We Welcome New Comers. ftoxboro Courier Good Town To Live In. J. W. NOELL EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. HOME FIRST. ABROAD NEXT $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. VOL. XLV ?C ROXBORO. NORTH CAROLINA. WEDNESDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 28. 1928. NO. 48. Flying Achievements Of Wright Brothers At First Created Only Disbelief Bat In Five Years They Con vinced World That Flying Was An Actuality FIRST FLIGHT 23 YEARS A<*oj Now the Twenty -fifth birthday of :lying is at hand and scientists and teachers everywhere are reviewing the astounding progress of aviation in the quarter century since its birth. Thie Wright Brer hers conquered the air on December 17. 1903. They could not, however, conquer public opinion for spine time nftr.r that. . The story . vl their air-exploit was' regarded as wildcat stuff even by intelligent edi tors? and. scientists. .These young bicycle makers, of pay ion became Interested in the idea r.i . :j\rplahe after studying the life of iiltenthal, who had made several at tempts 10 fly. The- ? brother* months and months developing their first plane, and finally on December ; v7. 1903. OrviUe Wright new 120 feet n 12 seconds at Kitty Hawk! North, '."r-rolina the birthplace of modern. ? xnrmtfcm- ? It. lOnn thj Wrir*" Prvh" Dade publtc . demonstrations which ronvinced even the most skeptical thatj flying was ah accomplished attain - ?nent of mart. ( Just think of the urorrress of the iarnlane since OrVille Wright's "rc.-r . ^lirf)fV1 ? in llns nry-j ' UX'r sections of. Nortfv Carolina will gr^t:. to learn (11; rlrath which' qc ' ;r.rcrt Saturday. ?WfoniUcn' i-illd;, tt~ v.w home t -nr Jfill . Jlr." *-=&rterneiii RSir-'-b?pn-*-m ? nsnnwr" health ffcr 'several .montlis and his' 'ieath wM no itrprlsc to those ;n ??low attendance! He practised hts : ?profession lnr' vec(il years in Rox toro and hi ; congenial spirit and "tnm* persaiinJltv won for him manv ' nrnti. iieie He leaves a wife and '.ne son and n hos* of other relatives ' -tkI fri'jjr'- T iir.^ral services were enftdueted from Prospect Hill Prlmi ve Baptist . church, of, which he W a member and interment followed -i the family cemetery Sunday after noon attended by :i larpe crowd. , ' ? . ? ? . . 1 Mrs. Eliza Perkins Pa psso X o Reward W rs K I t/ i t an ft -Perkihs; age ? 7 1 . i? ?d last Thursday at the home o f ')?r son. Mr J, A. . Pfrtihi She .had ix+ri li? d^ciinln" - health f >r some * j!tk* prlf'i' t ? rir-ith. which w r,- raused by. heart trouble. MYr Parkins waA iTeatlv lnyed hv all r? her nei?hbnrs. }ti fact h.r all *ho kn^'v her art'} vill b" sadly" in her c.'?r?iitiiihUv. Fittieral HorvH:* wcVe conducted frrtrn l^unbet-h ^etrtrrial Flnr>!tst Church, i Rev. L. V. Op'roJns. Pastor, in chnrgs ! ol the ceremaniftf. Thanktgivmo Service** ThunlcsnivinK V-rvtv; ^nt t>? held here tomorrow morning In the nao , ? i>?t church at 7 ~n and. in th- M" IhrultRt church nt 10:00 All arc t >r t.lallv Invited t> ti;t"nd ? r ' f these ?*?H'1c.es. and to remember the orphans Masonic Club Ro-nrrn^ The ywinrer members of the Ma iwnJc tiodfre here have arranged a ehjfr room for the b-n^flt of all tnpm t>ir? of that order Thev have in stalled furniture. Including a radio set, and have everything in fine rhane for the J>or* to have a place to spend a ? jBtanl . cvrnim, J Wo^iv i^wnsorf? ham. and a regular schedule will be placed in operation Saturday rnorn inc. it was announced last rtight. The line will . supplant I he route which' is now operated between Dur ham and Danville by way of Hillsboro. The Hillsboro line will be discontin ued. Tlireu 1 roiuid trip.1, will" ixi luadu dally over the new route, it was stat ed: ,bv -Jtfe^-Hamiin lQst night.. JdvLi, fir ( bus will leave at' 8 o'clock in the ! i^ :rni?m. arriving jn Danville at 10:30 o'clock- The second and third cars will lfave at 2 o'clock and 5 o'clock- in