We ^elcome New Comers. J. W. NOELL. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER HOME FIRST, ABROAD NEXT SI.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. VOL. XLV. ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 5, 1928. NO. 49. HOME FOLKS WILL | BROADCAST OVER j RADIO AT RALEIGH Person County Entertainers Will Broadcast Over Radio Nijfht Of Dec. 12th PEOPLE^ BANK SPONSORS For tlie first time you will have * the- opportunity to listen in on home Anient oyer the radio. The Person County Entertainers will broadcast on the nieht rf Wednesday, Dec. 12th. Irom station WPTF. Raleigh. N. C . from 7 t 7:30. The following is .tha xrcurram ' First number will consist of three selections bv Allensville string band: 1 thich is composed of TMess. C. D. \ Maughter A R. Tinmen. JofT O'Briant and brother, and "S. Perkiris/ Banjo Kolo, bv A. R Tinmen. Two "vocal: solos bv Frank T, Humph ries of Tampa Fla.. noted baritcna linger. . Two bass solos by J- K. Wood. Violin .solo' bv C. D. Slaughter Piano due* by Miases Mary Rllev :>nd Xst. Scoutmaster Dunn. The meetttn ripened bv all standing and repeat !itt the Lord's praver. ffll lowed by : ilutihi tli? flag. Thr> roll *a? then called and minutes of th? rreVioiiR nwlln read Then 'lie routine of b'utlrtASS was discus'.ed ' Th > Scouts ol Troop No ?, nod sortie from Avcock went mi a hike to Hetfars Mountain ' las' Raturdav morning at 11 o'clock We had a fine Vme. The ?cout* then reported on good titrn* one In the l'. J. \V. Jaines. of Me bane; . Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bradsher of L^as bvirg: Mr. |md Mrs. John Stephens, of Leasburg- ; Mr. and Mrs.. J. M, v.r;\]u rsk. jiamche. and two :;on:;. Ft. P. Newman cf "Leasburg and John A. Newman of Danville. Va.. also' Mr; J W. Dixon, another ? son- in - Viw. oj Roxboro. and twenty-four S'rahdchildi;en. At" twelver o'clock din ner vas, .announced., arid the table was Jraried with many fine things to sat My th? hiinwr. One of the very nr>5. enable adornments on the dln ble wa. , Brook*dale Epworth League Program Program for Dee 9th. Subject: "Ho* should a Christian's Christmas b^ different?" Hymon: "O Little Town Of Beth l?hem." Scripture readings by four boys. Prayer by leader ; Story : "The Birth ? of Jesus," Mrs. R. P. Nicks Hymn SUent Night. Holy Night' Talk: How should a Christian's Christmas foe different? Hazel Brooks TmTfc- rhTl.'rtmm. Kl'>w?i Nicks. ~ Ttyinn "Ju? Ta Tlw World Benediction. Only One Change Monday was the day for the new officers to take up their duties, but In this Count v there was only one change. Mr Metorln Clayton taking up the duties of sheriff. The <>*-sherlff. Mr N. v. Brooks, will continue to collect the taxes fof 19M. Ml III1 HUM lilts ? m i ml ? fur w? terms and has- made a most excel'? record. PENITENTIARY GATES OPEN WIDE FOR REV. Jordan Completes Term For Bigamy; Goes To Join Wife In China Grove WROTE BOOK IN PRISON Raleigh. Dec. 5.? State's Prison lost one of its most colorful characters yesterday when Willis F. Jordan. sametim.es referred to as "Reverend." and commonly of late as the "marry - ;rg parson." went home to a wife in China Grove. Jordan, sent up from Charlotte , to rerve from 18 to 20 months for big^ amy. was out at. the end of 13 months as a result of earning the maximum allowance .for good behavior; Inter viewed upon leaving, Jordan declined to comment on another wife he blamed for his trouble, but he teas quite loquacious^ on other subjects. He reiterated his announcement made last week that he intended to resume preaching, and said he planr ned to take his. wife with him on an extensive tour after he had had his f?nrrvhiorranhv nnblished He took the lenghand manuscript of the book awav from the prison with him. The 61 -year-old prisoner said he had fared well; at the prison, where he was a .foreman in. the chair fac tory. and declared that the collards nntl tTtrnip grrrm that feature prison menus had agreed with him im me-tutely. V.-.-, . '*'] Death Of Mr. Murray Mr. Mark Wilson Murray. a$e 69. died at the home o f his son. Mr. S. M. Murray. Tvesday afternoon at 4 r clock Mr. Murray had baen ill lor some time, but death came as i result nf a stroke of pralysis which he suffered about a week ago. Mr. ?.