTBALL GAME AT CHAPEL HILL SAT. Governors Of Georgia And North ('nrolftin To Sep Came. Max Gardner To Attend GAME STARTS AT 2:30 P. M. Ralcich, N oovor i)or of - North Carolina will have plen ty of chafice . to converste with the Governor of Georgia, while both can. give tips on executive troubles to the next Governor of North Carolina dur ing tfife course of the Carolina-Geor gia ' Tech football battle in Kenan Stadium Saturday afternoon. The two Governors ? Angus W. Mc Lean, ? of NT C.. and L. G: Hardman, of Georgia? and the next executive of Tar lieelia. O. Max Gardner, will not be the only notables in the gov ernors, box on the horth side of the stadium. however. President L. M. Brittaih. of [Georgia Tech. Dr. Harry W . Ohasp, president of Carolina and other dignitaries, will be in >he box to 4f n h ? official, ttrr rTT" what i> rer:ar?ed as thft; high spot' nf - the season in this -trnmi '-iiuli! '.'Hit tuiri" oT the gridiron world. Will Start At 2:30 O'clock. The game will <*et under way at ?2:80 o'eipek - instead of .3 o'clock as at first announced. The changed starting hour was announced yester day by Charles T. Woolen, graduate manager t>f athletics at Carolina.. The shift was made following reclpt of a _ number of rsq'uests for the earlier starting time. With Troor> No. 3 rcop No. 3 met last Tuesday night at s$ven. o'clock. The meeting was Conducted by Asst. Scoutmaster Dunn. and r^peatlnc the Lord's Prayer, followed by Ba)uiirig the flat?. Then Ih^ voll. wns called. and minutes of tfte ctevjouis meeting read The v.routJnc rf business WSS t hen discussed. The < &c4Uts then reported' on good turns vhirh Uw did . in the past week. There Ayere some good ones. Wt? had Rctnr visiting members of Troop tto, 2. We 'were triad to have them with ?iv *.?*et we played a few. gatiies we were dismissed by thtT~great Scout 'ureters Benediction. The Scouts went on a hickory nut hunt last Saturday afternoon. ROBRT OLIVER. Scribe ~ ? : 1 ? Kills Rattle Snake It Is uncommon for a rattle snake t ?* he (omul In this County, but Mr C R Day of Timberlake. R. 1. fcillnd " large one On* day last week. Mr. Day was haullnfe wood and' he no ticed his horses began to shte. and ? oon Investigation found a large rat tle snake on the side of the road. He called his son. who rm* near, to rime r.nd bflng his gun. and the snnke n Hilled It measured 4 feet Ions, arid c, inches around the body with 1 rattlers Asked Why he did not rapture it. Mr. Day said, he was not In the snake bu?ln*??i .. ? ?<>- - ? ? ; Our Best Sale Monday We are glad to say to our friends and patron* that we had the best tie Monday, selling more than forty two thousand pounds far an nverasre t!f better than S20 00 Prices" arc better and are rradually Mlmbln* every da*. and we expect to inake iome real hlqh price, sales for ? ou when you bring n* some of your r'ftod- 'obaceo All grades are ad- 1 ? ;iiteiug dally. ..Brian >oui- t,oiiacco to Qic Old r4e't liable Hyco \Vartfcouse W. T Pas sfrfo Still On The Job' . George R. Van Nariiee. who was manager, of Governor Smith's pre ;convention campaign Is still on the job aiding the Democratic nominee's fight for the presidency. Bethel Hill Plays Aliens ville Friday After a two week's rest Bethel Hill will meet Aiiensvuie i-riaay m 3~ loqtball game at 3:30. Both teams have been playing good ball of late and an interesting game is expected. Bethel Hill has defeated Roxboro and Roxbo.ro has defeated ^AUensyill^ but ^ ily of late and is expected to give the .heme team a tough battle. It is expected that the next game will be in the State Championship Elimination Series. PRICESlSvED ON THE LOCAL MARKET Monday's Average Was Better Than Twenty Cents. The Kftr-raers Seein Pleased^ Sales .'Were- fairly heavy daring the past . week, with prices showing im provement almost every day. Mon cia^was th<> best day the market has had this season- Hie Hyco Warehouse reporting sales of about forty-two thousand pounds at an average of better than twenty cents. . Prices on *all grades are better, and . the fanners are beginning to feel m?re hopeful for the remainder of ?