J. W. NOELL. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. HOME FIRST. ABROAD ROXBORO. NORTH CAROLINA, WEDN'ESI) GOV. SMITH CALLS ON PARTY "TO CARRY ON" Vrinciples As Great In Defeat As In Victory, He Says In Radio Address A.SKS L'MTED SITPORT OF HERBERT HOOVER POft FOI R YEARS WW Not Do To Ut Bittmifv, Blind Us To Fact That We Arr Ameri cana, lie Say*: Ctll For C?nrtmc tire Part? Prorram Of Action Four , Yean HrijM; Former Democratic Nominee \nnotinces That He Will Leave Toda> For Bilaxi. Mis*. Where He Will spend -Vacation' With Friends New York Nov 13. ? Governor Al ? ?ed F Smith, told the country over \n e radio tonight that the principle*. < 1 the Democratic party were as "rear .r defeat as they would have. been --in, rrtory; and that" ?;< "was .:the. party *A ? ruty "to cam- on and : vindicate'-' "the rsncipteR for which it had r ought, standing beforv a mjcr.ophc.ne/ in . a ?National Broadcasting Studio; the deT ? Pr ? - : ; . ? r. . ial- c^ir. - ? .idAte -delivered whaY manv had called : .= valedictory " His k^eech. broadcast 'over a ??"nay ' -#oil-w>df hoook-iip of : tat ion sc. urp?d' ?nited ? upppn o: Herbert . I'bbovcr-^ .Jlhough he did not mention' him' by ?'?.ime-^ftssfrtmc that the man selected lTi> r-'vvo TTiSt IpeSday "t o lead ?:r," country- 'wak not . the President ? : ihe Republican party, but Preside. n't the United States. . H would not do. said ! Governor smith. tf> let- -bitterneHS. rancor t/t ill - ? nation over . the result blind us -to ? he . , outstanding fact that we . arc: r ?.-??near. ? Referring to the thousands of :let i*rs he said he had. received since the riecUop, and since he had announced ..iat he- .would . not again be a oan . ..-date, tor public office, the Governor ?iud he had beer. a?ked "not to lose r.::rest" in the Democratic party. He .said lie did not regard the d.e ' at o! his part* as interfering with. *^__soundness ot the principle} for ytttush -it slSSST1 BUS lhat'urith~liir tn^ " ? gnr he rould command he would ? antinue not- amy \o stand J or t nose .nnciplet. but to, ' battle for them Ht- axldded a . pledge of increasing, iri - rest in and devouon to them. The Governor called the Oehtp rabc party "the great liberal parts of if nation.' leading, progressive '..naught and holding qut "the only , v-jpe'.ot fefcurp to the* fundamental; mnciples oft which this country was **.n it and a* a festljt cl which it 'has i-rrmn and thrived "To the vpun? men and women ol rye country ' }ie said the Democrat - party. . with ;itk fine tradition, and :ji bread tli of vision offers the "or.Jy : nspiration The Democratic part , j vould no'-' be ih position four v??*r i from now to solicit the confidence ahd^ support of the American people, f during- that period it neglected ro ?jild up ft constrictive program and iied ? ntireh upon the j allure^ r,i the ,.p*M#Upn party "That cannot , Uf , doh'e by the ?nrnorltv nartv permitting itself to he* ;<me a party of destruction and op ^sitioh lor political purposes 'only. We tod -ircuUi ci that : i -.pis Country an'! *n ;;::iUy.of it.? <: r'll cv'^cunc ?It - would brt T?arde*J as e.on^triic ?ve ivchkveinerft b' added if the TJemocratir panv at Wasnmaton were ? > formulate proenrn. adopted anrj u> .the fongrc of the ntitkih \'id ther/ defend it. A refusal on tla> ?att of the party power to accept i r their inabilitv to bring about narty iittty for rh" solution oi the^ pjfob .,ojns would then rx tiv reapomtibllitv y nd mtlk- a record upon which a Mie -esirful campaign Could be waged To*: : ef?.rs from now The Democrat* vvould niwt toe aciihg n ijo-td faith. Chtv?mnr smith ?vd. ' nev uer" ? a.-Jopt a policy of^inaCtlon "***ith a hope of " pFofitTiid! solely fiVttie ilstak^: or the ,islur? of the op' pNtttMV," "What this couftlfv demands he ? sserted is constructive and not- cie '?rucUVe tittrtsft; a constn?tiv rogram embvltinr the declarations rf tKe" I W-mocratllf jiirt v Mr? CKeeck F.xcecf " To Retuyn Home Soon V Mr* ? E D f"he?k who has been - rtmi*lT ill for p?tt tiro wselu ut WsU* hrwottal Is v?ry much im inrvM and expats to br ablr to rr urn hooir next Thuraday afternoon Chas Fo?lfman with his DTXTF ?iUtA-lTTV RRVtTE and a Bfvv ot -rettv Gills. pUylrg PaJace Ttxttn. Thuradfy only' November isih The Int of ? fmdlo: Has yours iinrtvMI the prrstdentlal razntmgn? Declares A1 Smith "Is 54 And Broke" Norfolk. Va, Nov. 11. ? Governor Alfred ?. Smith is 'broke.