|urray was a native of this County.' but for several years had mad? his home in OurhAm. About a -onth arf. hp moved bnrk to Roxbaro "He was well and favorably kfcown in .Durham where he had many friends. TTTs friend botO in Durham and this County ? will. be grieved to hear of his f^eath; Surviving -him are# three . sons, m Muri.r, r\f Roxboro fnd Robert Murray ct Durham. One daughter survives, Mrs. J. C. Estes of Durham. Funeral services will be conducted this afternoon at 2:30 at Berrys Grove Baptist church. The services will b? in charge of Rev. \V. F. West., pastor fi the Fi*"st Baptist CHi^rch of Rox biro,- assisted by Rev. c. F. Hudson of New Firm Mr. R. P. Mlchaol has bought an interest In the Clayton Drug Com pany. .and the name changed to Michael fc Clayton Drug Company. Mr! Michael is well known to the drug trade here, having been in the business for a number ql years, and ii recognized as oris of the most popular tnen.iri the business. He cor dially invites his old friends and customers to call on him in his new place, next door to George W. Thcm n? hardware store. Mam Street. Mr. (?'laytr.n established this business about r>ne year since. 'and has built up a trade highly creditable, and with the association of Mr. Michaels will doubt less Increase hi? business. Reams Ave. Completed Reams Avenue, which has been undergoing repairs for the past twelve months, has been completed, and will be open to traffic the latt?r part of th* week. The Avenue has been hard nirtaced as far as Morgan Street, the remainder having been treated with a coat of tar. This lattr part Is an experiment of the town, and If It makes good other streets will be similarly treated Birth Announcements Rav and - Mr* M. C. Ellerbe. an nounce the birth of a son, at Watts l.ositai. born November 20th. Mr& Ellerbe w*? prior to her mar I'fjM fin* P??U p?whftm Mr. and Mrs Ellerbe make their home *1 HMklntrhUn. Where Mr. KU*rW U pastor of the Roberdell charge. North Carolina conference Born, to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dennis on November 39th, a daughter Charles McOall of McDowell Coun ty has begun a regular four-year ro tation of crops on a field of 00 acres on ill* farm. ThU Is his first time to adopt a definite plan. "The Hamnpv Four" ' (Quartette) fi-iiMMsmn (i nnuiii hi r?i Theatre Thursday. December 6th (Ontr). ' 11 ' ? $78,000,000 Baby One year old .Psjtie Whitney Pay sen of New York inherits part ot S78.000.000 from the estate of $194. 338,514 gross left, by th? late Payne Whitney, her grandfather. ROXBORO-DURHAM M OVERTURNS Durham Resident Receives Injuries, While Driver Es capes X "iiinjuied S. J. Wilson, resident o! Durham. Is confined in a local hospital suffer ing with bruises and other minor in juries as a result of being shaken up when lllf Pfivtwr/?.nnrtviim hug nv.-r turned on hishwav number 13 near Sommerset Mills Monday about 9:45 A. M. In an effort to pass another car, which was headed in the same ilireetjon as the bus It was over turned. badly wrecking the. bus and injuring Wilson as above stated. A. J. Vinson, driver of the bus escaped uninjured. ' The bus contained only the driver and Wilson and was mak ing its regular schedule. Edgar Long Memorial This Church, always holds out the hand o: welcome to stranger? and visitors in our city. It - you love fc'ooa music, and a cordial Rrectiri: attend the services here each ~ Saturday of this week the Tadies will hold then annual bazaar Trom ll o'clock on during the clay. A good dinner will be served and many use fill articles will be on display. Every body is invited. The regular services will be held Sunday Sunday School 9:45; preach ing 'at 11 end 7:30; Epwort,h League G:45. Sunday alternoeri the every mem ber canvass for the 1929 budget wll! take place between 3 and 5 o'clock and every member is expected to re spond. T. A. SIKES. Pastor ? ? < ? ,i - The Peoples Bank Buys County Notes Last week the County advertised fot* sale $78 000 worth of County notes, in anticipation of a bond issue. The Peoples Bank purchased theft* notes, R"^' s Q.. here. Jan. 1? Oak Hill, there Jan. 4 ? Open* Hillsboro. there Jan. fc? Helena, there Feb. 9? Stem, there. The complete schedule will be an nounced later. Orrhans In Charge Last Sunday there were four or r.hars in the county. chaperoned by yfr nnd Mrs Hough from the Ken nedy Home? a branch of the Thoma.; v-Te BanHst Orphanage, who had Miarcre of the senices at Mill Creek .the morninT service. at Bethel HUl in the afternooh and in Roxboro for the night sen-ice. As stated bv \'r. Hough, the suf.Vrintendent of the Hifme: thev were not after money, but curiae solely at the earnest solici tation of Rev. W. M. West and Rev. N. J. Todd, both having known the superintendent for a number of years They were greeted by large crowds at ach Dlace and gave a very delightful ""rvice. ? '?'