ONLY 27 SHOPPING DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS. SELL YOUR TOBACCO IN ROXBORO AND DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING HERE afe\?=r Welcome New Corners. -> ojir-o* A Good Town To Live In. J. W. NOELL. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. HOME FIRST, ABROAD NEXT $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. VOL. XLV. \ ROXBORO. NORTH CAROLINA. WEDNESDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 21. 1928 THE ANNUAL RED CROSS ROLL CALL HAS LOCAL APPEAL The Parent-Teacher Association Will Undertake The Call For Roxboro PART KJR DENTAL CLINIC This the season when the .an nual roll rail, .or membership call, is ? made for the American Red Cross. So c*ty: The Red Cross organization is the: American Mother, of Mercy and Relief for the: distressed and needy In the time of every sreat disaster or time of suffering. There are likewise l^cal ministrations. Recently Miss Elise Mul liken, field representative of. the American * Red Cross Society, spent a day in Roxboro in the interest of '.the iocai Red -Cross chapter; and Qftany sendee that the; conization may render, to this com-, nunity . A P -oposal was made for . c o - < Deration and financial help irr ccn ducting feme dental clinic service through our fiity schools. This" Is cer tainly a much needed 'service.- and one" that wouid mark a step "of decided : rouri- in ;he health .urogram. . of cur school system, No school or ,'ysT : tem. of schools today .stands whpr^ it boiild : ? healt h, j iupation measure.% ?aw neglected Th" dental r.Hnic. procedure would *? -about as; follows First, some local rVhtisf would be secured ' ta. go -into' "J1 :-hool and examine the teeth of ajl . * h* children* in ? lie . primary ijriwles '1-3 ? .?>s a .beginning 'in this service . The dentist would make a record of ' r.jlv attention 'hat a ? child's might need and the child's oarents tvfcnld be notified that the pupil need ed dental attention. It waUid then, be . s ?matter for the parent to " decide as ta wha*. dentist should do .the. work . 7 7i .rtie' ease. 1 of children whose par - ' r'lVU' ,'w?re hot ..blc to pay for th* ?<vork orj-angement^ would bj made" Tor wurli. children in Ret attention .^hteh. would, be- paid for by funds Tiiade tvaiiahle f f'om t h? Red .Cross Treasury . Cases of thjs'.kind are us '? i:?W. -\harc.d ? =rv -small- ?? amount,' dental- .!j?3teriaisr--*n?* ;.r-:'n ;:fr y ^ "it re Utfuali} paid - ?)' ; ibttnstis ? >"? ? Red Cross hi nd : ?' 'o;r ncE&ilv a local dentist _ v iP: :* fie; f.s nr. -nations in a school ? irhont- < ha v?in^ 'for his 'time.- He-does ? r i *>t ro ' 5 c ! t ? biisijie^s ? f of h irh a 'efff - -h e ? nl-. ."inc.s 'h' ? '?<?1-; thy : .-need a.:"' t;?nti'oli*;_j?nd mak v n record' ,of. what ?>;* fin^s. , ' ? - I;i thy Pfd Cftll- th'e. an ? ?? rtribution i- Sl.OO! ? btit nia.v ; tr.h ? ? contribute two do!' ?*rs - . w. n-s-'^i.b'T-h;: ? OnTJjf' -iifiv. ty\s> ? .of" each membership Me poe- : ,i?*-?nal organization ;hf bain'i " . t-h*.- contribution '-bating ' **eci f cr' kc&l- p^nV>5es.. It is with-fbii V\rcte.1- c arN" jij>l^ahng ?or. a r . ? ??? nt sinH n '-.onerous ? v1i?v ;>r R-.ll is made "vHhip. t-k .( " ten days\ By . 1 ? 1 ? i r'Frr ? e ui^v ? - pubHr :f;r tifr P'-iptlft n S. S. CJ*m Give "'"rem i.*vrA "the Y'?sn* .? 'iindav futtool <Cte?? of' the Bethel. Hill Baotist church ?have. ? tnvttod ill* ."iini -Indie* *1 thi." ? hutch "> b-> their Mie*?