*7 ac cording to J. F. Bresnaham. busi . npss tnanafcer of the New York w?m--. ? ? ' ~ ?? ? ? ' ; ' ^ ? "Al Smith is . 54 and broke." he * la ted. "He has always been a trood fellow and has given his money to his friends and to relieve ihe sufferings of many poor peo^ ' pie." This statement was made today at Virginia Beach, where news paper men from all over the eoun Iry are gathered for the annnal . convention of the American Pub lisher's Association. The convention opens Monday, with- Obv. Byrd. of Virginia, as one of. the speakers. Early ar rivals spent Sunday in discuss in? politics and ' playing Rolf. PERSON COUNTY ~ REMAINS IN IHE DEMOCRATIC LINE Canvassers MaKe~"Final lU'iurns Here Thursday Morning At 11 O'clock ? Al. SMITH'S MAJORITY 112 Thursday morning ai i I oYlOck the : amassing board met at the court house and :r*;>orLed as follows: National- billot : Derndcratic elec tors fpr Al Smith 1235. Electors for Kerbsrt Hoover 1123. Smith's ma jority 112.. Statt*. ballot Democratic. O. Max Gardner, Governor, 1425, Republican. H. F Seawell. Governor. 910. De- . mocratit majority 515. !380. Harden B99 Stedman s major 'ny. 4*1. : ? ? Constitutional amendments:' 1st: For 441; agailist 936. Majority against 495 2u<l: F<?r 218'.' against 1042. Ma-, jority against 784 3rd For 214: against 1028 Majority against 754 Democratic County ballot: For the Senate. B, F. Hester, 1767. For the House. R. L. Harris 1767. Register of Deeds. W. T Klrby l'78l For. Sheriff. Melvin T Clav*on. 1742. For Treasurer, S. B. Davis. 1761. For Coroner. Dr.- A. F. NickoU. 1765. For Surveyor, W. Roy Catcs. 1753. For County Commissioners, D. M. Cash. lBSf, Ai r.. 'Gentry 1073 K. C Wagst afl 1 681 Bethel Hill Team Loses To Apex Hi Fkthel Hil! was defeated on la;?t Friday , by Apex HiRh. one of the f*rense?t tpjinis Ip Wake County, by * iO-fi score. Bethel Hill war, in .?co r m- distance several tinier but was hr'r. bv the r>j)por,in8 line on each In s tehee Sam Carr recovered on Ap?x f ivorn bfe and with some Rood mt?r ip rence ran eighty-three yards .lor a tOpchdowii. TJ-.i* Klves Bethel Hill an even break in i:j$ r.ames played i-o far. This is -nsidered very Kood when it is taken info consideration the hard schedule undertaken. They hate won from AlHvvlIle. Roxboro and Danville, kifihf? to. Hlllnboro, Apex and Durham. K*- ? efa ! zewd players, h a ve bet n on ? the injured list in each of the lxst fx-'r* :?'ait,es. Henderson are played on FrK ciav ' n.d ' he bays are flsruriftR op go iiie "n&&ve. the five hundred mark by v. inrilht this steme. Hand Painted Novelties ; ' 1 1 : v fth pleasure I announce, on v-ov 23rd ;tnd 24th. a display of i>?ftu!ilui and useful hand j>a.*ntrd novelties will be tflven in the hand , same atftre of T. W. Ptss fend Son A. j>eclal invitation i* extended to ' ' i ' .people. 'i! I loktifiro ' 5115 iVdJOtn insr counties. ?ncwiwilwt1 - 4he-d?U? ? uxui doni be . i late. (Catherine 8. Reade. Good Sale Mr, M H. Rlek*. one of thr County's ' most successful farmers sold a load of tobacco at the ^fyeo "Warehouse la?t TueXday Tecelvln* a check far *207.06. clear check averaging better tTTlUl MOOT ?? " i o ? i How many of you ntlll remember the 1 name of the elected Vice President? BRITISH LINER SINKS Finds Newspaper Advertising Pays . &iisUies5 of . Frigidaire Coporation !" i -iiijar-i'' m ? d mhipr? over the satae period , of . last year following a v. idespre ad newspaper advertising campaign based upon its new lin'e of ft'ru?ehold 'refrigeriati^g equipment. ;ac ?eordin* to E. G. Biechler. ^reSidesn and general manager, who attribute* mucli, of the increase to use of. n ews - paper space;"-'. : ? Jbe newspaper of