the afternoon. The first bus leaves Danville at. 0 o^clock in the morning and the second and third cars at 1 ttn-1 n o'clock respectively in the ? afternoon. Tlie trip c&cli way is 75, miles and the time two hours/and. a ! fog&v; v-;,: -r . fl P-ob!'" Mrp.t:"7 Of The Jr. O. U. A. M. Thnrc will bn h~lri - public ineet :n: of the Jr. O. U*A M. in the court' hm?se auditorium at Roxboro, N. C., Dor. 6th. at 7:30 p. m. This meeting will be held under the. auspices, of Roxbsiro and .Talons councils nf tho .?:? Order. All Juniors a r-> expected t o brintt their famih< a The, entire | public/ 17 cordially invited. Our f-'tate Councilor, I"). \V.- BorrMl of Durham. N. C . will b> the main ; speaker of the evening. Other prom- \ in?ntt- tpeft^ers of the <*>rdrr will be ptrc' nC. Band fnuilc will b? fu-nishcri. | by J at one* Council. Solos arid mar- ( teMes v i)V b'v ffivrn by Itoxboro Coup- i ? rU. D-Vn't. forget the tinio and date ? Thursday, Dec. 6th, at 7 30 p. in. S. F Nicks. Dto. ix p A Correction T n nut Ult Ifffllc Mr. Hueh Woods had a small notion offering ft i;ood fnrni for tfnlp, ?t lean that is ihcj uv -he advertisement nnpeat 'd The mistake nai mode In this office and-1 f nh"it'd hive r"?d "Parm Por rent." Mf. Wood* saVt he had no idea so many people wanted to buy a farm. M* v hf he want~d Wtt a (rood man to rr>it lit* farm, as h= did _uot carr to eell The corrected notice uppear* In another column, but It is |u*t mother sui* indication that It "pavs 1 ? nd*efU"> " If vou doubt it. and l ave simethtm you would lllce to sell i try OUT' "Wnrit Column." ffijnTers Nr>r;r^ * There will be an extra force of de puty wardens In the field Thanta clvlnj rtav to *ee that the came lav* are enforced. Have your ltcenv, do not kill any blrdi or turkeys. All game law* arc In Dec. lift. ? Erfpl T) Morton. County Warden . Fred Nlblo'K Production T'JT? o-FRfOTTS I.ADY- with Orefna oabro and Conrad Naeel plavln* Pa'aco Theatre Monday Ar. "hi?fd^ flee. 3-4th Matinee Monday 1:00 p, M. Broadcasts Farm News FARMERS m GET ION HOUR NEWS ket. Weather and (ieneral Agricultural News 5 DAYS A WEEK PROGRAM Secretary W. M. Jardine is an ad- | vocate of the use of radio for the dis semination of information. The De partment of Agriculture, which he heads, cooperates with more than 200 stations in scndir^ ? market and general agricultural information through the air. "We have G.OOO.OOO fanns in this country." says Jardine* "in tha rpevn operated independently- There is no board of directors to act for them. Our problem is to get facts to these 0.000,000 as quickly as possible. Fov this, radio affords invaluable service." There is now a special 5-day-a week noon hour broadcast for farmers, occupying three-fourths of an hour each day. The ftrst third of the time the program comes from Montgomery. Ward-and Company in Chicago. Then the scene shifts to' Washington, where t he National iirwui cutting ? Cujiipain 'sends from its studio |Lh? latest infor mation,. rryrrr'- "t-* , fiiippHftfl- Vr Df partmeht of Apiculture. Back again ta_Chicaso i.>r thn 1 1 vr third This three-quarter hour program for farmers is replete witll valuable farm information plus rntertai]^ont features. 'The 14 radio stations co operating in this noon hour program are KDKA. KYW, WCCO. WOC, WHO. WOW. WDAF, KWK. KVOO. WOAI. WHAS. WSM. W8B. KOA Roxboro Wins Fast Game From Hillsboro In another rough and .tumble af fair oh the local court the "White Flasher," barely nosed out Hillsboro's fast-stepping sextet bv a two-point parein.