| the crop. Every indication is that prices are . going to continue to lhv> prove and the farmer who. has some, good grades, m good condition, will get satisfactory prices. Assyrian Spoke Here Last Sunday Night Rev. Mr. Daniel, an Assyrian, a stu dent of \yake Forest College spoke here last, Sunday night. .i.n tije Bap*, list Church. He graphically describ ed the condition of the Armenians and Hie treatment they received :it the hands of the Turks. At the close of the address a collection was. taken up for the orphan children In the East and about $75.00 was realized. Bethel Hill Honor Roll Correction THrousth an error the honor pu pil* of the sixth grade were omitted and "those of the seventh grade pub- ' ltshed under the -sixth grade heading. The pupils ot the sixth grade making . this honor roll were: William Humphries Helen Hall. Madeline Hall and Ophelia Montague Pay Your Taxes Now! You save money and further worry. The "county needs It and offers high est discount N. V. Brooks. Sheriff Pctsoti County. SPEAKING AT GLENN'S STORE Mr. R. P. Keidr will UtfW thr rltlwrn of thl* (onnty at Olrnn'a Storo on nr?t Friday. Oct. 2Kth. at 2:3# P. M. Mr. Up#dr I* a native of this fonn ty, and will ht spfaltint amnnt hU own foln, and will I* rlad lo hBvr rverr one jn that wc tlon hear him. <"om? out and bring a friend, t. W tfoell. V'hmn. Dpiii. Co rom." ? Hear Hon. J. W. Bailey Saturday At 2:30 P. M. W. 0. SAUNDERS DENOUNCES HAM Declares Evangelist Greatest Fo.e Of Peace And Order in South MAKES PLEA FOR SMITH Durham. Oct. 22.? In response to an address here yesterday by Evan gelist. M. F. IJam. W O. Saunders. Elizabeth City publisher, tonight de scribed "this man Ham" as being the greatest menace to the peace and order of this country in the South land today. . "He is the apostle of ig norance and intolerance.' he declared. "and if given 1 his way the--sebe?te Would teach the geology of Moses, the astronomy of Joshua, the aeronuatics of Elisha. and subu^arine activicties of Jonah. Mr, Saunders made an impassioned plea far the. support of Alfred Omith. whom he described as a . fearless, truthful and courageous statesman with an untarnished character. Tamanny Hall he held up as a friend of Democracy, and pronounced _Croker and Tweed apcieTT^ cKttiat' ters. "Even as Tammany has had ittf broker, so have the Southern Bap tists had their Carnes," he paraphras ed/ He also declared that religion and not prohibition was the real issue, and he urged religious tolerance. Much of ,the address was given over to Horn, whom he held up for both ridicule and scorn. : ? -.-n Death Of Good Woman Miss Annie Yilllnes ( iocs To Reward Last Monday night at ? 10 o'clock Miss Annie Villi inc^ died at her home in the Bilshy Fork neighborhood.. Miss Villines had been confined to. her bedL for abput three months, ""and hei death was no surprise. Since ? *ha death of her father several years ago Mifcs Annie. and her sister. Miss Mag gie. had lived at the old home plac^ ard carried, on the aftajlrS ot the farm In a " most successful manner. She was a devout member of Clements Baptist Church, and was really and truly on Angel of mercy. The burial services were conducted bv her pastor. Rev; L. V. Coggins on vestcrday afternoon at 3 o'clock, and her body laid away in the cemetery of the churph. ; . Edga Long Memorial The regular services will be held next Sunday Sundav Sclvral nt 9:45: -erman.at 11 and 7:30, atjd_Epffcrth League 6:45. This 1* the last Sundav in the Conference ve^r. All reports must be ready