today when used to promote a quality: product is one of the' greatest aids that business or ~maii5try can enlist." he said. "It ob tains and retains, public confidence for any product that merits it." MONTHLY CLINIC FOR CRIPPLED CHILDREN Clinic Sponsored By The Rotary ( lub Doing- Great Work. All " ? "-Treatment-Is Free All who are interested are asked to remember the date, Thursday, Nov: 22nd. for the clinic for crippled chil dren, There- are doubtless manv crippled ,ch;ldren in Person. Caswell and Granville who should have ad vantage of this clinic, and tl you know of .such a child communicate with Dr. B. E. Love. Roxboro, N. C.. chair man of the committee in charge, and ? re if iirranireroertts cin not be made to give the child the necessary treat ment. Just why parents of children who have deformed or crippled feet refuse to br'ng them to these clinics Is be yond our understanding. for the treatment is free, and the child Is entitled to be taken from the misery of Koine through life deforced or r rippled We hope even such child in this County will b? brought in and- given -treatment. It is wonderful some of the cures which have been made, and ;f the Rotarv -Club never does any other charitable act it will have justified Its existence by the ttcrk it has done inr . the crippled rhlldron. Next clinic Thursday. Nov 22. J 92a. in 111 ? old of9ce building ! De pot Street. Roxboro. N. C Notice! In ofder to- tn$et our <^wn Obliga tions, w e are forced to a sic our pa tiyrrii whose acocunts have run ror somr t'ir.e. to make payment at their ?earliest: convenience."' We hope thfft you can appreciate otir positron, and v.ee us viUioui delay Thinking you for ys\ir past patronage- ?. with best ?visiles, 1 - . Yours very' truly. HUGH WOODS Notice ! "tlv City tee Co. -V1I1 be open only* one hour tach day thenueh the win ter ituwHhs,- beginninc Nov I4?h Thf hour wlllb* from 8 30 to ft 30 a m Please get your Ice Vfurihg this trowr * t!Tr ton nQ ? ? <)~^ ? ? ? Firit Baptist Church Sunday School 10 a. m? R I.. Wil ts urn. Bupt. Service by ttje rastor 11 a m. and 7'S0 p. m B. Y. P. 0. at e:lS p m All lire r irdlally Invited W. F WEST Pastor [ X .f> . ? . -i * ? ? W-UUmi Hal?r> with Anita Pace in a Sam Wood SperTST "WHSOTttWr TFt.t.ING. THE WORX.D" at Palkcc , Theatre Monday and Tuesday. N or < 19-aoth Matinee Monday ;t OQ p m TOBACCO IS BRINGING A GOOD PRICE HERE Two Day's Terracing School This Week All who arc interested in. the pre vention of soil erosion "on their farms arc . invited to be present at the. two days terracing school to be held on the farms of Messers, Roy and ? Wal ter Roger?.. on road No. 13. about five miles south of Rcxboro. An. engineer from State College will be present tc? assist with' the school. AH who come wili bs given ; :i chance to learn how to handle th? instrument. Lines will b? staked out and. built up. provided the soil is ? in ; condition. however if it should' Vaiti. . tf>e- school will go on and the-, lints v.itl b? built, later. , 7 The scfraoi \yitt c.pcn ai f' po a., M . 1 and close at 4 P ;M.?,'botH days. ? Gome: prepared- to spfend both .davs at thi* important school.' Nul Fr.zecl By Republican Victory Party That Polls 13.000.01Mi v?t*s ' Is Not Dead. He Says Chicago. Nov 1? -- '.losephus ftaniels., former Secretary 61 .the . Navy,, in" Chicago today after deliveries an. Armistice pay address, said he was unperturbed by the Republican vic tory of last Tuesday. ? Any party that polls 15.000.000 votes Is not dead." he said. In discussing the future of the Democratic party, the former secretary said Southern Democrat* had no disposition to de mand control. -It is not sectional ; ? leadership we want, but united effort. ?i with the Democratic minority in Con gress offering a unified program around which the party can rally. ?1 see.no reason why we .should say New York should lose control of the party or Mr. .Raskob be deposed as. chairman. \V?? aa~whez?