* sit n i?aun: : Yin; r-n i' i' r 11 it. '? ? A IV." :i Wr of dews arc to b? brouaht. but ill r*ac tn<> damp Irh't so plentiful rr fO'-htTient? ?? t!l be to keep the ? Pints from Injfijtn'i fO> much. The piriy will foe 'well rhaperonsd The i>n*U>r i txpec'ed to to? on hand, . while a numbfr r>f thtf **ldw rriem ??rs rt'itli their ?1w> have trlvcn no iite that- they -.vovld be oh hartd. Notice! " 1 how U'ltfJ en lin iiowr iliuMi |jle?.w r-rmr to t*?? mimical program Wilt ii' ? Ml. Tlrwtli Hie li Piehesl ? When" Fri?l?y c?enln?. Nov 33. at 7 30 o'clock ? Some of the bent musicians In Dur ham and in Person Coupty will per lornn Admission 20c and 3Sc. NOTICE! Jim Ion* of the Pine Knot! swUon ?f Person County nvenutcd *57 40 for fit* entire load trom iwund. up lant T?rtd*v Come to nee me at Banner! Warehouse. Danrtlle. Va. j GEO. K. HARRIS. The Outgoing anJ^lncoming Presidents Calvin Coolidge is to give up the reigns of office to Herbert Hoover, who it* is believed will closely adhere to the policies tormuiated by his prede cessor. Both men are more given to action than to words, and have marked business and executive ability. : Calvin Coolidge has been nominated for many offices, never suffering a defeat, but Herbert Hoover has not engassd in politics before. The many important offices he has heretofore held have been apointive offices. VARIED PROBLEMS TO FACE MR. COOLIDGE Snow Falls In Aslieville ? And Wester p Section ? ? r "7 Ashevitle, Nov. " 20.-? ^V'Lsps of snow: were still. curling down along; Asheville streets ? tonight at 8 o'clock a-s the mercury gradually j dropped lower, bat no. heavy snow was reported from Western ! North Carolina and mountain lo-: taUties. i Apparently ihere had been but little snow during the day ori cither Mount Mjitchell or Mount PLsgah. The mercury was. stand- : ing* ait 32 degrees- at 8 o'clock to night and T- R. Taylor, weather bureau official, said that it ?ni'Tht go as low a 3 27 or 28. during the night. . I.o>vtr temperatures were expected in the event 1 the skie* cleared but. at 8 o'clock they were , overcast. amiii SMS FRIDAY NiGHT PIONEER WAREHOUSE The Roxboro White Fi'.wh"* Mil Challenge Hyisboro High School (iirls Frlrifcy High?. Nov. ~:W n. m?. ' ifi rh> Pioneer warehouse the "Whit:' [Flash" ''?'irl.s will start tlv? fiCasqjl Off with a big game when HUlr.tioro rimes4 *o Roxboro. to play our girls. Tlilis '*? r? >?-?** ? already , dejU^tetL-J^hai pel. FfH. Orphanage and Siler pitv. According That, they" mint ? - * . .v.rom n\. You . -want ,to.-.\ ?:.l>:nit-our team doh-t you? Tiv? Iwfo way" is 16 -bus frrvrJay -n&ht 1 ?nd -vva rood ira'nte of clean fcaake*, i !.vi! ' . want to -a v though thaf j r hiw tour tiff* f? C'?vnfVv. r*?v OHvor. M?.rv Woptfv ivni ?: h"--' 'i'iv Tb? old F'inrds are ?? ' T-'1 ' There j ?? ?. j. -w pi iv^rs ' ir ttfc ' ?',' >?*? .'Tome of th^r.i I-T^th^in^ siMia Nicks. omip fltttd-h-v ? - J \Tfo Oentrv. Tji ' mi t Clara Mili*. BtMiift* Jerri**. Mar:rtrn? Johes Flizatorh Ful f>i*. hit otlvnra Irvine out bi?i. ' t 'tiie Orient we have r>?> re.'"} $Ufi*. You c.'tti not- t*IT. ' 'k ? !ll ho ' ? ? ? ? them Of not We are *cfw>duiin? som?i fc->a?>v* like Sn^PhftAjd. ijepde'^' n. W!t o*r Oxford. Durham. Sllor Cltv, Oak HOl R^lct^h O^chonaT'* nnd et,hcr';. W<* r^Mole to stick to rsjfc boi'r and Ctrl' thin year1. Yo.j did ' ? If thT" K*n person Jirlnr : fJojcb>r/? Hi a' >:v ? f.'ftl J/; h * 'V e will Ift VOh '? ou/" (jr<! . ? ' Friday uirht. general adfrtssion though is jo and 4*c. We iutt want to say oft* pAmes will ; ?<>rt r-n Ump thl* y^ar 'Hi^ partie "rr*TT! tr?