for- -the 11 ssion of the?Nor{lv curoTlfia Conference which meets iii Wilson next Wednesday mornlne. The Pastor was immensely pleased with 'he splendid congregations which at tended the Services last Sunday, and he hopes to meet every member of the Church, who rati possibly st em!. at both mornlne and cvenlm: services next Sunday. Let every member pray for a urea! closing service. T. A. SIKES. Pastor Memory Services For Little Lois Claytor; Sunday, October 28. at 2:30 o'clock, a formal service will be conducted at Bethany Missionary Baptist Church by th" pastor. Rev Mr. Shacklotte. ?for lltttle Miss Lois Clayton, who died Wednesday. May 2nd. 192 fl. She was the daughter of Mr. Hertry Clayton of Morlah Appendix Removed Mrs. E. D. Cheek was rushed to the hospital In Durham tor an opera lliin ItitJl SnUudji ? fllii' uas Miffm ing from appendicitis and her con dition was very serious Her friends will t?e glad to know that -he stood the operation, and her condition is reported as very favorable at this wrltln?. ? A Romance full of the Tang of' the Seven Seas Ramon Movarro in "Across to Slngapdfe'' with Joan' Crawford olivine at-T?Uc.- Tt*Mfef. Monday * Tiiesdav Oct. 29-30th Matinee Monday 3:00 P. M. , Dotvi mi '-ur I tent^-y ? Thtiw? (lav i'rldav* and Saturriav this week. Jtanibrl?!;. Austin A- ThtMtlas For 80 Years It Has Not Rained On Oct. 16th Fa.vettcville. Ckt. 17. ? Thr ISth of October is the most beautiful day of the year, said a resident of Fayette ville tioday. For 80 years this da\ has never fail ed- 4o sec the sun shine. A check has been uept on the . day for that length of lime, and it came about this way ? On Oc tober 16. 1848. a young lady was married in Delaware and came to live in FayettevilUv Naturally, she ahyays took note lived to an advanced age.; she never saw rain fall on her wed ding ' anniversary. Since her death. 25 years, ago, younger I^fsons have n^ade the same "observation. ^ I : ^ " TEXAS MISTERS ALL ON STUMP, SAYS MACK, AFTER REVIVAL THERE Thinks Christianity Has Heen Set Back 2S Years In ; This Campaign : . STATE IN AWFUL MESS Raleigh. Oct. 23.? Fresh from Texas j where with excess baggage removed I ! he recently held a big and successful ; revival. Baxter F. McJLendon, evan- j geUst. was in Raleigh Just two weeks j from thp election and still mainfaln , jng, a benevolent neutrality In the . campaign. ? r ;~*3Tl t he preachers in Texas, arc on the stump" Cvclone Mack said todav^ TTTaking enough exceptions to give; ' strength to his observation, "i do not hesitate to say that I think Chris tianity has been set. back 25 years in ; this campaign. I do not prea?TTT5es- : sitaisra. but I never saw church life j ; sii enfeebled. I cannot . understand i what the preachers are t hinking \ about. I haven't -said a wprdV against Smith ojr a word for him. nor have I j attacked Hoover cr defended him. Ex c? pt by way of illustration I have j not mentioned the name ot either in my^seiliiiJiis. TtV "Dallas where t| , have been conducting a revival I had > ! rplendid success, a great meeting, in spite of fhe fact that everywhere I turned there was some preacher de S nouncinqr Smith and asking me to do -Tom w.i imd ?> tftrnblu h-dUll'l know how Its going, but J know it's not truing toward Jesus Christ. Election Not To End It k . i .'if ' w^rst of U-. ;> thai all. *this electron business will not be ended in I i two weekB. The voting will settle I who is to be President, but it won't; 1 settle the feelings that Christians have against each oxher as the re ailt ot the campaign. I understand perfectly the convictions of Christians on the issues raised, byt I .don't understand how ministers expcct to: improve rellgien by . moving Chris tians to attack each other. Of course I know all ab^ut that old ?av!ng of fi?hting the devil with fire; but the