_ criticizing each other.". loss of the solid South to the prohi bition issue. Old Time Fiddlers Convention Here 1 7 th dlers Convention held at the Gram mar school auditorium in Roxboro on Saturday. November 17th at 7:30 P. M. There will be three groups which will compete for the group prizes, cno each from All^nsville. Brooksdale and Carolina Group. The latter group is ftom Alamance county, and is con sidered one of the best among the old time fiddlers. Cash prizes w*ll be awarded. This convention is under the aus pices of the Brooksdale Charge! and j the proceeds will go to the improve ment of the Erooksdale parse nag? You are rordiaily invited to come out and erijey an evening of rare fun | land help in a worthy dause. Ad- j mission. 20 and 33 cents Presbyterian Church Stm itsy. L-v'hoo! at 9 4:Y a. m.. H. T... Crnw(f!l . SU|>t Morning service at II a m. Rev. R H Stone of Jeffer- . son N, C.. will preach* the sermon. Mr. Stone is one ol our finest >oung(| preafcher* and: L~ doim a fine work in the mountain* ol North Carolina K very one Jhoulcl hear Itim Sunday. Sunday School at Mitchell Chapel at 2 p. m. Services a i Warren Orove-at 3 p. nr. There will b? a reception of members: some have said that they will join on profession of faith, others have their letters from distant churches. We will be tiald to welcome ^nd receive any others that care to joip ? Kvery one welcome nt all servu r-.s P. CAflY ADAMS Pnstor Oxford Trounces The Roxboro Team Last Friday .afternoon there was a football (came bstween Roxboro and Oxford in Oxford The home boy* sot the worst of the breaks, and Ox* ford won with a score of 15 fo 0. 'Our boys put up a good flrht. but the odds were against them. Fiddler? There wjfi be a fiddler* conven- ] t;on at Mt. Tlri^h htati school Pii Tfxr? rrtrhtr Nwemb?r 23 td- Will be- J "in at* 7 o'clock and last until 9 30 ' cirnr Admission 20 nn'"; Breaks Were Heavy l,ast Week With The Best Prices Of , The Season SALES NEARLY 500,000 LBS. Sales last vcwk amounted to nearly a hall .million pounds, and tobacct with any clasi! at all was br'nging a good. pnee. in fact it, has been a lpng time since good tobacco sold better than it 'is! today. . Of course, with so much, common the average _ is 'fcep: down, the S.verage. being only ? S21.12. but if you will read some of the prices which ire quoted by the different warehouse;, in. ih^s i'-.P.ue. you' wiU'.see ?evidence-' <o. bear .cut our : tatement rbove. that eoud tbbate'e-n ? .i> . liigh./ Fvifi"; ' y' ' in-'-iTf - '? ? .. ;v found .' out' that' .-real sood tobacco i \-c*y scarce; and they- are. rb'uyim: . be iore. it te pobbled up. y?4 are glad . to see the . farmers .? of this- section bringing 'their tobacco ?- .! i- v . rr get tin? .oust-'- as much . for it 'as. the# would receive on ariy markeet AMERICAN LEGION BOYS CELEBRATE ARMISTICE DAY Interesting Exercises Were Held In The Graded School Auditorium REV. WEST MAKES SPEECH Last Saturday saw .more legion boys here than 2 Qr a Ion* time They wefe rtn^branxis ? Armistice "OaV aside ' from the exercises at :he scnooi atldltOrium. w ere of the feast wh;chthe Legion had pre pared for them. The following program was earned out : . .? ; "-r ; ? ;*.* ?; 1 e . .- 1 ' . vvy. ' Quartette, bv the U. D. C\. Mrs. Lillian Foreman. Mrs. Preston Salter - field. Mr. Clyde Swartz and Mr. Ken dall Street, with Mrs Street at the piano._ Prayer, by Rev. J. W Bradley Quartette. bv?the u. D. C. Address, by ' Rev. W F. West Songs, by the Girl Scouts and the Boy Scouts, assisted by. Miss Mabel James. Song. America Benediction, by Rev. J. C. McGregor. After the exercises which " lasted about an hour, the crowd was in vited in the Pioneer wsmraase. where brun^w'ck stew and cold, drinks were served to every one pres ent. - . Th? exercises were thoroughly ? en - joyed and much credit for the day's pleasure is due "to Mr, Copelarid Garrett and Dr. O. G. Dftvik Bethel Hill School Attendance Is Good The attendance tor the first mcnthi lias been very good. This has., been due to unusually pretty weather and good truck sen-ice. The -enrollment1 inr the year has been lightly -above [the