* ? iistfl?ad fi utav - n'.uht - trt HO, I We mtwt rtiwi o*i Virrie so you will not , 'Ic'lJE jlj. U%11. ? B B. KNIGHT Musical Prosrnm 'rhf.IT will be n musical ivoftram i.iu',. it. ;i m.'mp i 'f niini'lil' >.ni.? *t th* I^utourfi HJrh School. Frlrtiv \yv. Tl, At .v?v(*n o'clock. Admiuton 1.1 *n<l 25 c?nU Cotuai planted nft^r Mirntiw un<l*r * rrrrp of ?rtcH ?nA 141S pounds ' of iw*d cotton per ncrr. re r-.e .iry (vi^n ot County. Old And New Issues To lie iH'uil ? With In To Congress tJOr'LDER DAlil.ONE ISSpE . ? ' ? Washington. Nbv; 29!? -A number of old anil some new problems are be fore President Codiidge as the time approaches for him to send his~vsixth and last annual message to Coheiress The President's final communication of this character will be &ad or! Capitol Hill two '.weeks from today, cind ; the prospects are thet he will have completed well in advance of his de parture ?from Washington a week Tor a Thanksgiving vacation in Vircinia. He already has the material before him upon which he may base hte re commendations for legislation respect- ' ing Bonidev ' Canyon Dam. a project which figured to some extent in the Presidential . campaign over . which there .has been'- a great . deal of' rtis cu?si-n tfvring afonost all of the CodUtige - d ministration. (Confidential Report The- President has receiver! a confix dentia! vaport- . from the commission appointed by* the interior .department to . inspept the engineering icasibilitv ' of J-be proposal for a huge darti in the. Colorado river. It; is probable t hat he will ' use the' facts which the commis- , sion has developed to form his own r-c!<Tmer.t. The report will not b" mad? *bv Mr Coolidge Mnce tf was riven h?n r.nlv as a convenience reler ence cymajnmg-.the latest information cn the project . The whole document probably- v-ill be. laid before .Cons'r es, when i'. convents lor its 'short session December 3. Indications ate that .another old stand^n*: problem - farm ref&X \wl! be with in the 'message in .r'?o new . ; : ? f .Ilr lii'i'. ?M ? rrt ? C --r/inued jQ?, 'srii . Ti' ? ? B Gh&r sil v/il Bible 5>ch-,l, i( bur jl. ?'??! P'rear-hui^r. ) \ ? ilrha: IPV':"- ni:? I IV. V. .P V'-i ,0:l!Vjs. .-'Miss. .Mafe'V [Safes', OlrecKr. "V.'r-:^r> i e.usier Ulan nbt<ttene*. [P.t en Aije fv?y to ijdVv? the prfet ' tfisW 'to otwy 'M? prophet." ?A M riirbalrn. A ccf<!.s! uwlcoro? U ?<fnd?rt ?<? all W. P. WJJjSTl f\> ? Pr isbyteriat* Church ?Sutufav Hrhiwl at 9:49 a m.. H. h. Croweil. supt, Mo riling service at II f? ?ri.. j- ?rmoh by the Pastor. Funiay School at Mitch?il Chap*.' aV 2 -v> m.- ^wachimt at. Bushy Pork We ire .studying the Book of Times at the Wednesday night prayer Venice. We wish more of our " mem bers would come out and study- with us. -?voia- one u<?icom& at avory iiirtr foft. ? CABV ADAMS. Pastor/ A Successful Agency Mr. Tfyfttg CBriint. one of the mort Reserving young men in this ttoOd County, has secured a magu&fte taaXMtv nrt u in nmiUnn I n hanrtif subscriptions for any1 ?and all. maga - zines. He y. ill take your subscription, gtflnfc you the same rate you would have*to,pay if- you sent the subscript" I tion direct, and will look after all de tail* for ynu. Just, arrite him at Tun I bcrlake. N. C.. and hi wtll quote you j price on any magazine you may want HOOVER EMBARKS UPON HIS MISSION TO LATIN AMERICA President-Elect And Party Sail From San Pedro On The Battleship Maryland NICARAGUA IS FIRST STOP ; Aboard The U. S; Maryland, at Sea. ? Nov. lfcr-With every