- The final cotint being 24 to 32 1# .favor of the locals. ^ . At *the sound of the first whistle th? victors s'jni into the lead by fa t.hr.'c-ppint margin. In the second onartrr Roxbnro can^e back to tal^e on the '-on^ end cf the cimnt. Hillsboro' came dpi and tied .the l4 all. j (ityn*. r i a .;maM' lead over 1 lift visitors Roxboro succeeded in hoktir. r her own during the4* remain der r* the content. If v/tis a thrill ing 'fftme f yr*TT\ the v-tv start. A ? r SQd fans were on hand to cheer the "flashes" on to victory. Edgar Lonsr Memorial TUrr^ will be a Thanksgiving, ser- j vice held in this church at 10 o'clock Thurciay morning. The public is cordially invited to attend Rev J. C Wooten. Presiding Elder, will pleach Sunday morning and hold the first quarterly conference. All cth*r .services will be held at the regular hours. Victors and strangers ye always at all ? services. 'BKss the I."?rd. O my oul, and forget not all His benefit*." ? T A. SIKES, Pastor Only 21 More Shopping Days Until Christmas ROXBORO MARKET SOLD HALF MILLION POUNDS LAST WEEK ?' . . ? . ? j Average For The Week Was j $21.31 For Everything On The Floor. ? ? ? f TOTAL SALES 3,151, ?90 LBS.! . Everything wa* lively around the warehouses and on the streets of Roxboro last week, and the farmers were generally well, pleased with their sales. The sales for the week amount ed to 506.506 pounds, and made an average' bf $24 31 for everything on the floors. This; when It Is remem bered the large amount of very poor stuff which is being marketed is really a good price, and the farmers realize' 'it fully. The total sales f pr the market UP i to the close of business on last Fri day were 3.151.290 pounds! but from appearances most Of the tobacco will be .soid by the closing of the market "for the Christmas holidays, and the . market Will not sell as much as it did last year. The crop is short and ! will be spld earlier- this year than usual.. - On account of Thanksgiving Day the market win nose wTTH wecinpsaay s sale and -will not open until Mondav. December 3rd THE DEATH OF WILLIAM HUGHES Found Dead In Red Monday, Death Being The* Result Of Heart Attack Mr. William Henry Hughes, age 53; was found dead in his bed early Monday morning. A physician was summoned Immediately, who pro nounced heart trouble as the causa ? of his rlrntih ? ? MfV.Ttughes was a merchant, doing * -i -nipp hnaen. and one half sister. Mrs. J. M. Pass, a-.l of Roxbbro. and one brother, Mr. J, T. :n ?? r l Greensboro, ? FunetTil services were conducted from Burch wood cemetery yesterday afternoon, conducted by Rev. J B. Currln. Even The Work Shop We had an occasion Friday to want to speak with Mr. H. I.. Crowell. manager of the- Crowell A u to Com unriv, and when we applied at th? ofUce we were told that we. would lind him bick in the f-hop. Now. every une pisRina In front of this plac? remarks on h'pw neat overyth.nt )s kept bnl like ;> 1 1 oth-r garapes we have ?ver b?en In. the "back" we I "xoeeted to find toll-in* another storv Iirattlni- our surprise wh?n we found , int. rfhop ln'ikini Itust about as nent, nnd e?rtalnlv a? crrterly as the front, i Cnndldlv. we would suaitest to every carate In this section that thev vWt i the Crowell garage and see Just h1w clean a plaee cart be kept. Mr. Crowell ha* Just Installed a ? svstem, and it Is truly a system, where everything Is kept til Its I place. iind evervthln" has a place, and i ' Is wonderful how neat, rloan an-* inviting It is. If a eara*e shop, with all' of Its irrensn and dirt. ' can b made attractive, why do not all of ; us make our place* Invltlnn ' Oxford Sinning Class It Is with pleasure we announoe the c-mln of th" Oxford Sln?lnind make them free? The-* a'" prosperity . and vital wealth . , Henry Van Dyke. A cardial welcome 1* extended to all. BASKETBALL Roxboro plays r*obb Memorial and Oak Hill h?re Wednesday night at 7 o'clock. There will be three cames. Roxboro made a good start Friday nloht d?f?atlng Hlllsboro. Mary Woods-. Man Gentry, _ Foj oiiverj T>-rothv Wlnstead put up a wondgr ful game. Roxboro u proud of its tlrls team. The fast (rame ended H to 22 in favor of the White Flash team. The boys and girls will play this Wednesday nlsht. Come out and ??e Guthrie Oentry. Walker brothers, Harris. Warren, T