second- month was 88rl of the. en* roiiment. which is unusually stood fen* the . elementary School is giving sat-' isfaetory service while the plant ttt the high school is now- undergoing re pairs Parents are especially urged to send ? their children every tJay 'possible as ;t is a distinct advantage to both t-h? pupil and the school. Moved To Town wb4 Mm. tL. H' Strcti whoj have been living at their country j home near MIU Creek, have moved to town /intl are occupying the Pres byterian manse We welcorhe these j good f>eople to Roxboro Box Party There will be a box part v at Bushy Fort Hith School Friday night. November 16th. for the benefit | of Salem church. Come, buy a box. 1 C > Leatherman of Vale in Lin oln County has bmiltr-*- rVmcTrete r.ttif | e.ee how* to help him in marketing 1 ?,k Golden Delicious apples TOLL OF 100 LIVES CLAIMED BY OCEAN THAT SWAMPED UNER More Than 200 Picked I'p By Rescue Ships Patroliajr Off Virginia Capes LITTLE HOPE LEFT FOR OTHER PASSENGERS ON FOUNDERED YESTRIS American Shipper, First To Reach Scene. Flashed Jsifnal To . Oilier Vessels In Vicinity Shortly After Midnight Tuesday : Morning; Battle ship Wyoming And Several .CoMt , Guard ( otters Join In. Itescue; All Except One Of Lifeboats Picked I'p i>\ It-PMUP Vessels. Sf-artlt ,F#r Dead Abandoned As Darkness Come?* On And. VKvek Start For P*rt "With Rescued Passengers And Crew; Many Stories Of Distress And ? ' ? ricf lie r-f, turned ? ; New York.. Nov. 13.? The' g.feat ixu t:'f-.slTl.p Wyoimni: and' V.evfln liUle fi>a.st Guard ; cutters maintained tunsrai vigil. off the Virginia Coast tor .r, :cht. where the liner Vesxris foun ?for pqrt- With. survivors. ; the- 339 people, aboard the Lam port and Holt ? Steamship w hen it turned lazily on its side Monday after - 'noon k''nd~sauk . uiiiiin. one ? minute, "208 are. known to be allv^. five are known to he. ciejid and 126 are miss.* "in*:. ; The names oi/jLhe certain survivors are known The names of the dead one aboard an unnamed Coast Guard cutter and four aboard the Cao?t Guard cutter Manning -have not been transmitted I* is feared that therfe is but A iniraculous chance that the present ]:st of surrtyors wil'i b- enlarged. . The *ist of those known to -have. : . 1 a %p.st' c^ceai.J^ea LUisaSter ' ' includes . ? ' ? " Eight aboard ? Battleship Wyoming:. Twehty-three aboar d Steamship Berlin. ... . Fifty-four aboard Tanker insriam. One ' hundred.' and twenty -three aboard Steamship American Shipper. Tonight there flashed througft the United press.; from the Berlin the first' eye.-witness story from the Ves tris. An Eternal Nirht riii'-; Radio c Sciv.i.?h. of : ??? Berlin. ? --nt ;rjy)ttic and .traffic dispatch r the tale told to him hy Henry SchUItz. a :.hird-clb?s passen ger nn the Vestris. All' the way from New York ther" had been a list to starboard Ai 8:00 a . m. Monday women and children were ordered upon deck. At 9:00 everyone - vnit on , lifebelts. Shortly after 1:00 p. m, the lowering of the lifeboat* was started. Three oortwde boat* . laden wit h women and c hildivn still were in their davits and some people -including Sch til tz -were on d-v-k "smU wWfi Eh* VMCis turned over on its' starboard side and sank at once ScrnblinJT in the' c. old water. Schult/. r nd others made for the nearest boate. Some Reached thepv An emptv life boat. No. 13. into which SChtitte and ?tw.~> other climbed, subsequently res rued 19 more persons. Lifeboat No. 13. like the others, passed an eternal night JaVimed In to the little crnft pn*s?>Wrs and (ttr* 7ook nirrPi l>?nin? The* tould w Ui* ?WirchlJtftW o l the^res ' and-' t _ ships at We Thoujrht it a Mistake *e read th? of H?n? <fe Burns and saw the ment. "*? to *fi5 Carried Over Btyte* ?. t. .??>??? tt qufry found the*- \ they sold, in 1 tn tiieir true to tl and art- 6dt one of th??* who sacrlflc** ever* thine to style, now Ik your opportunity If we wen look ing fOT a coM or drewt we let the (!ooi noe ot The Show from Cr*te TAfitf. his ? i mm iLt?

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