honor, except that of the Presidential flag. Herbert Hoover today left United States soil on a mission cf friendship find under standing to the Sister republics of , the Western Hemisphere. The battle- - ship, which is to be his headquar ters until the trans- Andean . journey trom Cihile.. .steamed steadily south- . ward tonight through the .calm Pa cific. The Hoover party was cheered from its arrival or. a special train at San. Pedro . to the dock where it boarded the barge of Admiral William V . Pratt, commander-in-chief of the. .United -States battle .'fleet. They were carried ? two miles across the harbor to the ; waiting.; Maryland un der escorts of Navy launches filled with cheering officers in full dress. , ?Rear Admiral LOUIS ? M ? N'uHJui1. commander' of the Battleship Divis ion. Rear Admiral William C. Cole, and other, high rankins Naval offi cers ? stood at the gangplank to re ceive the Prudent-elect while the guns of the Maryland and of nine other battleships boomed, out a. salute of 21 guns. Tormal Welcome The men of tiie Maryland lined the deck at attention and a full guard salute while Mr. Hoover passed. The band gave four ruffles and a flourish and a botswain piped him over the side. As soon as the guests which had been escorted to- the suites Which . had beep nrade ready for them. Cap tain Victor A. Kimberly ordered the battleship to get under way. Mr. and Mrs. Hoover stood on the r uartcrdeck with' Ambassador Henry P. Fletcher as the ship ; moved away from its anchorage at 11:08 a. m. They watched with interest the escort of ' Naval; planes overhead and the sHm destroyers which cut through ; the vo'er aiar?<r?i4e^ ; Then Mr. Hoover mounted the. bridge and sto'cc! beside ? cifi tit afti . feimbcrly t o watch the bper- " a ticn of <he >-Teat\b.;ittieshrj ? Six (i^t-royers of .the- 32nd Pi vision . pnmiri:??d ns> fetfriorary companion5 of .Mary 'and until neatlv off San WRh a!l farewell* then r> cedin-.: in th.? *he Mary-land "ok up its course for Corinto. Nic aragua.. ' . ' , . ? . f clation Championship Ftoxbwn ?tntdrfi the ? eoniolatlon chawptoriKfiip .football race !a"rt nitrht > v- n M> ? :n'- ?? ' '.nd T'-fror v ??nt ? to the rneeUn" in Raleteh lor that ".tirpcse. ':.! i1'- ;'V' IMHV ' Uir ' " ^ ? ". (!?>" from th'? East. Ttte* Wh:: Avdrn Duhn ;>hd T,r>*; ot*i. u-iil '? 'o-' n?r ?<":" tfi<"-0?n?i and ' Ay<t<n Viro^ - Wb.ltMf'Jr " *!:? ? - f>>a.v. in th A ij.'a'j.'i.t':! cit> '.v?Jl ,b? .-Vcn_ -Utt 1 r ' vtj* ? i-s'. f:np charier ? * : ' i !?r?~ ?' >wn a nop'! Svrrv 6ot!; I'lave^ suir . ia" in Ht# ?r.-. ? - We MS '-tUi OKaiiwI Hill tK!s Fri-. f'ST ' T":ia". '??111 - TV to k-'Cb p.. in ?>ii-i f?r Vn? flnal parties in' the nice.. The school 'vnnt5 to ,tlian'< the pho nic '( P?h to .fur- thwr, kindiew. rlwwn. tn? team. Th?v have Biv?n ?h^lr car* t'T tri pr and <il?0 supports the tram. Thanla. B 3. KNIGHT P'.inft:!! Accid<r->v Mr. Walter 'VKriant rpprletor ??f ' undar.l *"virr <?' :?Uon ? ?? ir -:vi r <?' Ml! ? ? J . T ? ? ' ' ? ? ? in i - ful burn on hi* face Saturday loom ing -Alien he ramc in clone contact ?with n Roman cannon In the hand.* ' i n yourrc fnllou- with whom lie -van . ta<?tnt a friendly sham battle The burn is clos" to one of his eyes and at one time J'- was . f eared Uiai he would lege it bill npop examination atu4 treatment by l.ii phvalcian it is hoped that he mill not lose the slfht of his eye Notice! Only a few days left to pay "your " 1921 Town Tax All property will be stflrert ised nnd sold- if this tax r not paid before Dec. lit. Town Tax collector . . ? ? - /. r . ! '"a1 ton of nettnlw-' fc* 'worth XbWf' ' hoti'and dollars. . ? " To Take Al's Place Franklin D. Roosevelt, elected Gov ernor ot New York State, on a Demo cratic ticket, is now being boomed in certain quarters, us a 1?32 presidbft-Ua! candidate. . Neero Bootblack, To Die In Chair, Hopes Angels Good Tippers Chicago. -Jfov; 20.