trouble about that is that he stand ing off laughtnf: at the Chrl. Lone. Bradsher As Cos and re ceive bounty. Buy your license and avoid arrest All law* are out Nov 1st except birds and turkeys. Errol D. Morton Game Warden o Republican Speaking - - . - ? - ?Last Thursday Mr. fisher, candidate (or Lieut. Governor on the Republi can ticket, addressed the cltftens of Roxboro Mr Fisher Is a pleaslnr speaker and pleased hi* audience with his speech. u TIRKISH MODSSTF Constanta pole All TurMsh alrls startlns the school term passedin re view before their teachers, and those skirts were' considered too short wrnrc crjit home with orders not to return .,,"i in* m;,! . i ii.i.' nwr nn .iu'H below the knee w ' -i' mm MB WILL SPEAK IN THE COURTHOUSE Every Vcter In The County Is Urged To Be Present To Hear Mr. Bailey LADIES URGED TO ATTEND It -matters not what your politics, whether you are a Smith, of anti Smith. Hoover-Democrat, cr a rock Tibbed Republican you can not ; spend an hour more profitably' or to better advantage than to hear Mr. Bailey, on next Saturday at 2:30 o'clock in the court house here. As an orator Mr: Eailey has no- superior in the Stat p. and ho ? will, instruct artr in ? terest you; arid further., he Will not hurt your feelings by any harsh or cruel, words. , To those who have had doubts as to what their duty in this election h* will make .1 : plain Hull ,.uu y fll your dutv and go home re vived. to do. your d&ty. . We Can not too strongly firge you to hear Mr. Bailey for we know you will regret it if you fail to hear him. 27th. and hear Mr, Bailey, iri the court houseat ,3;3(r.pr m.' " :? ' x ' ? ":1 Mr . Harvey Injured Mr. L. C. Harvey, one of our best known and most prominent citizens* ?was taken to his home last night after an accident in which he was knocked down by an automobile. Mr Finch, who is connected with the Carolina Power Sc Light Company, was driving the car which- struck Mr. Harvey. The accidant occurred tn front of the ? Jackson Auto Co.. cn Main Street. Mr. Harvey was cross ing the street and the mist which gathered ou_the \eak At Cunningham Mr. s. Nt. Gatti^. who is so well known in ibis County, will speak to the voters of the County at Cun ningham school house on Friday. Oct. ' 26th. 1928. at 2:30 o'clock. Eiery one Js' cordially, invited to hear him, the ' ladles especially arc Kivsxi_it pressing- - Invitation to attend. Death Of Mr. J. T. Clayton Of Moriah ? 3Tr T. ? Tr Clayton who has been In feeble health for some time and cftnflned to- Ills bed for about the last ten days, passed away Sunday inumuiK, Out zu The bmyaJ ?'U held Mondav afternoon at his home He leaves a wife five daughters,, six sons and a host of relatives and friends. r>- u Carnival By JuniorClass Did you attend the carnival last fiturduy nlttht? If you did not you missed the real thing. It was tho first of the kind ever tried here and Miss Bivins. of the Hlah School fa culty. who was instrumental In pull Ins off this show;, achieved a won derful success. The proceeds will be used by the Junior class In meeting expenses of the clas*. Miss Sue Hester was crownod queen of the carnival with Impressive cere mony. o Hallow'een Program Friends and patfons of the Leas bur* School are Invited to the build in* Friday. Oct. 26th for a Halloween program. Supper will be served at .7 p. m Oysters 40 rents, plate din ner 40 cents, coffee S cents. ? Cumn -.111111 buy ? toot ? strpper -eed Join In the Hallow'een lun. One Cent Sale During, our l cent sale Thursday. Friday and Satin-day of this week ymi ran Ret 2 pint* extract of Vanilla for $101. K ITambrtck A.U*tlri Ac Thomas. When corn is planted after redeliver i la hurd to !cll where crop has been top-dressed with -rulphate of am monia. savs A. P. Rudtstll of Oaaton uiuiiu - ? ? Oreat quantities of t'-.alry ?jtch.'Wff