{?M'**/ Some Hcgs So far very few ho? kUUnars have i been reported . but these two will j mme pretty close to making a record j Mr. W K. Reave* of Jalone killed on", i 15 montj old. which weighed 590 _1-V pounds. For a 15 months old shout that was doing pretty well Tlut Mr. Charlie Vtck ot near CefTo. killed two. the heaviest weighing 710 and the other 515 pounds. We do not know how Charlie's tobacco crop ; panned out. but he will not be both ered about bacon at his home next year. Notice! On account of Mm last *-?? b to pay 1937 tax it wag impossible to fet tfie list in mis week s issue oT' j the Courier. They will be advertised ! next week j- ~f?L . Town Tax Collector. Surplus datrv cattle In Iredell - county have sold at a good profit this season, with the result that the herd owners are more Interested In thetr now. ? Tom Tarheel says that he gives thanks to an almighty Ood for 'he li 'IHIlMPul ???? eople come Xo themselves, ihey will return to the Democratic party,"" He believes that "unless the appar ent prosperity can l; ? sustained," *er. Hoover will be "a discredited Pr?i dent at the end of his term." "Stocks have been inflated : far beyond their natural vatues.V "The public will be '.caught with these securities and then the crash will come. ' Fxh'irnr fin**" i oiaL conditions, "are purely artificial" and "the bubble must burst." The visitor gave this answer to a query regarding major legislation | which should be enacted by Congress "Bo>ilder dam. Muscle Shoals, farm relief, adoption of the multilateral ? treaty, and tariff revision " Why He Supported Smith He predicted for American indus try a five day week and sis hour day as a means Of bringing more persons into employment. At the same time ' he declared one particular reason foe his upport of Governor Smitiy lor President was "because of his insight . into the social needs of the country" vernor- Smiths "Ififhlt-licc ? Hill be felt in -.'the councils of his party a-S ! lUU'J ? ~~ l.e TTTps" " rrSrndleis of the ouestion. of future candidacy It is I luu I'Ul'lV , benaior uoyeland thinks, to ?!: ; Democratic candidate for the ? !d"!i v He : -"net 's candidat es ? the presidency." hf -aid. when rc ' minded that his owt. name had often been mentioned in that connection. ' Everywhere 1 jto.'' he said. "people fell- me -that the Democratic party is dead. - but t want to tell you tha f 'here ;s ui embalming fluid that will ?keep it dead ' Praises North Carolina Senator Colenlnnd expressed his ad miration of North Carolina as "a i vert' remarkable State," one deserv ' lng hearty congratulations for its I great progress in many lines, notoWy : "tibllc hiehwavs rnd textiles. He ; .mided the work of state Hlghwav Commissioner . Fran* Page. In con nection with with the textile situation in North Carolina. h? said "You have made . Massachusetts look like . 33 cents." P. T. A. Meetinu Tb? monthlv merlins of the Par ent-Teacher Association of the Rox hsro Srhoo's Will b? held rrlrtav nhrht. T ipc 7th. in the Graded School Au ditorium. A Demonstration CiAss with the aid of n stereoscope, and a talk bv Mrs. S 6. Win* lead on "Why Parvnts Turn "Clrttv." are two of the n'tmbfi on the prtxtrarr! It Is earnestly d> slred that all parents and friends of the schools will ;vtt?ri? this meethur and Join the association, due# for the year only beln? twenty-five cents. Mrs. O. C. Davidson. Secretary Announcement I wish to announce that I wlH be with "The Newells". Jewelers, thromrh the Holiday season, and will appre ciate any buau.es* you may favor u? with. Wallace Woods. Olive Hill P. T. Aim, The regular monthly meetln* of Olive Hill Parent-Teacher Association will meet Thursday afternoon. Dee 13th. at 3 30 o'cloek. It Ik untert that both fathers and mothers at tend this meeting A lame attendance is requested ? Bee f Cotton growers who are membeia of the Cooperative Association may Ret PUTe bred seed of recommenced vmr -ieties from the Association. "Lon ChaKey with Anita Pa