~If .there is a pticf in Heaven for a Negro boot black who soon will -die in the ? e'eetric chair for rommittlng a murder. Dave Shanks hope*, the angels rive liberal tips when he - th'no*. IhAir shftx. v. Shanks, illiterate \>gn, who Mept soundly through much -of the testimony, during his trial and who received the jurVV Verdict without emotion, joked about hte, fate today. "You know. I've heard that all God's Chilian's got shoes." the Negro said. "If all of- (hem give tif>s. I will be treated , better than I have been done down here on earth." ?Shanks was a bootblack in Evan ?? ston. where last summer he at tacked and beat to cleath with an iron pipe Miss 4?nnie Meta Con stance. teacher in- litprature at Bradlev College. Peoria, 111. The young woman was taking a post graduate course . at Northwestern I'lilversitv. DE HUE'S BIG FLIM "THE KING OF KINGS" WILL BE SHOWN HERE Famous Screen Version Of Life Of jo fie On View " At Palace Theatre In. response ' to max# .requests. tvenn their patrons. M&na$er? Kirby Bros . ojf the Palace Theatre lias booked C-eni B. ID* Mills's ?roductic^ I'h-? Kin? c;f fCinss." :->?? a three days' 'bow ing beginning on Monday next, This is the picture that was presented to Cflwdecl p.udicnce* for' m montha at th- Gaiety .Theatre. Nex York. 'V t nlo; "d excee d-iiss I : - ;?rpcii4&ful rum- ui Chicago. Boston . Phliadelphfo^ I Angela. And m'anv oiher cj'tie* in this country and ubroad . . Prai-ed P.y JrV ftSkme this wojiderfiil. su>rv of. ? ffi. '?> Nhlfc A ar-' -'r- \v ? exert rhdfe vexi*re i&ftfl, his ' -"-Th-? Tcttv Coifi .arVcJ th:? ? wr.ialls rV.ahy'. Tl; ? ni: ? v:< j/r?. ? > ? Ov re vie w t."- :n n II the m*t#opojfctait ' centers in r pi\$: hifi ".tfort proved success f r ?.??;' ?^o>oyed all hi*, owh personal v i' i ;d . '-he new ahi V e ? ill ] If -vn r aJdeti m, -yprk by ropr-'.on:atives t rrtAfiy faiths arid research scholars, of /authority. Mi*?r Jeanle Macpherjfon th* ^unarisl. is sftid to have wrought; ' more constructed story than that' "at "Thft Ten Commandments." FatWlUs In Cast ' i ?: ?, production are rlucb favorites os II i' Warper .fsctpwliri." I-ogan. Bu 1olch and^Joseph Schlldkraut. Victor Varconi.- William Boyd. Montagu x&xr. OforK" Slptnnan-t. Tbeodorr- KoslofT .'tfli.i Fay<\ Robert Kdpyon. Sam rn Orafse. In fact the cast of princi pals js a router of eminent names in pictures Approximately M.SOO.OOO it raid to have beeu pxpended on the ?hc cherished characters of thi New TmlAmrnl narrative, sa th* hundred (treat sets faithfully realize the scenes in the life of Jesus The picture was shown with ex traordinary success in this country and abroad and It won the commen ''ntlon of press and public alike Its B<snty"ftaa"CK?mo evoked the general praise This picture comes to The Palace Theatre Monday. Tue?dav and Wed nesday. November 2?Lh 27th. 28Ui, with Matln<w Performanoes Dally 3:00 p:'w. nwiuwrm T-?fc*-eo t? m ? LOCAL TOBACCO MARKET COMING INTO HER OWN ? ? t *n l-ast Week Was The Best Week, ISoth In Quantity And ^?he Prices Paid SOLD NEARLY 500,000 LBS. It. sure did look good to ;see so many farmers in town last week, and in almost every instance they reported satisfactory sales, Ofr course. a3 noted editorially, there was sontt? dissatisfaction one day, but we be lieve that was more imaginary than otherwise, for on Monday all siud prices were good and. scarcely a ' tag tucked. The' sales for last week were, 482.750 pounds. which brought the sum of $.122,915.59. making the splendid aver age: of $25.42. Now. when the mar ket makes an average of nearly t wen - ty-ftve cents, with all of the common tobacco there is in this crop. e?wry farmer will admit that it is a good price. . i _ You will get just as much as else where for any grade; but if you have any ' good tobacco, : handle it well and ==s4n- ? ? -n > and you will be ? ? c* lishted at . the high . average von Will, make: Helena High School To Give Program The pupils of Helena . High School will give their first program of the vear Friday night. . Nov. 23. at 7:30 o'clock. The entire school will be re presented in this program as is the custom for . this annual proerram. The primary grades will present Mother Goosi1 at her best The grammar _ trades will furnish the iljusic. L#ast, but. not l^ast, the high, school will nfesent "The First Day of School." . "The Rubbles Family." in the midst ot trouble and- "Tb? 3oo*tef Club of ? " i. ? Thi'- nr^:ram will te.rtaiii voir from - tife b>e'mning to> the . ? Yiju ? :J1 all classes' of peo . v :e, .from' ?he most sedate teacher ta . ' : ' v " - ? .i ?_ ? *' Cojne -;anrJ l^rim \<yu'v friends-;. &A Edg?.r *..or?.r? Memorial . TV oneert. .class fn?rr the Metho dist' Orphanage. Ralcte'h. will render a pitosram in this church next Sun d is!im:n? .at th? U 'o'clodt liour. rlio c'a S'so cKpecte.l to sin* at the Stind;^- 'chool service, .'ust be fore . t !;<-? -cl.uffl .renders tt? .pronxam' tli" Pa'stor will install the new board Sunday School. at 9:45. and preach - th? Pastor at, "? 30. We are Immensely pleased with the Hlendance list Sunday, both morn ini nnd cv?nln-T. and it Is hoped that u'l who can will attend the regular services dutlng t]ie new conference year. ' ? : . Tlrert v;J0 b ? a Thanksytvinn rrrrtce Si fl) ??'clock. Nov: ,23th. r wis siad' Kfbftn ttitv said i?t us '#o 'to flie house of the Lord?. T. "A. SIKKS. Pastor. F "? vorrt* ? Will "1??!" Theatre Tickets Tiv Eoworth League of Ion? Stem r.rial Methodist church will have shares o! the of titfkets for the j m\v fin Thundav m^ht. November 22nd ? 'ilcttr ?? wilt b? t-Yeekieti, b\' Qeno Strattor: Porter Between sh ows ' 1 will be ' musical pro ttrntr. bv the Tropical Va?ab?nds, consisting rf amslc tn suit every taut. Th-> accompanist for thW ttouj)" Miss Mat her (nr Hatched . on; <f..o>Vr Roxboro pir'.s and we hope every one will conv- ? but be ' ire o buy your ticket frtjm w>me Tr,emt>" ?' the Leamie.. The price I* 50c for adults and 29c for children. ? RED CROSS Do we believe in Peace? It doean't 1-iok like It In our Red Prow mem 1 b?rshlp l?ast years enrollment in the County -was- lurt 1-3 of the war time enrollment. The Red Croaa has a t'eace Trogram that r i-pawA<< IW war wort many times. They helped tn the III. Florida. PorUi Rico and Mls : slAflppI dlsaaters more people than during any year of the wmr. Let ewry one Join this vear nnd five r<? the trreat need of ? the suffering of ! the world P. CART ADAMS Chairman. stock beet* are yleldlm well and are relished by dairy cow* In Bwrrr i county. find thoae farmers who Ktrw (the b*r+* ?**-?- demonalmtioo tfcl? r" 7

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